• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XIX Episode I: School Raid

Meanwhile, with Flash and the others…

Sandbar was driving himself, Flash, Spike, and Micro Chips towards the school.

“Alright. What’s the plan, yo?” Sandbar asked as he made a turn.

Flash would reiterate his idea. “Micro is gonna get in there and retrieve Sunset’s book--the one she uses to communicate with Princess Twilight. Then, we’re gonna write to her and figure out what the hell’s going on.”

“I can do that no problem,” Micro Chips responded as he tapped the device on his wrist, “Whatever the problem is: If it’s caused by magic, it can be solved by magic.”

“What about me?” Spike asked from the middle seat, “What should I do?”

Flash snapped his fingers and asked, “Tell me everything you know about magic and/or any information that might be beneficial to us right now. You’re Twilight’s dog, right? I bet you know a decent amount about this stuff.”

Spike scratched behind his ear with his hind paw and replied, “Yeah, you got a point there. There’s actually quite a bit I can tell you. But what’s most important right now: The Aether.”

“The what-now?”

“It’s why humans can use magic,” Spike elaborated, “I noticed that Sandbar can use sand now and I realize that it had to do with that stuff Twilight talks and writes notes about. She and her friends were just normal humans before Sunset came here and gave them her power. Maybe that power’s now being spread to the rest of the population, giving you guys a means to fight back.”

“So that’s why I can control sand?” Sandbar asked from the driver’s seat, “Wicked! Now I can protect everyone even better than before! Hang on, Yona!”

“Wonder if any of that will have rubbed off on us by now…” Micro Chips mused while looking at Flash, “It would certainly make things a lot easier.”

“Only one way to find out, we’ll need to put ourselves into action. And that starts with you, brother.” Flash replied to Micro, then spoke to Sandbar. “Oh and--stop us one block away so they don’t know we’re coming.”

“Got it, yo.” Soon enough, Sandbar stopped one block away from the school as instructed.

Micro Chips left the vehicle and activated the nanomachines that turned him invisible--except for his glasses. “...Think they’ll notice a floating pair of glasses?”

“Probably,” Spike commented as he scurried up to the window, “You should take them off at least until you make it out. Don’t want anyone to catch onto your presence.”

Micro sighed and removed his glasses. “It will make it that much more difficult to see…but I’ll deal with it.” He pocketed them, causing them to disappear into his invisible pockets. While his vision was a tad blurred, he was still able to make out large objects and walk down the street. “Alright. Watch my back. Your phones will be tapped into whatever my COMP sees.”

“Your what-now?” Spike asked.

“The device on my watch,” Micro replied as he started walking, “You’ll be patched in momentarily. I’m going in.”

The boys took out their phones and just like clockwork, they were able to have a wrist-eye view of everything going on in front of him.

Since he was invisible, that made things a bit easier for him. The campus doors hadn’t been locked so entry was simple enough. Micro walked inside, entering the school which was suspiciously quiet.

“Alright. Nobody is around here. That means I can keep going.”

The only problem was getting into Sunset Shimmer’s locker without making any noise and alerting them of his presence.

“Now how will I…”

Just then, footsteps rounded the halls. Micro Chips turned his head to see…a vegatative Sunset Shimmer walking around idly with saliva hanging out of her mouth. Followed by a barely conscious Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Derpy walking after her. Most of the color had been sapped from their faces as they shuffled along like undead drones.

“Diabolical…malnutrition is slowly setting in. They won’t last for much longer at this rate. I need to break into her locker and snag this magic journal of hers.”

Soon enough, they had passed by, walking onto the next hallway, leaving Micro alone to get into the locker. Even though it was locked, he had already thought of a way to break into it discreetly. He reached into his pocket…and pulled out his glasses.

“No, that’s not it…” He put the glasses away and pulled out a small, spider-like mechanical device and placed it upon the locker before backing away as quickly as possible before consulting the device on his wrist. “Alright. Now I need to start the welding laser process…”

Little did he know, a pair of eyes was watching from around the corner…

From outside…

Flash and Sandbar were watching their phones from the perspective of the camera on Micro’s device.

“Alright, he seems like he’s doing fine so far,” Sandbar commented as he watched the process of breaking into the locker play out.

“So far so good,” Flash added, “Just needs to keep a low profile so he doesn’t draw any attention.”

Spike was watching the camera with a frantic expression as he chewed on his tail. The sight of the physically drained girls made him fearful for Twilight’s safety. “...Oh man oh man…I can’t imagine what she’s going through right now. I hope she’s okay…”

“Don’t worry,” Flash said while petting him on his head, “No matter what happens, I’ll make sure we get her back. And everyone else too. I know what it’s like to lose someone important to you--and I won’t let that happen here.”

The little dog was able to relax from the contact, but tilted his head upon hearing Flash’s words. “Wait…you do?”

But before he could respond…


Their phones would start to flicker with static and white noise.

Sandbar was the first to react, “What the--MC, what’s goin’ on, yo’?!”

From the other end of the line, they’d hear him shouting alongside overlapping, zombie-like moans and groans…

“Abort! Abort!” Micro yelled in between the static, “They….got….can’t…escape!”


Nothing but pure static from then.

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