• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXIII Episode XI: Festival Observations

“Okay, Sunset--where did you last see the kitty?” Fluttershy asked with a concerned tone, “With the numerous festivalgoers walking around, it’s likely that its little tail might get stepped on.”

“Actually, it’s a bit more than that,” Sunset continued as she stopped and addressed Fluttershy directly, “I just didn’t wanna mention it in front of Rainbow because she’d--”

“Fly off the proverbial handle as soon as she gets an inkling of an idea that the cat could be magical?” Fluttershy asked with a raised brow.

Sunset paused and stared at her with an impressed expression--mixed with a hint of shock, “...wow, Fluttershy. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. How did you--”

Fluttershy giggled and replied, “I’ve known Dashie since we were little. She’d always jump at the chance to protect me if something looked bad…even if there was no problem to begin with.”

“Of course, if there really is something going on, I’ll be sure to tell her,” Sunset explained, “But I just wanna make sure this cat is really a magical cat. Otherwise, I think I’m just panicking over nothing as usual…”

“Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for,” Fluttershy proclaimed while pointing at herself with her thumb, “Now which way did it go?”

“I think it went this way,” Sunset pointed down one of the paths that led to a trail away from the festival, “C’mon. Follow me.”

The pair walked down that trail, away from the bright festival lights. It wasn’t long before Fluttershy’s magical abilities would activate, and give her the impression that a wayward animal was nearby.

“I can feel it,” she spoke up, “A small white cat with yellow eyes. You were right to be worried, Sunset. I can sense something…particular about it. I can’t quite put my finger on it though.”

“Hm…whatever the case, lead the way,” Sunset replied, “You’re the animal expert here, so I’m following you--”

But before Sunset could finish that sentence, Fluttershy had already taken off, running ahead of Sunset and leaving the latter speechless.

“...or just run off ahead before I can finish speaking,” Sunset snarked as she started walking after her, “That works too.”

Fluttershy kept looking around, and knelt down on one of her knees as she rounded one of the trail’s corners. “Aha. There he is.”

Sure enough, there was a white cat looming over the horizon of the night. Its tail swishing about as if it was on the prowl, looking for a field mouse…

“Okay,” Sunset squinted her eyes to get a better view of it in the distance. “How should we approach this thing?”

“Let me take point,” Fluttershy declared with a steeled expression on her face, “This little guy might not actually be lost. You never want to approach an animal with the intent of asserting dominance. That’ll only cause it to go on the defensive. A cornered beast will bare its fangs--remember that, Sunset,” she turned to look at Sunset before slowly walking towards the cat, nearly crouching to the ground.

“Wow--I didn’t realize Fluttershy was so intense about animals,” Sunset commented as she watched Fluttershy sneak into a bush. “Guess there’s still some things I don’t know about my friends, huh?”

With Fluttershy…

Slowly but surely, she approached the cat and when she was close enough, started to observe its movements.

“Alright, now what are you doing out here, little friend?”

She was about to have her answer.

Moments later, Shinji appeared and walked up to his cat. “Alright. I believe I saw them just around the corner. We should be able to get a proper read on their power once we get closer, Jules.”

“Are you certain?” Julius replied with a flick of his tail, “One wrong move and we could be spotted with our operation could be blown wide open before we even begin.”

“Don’t worry,” Shinji tried to comfort his companion by patting him on the head, “I’ve got everything we need. Including the Compendium should we need to access it,” he said in reference to the book he was carrying under his arm. “Though I highly doubt we’ll need to use it. Their strength pales in comparison to yours--we won’t even need to involve my father in this nonsense. His methods have always been far too extreme if you ask me.”

“I’m fully aware, Master Shinjiro. The way your father handled situations such as the Apple Crisis five years ago was highly unnecessary. Do you think you can break free of his methods?”

“I do,” Shinji confirmed with a nod.
Julius hopped down off of the fence he had been resting on, and started walking ahead of him. “Then let’s go secure our place in this world. I won’t let anyone pull the rug out from under you, my friend. You don’t deserve that, no matter what happens.”

“Thanks…I can rest easy knowing you feel that way, Julius. Now come on,” Shinji replied as he started to walk off towards the festival grounds once more.

Once they were gone, Fluttershy emerged from the bush she had been hiding within, and stroked her chin as she put her mind to the scenario that she had just watched unfold in front of her.

“Hrm…very interesting indeed,” she muttered to herself, “So the kitty can talk like Spike could, and he and his owner have access to some sort of power that we don’t know about yet.”

“What did you find out?” Sunset asked as she walked up to Fluttershy.

“Something about an ‘Apple Crisis’,” Fluttershy relayed, “Could it have something to do with Applejack?”

“No use standing around and wondering,” Sunset replied, “I’ll go ask her. You keep an eye on on new furry friend.”

“Oh-ho don’t worry,” Fluttershy reached into her robe and pulled out her phone. “I’ve got more plans for that than you know, Sunset.”

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