• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXV Episode VI: RBI Chance

“You got ‘em, right Hachi?”

“Yup. They’re both history. We’ll use them for ransom to lure those magical girls out of hiding,” Hachi continued, “I know for a fact that Sunset Shimmer still harbors feelings for the blue-haired one. It’ll all go perfectly as planned, Tatsuya.”

Tatsu folded his arms triumphantly as he watched his goons toss a bound and gagged Micro Chips and Flash Sentry into a food storage closet. “Swe-heet…my old man is off his damn meds. These two are gonna be perfect bait to get exactly what we want.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” the woman rolled her eyes and turned to leave, “We need to make sure that nobody witnessed what happened down in the field.”

Tatsu followed her out and his workers shut the door on the boys, leaving them to imprisonment for the time being.

Soon enough, once they were gone…

Flash had managed to bite through the rope keeping his mouth from moving. “Ptoo! God…dammit! How are we gonna get outta this one?”

“Mm…mmm….” Since he was still gagged by rope, Micro Chips couldn’t speak clearly, but he was gesturing his bound hands in some sort of way as if he was loosening one of his sleeves…

“What? Hang on, lemme see if…”

But Flash didn’t need to do anything else. The spider-bot that Micro had been using earlier had cut a laser through his bindings and allowed him free movement of his hands. It then did the same for Flash as Micro removed the rope around his mouth.

“Agh…alright. So things aren’t exactly…good right now. But there’s a way we can escape if we’re careful enough.”

“Okay egghead, enlighten me,” Flash muttered in a pessimistic tone, “Even if we manage to get outta here, we’re completely surrounded on all sides. You heard what that chick said: They’re gonna use us as bait so Sunset and the others try to come save us. It’s all one big trap…”

Micro wasn’t sure how to respond to that at first. All he could do was sigh as he worked on his watch. “...maybe. Maybe not. If there’s one thing living in this city has taught me, it’s that you can only make it as far as you push yourself. Now if I can just connect Maximus again…”

“...Wait. That’s it!” Flash suddenly had an ephiphany, “If you can--”

“I’m way ahead of you. Just one second…”

But from a nearby corner, they’d hear a small voice call out to them. “H-help me…”

Meanwhile, topside…

The old man, Hattori, was sitting at his desk with a regretful frown on his face. “Hm…was that the right choice to make?”

Tatsuya burst into the office moments later to speak to him. “Everything’s under control old-timer. Don’t you worry. Those girls are gonna be here to rescue their boyfriends in no time. Then we can siphon off their powers.”

“...So long as you don’t harm those boys, then I don’t care what you do,” the old man spoke coldly, “I don’t want to spill any more innocent blood. Something that you seem to be all too keen on doing as of late.”

“Please,” Tatsu scoffed and rolled his eyes, “I only do what’s necessary. As your oldest son, it’s my goddamn right. Just ‘cuz Shinji can somehow resonate with the magic doesn’t automatically make him more worthy than me, ya know?”

“Even so, you’re still going about this in a reckless--”

“Enough bullshit!” Tatsu yelled as he slammed his hands down on the desk, “I’m sick and tired of playing second fiddle all because Shinji has a Resonance while I don’t. Just ‘cuz he can use the magic in this world doesn’t make him anymore valuable than me!”

Hattori looked away and shook his head. “...You don’t understand. I just don’t want you to get hurt. He is the only one who can make use of these newfound abilities. I myself have used them only for my body to--” he paused to cough in between his words, “Ack!--waste away further from the strain. I can’t keep doing this, my son. And I don’t want you to endure the same--”

But Tatsu refused to listen. Instead turning to leave the room as he reloaded his machine pistol. “There you go again--you know what? No. I’m done listening to you old man. I’m gonna keep this family business going whether you want me to or not. Hey, Ren! Activate the sprinkler systems! Flood the lower levels!”

“...” All Hattori could do in response was slam his fist upon the desk as his son left the room…

Outside the stadium…a few blocks away…

“Man that game was somethin’ else!” Keiji cheered, “I’m not usually one for sports, but somehow that game was more entertaining with you there, Aria.”

“Suppose I have that effect on people,” Aria replied confidently as she sauntered alongside him, “Stick with me little bro, and we’ll have loads of fun in ways you never could’ve--”

Just then, her phone started to buzz.

“Hm?” she picked it up and answered… “Yo?”

And she was met with immediate panic from Sunset Shimmer on the other end--

“Aria?! Are you down there?! There’s something really wrong and I need your help!”

“Wait what?” Aria flinched from the sudden shouting and tried to reason with Sunset, “Hold on. Slow down and start from the beginning.”

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