• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc II Episode V: Sonata's Turn

Once Aria and Applejack were done, the two of them left the boxing ring a tired, sweaty mess.

“Yeech…” the violet siren complained with a huff as she shook some of the body fluid from her hands, “Still not used to how this works. We never sweat when we were still aquatic.”

“You’ll git used to it,” Applejack commented. Despite the fact that she was also sweating, she casually exited the ring with no shortness of breath whatsoever. “Down on the farm, we work hard all year-round. No rest for the weary as Granny Smith always says.”

“...What?” Aria stumbled out of the ring after her, “That...you humans are ridiculous.”

“C’mon, let’s git ya some water…” she helped Aria up, and looked over at Rainbow Dash, “Alright. Now it’s yer turn.”

“Finally!” Dash hopped off the chair, and tossed her sweatshirt aside, leaving a rainbow-colored sports bra on her upper body. “C’mon, Sonata. You and me!”

“Ooh--this sounds exciting!” she clapped her hands, generating some static between them.

The two entered the ring, and Dash hopped back and forth on her feet, itching to start. “Alright. The simple way to deal with someone stronger than you is to pour all ya have into your attacks! Don’t let up for a second!”

Sonata grit her teeth with an ecstatic grin on her face, “I can do that no problem! Bring it--” But her excitement was short-lived. As soon as she tried to fling a bolt of electricity in Dash’s direction, there was nothing but a blur of rainbow left where she was previously standing.


“Over here!” Dash called out from behind Sonata, “Can’t catch me! I’m the fastest, man!”

“Heyyyy!” Sonata pouted and turned around to try and attack her again...


Only for Dash to evade again.

“Nope!” she called out from another corner of the boxing ring.

“Rrr!” Sonata growled like a lion (though it was more like a harmless kitten) as she continued her reckless assault on Rainbow Dash. Only to miss every single time.


“Try again!”

“Right here!”


Soon enough, Sonata had tired herself out from overuse of her abilities. “Ah...ah….ah…” she gave heavy breaths as she held up her index finger. “One...sec…”

From the sidelines, Applejack could be seen rolling her eyes.

“C’mon, c’mon,” Dash jeered, “You gotta be faster than that if you wanna have a chance of catching me!”

Fed up with Dash’s antics, Sonata decided to go in a completely different direction. More specifically? All of them.

She raised her hairs in the air and shouted, “Stoppit, stoppit, stoppiiiiit!!”


Multiple bolts of lightning struck down from the ceiling of the room, and utilized Sonata’s body as a lightning rod. The bolts came crashing down and expanded into a massive dome of yellow bolts that swarmed around her body.

“OH CRA--” As soon as she realized there was nowhere to run, Dash squealed like a panicked banshee as she was struck with the lightning from all sides. “DRRGRGRG--!!” Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt very much by it.

“EEEYAYYY!” Sonata tackled Rainbow to the mat, putting her into a submission hold by twisting one of her legs.

“GYAH!” Dash cried out while tapping the mat with her palm, “Uncle! Uncle! I give!”

Satisfied with the outcome, Sonata stood up, and stuck out her tongue. “Nyeh!”

...Unfortunately, her sparkling effects had caused the sprinkler system in the room to activate. Water started pouring down onto everyone in an instant, to which Sunset reacted with a casual, slightly annoyed facepalm.

“Ugh. Not again…”

“Hehe...sorry,” Sonata nervously apologized with her hands behind her back.

“It’s fine,” Sunset replied as she wrung the water out of her hair, “This happens all the time when I come here to practice.”

Everyone had to leave the room--and the gym so the emergency personnel could figure out what went wrong. Thankfully, Sunset was able to explain what happened without much difficulty.

“Alright, so I’d say that was...a good start, wouldn’t you agree, guys?” Sunset looked at her friends for their input.

Applejack spoke first. “Ya’ll are pretty good, I won’t lie. Just gotta work on focusin’ more. Got anythin’ta add, Rainbow?” she looked in her direction.

Dash’s hair was still frizzled from the shocks that she had endured. “...I...I need to lie down. But that was awesome!” But as soon as she tried to take another step, she nearly stumbled. “Woah!”

Applejack managed to catch her before she hit the ground. “Don’t worry. I gotcha.” She turned to Sunset and the others. “I’mma git her back home safely, ya’ll. See ya later.” With that, she started to carry the frazzled Dash towards her car. “Don’t worry, Dash, I’ll drive.”

“I’m not officer, drunk!”

Sonata tilted her head as she watched the two walk away. “...Is she gonna be okay?”

“Oh yeah, don’t worry,” Sunset said to calm her, “She always runs herself ragged after a rough training session. This isn’t new for her. So what do you three think of your new skills? Think you have a better grip on them?”

“Ehh...for the most part,” Adagio admitted. “I’m so used to swimming in water that using it on land is a bit...new for me.”

“I’ll say,” Aria added, “At first I thought controlling air would be pretty lame. But it’s actually kinda interesting. The stuff you can do with it is pretty cool.” She thought hard as she remembered the fight her sister had. “But I wonder if I can enhance it and create a weapon out of it like you do with the fire…”

“Pfft,” Sonata scoffed, “Who needs that when you can just like, shock everything? I’m gonna love using these powers. In fact, I dare any of them demons to try and hurt us now!”

While impressed with their enthusiasm, Sunset needed to keep them grounded in reality. “...Easy there, eager beaver. You’re not quite there yet. But you will be soon. If the three of your are up for it, wanna do this every week?”

The trio saw no issue with this and glanced at each other once their decision was made.

“Not at all, Shim,” Adagio confirmed, “That sounds...fun--somewhat.”

“Yes! This is great--the more hands we have on deck, the safer this world will be in the end. I appreciate you guys’ support.” But then, out of nowhere, her phone buzzed. “Hm?” She retrieved it from her pocket, and looked at the screen. “Oh, sorry. Gotta go fulfill a promise. Talk to you girls later, ‘kay?” She turned and walked towards her car while waving.

And with that, the Sirens headed towards their van.

“What do you think, girls?” Adagio asked, “Think we’ll be able to keep up with them?”

“Keep up with them? Hah--” Aria laughed sarcastically, “We’ll damn near surpass ‘em by the time we’re done. And look good while doing it.”

Sonata hopped into the back seat and gave her input, “Even if we don’t, I still wanna look cool. Never know who’s gonna be watching.”

Adagio leaned back in the front passenger seat. “Whatever the case, I just hope we can deal with all of these crazy little heathens with no issues on Thanksgiving. It’s a sacred day for the humans so I won’t let it be ruined. Understood?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m right with you,” Aria said as she flipped the key in the ignition, “Now let’s hurry up and get home. I need a shower. Hopefully you won’t flood it this time, huh sis?” she glanced at Adagio with a smug expression, causing Sonata to giggle from the back seat.

“Ugh--don’t remind me.”

As the van pulled off, a certain someone was still left behind in the bushes.

“So that’s the source of your power, huh? Master Blueblood will enjoy this…”

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