• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc V Episode I: Heartless Moves

Adagio had to stay home for a few days due to the small cold she had caught from the sheer amount of freezing air she had been exposed to by the wendigo.

“Chew!” she sneezed. She was resting on the couch under a heavy layer of blankets and her phone nearby in case her sisters needed to call her.

Aria and Sonata got ready for school, but stopped to check on her before they left.

“...A-dawg...how you holding up?” Aria asked from the other end of the couch.

“...Better. But not by much. I’m...so sorry that I went off on my own like that.”

Aria shook her head. “Listen, sis. What’s most important is your recovery right about now.”

“I suppose you’re right, but…”


Adagio was interrupted by the vibration of her phone. Due to her lackadaisical mood, she didn’t bother checking who it was. She simply answered it. “Ugh...hello?”

And on the other end...it was a face-video call from Blueblood. “Greetings, Adagio.”

“Wh--?!” Sonata almost shrieked but was quickly shushed by Aria.

Adagio turned her phone sideways so she could properly see him. Her own camera was on as well. “What the--what do you--chew!--want? What business do you have calling me?”

Suave as ever, Blueblood continued with a casual tone of voice. “Just wanted to call and let you know that your employment here is terminated effective immediately.”

The siren lashed out in return. “Good--chu!--I wasn’t coming back there anyway you sick freak! Just wait ‘til I tell your aunt about what you’ve done!”

The young man simply chuckled. “I don’t think you’ll want to do that. See...as her nephew, I have connections to various employment bureaus across the city and even the state. I can’t imagine what would happen if you tried to find employment somewhere else...only to be denied because of bad references.”

“Oh hell naw,” Aria mumbled as she walked over--standing in view of the phone’s camera while at a safe distance from her sick sister. “Listen here asswipe, I dare you to try and--”

“Quiet!” Blueblood shouted over the call, “Say another word and I’ll make sure to get you all expelled from the school.”

“...” Aria balled her fists, seething as she grit her teeth.

“Ahem, as I was saying,” he went on, “Since you’ve foiled my plans, I’m going to have to pay you back. Starting with your resume…”

“N-no! Please--ehcu!” Adagio sneezed into her arm and looked into the camera with desperation, “I need to have a job. My sisters are expecting to have a wonderful Thanksgiving--chu! Don’t you have a heart?”

“Tch. You’re one to talk,” he scoffed and glared at her with contempt, “You and your sisters--you’re not even human. You’re monsters. Creatures that don’t belong in this world. You have no right to speak of heart or humanity when you aren’t of the same species. You could never understand what it’s like to be human.”

“Of course we do, ya big dummy!” Sonata stepped in to back her sisters up, “That’s the whole point of getting to know the humans and going to school! We wanna fit in with them!”

With another snide chuckle, he replied, “Hmph no matter how hard you try...you never will. None of you deserve a happy life here. Much less a holiday…”

Adagio started to sob, “...you...you’re the real monster…”

“Oh but you care about your wendigo familiar, don’t you? Hypocrite!” Sonata yelled.

Aria would add a simplistic, cold response. “Eat shit and die, asshole.”

“Eat shit and live, everyone,” Blueblood replied with an arrogant grin, ignoring Sonata’s point entirely, “Eat shit and live. With that, I bid you adieu.”

The phone call ended--to which Adagio placed her phone on the coffee table and turned over upon the couch, hiding under her blankets. “Ugh….I suppose cruel humans exist just as much as cruel Equestrians.”

“...Adagio…” Sonata murmured, “What are we gonna do about Thanksgiving? A-and Christmas?”

“I don’t know. I’ll...figure something out,” she poked her hand out of the blanket pile and waved, “You both should head on to school or else you’ll be late.”

Not one to refute her sister, Aria decided to go right along. “...We’ll figure something out together when we get back home. C’mon, Sona.”

Sonata sighed and followed Aria out of the door. “...See you after school, Dagi.”

And as soon as they got outside and started to walk down the street, Aria could be heard muttering loads and loads of obscenities to herself.

“...sniveling little son of a mother--ghh! I don’t know what I’ll do if I see him.”

But Sonata caught up with her, and put a hand on Aria’s shoulder as she tried to calm her down. “Ari--we need to focus on Adagio’s health. She’s done a lot for us to make sure we could live happily. So now, it’s our turn.”

Red flags immediately went off in Aria’s head. Whenever Sonata got to thinking and having ideas, they didn’t always pan out well. “...Whaddya mean, sis?” she asked hesitantly.

“We should get jobs of our own,” Sonata suggested, “That way, we can keep making money so we can afford all of the stuff we need for the holidays. Think about it--Adagio’s done most of the work as is but now that she’s sick and...caught up in some weirdness with her former employer. Maybe we could…?” she tilted her head with her eyes beaming ever so slightly.

“Huh,” Aria replied as she brought her hand to her chin, “Not a bad idea. But where do you think we could get actual work?”

“Hmm…” Sonata copied her sister’s gesture as she gave it some thought, “Well...I know Pinkie Pie works at this diner place where they wear roller skates.”

The mental image of her sister slipping and sliding on roller skates was somewhat amusing--minus the fact that she could potentially hurt herself. “Pfft. You? On roller skates?” Aria raised a brow with a smug grin, “That wouldn’t last very long.”

Sonata giggled in agreement--she had the exact same mental image of herself sliding into people. “Yeah but that’s not what I’m after. Even if I could be a simple dishwasher, that’ll help.”

“Ah. That makes sense.”

“Mm-hmm,” Sonata nodded, “What about you?”

“...Not sure right now,” Aria mused as she kept walking, unsure of what she’d be good at enough in order to make money. “But I’ll think of something. Come on, we don’t wanna be late.”

“Got it!” Sonata skipped after her.

After that day, Wendy suddenly stopped showing up to school. According to the records, she had formally dropped out and was aiming to transfer back to her old one. Naturally though, this didn’t exactly resonate with all of the students. Many--mainly our Equestria Girls--were rightfully suspicious.

In the meantime, Principal Celestia would have a visitor to her office the following Monday about two hours before school was set to begin.


“It’s open,” said the principal.

The door opened up, and a woman walked in. A tall, curvaceous businesswoman with a dull-pink skin tone and a beauty mark on her face. She wore a blue skirt-suit that hugged her curves with slightly exposed cleavage, giving her an air of elegance alongside her professionalism in her black heels. That, along with her short, purple hair was a dead giveaway…

“Spoiled Rich...?” Celestia asked with a cautious inflection in her voice and a blank expression. The fact that the head of the entire school district had come down to her office was something so unexpected that it was downright concerning. “What brings you here? Is something wrong?”

“Somewhat. Yes,” Spoiled replied as she took a seat in front of Celestia’s desk. “I’m sure you’re aware of the new professor, yes?”

“Mr. Iota? Yes--is there something wrong with him?”

Spoiled reached into her purse and pulled out a document. “Well, some of the parents have filed a few...concerns regarding this professor and the way he interacts with the students. Particularly the females.”


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