• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XII Episode XIII: Poseidon's Maelstrom

For a moment, the elephant beast was caught off-guard. It could no longer see them through the fog, the imminent rumbling of thunder made it difficult to listen for anything, and its body was unable to remain still with the fierce winds that started to push it around. For the first time since the battle began, it actually started to seem concerned for itself.


As it used all of its faces to look around in all directions, desperately trying to locate any magical signatures, it began to hear a creepy set of distant laughter.




“Wh--who…?” the demon found itself at a loss, and was broken down to a state of confusion and fear as it spoke more cautiously. “Sh-show yourselves, cowards! W-we’re on dry land! Y-you have no power here…!”

The laughter eventually came to a stop and was replaced by a set of three voices singing a rather eerie tune…

“One…two…no one is coming for you…”

“Three…four…you’ve lost this war…”

“N-no…this is impossible…” the demon muttered as the voices haunted its head, “My master never prepared me for this…get out of my head!”

“Five…six…your soul belongs to Styx…”

“Seven…eight…and shall be consumed by hate…”

The voices grew louder, causing the multi-faced demon to slowly lose its sanity as it reverted to only having one face. The charming voices of the Sirens were irresistible, even to demons of the underworld. “Agh…stop! I can’t…!”

Various flashes of gruesome imagery flickered before the demon’s eyes. Such as seeing itself impaled via dark spikes or being reverted to a mortal and having all of its blood sucked out through its face. It was an all-out mental assault on a being of hatred…

“Nine…ten…you’ll never sleep again.”

“OKAY! I’ll give her back!” it screamed as it ejected Sour Sweet from her body, and started to back away…further into the fog. “I-I was just doing what my master told me. I-If I didn’t, she would’ve killed me! You know how it is, r-right?”

A blur of darkness quickly snapped up Sour’s body, removing her from the battlefield…

And with that, all was silent--for the most part. Nothing but the ambient sounds of hazy white noise that came from being lost at sea in the middle of a storm could be heard. Everything was gray. In all directions--it was all fog.

That was, until…

The three pairs of red eyes made themselves known, cutting through the fog with flaring beams of light like a knife through butter.

“...Y-you?!” the elephant called out. Once it saw its enemies again, it chose to put on a brave face to save face. “I-I’m not afraid of you! Come on! Do your worst, fish-bitches!”

Their worse, they did.


With a bolt of lightning striking the ground from up high, the wind started to blow more and more. The fog was soon lifted…and exchanged for a massive ocean wave the size of a house.

The mere sight of it caused the elephant’s ears and trunk to flop. “...Master…have you forsaken me?”


The tidal wave of water came down upon the demon, submerging it instantly. Then, three large leviathan-esque creatures--one blue, one purple, and one yellow, all darted through the water in a uniform pattern.


With a mighty roar that was powerful enough to sink the largest of ships, they dove in. Each one used their razor sharp, shark-like teeth to chew and shred through the demon’s body in unison like a pack of gargantuan piranhas. After which, they surrounded it in a triangular formation and opened their mouths wide…


Adagio, Aria, and Sonata each fired a high-pressure beam of their respective element. A blue, torrential water beam, a yellow, sparking electricity beam, and a green, wind-energy beam. All three came into contact with the pachydemon and coagulated into a ball of magic that tore it apart on a molecular level. Its body started to disappear into shreds of cellular dust not long after being struck with it…


Underwater, no one could hear it scream.

Soon enough, the water disappeared, as did the fog, the thunder clouds, and the wind came to a stop. While the ground was a tad damp, the power of magic kept everyone and everything else from being swept up into the Siren’s all-out attack.

“Ugh…” Adagio muttered while rubbing her head as she reverted back to her human body, “...Did we do it?”

“I…think so…” Aria droned while putting a hand on her neck and rotating her head, “Shit that was hard…”

“Ow, ow, owww…!” Sonata squealed as she rubbed her hindquarters, “That wasn’t fun at all. But…yeah, I think she’s gone.”

“You did it!” Sunset approached them with an eager smile on her face, “You guys nailed that thing and nuked it out of existence! I knew it was a good idea to trust you with this.”

Adagio glanced at Sunset with a weak smile on her face and wrinkles under her eyes. “...Thanks, Shim. The fact that you’re willing to acknowledge us even now makes me happy.”

“Hey, what are friends for, right?” the sunny girl replied while lifting Adagio off of her knee, “Come on. Let’s get you guys outta here so you can rest.”

“Hold up,” Aria stopped everything on a dime while looking around the now-empty campus. “Where the heck did Shadow-Teach go?”

They all started looking, and couldn’t spot Aidon anywhere…

Meanwhile, from atop one of the nearby buildings, a figure clad in a black, latex bodysuit would disappear in a puff of smoke. "It worked. Just as she intended. Now to start phase three."

Back at Canterlot High, in the Sophomore classroom…

To say that everyone was over the moon at the display that the Sirens showed off would be an understatement. Everyone was cheering and hollering for their successes…except Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon--but for vastly different reasons.

“Whew…okay. That weird elephant thing is gone. I just hope Keiji is okay…”

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Uch. Can you get your mind off of him for two seconds? You’re starting to worry me, ya know? It’s like that boy’s weaseled his way into your head or something. Don’t tell me you’re falling for him.”

Appalled by her friend's words, Tiara leaned back in her seat and shot her a glare of confusion. “Uh…what? No I--he’s a friend. Don’t I have the right to be worried about him?”

“‘Friend,’” Spoon replied with air quotes, “Yeah. Right. Sure.”

Tiara narrowed her eyes, now glaring at her with suspicion. “...Is there something you wanna say, Silver Spoon?”

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