• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc VIII Episode I: Experiencing A New World

At the Siren’s home…

“...Another Equestrian is here?” Adagio asked, standing outside of the bathroom. “And he’s a vampony that uses blood magic…”

From within the bathroom, Sonata replied, “Yeah it’s super weird. I’m not sure what to make of it. But I think we should try and get on his good side before anything bad happens. He straight up like, gave this big ol’ spider-monster-thingy a heart attack.”

“...He what?!” Adagio yelped.

Aria had been eavesdropping on the conversation, and commented, “That sounds friggin’ sick. That’s the kinda shit we need on our side,” as she walked through the hallway past the bathroom door.

“Are you serious?” Adagio questioned her sister’s attitude towards the situation, “That boy is dangerous. We need to make sure he doesn’t abuse his abilities. The professor was one thing, but he’s a fully grown man that’s in control of himself. But this kid?” She turned her head towards the bathroom door once more to address Sonata. “How old did you say he was, Sonata?”

The door opened, and Sonata stepped out wearing a matching set of taco-patterned T shirt and sweatpants and her blue head of hair hung down past her shoulders from being wet. “Oh, um--I think he’s around the age of Scootaloo and the others. 16-ish?”

Adagio did some mental math and extended her fingers as she counted them out. “Carry the one…ah. Yeah. That still puts him younger than us in Equestrian years. How could he have mastered blood magic at such a young age…? Regardless, we should--”

“Go talk to him?” Aria interjected from the couch, “I got that, no problem.”

“Yes problem,” Adagio shot back, “I don’t want you using your intimidation tactics on him. That’d only make things worse.”

Surprisingly, Aria shrugged her shoulders and didn’t try to debate her older sister. “Hm. Yeah. That’s about right.”

So Sonata volunteered next. “What about me, sis? I could like, totally sweet-talk him.”

“That’s also what I’m afraid of,” she replied, “You’re sweet but from what you told me, it sounds like he has a hard time with those who are…too nice--for lack of better term.” Adagio took out her phone, and started to compose a text message. “But I have a good idea of who should approach him…”

Meanwhile, at the Rich Family Manor…

Diamond Tiara had called for her butler to pick them up in her family’s limo and take them to her home. Keiji wasn’t in critical condition and thankfully didn’t need to go to the hospital. He did, however, need some rest.

Tiara got out of the limo, and opened the back door where Keiji was seated. Then, in a rather selfless act, she helped him out and slung one of his arms over her shoulder to help him walk. “I’ve got you. You’ll be fine soon.”

“...” Initially, he wasn’t sure how to respond. After all, her attitude thus far didn’t give way to any indication that she’d be willing to help him herself. “...What gives?”

“What?” she tilted her head, looking at him with a concerned set of eyes, “You okay?”

“No I’m…I’m just shocked,” he looked down and coughed, forcing a small grin onto his face, “I didn’t think you’d be willing to dirty your precious princess hands helping me.”

Tiara rolled her eyes, and walked with him past the security guards positioned at her mansion’s front gate. “Oh shut it, dork. I’m doing this because you saved me earlier. One good turn deserves another and all that jazz. You know.”

“...Huh…thanks…I suppose.” It was such an alien feeling--being helped out by someone else that genuinely cared about his safety. Keiji was lost in thought for a moment. “Maybe the humans are better than the Equestrians after all…” But a part of him couldn’t shake his fears. “Wait…you’re not scared about inviting a vampony like me into your home?”

“Pfft. No way,” Tiara insisted, “Like I said earlier, nothing can scare me at this point after the things I’ve seen.” She flashed him another smug grin, “Certainly not some delinquent pretty-boy with an overbite.”

“Friggin’ wow,” he laughed but it quickly turned into a wheezing cough. “Ack…that’s rich. Where’d you learn that one? On one of those luxury cruises you mentioned?”

“Maybe,” Tiara replied without missing a beat, “Trade secrets can’t be divulged to just anyone. Now c’mon--let’s go, dummy.”

They had to walk up a small hill on a winding, marbled cobblestone pathway that led up to the large manor. The path was surrounded by beautifully cut grass and sculpted bushes made to look like miniature horses--Diamond Tiara’s favorite animal.

Soon enough, they were finally at the front door where Tiara unlocked it simply by looking into a camera that scanned her eyeball.

“...The hell?” Keiji commented.

“Security measures,” she replied as she pulled the door open, “C’mon. Mom’s probably in the kitchen.”

To absolutely no one’s surprise, the mansion was huge. The foyer alone was the size of a small house with beautiful pearlescent stairs that led up and to the left and right in an elegant ‘Y’ shape alongside perfectly chiseled sapphire handrails. That’s when one could see that the mansion was much bigger on the inside than what one could tell from outside. There were at least three stories that led to different rooms on different floors.

“...Damn,” Keiji said with a mildly impressed tone, “Reminds me of my castle. Except way more…advanced?”

Tiara made a mental note to ask him about that later. For the moment, her mind was focused on getting him the help he needed. “This way, KK.” She took him left, and led him to the dining room where everything was kept to pristine perfection as if it was the late 1800s with perfectly polished wooden floors, chairs, and a table that smelled like the freshest wood one could take in.

The vibe that it gave off was enough to make Keiji sigh wistfully. “...Now this takes me back…”

“Does it? I wonder…” Tiara was about to ask another question, but her attention was stolen when she heard voices coming from the kitchen.

“I can’t believe you!” a familiar voice that came from an older woman called out, “You miss Thanksgiving entirely and now you need to leave again?!”

“It’s just for a few days,” a man’s voice replied, “And need I remind you of who cooked all the food you ate on Thanksgiving? Me! That turkey alone took me hours to prepare!”

“This is your last chance, Filthy. You’d better not skimp out on Christmas this year or else.”

“Just make sure you don’t drink yourself into a frenzy like you did last year. I’ve already contacted all the stores in the area. They’re not to sell you a drop of alcohol.”

“Oh for fu--what makes you think you should be in control of what I put in my body?!”

“Clearly you’re experienced with that, aren’t you?!”

Keiji recoiled, leaning his head back as he listened to the exchange. He took a step closer and could see Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich having a…slight disagreement. “...Oh dear,” he took a step backwards, “Is that your mother and father?”

“...Grgh…” Tiara sighed into her palm, “Yes. They’ve been doing this for the last few weeks.” She shook her head and quickly changed the subject as she pulled Keiji out of the dining room and started to walk him towards a different door. “Listen, let’s just--I’ll take you up to one of the guest rooms so you can shower and rest, alright? Just please forget what you saw and heard just now.”

“...Not again…here too?” A part of Keiji seethed at what he saw. Both of her parents arguing with each other over each other’s faults. It was a sad display that he simply couldn’t ignore. However, for the sake of respecting his Hostess’ wishes, he accepted Tiara’s request….for now. “Understood. Where are we headed? Up the stairs…?”


Diamond Tiara led him to one of the many elevators located in the manor, and helped him inside once it opened. “Nah. This way. What, you didn’t think I was about to make you walk up all those steps were you?”

“...No. Absolutely not.”

Tiara glanced at him without saying a word, raised an eyebrow, and smiled at him knowingly.

Flustered, all Keiji could do was huff. “...Not a word.”

“I didn’t say anything, though,” Tiara replied, then snickered immediately after. “Don’t worry, K-Dash. I’ve got your back.”

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