• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XII Episode XIV: Justice Through Darkness

Back at Crystal Prepā€¦

Sunset and the others started to regroup, when they noticed something from the corner of their eyes.

ā€œHold up,ā€ Aria called out, pointing to the shaking bushes near the schoolā€™s property, ā€œThink we missed someone.ā€

Everyone turned to lookā€¦

Sure enough, something was causing those bushes to shiver. It eventually revealed itself to be a woman with a similar yellow complexion to Sour Sweet. She had on a red business-skirt and heels--a form of dress fitting for one of the schoolā€™s staff members.

ā€œWhat the--hey!ā€ Sunset called out to her, not realizing who she was just yet, ā€œItā€™s okay! Everything is safe now! You can come out!ā€

But oddly enough, the woman chose not to approach those who had taken their time to save the day. Instead, she snuck through the bushes and attempted to flee down the streetā€¦?

ā€œHey, wait!ā€


But she was suddenly forced to stop on a dime. Why? A giant wall of black miasma suddenly appeared, cutting off her escape route. Moments later, hefty footsteps would slowly make their way through the darkness, and out emerged a certain shadowmanā€¦

ā€œAH!ā€ the woman yelped and tried to back away until her anxiety caused her to trip and land on her bottom, hitting the ground with a thud. ā€œWh-who are youā€¦what do you want from me??ā€

The man paced towards her with a slow, threatening gait--each footstep echoed as soon as he took the next. The billowing darkness surrounding his body forced her into a state of dread with a cold sweat as he came closer and closer.

And when he spoke, it was a heartless, chilling tone that sent shivers through her spine. ā€œWhat do I want? Youā€™re clearly mistaken. You see, the fear of death is a patient mistressā€¦unlike life. But I find it fascinating the lengths individuals will go to when theyā€™re forced to face such fearsā€¦ā€

ā€œW-what are you t-talking about?ā€ the woman continued to deny any wrongdoing in a desperate attempt to save face. ā€œI-Iā€¦ā€

But the shadowman wasnā€™t having any of it. He cut her off, and spoke with enough tranquil fury to cut into her soul. ā€œDo yourself a favor and drop the pestilent, infantile persona that you use to shield yourself from the fact that youā€™re ultimately a neglectful, heartless, wretched speck of insignificant scum.ā€

ā€œS-stop!ā€ the woman rose to her feet and stared the man down, ā€œY-you canā€™t prove anything! Youā€™re just trying to tear my family apart based on assumptions! Youā€™re the one who--ā€

ā€œSave it.ā€

The black miasma disappeared--and what did that proverbial curtain unveil? A police car in which a female officer exited, and walked out with a box of tape recorders. ā€œOn these tapes are audio files of every time youā€™ve caused your niece physical and emotional pain. Smart girl she was--able to gather all the evidence she needed so that we could put you to trial. You have the right to remain silent, Ms. Pomelo Squirty. Anything you say can and will--you know the rest.ā€

Pomelo was in disbelief. Some of the color had left her face from the initial state of shock that she found herself in.

Aidon deactivated the shadow form from his body, causing his voice to return to normal as he folded his arms. ā€œGive up. Youā€™d do all of us a favor by going quietly. Your niece has been through enough trouble at your hands, causing what is likely a lifelong personality disorder. Donā€™t make it any worse.ā€

ā€œ...ā€ Pomeloā€™s arms and legs twitched uncontrollably, followed by her eyelids and her heart rate increasing twofold. A whirlwind of emotions swam through her head in that moment, causing rage to well up within her body--and with that, came irrational actions.

ā€œWhat is it going to be?ā€ Aidon asked, only to be met with--

ā€œShut up you homewrecking cretin! Stay out of my business!ā€


A rather unexpectedly strong right hook to his jawline. It didnā€™t hurt that much, but it did stun the man for a second, causing spit to fly from his mouth.

ā€œFreeze!ā€ the lady officer shouted as she drew her stun gun.

But the second time Pomelo tried to throw a punch--


Aidon grabbed both of her arms and held both of her wrists by one hand. ā€œYouā€™ve just earned yourself an assault charge as well. Anything else youā€™d like to add?ā€

ā€œPiss off!ā€ she screamed, ā€œI hope you choke on glass and die alone you bitch! You ainā€™t got no right to tell me about how I raise my child!ā€

ā€œ...ā€ Aidon shut his eyes.

ā€œLay into her. Wreck her shit for daring to harm you and your students. You can get away with it since she cast the first strike.ā€


His magic flared up ever so slightly, causing him to tighten his grip upon her wristsā€¦but he ultimately let it--and her go, dropping her on the ground with a thud!, and walking away. ā€œGet her out of here, officer.ā€


ā€œIā€™m better than that.ā€

Even though he had tamed the darkness, there were still times such as this where the temptations tried to overtake him. But he refused to allow that, instead rolling with the punches.

ā€œW-w--how dare you?!ā€ Pomelo continued to yell as he walked off, ā€œHe hurt me! That was assault!ā€

ā€œTell it to the judge,ā€ said the female officer as she put cuffs on the woman and escorted her to her vehicle, ā€œYouā€™re lucky he didnā€™t do more than that. Ladies like you need to learn how to not pick losing fights.ā€

As the police car drove off, the professor removed his glasses and cleaned them with a handkerchief he kept in his suitā€™s pocket. ā€œHrrrghā€¦ā€ he grumbled to himself as he recalled the womanā€™s words. While they came from a petty mouth, to say they didnā€™t hurt would be a lie.

Sunset approached him moments later with a concerned frown on her face. ā€œ...Professor? Is everything alright?ā€

ā€œYes,ā€ he replied with a sigh, ā€œThat woman is going to face repercussions for her transgressions. I couldnā€™t be happier.ā€

ā€œI heard what she said thoughā€¦ā€ Sunset went on, ā€œThereā€™s a phrase that humans like to go by: ā€˜Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.ā€™ā€

ā€œIā€™ve heard of it, yes,ā€ said the shadowman, ā€œHow does that apply here?ā€

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck and explained, ā€œWeeeellā€¦letā€™s just say I absolutely hate that phrase. Yes, itā€™s important to not let words get to us, but some things, when said, they cut deepā€¦deeper than any knife, sword, or magic laser ever could. My point isā€¦itā€™s okay to feel hurt by that comment. It was rude, and stomped on a very touchy subject for you. But know that weā€™re here for you.ā€ She offered him her best smile in an attempt to get him to smile as well. ā€œEven if you arenā€™t my teacher, the last thing I want is to see another one lose their mind.ā€

And what do you know? It worked. With a small sigh, Aidon smiled, and accepted Sunsetā€™s words. ā€œ...I appreciate that. Just as words can cut, they can also heal. Youā€™ve displayed that perfectly, Ms. Shimmer.ā€

ā€œWell thanksā€¦letā€™s just say Iā€™ve learned from the best,ā€ Sunset replied with a bashful grin as she thought about Princess Twilight.

ā€œBut for nowā€¦we need to get to the hospital,ā€ he spoke up, noting everyone elseā€™s absence. ā€œI assume Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and the others are already there, yes?ā€

ā€œOh yeah. We need to catch up with them,ā€ Sunset replied with a nervous sigh, ā€œI just hope Sourā€™s okay after all of thisā€¦ā€

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