• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc III Episode IV: Some Demons Are Nice

The next day…

Aidon got ready for his second day at work. Once he was properly dressed up--in a dull purple suit this time, he looked outside and noticed how much heavy rain was coming down. “Huh...that’s unexpected.” Naturally, he put on a raincoat in response--it was all black with a few horizontal red stripes near the middle. “Good. Let’s get going.”

“And hopefully avoid any trouble.”

Armed with an umbrella, the man hurried out of his house and briskly walked to his suv. The rain pattered down against the ground with hefty slams that sounded akin to wet bullets. Thankfully, Aidon would be safe within the confines of his vehicle on the way to work.

“Alright,” he said while closing the umbrella and shutting the car door, “Hopefully there won’t be too many other individuals going the same direction as myself.” Once he started it up, he pulled out of the driveway and was off.

His commute was rather uneventful for the most part as he listened to some music on the vehicle’s CD player. However, something caught his attention on the side of the road that caused him to pull over. “Huh?” Once he slowed down, he found what appeared to be two people looking under the hood of their vehicle. A red sedan with green stripes and apple decals on both sides.

“Hold the light steady, Applebloom, I can’t see nuthin’ in here!” a young woman wearing a yellow raincoat said as she reached her tools under the hood.

“I’m tryin’,” the younger girl huffed, wearing a raincoat of her own, “But it ain’t easy with this here rain! It’s like cats and dogs and pigs and chickens out here!”

From his car, the professor could hear their voices. “The Tetra-Apples?” he thought, “They look like they’re in trouble.”

“Or it could be a trap.”

“But that’s not likely.”

Aidon rolled down his window and called out to them. “Hey. You both alright?”

“Huh?” Applejack turned her head to the right with a wrench in hand, “Oh yeah. You must be the new professor at school. Yeah, we’re fine, but we’re in a bit of a tizzy. My car’s battery is dead and now it looks like we gotta rough it’ta school in this downpour.”

“I knew we shoulda carpooled with Big Mac,” Applebloom complained with an eyeroll. “Now we gon’ be late!”

“I can’t leave them like this.” The professor pressed a button to unlock the back doors. “Here, hop in. I’ll give you two a ride to school. Can you call a tow truck?”

“...You’d do that fer us?” AJ said with a bit of surprise in her voice, “I don’t know what’ta say.”

Applebloom had already rushed over to the jet-black hummer-like vehicle. “I do: Thank ya kindly!”

Unable to refuse the offer, Applejack called for a tow truck, and hopped into the vehicle right after. She looked down, only to realize how much water was on them both and apologized as they put on their seatbelts. “Er...sorry fer gettin’ yer seats a bit wet.”

“Ah, it’s fine,” he replied as he adjusted the rearview mirror, “I’ll dry ‘em out later. Wasn’t gonna let you two walk through the rain to get to school. You might’ve caught a cold.”

“Yeah, Applejack,” the younger sister snidely commented with a raised eyebrow, “Just ‘cuz ma, pa, and Granny Smith did it don’t mean got to.”

“Well thankfully we got lucky this time,” she said while playfully rubbing her little sister on the head, “Thank ya, Mr--uh, what was yer name again?”

“Aidon Umbros Iota,” he stated formally, then snickered, “But Professor Aidon is just fine.”

“Well thank you kindly, Mr. Ay-den,” she replied with a nod, “Hope ya stick around--could use more teachers like you. From what I’ve heard, everyone likes ya which is wild seein’ as you’re a geometry teacher.”

Applebloom scoffed, and glared at her sister. “Applejack! How rude!”

“Oh stop. You know you don’t enjoy math class,” she shot back.

“Yeah, you make a good point. I appreciate that honesty,” he replied amicably, “Math is a very unpopular subject in many a school so I’m glad I could give it better reception here.”

Once the tow truck arrived, Aidon pulled off and started driving towards the school.

But once again, a certain someone was hiding nearby. Even as it rained, her efforts were unparalleled. “Good. Got multiple photographs of them entering his vehicle. Soon, he’ll be wrapped around my finger.”

The rest of the car ride was rather uneventful. But Applebloom did try to make conversation with her sister.

“Oh. I just remembered. One of my new classmates has been actin’ weird.”

“Weird how? Is he some kinda magical bein’ from Equestria?” Applejack asked with a rhetorical snicker.

“Mm-mm,” Bloom shook her head, “But he likes’ta draw stuff like vampires in a notebook. He's always seen with bottle'uh cranberry juice. And he’s got this lil’ overbite,” she held her index fingers against the sides of her mouth to represent fangs, “Think they’re real?”

Applejack rolled her eyes with a half-hearted smile. “Applebloom. You know better than’ta judge somebody by looks alone. Take some time with yer friends and help him feel welcome, ya hear?”

“Okay…” she sat back in the car seat, but then her eyes shot open. She turned her head so she could listen in harder for the music that was playing through the stereo system. “Wait a sec. Do mah ears deceive me or is that the new Coloratura single, Mr. Ay-don?”

“Hm?” he glanced into the rearview mirror, and back to the wet road in front of him with his windshield wipers on full power. “Yeah it is. It’s called ‘Breaking Free’. Her music is pretty awesome isn’t it?”

“You listen to Rara?” Applejack asked, “Guess she’s pretty popular. But I never would’a guessed…”

“What? That a math teacher would enjoy pop music?” he said with a chuckle, “C’mon, Tetra-Jack. The power of music is just like math: It’s universal.”

Applebloom leaned forward with a giddy smile. “Turn it up, sir!”

“Ahem,” her sister glared at her with a raised eyebrow.

“I mean uh,” Applebloom lowered her voice and corrected herself, “Would ya mind turnin’ it up, please?”

“No problem, Tetra-Bloom,” he obliged and cranked the volume dial up so they could hear it.

And the result? The sisters reacted in their own ways.

While Applejack bobbed her head back and forth to the sound of her friend’s voice, Applebloom took to actively singing along.

“I know you wanna see me but ya messed up, man~! But you never gonna catch me--uh!--that’s the plaaaan~! I’m on my own now, doin’ my thang! So if you try’ta touch me, I’mma hitya with a bang!”

“You know Coloratura, personally?” Aidon asked, “That’s quite fortunate. I bet you all have access to her music a bit earlier than the rest of us.”

“Well…” Applejack thought back to the fact that Applebloom had piles of Coloratura’s signed CD’s in her bedroom assorted chronologically in a specific corner of her room, and watched as her sister recited the entire song. “You could say that.”

Soon enough they had all arrived at the school. Aidon stopped at the front of it to allow the two farmer girls to exit and head in the front entrance.

“Alright, here we are. See you tetragrams inside.”

Applejack and Applebloom exited and hopped down off of the large suv and waved.

“Thanks again, Professor!” the elder sister said while hurrying up to the campus grounds.

“Yeah, ‘ppreciate it!” Applebloom added and followed her sister, scurrying through the rain as fast as she could.

Aidon pulled around to the employee parking in the back of the school and sighed. “Whew...glad they got there safely. Just hope their car won’t be too banged up.”

“But at the same time, if I do too many favors for students, everyone will want them.”

“But that’s nonsense. It was ultimately the right thing to do. I don’t regret that.”

“Rrgh...c’mon, stop letting it get to you. You have a class to teach…now I just have to get that musical measuring tape...”

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