• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc VII Episode VI: Wash The Spiders Out

“KK!” Diamond Tiara squealed from inside, “Behind you!”


One of the spiders lunged at the boy, which he narrowly dodged with a roll. Then another, then another. But soon, he found himself cornered with no other options.

“Guess I got no choice…”

The spiders all got ready to charge him at once and as soon as they leapt for him…


“LYMPHATIC VORTEX!” Keiji stabbed his katana into the ground, causing a violent geyser of hard, red crystals to shoot up and impale every single one of the arachne’s summons, causing them all to disappear in a flash of yellow light. After which, he pointed his sword up at her in a challenging manner, “Pff. That was nothing. C’mon, you can do better than that, can’tcha?!”

“RRRGH!” Flummoxed, the arachnid queen flung more webs down in his direction via her legs.

And Keiji returned to playing defensively, all whilst mocking her each time he avoided one. “Aw, so close! Oops! No dice, coward! Come down here and face me yourself!”


Just then, a bolt of lightning struck the spider queen, causing her to fall off the building and onto the street with a loud thud!


Keiji looked to his left, and saw that it had come from Sonata who had recently broken free of the webby restraints. “Hmph. Was wondering when you’d break free. Care’ta help me out? This bitch just doesn’t know when’ta stay down.”

“Sure but like,” Sonata ran up to the boy, “How do we beat her? She’s so big and that exoskeleton of hers is too thick to shock her through completely.”

The arachne lady started to recover, rising to her legs…

“But I bet it’s thick enough’ta cut through,” Keiji replied while running his right hand down the side of the blade, then he rested the dull side upon his shoulder like before, “Here’s the plan…”’

Unfortunately, whatever plan they were cooking up was about to be changed. Why?

“RISE!” the arachne screamed.

More spiders appeared from the webbing…and started to make a beeline towards the restaurant, causing the patrons to scream and panic as the waitresses did their best to barricade the doors.

“Aw son of a--” Keiji grumbled as soon as he saw the eight-legged monstrosities swarm the place.


And while he was distracted, Keiji was swept off his feet and knocked away by one of the arachne’s legs.

“Oof!” he tumbled, but kept a fierce grip on his sword, refusing to let go of it even as he skid across the hard ground. “...Dammit…alright, change of plans! Save everyone else, Bluebell! I got this!”

“Blue--my name is--!” Sonata gasped as soon as she realized the spiders were headed for the innocent bystanders inside the building. “Ah! Hang on!” And without hesitation, she took off, shocking and killing the spiders by the dozens as each bolt would travel to another nearby target, resulting in effective crowd control. “Ewewewew! I hate spiders! Diediedie!”

Meanwhile, Keiji slowly rose to his knee and coughed as he spoke to the queen. “...You’re wasting your time. These humans aren’t gonna fall to your tricks, bitch.”

“Oh are they? COME!” she commanded.

Despite Sonata’s efforts, some of the spiders had managed to break through and into the restaurant. They had taken a few of the people hostage and wrapped them up in webs, then they proceeded to carry them out and towards the queen.

Among them? Diamond Tiara.

“Grossgrossgross! Somebody kill these things! KK, help!” she screamed as she squirmed helplessly while the spiders carried her.

And Rumble as well. “Okay, as cool as this is, this is really freaking me out!”

“No…!” Keiji was about to move, but the spider queen cut him off by stepping in front of him.

“Lower your blade or my children feast on their bones,” she hissed as Diamond Tiara and Rumble were carried over to her.

“What?!” Rumble called out, “Not cool, man! Can’t you just drown me in acid instead?!”

“Not helping, Rumble!” Tiara glared at him as she continued to fruitlessly struggle.

For the first time since the engagement began, Keiji was at a loss for words. “...No. I don’t want…they can’t die.” He was stuck. His usual, cocky banter wasn’t going to save the innocent people captured by a demonic spider and he knew that. The blank expression on his face said it all. “...”

“Clock is ticking.” The spider queen seemed intent on following through on her threats as she dangled both of Keiji’s fellow schoolmates from each of her legs upside-down and over the hungry, waiting spiders…

“Agh! Hey man! Don’t listen to her!” Rumble called out, “She’s just dicking with you!”

“KK…save yourself,” Tiara muttered under her breath so nobody else would hear, “I’m not worth it…”

Keiji shut his eyes, and stabbed his katana into the ground next to him. Then, he folded his arms. “Alright. You win. Let them go--agh!”

He was suddenly lifted off of the ground and pulled towards the spider queen with another pair of her legs. “You really think I would submit to you?” Her jaw practically dislocated itself as the pair of slobbery, brown pincers spread out from both sides of her cheeks, preparing to swallow his head whole! “DIE!”


But before she could accomplish that…


Several, hot pink, sugary explosions could be heard from nearby.

“Icky-filthy spiders!” Pinkie screamed as she cast her explosive sprinkles from her sleeves, nuking the spiders out of existence alongside Sonata. It would appear that she had recovered from her injury after all… “Quit bugging us!”

This temporarily distracted the spider queen as she turned her head to find the source of the noise. “WHAT--?!”

And this left her open for Keiji to strike.



In a quick flash, Keiji’s sword returned to his hand via levitation, and he sliced off the spider’s legs that held him in place.


Once he was free, he dealt another swift strike to the spiders that were threatening to eat his schoolmates. Lastly, he cut them free of the webs with surgical precision, allowing Tiara and Rumble to fall…

And promptly caught them both over his right shoulder, and placed them down on the sidewalk nearby.

“Jeez, stay outta the way, wouldja?” Keiji huffed as he placed them down, unable to properly express how anxious he was regarding their safety.

“Woah! That was awesome, dude!” Rumble replied as he stood up.

Tiara had managed to catch her breath. “Whew…that was a close one. Thanks, friend,” she muttered as she looked up at the katana-wielding boy. But something caught her attention….the smell of iron. “...You’re not human at all, are you?”

“What’s it to ya?” he turned around and sighed, “Ya’ll better stay back. I’m about’ta wreck her shit!” he took a few steps forward…

“GAH!” the spider lady screamed, “Why would you bother saving the skinsuits?! Aren’t you a vampire-pony? Shouldn’t you be feasting on their blood?!”

“Pfft,” he scoffed, his usual demeanor returning, “Who I feed on is none’a your business. You’re encroaching on my turf, so you’ll have to go.” He pointed his sword at her and went on, “Now I’m givin’ you one last chance. Leave now before I make ya.”

“I do not submit!” she yelled as she charged at him once more, causing his schoolmates to flinch and shiver behind him…

Little did she know. A bit of her blood had dripped onto the boy’s sword when he sliced at her limbs. This enabled him to perform another spell…

“It’s your funeral…” he cut his thumb with the blade and spread his own blood across the dull edge. Then he held out his hand and yelled, “ICHOR’S BINDING!”


All the sudden, the spider queen was forced to stop in place--it was as if she had been frozen in time. But not quite. One could see her tongue and legs move ever so slightly. Why?

He had stopped her heart from beating.

But it wasn’t enough to kill her. Keiji needed to finish her off completely. So while she was stuck in place, he sprinted at her and delivered a quick slash to her torso…



Then another to her left set of legs.



Another to her right set of legs.


And lastly? He leapt into the air, and pointed his sword downwards, stabbing her right in the middle of her large arachnid abdomen.


And he promptly leapt off of her, posing on the ground by pointing his sword to the left with his back turned.

“Ketsuki Blossom Dance.”


Like something out of a comic book or a flashy movie, the spider monster would feel every slash and stab all at once. Her body could be seen cracking apart into numerous pieces before exploding into a flash of red light, disappearing completely.

And once the queen was dead, all of the spiders that Pinkie and Sonata had been dealing with also disappeared into flashes of red light.

“Hmph…” with a smug grin on his face, Keiji flung his sword on the ground, and it was stabbed into the road. “This battle is over.”

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