• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XIX Episode II: Sound Barrier

“Oh no…hell no…” Flash grumbled as he put his phone away and stepped outside of the car. “This is bad. I can’t let him go out like this.”

“Wait wait--hold up!” Sandbar shouted as he got out and tried to follow Flash, “What are you doin’, yo?!”

Spike joined him as he hopped onto the ground and said, “Yeah, wait up! Don’t tell me you’re going in there by yourself!”

“Don’t follow me,” Flash commanded them as he kept walking, “You both need to stay here in case anything else goes wrong. Micro is one of my friends and I’m not gonna sit here and let him get abducted by some evil witch’s scheme.”

“But…” Spike looked down at the ground, unable to come up with a response. “Still…you can’t…!”

“Argh…” Flash clutched his chest as he kept walking. The pain from that knife wound had started to creep up on him again, but he refused to allow it to stop it. “All this arguing is making my chest hurt. I’m not taking no for an answer. Stay behind: That’s an order.”

“...Flash…Flash, c’mon!” Spike barked, followed by a low grumble as he looked up at Sandbar. “Grrr../Sandbar, say something!”

But Sandbar was resigned to Sentry leaving. He was leaning against the car with his arms folded and eyes shut, thinking about what Flash just said. “...he’s ordering us.” With a sigh, he talked Spike out of trying to convince Flash to change his mind. “...Let him go, Spike. He’s got a reason for this.” He then looked up at Flash and said, “You good, bro. Go ahead.”

Flash nodded and continued walking as he clutched his chest. It seemed as if nothing would stop him since he knew that one of his closest friends was in danger. “I won’t let you suffer…not like this.”

As they watched him walk off, Spike asked Sandbar a question.

“Why did you let him go?” he asked.

There was a silence for a moment until Sandbar finally said, “His grandparents were in the Coast Guard for Canterlot.”

“Oh…military…” Spike’s ears drooped as he thought about it some more. “I guess I can understand that. He probably has a very strict mindset--explains why he’s trying to lead us. But I hope his grandparents are okay--”

“They’re dead, Spike,” Sandbar cut him off, taking all of the air out of the surrounding area and silencing the wind with his words.


Inside the school…

Flash ran through the halls until he found Micro Chips. The latter was being assaulted by various girls who had found him--he was now completely visible to boot.

“Dammit!” he shouted as found himself backed in with no way out, “They got me cornered--but how---?!”

“Don’t worry!” Flash yelled as he ran forward and dove in to protect his friend, “I’ve got your back, brother!”

And as soon as he put himself between Micro and the girls…something extraordinary happened.

Or rather ordinary if you were used to the magical nonsense that invaded the human world.

Magic started to manifest within him--whether it was from Equestria or not was left up for debate, but it was a light green aura that surrounded his entire body. And as soon as he put his hand up, a small blast from his hand would release a musical wave that pushed the girls back.

“Woah…how did you…?” Micro Chips stood upright and adjusted his glasses as he witnessed the events unfold in front of him.

“No time for that--we need’ta get outta here and come up with another plan. C’mon!”

Without hesitation, the boys ran out of the building. Once outside, Flash huffed in order to catch his breath. “You alright, MC?”

“...Better than alright,” Micro replied, “Not only did you save me…” From behind his back, he pulled out Sunset Shimmer’s journal. “But in the ensuing chaos, I managed to snag Sunset’s book! We just need a pen so that we can contact her…”

Moments later, Sandbar and Spike approached them both.

“You guys okay?” Sandbar asked.

Spike scampered over to Flash and nuzzled the latter’s leg. “Glad to see you’re safe. Had me worried there for a second.”

“Oh uh…thanks…” Flash replied with a relieved sigh as he pet Spike on the head. “Nice to know someone cares about me. But that aside, I think I got some kinda…sound magic? I have no idea what to call it--but right now, we need to contact Twilight--er, the other Twilight.”

Sandbar offered him a pen with leaves on it. “Here, yo. Use this.”

“Don’t read through too much,” Micro suggested, “You don’t want Sunset to find out you’ve read her private conversations.”

Flash rolled his eyes at the notion. “As if I’m interested in her private conversations.” Eventually, he came upon some blank pages that he’d start to write in. “Alright--here we go.”

“Dear Princess Twilight--this is Flash Sentry. We have an emergency.”

Less than a minute passed before words started to flicker on the opposite page with quick sparks of purple in a rather rushed fashion.

“What the heck?! Flash Sentry?! How did you get ahold of Sunset’s book?!”

One brief, written explanation later…

“I see now,” Twilight wrote back, “Everyone’s gone love-crazy due to a Changeling that happened to make her way into your world. Great. Another one of Starswirl The Bearded’s pieces of trash that he’s left behind…”

Flash raised a brow. That name was familiar given that he had heard Sunset throw it around on occasion, but he needed to be sure. “Uh, who’s that?” he wrote.

“Long story,” the alicorn wrote back, “Just know that he’s the one responsible for banishing various creatures to your world. Including the Sirens and possibly many others that walk among you.”

“Ohhh…like that shadowy professor and the vamp-kid from the freshman class,” Sandbar pointed out as he read off the page. “Wonder how they was brought here…”

“We can worry about that later,” Flash responded as he continued to write. “Alright. So what do you think could be causing this, Twilight?”

“There’s only one thing that can force a sense of lust on a mass scale. An artifact that Princess Cadence thought she had destroyed when she was younger: Prismia’s Pearl Necklace.”

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