• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXIV Episode I: A New Day

Back in the office building…

“Father, do you think what you did was necessary?”

“Son…you’ll find out soon enough that certain displays of force need to be carried out if you wanna get anywhere,” Hattori explained to his son. “Now, let’s see what dirt your elder brother has dug up on those girls that we can use against them.”

And just like clockwork, a certain someone burst through the doors with some information.

“Ho-lee-shit. You guys won’t believe what I just found out!”

Meanwhile…a few days later…

With the Summer Festival over and having gone off mostly without issue, everyone got on with their summer vacations as normal.

Except for the Sirens that is.

“Wait, so Keiji was attacked and we didn’t even know about it? The hell kinda shit is that…” Aria grumbled as she applied paint to her fingernails.

“That’s what Applejack told me,” Adagio replied as she brushed her currently poof-less orange hair that went down past her waist. “Thankfully, he was mostly alright afterwards, but I have reason to believe that there was something else going on there.”

Sonata--who was busy applying a white facial mask to herself in front of a mirror--would chime in. “Apparently he was attacked by some kid named Shinji. I looked him up and apparently he’s with the Hishimia family or something. Some kinda Far East conglomerate that imports goods into Canterlot City. Apparently they also provided funding for the festival itself.”

“Yakuza,” Aria commented out of the blue, earning a delayed stare from both of her sisters.



“Come on. A suspicious Japonese company that’s somehow linked to a major event that occurs at the festival they themselves are funding,” Aria went on while shooting a snide, raised brow at her sisters, “Not to mention they attacked our bro, Keiji. He’s from the Equestrian counterpart to this world’s Japone, so it rings all too suspicious that he was just attacked for no reason.”

“Hmm…” Adagio stopped to consider her sister’s words. “Now that you mention it, his name does have a root in that language. It’s entirely plausible that he was attacked for a reason. Applejack though…I haven’t the slightest idea.”

“Probably something super personal,” Aria added as she held up her nails, then blew on them. “But if I had to take a stab at it…”

Sonata would come up with a logical explanation. “...It’s probably her parents. You’ve noticed how she gets around Family Day at school, huh?”

The entire room went quiet for a moment as the girls weighed upon the thought of Applejack’s lack of parents. While the trio didn’t have their parents around, their emotional connection to them wasn’t as strong as Applejack’s was to hers. Hence why they could only sympathize.

“So what can we do?” Adagio asked, breaking the silence, “I’m sure Applejack is devastated by this right about now and Keiji just as well.”

“I’m sure the local law enforcement is already on it, Dagi,” Aria commented, “Not much we can do but wait for them to give us an answer so we can move forward. For now…I guess we should spend time helping our friends out?”

Sonata snapped her fingers. “I got the perfect idea. Adagio--you should go help Applejack any way you can. You’re easily the most mature out of all of us.”

“I…” For a moment, she was unable to properly respond to that. “...suppose? It merely comes with the territory of being an older sister. It’s nothing to write home about.”

Sonata raised her arms and shrugged her shoulders with a supportive grin on her face. “Yeah well, like still. Applejack’s an older sister too. Anyway, Ari--”

“Why do I feel like I’m about to get dragged into something ridiculous?” Aria huffed as she rolled her eyes. “What do ya want me to do?”

“It’s nothing crazy,” Sonata replied, “Just spend some time with Keiji. He needs some emotional support too right about now I bet.”

“Yeah…you’re right. Little bro needs at least one of us to be there for him,” Aria mulled over her sister’s idea, but then something rather alarming came to mind. “Wait a sec--what exactly are you gonna do while we’re out doing that?”

Adagio would jump in, “She makes a good point, Sonata. You’re rather quick to get us out of the house today.” She smirked at her sister and teased, “Are you planning on inviting someone over without telling us?”

Sonata folded her arms and pouted. “Ew. No way! I’m gonna be busy making dinner tonight. Right after I go do some shopping. Don’t mind me!” she squealed as she slipped into the bathroom to clean off her facemask..

Aria chuckled as she walked off. “She’s growing up hella quick, huh?”

“I feel that…” Adagio sniffled and rubbed her eyes. “But let’s not dwell on it too much. She’s an adult just as much as we are now after all.”

“Yeah yeah, don’t get sappy over it,” Aria hopped off the couch and stretched. “I honestly didn’t have much planned to do today anyway. A walk over to Keiji’s place could do me some good anyway. I’ve been lazing around the last few days after the Festival tired me out.”

“I know, right? Who knew such an event would be that tiring?” Adagio added with a sigh. “But we did get plenty of nice mementos out of it. And getting out of the house will help us think more about those demons that were present…”

“The oni and the white tiger, eh?” Aria muttered as she tied her shoes. “Yeah, not much going for us there. But if I see anything weird, I’ll let ya know. See ya.” She then grabbed her helmet and some kneepads, catching the attention of her elder sister as she left.

Adagio raised a brow. “...what is she planning on doing with him?’

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