• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXII Episode V: Farm Fun

“Nah, I’m just givin’ yer little friend here some compassion,” Applejack replied, still holding onto the vampboy. “I told him about ma and pa and--”

“Ohh…” Applebloom immediately caught on as she knew how…emotionally charged the tale of their parents were. “Don’t tell me--ya made him sad talkin’ about ‘em, eh?”

“Hey--hey now, he asked,” the elder apple sister replied, “And I ain’t gonna shy away from our family history. Ma and pa are the only reason why we’re well off as we are now. You should be more proud of it.” She looked down at the saddened Keiji and continued. “A’course…I’m not sayin’ start blabbin’ about it’ta everyone. But if they ask, then be honest about who ya are, alright?”

Applebloom put her hands on her hips and looked down at the floor. “...I getcha, sis. I’ll think about it.” She then started to think of a way to lighten the tone of the current situation. “...Aha! I got it! They’re in season now!” When the idea came to her, she placed her fist in her open palm and ran off, “Hang on, ya’ll. I got somethin’.”

“Hey wait, didja finish yer…” But Applebloom had already left before Applejack could finish her sentence. “...chores.” With a sigh, she turned to Keiji once more. “...How ya holdin’ up, lil’ man?”

“...Fine, thanks,” Keiji replied as he let go, and smiled at her, “I…suddenly feel more grateful for everyone around me. Can’t thank you enough for that, Jacks.”

“Hey I was just helpin’ out a friend,” she denied with a wave of her hand, “Though, to be honest, I think I learned somethin’ too.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

Applejack pointed to his fanged teeth. “Well, yous a vampire…pony, right?”


“...Ya coulda bit me fer my blood, butcha didn’t,” she said with a chuckle, “I knew some’a them rumors weren’t true.”

He folded his arms and replied, “Yeah well--I don’t just go around biting people at random. Sure, my teeth get itchy sometimes, but I can usually sate that by chewing on fruit rinds.”

“Oh, I think I can find somethin’ that’ll help ya with that--”

Suddenly, they were interrupted by Applebloom’s voice from downstairs. “Hey ya’ll! I got somethin’ ya might wanna see!”

Keiji and Applejack rushed downstairs and outside to the backyard where Applebloom was. The younger sister had pulled up a cart filled with watermelons!

“The watermelons are ripe and juicy!” the yellow girl squealed, “We can donate ‘em to the festival for the--”

“Suikawari…” Keiji spoke up, “Also known as watermelon splitting. It’s a pretty big summer activity from the East.”

“Is that so?” Applejack asked with an interested look in her eyes, “I wonder…”

But the massive melons alone weren’t Applebloom’s sole plan. She grabbed one, and held it aloft in one arm, showcasing just how strong the Apples were. “Hey, Keiji--check this out. Mah sister can split a melon with her thighs!”

Applejack’s expression and tone became flatter than cardboard as she narrowed her eyes. “Say what.”

“C’mon, it’s Eastern tradition!” Applebloom pleaded, “You wouldn’t wanna disappoint our visitor, wouldja?” she said in reference to the vampboy.

“...T-thighs--?” Keiji shook his head. “Nah, don’t worry about it--”

But Applebloom was persistent--she got closer to Keiji and made him reconsider, “C’moooon…don’tcha want us to be in on yer traditions?” She then shot him a wry grin, “Besides--I think you’ll like how strong Applejack’s legs are--”

“W-what-?!” he stuttered.

“That’s enough, Applebloom,” the elder sister spoke up as swiped the melon away from her younger sister. “Playtime’s over. Go wash up and get ready fer dinner.”

Applebloom pouted her lip, then quickly changed to a more cunning expression as she knew her older sister’s one weakness. “Ah…alrighty then…” she started walking off with her hands innocently behind her back, then stopped and added, “I guess you ain’t confident in yerself enough’ta break that little thang open. It’s fine--thought mah big sister was strong, buuuuut…”

Like a moth to a bug zapper, Applejack’s mood changed as soon as her abilities were challenged. “Now wait just a corn-pickin’ minute…”

With her back turned to Applejack, Applebloom snickered with a sinister smile. “Hook, line, and apple…” She then turned around and faced her with an innocent smile. “Hmmmmm? What’s wrong, big sis?”

Keiji tried to quell the situation by talking her down. “...Jacks, you don’t have to do this. I-I don’t need to see it-”

“No no,” but the stubborn orange girl wasn’t going to back down now, “Mah sister thinks I can’t do it, so I’mma show her she’s wrong. I’m more than able’ta crush a measly melon ‘tween my thighs.” She looked at Keiji with a confident smile, “Watch this here, lil’ man.”

“Oh…y-yes ma’am…” he glanced aside towards Applebloom with narrowed eyes, only to receive a teasing giggle from her in return.

Applejack sat down on a nearby tree stump and placed the melon--that was easily twice the size of her head--between her thighs. Her sister and Keiji both watched--the former with an expression of excitement as she took out her phone to record her, and the latter with a shocked, but curious gaze as he focused on her legs…

“Alrighty,” Applejack looked at the camera and counted down, “Three…two…one…”


With almost no effort, she crossed one leg over the other, forcing enough pressure to instantly decimate that poor melon between her thighs. Bits of red melon pulp flew all over as the upper half of the rind flew into the air…

…and eventually came back down, landing in Applejack’s outstretched hand to which she took a bite out of the remaining red fruit inside. “Mm…tasty.” She gave a thumbs-up for the camera, and Applebloom saved the video.

“That was friggin’ amazing!” the younger Apple sister called out, having caught numerous bits of watermelon fruit on her face. “Don’tcha think, Keiji?”

Keiji was stiff for a moment, also covered in red melon pulp. “....Y-y-yeah…a-awesome…” he muttered with a wistful smile on his face as he felt his heart race more and more--blood pumping through his veins.

Applejack chuckled as she stood up and wiped the messy fruit’s contents off of her boxers. “Alright now we really need’ta go wash up. C’mon, ya’ll. Time for the hose.”

The vampboy snapped out of his state of confusion upon hearing that, and yelped, “...Wait what--?!”

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