• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXII Episode II: Workin' Hard

…It was a long, hard process. But soon enough, gallons upon gallons of apple juice were made thanks to the efforts of the three and their strong legs. Well--the Apple sister’s strong legs at least. Keiji meanwhile had to force his way through a new experience with strained use of his legs that demanded he stomp as hard as possible to squish apples into juice. But he managed…barely.

Once it was all said and done, he was given a seat on the living room couch where he put his feet up on a stool after washing them clean of apple bits and was given an ice pack that he kept on his head to beat the heat of the hot summer’s day.

“Argh…” he huffed with the ice pack dripping from his head. “That was…not fun. But at least I’m getting some blood out of it.”


His phone started to buzz, and he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it; it was a video call from Adagio.

“Yo,” he answered it, watching as the screen showed Adagio sitting on her bed in her room, and brushing her monstrous mane of poofy orange hair. “What’s up?”

“Ah, Keiji. Glad you picked up,” she put the brush down and looked at him through the phone, “How’s your work with the apples going?”

“Pain,” the vampboy said with a groan, “But it’s worth it for these extra blood packs I’m getting in exchange.”

Adagio smiled and continued brushing her hair, “Well that’s good to hear. Our little brother is already adapting to having friends like we are. Isn’t that adorable?” she said in a teasingly sweet manner.

To which Keiji rolled his eyes. “Don’t patronize me, woman. I’m still working here. Though…I noticed Jacks seemed to…” He stopped himself and shook his head. “Nah, forget it.”

But Adagio was already interested, demanding to know more. “...No no. Go on. What’s wrong with Applejack?”

“When she mentioned her and her siblings’ parents a bit ago, she seemed to have this…this--I dunno--vacant? Empty? Hollow? Her eyes just kinda seemed off.”

Adagio stroked her chin as she gave it some thought. “Hmm…I’ve heard rumors about the fact that they’re deceased. But you’re better off not bringing it up if you can, Keiji.”

Good luck trying to get this kid to listen when the mental state of others were on the line. “...Right. Anyway, I gotta go. But thanks for checking up on me--or whatever.”

Adagio giggled, “Aw, he’s learning to accept others’ feelings! See you at that festival soon, hm?”

“Yeah yeah, bye--” Keiji hung up the phone and pocketed it. He threw his head back and sighed while looking up at the ceiling. “Uhhhhgh…”

Moments later, Applebloom stepped into the room and made a left towards the kitchen. “Everythin’ alright, Keiji? Were ya talkin’ta someone?”

“Just Adagi,” he huffed, “Checking up on me as usual.”

“Mm-hmm, eyup, that sounds about right,” Applebloom replied as she kicked the fridge door closed and opened up an apple soda, “Bigger siblings are always watchin’ out fer the young’uns. Ah can’t take a simple run down to the store to get some hoes without Applejack worryin’.”

Keiji’s eyes popped open for a split-second until he realized what she meant. “...Oh, garden hoes. Right--yeah guess that seems to be a common trend around here.”

“Can’t really blame ‘em…it’s a dangerous world ‘round here,” Applebloom lamented with a sigh as she sipped her drink, “It’s why ma and pa are…” She stopped herself and shook her head. “Sorry--nevermind. Anyway, ya did a good job out there, Keiji. And between you and me…” Applebloom walked over to the couch…

Keiji raised a brow. “...Eh?”

Applebloom lowered her voice and continued, “She likes havin’ ya around. May not look like it, but she finds it easy’ta speak to ya.”

“And why’s that?”

“Yer honest. Like she is, and like pa was,” Applebloom added, “Ya don’t mince words--even if ya get a biiiit batty sometimes. But that’s what she likes aboutcha.”

“Yo that’s a slur where I come from,” Keiji sniped back with a chuckle, “But yeah I can see that. Makes me wonder…”

Their conversation would be interrupted as Applejack walked into the room from the sliding glass door that led to the backyard behind the farmhouse and called for her sister. “Applebloom. It’s yer turn’ta gather the corn.”

“I know I know,” the younger Apple girl replied as she finished her drink and tossed the can in a nearby recycling bin. “Butcha better make sure thatcha come fish huntin’ with me at the Festival!” she called out while pointing at her sister as she walked past her.

Applejack patted her sister on the head and stepped inside. “Of course. Go on now, git goin’.”

And as Applebloom left, Keiji looked up at the orange farm girl. “You sure know how to run this place. Thought Mac would since he’s the oldest.”

“Naaah,” Applejack replied as she walked over to the kitchen and opened the freezer, “He’s in a relationship with Sugar Belle. Old dog prolly wants’ta help her with her bakery which means I’ll be runnin’ this place when I get older.”

“Huh. Even though you’re the middle child, it’s like you’re everyone’s mom,” Keiji said with a scoff, “Guess I can’t blame you when you’ve got a senile old lady under your roof.”

“You’re outta line, but yer right,” Applejack admitted with a sigh, “Granny needs’ta take a break sooner or later. And I’d rather it be sooner….” She shook her head and decided to change the subject to something less…morbid. “Anyway, I’m putin’ yer shirt in with the wash. Hope that’s alright.”

“Oh…thanks--no problem at all,” Keiji replied after a moment of hesitation, not expecting such an honest gesture.

“Want a popsicle, kiddo? Ya look mighty winded,” Applejack offered. “They’re made from fresh blueberries we picked from our yard.”

Keiji rubbed the back of his neck bashfully and replied, “...Yeah, I’ll take one. Thanks.”

And Applejack obliged, arriving at the couch and taking a seat next to him and offered him a frozen treat. That’s when Keiji noticed: she had stripped down to a gray pair of boxers and a frilly red bra.

“...” The vampboy gingerly accepted the blue popsicle from her as she took her seat next to him, putting her muscular legs up on the nearest ottoman. “...All that work makes you hot, huh?” he said with a slight blush on his face as he took a look at her.

“Hm?” Applejack had already bit into hers and wiped some of the blue juice from the side oher face. “Yeah--but it helps build yer resistance. You’ll get it the more ya work out in the fields, little feller. I’m used’ta workin’ in hundred-ten degree heat at this point.”

His eyes started to wander down to her thunderous thighs, thinking about just how strong her body had to be to resist temperatures that high. “...Yeah no. I don’t think I’ll ever get there.”

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