• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXVIII Episode III: A Nice Outing

“...So this is how you make it in this world, hm? I’m impressed, really. And here I thought you and your sisters simply would’ve gone mad from existing here. Clearly, I’ve misjudged you all.”

'No shit, old man. We’re not brainless hacks like the rest of those ponies in Equestria that blindly follow you.'

Adagio kept those thoughts to herself as Starswirl spoke to her. The young siren lady had acquired a new job at a music store run by both of Octavia Melody’s parents on a favor from her friend. As much as she didn’t want to accept the offer initially, Octavia insisted due to the fact that Adagio had essentially saved her life from a cold, numbing death.

“Yeah. Well…thanks, I suppose,” Adagio responded as she stood behind the counter, tapping her fingers against her arm in a restless manner. “We’ve come far from being the mindless creatures of wanton destruction we were initially labeled as. I’ll admit that we were a bit…off the hook, though.”

“Ah yes. Flooding an entire village to which I had to save on my own,” Starswirl would jest as he brought up the past. “Yes, yes--only slightly off the hook indeed.”

“L-look…shut up, old man…” Adagio stuttered. “Anyway. Now that you’ve seen what we have to offer, are you gonna go off back to Equestria now or what?”

“Nope…I believe your professor and I have some unfinished business with each other. After banishing him to this world as well, I should at least hear what he has to say also.”

“Yeah this isn’t gonna end well. Hopefully they take the fight far away from the city.”

“...I see,” Adagio replied hesitantly.

Starswirl looked outside of the shop’s window at the various vehicles parked in, and driving down the street. “I’m also curious as to this world’s forms of transportation. Large, metal carriages with rubber wheels instead of wood…”

“...They’re cars,” Adagio explained with a raised brow. “And trucks, and buses--and lots of other motorized forms of transportation. I’m far from an expert on the subject though, so I recommend you ask literally anyone else.”

“Hrm. I venture that this world’s version of Rainbow Dash may hold the answers I seek regarding such a topic. For the moment, I must be off. Take care of yourself and your sisters, Ms. Adagio.”

As Starswirl left the building, Adagio let out a hefty sigh of relief as she flopped down in the chair behind the counter and kicked her legs up. “Ugh…speaking to him feels worse than listening to my teachers. I can’t imagine how Princess Twilight Sparkle deals with him on a daily basis. I need to take my mind off of this.” She grabbed the bridge of her nose as she brought her phone to her face. “Hm…wonder how Sonata’s doing today.”

At the mall…

It was all smiles as the trio of girls made their way towards the newly opened Halloween store for their costumes.

As usual, Trixie spoke of herself in the third person with her usual swagger. “Trixie doesn’t normally need to dress up to impress the masses, but she does enjoy a bit of a costume change on occasion.”

“...isn’t that what most magicians do?” Wallflower asked plainly, “...change into stuff? Then change out of stuff?”

“Don’t poke holes in Trixie’s fantasy!” Trixie squawked, causing Sonata to giggle.

“It’s great to see you out and about for a change,” Sonata commented as she put an arm around Wallflower, “I was starting to get worried about you, ya know.”

Wallflower’s heart raced upon hearing that. The sensation of knowing that someone else cared for her was still new and very much welcome. “Wow…really? Er, I mean…thanks, Sonata. I’m…kinda jealous. I have no idea how you manage to stay so positive all the time. How do you do it?”

“Well, it helps when you just kinda go with the flow of things,” Sonata replied as she wiggled her arm to mimic an ocean’s wave. “Instead of stressing yourself out, just keep calm and stay happy. Even in the toughest situations. It’s what keeps my sisters from being complete gloomy-guses.”

That was a shock to Wallflower. She never would’ve guessed that someone like Sonata was capable of keeping multiple people together. She looked down at the floor for a moment, then up at the blue siren. “Wait…seriously? I don’t mean to be rude, but I thought your sisters would get annoyed by you.”

Sonata wasn’t offended by the inquiry at all. She merely scoffed at the notion, making duck lips in the process. “Pbbt! We all kinda get on each other’s nerves sometimes. That kinda comes with the territory of having sisters. But more often than not, we all keep each other balanced. Me? I keep them motivated with my elegant whimsy and charms so that they don’t fall into depression.”

“...Wish I could’ve had someone like that throughout my life,” Wallflower muttered with a slight hint of contempt in her voice, but put on a smile. “I’m happy for you though. It sounds like you all really care for each other.”

“Totes. Though, I’m here if you ever wanna talk,” Sonata offered, having picked up on Wallflower’s doubt, “You’ve got loads of friends who care about you, so don’t be afraid to speak up, kay?”

“...of course, thanks,” Wallflower replied with a wider smile, “But enough about that. I’m trying to figure out what I’m gonna dress up as and--hey, where’s Trixie?”

Sonata paused and looked around--the magician of a girl was nowhere to be seen. “Uhhhh….”

But she was mostly certainly heard--from one of the nearby shops to be precise.


Wallflower simply smacked her forehead. “...Do I even wanna find out?”

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