• Published 3rd Nov 2021
  • 3,377 Views, 287 Comments

Family Begins With You - Jmaster49

The Sirens devote themselves to protecting Canterlot City and each other as they come to understand human holidays and traditions.

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Arc XXX Episode IX: Data Collection

The Sirens would take their time to plan their next move after dinner. However, Adagio would receive a phone call in the midst of her thoughts.


“It’s Sunset,” a familiar voice spoke out from the other end, “Sandbar’s sister is with you, right? She told me about what happened and that you guys found some kinda…dark magic crystal, right?”

“Mm. We did,” Adagio answered as she glanced at the crystal that was sitting on the coffee table in front of her. “Honestly, I’m utterly confused as to how and why she managed to get her hands on this.”

“Doesn’t matter. A dark magic crystal is dangerous stuff and I need to analyze it. Mind bringing it over to my place when you get a chance?”

Adagio agreed, then had an idea suddenly come to her. “Not at all--ah! I believe Aidon should be able to help us identify it, hm?”

“Yup,” Sunset replied, “But it’ll also be a good learning experience for me since I’m not all that familiar with dark magic just yet. There’s so many different ways to apply it and I’m aware of the many types of spells that exist, but…”

“Say no more,” Adagio encouraged her, “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you achieve your goal of learning more?”

Sunset giggled. “I can feel your smugness through the call. You’re just happy to finally have a leg up on me in terms of who we’re dealing with, aren’t you?”

“W--huh? No…” Adagio shook her head vehemently. “...You know I’m past that, Shimmer.”

“I know,” Sunset quipped in a sassy manner, “I just like hearing you flustered.”

Adagio blushed and grumbled in response. “Ghh…can we focus on the topic at hand, please?”

“Sorry. Of course--anyway, I’d be super grateful if you could help me out here. I’m not too familiar with robotics, but a society run by them doesn’t exactly sound…safe to me.”

“Doesn’t one of our friends have a connection to this place?” Adagio tried to come up with a way they could gather more evidence to support their case. “Someone in one of our classes perhaps?”

“Hrm…ah!” It didn’t take long for Sunset to come up with an answer. “Micro Chips. I think his dad works there! I’ll have to call him up tomorrow to see what he knows.”

“Perfect,” Adagio agreed, “His father is our only other source inside. Thankfully we don’t have to worry about going back there ourselves now. Are you going to give him a call or should I?”

“I’ll do it,” Sunset proclaimed, “This is ultimately on me since I’m in charge of keeping this place safe. You just bring that thing over to me whenever you’re free, okay?”

“Got it.” Adagio hung up the phone and took a look over at Coral who had gathered her stuff and prepared to take her leave. “Ready to go home, Coral?”

“Thanks for having me over,” she said with a smile, “That chicken was great, but I gotta get back home. Big brother is gonna get real worried if I stay out for too long.”

Adagio raised a concerned eyebrow. “...you’re going to walk.”

“Uh, yeah?” Coral answered matter-of-factly. “Duh.”

“Oh no ya don’t,” Aria took control of the situation and grabbed the van’s keys, “I’m dropping you off there myself. No way am I letting you just head out on your own.”

Coral puffed out her cheeks as she folded her arms. “Ugh…fiiiine. But only because I know arguing with you won’t get anywhere.”

Aria walked her out. “I’ll see you guys later, huh?”

“Bye!” Coral waved as she left with her.

“See ya!” Sonata waved.

“Be safe now,” Adagio warned them, “Don’t drive recklessly.”

“Yeah, yeah, mom.”

Meanwhile…on the other side of town…

Keiji was on his couch, crocheting a few dolls into the shapes of animals when he got a phone call. The vamp-boy pressed the answer button on his phone and activated the speaker.

“Sup?” he called out as he continued with his needles.

On the other end, Sunset Shimmer spoke, “Keiji? Are you free? I wanna show you something.”

“Yeah, I guess I got time,” he paused and put his tools aside to pick up his phone. “What’s up? Find something interesting?”

“It’s something I had to contact Aidon about,” she went on, “And I’d like you to come over so you can see it for yourself. It’s something from Equestria that a woman was using to power her bio-terrorist weaponry.”

“Aw shit,” he muttered under his breath, “Guess I better motor. See you in a bit.”

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