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Twilight did her duty. She saved everypony she could, except herself. Now trapped by an evil cult, in more pain than she has even been in before, and dying on a sacrificial altar, she calls for help. The Nightmare answers.

Will Twilight become the next evil to threaten the world or will the Nightmare simply be glad to have some freedom? One thing is for certain, Twilight's life will never be the same again.

The Editors
Cander (CH 1-Current)
Yutah123 (CH 8-9)

Now with an excellent reading by StraightToThePointStudio (Currently only up to CH 30)

And we even have art!
[Warning Spoilers] Twilight's Nightmare Art

Chapters (198)

With some changes on Star Swirl's time spell, Twilight accidentaly gets trapped in the past. But after saving two fillies and enlisting them to be her students in magic, they go on adventures together to survive the ruthless world they live in. With new friendship and foes, they discover what it truly means to be family by choice.

Now with the collaborative efforts of Angel Bunny, Fausticorn and soulwinds!
Art by awsdemlp.deviantart.com
People who I am in deep gratitude for offering help:
Cerulean Starlight
And FAN ART by 1110soulite!

Chapters (14)

Their universe has come to an end, two goddesses sacrifice what is left to make sure it doesn't happen again. But fate lets them start over somewhere else...

Twilight Sparkle was dying because of the magic flare she emitted during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's school, when she was about to destroy herself along with everypony on the school grounds a deity offered the little filly a deal that would change not just her life but the world itself.

NEW cover art by Lmkyouki

Also thanks to G33kySt3v3 for helping with the editing. :pinkiehappy:

And thanks for those 8K+ views :twilightblush: and the 400+ likes :yay:

Twilight's team art by Lmkyouki

wow Featured 10-21-2018 ~ TY :twilightblush:

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Knowledge is Power

Three years have passed since Twilight Sparkle disappeared into Apochrypha, followed by her friends. Will Equestria have changed in their absence? Will Apochrypha have changed them?

An unknown future awaits, but whether it will be bright or dark is something known only to those who have the gall to claim they are a higher being, and even that might not be enough to foretell everything.

All the while, something from the distant past returns.

Cover art provided by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/866/Cold+in+Gardez

My little pony is owned by Hasbro

Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks

Chapters (47)

Chrysalis sent Twilight deep into the abandoned caves beneath Canterlot to stop her from interfering with her conquest of Equestria, but what if that was not the first time Twilight has been down there. And what if Celestia was not the first individual to take notice of Twilight's potential, nor the most powerful. What happens when the hunger for love clashes with the hunger for knowledge. And which will Twilight choose?

Cover by Santafer

My little pony is owned by Hasbro
Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks

Chapters (34)

"Uh... attention, all personnel. There seems to be a problem with the SCIP Network. No Foundation computer at this site seems to be able to access the Control Systems, and that includes the Door Control System. We fear we might have been hacked by a Splinter Group, or a massive system glitch has occurred. Whatever the case, we are initiating a site-wide Class A1 Lockdown out of precaution, until control can be remotely restored. We will update everyone shortly."

This was never supposed to happen.

"Attention, all personnel! The Door Control System is being accessed remotely from an unknown source. An immediate Class B3 Lockdown has been initiated per direct order of O5-â–ˆ! We advise all personnel to seek out a safe space, or prepare for an evacuation."

Why? Why did she have to do this? She- she was curious, fascinated with it. So enamored with the possibilities she didn't even begin to consider the potential dangers. And now look where she is.

"Attention, all personnel! Somebody is opening up the containment chambers! This site is now experiencing multiple Keter and Euclid Class Containment Breaches, and we advise all remaining personnel of Class-C or higher to enter to your nearest evacuation shelter immediately! Full-site lockdown initiated!"

Stuck. In a room, with a horrifying abomination, something so terrifying she couldn't even begin to comprehend had she not seen it first hoof, outside the door, ready to devour her. Smashing it's huge body into the door in an attempt to break it down. Snarling. Growling. Waiting for it to give way.

"We've dispatched several MTF Task Forces, including Epsilon-11, to this facility for immediate re-containment purposes. We advise all personnel to remain in your evacuation shelter and to ignore any and all personnel attempting entry unless verified to be both human and at least Class-C. We can't take any risks in a breach of this magnitude. The following SCPs are confirmed out of containment: SCP-002, SCP-005, SCP-008, SCP-009, SCP-016, SCP-017, SCP-019, SCP- wait, what is- OH MY GOD!"

And now she was going to die.

"...You... disgusting, RETCHED creatures... you... you think I am secured here... you think... I can be contained. That... you... are... protected. That you... are in control. That any of these... ABOMINATIONS... can be... locked away. That you can win."

And now they were all going to die.

"You... are gravely mistaken..."

And it was all her fault.

Crossover with the SCP Foundation Mythos.

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle failed her entrance exam, and the consequences were far more deadly than anypony could've predicted.

Where many ponies would see this as a terrible tragedy, a creature only spoken of in the darkest of legends sees the poor filly's fate as an opportunity...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Hero of Equestria and first casualty in the Changeling war. When she passed she became the rallying cry for the Equestrians in the short lived war. When Chrysalis attempts a surprise attack on Canterlot a mysterious figure in armor appears and slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses. Now it's time they learn that anyone can change.

For better or worse.

Big thanks to Nightcloak for the huge help in editing this train wreck of a story.

This Story was featured on 7/28/2018
Thank you to everyone who has read this. I never thought this would happen and am honored beyond words.

Chapters (10)

Discord is beaten, the world is saved. But the scars you can't see take the longest to heal. Diamond Tiara hears the voice of Discord, and she is listening. Led along by the promise of her greatest desire, Discord will break her psyche piece by piece even as he teachers the fine art of mind games. After all, isn't a father who listens to her much better than a father who wants her to be nice to blank flanks?

Meanwhile, Celestia has a couple of her subjects face their true heart, and the changes and decisions these ponies have made cause some events you're familiar with to turn out better, OR WORSE!

What truly made Diamond Tiara into the little monster she is? Can anypony save her from becoming a big one? Silver Spoon continues to ask herself what it means to be a friend.


The Audio adaption Is here:
ORIGINAL fan-art, ORIGINAL fan-music and VOICE ACTORS galore await!

Recursive fanart and fan stories are here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361 Many are rubber stamped by me as optional canon stories that reveal some of other sides of these stories.
Tropes page found here. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries
Fan Labor Pages here http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_Zero:_Discorded_Ponies and here. http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_One:_Reharmonization

The Song "Mind Games" is copyrighted by Hasbro, originally from the 80s cartoon Jem.

Chapters (11)

Discord beaten. Reality restored. But invisible wounds must heal too. Pinkie Pie, and Celestia, tell their stories, memories long buried, and the connect between the different generations of My Little Pony are revealed, and the stunning truth of how they connect to the origins of Equestria.

Who is Firefly?
Who is Patch?
Who is Minty?
Who is the pony Kimono, and how is she connected to Zecora?

Season four of the Pony POV Series is here on FIM.

Laughter, tears, smiles, actions, adventure, frights, darkness and light and heart-warmings ALL await you!

The Audio adaption Is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GqJMx6kYyU&list=PLABD0AEFCD46D56DA&feature=plcp
ORIGINAL fan-art, ORIGINAL fan-music and VOICE ACTORS galore await!

I promise this will be one ride that will not disappoint.

Recursive fanart and fan stories are here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361 Many are rubber stamped by me as optional canon stories that reveal some of other sides of these stories.

Tropes page found here. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/PonyPOVSeries
Fan Labor Pages here http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_Zero:_Discorded_Ponies and here. http://mlpfanart.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Fan_Labor_Wiki:Workshop/Pony_POV_Series_Season_One:_Reharmonization

Cover image by Mystery Ezekude. http://mysteryezekude.deviantart.com/

Chapters (10)