• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,556 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Just Another....Day?

Author's Note:

Action! Adventure! Daring Do! The plot thickens! (If you like thick plots!) More cowbell!

Grab more popcorn and have fun! :)

Battle damage repairs are going slow for poor Crusader, replacing things will take time, as he’s still putting most of our stocks into getting me up and ready. One of us has to be able to move if needed, and since my hull is smaller it stands to reason I could be operable faster.

I meet with Crusader and Twilight at the castle, she knows I haven’t said anything to him about what she confessed to me, leaving it alone until she was ready. Contacting me, I had in turn got a hold of him. Now setting in the castle listening to her and Applejack go over what they know about that other place, his face right now is unreadable, but I worry.

“...And that’s it, that’s all we have.” Twilight holds her hooves out, eyes searching Crusader’s face for any reaction as he sits across from her.

Applejack is waiting as well, leaning a cheek on one hoof and eyeing him.

He’s pondering, staring at the table before acknowledging them once more, “So the portal still exists?”

Twilight points down the hall, “Yes.”

“And this book to communicate between dimensions is here as well?”

“Yes.” The Alicorn nodded, her eyes never leaving his face.

“Were you ever planning on telling us?” Right to the point, no waiting, do not pass go.

She taps a hoof on the table, looking at me before returning her gaze to him, “It’s not that, everything has been so weird lately it just never crossed my mind.”

“Mine neither sugar, not like we were keepin’ it all hush-hush for some spooky reason.” Applejack is trying to help, her voice gentle.

“I understand that, a better question would be, would you have told us?” He keeps his gaze level, staring at Twilight.

The Alicorn shrugs again, “It never came up in conversation, I really do apologize Crusader, we never meant for this to happen.”

He agrees with a tilt of his head, “I understand in the rush of what has gone on things are forgotten, so much has been on everyone’s minds. But with a revelation like this, I truly find it hard to believe it was not thought of.”

Applejack makes a gesture with her hoof, outward towards the town, “It’s been a huge secret for a long time, Celestia didn’t want ponies finding out and rushing to meet their doubles or whatnot, or even trying to. Sunset Shimmer caused enough of a stir, so it was kept quiet to avoid..” She looked at Twilight, “ ..what’d Luna say?”

Twilight adds, “To prevent dimensional rips or tears from ponies meeting themselves. One, me, was taking enough of a risk.”

“That is intelligent and well thought out. But I am afraid my question still stands, would you have told us?”

Twilight looks helpless, not having an answer, “I don’t know, that’s as honest as I can be, I don’t know.”

He accepts that, “That is fair, I know it is something that would need to be dealt with carefully.” He holds a hoof out, “But let me pose a hypothetical to you, what might have happened had we remained unaware of this.”

We all nod, perking our ears, I am not in TSDS with him right now, so even I don’t know what’s going to be said.

“Sunset Shimmer came back to steal your crown, to get revenge before she was redeemed and made to see the error of her ways, correct?”

Twilight and Applejack nod.

He points out the window, “Those gel-paks that ponies use every day, that we produce by the thousands in our fabrication areas, suppose one of those had been taken across that portal.” He stops Twilight from saying anything, “I know, we have no idea if it would cross, but let us take it as it is.”

“Athena tells me from your description that world is what we would deem to be in the early twenty-first century, more advanced than here. If someone took a look at what was in one of those gel-paks, that world’s scientists could be able to realize that the technology in those 'simple’ things are centuries ahead of theirs.”

“Any government and military would be immediately interested in finding out just exactly where that item came from, and would do anything to find the source and duplicate it. Governments in that era were greedy, grasping and motivated for their own self-aggrandizement, not to mention private corporations that would do whatever they had to to get that knowledge. The gel-pak would cause such a stir that the portal, and your world, would be in serious danger.”

“But that was your world as you knew it. Right?” Applejack is dead on.

“Correct. Good point. But do you know if this other world is different? Have you had any contact with higher authorities other than the principal?” He looks to Twilight who shakes her head.

She shrugs, “No, I’ve never seen anything..”

“Then let us just say they are there, you haven’t seen them yet.”

She nods, following along.

“Another point," He turns his eyes away from Twilight, glancing around, “Why they have not been interested in what has gone on at that high school is beyond me. Magic was being used, things unexplained were happening, in our world there would have been an immediate crackdown and sequestration of all involved. Why they haven’t reacted I have no clue, but it does make one extremely suspicious.”

Twilight looked at Applejack, then back at Crusader, “I never thought of that.”

He pointed at her, “You also have friends over there who, in moments of showing their Element like Kindness or Loyalty, ‘pony up’. This means they change in physical ways, and that it is evident to all those around. I find it strange, no.. not strange, but utterly ludicrous that no one has said anything about it to what passes for the authorities there.”

Tapping a hoof on the kitchen table he continues, “Are they really that stupid, or is that world a true carbon copy of this one but with higher tech?” He looks steadily at them both, “This is not to say that the other world cannot be like this one, peaceful, without a need for standing armies and weapons of mass destruction. As far as we can tell from what you’ve told us, it appears to be the same only with humanoid type people..ponies.”

The Alicorn throws her hooves outwards, “But that’s all worst case, I mean the mirror has been around for a long time, and it’s only happened once with Sunset Shimmer.” She stops, “Though.. Starswirl the Bearded did say that it was used for threats which were too powerful to be left in Equestria.” She looks slightly sheepish, “Yeah, the Sirens, almost forgot.”

“So there may be further things you do not know of?”

“We’ll just keep it locked away unless an emergency comes up, I can’t abandon my friends there.”

“That is all well and to the good Twilight.” He settles back in his chair, “But it is my job to try and counter threats so they never become something more. That is what I swore to do here and I will not cease that. It may necessitate a rethinking of doing some things, between Athena and I, but I believe we can change what we manufacture and make it safer for everypony.”

Her face breaks into a small smile, “So...so you’re not angry?”

“No. It was a shock to hear it, I do wish we had known earlier, but no Twilight I am not angry.” He slides off the chair, turning towards the door.

“I am just slightly disappointed.”

He leaves us there in the kitchen as he exits the room quietly.


“It seems my former student, and now Princess, is worried to death Crusader.”

The voice is light, the sun warming as I sit in the cover of the entry way into my command deck. I had been thinking over the revelations of the past few hours, the implications of dimensions and living beings in them. Discord had mentioned such, we all saw the opening he created at the Gala, but it never truly was anything other than something to ponder on until this.

It was interesting to say the least, though yes, I was disappointed they could not come to us having ample opportunity. I have always been honest about things, but then Celestia teleported in...

I watch her settle into the grassy area, “She has nothing to worry about Your Highness, it is a simple matter, some disappointment on my side which will soon fade.”

“According to the twentieth letter she has sent me this past hour, it’s more than that.” Her smile is merry.

I make myself comfortable in the grass as well, “Again, there is nothing to worry about.”

“Perhaps you should tell her that?”

“I will as soon as I finish a few things, I am making the gel-paks more tamper proof, safer in case of an incursion through the portal.” I point towards the hatch, “I am waiting for the final product right now, it will be a little while.”

Her smile gets just a tiny bit wider, “And in the meantime you will let her think of her possible transgressions?” She chuckles for a moment.

“I believe that something of this import, could have, and very well should have been told to us. We wondered why you all didn’t behave more curiously about humans, you took everything in stride.” My voice is not rude, nor unkind, there is no reason for it. “I can understand the motivations, there will always be secrets, but this should have been shared.”

She nods, tilting her head regally, “Of course, I can see your point on that. You do have my apologies on that, I had asked for complete secrecy on the existence of the mirror. For now I am more worried about Twilight, the letters are getting ..oh.. frantic shall we say?” She smiles, wide and warm, “She tends to get distraught at things.”

“Apology accepted. While we talk, let me contact Athena..” I watch her nod once more.

“Athena?” I don’t even have to wait, she’d already been trying to reach me.

“Crusader! Yeah...she’s worrying. She’s really upset she may have made you mad, she’s writing a letter to Celestia every five minutes..wait..every two now.”

“I told her I was slightly disappointed, that is all.”

“You know her, because she considers us brother and sister, she views it like her own family. So...worry time.”

“Will you please assure her I harbor no ill-will?”

I listen to her sigh, “I’ll try. Once she gets worried it’s hard to stop, even Applejack’s stopped trying.”

“I am sure I will hear from her as well. Please tell Twilight you have talked to me and let her know?”

“Will do!”

“Thank you.” I let the link drop, returning to Celestia.

“I have assured Athena I am not angry, advising her to pass it on, hopefully that will help.” Shaking my head, I’m sure the rueful smile on my face tells all, “I will remember next time not to be so forthright.”

“I think that will be more than enough. She does take her title very seriously, getting quite..nervous when things like this crop up.”

I am not one for joking about certain subjects usually, but since we’re alone I venture, “You know we do have medication for those kind of problems.”

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her choke like that before.


“How did the meeting go sister?” Luna is munching quietly on toast, waiting for Celestia to quit grinning. She had been pondering the happenings of a few nights ago, a dream left ..unfulfilled... with Athena, or so it seemed. She had been musing over it until her sister arrived, trying to remember details which were vague, quite unlike her to not have a clear recollection.

That night she had returned feeling almost to the point of confusion, unable to remember what exactly had happened, this caused her concern and she vowed to look into it closely.

The tall mare clears her throat for a moment, “It went quite well, nothing to worry about really.” as she grabs a bagel in her magic, taking a bite after lifting it to her lips.

“From the grin on your face when you returned, I assumed it so.” Tilting her head, the dark mare smiles, “You do seem to be in a good mood.”

“I am allowed occasionally, aren’t I?” Her eyebrows go up slightly.

“Of course! Just that it is rare sometimes with all the worrying you do.” Luna finishes her toast, sipping tea and looking at her sister over the cup rim.

Celestia lifts up her own cup, pausing for a moment and setting it down with a sigh. Gazing across the table, she lay a hoof on the top, tapping it, “Luna, I have something to confess.”

The cup is dropped as her sister leans forward with an eager expression, “Oh, gossip! So you have been seeing that vegetable seller!”

“I..what? No! Nothing like that!” She looks at the darker mare like she’s gone nuts, “Where did you..nevermind..”

“Oh I know! You’re still working on that spell to turn apples into coconuts!” She looks slyly around for a moment, putting a hoof near her muzzle as if whispering a secret, “Better not tell the Element of Honesty that.”

“Wha.. Luna, I am not!” She throws an exasperated hoof out, “Just let me speak for a second!”

“Well, of course ‘Tia!” The innocent look works well on Luna’s face as she happily munches more toast.

Celestia waits for a moment, lifting and tapping her golden clad hooves together for a moment, “I... Luna I’m jealous of you.” There, she said it.

The sound of the toast leaving Luna’s gaping mouth and hitting the table was like the crashing of thunder in the quiet room as Celestia waited.

The Night Mare blinked, tried to say something but only blinked again before replying, “I...I’m sorry?”

“I’m jealous of you Luna.”

“That’s what I thought you.. But why ‘Tia?” The darker mare is beyond puzzled.

A soft sigh exits the alabaster muzzle as Celestia looks anywhere but at her sister, “You have been on so many adventures this past year, ever since Crusader awoke, and many other things besides. I.. I have sat upon the throne and done what I have always done, I find it’s not enough.”

“But our vacation..”

“Was very fun and pleasant, but it does not take the place of adventure.” She leans forward on the table, “The times when we fought back to back, winning against those who would try to take Equestria away from us.”

Celestia lays a hoof on Luna’s shoulder, “Those were the days and nights when we felt most alive Luna, not..sitting in a palace.” Sighing, she continues, “I had thought just getting away for a while would do so, as well as helping our Athena. But it wasn’t enough to take away these feelings.”

Cyan eyes stared at her before asking quietly, “You..you’re serious?”

“I am,” The golden clad hooves tap on the floor now, the taller mare setting back on her cushion, “Never more so.”

Luna’s head tilts, “Then I think we can do something about that.” Her eyes are bright, body poised in acceptance of the statement.

Celestia looks surprised for a moment, “That’s it? No argument?”

“None! For you are my sister, if it is adventure you crave then you shall have it!” She slaps her hoof on the table with a loud sound, plates clattering and spilling food everywhere.

Celestia giggles behind a hoof, “Well..that was unexpected.”

“Why is that?” Luna stands up now, “You do much for me, asking my forgiveness each day, never letting me do something in return!” She gestures, turning in place while waving, “My sister shall have the best adventure I can think of!”

She grins, facing Celestia with a look that almost made the older sister nervous, “I know where to start as well! A place that is plagued with troubles!”

The tall mare was interested now, “Where is that?”

A dark silver-clad hoof pointed out the window, “Ponyville!”


“You know better’n to leave Twilight on edge like that.” Applejack is walking alongside me as we check my sensor posts. She had joined me after trying to calm her friend down.

“Yes, Applejack.”

“She gets all fired up like a bee in a bonnet, then nothin’s gonna stop her from writin’ letters all day long.”

“Yes, Applejack.”

“Then we we all try and tell her it’s fine, she gets worried about somethin’ all over again. I swear that mare is as nervous as a cat in a room full o’ rockin’ chairs!”

“Yes, Applejack.”

I check a few lenses getting in need of replacement, setting an optical grinder into motion inside my bay, they’ll be done in a few hours. I enjoy seeing myself from the outside, looking at things, making sure they are up to spec.

“Are you listenin’ to me?”

“Yes, Applejack.” It’s amazing what automatic responses can do.

“You know Cranky and Matilda are plannin’ on gettin’ married here soon right?”

This one does beg an answer, “I do, though marrying somepony with the name Cranky makes me wonder if that’s a good idea.” That gets an immediate nudge on the shoulder and a laugh.

“Yeah, Pinky had to work real hard to get on his good side.” The farm mare chuckles, “She really went all out, finally realizing he was searching for Matilda who’d lived here the whole time.”

“Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart courage to make love known?” I give her a smile, tapping a weapons mount.

I get bumped again, her muscular body nudging mine, “You and yer quotes.”

“But it is true, he searched the continent over for her, that is courage and selflessness. That I can appreciate.”

“You would.” She grins at me, “Ya know you’d never have to do that with me right? Ah’m happy right here.”

“Of course, but you know I would find you if needed.”

“Ah know. Let’s hope it never comes to that, might wreck half of Equestria knowin’ you.” Her smile is warm, her laugh even more so.

“I would be careful, perhaps one-quarter of Equestria, depending on the circumstances.” This gets me a friendly slap on the shoulder as we finish the inspection.

“Sometime’s ah don’t know whether you’re bein’ serious or jes’ kiddin’,” She nudges me again as we walk off the hill, “Good to know yer the friendly sort.”

“I would like to think so.”

She sighs, “Maybe Twi’s calmed down a bit now, think we oughta go check?”

“You do know you could just call and find out?” I motion to her link.

“Ah know, but I found myself gettin’ lazy callin’ the others all the time. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with walkin’ a bit to meet somepony else.”

“Is that why they are not getting used much?” Athena and I had wondered.

“Yeah, nothin’ like talkin’ face to face.”

This definitely goes with my assumption I had shared with Athena. Being a race that includes a great amount of body language, it would be hard to talk to others without seeing faces or bodies. It does pose an interesting question and gives me something to ponder on how to solve it.

My eyes are caught by a pair of unknown Unicorns walking through town. Their Marks do not match any ID, so I tag them for further investigation if needed.


“So my sister, shall we go as ourselves,” Luna’s eyes narrow with a sly look, “Or shall we use disguises once more?”

“Oh, I think a disguise would work fine.” She’s leafing through an ancient tome on spells, looking for the right one. Even with her years, sometimes it was good to refresh oneself on the proper ways to do magic, “I’ve notified the Majordomo we’ll be busy,” She lifts her hooves in a ‘quote’ motion, “Doing deep magical research and we’re not to be bothered.”

“Excellent!” Luna is waiting patiently as Celestia reads the spell, “We shall have an adventure I am sure.”

“But Ponyville is hardly the place I expected Luna, I was thinking Minotaur Rift, perhaps the BugBear territories, we could unleash our skills there?” The alabaster mare was curious.

“Ah!” A raised dark hoof emphasizes, “But in Ponyville it’s truly unexpected, something always comes along to surprise.”

“Well.. I don’t think it’s quite that..” She’s interrupted by Luna’s voice.

“Bad?” A hoof taps her chin, pretending to think, “Perhaps Tirek didn’t quite meet your standards, or even Discord. Oh wait, Crusader fighting the Forest? Would that be unexpected? Bringing back Athena?” She points at her taller sister, “Or how about the castle? The Map? I’m sure I can think..”

“Enough, no need to rehash past things sister dear.”

“Then you see? Wait around ten minutes and things will happen.” Luna claps her hooves together, “We shall have a wonderful time!”

Celestia leaned over the table, narrowing her eyes at her sister, “You’re hoping for something aren’t you?”

A mock shocked look crossed her pretty face, “Me? Why no! I would never want for anything bad!” .

“You are!” A golden clad hoof is pointed her way, “You’re wanting something to happen!”

Settling on her cushion, Luna is the picture of pure innocence, “I would never wish for anything, it happens all by itself.”

Celestia’s horn lit with a familiar golden glow, covering them both with an aura that dug deep into their bodies as they transformed into new shapes.

Luna looked at her hoof, then turning her head to see a Cutie Mark of a faceted gem on her flank, a meshing of three stars on her sister. Their voices were different enough that nopony would recognize them, a good disguise all in all.

“Oh, how unique! What shall we call ourselves?” She was smiling brightly.

Celestia eyed her sister for a moment, noticing the grin, “You’re really hoping for a disaster aren’t you?”

“By the light of my moon no.... well... Maybe a minor one?” She smiled wider, blinking at her sister.

“Now I see why you get in trouble.” A chuckle escaped her muzzle, colored a bright shade of red, a yellow mane with white highlights making it complete. Her eyes glowed a golden yellow, shining and happy as she winked at her sister.

“I do not get into trouble, it finds me and I defeat it as we should!” She stamped a blue hoof, not the midnight shade she normally wore, but a happy blue. Her indigo mane with differing shades of the same color set her coat off perfectly. Magenta eyes stared from the smiling face, “We should always overcome trouble!”

Her sister nodded, “We should.” She closed the book, her magic lifting it into place as they both turned to leave, “We have a couple of days, I warned the servants that dire things would happen should they disturb us.” She laughed, “Like summoning a demon from Tartarus by accident and all that.”

“Oh, is that why there aren’t any nearby?”

“Yes, a good warning and ponies tend to stay away.” Her horn lit brightly once more, “And now, to adventure!” Covering them both in a swift teleport, landing outside of Ponyville proper. It was early morning and the shopping crowd had just started to get a bit thick.

“You forgot to say, what are our names?” Luna watched Celestia think for a moment.

Raising a hoof, her voice low, “You shall be Diamond Luster, and I shall be Starshine. Will that do?”

“I like that! Shall we go find some breakfast then ‘Starshine’?” Luna’s face was filled with a foal-like glee, having her sister along, whether they found adventure or not, was making her very happy.

“I like that idea, do you know any good places?” They both started off at a sedate pace, entering the outskirts and heading for the common areas where the stalls and shops were.

“I do! There are a few stalls that sell snacks, a very good restaurant we can sit outside and eat at, or we could just have a simple hayburger!” She was prancing merrily alongside ‘Starshine’.

“A hayburger? Isn’t that fast food?”

“Oh yes. When I’m not in the mood for..well..palace fair, a large pile of hayfries tastes very good!” She laid a hoof on Starshine’s shoulder, giving her a serious look, “The onion rings are to die for!”

Starshine laughed, “Then onion rings it is!”

As they trotted off to the restaurant, Celestia noticed Crusader walking with Applejack, he was eyeing them somewhat intently before going back to his conversation.


Athena sighed, there was really no stopping this, but she had tried, really she had!

“Twilight, there’s no need, he’s not angry.”

“But he always says that!” She was looking exasperated at Athena sitting there calmly, “He’s always just brushing stuff off, and I think maybe something to cheer him up would be nice.”

“He’s not brushing it off, he told you what he thought and left it at that, you know how he is.” I give her a pleading look, “Please stop worrying so much.”

“But I have to! What if... what if he doesn’t want to be friends anymore because of this?” She’s eyeing the books on the shelf, the library where we were was quiet. Applejack had given up on the conversation, going to find Crusader, Spike was hiding somewhere. Good on ‘em both.

Being able to simulate breathing is a chore sometimes. Why? Because right now I am just sighing a lot, “Twilight, he’ll always be your friend.”

“But how do you know? Ponies get mad sometimes, they end friendships, things change and..” She taps her hooves together after taking a chair at the table, “I..just don’t want things to change sometimes.”

Laying a hoof on hers to stop the tapping, I tilt my head, making sure she’s looking at me, “Twilight, he’s one of the last Bolos to end a friendship. He’s stodgy and stuck in his ways, but once he gives his friendship, nothing short of the end of the world would stop it and even then he’d try to come through it.”

Her voice is low, and a bit sad, “He said he was disappointed though.”

“ ‘Slightly’, he said slightly.” An eyebrow goes up on my face, “Twilight he’s always been honest with how he feels about everything, this is no different.”

Her eyes look into mine, her voice low, “You’re not disappointed are you?”

I’m sure my look of surprise is evident, “Stars no! Why would you think that?”

“Well you are brother and sister, I mean..you know.” She furrows her brow, “Family sticks together.”

“Twilight, I could never be disappointed in you, I.. l.. like you too much for that.” Hope my smile hides that screwup, I have got to pay attention!

She nods, “All right, but maybe I can do something for him anyways.”

“I doubt it, but let’s hear the ideas.” I settle back in the chair, waiting for it.

“I know one thing he’s always wanted, he mentioned it a long time ago.” She’s got a sly smile on her face now, this makes me very interested.


“He wanted to meet Cerberus.”

“Cerberus? The Hound that guards the gates of Hell..er..you’d say Tartarus?” Do what now?

“Yep, he mentioned it a long time ago, apparently he didn’t quite believe that he existed.” Her face gets a gleeful look, “Wonder what he’d say to meeting him?”

My eyes about bug out of my head, “You can do that?”

She rubbed her hooves together, “Oh yes.”

I slap a hoof on the table, “I think you might have just come up with something he’d want.”

“Who’d want?” Applejack’s voice was loud in the library.

Twilight and Athena turned to see Crusader walking alongside Applejack, waiting for them to set at the table, the Alicorn almost bouncing with delight at her idea.

“What’re you all fired up about there Twi?”

She practically squee’d in delight at being asked, “I figured out something Crusader wants!” She pointed a hoof at the stallion.

This got the farm mare’s attention as she leaned on the table, Crusader looked on with curiosity as well.

“An’ what’s that?”

She pointed a steady hoof at the perk-eared stallion, “He wants to meet Cerberus!”

“What?” Emerald eyes slid sideways to give him a surprised look, “Now why in all of Equestria would ya want to do that?”

He smiled, “Because it was only myth in our world, and when I heard of him, I thought it would truly be interesting to meet him.”

“He’s a big old three-headed dog that guards Tartarus, what more ya need to know?” Blunt, to the point.

“It is a mythological character brought to real life Applejack, it would be intriguing just to see him much less meet him.”

“Well..if’n you’re interested.. Can’t say as I blame ya. But..really?”

“Oh yes.”

Twilight bounces off her chair, squealing in delight, “Yes! Yes yes yes!”

Athena rolls her eyes, “She’s been wondering how to do something to keep you from being mad at her.”

A deadpan stare is given from him, “I was not mad, did you not tell her?”

“Yes, over and over..” She spreads her fore legs, “Over..and..you get it.”

He holds a hoof up, “I get it.” Turning his gaze on the bouncing Alicorn, “So when would you like to leave?”

Applejack almost falls off her seat, Athena knows he’s quick to decide when he wants to do something.

“It’s not a real vacation spot there, ya know? I mean it’s Tartarus for Celestia’s sake!” She’s just not believing anyone would want to visit there for fun.

“But it is something I have never seen, much less could imagine Applejack.” He hugs her tight, “Allow me this one thing.”

She pushes him with a hoof and a smile, “Well, long as ya don’t get in trouble.”

He grins, “I promise not to, Twilight will be with me.”

Applejack‘s face gets a flat look, “Ya know that’s not making me feel any better ‘bout that?”

Twilight stops bouncing, “Hey!”

The orange pony chuckles, “It’s true ya know, we all attract trouble.” She points, “Some of us a bit more than others.”

I turn my head slowly, sliding my eyes towards Twilight with a grin starting to break out over my face.

She immediately gets a look of pique and points a hoof at me. “Don’t you dare say it!”

I don’t lose the smile, but I do blink as innocently as I can, “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

She keeps the hoof pointed as her eyes narrow, staring at me, “Riiight.”

Applejack’s eyes go from Twilight, to me and back again, “Somethin’ y’all wanna tell us?”

We both turn to her, “No!”

She holds up her own fore hooves, “Okey then, but if yer gonna get goin’, better do it now.” She hooks one hoof over her shoulder, “It’s gettin’ on in the day.”

Twilight looks out the window, “She’s right! We better make it a quick trip!” She looks at Crusader, “Is that okay? I promise a longer visit next time, but we can spend a couple of hours at least?”

“That Twilight, would be wonderful.”

Her face lights up, running out and grabbing her saddlebags, loading them with a few snacks, plus a big toy that she crams into it. Her grin is abashed, “He likes toys.”

“Like ah said, he is a big ol’ dog ya know.” Applejack laughs.

Shaking herself down, she grabs Crusader by the hoof, “I’ve got the spot in my mind, so we can just jump right there.”

“Then let us go,” He looks at Applejack and I, “We’ll return.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as interested like that.

A blinding flash and they’re both gone, leaving Applejack and I in the library.

“Why do ah have a bad feelin’ bout all this?”

I laugh, loud and long, “Because it’s Crusader and Twilight, we’ve never had both of them doing the same thing before. Could the trouble be doubled?”

She slaps a hoof on her forehead, knocking her hat backwards on her mane, “Oh stars, ah never thought o’ that.” She gives me a helpless look, “Maybe ya oughta uncover all them guns, jest in case?”

I start to laugh again, then stop, seeing her look, “Well...maybe you have a point.”


“You were right, those were the best onions rings ever!” ‘Starshine’ was saying to her sister ‘Diamond’.

“I would never tell falsehoods about such things,” Her smile was bright, “Especially food.”

The returned one was just as cheerful as they trotted around the central area, stopping at a few stalls to purchase snacks for their trip around the town.

“*GASP!*” A large inhalation of breath behind them caught their attention, seeing a bright pink mare behind them and looking..happy? Manic?

“You’re new!” Pinkie was bouncing off the ground, her mane and tail poofed out to show her delight.

She stops for a moment though, leaning in and giving the two shocked Unicorns an intent look, “Waaaiiiit a second.. You don’t feel new..” Her eyes narrow as her face gets closer, the two mares leaning backwards in turn.

“Uh..we are actually, just arrived today.” Diamond was giving her a smile.

“Why yes! We’ve decided to perhaps move here, it’s a lovely place.” They both smile warmly at the pink mare.

“Then we need to throw a party!” The fuchsia face lit up, a grin bright and happy crossing it, “Welcome to Ponyville!” She grabs their hooves, shaking them quickly, “Everyone deserves a welcoming party, even if they don’t feel new!”

“Well...thank you?”

“Anytime! You’ll love it here! You’ll see!” She talks a mile a minute, smiling and pointing out things as they stand there, the ponies around them used to such antics now, seeing the two poor Unicorns become the center of Pinkie’s attention.

“....and over there is Twilight’s Castle! She’s the Princess of Friendship!” She finally runs out of breath, turning to them again, “I’ll let you know soon as possible, we’ll get right on that party!” With a squee and a grin she zips off in a cloud of dust.

Starshine puts a hoof on her breast, “My.. she’s a bit..intense.. wouldn’t you say?”

Diamond grins, leaning against her sister, “But we are getting a party!” Her eyes look upwards, meeting Starshine’s.

“There is that.” They both laugh, walking along the plaza.

Starshine looks at her sister, “So, when do you think...?”

The other Unicorn nods at the unspoken question, “Give it a day, maybe more. We have time, our excuse will cover for us. But I guarantee sister, something will come along.”

“I...I don’t wish any harm to anypony,” Starshine’s voice is quiet as they avoid talking near anypony, “But it is intriguing, getting to see something happen as it occurs.”

“It is, and we shall see it first hoof.”


A slight tinge of sulphur is analyzed by me as the air gets thick. The teleport dropping us in front of huge gates, deep in the Everfree, a place where Twilight warns me should never be spoken of.

I agree, locking the information away. I stand there staring at something that is curious, yet horrifying in some way. Behind these ornate doors are the worst of the worst, those whose punishment is decreed and done, locked in a prison forever.

“Are you ready?” Twilight’s voice is actually light, having been here before.

“I am.” Turning to her I lay a hoof on her shoulder, “Thank you for this. It is something I have wondered about some nights.”

“Whether it’s real?”


She points to the gates, “Well, there it is.” She pauses, “Are..you still angry?”

Keeping the hoof on her shoulder, I can do nothing but smile, “Twilight, I am not nor have I been angry. I was slightly disappointed that is all, it was nothing to fret over.”

“I...just don’t want there to ever be any hard feelings.” She gives me a lopsided smile.

“There won’t be, I can give you that. If there are, then we will talk about it.” I give her a slight tap on the shoulder, “I promise.” Turning to look at the gates, I can’t help but add, “Athena would give me no end of trouble were you to feel bad by anything I have done.”

She laughs, “Oh, I’m sure she would!” Her eyes turn merry, “She’s such a good friend....”

Her pause at the end of that statement makes me wonder if she suspects, but I will never broach that subject unless Athena thinks it appropriate.

“So, we ready?” Lavender hooves are lifted to lean against the door, a spell ready to be cast by the ignition of her horn.

“Yes, very much so.”

I watch her cast a complicated spell, the glow enveloping the gates and swinging them wide as I peer into a...waiting room?

She steps lightly in, her hooves muffled on the carpet as she looks around, “Wow, he really needs to redecorate.”

I am puzzled, this is not what I expected. A few couches, some very nice tables lit by the golden glow from lanterns. A small tray with..drinks? Set on the side, as if a reception area.

“Cerberus! Are you here? Here boy!” She gets out the large toy, rattling it around with her magic, “I know you’re here!”

A voice resounds in our minds, rumbling and deep, it holds a certain majesty.

---Only you, Princess Sparkle.--- The bass laughter is warm.

“I knew you were here somewhere, I brought a nice toy for you!” She’s grinning as the wall opens on the far side of the room, a tremendous presence stepping into the waiting area, making even myself step back to take it in fully.

Three heavy heads top a body of unimaginable power, the muscles rippling beneath the skin, magic crackling along the outside like static electricity. Each head with eyes that glow brighter than the lantern light, lit from inside by their own magic, their gaze takes in everything, leaving nothing untouched under their sight.

Fangs of polished enamel glimmer as the mouths droop open in a smile, seeing Twilight stepping up, offering the chew toy to the right side head which takes it gleefully, chomping on it while the other two look upon her in an almost friendly manner. You can see the fire inside them when the mouths open, smoke issuing from nostrils that flare, taking in each and every scent.

---Our thanks Princess---

“Oh it’s nothing, I know you guys get lonely down here!” She grins up at the heads of terrible hounds, those who watch everything.

---’Tis our task and honor to watch over those who would do harm.---

She waves a hoof as I stay silent, “Oh I know, but still it’s nice to say hi sometimes!”

---It is very much appreciated then Princess Sparkle---

She shakes an admonishing hoof to the huge canine, “I told you, call me Twilight okay?”

I am amused, watching her talk with this being of immeasurable power like he was just another pony. It is to her credit though, treating him warmly and with respect.

She turns to me, “I’m sorry Cerberus, this is Crusader, he wanted to meet you.” A hoof is pointed in my direction.

I bow, as is only right meeting such a being, “My honor to meet you Guardian.”

---Ours as well meeting you Crusader. Welcome to our demesne.---

“Thank you.” I pause a moment, “I apologize, but when described to me, you were..” I wave a hoof, “Not as you are now.”

---We are limited in the outer world, our power is far reduced. Here, we are fully invested with all our abilities.---

“I understand, truly, it is a pleasure to meet one as you.” In all my centuries of service and war, never have I met anything... anyone... like this.

---You seem astonished, surely one like you would realize that such as we exist as well?---

“One like me?”

---You are not a real pony, it is evident in how you move. You do not breathe, nor can our ears pick up a heartbeat. Everytime you make a motion, we hear strange sounds.---

I am stunned to say the least, he is hearing the sounds my interior servos and musculature make! “Maybe your name should be Argus then?” The big being chuckles along with myself, making me ponder even further how deep the mysteries go. For Argus was known as a mythological being in our time as well.

---We see and hear many things. One must, to do their job properly.---

Before I can answer, he continues.

---We know of the battles fought for the lives of innocents Crusader. We can do nothing but observe, but know that we respect those who save others. Real or not, you are welcome.---

“Thank you. I do not know what to say except it is my duty.”

---More than that I think.--- The two heads not chewing on the toy grin at Twilight and I. ---So what brings you both here to this place of imprisonment? Surely not just to meet an old guardian such as myself.---

Twilight speaks up, “Well...yes, to meet you really, nothing more. I thought it would be nice since he’s mentioned wanting to do so.” Pointing at me.

The leftmost head turns, looking at me with glowing eyes, ---Nothing more?--- The voice pauses, ---I find that...different actually. Usually it is to welcome a new prisoner or an escapee that I am summoned.--- Silence for a moment, ---And of course when one of us gets the mind to go traveling. It does cause a few...problems.--- The leftmost head peers at the other two, the middle one looking very innocent for some reason.

Twilight grins, “It happens. But no, we’re just here to talk if we could?”

The huge body settles on the plush carpet, finding a place that is comfortable as the waiting room shimmers, becoming larger, warmer, more...welcoming.

---That is a pleasant thought, it has been long since anyone has wished to talk with me for any period of time.--- The being looks at Twilight and myself, both of us getting comfortable on newly conjured cushions.

---What shall we talk about then?--- The third head chews mightily on the toy, but the other two actually have smiles on them.

Twilight’s ears perk up, seeing an elder being who wants to converse about what it knows and is willing to share. I doubt if I’ll get a word in edgewise, but it should be interesting.


“So you can get the invitations done for less than the printer?” The donkey was looking interested.

The gray mare nodded, “Well..sure, but don’t you want something nice for your wedding?”

The grumpy face looked thoughtful, a fight going on between cheap and expensive and she could see which thought won.

“No... I think these’ll be fine, how soon can you get them done?”

Derpy tapped a hoof on the invitation, the example given to her, “Uhm..maybe by the end of the day? Early morning most likely. I think I know somepony who can use a printing press.”

“I’ll leave that to you, just make sure they’re out by tomorrow.” He left without another word, Derpy and everypony were used to his gruff ways, not holding it against him.

She tapped her hooves together delightedly, “Another job, this is great!” Her face turned thoughtful, “Let’s see..oh darn, when did he say the date was? Tomorrow..had to be tomorrow right? Right!” She zoomed off, heading for a pony she knew could work a press, hoping he could do the job today.


It had been a few hours now, Athena was pacing the floor waiting for Twilight and Crusader to return.

“Wouldya stop that, you’re gonna wear a trail in the floor.” Applejack had been relaxing on a couch, keeping an eye on her while reading a book.

“I can’t help it, both of them together, that’s more trouble than I can think of.”

“They ain’t that..well..maybe. But ain’t nothin’ blown up yet, and nothin’s gone on a rampage through the town, so I think we’re good.” Her face broke into a smile, “Doncha worry none, they’re fine.”

“I know, I know. I still worry though.” She doesn’t stop pacing, flipping a hoof to tap at the floor as she walks around the big library table.

“Go on out and do somethin’, don’t be hangin’ ‘round waitin’ for Twi all the time.” She points a hoof out the door.

“Well..I want to be here when she gets back, I don’t want her to think I just wander off or anything.” The sable face looks nervous at that thought.

“Ah swear, think y’all were married or somethin’, Go on and git, find something ta do!” She points out the door with a shooing motion.

“But.. Wait... I don’t..”

“Go on and git!” She gets up off the couch, pushing me out the door, my hooves can’t get a purchase on the slick floor darnit!


She’s laughing! “Ah told ya, go on now, go find something to do. I’m sure there’s somepony out there needin’ savin’ or something!” The Earth pony keeps pushing me until my hooves hit dirt outside, “Get on with ya, I’ll let ya know when they’re back.”

The door gets slammed in my face as I stand there, mouth open and not able to say anything. How..how dare she! I’m..I.. I could knock this door right off it’s hinges! I could smack this castle around like it was a golf ball! I could... I...

Sigh.. I’m going to go find something to do.

Even that choice is quickly taken away when I’m smothered in the smell of vanilla and cinnamon, “Athena!” Legs wrap around me in a friendly hug.

“Uh..hi Pinkie.” Wow, you know she’s a lot stronger than she looks.

She grins at me, holding me at legs length, “Just the pony I wanted to see, I need your help! We got a party to plan!”

“Huh? We?”

“Yeah! WE!” She grabs me, tugging me along towards the Corner, “We’ve got lots to do and little time! Lots of new ponies in town and we gotta cover it all! Fondue! Fudge! Frosted coconut chocolate cuuup-caaaaakes....” She leans in, whispering that last to me in a sing song voice.

“Wait a second!” I push her back, “Are you...bribing me?”

Her whole body nods, the poofy mane and tail bobbing happily, “I sure am! Is it working?”

“Well...” Frosted coconut chocolate cupcakes..oh stars they were sooooo good...

I point a steady hoof, oh no, I will not be bribed by..by....! “A full dozen, no less!” Yeah, that went out the window.

Pinkie grins even wider if that’s possible, spitting on her hoof and holding it out towards me, “Deal!”

I can’t do that so I make the motion and slap it with mine, “Okay, where..” Next thing I know I’m in the kitchen, wobbling on my hooves as Pinkie is rushing around me, flinging pans and utensils everywhere.

She’s taught me everything she knows, so I call it to mind. It’s not exactly by rote, but I can try to keep up. Watching her for a moment, I can see this is already not going to be easy. A sly smile crosses my face as I gear up, joining her in the mayhem, a pink and sable whirlwind occupies the kitchen as we bake like nopony has baked before!


---Oh yes, Princess Celestia used to sneak in and swipe a few trifles out of the waiting room when she couldn’t get any at home.---

Twilight’s face looks on in surprise, shaking her head and laughing, “Really? When she was young?” The stories we are told have us amused to no extent, they are perfectly in tune with this world’s nature.

---She was very mischievous along with Princess Luna. They brought things to occupy me with, just to distract from their pilfering.---

I’m chuckling, listening to the tales of two Princesses who actually stole pastries from the Guardian of Tartarus. His way of telling stories makes one believe he is, and always has been here. It is truly amazing these last few hours.

---Once I figured it out, I made sure there were plenty to be had here awaiting them.---

“My pardon Cerberus, but why a waiting room?” I wave a hoof, encompassing the comfortable area.

---Some things are not meant for mortal eyes Crusader. Even the older Princesses do not travel very far inside my domain. That is wise.--- The glowing eyes see Twilight’s ears perk up, the left most leaning down to touch noses with her.

---Look not deeply, nor ask much Princess, it is better that way.--- A smile graces the canine face.

The Alicorn‘s face looks mischievous, “I told you to call me Twilight.”

---Perhaps some day, but for now Princess will do.---

A hoof slaps a huge paw, “Stubborn!”

The three canine heads look wounded, cradling the paw and whimpering, ---Well, that wasn’t nice.---

Twilight gets to her hooves, “Ohmygosh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to..to..” She sees the grins and the glowing eyes narrowed in merriment, “You.. Sun and stars Cerberus!” She stomps back to her cushion, setting down on it with a ‘Hmph!’ “Messing with me like that!”

Laughter booms through our minds as Twilight rolls her eyes, “See if I bring you anymore toys! Hmph!”

I have found the past few hours some of the most memorable in all my long years. But seeing a being of power like this playing a simple joke, is definitely something different.

---They did say you were easily flustered, my apologies Princess.---

“Well Twilight, they certainly do know you well.” I can’t help but add my own observation.

“You shush, don’t you start as well!” A hoof is pointed at me.

“Yes Twilight.”

Laughter sounds again, ---One learns not to argue.---

“Oh yes Cerberus, that I have learned.”

“Hey! Don’t be ganging up on me!” Twilight stamps a hoof.

---Never Princess.---

“Never Princess.”

That gets a long narrow-eyed look from her as Cerberus shrugs at me.

All three heads lift up, looking at the ceiling for a moment before turning back to us.

---My apologies, I have taken too much time away and must return.--- The huge body gets to it’s paws, bowing to Twilight, ---Some of our...residents..get restless. Please feel free to visit if you wish, it has been a pleasant few hours.---

As he turns to go I whisper “Retreating while ahead, good move.” Getting a grin from the nearest canine head and a wink.

Twilight is beside me, snickering under her breath as she nudges me with a wing, “We’d better get back, it has been a while.”

We both watch the large guardian make his exit quietly, moving uncannily silent for such a large form.

As we walk out the now closing gates, hearing them shut behind us with a low thrumming sound, I turn to Twilight.

“Thank you. In all my years that was something I never thought I’d experience.”

Her faces lights like a beacon, “You’re so welcome!” She stops on the path, looking around at the beautiful day left, “Time to get back I suppose.”

I gesture down the path leading into the forest, a bit dark, but not as threatening since our final confrontation, “I am sure no one would mind should we walk back for a while, teleporting must be tiring after all.”

Her eyes look outward, then slide to rest on me as I stand there, “I see where Athena gets her ability of saying just the right thing.”

I shake my head as we start off down the path, “It is not just me, she learns from watching you Twilight.” Her eyes widen slightly at my words, “Oh yes. Don’t put yourself down, you have taught her many things.”

“I try, but sometimes..” She grins, giving a shrug, “It doesn’t quite work out. Athena always forgives me though.”

“We all make mistakes.” I look over to her, seeing the thoughtful look on her face, “I think you never have to worry about her or losing her friendship, ever.”

She stops for a moment, peering at me before her eyes take a look around, “Crusader, why...why is she my friend?” Shaking her head, she holds up a hoof, “No, that’s not what I meant.”

I wait politely for her to gather her thoughts.

“Why does she do so much for me?”

Her question is honest, but there is more I suspect, so I don’t answer immediately.

She sets down on a patch of grass, motioning for me to join her, “Why does she do so much for me? Please don’t think I’m ungrateful, but she’s always helping me, always there for me.”

I sit next to her, “If it’s annoying Twilight tell her, I’m sure she will understand, she just likes seeing you happy.” I take a different tack, leading her away from that line of questioning.

“No, she’s never annoying.” She taps a hoof on the ground, a warm smile gracing her face, “I just don’t know how to say thank you enough. A lot of times she won’t let me!”

I decide to take a delicate approach to this, it is uncomfortably close to how Athena feels, “You don’t have to, she knows you appreciate things.”

This doesn’t sit well with her, I can see it in the way she holds herself, “It just feels..well it feels like I’m taking advantage when I let her do things.” She eyes me, “I don’t want you to think that I’m using her.”

Smiling, I nod, “I understand your concern, with ordinary ponies one would start to wonder. Athena will give as much as she is comfortable with, you are her friend, it is just that simple.”

She was about to say something, then stopped, nodding and perhaps finally accepting what I said. Though with her I am careful, she is sharp and inquisitive, I have learned not to underestimate her at times.

Twilight finally looks at me while we get back up to start walking, “I’m just glad she’s my friend.”

“I am as well Twilight.”

-----Hours Previously in Ponyville-----

“Hiya Featherweight!” Derpy always had a smile on her face, a kind word for everypony.

“Hi Derpy! What’s going on?” He was pouring some ink into his hoof run printing machine, readying it for any jobs that might come up. He wasn’t very skilled, but persistence paid off.

“Well..” The gray mare rubbed one leg along another, “I got kinda a rush job, and was wondering if you could help?

“Oh sure! Anything you need!” Her muffins were always shared by the class at school, Dinky always brought enough for all the schoolponies.

“Great!” She showed him the invitation, answering questions on font and print style, but when they got to the date..

“Are you sure? Tomorrow?”

“Yeahhh..he said tomorrow..” She was *pretty* sure he’d said that, right? She got confused some times, but she was sure, yep!

“I better get on it then! So you can deliver them early!” Featherweight’s face lit up, seeing a return smile from the pretty Pegasus.

Derpy put down half the bits she’d received for the work, the little Pegasus gasped, he’d never earned that much money at one time, “I..I can’t take that.”

“Oh yes you can!” She pointed to the bag, “Half the bits, that’ll make up for the rush.” Moving the hoof so it pointed at Featherweight, “You go have some fun with it too, got it? No spending everything on the other schoolponies, got it?”

Featherweight was a good colt, he earned bits by doing printing jobs using the money to help his friends, or buy nice things for others, never leaving even one bit for himself. Derpy wasn’t having any of it this time, it was a big job she’d asked him to do.

Rubbing a hoof along his tousled mane he smiled, “I..I guess I could.”

The mailmare stamped a hoof, “Nuh-uh, you promise.”

“But Derpy!”

She gave him a glare, “Feather..”

“All right, I’ll save something for myself.” He looked up, seeing her still eyeing him, “I promise.”

The smile returned to her face, “Good, see you in the morning!” He waved as she took off into the sun, leaving him figuring out how to get all this done. It was going to be a late night.


Mr. Cake peeked into the kitchen, the noises had stopped and it’d been quiet for a few minutes. Whenever Pinkie worked he was always afraid of stepping into the middle of her whizzing around the room. He was still paying for the extensions until Mrs. Cake’s mane grew back out, Pinkie had apologized profusely for the accident.

As he slid the door open, he looked in to see a veritable wonderland of baked goods, confections and other things piled high inside. His eyes almost bugged out as he peered around, pans everywhere, mixing bowls stacked high, everything except....


A flour covered face slowly rose behind one counter, blinking for a moment, “Hiya Mr. Cake!”

“Are..are you okay back here?”

A hoof, also flour covered, waved in the air, “Oh yeah! Athena and I were just getting everything ready for the party tonight! We were just taking a quick break!”

He didn’t see hide nor hair of the other pony, lifting his head up and glancing around once more, “Is she okay?”

Wiping batter out of her eyes, a sable face peeked over the counter as well, “I’m good Mr. Cake... sorry ‘bout the mess!”

“That’s...uh.. that’s fine, just checking to make sure you’re all right.” He pointed out the door, “We need some more blueberry tarts in the display if that’s okay?”

A salute caused a cloud of white powder to poof out from her mane as Pinkie laughed, “Already on it!” She lifted a few trays from behind the counter, her body entirely covered in flour and spices, a bit of batter here and there, rushed past him, placing the aforementioned pastries on the shelf and returning.

“All done!”

“Thanks Pinkie, you’re a gem!” He smiled at her before disappearing to the front once more.

The flour-covered mare squee’d in delight, bouncing on her hooves, her blue eyes turning towards Athena with a huge grin, “It always makes me warm inside hearing that, I like making folks happy.”

“I can see that.” Athena smiles back, trying to wipe some flour off one wing.

A hug and cloud of flour surrounding them both made Athena laugh out loud, “Don’t worry, we’ll get cleaned up in a bit, we’ve still got some frosting to do!”

The Pegasus hugged the happy mare back, “Pinkie, I look like I rolled in the flour mill.” She looked shyly at her friend, “Uhm..can I have the frosting left over?”

Pinkie giggled brightly, “Of course silly filly! That’s part of the fun, getting to lick the bowls afterwards!”

“I get the cherry one!”

Pinkie gasps, “Oh no! I called that an hour ago!”

Athena stamped a hoof, picking it up and looking at the dough stuck to the bottom, “You did not!”

“Did too!” Never get between Pinkie and frosting.

“Nuh-uh!” Athena points the dough covered hoof, “I remember an hour ago and you were telling me about how to make cupcakes better!”

“That’s because you were using...ohhhhhh right!” She giggles, “Okay, you win.”

The Pegasus grins and taps her friend on the shoulder, “We’ll share it?”

A squeal and another flour covered hug, “Deal!”

Mrs. Cake smiled from where she was listening near the door, hearing the conversation and grinning. She and her husband loved that pink pony to death, and seeing her with a friend in the kitchen instead of just doing things herself was fine indeed.


“Hello? Anypony home?” Twilight was hanging her saddlebags up by the door, Crusader was waiting for her as they entered the castle. The walk back was wonderful, both of them learning more about each other. But it seems Applejack and Athena had other things to attend to by the silence that greeted them. She was good with that, everypony got busy some days. Spike was probably reading comics, taking a day to himself, and that was just fine with her.

Crusader gained a newfound respect for the Alicorn Princess, seeing in her a wit and a mind that was comparable to some of the best the Concordiat had to offer. He now understood what Athena saw, he approved of her choice. Of course that did not mean she was perfect, as her almost stepping in a patch of Poison Joke while expounding on something proved.

Twilight, on the other hoof, had learned more about the stolid Bolo. He had a dry sense of humor that made her think very hard about what he said sometimes. There was an odd way he asked questions that made her dig deep for what he wanted, searching for the answers. It had been exhilarating to be challenged like that, she had been talking most of the way home, knowing he was listening intently to each word.

In many ways he was exactly like Athena, who listened and learned, providing answers when needed. Her personality was so different though, cheerful as always, still a bit shy sometimes, but always there. The quick Pegasus helped her with anything and everything, going so far as to find things to do for her.

It made Twilight ponder.


“Goodness! How did you even do that?” Starshine was looking at three young fillies covered in axle grease, all of them smiling brightly as she carried the dirty forms within her magic aura, heading for the nearest open water source.

“We was just tryin’ to get our Cutie Marks ma’am, that’s all, we really didn’t mean to bump inta ya like that!” Apple Bloom was cheerful, but she looked past to see Starshine’s sister covered with a goodly amount of the stuff herself, the blue Unicorn shaking her head with a grin.

Diamond raised one eyebrow, “And what Cutie Mark were you going for exactly?”

Sweetie Belle raised a little hoof, “Sliding! We figured if you make a big enough slide, and put loop de loops in it and other things, you could go really fast when it was coated with axle grease!” Her smile shone through the covering of dark liquid.

Starshine rolled her eyes, “Did you have to make it along the rooftops?”

“Well.. yeah!” Scootaloo was expounding, throwing her hooves every which way, “We had to make sure there were plenty of bumps and dips and over and unders!”

The pretty little Unicorn filly twisted her hooves in front of her, “We’re really sorry you were standing in the landing spot Miss Luster, really we are.”

The Unicorn laughed brightly, “I had wondered why a mattress was in the middle of the street, perhaps that will teach me not to be so inquisitive?” She winked at the three Crusaders, making them giggle.

Starshine grinned, “We’ll get you all cleaned up, that way...”

“Sweetie Belle!” A familiar voice was sounding quite aghast.

Apple Bloom sighed, “Oh no, here comes your sis.” She laid a comforting hoof on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder, seeing her try to smile at Rarity who was looking as if she’d almost faint at the sight of them.

“Oh my stars, what have you...” Her eyes catch sight of Diamond standing there covered in the same grease, “What did you do to that poor mare Sweetie?”

Sweetie tried to look anywhere but at her big sister, “Sorry Rarity, she was standing in the landing spot when we finished sliding down, and she kinda got covered in axle grease too.. We apologized, we really did!” The sorrowful look on the little Unicorn’s face almost made Starshine’s heart break, shaking herself out of it as she realized what kind of power that innocent looking filly had.

“Landing...spot.. Axle grease!? What in Celestia’s name.. Sweetie! How many times have I told you to be careful about Crusading in town!” Now Rarity is in a snit, looking at Diamond, “I am truly sorry Miss...?”

“Diamond Luster, and it is fine, it was but an accident.” Her smile showed she wasn’t in any way angry.

Scootaloo had been busy rolling her eyes, remembering something, suddenly yelling, “One hundred and eighty-two!” She grinned, looking quite proud, Apple Bloom giving her a hoofslap.

All eyes turned to her as the smile drained away from her face, mumbling, “That’s..uh..how many times you told Sweetie...”

The Unicorn that had them safely in her magic aura chuckled, “We were just taking them to get cleaned up, no harm done Miss...?” Playing the newcomer to the hilt, she gestured politely.

A gleaming hoof landed on a pristine chest, “Rarity please. Let me make this up to you, I am so sorry my sister and her friends had this little...’accident’..”

“Oh there’s no need, it’s just some simple...” Diamond is stopped in her words.

“Simple? Oh my stars no! We must get that..that stuff off of you!” She grabs the blue Unicorn’s hoof, the clean one, tugging her towards the spa in the distance, “They can get that awful ..where did they get that much grease anyways..? Off of you in no time, my treat!” Her face is determined, so ‘Starshine’ and ‘Diamond’ nod acceptance, looking at each other with sly smiles.

“Of course Miss Rarity, we’d love to accompany you.”

The three fillies hovering in the grip of magic throw their hooves in the air, “Spa trip!”


“Oh my ..oh.. this feels so very good.” A masseuse worked along ‘Starshine’s back carefully, relaxing each and every muscle before they were due for a dip in the hot tub, they could see the steam coming off it in the other room and it looked so inviting. The three crusading fillies were splashing and having a wonderful time in it right now after having the axle grease removed.

‘Diamond’ was grinning as she lay on her own table, after getting a quick clean by Aloe, one of the owners; the two Spa Ponies as they were called, were very skilled at cleaning up ponies and messes in the little town, having become somewhat of experts at it.

“Oh it does sister, it does.” She was stretched out on a table as well, another set of hooves working over the towel along her back, “I haven’t felt this good in..years..”

Rarity was glad they were enjoying themselves, “Oh, but you should have been here a while ago.” Her voice was low, leaning forward on her own massage table to make sure only the two mares could hear her, “A little mix-up happened while Princess Twilight was getting a massage here, a very nice stallion by the name of Crusader took over, and when he was done,” She peered around with a tiny grin, “We couldn’t get the smile off her face for a day!”

“That truly must have been a good massage,” Diamond replied, moving her neck carefully, enjoying the relaxed feel of the muscles.

“Oh, it was more than that," Rarity’s penchant for gossip couldn’t resist two new faces in town, “Aloe and Lotus said they could..” Her voice dropped low, “Hear the squealing of delight out in the main room!”

Diamond gasped, her hoof pressing Rarity’s, “No!”

The white Unicorn nodded, “Oh yes, the line for massages after that was around the courtyard for hours!” She raised her eyebrows at her own statement.

Starshine looked amazed, “Such scandalous behavior, here in this wonderful town?” She saw the look her sister gave her, the glint of humor in Diamond’s eyes.

Rarity flips her hoof, “My yes! We’ve tried to get him to take a job here but he just absolutely refuses, such a tragedy!” She giggled at the two mares shocked looks.

Diamond pushed for more information, “Did Princess Twilight ever tell...?”

“Oh dear me no, we still can’t get a word out of her!” She snorted, looking put out, “And we’re her friends too, but not a peep!”

“Well,” Starshine replied, “I’m sure she didn’t want any word getting out of what might have happened, gossip can be so mean-spirited sometimes.”

Rarity nodded, “Tell me about it, spreading rumors, hmph! Gossip mongers are the worst!” She winked at the two Unicorns, “But of course when it’s the truth, it makes it all that much more delicious!” She grinned happily.

The three mares laughed gaily at the thrust and counter, knowing well what was being said, but enjoying the spicy conversation far too much.


“So are we all done?” Athena looks around, the kitchen finally clean as the sun is getting ready to start sinking below the horizon, the evening was when Pinkie wanted the party to be thrown. They’d spent the last hour putting out decorations in the plaza in front of Sugar Cube Corner, making everything nice.

Shaking herself, she was still trying to get all the flour off her coat as Pinkie laughed.

“We’re all set!” C’mon silly, let’s go get cleaned up!” She grabbed the Pegasus and zipped off to the spa, the best way to get clean fast! More fun than the hose and water at least.

They found it already occupied with Rarity talking to two new folks Athena didn’t recognize. She looked at them for a moment before Pinkie grabbed her again, heading into a warm shower fall and getting the worst of the mess off.

“Oh this is great! There’s two of the new ponies I was telling you about!” She pointed out the door to the Unicorns sitting in the hot tub with Rarity and the three Crusaders, trying to keep them from splashing water all over. “They’re sisters too!”

Athena shook herself out, feeling cleaner than she had been for a few hours, “Nice, hopefully they like the party.” Her violet eyes were merry, “You made enough stuff to feed the town.”

“That’s what it’s all about! Making sure everypony has enough!” Pinkie grinned.

Athena didn’t have time to reply when she was pulled into the main area, seeing Rarity and having just enough time to wave slightly before finding herself helped into another hot tub. The warm water making her feel comfortable, but having no muscles to relax, it was just that, something comfortable.

“Pinkie, you know this doesn’t do anything right? For me?”

“Oh I know silly filly, but you have to play the part!” Her blue eyes glinted with delight in the soft light of the Spa.

The Pegasus just stared at her for a moment before replying, “You are very odd sometimes Pinkie.”

She squee’d in happiness, “I know right?”

A laugh came from Rarity in the next tub over, “Haven’t you learned that by now darling?”

Athena blushed, sinking further into the steaming water, “I know, I know.”

Pinkie was leaning over the edge, peering at the other group, “So..what’s goin’ on here?” She pointed at the three fillies.

“Oh goodness, they got themselves covered in such a mess,” She gestured to the blue Unicorn, “Poor Diamond here got caught up in their latest Cutie Mark scheme, so the least I could do was make sure she got cleaned up properly!”

Athena watched the named Unicorn laugh brightly, “Oh ‘twas nothing more than a foalish accident, we all make them!” She musses Scootaloo’s mane, “Such exuberance and energy, would that we all had that!”

The voice matched nothing for Athena, but the pattern of speech and the phrasing did. Her eyes narrowed a moment, taking a good look at the Unicorn who was sharing the tale with Pinkie, knowing only one person in her database that used that style of conversation so easily.


But..no, why would.. She stared at the laughing pony and her sister, both of them sharing a moment of joy with three fillies who were delighted to make new friends as well as getting a trip to the spa, no matter the reason why.

She watched the group talk, her eyes going from the bright blue Unicorn, to the red one, as Pinkie excitedly tells them of the party awaiting them.

She is about to give her theory a rest when golden yellow eyes turn on her, a small smile gracing the lovely red face of the Unicorn before she turned away and rejoining the conversation. Remembering their disguises when she had served as regent, she wondered if it was them, why would they be in town?

What.. Shaking her head, she just smiled and decided not to even inquire. Why or what they were doing here was none of her business. Not that it was certain, but she had a sneaking suspicion.

“Oh my goodness!” Pinkie was exclaiming, grabbing Athena and pushing her forward, “This is Athena, she was helping me bake everything today! Athena, this is Diamond Luster and Starshine! They might be moving here!”

“Pleasure to meet you both.”

“And you as..” A red hoof tapped chin in thought, “Weren’t you the one in the recent Princess Today photo spread?” The golden eyes were mischievous as they looked at her, “I recognize that Cutie Mark actually.”

Athena’s face turned a cherry red, stammering a reply that didn’t quite make it out of her mouth. Oh I hope you know I’m gonna get you Celestia, ‘cause I’m pretty sure that’s who you are if the blue Unicorn is Luna..argh!

“Oh dear!” Rarity laughed, “Well, that was.. Definitely something else to see wasn’t it Athena?”

“She looked great!” Pinkie threw her hooves upwards, “You shoulda seen how many ponies still ask for her autograph!”

“Pinkie, we don’t need to..” Athena is stopped by a bone crushing hug.

“Don’t be silly! It was an awesome fun time!” Pinkie is still grinning.

The Pegasus smiles in return, “Yeah, it was fun.”

Pinkie squees, pulling Athena out of the tub and hoofing her a towel, “Sorry! But we have to go, just needed to get clean and fresh!” She points at the two Unicorns, “And don’t forget, you got a party in a couple hours!”

The red and blue Unicorns nodded, as they saw Pinkie towel Athena dry before zooming off once more.

“She is...quite the mare isn’t she?” Starshine ventured.

“Oh yes, our Pinkie is a delight and true purveyor of happiness wherever she goes!” Rarity smiled, watching the receding figures out the front door.


“Oh ah shoved her on out the door, tellin’ her to find somethin’ to do, figured I’d wait for y’all here.” Applejack finished explaining to Twilight and Crusader as they fixed something to eat, seeing if perhaps Athena would show back up.

Crusader did not bother her the last few days since the Anceti fight, letting her alone, TSDS not used as much.

He was currently watching Pegasi dismantling some odd construction which had spanned quite a few roofs in the town. It looked like an odd slide, appearing to be covered in some lubricant.

Smiling he shook his head, figuring the Crusaders were out looking for another way to get their Cutie Marks.

“So where’s..” Twilight’s interrupted by the slamming open of the front door.

“HEY! We got us a party to go to here! Where is everypony?” Pinkie’s voice echoed through the castle.

Twilight’s ears perked, “Party?” Seeing Pinkie coming in hauling Athena with her.

“Yeah! A party! We got new ponies, Athena and I just baked our tails off getting ready!” She pointed a solid hoof at everyone in sight, “And you ponies better be there!”

“And covered in everything used to bake too...argh..” Athena is giving Applejack a flat look, “I found something to do.”

The farm mare laughs, “Kinda figured when you didn’t bust down the doors.”

“Where’s Rainbow and the others?” Twilight is peering around, having seen none of her friends today. Spike was coming down the hall, hearing Pinkie yell something about a party, ready to go.

“Fluttershy’s coming, we notified her earlier, Rarity is at the spa finishing up,” Pinkie tapped a hoof against her chin, lips pursed, “Not sure about Rainbow.” She looked around the castle for a moment, raising her voice so it filtered everywhere, “We got cider too!”

A cyan head peeked into a window, “Cider?” A puzzled look crossing Rainbow’s face as the assembled ponies laughed, “What? What’s going on?”

Pinkie was already heading out the door, dragging everyone else along, “C’mon Rainbow, party!”

The Pegasus caught up quickly, asking if there really was going to be cider, assured of it as the group headed out towards Sugar Cube Corner and the gathering ponies.


Cerberus was vexed, a rare condition, but this was something that did not do well for his mood right now. A minion had reported an escape, a few dangerous prisoners that had been sentenced to stay forever. Now they were loose, and heading for a compatriot who had fled earlier. This was so tedious. The rest of the prisoners had been raising a ruckus to distract those who kept them imprisoned.

Raising a huge paw he directed the tall beings who stood in perpetual shadow, those who served him in keeping evil penned up or other things they deserved.

---Go. Suppress this with all force available. Show those causing problems we are not to be trifled with.---

The misshapen beings bowed, hurrying off to gather more of their kind and put down this unrest, teaching those sentenced here that to disobey would not do well for them.

Using his own magic, Cerberus sent a missive to Princess Celestia and Luna, letting them know dire danger was loose and that they should prepare with all due haste.

Before he left, a thought occurred to him, another message was sent this time to Princess Sparkle.

She should definitely be notified, he thought to himself.

With that he turned away from his writing platform, his body sparking with power as he stepped deeper into his domain, to show certain upstarts the Guardian of Tartarus was not to be made angry.


A scroll of fine paper landed on a table in Celestia’s study, unnoticed as no one was nearby to see it appear.

Similar to the first, another letter landed at Twilight’s reading desk, no notice taken as even Spike was out at the party with everypony. It lay there like a slowly ticking bomb, waiting to be seen.


Featherweight finally got the last invitation done, ready for delivery in the early morning post, the wedding scheduled for the afternoon, so ponies didn’t have a whole lot of time to get ready. Kinda odd he thought, but then he wasn’t really in on all the things adults did.

He stacked them off to the side, trying to clean off some ink that had gotten on his coat, and headed out to the party. Sounded like a really fun time was being had, and he deserved just a little time off. Making sure one last time they were ready, he scarpered off to where ponies were gathering.


Derpy hummed to herself in the early pre-dawn hours, delivering the pretty envelopes containing invitations to the wedding today. She hoped everypony had time to get ready, but she was sure there’d be no problem.

Dropping off the last of the invitations to Matilda and Cranky’s house, she rushed back into town, wanting to get prepared for the celebration this afternoon; the reception was sure to be something special as Pinkie was said to be arranging the whole thing.

Seeing the post office already open, she flew in and landed quickly. It was her day to run the counter and she wanted to be as rested as she could for the wedding.


“Ah’m tellin’ ya it’ll be fine.” Apple Bloom was reassuring her friends, “Even if’n we do get caught, he’ll just tell us not to do it again. He’s nice about everythin’ ya know.” They peered around the open bay door, looking at the machinery inside it, drones coming in for refueling. Damage was being repaired all over the hull after the fight with the Anceti.

The little filly looked at her friends, “Y’all left the bracelets behind right? I think they kin find us with those and we want this to be a real mission!”

Scootaloo and Sweetie nodded, having left the commlinks at the clubhouse before setting out on their latest adventure.

The little Unicorn was looking nervous still, “I don’t know about this, I mean we could get hurt in there.” She pointed into the bay where things were awfully noisy.

“Ain’t he the one that taught us how to do this anyways? I mean a real mission and stuff, we could get out Cutie Marks if we do it right!” Apple Bloom was looking excited along with Scootaloo. “We’ll be extra careful! Maybe if we can help get him all fixed up, we can earn a...a.. what’d he call ‘em?”

Sweetie grinned, “Tek--ni--shuns!” She thought about it for a second, nodding to herself and feeling good about pronouncing such a large word right.

The Pegasus nodded, “Yeah! And think about what kinda cool Mark it would be!” Sweetie Belle eyes went wide at that, thinking of the looks on all the school ponies’ faces at seeing something nopony ever had on their flanks!

Three sets of hooves met in a slap above their heads, “Cutie Mark Crusader Tek-ni-shuns!” The three of them snuck into the open bay, avoiding the cameras and sensors that months ago they’d been taught to look for when Crusader had shown them how to get inside his hull. Not knowing quite a few of them were already out because of battle damage.

Though he didn’t figure on them doing it one more time, they headed for the command area through access-ways..


The two ‘Unicorn sisters’ were already walking the town in the early morning light, after having teleported back to Canterlot, checking in and making sure the ponies knew they were still doing ‘magical research’, their restlessness got to them so they set out for a walk.

“Do you feel that Ce..Starshine?” Diamond shook her head, kicking herself for almost slipping.

The red mare nodded, looking around, “Something is coming, I know not what, but there is a heaviness to the air.”

They both stood in front of an unoccupied sellers stand, eyes peering into the sky, seeing nothing but scudding clouds, a few loose puffy ones from the Everfree. Seeing nothing they shrugged, moving off again on their morning walk. Diamond smiling at the other Unicorn, “ ‘Twas nice to receive an invitation for the wedding, we must pick up something good for a present.”

Starshine stopped, brow furrowing as she turned to her sister, “Didn’t we already have something?” Her voice was a whisper, having known about the upcoming wedding for a while, they’d planned ahead. But the invitations they’d now received said the wedding was for today, in the afternoon, not much time.

Diamond facehooved, “We did, we forgot to bring it!”

Starshine sighed, “Ah well. We can’t go to it empty-hooved can we?” A split second look of anguish crossed her placid face.

Diamond shook her head, “Oh no! I’m sure we can find something very nice here perhaps?” She pointed to a row of shops, from jewelers to clock makers, surely there would be something.

Smiles graced both faces as they trotted off towards the now opening shops, looking for the perfect gift.


“Bon Bon!” The voice was loud in the quiet shop as Lyra came skidding around the corner from the back room, “Bon BOOOOOON!” She failed to catch herself in time and slid across the floor, ending up being stopped by a beige hoof before she could crash into the display case.

Lyra’s eyes slowly opened as she felt herself being pressed against by something, seeing Bon Bon’s hoof in the middle of her chest and a smile on her face.

“Obviously excitement overrides caution Lyra.” Her voice held a note of laughter as she saw the mint green Unicorn relax, thankful she hadn’t caused a disaster.

A piece of paper rose in Lyra’s magical aura, waving in front of Bon Bon’s face, “We got an invite to the wedding, they want us to do the decorations!” Her voice was filled with glee.

The beige Earth pony looked confused, “Doesn’t Pinkie usually cover that stuff when she plans things?”

“She does!” Lyra’s face lit up, “But she’s so busy with all the other planning they asked us!” The Unicorn bounced in place, “Isn’t that great!” The grin covering her face was bright.

“Wow..okay. I just finished the chocolates for the reception, and for the wedding itself, so I’m sure we’ve got time. It’s tomorrow right? If I remember it...”

Lyra made the paper hover closer, squinting her eyes for a moment before gasping, those same narrowed eyes going wide as she almost screamed, “It’s TODAY!”

“WHAT?” Bon Bon leaned over, staring at the small print, both of them gasping again in surprise, “But I thought it was tomorrow!”

Lyra looked at the clock on the wall and started getting nervous, “It says today, late afternoon!”

Bon Bon thought quickly, she still had to wrap her gift, wrap Lyra’s, they had to box all the special candies she’d made, and then make sure all the boxes of stuff were ready to go in the town hall for them to decorate.

She stared at the paper, her chest heaving faster as she looked at her Unicorn friend, both of them thinking and saying the same thing.



“Lily! Rose!” Daisy peered into the hothouse behind their little home, “You in here?”

Voices replied, Daisy seeing the two mentioned ponies peek up over a line of plants they were watering.

“What’s up Daisy?”

“We received our invitation to the wedding!” She grinned as the other mares crowded around, looking at the well-made folded paper invite.

Lily smiled, “I can’t wait! We’ve got the flowers on order, and they’ll be the best yet, coming straight from the growers in Canterlot!”

Rose was moving a few pots into place, “I’ve got all the plant stands and holders ready, so they’ll be no waiting to get them in place tomorrow. Shouldn’t be any..” She stopped, noticing the growing look of horror on Daisy’s face as she peered at the invitation.

“What’s wrong Daisy?”

She pointed a shaking hoof at the paper, “It says the wedding is TODAY!”

“WHAT!?” The other mares crowded in, confirming the time for themselves.

Lily swooned, raising a hoof to her forehead, “Oh the hor..” She was stopped by another one covering her muzzle.

Rose looked determined, “No! We can’t do this, not now, Cranky and Matilda are depending on us! We can only do one thing.” She looked at the other two mares determinedly.

Lily ventured, “What’s that?”



“Octy!” A white coated Unicorn yelled as she stepped into the house.

A cultured voice comes from inside the warm domicile, “By Celestia’s name Vinyl, you call me that one more time and your turn-tables will end up in a museum somewhere because you will have disappeared.” The purple eyes glared at the Unicorn over a stack of sheet music, promising dire things that would most definitely hurt if Vinyl said it again.

A wary smile crossed Vinyl’s face as she stopped, holding a piece of paper in her magical aura, “Uh..sorry Octavia.”

The glare continued for a moment before the eyes relaxed, “What have you got there?”

“Our invitation for the wedding, the one you’re doing the music for?” She waggled it in the air, “Makes it official now and everything.”

“Well, there is that.” The gray mare sighed, leaning an elbow on the sheets of music, “I’ve been going over everything, and I simply cannot find the perfect music for this.” She waved a cellists bow in the air like a maestro, “It’s Cranky and Matilda’s wedding, it should be..special, magnificent!” Another sigh, “Instead I have simple and plain.”

Vinyl could see the look of frustration on her friends face, she didn’t like it, “Octavia, you always come up with something. Didn’t Crusader give you more music?”

“He did!” Her voice lifted in cheer for a moment, “But..but it just doesn’t have that..that thing.. that makes it special, just for them!” She looked at the spread sheets in front of her, “It’s all been done, and done again, I just need one thing to make it right.”

Vinyl grinned, moving near her and eyeing the sheets as well, “You’ll find it, you always do.”

“Oh, I do hope so, it would mean the world to Matilda..” Octavia stopped, leaning in to examine the piece of paper still held in Vinyl’s magic grip, “Vinyl, did we get this yesterday and you just didn’t notice?”

The Unicorn shook her head, “No, it just came today, I saw Derpy dropping it off.”

“That’s odd, because they said the wedding was tomorrow, but here,” She pointed a polished hoof, “It says the wedding is..” She gasped, making Vinyl look at it closely as well, matching her sound.

“It’s today!”

“Wait, that’s not right!”

A delicate hoof covered Octavia’s muzzle for a moment as they both stood up, papers flying everywhere as their voices joined, before they both launched into a whirlwind of activity.



Early morning, a good time to get some things done thought Twilight as she stretched her wings, getting the kinks out of a good night’s rest.

She could smell breakfast cooking down the hallway and trotted happily towards it, letting her nose take charge with the smell of toast and eggs in her nostrils.

Twilight happily walked, almost running past her study, the scroll still sitting there waiting for her response. Her eyes never caught it, dedicated to heading in one direction as she settled at the table, Spike giving her a huge helping of freshly made eggs, and a pile of buttered toast.

“There ya go Twilight, figured you might be hungry after the party last night.” The little dragon chuckled, “Never saw you drink that much cider before.”

Already chewing a mouthful of food, Twilight swallowed, “Yeah it was odd, ever since going on that adventure I’ve had a bit of a taste for drinks, not sure why.” A hoof tapped her chin, “I’ll have to ask Athena about that.”

Spike nodded, his own plate piled high with a few things, and a side of gems, seeing Twilight give him a raised eyebrow, “Hey, haven’t snacked all week, I can afford a couple right now.”

As he sat down Spike snapped his claws, getting back up and rushing out, coming back with a letter gripped tight, “Derpy dropped this off way early, figured you might want it.” He returned to his meal with gusto.

Twilight kept forking food into her mouth, unwrapping the envelope and reading it quietly to herself. A pause before her eyes almost bugged out, spitting food over the counter, “Ohmygosh!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Cranky and Matilda’s wedding! It’s today!”

Spike’s face screwed up in a look of confusion, “But it’s tomorrow...isn’t it?”

Twilight shook her head, wiping her muzzle with a napkin as she read it again, and once more, “No, it says today!”

The Alicorn shoveled food into her mouth, chewing furiously and finishing her plate, watching Spike do the same. So much to do, clothes, wedding presents still to be wrapped, making sure she had everything ready because the Princesses were due there as well!

“All right Spike, emergency mode!” They both ran out of the kitchen, leaving the dishes in the sink for once as they hustled to their respective bedrooms.

The dragons topped, looking puzzled for a moment, “Emergency mode?”

Twilight’s face showed an intense nervousness as she skidded around the corner to her room, seeing Spike do the same, grabbing the doorframe and slinging himself inside.

“Yep! When all else fails, panic!”


“Athena? Is something happening in town we’re not aware of?”

“I don’t know, I’m currently checking fabrication vats One and Two. Nothing on scanners.”

Crusader stood on the hill above his hull, watching as more ponies started running hither and yon, talking excitedly, pointing this way and that before taking off into shops and stores.

“Strange, I don’t know of anything that could cause this.” He shared the scene from his sensor posts to her as she walked along the vats. “Perimeter sweeps are clear, nothing out of the ordinary moving except almost everypony in town it looks like. Odd that.”

“Wow, something’s got them riled.” Athena paused, “How’s repairs?”

“Internal security grid is still down, multiple junctions got hit, it’s going to be a while.” He sighed, “It’s a mess really, Anceti nano does destroy quite well.”

“I’ll keep sweeping then, keep in TSDS..sure wonder what’s got them..oops, Applejack calling.” She switches the call over to me.


“Yes, Applejack?”

“Sugar you better high tail it over here, from the invitation I just got, Matilda and Cranky’s wedding is today!” Her voice sounds stressed.

“That’s not what we were told, I thought it was tomorrow, we’ve had everything prepared for then.”

“Ah dunno, but you and Athena better git on over and get movin’! We got the caterin’ to set up, makin’ sure the food’s all fresh for the reception, poor Mac’s losin’ his mind here and we can’t find Apple Bloom, she may be off Crusadin’.”

“Understood, on my way.” I hear the link cut out abruptly. It must be busy, she is never like that over comms.


“I heard, I gotta..”

“Go, she’ll be stressing out if she received the invite too.”

Athena leaves the link as I check scans for IFF signatures, looking for Apple Bloom and the others. In the clubhouse it seems, at least they’ll be out of the way while everything is going on. I’ll tell Applejack and we’ll collect them later.

I see Athena tearing out of her bays at top speed, heading for the Castle as I do the same to the farm to see about helping Applejack. It appears as if it’s going to be a busy morning.


“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Sweetie Belle’s voice was getting slightly nervous, seeing Apple Blooms tail in front of her as they walked along the access-way. She didn’t recognize anything, not realizing they’d turned down the wrong shaft a few intersections ago.

“Ah’m pretty sure. Scoots, ya got any clue?”

The Pegasus shook her head as they stopped at a junction, enough room they could share some snacks from their saddlebags. “I’m not seeing anything I remember, but then again it was really fast and there was lots goin’ on.”

Apple Bloom nodded, rummaging through a Repair Kit they had snagged from an open box along the corridor. Tools contained were for Techspider use as well as human techs for repairing the delicate internals of a Bolos cores. “Doncha worry, we got the right tools now and when we’re done, he’ll be good as new!”

All three nodded to each other as they set off down the access-way once more, not heading for battle damaged sections, but to Crusader’s main cores.


Derpy was looking into the angry face of a donkey, Cranky’s to be precise, hearing his frustrated voice about doing the invitations cheaper but getting the wrong date on them. Accidents happened, she knew that, and was really really sorry about it, so she did the only thing she could think of, reaching down and getting a basket.


To Derpy muffins solved all problems, they were good when warm and fresh, they tasted wonderful when she made them. She knew it was a simple thing, and she really couldn’t think of anything else to apologize with. So it was with some concern that she saw his face get really red, about to explode again when her boss walked in.

“Hey! You yelling at my employees?” The mail pony was looking like he’d just woke up, not in the mood for any shenanigans.

Cranky looked at Derpy one more time, about to open his mouth once more, before deciding to just leave, stomping out of the mail office.

Watching for a moment, the Earth Pony turned to Derpy, “You okay?”

The gray mare sighed, leaning on a hoof, “Yeah, I messed up again boss.”

He chuckled, sitting in front of the clerks desk, “Everypony makes mistakes Derpy.” Stealing a muffin from the basket, he munched thoughtfully for a moment, “You tried your best right?” Seeing her nod sadly he went on, “Then that’s all that matters.”

“But I do it all the time!” Derpy’s hooves lifted in exclamation.

Her boss was an older mail pony, he’d been delivering for years and he liked the young mare, “Sometimes it can’t be helped.” He shrugged, “I have an idea. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off and get ready for the wedding, it is today ya know.” He gave her a wink, making her giggle.

“Are..you sure?”

“Absolutely, we’ll have to shut down anyways because every pony in the town’s going to be there.” He tapped a hoof on his chin, “Seems somepony accidently changed the date on the invitations.” He kept going before her face got any more crestfallen, “So that means we need to get ready, gonna be a big blowout!” He made shooing motions, getting her out from behind the desk and pushing her towards the door.

“But..but there’s so much..” She was protesting the whole way, coming to a stop as she planted her hooves.

“I tell you what, I’ll take care of this, you leave the muffins, deal?” His cyan eyes were merry.

“Are..are you s..sure?” She really wanted to go try and help.

“Absolutely, I know you want to help and try to make amends, so go ahead.”

A grin crossed her face as she leaned forward and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek, “You’re the best!” She turned and took off into the sky, heading to see if she could make up for the mistake.

..and that wasn’t exactly a good choice, as she ended up at the restaurant, sitting across from another pony and trying to explain.

“....I dunno Doc, I just wish I could go back in time to do it all over again!” She leaned on a hoof, swinging the other one wide and almost toppling her drink.

The other pony at the table stayed silent for a moment, staring at the gray Pegasus before speaking, “Who are you strange pony and why are you talking to me, Dr. Caballeron?” His voice held a distinct accent, wearing a polka dot ascot and white shirt, he kept looking at Derpy in puzzlement.

The golden eyes looked up, squinting slightly as she gasped, “Ohmygosh! I’m sorry!” Getting up and leaving without another word, she rushed over to a table which held another stallion, one with an hourglass Cutie Mark, setting down she started speaking rapidly at him.

Dr. Caballeron shook his head, this town was full of strange ponies. But that didn’t matter, he had a heist to pull off and nopony had better get in his way!

One of his henchponies had come to him a week ago.

“I’m telling ya boss, the town is wide open! There’s a castle there with probably tons of stuff we could lift!” The Earth pony was excited, having traveled through Ponyville a day before, noticing the lax security everywhere. He related everything he saw to his boss, the infamous criminal.

Dr. Caballeron thought about it, a small town, castle with no guards, probably an inefficient town Guard. It was the perfect opportunity to expand his dwindling coffers. Daring Do had made a dent in his finances, blocking his looting of ruins and such for his gain.

“Get the rest and meet me there, filter in one or two at a time, we’ll see what that castle has.”

And so a plan was born..


Diamond and Starshine left the jewelry shop with smiles on their faces.

“I think it’s a wonderful gift, they’ll love it!” Diamond was saying as she pranced happily near her sister.

“I as well too, it was pricey but of course it is a special day.” Her voice was light, having spent a pleasant hour shopping, they now stepped out into an organized chaos.

Both of them stopped, looking about and standing in the middle of running and trotting crowds of ponies.

“It seems that everypony wants to be on time for the wedding.” The deadpan delivery from Starshine made Diamond laugh, they continued on to Town Hall where presents were being accepted early for the celebration.

Adventure forgotten for the moment, they wound their way through ponies rushing here and there trying to get what they needed for the ceremony in the afternoon.


“SPIKE! Where’s my..oh there it is.” Twilight retrieved her mane brush from under the desk where it..how did it get there anyway?

A face peeked around the door frame, “Twilight, doing okay there?” Athena was smiling at her friend.

“Huh..? Oh! Athena, what’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you get ready..” She stopped, watching the Pegasus walk in and sit down for a moment.

“We’re already done and ready for the wedding, but we thought it was tomorrow, seems the invitations made that a moot point.” She stretched, wings rustling as she settled them in place, “Are you okay? I figured come and check ‘cause you kinda freak out sometimes, especially concerning schedules.”

“Oh she’s been freaking out all right.” The voice came from Spike who’d entered after Athena, “We’re in..” He held his claws up, making ‘air quotes’, “Emergency Mode.” The capital letters emphasized.

The Pegasus looked puzzled, “Emergency Mode?”

Spike nods, “We’re panicking. ‘Least that’s what she said earlier.”

Twilight stamps a hoof, trying to deny it now, “We are not panicking! We’re..we’re just getting things done at a faster pace than normal!” A satisfied look crossed her face.

Spike and Athena looked at each other, voices perfectly matched, “Panicking.”

Twilight finished brushing her mane out, picking up a gold chain and pendant to wear for the wedding, a jeweled band that was familiar went around the centerpoint of her tail, matching the colors.

“I remember those.” Athena pointed.

Twilight blushed, “Well, they’re pretty and I thought it might be nice.”

“Perfect choice, they look good on you.”

“I think so too!” She turned, knocking a scroll off her desk with a brush of her tail. Noticing it falling, her magic grabbed it and brought it close, “Huh, it’s from Cerberus.”

“Really?” Spike and Athena lean in.

Breaking the seal, Twilight reads it, lips moving in a low mumble as the other two wait to find out what’s in the message.

Athena sighs, “Will you please read it out loud?”

“What? Oh, sorry!” She clears her throat, “Dear Princess Twilight, I send you this to warn you of danger coming your way. A BugBear escaped a while ago, and while I have sought to track it down and return it to it’s imprisonment, a few more of it’s compatriots have absconded as well. They seem to be heading towards the town you reside in. I apologize for the late message, but I have done all I could to retrieve them and failed, please be cautious. Signed, Cerberus.”

Raising an eyebrow, Athena asked, “BugBear?”

Twilight looked nervous, “Oh, well..they’re quite large, six limbs, sort of like a black and white bear, with wings and a stinger like a bumblebee.” She recited from memory.

“So..wait.. Bug--Bear? Seriously..a bug bear?” Athena snickered, then started laughing out loud, “Oh, that is a horrible pun!” She slapped a hoof on the floor, her high voice pealing through the castle, “Oh that’s good, that’s really..” She stopped, seeing the look on Twilight’s face.

Twilight was not happy, nor was she laughing, “They’re dangerous, and they don’t like ponies, and they’re headed here. We need to get everyone up and set a watch, most are getting ready for the wedding, we’ll make sure it goes off without a hitch.”

Athena nodded, all business now, “Understood, orders?”

It caught Twilight off guard only ever seeing Athena happy and smiling most days, this face held none of that, her eyes serious and attentive.

“Contact the others, we need to meet now, right here.” She thought a moment, “Get Crusader, tell him what I told you, they fly fast and low.”

Athena did nothing but nod, getting a faraway look in her eyes.



A .00042 second update later and he was at full attention, “What are our orders?”

“Contact everyone, an alert to the Guard and stand ready.”

“Acknowledged, my turrets and Anti-Air assets are under repair, we’ll need yours. I will handle active scanning and battlespace plotting.”

“Understood, uncovering now.” Tech spiders had already laid down simple sheets that slid, uncovering weapons when needed without the use of explosives, Athena’s Anti-Air repeaters were now swiveling in the open, looking for targets.

Crusader was all business now, “LiDAR is active, microwave and radar up and sweeping on quarter sector scan, battlespace is now live. Ferrets and Dragons at standby, we cannot move them right now, too many are rushing around for the wedding and we might cause a panic. If they get into town we cannot fire.”

Part of Athena’s mind had split, sending a message and receiving acknowledgments from the friends to meet at the castle soonest.

“I understand, I’ll let Twilight know, updates will go auto as she advises.”

“Understood, on my way as well.”


It took just a split second before Athena looked back at Twilight, “Done, we’re set, though if they get into town there’ll be problems.”

“Okay,” She tapped Spike, “Go send a message to the Princesses, tell them what’s going on in case we need help, please?”

“You got it Twilight, the usual ‘Ponyville’s under attack etc. etc.’?” The dragon grinned as Twilight sighed, rolling her eyes.

“Yes, the usual.”

She watched Spike rush off to the library for paper and quill, rethinking something.

“Athena, let them know we’ll meet them in the square, it’ll be faster instead of waiting here.”

The Pegasus looked calm, her face waiting for more orders, “Done, anything else?”

Twilight still wasn’t used to the fact that when she told Athena to do something, it was over within seconds, so she had to think for a moment, “I..uh..” Stamping a hoof, “Argh! I hate when you do all that so fast!”

Athena couldn’t help but chuckle, “Would you prefer I slow it down?”

“Now you’re just being snarky!”

“Yes, yes I am.”


Twilight ran through the town, heading for the square to meet with her friends, Athena alongside her as they dodged ponies that were happily getting things for the ceremony. It was amazing how fast the day flew by, and the wedding was coming up in a hurry.

She saw Matilda run by, along with Amethyst and Derpy who was saying something about wanting to help in any way.

Matilda was yelling ‘Flowers!’ as she whipped past. Twilight hoped she got everything she needed, but couldn’t waste the time to help.

She saw her friends waiting, skidding to a stop and letting them know that there was a BugBear and friends coming their way.

“BugBears? Goodness, on a wedding day too? Just awful!” Rarity was beside herself, finding it rude that such a special day would be ruined by this.

“We’re going to stop them, we can’t..no, we won’t let it ruin Matilda and Cranky’s special day!” Twilight stamped a hoof, firm in her belief.

“You got that right!” Rainbow was clapping her own hooves together, “We’re going to kick some flank!”

Twilight then told them the plan of action, in case any of them got into town.

“But..can’t Crusader and Athena take them out before they even get in?” Pinkie was the one who actually asked that.

Crusader nodded, “From what we’re told they’re fairly good targets, as soon as they get into our scanner zones we’ll put them down.” He raised a hoof, “But it is always good to have a back up plan.”

Twilight nodded, “So here’s what we’ll do....”


Dr. Caballeron looked around, seeing nopony at the entrance to the castle, waving his followers inside quickly as they shut the door. The five stood there waiting for his orders as they looked at the interior.

“Nice place boss, bet they got a few things worth taking.” An Earth pony laughed along with the others.

“True, and we’ll make a few bits off anything we can haul.” He pointed outside, “I have a cart waiting, just act normal and we’ll be out of here in no time. Search the place well, there’s always a vault or something in castles.” He nodded, seeing them scatter into the hallways.

Rubbing his hooves together he laughed evilly, oh this would be a good day!

Sitting in a tree a distance away, a Pegasus watched the group enter the castle with concerned rose eyes. She’d wondered what Dr. Caballeron was doing in this town and now she knew. Ripping off a Princesses’ castle, that was low even for him.

But then again, what did she expect?

Daring Do waited until the door shut, flying up to a window and climbing in, she figured she’d best stop him before it got too far. For some reason everypony else was occupied and she couldn’t understand all the hubbub about a wedding really.

A voice caught her climbing in, “Hey! Who are.. Daring Do?” Spike was standing there, watching one of Equestria’s legends crawl through the window like a burglar. He had been grabbing the presents for the wedding and was about to take off when he saw somepony entering the window.

Raising a hoof, she nodded, “Shhhh. Dr. Caballeron is in here, he’s planning to steal anything he can.”

“What?” The little dragon hissed, his face filling with anger, “Stealing from Twilight!? That little..I’m gonna..” He was stopped by a gentle hoof.

“Calm down there dragon buddy. We’ll do this with a plan.” The golden mare smiled, waiting until he calmed slightly.

Spike took a breath as a question came to him, “I thought you worked alone?”

Daring grinned, “Most times, but I learned maybe just sometimes a little help is good.” She pointed a hoof at Spike, “Now, you know this castle right?” She saw him nod, “All right, here’s what we’re gonna do.”


“Ya know, this stuff looks kinda familiar,” Apple Bloom was looking at slabs of material, shot through with gold and platinum lines so fine it took everything she had to see them. Many of them, a faint glow of power running through as the three fillies sat in the middle of Crusader’s gunnery cores.

Sweetie nodded, “They do, wish I could remember...” She tapped a hoof on her chin, shaking her head, “No..but they sure are pretty.” Her eyes followed the tracery of lines, seeing them merge and split, hundreds, neigh, millions of them!

Scootaloo huffed, trying to clean some of the dirt off her, dust always collects anywhere it can, and for now it was all over the three of them, “Well maybe we can get out and find another way, ‘cause this sure is a dead end.”

“I’m kinda thinkin’ we’re not very good at this.” Sweetie Belle is looking down, tapping her hooves together.

“We coulda just taken a wrong turn, maybe if we go back?” Apple Bloom was trying to recover from this blow to their plans.

“Let’s look around, see if we can’t find another way okay?” Scootaloo hugged Sweetie, receiving a smile in return as they started looking for another way out.


Diamond and Starshine saw the intense faces on Twilight and the others, looking at each other for a moment before sidling closer to hear what was going on. The revelation made them think further.

“Hmmm..perhaps we should reveal ourselves?” Starshine was tapping a hoof on the road.

“No, let us help in our own way, it is an adventure after all.” Diamond was smiling, nudging her sister with a shoulder, “Let us wait and see.”

“Fair enough, they are more than capable.”


“Everyone got their assignment?” Twilight saw the nods, “Okay then, well...”

Athena and Crusader broke in, “We have them on battlespace...” Their eyes got faraway looks, Athena continuing, “Multiple hostiles, Anti-Air is up and tracking..tracking... we have lock.” It was actually happening much faster, but they spoke to let their friends know what was going on.

The six friends knew what that meant, after so many months together they knew whatever Athena and Crusader had in their sights would suffer.

“I’ve got..what the..” Crusader and Athena stiffened, then both staggered as the friends watched the light in their eyes go out for a moment, then flicker back.


They came upon a section that had been heavily damaged by intruding Anceti nano. Unpacking the tool kit, they looked around to see what they could do to help Crusader get everything up and running once more.

“So...what do we do?” Scootaloo was looking around, a strange type of wrench in her mouth as she mumbled around it.

Sweetie shrugged, looking for something familiar that they could repair, seeing only the energies flashing past as scanners passed information to Athena about the incoming hostiles. All this unknown by the three fillies as they stood within the TSDS section, heavily linked and connected to Athena, it was as if they were one, passing calculations between Crusader and Athena’s Anti-Air gunnery cores.

Apple Bloom was eyeing a blackened box, one of many junctions that had been blown when the Anceti particle beams had dug through the intervening armor, “I think I got an idea.” She raised a tool in one hoof, holding it tight. “We’ll just knock this back into place, it’ll help ah’m sure!” She pointed next to it, a molycirc bundle had been slid out by a tech spider earlier for examination and replacement. It was left out as the cross-currents were short circuiting everything around it from damage.

The bundle she now attempted to slide back into place had been heavily rewired by a tech-spider to prevent cross-current fluctuation and shorts until a replacement could be fabbed up. In no way should it have been replaced.

Slapping it back with a final nudge, the three looked pleased, having helped their friend Crusader at least a little bit.

Scootaloo smelled something burning, “Apple Bloom..I don’t think you shoulda done that..” She pointed to a spot that was now glowing with a bright, actinic light on the bundle.

“Oh, maybe we should get it back out?” As Apple Bloom said this, the bundle sparked, then flared, sending streaks of pulsing light throughout the slabs of material next to them, lighting up the entire area.

Sweetie had no idea, but watched the pretty lights go zooming, sparks and crackles everywhere as she realized they may have done something wrong, “Uh..I really think something bad is happening.” She pointed a hoof at masses of energy that split and soared through the pathways.

The energy flashed it’s way down the hardline, too fast to be caught as it was just attoseconds before it slammed into Athena’s gunnery cores which had been thoroughly linked with Crusader, the ensuing malfunction blasting the system offline. The three fillies just watched as the replaced bundle fused itself in place, more power screaming through lines of circuitry.

A tech spider came crawling through the access way, sent by emergency systems to repair any damage and seeing the three fillies looking around at the electrical storm. It immediately sent an update to the repair cores, which flashed the alert to the Main Intelligence, Crusader.


Athena slapped her head, trying to get herself standing straight again, her systems were glitching badly as Crusader’s were. He had already sat down as Twilight and the others looked on, wondering what was happening.

His eyes were crossed for a moment, slowly moving back into position as he sighed, looking up at the waiting faces.

“What’s goin’ on sugar?” Applejack’s voice was concerned.

“One second,” He looked downward, almost as if he were thinking, “I have it, tech spider is checking cores, the Crusaders are in there.”

“What?” Rarity is looking apoplectic.

“My interior security has been down since the battle, they could have snuck in, we’ve been repairing as fast as we could.” He looked helpless. “I was lax, this is my fault.”

Athena had a definite tilt to port as she sat too, “I have nothing, gunnery is down, it’s crashed; we need a reboot and it’s going to take a while, everything’s blown in weapons and tactical cores.”

“So..what’s that mean?” Rainbow is hovering, looking concerned.

“It means we can’t shoot the BugBears down, they’re here already, we waited until they were close so none could escape,” Athena is looking nervous, “We’re talking...”

A roar came from above them, a huge form unfolding legs and showing sharp teeth. There were more swooping in behind it.

“...seconds..aw crud..”


Crusader’s voice came from a speaker on the tech spider, “You three follow this spider, it will lead you out. Please don’t touch anything else.”

“We’re sorry!”

“No worries, just follow this spider and wait until we can come get you, it might be a while, you’ll be taken to the Command Deck. So please, do not do anything.” On the last point the voice was very firm, the three fillies knowing they did something wrong.

“Okay Crusader,” Apple Bloom was already up and following the others when the spider turned and led them down a passage, “We’re sorry about all this.”

The calm voice chuckled, “Actually, you did quite well if you were trying to disable a Bolo.”

Scootaloo looked up in alarm, “Oh no! We didn’t mean to do that!”

“It is fine, there is food waiting for you on the deck, please feel free to take a shower as well, but do NOT leave the area until we come get you, understood?”

The three voices were still bright, even after all this, “Yes sir.”

They followed the technical machine out of the core area while others swarmed in, ripping through connections to repair things as fast as they could.


“Well...stars..” Captain Bars stood looking at the incoming critters with a sigh, “Guess we’ll have to join in this one as well.”

“Yup!” A Pegasus mare nodded beside him, “We’re all set, just give us the word.”

The Captain thought a moment more, “All right, grab the other Pegasi and do runs on them from above, take your pikes and use ‘em as darts if you have to, but let’s get them down to where our Earth ponies can grab ‘em. Clip and ground Sunshine.”

She saluted, “You got it boss!” Leaping into the air with a swift movement, heading for the others Guard Pegasi waiting for orders on the nearest rooftop.

Bars sighed again, he’d really wanted to go to the wedding too, his wife was going to give him Tartarus for being late.


A few notes drifted off into the air as Octavia grinned at her roommate, “That’s it! A little bit of your music and mine, I think we’ve got it Vinyl!”

“Told ya we’d figure out a way!” The Unicorn pushed her sunglasses up on her forehead, making sure to get all the notations down for later, “I think they’ll love it!”

A cellists bow was pointed firmly in the Unicorn’s direction, “You still do not call me Octy, got it?”

Vinyla laughed, “You got it ‘Tavi!” It got louder as she saw her elegant friend roll her eyes.

“You’re lucky I put up with you.”

“Yes I am.”

They weren’t watching the clock too closely, so it was ignored for the time being, “One more time, from the top!” Octavia waved her bow.


“Scatter!” Twilight gives the order and we move, I pair up with Crusader as they go after the main BugBear, the biggest one, leaving us to handle the..smaller? ones.. Well, not that small I guess.

Up above us the Guard is diving in, a few Pegasi with grins on their faces, I think they’re getting too used to fighting things. But good on them, they swoop in and pepper the ‘Bears with pikes, sticking ‘em deep and forcing them to the ground where we can get at them easier.

Out of the corner of my eye I see those two Unicorn sisters, their magic is slamming into one of the critters and literally blowing it around before it collapses to the ground to get tied up by the Guard.

I can’t help but smile before Crusader pushes me into the air, his hooves steady as I leap right off, smacking into a critter and pounding it’s face until it goes unconscious. As it drops I can jump off before it hits the ground, standing to the side and watching the others at work.

“Smiling Athena? Enjoying battle a bit much?” Crusader is merry over our link. Our cores are recovering quickly, but we cannot fire into the town now.

“Oh no..” I send him a picture of the two Unicorns and my assumptions.

“Really? Well that certainly would fit in with their personalities.”

“They took that one down pretty quick.”

“Help is always welcome, let this remain between us I think.”

“Always. Besides..Oops! Another one! Up!”

He pushes me into the air once more, letting me get a few shots on a passing ‘Bear. I clip it’s wings and watch it go down, plowing face first into the hard pack and not being too happy about it. The Guards take care of it pretty quickly though.


“You need the flowers today? But..but we haven’t gotten them in! We’ve messaged the growers in Canterlot and they can’t get them here in time!” Rose is panicking still, along with Daisy and Lily. They’d been trying to think of a way to get some kind of arrangements done, but were stifled at every turn, they just didn’t have the flowers.

Derpy nodded, “So..no flowers?”

“We’ll put everything we’ve got into it, but it won’t be much, we’re so sorry Derpy.” Daisy was looking downtrodden, ever since they’d seen the invitation they’d been doing everything possible.

“That’s okay..thanks though.” She flew off slowly, trying to think of something else, an idea slowly coming to mind. She grinned and headed off to the bowling alley where she last saw the Doc.


Dr. Caballeron was pleased, they’d actually found a treasure vault! It was stuffed full of bits, and now he and his associates were figuring out a way to get them all out without being seen. He could retire in style!

“Bring the cart around, let’s get a move on, this distraction won’t last for very long I’m sure.” He pointed out the door, one of his associates nodding and trotting off.

The pony ran up to the hallway, turning a corner and seeing Spike standing there, the little Dragon gave a wave and took off.

The henchpony followed quickly, turning a corner and running into a solid hoof planted right in his nose, knocking him clean out.

Daring grinned as she tied up the pony, “Good job Spike, now for the others.” She held up a hoof that was quickly slapped with a clawed hand.

“You got it!” He went back out to play bait once more.


“I have to admit, when we found out this needed to be done today, I was a bit nervous.” Bon Bon was hanging a few bows on a balcony.

Lyra lifted another streamer in her magic, placing it just so, “With you by my side, I knew we’d get it done in time.” She laughed, “Well...we did panic though.”

Bon Bon threw a hoof in the air, “Of course we did, we were planning for tomorrow! Argh!” Shaking her head, she kept placing bows, “There is nothing like a best friend though, is there?”

Lyra grinned at her friend, “Anything’s possible when you know somepony as well as we know each other!” They slapped flanks, giggling before returning to decorating.

A roar came in through the window, Bon Bon looked up from her decorating, “What was that?”

Lyra chuckled, blase’ about it, “There’s some monster attacking Ponyville or something.”

BonBon sighed, “What is it this time? Another monster from the Everfree Forest again?” After the past few months, anything was possible.

Lyra waved a hoof airily, “Uh, I think it’s some sort of BugBear or something.” She giggled to herself, funny name definitely.

Bon Bon’s head shot up, looking around for a moment before hiding near the wall next to a window, peeking out of it, “Did you say BugBear? It found me!”

Lyra stopping pinning streamers, looking at her friend behaving oddly, “What are you talking about Bon Bon?”

The Earth pony whipped out a suit case from nowhere apparently, digging through it for a moment, donning some strange gear, “My name isn’t Bon Bon, it’s ‘Special Agent Sweetie Drops’. I work for a super-secret anti-monster agency in Canterlot, or at least I did until the BugBear went missing from Tartarus a few years back.”

The mint Unicorn was stumped, “What are you talking about?”

Bon Bon didn’t pay attention, still rambling, “When it escaped, we had to shutter the whole agency. Every last shred of evidence of the organization’s existence was destroyed. Celestia demanded complete deniability.”

Lyra blinked a few times, processing all the information, “...What?”

The beige Earth Pony looked at her friend, “It was me who captured the main BugBear, I had to go deep cover here in Ponyville and assume the name Bon Bon. I never thought it’d be able to track me, but now it has!”

Lyra’s face was appalled, looking at the friend she’d been with for years, “Are you saying our friendship was based on a lie!?”

Bon Bon felt sad, stepping close to her friend, “I’m sorry Lyra! I couldn’t tell you for your own protection!”

“B...b..but the lunches! The..the long talks! All the benches we sat on!” Lyra’s eyes welled with tears, “None of that was real?”

A gentle hoof touched Lyra’s cheek, “It was all real. You’re my very best friend.”

They both turned at hearing more roaring out in the town, multiple sources telling them the fight was still ongoing.

The Earth Pony’s face got a determined look, “I’ve got to go find a crowd to blend into before I put you in danger!” She headed for the window, hesitating as Lyra’s voice hit her ears.

“Hold it!”

Turning around, she saw Lyra with front hooves crossed over her chest, sitting down and tapping a back hoof, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’ve got to find a...crowd..” Her statement ended as she saw Lyra’s eyes narrow.

“We’re in the Town Hall, nothing can see us in here, and you’re going to bail outside where the thing could spot you? Really?” Her face is not very happy right now.

Bon Bon hadn’t quite thought of that, wanting to make sure her best friend in the world was safe, nothing more. Taking off her sunglasses she grinned, looking abashed, “Well..when you put it that way..”

Lyra shook her head, a grin on her face as she took the rope from around her friend’s barrel, tossing it aside, “Ya know, being friends means you don’t have to handle things alone, right?”

“Well..yeah.” Bon Bon nodded, sitting across from Lyra for a moment, “I just didn’t want to put you in any danger.”

A hoof was pushed into her chest, the look on the green face above it was warming, “I’m your friend, whatever it is we face it together. Got it?”

Bon Bon relaxed, giving her friend a hug, “Got it.”

Lyra let go, looking at the ceiling for a moment before speaking, “Uh..you know those really expensive oats you ordered?”

Arctic blue eyes narrowed and looked at the Unicorn, “...Yeah...”

“I..uh.. Cooked them and ate them all one night.” Hooves tapped together for a moment, “I was hungry and they looked really good..”

Bon Bon just shook her head and laughed, “I wondered, but I didn’t want to ask.”

“I’m really sorry..” Lyra stopped, seeing her friend smiling, “You’re not mad?”

“I just told you I’m a secret agent, you ate some oats, why would I be mad?”

Lyra sighed heavily, “Oh thank goodness, I’m really sorry though!”

“No worries!” They both turned back to keep decorating, almost done now and listening to the fight raging outside.

Bon Bon’s voice held humor in it as it drifted to Lyra’s ears, “You still owe me for the oats though.”

“What? B..b..but we’re friends, we revealed our deepest darkest secrets!” She had turned, holding her fore hooves out in exasperation.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t owe me, those things were expensive.” The Earth pony grinned at Lyra’s exasperated face, “So at least you can pay me back some bits.”

“Oh come on!”


“Oh... I have missed this!” Starshine’s voice was light as she backed up to her sister, their bodies positioned outward from each other as they faced down their opponents, two BugBears which thought they had a chance at taking two simple Unicorns.

“I as well sister, long has it been since we fought together!” Diamond was sounding cheerful as she let loose a blast of magic, forcing one monster back while Starshine did the same.

They watched the six friends, Crusader and Athena, the Town Guard, all performing excellently in defense of the town. Ponies did stop to watch, but common sense told them to go about their business and not interfere. Besides, there was a wedding to be performed soon!

The glow of Starshines’ horn was bright, the beam of force tore through a wing on one flying critter, grounding it and letting her sister knock it out with a stunning magic spell.

“Once more we triumph!” Diamond pumped a hoof.

The two sisters were side by side, facing the next one, “I think this is better than before, we don’t have to..well..” Starshine’s voice was low.

“I understand,” Diamond nodded, “Send them back to whence they came is all we need do.” She grinned at the red unicorn, “But that does not mean we cannot fight as we always have!”

Blue and red hooves slapped each other before double lines of colored force swept out, pounding a monster into the side of a building before knocking it clean out. The Guard was there quickly, wrapping the thing in sturdy ropes and giving the two Unicorns a salute, “Thanks!”

“Very much our pleasure!” Diamond grinned before they trotted off to find new opponents.


“Ugh, how many of these stupid things are there!?” Rainbow Dash was taking a break, hovering near Crusader as she looked around for more opponents.

“We counted fifteen Rainbow, five are down, there are still ten in play, but the Guard has two more pinned.” His voice was calm, making Rainbow look at him, “They will have them corralled soon.”

“You like this stuff huh?” She grinned, seeing a kindred pony.

He tilted his head, smiling gently, “I do, as I have said I was made for it, but Athena and I have learned from you and the others.” He points to a downed BugBear being wrapped up by the Guard, “That killing may not be the end all.”

Rainbow’s a little confused, landing beside him, “But what about the Forest..those things..” Her magenta eyes are questioning.

He nods, “Sometimes it is unavoidable, you must do what you need to.” He continued smiling warmly at the cyan face, “But it is only when those opposing you are planning to do the same. They meant to kill Rainbow, to raze this town, to hurt.”

“Weren’t you going to do the same to the BugBears?”

Now he grins, “Actually, we had non-lethal loads set up, we were going to knock them down and pummel them until the Guard could arrive.”

She laughs, slapping his shoulder, “Really? You guys are turning into such pushovers!”

“Not quite that, but yes, we’re learning.” He grins at the Pegasus.

“Yeah, pushovers. Next thing you’ll be sipping tea with Rarity and talking about the latest fashions in Canterlot!” Her scratchy voice laughed at that thought.

“At least I am not the one getting nipped in certain places,“ He points to a bite mark along her flank, making her turn a beet red.

“Hey, I got it honestly!”

“The aim in battle, Rainbow Dash, is to do damage to the enemy not have damage done to you.” He points a hoof towards Pinkie, who is slamming one of the ‘Bears around with strong hits from her hooves. “She is doing just fine.”

Rainbow laughs, “Yeah but that’s Pinkie, she’s..different.”

“Point taken.”

A BugBear comes winging from around a house, roaring at them and flying in.

“Ready to do this again Rainbow?” Crusader holds a hoof up, getting it slapped in return by the Pegasus.

“Let’s do it!”


The music drifted into silence as Octavia grinned, “That’s perfect, now all we need..” Her eyes had seen the clock as she gasped, “Oh stars, we’re going to be late!”

Vinyl looked up, seeing the time and Octavia scurrying around to gather her things, “We’ve got to hustle!”

“Vinyl we’ll never make it in time!”

The Unicorn grinned, having just the thing for this, “I got it ‘Tavi, just grab your stuff.”

The Earth pony eyed her for a moment, but trusting she knew what she was doing, collected all her things.

Vinyl pushed her into the back storage room, pulling a tarp away and revealing a large cart, moved by magic it contained all she needed for a mobile DJ booth, Octavia eyed it suspiciously.

“Is that thing even safe?”

“Not a chance, but it’ll get us there!” The electric maned Unicorn laughed.

“Fair enough, let’s go!” Octavia piled on as the door opened, barely big enough to let the huge cart squeeze out and fly down the road on the way to Town Hall.


Athena summoned two of Crusader’s Hounds, having the big tanks rumble through the side streets and stay out of sight of the folks arriving for the wedding as much as they could, best not to upset anyone. They hadn’t had a chance to set any up with non-lethals yet, but a few hits from the Dragon’s single low powered Anti-Air laser kept the BugBears away for the most part.

Ponies who’d arrived from out of town were assured by locals that the big metal things were fine, nothing to worry about, keeping arrivals attention on the wedding and not the multi-ton tanks. A lot of visiting guests commented on how nice the big metal statues looked.

A couple more were waiting on the outskirts for anything that would come into range, they’d shoot carefully, knocking them down and letting the ponies take care of wrap-up.

She was having the time of her life, leaping into the air and landing shots on anything close. Her smile was wide as she kept a close eye on her friends, making sure whenever one would get close to trouble she’d be there knocking a critter away.

Seeing Applejack had one at the end of a rope, yanking on it and forcing the critter to the ground as she came running, jumping and landing on it’s chest, Athena smacked it in the forehead with a solid thump, knocking it out.

“Nice shot there sugarcube.” The farm mare was rolling the rope up for another shot at one flying around.

“Me?” Athena’s voice was incredulous, “You roped the thing. I can’t do that!”

Applejack smiled, “Years of rodeo there Athena, ain’t nothing cain’t be solved with a good lasso.”

“Oh you have got to teach me that!”

The orange pony laughed, “Doncha think you got enough on yer plate?”

The sable Pegasus stood tall, “I can always learn new things!” She pointed to the rope, “I really want to learn that!”

“Well, the first thing,“ Applejack pointed to a spot behind her, “Is to pay attention.”

“I always..” A roar came from very close behind her, making her do a one-eighty in surprise, seeing a BugBear in her face and leaping backwards, “Applejack! Dangit!” She watched the mare laughing off to the side as she reared up to plant a hoof in the ‘Bears nose.

“I’ll get you for that!”

“Gotta pay attention missy, first things first!” Applejack wiped a tear away from one eye, getting her rope ready for another shot. Athena was dodging blows from the angry BugBear, “Ah well, guess I better help.”


Daring finished wrapping up the third pony, watching Spike bend over trying to get a few breaths. This last ambush had gone a bit awry, Daring missed the first punch, having to chase the pony down the hall before he could warn Dr. Caballeron.

Spike had grabbed the Earth Pony’s tail, hanging on for dear life to try and slow him down for Daring to catch up and knock him out with a few quick punches.

“Good job there Spike, didn’t think you had all that in you.” Daring smiled, watching the little dragon puff his chest up.

He tried to catch his breath but grinned anyways, “I help Twilight all the time, she says I’m her number one assistant!”

“I can see why”, Her face broke into a warm smile, “Now we just have two more and Dr. Caballeron to go, then we can turn them over to the Guard.”

“Least Ahuizotl isn’t here too, that’d mess things up.” Spike was remembering what he’d read of the Daring Do adventure books.

Daring laughs, placing a hoof on Spike’s shoulder, “His bark is worse than his bite. He’s way too overconfident and that lets me get the last shot in.”

“But isn’t he always trying to kill you?” Spike was aghast, seeing the famous explorer laughing about her worst enemy.

“Yeah, but he’s not very good at it, I’m still here.” She gave him a wink.

Spike laughed, “That is true.” He pointed down the hallway, “Think they’re getting suspicious now that three of them haven’t come back?”

Daring nodded, “Yeah... I expect any time they’ll come out to see what’s happened to their compatriots.” She tapped a hoof on the floor for a moment, “Okay, here’s what we can do...”


“Ha! Another fine shot!” Diamond raised a hoof in triumph as she stood on the chest of a downed BugBear after knocking it from the sky, it was growling and snapping at her before Starshine stunned it with a powerful jolt of magic from her glowing horn.

Diamond pointed the raised hoof at the sleeping critter, “See what you get when messing with Equestria foul creature!” She grinned as her sister laughed.

A Guard mare and her partner trotted up, using ropes to tie the thing’s limbs together, giving Diamond a chuckle seeing her standing on the body of the downed beast.

“Having fun there Miss?” Sunshine nudged her team mate, both of them grinning at the posing pony.

“Absolutely!” Diamond was waving her hoof around, “We shall conquer all! To fight and to overcome!”

“Perhaps you might want to come down?” Starshine was trying not to laugh out loud at her sister’s antics.

“But why? We have vanquished this enemy, we shall enjoy our moment of victory!”

Starshine pointed, “Because they need to haul it off Diamond. Let them do their job?”

Seeing the two Guards standing there patiently, Diamond gave an abashed smile, “My apologies, please continue.” She stepped delicately off the beast and onto the ground once more.

“Thank you ma’am!” The two called over another team, dragging the BugBear off to where it could be teleported to a holding area, then for transport to Tartarus with its friends.

Sunshine was laughing to her partner as they dragged the sleeping BugBear off, “You’d think those two were Princesses the way they acted.”

The other pony, a slim Earth type, nodded, “Yeah, but they sure pack a wallop, they’ve accounted for five of those things.” He thought for a brief second, “Where are the Princesses anyways? I know Twilight’s out there, but the others... Shouldn’t they be here helping?”

The Pegasus shook her head, “I dunno, maybe they’re just watching from the lofty heights there in Canterlot wondering what in all the heavens is going on here in Ponyville now.” She chuckled brightly, “Besides, we got this, we always got this.”

Her team mate nodded as they dragged the sleeping BugBear off, “Yeah, we sure do.”

The two Unicorns watched and listened to the conversation, giving each other a nudge and smile before trotting off to find more trouble.


“Vinyl! Watch where you’re going!” Octavia’s voice was drowned by the speed of the magic powered cart, standing on one speaker she held her precious cello tightly as her friend whipped them through the streets. Somehow they’d gotten lost, the speed was too fast for them to take their time, and now it seems they were traveling in a wide circle.

“I got this Octavia! No worries!” She slapped a disc on the turntable, moving a volume knob upwards and bringing some music to the frantic trip, “Relax, we got time!”

“We don’t want to be late!” The elegant Earth pony was adamant, “Not for this wedding!”

“We’ll get there, I promise!” Vinyl was bobbing her head to the music pouring out of the speakers now, hoping it gave fair warning to anypony in the way as well. She really had no idea where they were, everything was sort of a blur at the speeds they were going, but they’d find town hall eventually if she could just figure out how to slow down.

Their eyes got wide as a huge shape flashed by, roaring at them and blowing their manes back from the thundering sound. Vinyl glanced up at Octavia who just shrugged and pointed the way to Town Hall.

Vinyl nodded and leaned into another turn. Definitely gotta remember to put brakes on this thing. Should have thought about that when I made it! Stars!


Crusader watched as the Guards tied up another beast, making sure the bonds were tight as they hauled it off. It would join the others and be locked away in a place hopefully that would teach them the error of their ways.

He did not know if they were sentient, but glad that he and Athena had taken the precaution of treating them as such. It seemed as if they were albeit quite angry at Ponyville, or even ponies, he wasn’t quite sure.

Putting a hoof over his mouth as he sat there for a moment, he snickered, then laughed, but tried to keep it low so no one else could hear.

BugBears..of all the silly, insane things he had heard in all his years, BugBears, part bug, part bear. It was.. just downright crazy, if he could actually say that after all these months of living here.

He was in the middle of a fight, his compatriots were out there battling the very few creatures left, and he had this insatiable urge to just laugh at the..the.. silliness! So he took a moment and just broke out in merriment, feeling himself relax and shake his head in wonderment at it all.

“Are you okay?” The soft voice beside him making his head turn quickly to see Athena setting there. She was quiet as a shadow when she wished to be.

“I am fine..just..” He waved a hoof around, “The silliness of this.” Referring to the fight and name of the beasts, everything.

She grinned, “Isn’t it? A wonderland of the goofy.” Her eyes narrowed in glee as she smiled wide, looking at him, “And we’re right in the middle of it.”

“Yes, we are. Do you regret any of it?”

Athena looked shocked for a moment, “What? No, it’s the most wonderful thing ever!” She nudged him with her shoulder, “No regrets, none.”

He nodded, mostly to her but also to himself, “Neither do I Athena, neither do I.”

“Three left, and they’re tackling them now,” Athena added the comment, pointing to where the six friends were battling the biggest BugBear. She knew he saw the Guard taking the second, and two Unicorns, the ones from before, taking down another with what looked like quite a large portion of glee.

“Good, maybe we can..” His words were lost in the rush of something large passing by at high speed, his and Athena’s jaws adrift as they watch the object zoom down the street, music blasting as it passed on by.

“What in the world?” She turned to him, “Is that one of ours? Wait..I’ve got a drone on it..it’s..” She looked at him with astonishment, “Some kind of cart? Vinyl and Octavia are on it..how in all the stars...”

She stopped, seeing him cracking a smile, “You just don’t bother wondering anymore do you?”

Shaking his head slowly he answered, “No, I do not.”

She laughed, Crusader just sitting there with a smile that was so unlike him. Her mouth opened to say something but was distracted when a drone overflight showed her a chair crashing through a castle window, making them both turn to see Spike hanging by his claws from the windowsill as the drone circled.

“Oh stars!” Athena and Crusader took off at top speed, keeping an eye on the window as they closed in underneath the dragon, his claws slipping from the window ledge as they arrived underneath.

“Spike! Spike let go, we’ve got you!” Athena spread her wings, lifting herself up to present a bigger area, Crusader beside her as a look of relief crossed the dragon’s face. He immediately let go, dropping into their hooves and gasping what he could as they set him down safely.

“Inside...Getting robbed! Daring Do!” He was trying to get it all out too fast, Crusader laid a calming hoof on his shoulder.

“One more time, slower Spike.”

He inhaled, and spoke, “Daring Do’s inside, Dr. Caballeron is trying to rob the bits we’ve got stored in there with his henchponies, he’s got her trapped in a room!”

“Go inside, I’m summoning the Hounds on the outskirts, we’ll ring the place, get Daring out.”

“Daring Do! I get to meet Daring Do!”

“Athena, focus.”

“Got it! I’m gone!” She turned and ran to the doors, slamming them open and dashing inside.

Spike watched her run off, leaning against Crusader for a moment, “She’s not going to hurt them is she?”

“Oh no Spike.....not a lot.”

“Oh, well...that’s good then?” His voice was questioning, causing the umber Earth pony to laugh.

“No worries Spike, she’ll be fine.”

“It’s not her I’m worried about.”

-----A few minutes earlier-----

“Alright Spike, let’s draw them out!” Daring was whispering low to him, having already set the trap. A neat contraption, a net hid under a large area rug, it would envelope the three ponies and finally end this little scheme of Dr. Caballeron’s.

He saluted, getting in place at the end of the hallway where he could see three ponies looking around for their companions, who were now stored in the dining area, nicely tied and waiting for the Guard once they got all the rest.

“Hey! Losers!” He cupped his claws around his muzzle, getting volume in the castle’s halls, “Over here!”

Three sets of eyes were leveled at him like gun-sights, the three of them heading down the hallway at a fast clip as he turned and took off, making sure they were right behind him when he turned a corner. Daring was waiting up near the roof with the counterweight to trigger the whole thing, quite high it was out of normal sight unless they looked up.

Spike was running as fast as he could, hearing hoofbeats behind him getting closer.

“Stop you stupid thing!” The frustrated voice told Spike he better not stop, knowing that it wouldn’t end well for him if he did.

He tore around another corner, seeing the rug in place and tearing across it, he stopped and turned around, waiting for the three evil-doers with a grin.

Daring saw him stop, waving a hoof to tell him to keep going. She couldn’t yell without giving it away, but he was tipping them off something was up, she had to get him to move!

She kept waving, as much as she could before...stars and sun! There they were! She only hoped nothing in Spike’s demeanor tipped Dr. Caballeron, as greedy as he was he was far from stupid.

The Pegasus gritted her teeth, seeing the three remaining gang members round the corner, Spike was waving at them, sticking his tongue out as the two henchponies started towards him then stopped, being held back by the Dr. who was examining the hallway carefully.

Daring almost yelled in frustration, seeing him slowly walking towards Spike who wouldn’t run like she’d told him to! Now she knew why she worked alone, darn!

She kept quiet, hoping that they would just walk onto the large rug under which the net was hidden, one of them did, then stepped back off as they faced the Dragon across the woven fabric. All of them through long experience suspicious of such a situation.

“What’s wrong? Can’t catch a dragon?” Spike was getting a bit full of himself.

“No, little dragon, not at all.” Dr. Caballeron waved, directing the two others to go around the rug, spoiling the plans so carefully made.

“Stars!” The yell came from the ceiling, causing them to look up as Daring’s back hooves rammed right into one of the ponies, knocking him down for a few moments and making her tumble along the hallway towards Spike. She picked herself up, seeing the other two trotting towards her, grabbing Spike and taking off down the hallway.

“I told you to keep running!” She yelled back at the dragon gripping her mane.

“I figured the sooner we got them, the better, I’ve got to get to the wedding!” Spike was adamant about wanting to go.

“You might not make it now!” She looked back, seeing the ponies closing in and ditching into an unused bedroom, locking then blocking the door with whatever she could move in front of it.

“You need to go and get somepony Spike, is there any way out of here?” She was moving everything in the room in front of the door, now being battered by powerful hooves. It wouldn’t take long to get through it at the rate they were pounding.

Spike was already looking around, “Only the window! You can fly, go get somepony!”

“I’m not leaving you Spike!” The golden mare gritted her teeth, “We’ve got to find some way..” The pile of stuff against the door was thrown back along with her as the three Earth ponies’ powerful strikes broke through at last, a chair bounced along, crashing through the window, followed by Spike who had been standing close at the time.



Athena tore through the hallways, looking for the enemy. Break into the castle? Steal stuff that wasn’t yours, oh yes, you’d pay and pay big!

Her eyes scanned every inch as she worked her way up to the room where Spike had come out the window, moving slowly and hearing voices inside.

“...Not this time Daring. We’re going to take care of you and your meddling, we’re going to be quite rich and have no need for this life anymore.”

A female voice was sounding angered, “You won’t get away with this Caballeron!”

“Who’s going to stop me now that you’re tied up?”

Athena chose that moment to step around the broken doorframe, seeing two burly ponies finishing their restraints on Daring, and one who ...needed a shave? Laughing at her predicament.

“I will.” Her voice was even and level, angered at this violation of Twilight’s place, ponies wrecking her home.

“And who might you be?” The one with the accent was giving her a smirk.

“Somepony who’s going to put you down unless you give up.” She was giving them a chance, just the one.

The gamboge pony just smiled, motioning his muscular assistants forward, “Tie her up, we’ll dispose of them after we find the others.”

Violet eyes went cold as Athena heard the statement, “You asked for it.”

Daring was watching the slim Pegasus, seeing her outweighed by Caballeron’s henchponies, wincing as she knew what was going to happen if they got a hold of her. She started struggling against her bonds for a moment, stopping as her eyes tried to take in what she saw.

The sable Pegasus moved like lightning, rushing forward and planting a right hoof in the side of one jaw, teeth flew as she kept going with the blow, her back hoof connecting as she spun in place, flinging the ne’er do well off his hooves and into the nearest wall.

Flat-hooved, she turned her head to take in the other one that was slightly more hesitant to take her on. A voice behind him urged though, “Get her!” Hooves pounded the floor as the strange speaking pony took off down the hallway, clearing the area.

Athena faced the biggest bad guy, her face taking on a grin as he stomped forward, meaning to take her out like they’d done with Daring.

“Too bad, you’re kinda pretty, we coulda had some fun.” His voice was rough, as was his manner.

Athena’s face screwed up in disgust, “Really? Don’t think so, and besides you need a shower.”

He grunted, running right at her as she waited with all four hooves planted solidly. Daring closed her eyes, hoping she wouldn’t hear the snap of bone. She thought maybe the first one had been caught off guard, but this one was ready for..

She flinched hearing the expected crunch, a deep throated yell and then a slamming thud, opening her eyes to see the Pegasus standing on the pony’s chest, pointing a hoof.

“And you need to brush your teeth, seriously, you stink! Ugh!” She slapped the side of his head, knocking the Earth pony right out, stepping away and brushing her hooves off before moving to Daring, helping her get untied.

Daring was watching the slim Pegasus closely, not understanding how she took those two out so fast as she was loosed from her bonds.

“Daring Do?” The sable Pegasus’ voice was soft.

“That’s me, though I’m usually not tied up like this.” She chuckled, “Thanks for untying me, but Dr. Caballeron is getting away.”

The other Pegasus laughed, “Oh no, he won’t get far.”


Crusader sat outside the doors of the castle, hearing hoofbeats inside before the heavy portal started to open. He’d gotten word from Athena one more was coming his way, and to show some restraint.

He would, he’d promised, but that didnt’ mean he couldn’t show his pique at being more delayed from a wedding he’d been invited too, much less the battle which would probably be over by now.

As the door opened, the pony looking outside was greeted with the rumble of sound as two boxy things whined softly, turning long metal tubes directly at the surprised figure. A single Earth pony was sitting between the two large metal boxes, that were bristling with what might..or probably were, some kind of weapons Dr. Caballeron was presuming.

The look on the umber face was definitely not happy, nor was the small dragon beside him.

“Do not move.” The voice was soft but firm, and very, very angry.

An accented voice caught Crusader’s ear as the pony smiled in an oily way, “I’m sure we can come to some sort of deal....” The words broke off with a yelp as something blasted into the dirt next to Caballeron’s hooves with a loud sound, leaving a small smoking hole inside a crater.

“Just sit there and wait for the Guard, if we are any later for the wedding there will be trouble.” The voice made it absolutely certain were he to move it would be the last time.

The small Dragon next to him pointed a claw, “Yeah!”

A hoof patted Spike’s shoulder, “You tell him Spike.” He looked up to see Crusader smiling at him.

The little dragon felt about ten feet tall at that very moment.


“Left ‘Tavi! Left!” Vinyl was pointing to the side, the street they needed to go down was coming up quick.

Octavia reached out with her bow, hooking it on the streetlight and using her natural strength to pull the cart into a tight turn, seeing Vinyl hanging on for dear life.

The cart yanked into the curve then straightened, gathering speed quickly as the magic took over again. Vinyl reminded herself to add more controls in the spell next time as they sped down the road, hopefully heading for the right destination.

The posh voice came from above as the Unicorn kept working on the steering, “Vinyl, do you know where we’re going?”

She thought about telling a lie for about half a second, but she knew Octavia would pick up on it immediately, “I’m working on it! I think we’re on the right road!”

The cellist laughed, “At least we’re still in town!”

Vinyl couldn’t help but bray at that, “Got that right!” She fired her magic up, forcing the cart to stay in line as they kept tearing down the hard pack avenue.


Starshine laughed out loud as Diamond pumped a hoof into the air, declaring victory once more on the last BugBear they had seen, the biggest one being handled by the Elements, and the Guard taking care of the other.

“Diamond, come down now, they need to take it away.” Her voice was light as her sister stepped off the creature and let the polite guard ponies take it off to be teleported.

They were filthy, covered in dirt and dust, sweat rolling down their sides from hard magic use the like of which they hadn’t done in centuries. Both of them wiping damp faces, trying to clean up for a moment before moving on.

“So my sister, have you had enough adventure?” Diamond was grinning, raising a hoof and delicately wiping a smudge of thick dirt from under an eye on her companion.

Starshine laughed brightly in the sunny day, “Oh my yes! More than I could have imagined.”

“I told you, this was the place.” The blue face was grinning under the dusty covering, “If not enough we can look for more, I want you to be happy.”

The blue mare is hugged tightly, brought close and snug, “No, no this will last a long, long time, a true adventure. Thank you.”

The two Unicorns trotted off from the field, heading for a place where they could get a quick shower and get ready for the wedding, it wouldn’t do for the Princesses to be very late after all.


Vinyl’s face was horrified as they came upon a group after group of ponies, dressed in finery for the wedding she tried to get them to move but too late, they’d grabbed onto the cart instead of getting bowled over. Now, through mishap and circumstance, the cart was covered with dressed ponies, heading hopefully for Town Hall.

“It’s getting quite crowded Vinyl!” The wind whipping by brought Octavia’s jolly words to her ears.

“Can’t help it Octavia! There’s too many ponies to dodge!” Whoops..three more added... Oh cherry pits, is that Mr. and Mrs. Cake? ..and the wedding cake too..

“Oh my, what a nice wedding cake.” Octavia again, polite to the end. Vinyl laughed to herself, count on Octavia.

“Thank you!” Mrs. Cake was grinning, hanging on to a speaker with Pound in her fore legs, “We took our time with it, wanting to make something special.”

When Octavia smiled it showed her grace and elegance, “It’s truly lovely.” Even when riding a runaway DJ cart....


“So...you’re really Daring Do?” The sable Pegasus was asking her.

She nodded once more, smiling at the eager Pegasus, she always got fans when she went into towns and such. They were walking down the hall, after the Pegasus had untied her, talking for a while as she thanked her rescuer. It seems that Dr. Caballeron hadn’t gotten away, she saw the Guard taking him into custody while looking out the window. The others had been gathered by another worn-looking contingent of Guards.

Two strange metal boxes had also been briefly visible as they rolled out of sight, making her wonder just what had gone on in front of this place.

“That is so cool! I’ve read all your books!” The violet eyes were excited, the same thing she saw in all her admirers.

“I’m glad you enjoyed them,” She was honest, learning to accept compliments. She’d had a hard time at first, usually being alone in deep jungles or mountains, but after her encounter with Rainbow Dash and friends, it came easier these days.

But one thing bothered her, this Pegasus with a Cutie Mark of a spear and scroll.. War and Wisdom? Battle and Intelligence? Strange to have both. She moved too fluidly like she was something other than real, and she was fast, blindingly so. It had amazed her how quickly the slim Pegasus took out Dr. Caballeron’s henchponies. Something was also very familiar about her, she couldn’t quite place it yet..

But now, now this very odd mare was acting like a fan-filly.

“Could..could I get your signature please? It won’t take very long I promise, I’ve got a few books here in the castle!”

The golden mare stopped in her tracks for a second, turning to see the smiling sable Pegasus looking shyly at her as if her request would somehow get her in trouble.

She smiled warmly at the waiting mare, “For you, yes.”

She saw the violet eyes go wide, a hoof raised, “Wait right here, I promise I’ll be quick!” And then took off at a speed Daring Do hadn’t thought was possible, returning with her latest book under one wing, a couple volumes under the other. She was hoofed a quill and ink, quickly taking the time to write, ‘My thanks for the rescue, Daring Do’, in one, the others got similar notes.

The books were taken and placed carefully in a desk nearby, letting her continue to leave the castle, seeing an Earth pony and Spike waiting outside for them.

Her face bore a look of relief seeing the dragon standing there, “Spike! I was worried but Athena here told me you got word to them. I saw you fall out the window and couldn’t do anything, I’m very sorry.” She had been concerned, having been assured after Athena had untied her that Spike was safe and sound.

“Crusader and Athena caught me, I can always count on them!” Spike looked inordinately proud, “I’m just glad I could help Daring.”

“You did, quite the adventurer you are as well.” She took her hat off, placing it on Spike’s head, it was large, but he tilted it back to look up at her, “Thank you for your help, I know why Twilight calls you her number one assistant.”

“We have a wedding to attend, would you care to stay? The criminals have been taken to holding, so there are...or should hopefully, be no more problems.” The soft voice caught Daring’s ears, seeing in him the same differences as Athena. The tied up henchponies had been retrieved by the Guard as well, taking care of them for now.

“No, afraid I can’t, but thank you. I just figured Dr. Caballeron was up to something when I saw him coming to Ponyville.” She laughed, “He’ll escape or something similar, he always returns to his criminal activities.”

“We’ll keep a sharp eye out for him now that we know.” The Earth pony nodded, moving in that infinitesimally odd way. It sparked Daring’s curiousity, her eyes always noticed the small things.

“If you’ll pardon me, there is something strange about you both, you.. move very oddly. I don’t mean to be rude, but it does make me curious.” She watched the two ponies eye each other with a smile between them.

The sable Pegasus looked at her with merry eyes, “You’re not being rude at all, but quite observant, not very many can pick up such slight things.”

“I look for traps and clues when exploring ruins, it’s safe to pay attention to the very small details.” She gestured, “You both just move..differently..”

The Earth pony answered for them both, “We are more different than you can imagine Miss Do, perhaps one day we can sit and talk about it.” He laid a hoof on Athena’s shoulder, “You have made my sister’s day by signing those books, so we owe you that, come see us in the future. I’m afraid for now we have to attend a wedding and we should not be late.” His voice was not dismissive but rather warm.

“Wait a second, how did you know I did that? We just got out here.” Now she was puzzled, and she loved figuring out puzzles.

“Like I said, come and see us in the future when you have time.” He nodded respectfully to her, ushering Athena to head towards town hall for the wedding, hoping they were not behind on time.

Then it hit Daring, “I know you!” She pointed at the Pegasus, “Weren’t you in Princess Today magazine?”

The mare stammered, looking at the others who stood with small grins on their faces, “Uh..no..no it couldn’t have been..”

That WAS it, now she knew where she‘d seen that Mark before! “Yes it was! I recognize that Cutie Mark now!”

“I..uhm.. *sigh* It was me..” The voice got very soft, almost disappearing as she spoke.

Daring laughed, “If you got it flaunt it filly!” She slapped Athena on the shoulder, then pointed at the blushing mare, “Don’t be hesitant about some things, life’s too short to worry!” She waved to Spike and Crusader before taking off, leaving them chuckling at Athena’s stunned look.

Spike’s voice caught her attention as they all started walking to Town Hall, “She’s right, you are pretty Athena.”

The sable face smiled brightly, “Why thank you Spike!”

“Though not like Rarity...” The long drawn out sigh from the little dragon made Crusader chuckle as Athena gave a disgusted huff.


They walked through the almost deserted town, as most ponies should be heading to the wedding right now. Stepping off to the side they headed down an alley to their friends, still pummeling the largest of the BugBears and doing a fine job of it all.

The three Crusaders had been cleaned up, and dropped off by the Town Hall where they were safely ensconced, one less problem to worry about for now. They saw a few more townsfolk heading for the Hall and the ceremony, glad that they were not late after all.

“Should we help them?” Athena was looking nervous, even though they were trouncing the big ‘Bear.

“I think they’re doing fine, if they need help I’m sure they’ll call.” He peered left to right for a moment, “It also seems the two Unicorns that were helping have made their exit.” Not seeing them around anywhere, but they had been in the thick of it.

“Hmmm...wonder where they could possibly be?” Athena snickered, giving Crusader a nudge to Spike’s questioning look.

“Maybe we..” He was bowled over as Athena grabbed Spike, shoving Crusader out of the way as that strange cart blew by them again. This time with many varied ponies hanging onto it for dear life as it careened through the wide avenue. The three of them watched as it was headed directly for Town Hall, and not slowing down one bit.

“Oh no...”

“Can you stop that thing?” Spike’s voice was worried.

“No, it’s moving too fast, we have nothing in place.” Crusader and Athena started to take off to help then stopped, seeing something tossed into the path of it as ponies scattered, the cart screeching to a halt and tilting, throwing everyone on it through the air and into windows and doors on the Town Hall. From their vantage point they could see ponies landing in chairs and on benches safely.

Athena‘s voice was astonished, “Do you have any idea the odds of that...”

“I am not even going to try...” Crusader was not even going to process that.

“Yeah..probably better not to think about that.” Her voice is merry, “But it sure was COOL!”

The calm blue eyes look at her with a small smile, “That it was.”

The cart itself was history, in a big way. After hitting the obstruction and ejecting all the ponies hanging on, it had tumbled off in a ball of debris, slamming up against a sturdy house and fairly exploding into small shards.

“Wow, Vinyl’s gonna be mad.”

Crusader just blinked at his sister before shaking his head at the understatement of the year.


The Two Princesses watched in awe as ponies came flying through the openings in the Town Hall, seeing them landing in chairs, balconies, benches, anyplace that was open for seating. After the past couple of days, they were not fazed by such odd behavior in this town, watching with amused looks at the crowded room.

After cleaning up they had quietly joined the party inside the hall, waiting for everyone else to arrive, setting their gift with all the others.

“What a wonderful day.” Celestia’s voice was light, a feeling infusing it that Luna hadn’t heard in a long while. Besides what they had just observed, the actions of the past day were on her mind.

Her sister nodded, hearing dulcet tones and seeing the taller mare smiling, not the slight polite smile, but a warm one full of joy. “It has been, and now a marvelous way to end it.” She politely waved a hoof to encompass the room, smiling ponies, gifts piling on the tables, food being shared as all awaited the moment to come.

Celestia leaned down giving her sister a quick nuzzle before standing again, “Thank you.”

Luna grinned, “None needed, ever.”

They both had decided to greet the guests for Matilda and Cranky, standing near the entrance and saying hello to surprised ponies who didn’t realize the Princesses would be acting as such. It added a relaxed yet formal air to the proceedings, with more warmth and smiles.

Luna pointed to a crying stallion, “Shining seems to be quite emotional at the whole thing does he not?”

She was answered by Cadence’s voice behind her, making them both turn, “He cries at weddings, but..usually it’s not until they start.” Her face looked helpless, bringing a few chuckles from the diarchs.


Rainbow slammed one more back hoof into the falling BugBear, allowing the Guard to close in and wrap it up, tightly and with tired movements. The past hours had been busy and dirty work, everypony was looking forward to some rest. The ‘Bears had been teleported off to the waiting holding areas where Cerberus would claim them.

Twilight landed near Fluttershy, wiping her brow and huffing from the work of flying and magic use, “Glad that’s over with!”

The buttery Pegasus nodded, “He sure was a little meanie.” Rainbow just eyed her, giving her a ‘really?’ look. Fluttershy just giggled, knowing her description was an understatement.

Applejack chuckled, walking alongside her friends, “That was a workout and a half I tell ya!” She pointed to a spot on Rainbow, “Looks like ya got a memento there sugarcube.”

The cyan mare rubbed her backside, “Yeah, he couldn’t bite anyplace else? I mean come on!”

“I, for one, am glad it’s over and done with,” Rarity gushed, “It’s simply bad manners to interrupt somepony’s wedding day!”

“Ohmygosh, the wedding!”

“Don’t worry,” Athena’s voice was full of laughter, “The guests all just arrived anyways.”

The six turned to see Athena trotting up with Spike on her back, Crusader accompanying her.

Twilight looked at her little brother oddly, “Spike, that hat isn’t quite appropriate for a wedding.” They all turned and started walking to the Town Hall, seeing late arrivals rushing in.

“Are you kidding?” His voice was excited, “Daring Do gave this to me!” He tilted it at a rakish angle, smiling brightly.

Rainbow started laughing, thinking it was a good joke, until she saw Crusader and Athena nodding with his words, “Do what?” Her face crossed with surprise, along with the others.

Crusader tapped the little dragon on his shoulder, “Dr. Caballeron was trying to rob the vault inside the castle, Spike and Daring Do stopped them from pilfering the bits you have stored there. She gave him the hat for his assistance in stopping the gang of thieves.”

Spike puffed his chest out, standing as tall as he could, “Yep!”

Rainbow was flabbergasted, “No way! Oh come on! Daring Do was here and I didn’t get to see her! That’s not fair!”

Twilight laughs gaily, “We were kinda busy.”

“Ain’t that the truth!” Applejack wiped the sweat off her brow, the day warm after all the running around and fighting, “Think we kin get to the wedding now? I mean we ain’t all that presentable, but still..”

“I’m sure Matilda and Cranky won’t mind, as long as we’re there,” Rarity was smiling, being just as dusty as the others.

The group took off to the hall, seeing the last pony go inside, as they neared the entry the door shut with a firm click of a latch catching.

Athena pushed on it, stamping a hoof, “They locked us out! Oh you have got to be kidding!”

“That figures,” A new voice made everyone turn, seeing Captain Bars and his guard standing behind them, “We wrap things up and now we don’t even get to go inside, makes a pony think he’s done something wrong.” His words were quiet, but the grin on his face and shaking of his head told them it was just another day to the beleagured Guards Commander. At least his wife was inside to tell him about it later.

“Aw pits,” Sunshine was stamping a hoof in frustration, “We can’t see the wedding?”

“I can break the lock, but I don’t think that’d be a good thing for today, besides breaking the law in front of the local guard unit.” Crusader was eyeing the door as the ponies laughed.

“Don’t feel bad, I can’t even fit into the hall!” A voice from above showed them Steven Magnet’s face leaning from around the corner of the building, “Sad but true, all this fabulousness wasted outside!” He flipped his hair back with a dramatic sigh, making everyone laugh.

Rarity was smiling, “I’m sure it’s to their loss Steven.”

“Of course it is, hmph!”

The door creaked open, a brown face with warm eyes took in the dirty and dusty Guards, the friends, Crusader and Athena, “We can’t have a wedding without everypony can we?” Matilda smiled warmly at the little crowd, opening the door and letting them file in. There was no room to sit, but they found places standing along the back of the hall, ponies everywhere in the large area were conversing among themselves, waiting patiently while Matilda talked with the latecomers.

“You all do so much for this town we couldn’t just leave you out there, it’s a special day for Cranky and I, and I just wanted to make sure that everypony was included.” Her gracious face was warm, looking at everyone standing there.

Captain Bars, for the first time in anyone’s recollection, actually looked embarrassed, “It’s what we do Matilda, nothing special.”

Her laugh was as kind as she was, “More than that,” She encompassed them all with a gesture, “Sharing my special day with all of you, makes it even more so.” She turned and left for the platform where Cranky awaited, giving them one last look of gratitude.

Granite’s deep voice rumbled low in the ensuing silence left behind, “Makes it all worthwhile doncha think?” Saying it to nopony in particular.

A large face leaned in a window, whispering to the guards and the friends, “She’s right you know.” Every eye turned to Steven as the serpent huddled close, “Making sure her day wasn’t ruined even though you might have missed everything, that tells her you thought this was pretty special.”

“It sure is!” Twilight was looking at the crowded room, Mayor Mare stepping up between Cranky and Matilda, “It’s always an important day with something like this.”

A large finger presses gently against the Alicorn’s chest, “And that’s why you’re all good ponies. You don’t think of yourselves, but about others.” His large eyes were warm as he looked at the assembled group, seeing them shuffle and eye each other in embarrassment. They all didn’t care for thanks, just doing what they did because it was right.

Any replies were stopped by the Mayor, who started her pronouncement.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in maretrimony.” She gestured to Matilda and Cranky, “As I look around this room, I can only imagine how uncomfortable Cranky must be.” This garnered good-natured laughs from everyone.

Her eyes took in the crowded balconies, the full seating and the ponies in the back of the hall, “But I also see so many ponies from all trots of life, brought together by love. Cranky searched all across this great land of ours to find Matilda, and no matter what obstacles kept them apart, love would finally bring them together, just as it has brought us all together now.”

“Well, love and a good stasis generator, few million years....”


“I know, I know, shush.” Her eyes catch the slight smile on Crusader’s face as he’s trying not to laugh. Returning it with a look of love, of gratitude, and so much more as she leaned against him.

“You are still, and always will be, my loved sister.” The words take her by surprise, making her entire being warm, “No matter what may come, now and in the future Athena.”

She said nothing more, leaning against the solid mass of his body and listening to the Mayor’s words.

“It’s remarkable to me how a story like Cranky’s search for Matilda could fill this room with such a unique collection of ponies! It makes you realize that everypony is the star of their own story. And it’s not just the main characters in our stories that make life so rich! It’s everypony -- those who play big parts and those who play small.” She looks around, seeing ponies and others in the balconies, the seats, making sure they know she is referring to them, all of them. Smiles greet her words. “If it weren’t for everypony in this room and many more who couldn’t be here today, Cranky and Matilda’s lives wouldn’t be as full and vibrant as they are.”

A gentle voice agrees, whispering, but loud enough for everyone near to hear, “A chapter, a page, a paragraph, we’re all in the story.” Eyes turned to look at a smiling Fluttershy her eyes warm and kind, “All of us.”

Rainbow hugged her friend, as the ponies filling the area shared the same sentiment amongst themselves. They watched as hooves clasped, smiles were turned on one another, eyes grew soft.

Poor Bulk got caught up by large arms, hugged to Steven's chest as the big serpent bawled his eyes out.

As the final words were pronounced and the couple kissed before the crowd, they watched as a strange collection of what looked like flowers launched into the air, lifting like soft fireworks, dazzling explosions of colors covering the mass of ponies. Cheers and well-wishes were shouted out by them as well.

One peculiar pony announced something about love and squeezed poor Rose next to him, laughing and celebrating at the display. Another bunch of ponies were crowded into a corner, avoiding something that appeared to be a Changeling. This immediately got the attention of the Guards and the rest, but were calmed down by a guest saying that the being had been invited, it was Matilda’s friend.

It sat quietly, watching the wedding, but the eyes of all the ponies at the back never left it. As long as it didn’t cause trouble, no harm no foul they guessed. Captain Bars however was not particularly happy about it, though he didn’t say or do anything else.

Seeing the reactions and eyeing the thing herself, Athena looked at Crusader for any input. He gave her a shrug with a slight smile, who knew why anypony did anything nowadays?

Twilight stepped outside quietly, followed by her friends who had questioning looks on their faces. Athena was held back with a slight shake of the head by Crusader when she wished to follow.

“This is for them.”

She nodded, keeping a careful eye out for trouble.

“What’s up Twilight?” Pinkie was watching her friend look over the serene landscape.

“You know girls, we are so lucky to live here.” The Alicorn smiled at all of her friends, gesturing to the town.

She hugged as many of them as she could, “I love you all.”

“Ow! Careful of the BugBear bite!” Rainbow was sounding pained.



The reception was another affair that was pleasant, after the rushing around of today, it was nice to sit and watch as the married couple opened their gifts. Even Cranky had to be delighted at some of the things that were presented to them, Matilda gently chiding him if he acted churlish.

Crusader had attended many, many weddings, if only by remote camera in the far past. Celebrations were celebrations and when Bolo personnel were involved, the Bolos were too. It was family of a sort, from the commanders down to the maintenance teams and techs.

Even during the Final War, that cataclysm which struck down the two superpowers of the galaxy, there were celebrations. Reaffirmation of life, of love and the enduring spirit of mankind to take with them to the stars. As he watched the throwing of the bride’s bouquet, he was reminded of similar times in the Brigade, hearing the cheers as a gleeful mare caught it to the congratulations of her peers.

Worlds enough and time there were in the Concordiat, space to explore and see, brought to a halt by the machinations of those on all sides who would show their power to those they thought inferior. Such a waste. But it would not happen here if he could help it.

Calm eyes watched the merriment, seeing a smile upon each face that passed by. Dancing and games, laughter, always there was laughter. It still amazed him that there would always be such even after the darkest of times.

Today, however, was not one of those times. True, a few beasts with ill-intent had been fought, but easily stopped with a combined effort. A robbery averted as well. He chuckled to himself, seeing again the eyes on the strange pony with an accent when a large caliber round was fired into the ground near his hooves.

A mug of wine was near him, he sat down and took it between his hooves, staring at the rich red liquid inside. The smell was of many things, all combining to make it a vintage that in the far past many would have paid much for. Here it was given to him, something simple but made with care and much love.

He stared into the calm surface, flat and reflective as it was steadily held, nary a ripple telling of movement. A face stared back, blue eyes, a slim dark colored muzzle that in another world would have been a wonder, but here it was one among so many.

Ears peeked out of a scruffy mane, he really did try to keep it decent, but passed it off most days, looking as if a wind had breezed by. A slight smile crossed the plain face, he’d made it so instead of something spectacular, wanting to just...be.

Applejack of course fussed about the mane, wanting to make sure he didn’t look like he’d just ‘walked out of a rodeo’. He watched the smile cross the reflected muzzle once more, comforted at the amused feeling inside.

“Stare any longer into that and ponies will think you’ve gone catatonic.” The voice was cheery as Athena quietly sat down beside him.

“Just thinking for a moment.” His eyes turned to her, the smiling sable face staring back.

“You do that too much.” She nudges him with a shoulder, “Stay in the here and now.” Her face betrayed the worry that he might be showing a little AI senescence.

He smiled, reassuring her over the link that it was none such, “Nothing of the sort, but having lost much, it is hard to stop from being reminded now and then with what is left.”

“Don’t I know it.” Her eyes took in the area, before feeling a mug pressed into her hooves. She looked down, then up once more with a questioning glance.

He tilted the container in his grip, tapping it against hers, “Absent friends.”

The violet eyes grew warm, returning the tap, “And so many new.” His eyes followed hers as they saw the approach of the group of ponies who had come to mean so much.

“Why are you sitting alone over here?” Twilight’s voice is gently teasing, “They’re cutting the cake and it looks great!” She nudges both of them into motion, “C’mon, we can’t miss this.”

Applejack’s southern tones are soft as she brushes Crusader’s mane to the side, “Sugar, ya always look like you’ve just walked out of a storm.”

“It is not that bad.”

Athena laughs softly, Twilight joining her as well as Fluttershy and the others, seeing the farmer fussing over a simple matter. But in each mind, a thought rolled, making itself known while they watched the cutting.

It was the smallest things making life huge, the scale epic, that added up to a full lifetime.

And that was just fine with them all.

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