• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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In Ponyville Fields, Once and Future...

Sitting on the train to Canterlot, I look at Twilight who’s fast asleep. She’s overworked herself making sure I am never left alone and am doing well.

I tell her that her efforts are appreciated, but not needed to be taken to such a degree, though it seems that is not enough for her. She has kept going until most of the night went by and we were asked to come to the capitol city by the Princesses this morning.

The Princesses had accompanied me through town, staying by my side as we visited each of our friends, notifying them of Crusader’s passing in gentle ways. There was laughter, a few tears, but most of all smiles. I was told he had earned his rest, that ponies were appreciative of all he’s done for them. The ‘thank you’s’ started piling up on me and we took breaks as word spread.

We walked most of the morning and into the afternoon, folks passing by stopped to give a word of encouragement or a small gift of flowers or something similar.

If only Crusader can see the pile of flowers outside his hatchway, I think he would be pleased. It makes me want to cry, but I am not going to, for I was reminded of a poem of so long ago when I saw the presents that were left at his doorstep.

There will be no crosses to mark the place, but a hill, simple and green now with more grass growing upon it. I am moving to cover the rest back up, he never wanted to sit out in the open like some monstrous thing, but quietly beneath the cool earth.

He told me he wanted ponies to see us, not we the machines but as one of them.

“Take up our quarrel with the foe,

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders Fields”

I will keep your faith in me and hold that torch forever I promise.

The Princesses had left that afternoon, Twilight taking up the ‘duty’ of being my companion as I wandered the town, occasionally stopping to say hello to someone and letting them know the news.

It was futile later, as word had spread and we no longer had need to let ponies know. They were already coming to me with gifts and words of comfort. It was not something to endure or suffer through, I embraced it by thanking each and every pony who stopped to talk to me.

He had wondered often if we were doing enough, to make lives easier and better. I think that’s been answered now, in a full and wonderful way.


We had been up all night, Twilight had arranged a sleepover in the castle, inviting the group of friends who accepted. Though Applejack looked a bit worn, her eyes showing clearly to me that she had done some mourning of her own privately. We had arrived late as I had promised to do my chores and sit for supper before anything else.

As I was told to I made it to the evening meal, with Twilight in tow we sat down to a quiet repast in the warm house. Applejack tells me I am family, that I will be staying with her so she can keep an eye out for me like Crusader asked. Apple Bloom is excited to hear me reassure her that I would gladly be a welcome part of their home.

There were some quiet moments, a few sniffles as well from Apple Bloom. But I took her outside afterwards and told her that he had been tired of war for a long time and maybe he deserved a bit of rest, she wouldn’t deny that to him would she?

No, no she’d never deny him anything. But she just missed him, so I assured her that every time she looked at the stars, she could be happy knowing he had looked at the same ones. So they would share them together every night. She was elated by that, telling my words to Applejack as we all ended up on the porch that early evening.

So it was later that same night when we made it to Twilight’s Castle.

Stories had been shared as we lay upon blankets and pillows, the laughter was as bright as a new day as Applejack told tales of when she’d first met Crusader and what had happened when he tried so hard to fit in.

He had not told me a lot of these, keeping them private in his datastores and I will not, would not violate that privacy. But hearing them from Applejack and the others made me feel as if there was a whole other side to him I did not know nor discovered in my quest for my own life.

Fluttershy was showing a few tears as she recounted him saving her when her cottage was attacked, telling of the tanks that rolled through the forest to surround her with protection, bringing her back and working for hours to save her life. He had almost blown the forest to Tartarus then, bombing it as he struggled to put her back together.

He was saddened by her injuries, and the thought that she would perhaps hate him for doing what he did to protect Ponyville.

The golden mare smiled shyly and shook her head, “I knew what he was doing was for all of us. I got a bit mad but I understood, I really did.” She reached out a hoof, patting mine for a moment, “Did you know he tried to make us all hate him?”

“WHAT?” I can’t help that it comes out louder than I expected.

Rarity nods, seeing Fluttershy ‘eep’ and hide behind her pillow when I replied too loudly, “Oh yes, the poor darling actually thought it’d be better if we did. That way he could do what he must to stop the monsters without worry.”

Pinkie bounces around the room for a moment, “Yep, he sure tried, didn’t work though. We kinda let him know we had him figured out.” She winks at me as they all laugh.

It was all so new to him then, so different from what he was used to that it was only slowly he came to an understanding. Even then, his emotions played with him as Equestria changed him inside.

I laugh with Applejack when she tells me of the time Roseluck made a pass at him and he didn’t understand what she was really saying, as he hadn’t gotten used to the nuances of body language. I don’t believe I’ve laughed that hard for a while. Twilight was nodding and giggling as she remembered that all too well.

“There he was jus’ as happy as could be he’d made a new friend. Yep, he was pretty pleased with himself.” Applejack’s face has a wry grin on it. “Then I started telling him what she ‘really’ wanted and he was about flabbergasted, saying he’d know if it was such a thing.”

Twilight let’s out a laugh, “She had to explain everything to him. He got this panicked look on his face, it was SO funny!”

Applejack gets a soft look in her eyes for a moment, “I remember that very first time, middle of winter he comes trudging through the snow to our house. Wasn’t fit out for pony nor beast, snowing and blowin’ hard it was so miserable. But here he came, right to the doorstep.”

“But why didn’t he just wait until the storm was over?” I am honestly curious, all this I haven’t heard.

“He brought Hearth’s Warming gifts, he wanted to deliver them by himself. He didn’t tell anypony he’d made a..a.. avatar.”

I see her eyes begin to get watery for a moment before she shakes her head, “I thought he was some imposter, was about to buck him clear through the wall when he talked to me on the link, proved it was him.” She chuckles, then laughs.

“What happened then?”

Her laughter stops as she looks at the pillow she’s lying on, “I uh..well...”

Rarity smiles, “She fainted.”


The Unicorn chuckles, “Oh yes, she told us later. She was so surprised at him showing up like that.”

“Yeah, wasn’t one of mah best moments.” She rubs her neck, “But I did get one thing out of it!” She grins brightly, “I brought him in to meet the girls, and you shoulda seen the looks on their faces when they figured out it was him!”

I lean forward on my blankets, “You pulled a joke on them by keeping his identity a secret?”

“Ah did, and it was great!” She crosses her forelegs looking smug. “Rarity about dropped out of her seat, Twilight couldn’t figure out anything to say.” She points at a cyan mare, “Rainbow was speechless for the first time in her life and Fluttershy about hid behind the couch for days!” She laughs, “Pinkie was actually just staring at him for a while too..oh I got y’all good!”

She gets pillows thrown at her as complaints about how they did not act that way assault her as well.

Twilight leans close as she is still chuckling, “It was a wonderful Hearth’s Warming, it really was.”

Applejack nods, “Sure was...,” She laughs out loud again, “Did he ever tell you we had to show him how to use his hooves?”

I shake my head, “No, no he didn’t.”

Rainbow lands near me, “He didn’t tell you a lot of this stuff did he?”

“No, I guess he was kinda embarrassed.” I fidget with my own hooves for a moment.

“Well he had every right to be!” Applejack shakes her head, “That dunderhead kept trying to do things by himself and was too stubborn to ask for help sometimes.”

Laughing, I nod, “Yeah he’s always been like that.”

“Yeah,” Twilight’s voice adds in, “About as stubborn as Rainbow I think.”

“I am not stubborn! Just..just..”


“Am not!”

“Are too..wait.. we’re not doing this.” Twilight grabs some food, munching on some potato chips and looking smug at Rainbow who was ready to keep going.

“Fine, quitter.”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“I am...no..nope, not gonna.”

Rainbow lands with a floomf in her pillow, “Fine, quitter.” Pinkie stuffs a cupcake in her mouth with a giggle to get her to shut up.

It had been laughs throughout the night, some stories too unbelievable, but knowing Crusader I could accept them though. I was finally getting a peek behind the staid exterior, the warm and caring Crusader I thought existed but never took the time to know.

Now I never could.


I bring a gift, something special requested by the Princesses as they told me they’d like to have a “Memento of one of the largest battles ever fought for Equestria”. So I worked hard while I was at the sleepover, my fabricators making very precise circuitry to end up in this box I have machined to look like wood in a beautiful mahogany color.

When you flip the lid open, there is a screen that sets in the top, a large pad for hooves down below allows one to touch it, to start a movie of ‘The Troubles’ as ponies are calling it. I leave out nothing, the sad, the good and bad that was done, culminating in a fight of tremendous proportions over the Everfree.

They will see my brother using his wits and weaponry in defense of a nation, his brilliant plans that out-foxed that thing in the forest again and again. He was good at what he did, centuries of experience boiling things down and making him solid like a rock, the waves that were the enemy crashed against his immovable form as he took it all in stride.

This will show them my brother, my companion of so many years that rescued me, brought me to a place I could call my own and taught me a new way of life. He trusted me, showed me that I was so much more than we ever thought. His teachings and calm, wise words got me through so many nights of frustrations and doubt.

He had been down, but never out, always having some other way of doing things to bring to fruition his defeat of the enemy once more. He was tricked, bluffed and almost torn to shreds in cyber combat but through it all he remained true to everything we believed in.

Honor, duty and nobility.

This will show ponies what it means to be a Bolo, letting them know what defines us, makes us whole in our cores. I have added music and done it in such a way I think he would be proud of me.

It is tamperproof though, once I have set it where it goes I will send a signal, any magic used on it or to move it will make it burn itself to cinders. That goes for moving it at all, I have installed stik-pads that will glue it in place permanently, welding it to whatever it is placed on by nanite packages.

No one will find a way to use this technology for themselves.

I clutch the box to my chest as we ride the train, the conductor at first had given me a hassle as he was there when I had wrecked the locomotive at Twilight’s orders, until I reminded him I could always punch more holes in his engine. We did not have any further problems afterwards, he showed us to some first class seats immediately. Twilight admonished me for the streak of anger I showed, saying that I should try to be more friendly, of course she giggled as she thought of it later.

She is kind to me, she does not see anything but me, and that is worth more than she can imagine. She has no thoughts of deception nor using me to her own gain, I am her friend.

That gets me through the nights when I can only ponder upon things in my own mind, and wonder what more could I have done to save my brother.

I think though, watching a Princess drool onto the arm of a couch brings things back into perspective. She does not act regal, has not thought of doing so, but she is royalty in so many ways that are all to the good.

So I watch over her, not that it is ever needed but I do, because she is my friend.


Arriving at the station in Canterlot, we are met by the Princesses themselves, which is quite a nice surprise.

Twilight of course is ecstatic, hugging her mentor and greeting them like family. I placed the box into a saddlebag before disembarking the train and am stunned when Princess Luna welcomes me with a hug as if I am family.

When I try to bow I am waved off, being told that it is an informal meeting and that the niceties are hereby suspended for our stay here.

Our stay? I wasn’t told of this.

Looking at Twilight, who is still massaging sleep out of her eyes, she smiles, “I forgot to tell you, they wanted us to stay for a while. There’s things to be done for the..the..funeral..”

I must look slightly confused as I sit down on the train platform, “Funeral? Whatever for?”

They all give me a gentle look, Celestia speaking warmly as she gestures for us to accompany them from the train station.

“It is customary for things like this, he has done so much for our country Athena, we wished to honor him the best way we know how.”

I am still confused, “But..but there aren’t any remains. He has a backup avatar and that’s it. I am covering his war hull as he wished, to make his hill again, that would be a fine memory I think.”

Luna taps me with a wing as we walk, “There is so much more we can do Athena, let us honor him in our way if you would?”

“I would not stand in the way of anything Your Highness, you know that. But I really can’t see any purpose. Everypony knows he’s gone and there just seems no reason for any fanfare like with Faded Scroll or Snowbell.” I am honestly wondering about this, I hadn’t thought of any type of..of processional or anything like that. Crusader was quiet in most ways, he didn’t want anything ostentatious I thought.

Princess Luna nods as we walk to the castle, taking our time as we chat, “Let us say, there are certain things we can do to remember.”

I nod, it’s the only thing I can do.


Arriving in the castle we are shown into a large hallway, more like a church cathedral it is so huge. There are stained glass windows on every wall leading off into the distance. So many scenes of life and other things. There is Princess Twilight, I am told it commemorates her ascension into her Alicorn form.

There are so many others, I feel like a tourist as I gawk at them, taking pictures to remember them by. My head is swiveling back and forth as the Princesses and Twilight point out certain ones. They have cleared the hall of all ponies except us.

They are gorgeous, done with meticulous care and artistry, the colors forever bright and shining as the sun comes through them.

“This,” Celestia points out to me, “Is when the Elements of Harmony defeated Discord, turning him into stone before he was reformed.”

It is worthy of the finest of cathedrals on Old Earth, the colors so bright, every detail picked out in precious metals or glass of color.

I stand looking for a while until I am nudged by Twilight, looking around to see the Princesses standing at another and rush to catch up.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean..” My eye catches the scene and I stop.

My mouth drops open as I see what appears to be a brand new scene, the welds in the frame are still shiny from emplacement as I can do nothing but gape at it.

In the center of the pane is a circle, the portal, from which reaches tentacles of darkness. It shows the thing we fought over the forest in some detail, giving it a look of evil and anger.

In the lower left corner, it’s Crusader! His avatar is shown rearing, but behind him...behind.. it’s his war hull! It is done in such a way that it doesn’t look overwhelming but you can see the main Hellbores!

He is surrounded by an aura of colors, a blue-white actinic beam is shown from him to the center monster, the same hue as our starcore hot Hellbores firing, though wrapped around by what looks like streaks of luminescence.

To the right of him are our six friends, shown in a group as they are surrounded by the Magic of Harmony, also shooting a beam at the center creature. I can make out all six of them easily, they are shimmering with the sunlight coming through the pane.

To the upper left are the Princesses and Discord, surrounded once more by an aura, a beam of magic coming from them to strike the monster in the center. All the detail is amazing as I look closer, seeing the little shifts of tint that make everything stand out.

But in the upper right, another pony rears, it’s me! Backed by my war hull I am surrounded by the same aspect as Crusader, the same blue-white beams from my Hellbores that look like it’s magic shooting from the color that surrounds me.

I must have slammed my butt down on the floor as I gape at the scene in front of me, my mind is reeling as I never thought nor even wondered of anything like this. I hear the Princesses chuckle behind their hooves at my reaction, Twilight is standing next to me looking at me curiously once more.

“Are you okay?”

“I..I don’t know what to say..really... I am awed.”

Celestia laughs brightly, “I think the glass workers would be proud to hear that.”

“It’s beautiful.” My eyes roam the scene, seeing wings outspread from the Princesses, Discord’s form leaning forward as if casting a spell to batter the monster in the portal. His body tense as he stands between the two Alicorns, just as he stood with us all that night.

Our friends are shown with imperious faces, their resolve to defeat the thing in every line and curve of their bodies. I can’t understand how this could be done with stained glass. The magic is bright as I switch sensors, the filters showing me it is fairly reeking of it. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are in flight above a rearing Pinkie and Applejack. Twilight stands in the middle as if directing the battle while Rarity is at her side, horn aglow. Their faces each different but somehow capturing the moment in time.

I see Princess Luna’s face, her fierce visage reminds me of the stand off in Manehatten when her armor gleamed, her halberd shone like the moon that night. Princess Celestia’s face has a slight smile on it, so like her, but she is steadfast in her resolve, her love for all her ponies shows clearly.

But Crusader, oh he is something else, standing and rearing as if he was going to charge into battle, his war hull framing him perfectly. His face is calm, as he always was, showing his own courage and thought while he was engaged in battle.

And me.. there I am.. My wings are spread as I hover in front of my own hull, they even got the number of Main Hellbores right. My face is grinning with a warrior smile as I fire at the thing in the center.

I have no words, they will not come to me as I sit and look up at this tremendous piece of art that would outshine anything in the Concordiat.

Luna’s voice slides into my ears softly, “We take it you are pleased?”

I look at Crusader standing there one more time and nod, wiping my eyes for a moment. He would have liked this, even though he was not one for memorials.

“It’s beautiful. I really have no words for it.”

“Then perhaps you would like what else we have.” Princess Celestia’s voice is soft as her horn lights up, a crack appearing along the floor and up alongside the pane of glass, traveling from right to left then back to the floor in a square that is quite large enough for all of us to pass through.

Everything moves apart and I am looking into a small room, well-appointed and plush. It is draped with a few banners and a large stone table at the far end, it is warm and bright with sunshine flowing through another stained glass window at the other end. It is done so that colors can spread but you can see the skies clearly.

“What..what is this?”

Celestia gestures to the interior, “This is where we would like to memorialize Crusader, to keep some things that meant so much to him.”

“Like..like a museum?”

“Sort of,” Luna interjects, “Just a special place that you and anyone else whom you and Applejack designate can visit to remember him. A bit of magic and a room is made where none could possibly be, sort of stepping into another space.”

I ponder this for a moment, a suspicion rising, “There’s something else..”

“Yes,” The dark mare nods, “Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are sending a specially made crystal resting place for him. We didn’t know if you’d wish to place his..semblance in there, but it would be safe in here if so.”

“You mean a tomb? Have his avatar here in this room?”

“A special place to keep a special pony.” Celestia smiles.

I look at Twilight, “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

A smile plays around her lips as she lets it grow large, “We thought it would be a wonderful surprise. Something to show you that we appreciate everything he’s done.”

“But..a tomb.”

“He will not look as if he has passed, more as if he will awaken anytime and is resting. We do not wish him to be toyed with nor treated as something to gawk at, but thought a simple place would be nice.” She gestures to the furnishings, “His avatar shall rest here in honor.” She looks at me with a smile, “We have known of his secondary for a while, thus this.”

I sit staring at the banner with his Regimental Insignia on it, a marble table where his avatar is to lay in the sunlight, or bathed in Luna’s Moon. The stars would forever shine on him and I think that would be perfect. I have seen his secondary avatar in the maintenance area and it hurts to see it immobile, lying there in the service bay.

Though something does come to mind as I mumble to myself, forgetting for a moment, “The Once and Future King..”

“Pardon Athena?” Luna is leaning close.

“I..I’m sorry. It was a legend on Old Earth, that a King named Arthur had only gone to sleep, that when a country named Britain was in dire need, he would return to lead them.”

The Princess of the Night grins, turning to her sister, “What a wonderful tale!”

The alabaster mare nods, “It is, to have the hope or the knowledge that whenever trouble arises help will be there.” She turns to Twilight, “Not too much unlike you and your friends Twilight.”

She smiles brightly, “Well I’m only a Princess, but I’ll do my best!”

Celestia hugs her warmly, “You are doing just fine Twilight, just fine.”

I cannot help myself, smiling with them as they chuckle. I think Crusader would love this little room, this place in the palace where he would rest. I do not have the hope of him returning, but to have him sleep like the old Arthurian legends, I believe he would get quite the smile from it.

Turning to look at the three Princesses I nod, “I think he would like this very much.”

Luna watches me carefully, “Are you sure? We do not wish to impose, but we thought it fitting.”

I nod, “No, no it’s not imposing. It’s beautiful, thank you so much.” I look around once more, thinking of how he would enjoy the craft and work that went into this ‘simple’ resting place.

I must have been silent for a while as I am nudged, Twilight gesturing with her eyes towards the Princesses who look expectant. They are standing outside the small room as we rush to join them, the door closing silently in the wall.

“I’m..sorry.. I didn’t mean to...” I am waved to silence with a gentle shod hoof by Princess Luna.

“You had a memento to bring us Athena?” Luna’s voice is merry, chiding me a bit.

“Mem..oh OH! I’m so sorry!” I scramble to my hooves, getting the box out of the saddlebag and presenting it to them. Twilight stands close, looking at it as well having only seen it when I picked it up from my hull this morning.

“A box?” Celestia’s smile is back.

“Oh..oh for.. yeesh I’m sorry!” I set it on a nearby table, opening it and pressing the touchpad. I watch their eyes as the movie starts, not seeing them move for the next forty minutes as they keep themselves riveted to the screen.

I do get slightly nervous, seeing them staring at the screen. We do draw together as the music and audio plays, echoing slightly through the cavernous hall. It is all there, everything we have gone through though in a very condensed version. I thought it came out quite nice myself.

After it ends the whole thing resets, waiting for another touch of a hoof.

They turn to look at me, it is silent for a few moments as I start to fidget.

“You made this?” Luna motions to the box.

“Yes Your Highness.”

“I think it is a marvelous telling of a tale that should be told.” Her grin is bright.

Celestia nods, “I believe it so as well.” She gestures to a guard, “Bring a stand for permanent display please.

The Guard nods, returning quickly with a short marble plinth held in his magic, setting it in front of the stained glass window. He removes himself to a distance awaiting once more the commands of his regent.

I motion to the box, “Once I place this, you cannot move it or it will destroy itself.”

“Even if the stand is moved and not the box itself.?” Twilight is always asking questions.

“Yes, any motion and it will send an alarm to me as well as burning itself to a cinder. There will be nothing left. That goes for magic as well, make sure no magic is used on it, anypony wishing to see it must touch the pad.”

“We will post a warning to do so, be assured it will be followed.” Celestia nods.

I place the box on the stand, centering it as I give the first signal to the nanites in the pads that weld it to the marble plinth, take one take it all burglars! I open the box so the screen is showing at a good angle and send the second signal, the anti-tampering is in place and working as I get a clear response back.

I can always make more, but the first of anything is always special.

Princess Celestia gestures to herself, Twilight and Luna, “We hope that this is a fitting remembrance of Crusader. It is a simple thing I am sure to one such as you, but it is our way.”

I am stunned..simple? Hardly! It’s wondrous and magical and all the other words I can think of in my data storage. It is something in all the worlds of the Concordiat I doubt few could match in artistry. It is one thing to copy, to machine something easily, it’s a wholly different thing to create something by skilled work and I tell them that.

“Well,” Princess Celestia is looking very pleased, “We shall pass on your kind words to the artisans, they’ll be happy to hear all that.”

With that pronouncement we left the hallway, retiring to their private rooms for an early lunch as all the walking built up quite the appetite, evidenced by Princess Luna’s stomach rumbling to her dismay.


Things are easier now, simpler, I think to myself as I enjoy a repast with Twilight and the Princesses. Luna is hilarious, telling stories of when she and Celestia were young and the trouble they got into. There is always laughter in Equestria, whether in the halls of the mighty or the smallest home. It comes without forcing, it flows like a river between ponies, touching them all with it’s joy.

Celestia is denying she has ever performed any of the deeds that Luna is so quick in telling, prompting the younger sister to tell even more.

I am told the story of a familiar fruitcake, given as a gift and as such there is now an unofficial law in Equestria that none shall ever be made again.

I see Celestia’s face go a bit sour, her lips twisting at the thought of that taste in her mouth once more, giving Luna an excuse to laugh loud and long. She tells of the new spell Celestia designed, making it possible to erase the taste of something from your tongue.

Slamming a shod hoof on the table, making plates jump, Princess Luna almost brays in delight.

“Oh you should have seen those emissaries! So proper and diplomatic when they tasted that thing! “Oh yes Princess Celestia, it’s a wonderful concoction!” She wipes tears from her eyes, laughing all the while, “One would think they were about to barf it up all over the table from how green they looked!”

“Luna!” The alabaster mare is mock-shocked, “They would never do that. I’m sure they went back to their private rooms before trying to get rid of it that way.” This deadpan delivery elicits more laughs from Luna.

I am told in no uncertain terms, with the promise of dire retribution, that if I ever give the recipe to Pinkie or release it in any way I would be held accountable. I lock anything to do with fruitcake into my Deep Cores and seal them immediately.

Twilight is giggling uncontrollably behind her hoof, seeing me nodding quickly as I am given the order by a serious faced Celestia. Apparently fruitcake is not going to be a hit for Hearth’s Warming. There goes my plans for gifts of it anyways.

My tap into Crusader’s hull gives me an alert, I switch to cameras and see Royal Guards waiting outside the maintenance bay where I had instructed Princess Celestia to retrieve Crusader. Opening the hatch I watch them carefully and with much reverence take him out, putting him into a chariot and winging their way back towards Canterlot.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but they are bringing him back now.”

Princess Luna stops laughing for a moment, nodding, “That is good.” She reaches across the table and puts a hoof on mine, “Don’t be sad, he will be honored and remembered for as long as we can make it so.”

I smile in return, “Oh I know, just..I miss him.”

“As do we all, but there is always that time in our lives Athena.” Celestia’s voice is gentle.

“Oh, I know. We have always experienced it, the loss of a comrade in the regiment, a commander. We live for centuries and longer, so we know. This place is so special and it makes it all the harder I suppose.”

I lift my head up with a grin, “Let me tell you a story.”

I tell them of the prank we played on Crusader, making his repeaters fire in smiley faces while in combat. How he had gotten revenge by having our command decks repainted in such nasty colors, but we never knew who cut the orders, only to find out after months of looking at the sickening shades of paint that he had done it in revenge.

They are laughing so hard they’re crying, as I tell them of the horrible colors, the shades of neon and paisley covering, how we despised it for months and months before he confessed.

We had been so angry we hadn’t spoken to him for quite a while afterwards, two sisters pouting that their command decks looked like something from a painter’s nightmare. I am sure my disgust is showing quite plainly.

But his gentleness and kind words were always there for us, even when we were angry, it made the difference during conflict on the battlefield. In time we forgave him, but refused to let anyone near our command decks again with a paint sprayer for years afterwards.

Our break ends though, with a parting and a promise of dinner later with the Princesses, I and Twilight move off so she can show me where I am to stay. It’s an apartment in the section of the palace reserved for dignitaries and the like.

“You know I don’t need a bed, I can just sleep on the floor when I deactivate my avatar.”

Twilight looks as if I just told her magic wasn’t real, stopping in her tracks as she tries to find the right words, “You don’t sleep on the floors here Athena, good grief this is Canterlot!”

I shrug, “So? I don’t feel the cold or heat. It’d be simpler that way.”

She pushes a hoof against my shoulder, “You want to be a pony, you’ll sleep in a bed, no floors!” Her eyes narrow as she looks at me.

I bow low, my chin hitting the marble flooring, “Of course Your Highness, your commands are mine to obey.”

She gets a frustrated look on her face, “Are you messing with me?”

I look up with a grin, “Yes.”

“Augh!” She throws a hoof up in the air, “Stop it!”

“Yes Your Highness.”

“I told you....”

“That’s what you get for ordering ponies around.” I wink at her as we walk.

“I’m a Princess, I can do that.” She gives me a huff.

“Oh that’s right, you are! Silly me. I must have forgotten than in all the weird stuff you do.” I am smiling brightly as we walk, looking around.

“I do not...ugh..do weird stuff!”

“If you say so.”

“You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?” Now she’s getting it, looking at me narrowly once more.

“I would never.”

She bumps me with a shoulder, “Smart aleck.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

We arrive at the door in a fit of giggles, she shows me the room and everything in it, I’m not sure I need such things but it is really pretty. I look around and realize it’s bigger than some houses in Ponyville, ostentatious doesn’t begin to describe it.

“All this for one pony?”

“Well visiting dignitaries prefer a lot of room, so..” She waves a hoof around at all the decorations. “It is kinda..well..”


She rubs the back of her neck, “..Yeah...”

We stare at each other for a moment, surrounded by furnishings that could probably pay for most of Ponyville. Ever been in an elevator where you and one other person try not to stare at each other after a few moments of eye contact? Yeah...

Twilight smiles slightly, “You know there’s a room down the way near the hall where I stayed when I was a..”


“Oh yes, when I was a student,” She starts heading out the door, I follow in her steps, “Stayed many nights there, they’re a bit small but really comfy.”

We gallop out into the hallway, heading for another room, looking for all the world like a couple of school foals running out of class. She snickers at me looking around like we’re going to get caught.

“I’m a Princess remember, I can go pretty much anywhere.”

I laugh as we run down the hallway, “Oh that’s right, doorways and walking into them your specialty!”

She almost stumbles, but recovers quickly, “Oh stop that, it was only once..well..twice!”

“Stop reading and walking at the same time and you’d be okay.” I give another laugh.

“Augh.. fine!” Her face is merry though, she still giggles as we skid to a stop in front of a door.

Twilight gestures, “My student rooms, not as big as the others, but I loved every minute in them studying.”

I sigh, “Only you would love studying while the rest were probably going to parties or dances.” I give her a look, “Am I right?”

She blushes, “Well..yeah but I had to study hard! I was Celestia’s student and had to keep putting my best hoof forward!”

“Of course,” I pause while she opens the door, lighting her horn up to access the lock, “That’s why Princess Celestia sent you to make friends right?”

“Well...” She watches the door open, “Kinda..I mean we had to stop Nightmare Moon!”

I know this story well, having been told many times. We walk into the rooms, there are two beds, a simple desk and another room packed with books and scrolls. A fireplace sets in the wall opposite the beds, providing warmth throughout the apartment. A couple of chairs set near the hearth, soft and very comfortable by the looks of them.

“From what you’ve told me, you wanted to do it alone, right?”

“Well yes, but I learned it takes more than just one pony to get things done.”

“So in the end, Celestia sent you to make friends, and along the way you defeated Nightmare Moon.” I am purposely teasing her, she is so easy to get flustered.

She eyes me, “You have a weird way of looking at things, it wasn’t just about..well part of it was..friends I mean..”

I give a crooked smile back at her, “No, I just like teasing you.”

Twilight stamps a hoof, before heading into the room, her face screwed up in mock frustration, “You..you!”

“Yep, me.”

She gives up, laughing as she shows me the other amenities. The rooms are not as..bold.. as the others but they are just the right thing needed for comfort. She lights a fire in the hearth, letting it’s flames warm the room a bit more than the fading sun.

“The nights get a bit cold up here, since we’re on the side of the mountain.” She turns to look at me once more, “Are..are these okay?”

“They are perfect.”


Night falls quickly here, looking from the window of the room. We had a wonderful dinner, easy and relaxed as are most things in Equestria. Once again Princess Luna shows her humor and good spirit by sharing stories and jokes.

Princess Celestia was in good spirits as well, taking the chiding from Luna and tossing it back at her in a show of a sisterly bond that hardly any could deny.

I imagine, in a long life such as theirs, they would see many things and deal with them in their own ways. Laughter, a few soft moments, perhaps an hour alone somewhere to remember.

Sort of like us.

Bolos lived very long, if not destroyed in battle or were ‘retired’. We saw the passing of time in infinite amounts, the graying of a commander we knew in his twenties, the loss of comrades after a century together. We saw it, we understood it was necessary and a part of our lives.

But watching two beings who have lived as long as one of us, I see how they deal with the loss. They laugh, not at the passing but with joy at every moment spent with that pony or other so long ago. Memories bring delight, not grief, though there is signs of it in their faces.

So different, yet not so much as I sit at the table observing them. Twilight is asking questions about famous ponies they knew far back in the mists of time, they answer easily and honestly.

There is always something extra to each tale or answer, a joke, a story of something funny. Other things that make up a whole of humor that overlaps any sadness.

I learn from this, I learn that we need not be sad all the time, that there is delight in every moment of the day with someone special and that we should hold it close. We as beings are given something special in each day, and it is that which truly makes us alive.

Twilight and I walked back to our quarters after the dinner, saying our goodnights to the Princesses. I guess I am pensive, or at least showing so as Twilight nudges me at the doorway, looking at me with concern.

“Is something wrong? You haven’t said anything since we left.”

I blink for a moment, realizing I have been quiet, “I’m sorry, I was just thinking.”

She smiles, “Well stop being me, I’m the only one allowed to be lost in thought.”

“Yes Your Highness.”

I am treated to a winged nudge on the ear and laughter, “Smart aleck.”


The day after tomorrow is the procession and the interment, though I still wonder about it, I believe that Crusader would like the imagery. The thought that like legends of old he will be sleeping in a place of majesty and wonder, awaiting the call to battle, makes me smile and gives me solace.

Much as he was weary, he would never shy from a fight, his sense of duty overrode any hesitation he might have had.

Until then, I will continue the watch as I set on the bed, hearing soft noises from Twilight as she rests. Looking out the window I see the stars bright against a velvet backdrop, a perfect night.

So a name I send to you my brothers and sisters out there, wherever you are. Crusader, no longer Unit CRSD of the Line, but Crusader of the First Equestrian Armored Regiment. Take him to yourselves and know he fought out of love and friendship, not because of orders, but because he had a choice.

Know that we are in a place where a single tear from a friend who misses you, is worth more than any battle honors or medals that could ever be bestowed.

As he once said, and I will keep saying, come home. There is a place for you here always. Until then, hope is always with you in your battles amongst the stars.

Goodnight my brethren.

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