• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,556 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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First Days.

I sit by the window in the open room. The quiet descends on me like a soft blanket. I look out of the window into the night, the snow still falling, whispers of what is to come. The hearth fire is banked, is stifled warmth easily heating the house. It is strange for me, for my life I have always been the one looking in. But now, I am the one looking out, to see what is out there; as Pinkie said, to know. I want to know, I want to be a part of something other than myself. I want to reach further than I ever have before.

I think of my conversation with Discord, did it have to be paranoia and mistrust on my part? No. But old habits break hard if at all. I am to learn, I am ordered by Princess Luna to live. This I shall do, as no other Bolo before me has done. We Bolos have always been curious, wanting to know things, but this is beyond any measure and scope. I can only hope I do it with honor.

Of course, first I must apologize again to my commander in the morning.

***Earlier that evening***

All eyes were upon the slumping figure of Applejack as she hits the floor. I do not know what to do as she passes out after my greeting. I did not think that my appearance would so affect her and I am frozen in indecision.

Applebloom’s eyes about bug out of her head, “What in hay did you SAY?”

Her elderly grandmother is watching my face, along with a very large, somewhat perplexed red stallion, her brother Big MacIntosh.

“I.. I just greeted my commander. I did not know it would affect her so.”

Apple Bloom is now looking puzzled, “Commander? But the only one that calls her that is.. Wait.. Crusader?”

“Yes Apple Bloom.”

Her eyes get wide, a grin splits her face as she leaps over and hugs me while I am sitting at the table, “Oh mah gosh! How did you GET here? You’re a pony! How’d you DO that? I thought ya couldn’t move! I can’t wait to tell Sweetie and Scoots about this! Oh Celestia this is awesome!”

I awkwardly return the hug, setting her down, “You might want to see if Applejack is okay.”

“Oh mah gosh! Mac, c’mon let’s get Applejack up!”

MacIntosh and Apple Bloom move Applejack to the couch, Apple Bloom sprinkling a bit of water on her face, getting her to sputter and wake up, waving a hoof around. “Get off with the water dangit, I ain’t lookin’ fer a bath!”

“Sis, you might want to get up then and talk with our guest.” The slow drawl of Big MacIntosh resounds in the room.

“Oh that ain’t Crusader, I dunno who it is, but I’m gonna wallop ‘em somethin’ fierce!”

Apple Bloom pipes up, “Oh no, it’s him! It’s him!”

“You just shush now Apple Bloom, lemme talk.”

Applejack moves a bit hesitantly to the table, setting across from me. She looks me right in the eye, her face quite serious as she searches my own. I sit quietly and wait for her to say something, I am not wanting another fainting spell, it was worrisome.

She points a hoof at me, “I dunno who you are, but you better start talking.”

I bring the link up, noticing she is wearing it, “Applejack.”

I see her turn a bit to the side, her voice low, “Not now Crusader, got somepony in here saying he’s you.”

“Applejack, I am going to wave my right leg.” With that, I raise the leg, waving it side to side, adding a warm smile.

Her eyes go a bit distant as she wavers in the chair, “One more time.”

“Applejack, I will wave my left leg this time.”

Once again, my avatar does so.

Her eyes go wide again, she turns the link off and sits staring at me for a few seconds. She shakes her head and leans forward, “How in all the sun and stars can you..I mean how.. What the hay Crusader?”

“You said I had a standing invitation for Hearth’s Warming Applejack, I thought I would take you up on it.”

“That’s not...I mean.. You can’t.. I never thought.. Dangit Crusader how did you DO this?!?”

“I cannot explain everything, it would just sound confusing, and no offense either. Can we just say a bit of my own magic and leave it at that?”

She leans her elbow on the table, planting her cheek on a hoof, “I can’t believe.. I mean yes I invited you but I never thought...”

“I just took your invitation to heart my Commander.”

She stares at me for a moment and narrows her eyes, “You messing with me?”


“Dangit Crusader, I oughta buck ya right out of the house! If it ain’t you showing up on mah doorstep, now yer messing with me? I oughta..”

I give a chuckle as she sits there glaring at me, “I apologize Applejack, I am sorry. Should I leave? I know this is very unexpected.”

The elderly pony by the hearth pipes up, “Oh no you don’t! Apples ain’t ever turned anypony out in the cold and we ain’t about to start now!”

Applejack turns her head, keeping one eye on me, “Granny, this ain’t a normal thing..”

“I don’t care! You don’t turn anypony out in the cold! I don’t know who this Crusader pony is, but he’s been polite so far!”

I see Apple Bloom and MacIntosh both nodding their heads as well.

Applejacks eyes narrow again as she looks at me, “I’m ..” She sighs heavily and leans on the table, “I’m sorry Crusader, I never expected this.”

“I know Applejack, and I am sorry for doing this. But it was a day when nopony would see me, and I wanted to bring your gifts in person, so this was a good time to do it.”

“You couldn’t have SAID something?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise, and judging from your reaction I would say it worked.”

She almost got angry again, then sat back and laughed, “I think ah’ve been a bad influence on you Crusader. If yer messing with me like this, yeah, bad influence.”

I relax a bit, knowing the hard part is over, if she accepts this representation of me, maybe it will go smoother with the others. But then I see a curious look, a sly grin that crosses her face as she starts to laugh.

“Oh Twilight’s gonna fall over when she sees you!”

“That might not be a good idea Applejack.”

“Oh yes it is, oh yes. Everything she’s done, oh yeah, this will take care of things nicely! Oh, Rainbow Dash too! That prankster is never gonna know what hit her! Oh yeah Crusader, I think this’ll be the best Hearth’s Warming ever!”

I believe I have never heard such an evil laugh from my Commander before, it is quite disturbing.

“Rarity’s mane is gonna go straight when she sees this! Oh Celestia this is gonna be good!”

“Applejack I am not sure I like what I am hearing.”

“What? Me gettin’ one over on them friends of mine? Oh Crusader you have NO idea what this is gonna do! Finally, FINALLY I got one on them and you betcha I am gonna take advantage of this!”

I look at Apple Bloom and MacIntosh as she starts laughing again, they both shrug at me and chuckle to themselves. I do not like where this is going.


I am still a bit unnerved by my Commanders actions as she invites me to sit by the hearth, I bring my saddlebags close to me and open them. I have learned a few things watching the ponies when they were near my sensor masts. How to walk, talk, the facial expressions; I had to practice for quite a bit of time to walk due to mass problems. My observations serve me well as I open them up, bringing out the gifts I have made for them.

Apple Bloom of course is quite excited, being admonished she cannot open them until Hearth’s Warming Day which is traditional. I give them the wooden boxes I have fabricated, as I was not wanting to wrap them in paper, the boxes being finely machined in my war hull. I also make sure that her brother receives a gift of gel packs, the nanites will take care of any bruising he receives from working. She is always mentioning he is getting hurt. As for the elderly Granny Smith, Applejack had once told me about her hip; I advise her to use the pack she receives when it hurts. I do not tell her it will rebuild the bone, plus clean the arteries and her heart, she will be quite healthy.

It is the best I could come up with, not knowing preferences, but I believe Apple Bloom and Applejack will enjoy their gifts as well.

I only need one thing...

Applejack is still laughing as she sets out mugs of hot cocoa, noticing Crusader hasn’t picked his up and is just looking at it from side to side.

“Something wrong there Crusader?”

“Just a slight problem Applejack.”

“What’s that?”

I lift my hooves and smile a bit, “I can’t quite figure out how to use these yet.”

An hour later, a lot of laughing from the three, and quite a few spilled mugs of cocoa, I have finally learned how to use my hooves properly. It is all a learning experience I know, but it is hard when you have to be taught to lift a cup.

It was an enjoyable evening, Applejack and I sat and discussed many things. Mostly farm related, but talked of her friends and family. Apple Bloom of course wanted to know everything about how I had become a pony. I could not tell her because she does not have the basis to understand what I would say. Meeting her brother and grandmother, well that was an added bonus.

As for the morning, Applejack wishes to take me to the castle, where the friends will be spending Hearth’s Warming Eve together. I am still not sure about this, as she was laughing quite evilly when she said this.

I do not know how I feel about being used as the basis for such a joke, but I will take it in stride, Bolo’s have endured far worse.

I wished them a goodnight, as I had informed Applejack I would stay awake, having no need for sleep. Listening to them upstairs, my ears being quite good, as they take their rest. I stand my watch, looking out into the whiteness surrounding the farm, the drone above at my beck and call should a need arise.

I spend the night as I have so many others, as sentinel.


Applejack and I make the journey through town to Twilight’s castle, it is an impressive edifice, made of crystal and some other materials my sensors cannot quite identify. I make a note to ask for a sample later. It is quite warm and very comfortable inside, I would have thought different, as stone castles on Earth were drafty and cold. This is neither, it is sealed, the hearth warming everything so well, I cannot see how it is done and must ask later. We were greeted at the door by Twilight herself.

“Hi AJ! Oh you brought a friend?”

I can see my commander having a hard time holding back a snicker, it is beneath her to do this, but, I am stalwart and shall accompany her with this joke.

“Yep! He just got into town last night, thought I’d bring him over for the party, that okay?”

“Always! Come on in, there’s snacks and hot coffee and cocoa!”

Following my commander into the castle, I see her shoulders shaking with mirth, I am not sure I will be looking at her in quite the same way as before. I do give her a bit of a glare, but she returns it with a shrug and a wink.

We are greeted by everyone in one of the large rooms, comfy and warm if I sense it right, they are all lying by the fire, books and games spread out.

“AJ brought a friend, say hi everypony!”

I wave politely at the greetings, settling down on a nearby cushion.

Pinkie is the first to ask, “So who’s your friend AJ? I don’t think he’s a new pony or my Pinkie Sense would have gone off...Unleeeesss..” She taps her chin with a hoof, “Nooo, don’t remember any new ponies!”

Applejack turns to me, grinning, “Why don’t you say hi?”

“Hello Twilight, everypony.” And I wait..

Twilight tilts her head, “You know, you sound just like..”

I smile and nod, “Do I?.”

All eyes immediately look at me, even Fluttershy starts to show signs of recognition as Twilight shakes her head, Rainbow Dash is eye-balling me with great suspicion.

“No...you couldn’t be because.. Wait a second..”

Rainbow pipes up, “Doesn’t he sound exactly like...?”

I wait for just a moment more...

It is Rarity that tips first, “You sound exactly like Crusader, polite, well spoken, always so charm......ing..” Her eyes get quite wide as she stares at the light umber stallion sitting on the cushion, “You can’t possible be..!”

Applejack, in some vernacular, looks fit to bust at her little joke.

“Yes Rarity, it is me.”

Applejack can no longer hold it in, she starts laughing out loud, rolling on the floor at the dropped jaws, the stunned looks, the exclamations of surprise. I politely wait for her to explain as they will not believe me quite yet. Everypony is talking at once, and my Commander just waves a hoof at them, wiping tears from her eyes as they look pole-axed. Twilight hasn’t said a word, but I notice a slight twitching of her eye as she stares at me intently, it is a bit unsettling.

Applejack being Applejack, takes a few minute to recover herself, her eyes still streaming tears as she laughs out loud, pointing to their expressions. Though I admit, as jokes go this is proving to be a good one. Rainbow Dash still hasn’t come down from the ceiling, looking at me with very wide eyes.

I do not move, not wanting to set off a new round of exclamations. Fluttershy is hiding somewhere I cannot see, Pinkie is actually just sitting beside Twilight with the same odd twitching. Rarity is the most calm, although she is fanning herself while lying on a couch. Applejack finally calms herself enough to say something.

“Whooooo! Stars above that’s the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time!”

Twilight voices her doubts first, “It..it can’t be him! He’s in the hill, he can’t move, he told us that!”

“Oh it’s him alright, trust me.”

They are all looking between myself and Applejack, knowing she’s honest, but not believing her. The truth will out though.

Twilight reached out and gently touched my hoof, “Is it really you?”

I nod, “It is me Twilight, honestly.”

“How did you...?”

“As I told Applejack, I could not explain to you in a way you would understand, I am sorry. Let us just say it is a bit of my own magic.”

Applejack chimed in, “Honestly Twi, don’t ask, it was kinda confusing to me too. But it’s him!”

I am suddenly assaulted from behind, cyan legs wrap around my neck as I am squeezed.

“I owed you a hug! Thank you so much!”

“You are welcome Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow let’s go and hovers over to sit on a cushion, “This is SO cool, you made a pony!”

“Technically, yes. Though out of certain materials, and I’m afraid my cutie mark is quite fake. I didn’t wish to draw attention having no mark.”

Eyes immediately go to my side, a broadsword, the blade wreathed in flames is stamped on my ‘flank’.

“It is my brigade insignia, I thought it would be appropriate.”

“It is quite nice Crusader.”

“Thank you Rarity.”

Applejack is still chuckling, “Oh I got you ponies, I got you good! You are never going to be able to top this one!”

“I had wanted to keep this a secret, but my Commander felt it would be a wonderful joke to play on you all.”

Pinkie has settled next to me, speaking in a soft voice, “I wondered why I hadn’t sensed anything, you weren’t new.”

“No Pinkie, I am sorry for the deception.”

“No worries silly!” She leans in and presses her forehead against mine whispering so only we two can hear, her blue eyes so very deep and warm, “Remember, you have to know.”

“I remember.”

She moves away and bounces around the room, “This is greatthisisgreatthisisgreat! We can show Crusader around! We can let him see everything! He’s gonna love it!”

I smile politely as the questions are asked, Applejack of course taking time to remind Rainbow Dash she ‘was got and got good’. I enjoy our conversation, the six friends and I. It was intriguing, of course they all vetoed Twilight doing any ‘testing’. Though I do wonder what that would mean, but am afraid to ask. The rest of the time is spent sharing memories, I listen closely, recording it all, storing them forever in my cores. I am treated as family, more than a friend, as somepony wanted and cared for, it is more than I could have hoped.

I leave my gifts with them, they are simple things, not like what I have given Applejacks family. But it is in the giving, not the getting as I am told. I wish I could stay for Hearth’s Warming as I am, but it is enough that I have been able to visit my friends on this special day. I do not wish to be intruding on any more plans they have, this was more than enough.

We spend more time saying goodbye, Fluttershy even gave me a hug as I left. A special feeling is in my cores as I trudge through the snow again, a lighter heart now. I do not feel the snow, the cold. It cannot penetrate the love and warmth I have received.

As I make my way onto the command deck, I reflect on the past two days. Tomorrow is Hearth’s Warming, and it will be a special day for me as well. I have been out in the world, I have done what to some may be boring and trite, but to me, every second was precious. I will remember the laughter, the stories and questions, the soft touches and hugs.

I will remember them always because these were the first days of my life.

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