• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Into The Past Part VII

“Wait...what now?” Twilight was looking at Athena in puzzlement, “What do you mean...?”

“He’s alive. A living, breathing, human from our era is right here!”

Athena had paused what she was doing after seeing the medical readouts on the auto-doc. Hurrying up to where everypony waited, she informed them of what had happened, receiving surprised, even shocked looks.

Luna was exchanging glances with her sister, “Would we get to meet him? Truly, it would be something special.”

“Oh, yes. Yes. Calliope and I want you all there. We’ll have to take it slow, the world is not what he remembers. So please, be very gentle.”

Everyone turned and eyed Pinkie who was listening intently to everything. She caught the looks, “What?”

Rarity lay a hooficured hoof on a fuchsia shoulder, “Pinkie, darling, we know you get excited, but now may not be the time.”

“I got it, I got it.” She kept smiling to herself though, planning something as always.

“So, that Calliope ain’t mad at us anymore?”

Athena turned to Applejack, “After what Sombra did, I’m amazed she even talked to me.”

Princess Celestia nodded, “If we’d only known, perhaps we..” She was halted in her apology by Athena’s smile.

“She knows, we’ve told her all about you, what you’ve done keeping ponies safe. She knows.” The sable Pegasus sighed, “But she is becoming unstable herself, she may have..moments.... where she lashes out, so please, don’t hold them against her.”

“Is there anything we can do?” Rainbow, always wanting to help.

“We’re doing what we can through programming. Her..codes... are very odd and I am not sure if we can do much but keep her alive for a while longer. We just don’t know.”

Twilight was looking thoughtful, “Is he like the ones on the other side of the mirror?”

“Kind of. But in his society there were no Cutie Marks, no magic. It was all technology and science.” Athena looked at all of them, “One last thing. He’s old. He lived his life out in the vault and towards the end they cobbled together a stasis field that would let him survive or maybe be rescued much later.”

Pinkie looked a bit sad, “He must have been lonely.”

“Sometimes, but you’ve been in neural linkup, he had a way to escape for a while.”

Athena hurried on, “We’re going to wake him slowly. I’ll be there to introduce myself along with Calliope. He’ll listen to her. Then once we get him up and around, I’ll introduce you all, is that okay?”

Fluttershy raised a hoof, “Do you think he’ll like us?” Meaning not just them, but ponies in general.

Crusader’s voice came through the links, “I think he will come to like you as we have.

Athena’s lavender eyes glanced around once more, “We ready?” She watched everyone nod, “Let’s go.”

The group waited in the outer vault, getting comfortable as Athena entered the interior room that had been revealed. She saw a living area, comfortable, only just, a cot for a bed, stacks of supplies in rooms off the central one and not much else.

She looked over the small workbench, seeing drawings of faces and places she didn’t know, but done so well they were almost like photographs. The penciled lines showing a detail she hadn’t thought possible. Colored chalks had been used to bring out the flush of skin, a glint of an eye, rain-washed streets. She recognized the place as his, an office, a workspace. He’d probably done all his paperwork here too when doing his job.

Calliope’s voice was warm, “He learned to draw. Once he had become proficient he worked hard to go beyond simple things.

“They’re lovely.”

He drew friends, colleagues, places of his imagination. He said it gave him freedom beyond these walls.

“They’re so well preserved. You thought ahead.”

“We tried. He would have been upset had he awoken to find his things decayed from the ravages of time.”

A beep and some long tones from the auto-doc attracted her attention, “It’s time?”



A voice, lovely and low. Dulcet tones reached his ears and he smiled once more. He inhaled deeply, feeling the fresh air once more. His lips were dry, throat barren as a straw bumped into his mouth, providing a quick drink to wet the parched tissues. Enough so he could swallow without pain.

“Take it easy Sergeant.”

A sweet voice, coming from the side as he opened his eyes. Vision still good after so long as one hand raised to grip the side of the auto-doc and raise himself up.

“Slowly now, don’t strain yourself.”

“Are..” The voice cracked at first, then gained strength, “Are you rescue? Finally?”

“In a way.”

He couldn’t see who was talking. It was taking him a minute or so to get his bearings. He could spy the soft lights, ones he’d lived under for so many years, still comforting. The air was warm, small puffs from the recirculating fans making their way across his body.

“Who..are... You Concordiat?”

“I am Unit ATNA of the Line. Please, call me Athena.”

“A..a Bolo?”

“Take some more water Sergeant. I’m afraid there’s a little explanation to be had. You might wish to take it very slowly.”

“To the devil with that! It’s about..*cough*.. time you lazy bastards got here!” He lifted himself up, still strong, still able to, bringing his upper half out of the auto-doc in a shaky move. He felt something gentle helping him from behind, pushing up against his back.

Long unused muscles ached as he turned to look, a large pair of the prettiest lavender eyes he’d ever seen staring back out of a light sable face. A smile gracing a mouth which was very different from anything he’d ever seen.

Years of life made him not easily surprised, he still had his wits about him, “You sure don’t look like any Bolo I ever saw. Little small aren’t you?”

The laugh he received in turn was full, rich and music to his ears.

“I assure you Sergeant, this is only a part of me. My hull is parked outside.”

“Well, then! Let’s get out of here and see what the world has to offer! I hope they still have pizza after the puppies got through with everything, because I have to tell you I have a mean desire for one.” The older man made to get out of the auto-doc, but was stopped by that same gentle push on his chest. Looking down, he saw that the thing that called itself Athena had already switched positions, faster than he could take in, and was keeping him in place.

“Sergeant, there are a few things that must be explained first. Would you put your commset on?”

He got a better look at her now, easy to tell by the voice. A muzzle with a smile that never left, wide eyes that were liquid and sincere. A mane and ...tail? That were elegantly done up to present the best possible picture.

“Are you..a horse?”


“A..pony. Really now?” The skeptical look made the laughter come again. He really couldn’t mind it, it sounded so good to his ears.

“Really. Please, your commset?”

He reached over, taking the headset off the table where it had lain who knows how long and snugged it over the short cut hair, making sure the ear piece was in place along with the boom microphone.

“There we go.” Carpenter looked expectantly at the..pony.

“The world has changed Sergeant..”

“Call me Wyatt, please.”

A nod of the head, “Wyatt, then. The world is very different. You’ve been asleep far longer than you thought.”

“Listen to her please, Wyatt. She is telling the truth.”

“Calliope? Oh god, it’s so nice to hear you! Are Aoide and Thalia there too?” A look of relief graced the strong face, memories flooding back.

No. I’m afraid much has happened, but we will explain all that at a further time. Listen to Athena.

Athena looked up at a camera sharply for a moment, wishing that had been left until later. Too many shocks could be bad.

“What’s going on then? There’s a..a..” A hand waved around, searching for the word.

Athena grinned, “Pony.”

“...Pony in my living space here.” He peered at the smiling shape, “And she speaks damn good Standard.”

You never obeyed instructions before and even now. I told you, listen to Athena.”

Hands raised in surrender, Carpenter smiled, “Yes. I understand. Listen to the..pony.”

“Sergeant...Wyatt.. I’ll be blunt. You’ve slept for a long time, possibly millions of years, we’re not quite sure of anything when it comes to the timeline.” Athena was sitting across from him as he clambered out of the ‘doc.

“There are no more humans, the Concordiat does not exist anymore.”

This stopped him from moving, he sat down on the edge of the machine he’d previously been in and just looked at the alien being who’d made that pronouncement.

“You’re serious?”

“Very. I was found by another Bolo, Unit CRSD of the Line, Crusader. He had been awakened some time before he knew I existed. It is a very different world Sergeant. One which you may have problems understanding.”

“How long then?”

“We are not sure, but enough time has elapsed that a new race has come into being. Whether by a shift in the nature of what we knew as reality, or by natural occurrence, we don’t know.” A hoof pointed at him, “Because of the bombardment, and the cutting off of this little redoubt in the Rockies, you may very well be the last.”

A hand wandered up to the pleasant face, wiping downwards with a slow movement.

“Ain’t that a kicker.”

Athena remained silent while watching him process the information. She flicked on a link to Calliope on the side.

He is older than you warned of, could stasis failing during the long sleep have led to him aging before you could reinforce the field?

A sadness permeated the reply, “It appears so. We thought the field inviolate, that it would function even when flickering. Stasis was commonly used on equipment as you know, but scientists were still studying the effects on living tissues.”

“We will monitor his condition through the headset commlink. It can give us readouts on his health while we fashion a bracelet for him. The ‘doc has kept him stable though.

“It was all we could do while he lived. We did not have access to nanite storage nor the ability to create any. The medical nanos had to be carefully husbanded to keep him alive. We used all ensitive equipment that could be spared to make more, cameras, electronics we no longer needed.

“I can take him into my hull, give him a full diagnostic workup. We can’t reset the clock, but perhaps we can make him a little more comfortable.

It is all I can ask.

“No need to. You trusted us and we will not break it in any way.”

Thank you.”

“So, what do we do now, Pony-that’s-a-Bolo?” Carpenter was grinning at her.

“You are accepting all this a little too well.” She was sounding amused, “That’s not exactly what we were ready for.”

The Sergeant grinned, waving a hand at the surroundings, “What? Want me to panic? I can do that real well. Run around screaming, flapping my arms, yelling ‘The End is Nigh” at the top of my lungs?” He reached over, grabbing a cane that had sat in the same place, leaning against a small desk near the cot for longer than she’d been alive. He gripped it firmly and stood up, looking quite dapper in the wrinkled uniform he had slept in, there being no other clothing but battle utilities.

A giggle came from both Calliope and Athena. Athena could tell she was going to like this human.

“No, not exactly. There is a delegation waiting to meet you in the outer vault. The Princesses Luna and Celestia, co-rulers of this country are there, Princess Cadence and her husband, of the Crystal Empire, which we are in..er..under..and a more recent ascended Princess, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.”

“Few more Princesses you’ll have a killer baseball team.”

Athena couldn’t help it, she laughed. One of the most honest ones she’d ever had. Calliope was giggling up a storm at the snarky comment.

“It seems the Sergeant is in fine fettle.”

“Who’s that?” Green eyes looked around the room as Athena shook her head.

“Wyatt, may I introduce Unit CRSD of the Line, Crusader.”

“It is very much my honor to meet you, Sergeant Carpenter.”

“The other Bolo? You things seem to be popping up everywhere.”

Lavender eyes rolled at the statement, it seems the Sergeant had quite the wit about him.

“Not really. He is down in a place called Ponyville where we reside. It is our base of operations for Equestria.”


“The name of the country, the land where we are. Encompassing the Crystal Empire and surrounding domains.”

He stared at her for a moment, looking as if he was about to ask if she was pulling his leg with these names, but decided to let it go.

“Fair enough.”

“The delegation does not speak Concordiat Standard, I will be doing a simultaneous translation through your headset. You may hear in stereo or a duplicate of voices for a moment until it synchs up. Is that all right?”

“Sounds good to me.” He tightened his grip on the cane, flexing his legs for a moment and stretching. It felt good to be moving, to be breathing, not lost in a world of dreams that flickered in and out. The cane was an affectation as he got older in the vault, feeling the need to have just a little support as he aged. Now though, he did need the bracing.

“Are you feeling well?” Athena’s voice sounded concerned.

“I am. I’m alive and that’s what counts.”

“I know it is not the rescue you hoped for, but it’s something.”

The tall human sighed, “I think after a while, deep down, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. There were bad moments, some hopeful ones, a lot of time spent thinking. But maybe..well..not maybe.. I knew I would be down here until the end.”

Calliope’s voice came over the loudspeaker and headset, “I am so sorry Wyatt.

A hand was waved, cutting her off, “There isn’t anything to be sorry about. I lived a good life with you, Muse. It was more, so much more than the rest of humanity on Earth had at the end.”

Ponies aren’t small, they really aren’t. They’re not as tall as a fully grown human, but they are a presence. It didn’t take much for Wyatt to lean down and catch Athena’s ear.

“Just let me know one thing, just one.”

“Anything Sergeant! I am at your command!”

“Tell me they have good beer?”


Princess Celestia waited with baited breath. She looked at the others talking in low tones as they awaited Athena out in the vault. Her eyes took in the unfamiliar yet recognizable things in the room. The screens, chairs, desks and tables. Crates with treasures in them and so many things she’d love to explore.

Luna was staring at a painting on the wall, tilting her head left to right and peering intensely at it. It contained what looked to be a town in a valley, the sky filled with whorls and swirls of pigment. It fairly glowed under the soft lighting in a glass-like case. The colors, vivid and striking, trapped the eye.

“What is it Luna?”

“I..am not sure.”

“It is very pretty.”

“It is. I find myself quite drawn to it for some odd reason.”

“Is there a name or title somewhere?”

“There is, but I am afraid I cannot read it. It is in Standard as Athena calls it.” Her eyes slipped back up to the painting, Celestia’s eyes followed hers as they both gazed at it.

“Perhaps we should tear ourselves away. We do have a meeting in a moment.” She had heard laughter from inside the room, sensing that it was time to make ready.

“Of course.” Luna followed her back to the waiting group, but couldn’t help glancing back to the strange, yet wonderful picture upon the wall.

She wished she could read the placard underneath it, written in a flowing script it contained words Luna was not familiar with. She would ask Athena to translate as soon as possible.

Luna was nudged by a wing, turning to see Athena in the doorway with a tall figure. Straight and lean it held a cane gripped tight by..a..hand? Topped by a gray mane, it didn’t look as old as it should with such hair. The eyes were bright, a warm smile graced it’s face.

This is what Athena and Crusader had called a human. So different, yet, she did not find it too unappealing. Much like the dreams she helped Athena with, the human had a certain dignity about him.

There was no muzzle, the face flat, but handsome in its own way. It stood on two appendages, the upper ones leaning on the cane that helped it stand. Luna could do nothing but gaze at the figure in a mottled uniform of some kind, not knowing what to say.


Sergeant Wyatt Carpenter didn’t know what to expect. He was talking with a..a Pony that declared itself to be part of a Bolo that was parked outside. Not only that, the names of these places had a distinctly humorous flavor to him. They seemed to be serious, so he would do his best to be a proper soldier.

So many years. He’d lived a long life, and now a rescue of sorts would introduce him to a new world. What more could a single human ask for?

He followed the sable form out of the hidden door, still good and tight after what they’d said was eons. He wasn’t sure, but Muse had never lied to him.

As he took the turn he was confronted by forms that were sitting on what looked to be large cushions among the desks he remembered. So many colors, bright and vivid they struck his eye like the new sun. He was entranced, almost dumbstruck.

A tall, white ...pony was wearing a necklace of sorts, and a crown. Her mane blowing in a wind that he didn’t feel, the colors so striking. Her eyes were soft and the smile... That smile reminded him of something but he couldn’t quite grasp what it was and so moved on. She had a..is that a horn? Wings? On a ..pony..what was this? He looked at his escort, noticing she too had wings. How had he missed that?

Another darker form was the exact same, only slightly smaller and with wings and a horn as well. She too wore a crown of sorts, and a chest piece with the crescent moon upon it. Her eyes were bright as she smiled at something the taller one said.

He couldn’t quite make out the words, but the translation was starting to come through. He heard them very clearly, the voices, from every single one were like nothing he’d come across. Maybe they didn’t hear like he did, or the ranges were different. To him they were as sweet as spring water. Cool and close, a myriad of tones that were heaven to his ears. He’d spent so long with the sounds of four voices, including his, that he’d forgotten what it was like.

He didn’t know what to say or do. Seeing a pastel colored one with a mane of striped colors flowing down her neck, sitting beside a bulkier one that looked to be male. It was a new world, he wasn’t going to assume.

Others crowded beside them, from an orange one with golden blonde hair to a rainbow colored mane on a bright cyan one with wings. He understood colors, having learned years ago to draw and paint. But this, was truly amazing.

Athena stood watching Wyatt for a moment, wondering what was going on as his eyes widened, his face taking a look of pure surprise and delight.

She shifted her visual spectrum into human norm, the limited visibility coming up quickly on her eyes. She turned to look at the gathered group and almost dropped her jaw in shock. She’d never viewed them before like this, always through sensor clusters or eyes that mimicked ponies’ own. They did not have the organic facilities to truly copy the sight of humans, but it was enough to give her a glimpse of what he now saw.

This, however, was something new.

They almost glowed in her sight. The colors so normal to her were now something out of the ordinary. Ponies shone like the color they were was the only one in the spectrum. Celestia was a white that had never even been dreamed of, so pure and simple it struck the mind like a sledgehammer.

Luna was not only a deeper shade of blue, but had turned into a night sky of her own. The stars in her mane glowed as individual suns in the flowing wave that stretched behind her.

Each and every one stood out to the eye in ways that had never been glimpsed, much less imagined. Cutie Marks were not just simple prints anymore, but almost a holographic representation on the flanks of these ponies. Fooling the eyes and seeming to pop right off the coat underneath. They shone and glittered with each movement.

Athena blinked, recording everything. Why had they never thought of doing this before? She could only imagine what the real eyes of Sergeant Carpenter saw.

Princess Celestia stood up, stepping forward on light hooves as she smiled at Wyatt.

“It is an honor to have you here. Welcome to Equestria.” The regal head gave a short bow.

Wyatt listened, hearing the words and almost understanding them but the translation came through crystal clear even as he tried to catch what she was saying.

The Sergeant straightened, his uniform bare of anything but his name tag, still neat and trim as he came to attention, “I’m not sure how to greet you, but the honor is mine, Your Highness.”

A gleaming gold clad hoof lifted as Celestia listened to the translation coming through her own link, “We usually touch hooves Sergeant.” Being prompted by Athena as to address.

Athena nudged Wyatt, “Make a fist and gently bump her hoof.”

He eyed her for a moment before doing so, reaching out and gently pressing his fist against her outstretched hoof. He was assured he’d done right seeing the smile grow wider as Celestia stood and turned slightly.

“May I make the introductions?” At a nod from Wyatt she continued.

“This is my sister Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria.”

The darker form came forward with a brilliant smile and bright eyes, “‘Tis truly a pleasure to meet you.”

“And you, Your Highness.”

Luna nodded to him and stepped back in line with her sister.

“This is Princess Cadence and her husband Shining Armor, they are the current rulers of the Crystal Empire, that which is above all this.”

A beautiful slim pony came forward, accompanied by a bulkier one, no less handsome. In Wyatt’s eyes they were both wonderfully different. Colors so lustrous and warm. It was all he could do to keep from staring outright.

“A pleasure Sergeant Carpenter. We welcome you to the Crystal Empire and Equestria.”

Shining stepped forward, “Glad to have you!” Offering a hoof to be bumped as Cadence nudged him, a fretful look on her face.


Wyatt chuckled, leaning down and giving the offered appendage a solid and from the sound of the thump, strong return on Shining’s greeting.

“Glad to be here.”

Cadence sighed, “I can’t take him anywhere.”

Laughter broke the tension, what there was of it. Wyatt smiled, knowing the interplay between the couple that would have been familiar in any residence on Earth.

“This is our newest Princess, Twilight Sparkle.”

Wyatt watched as a lavender form detached itself from a group of five more, looking up at him with violet eyes full of wonder and so many questions.

“It is such a pleasure to meet you!”

“My honor, Princess.”

“Twilight, please.” She rolled those same eyes at the chuckles behind her, knowing her friends reactions as she did.

A hoof swept backward, “These are my friends, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.”

Pointing to each one as they were named, the called pony stepping forward with a nod or smile for the soldier. The greetings in voices that seemed as if musical notes flowed from throats, the language not a sing-song but perfect in each word and syllable. It was a language that he could almost understand, some words matching with Concordiat Standard, but others a total mystery until the translation came through.

He greeted each one with all the honesty and solemnity that he could muster. Not for the reason he may have been the only representative of a race long gone, but because they deserved it. He saw the smiles, the colorful eyes that showed the same wondering look he assuredly had on his face.

The bright pink pony, with a mane of curls that bounced as she walked up to him, smile gracing the pretty face and blue eyes that crinkled with delight. A hoof went up, holding a slim box.

“A gift for you!” Her voice was the measure of another beautiful song.

He leaned down, not very far, as was mentioned before, ponies do measure up. He took the box gently and realized it was very warm and a familiar smell was coming from it.

Carpenter opened the box and looked on in surprise at the pizza that lay there, cheese still melting, covered in vegetables and other succulent things that made his taste buds tremble, his mouth almost watered.

Athena glanced at Twilight who was looking back at the others, seeing shrugs and helpless looks. None of them had even seen her leave the room, much less return with the box.

The Sergeant grinned, he couldn’t help it, “How did you even..” But was halted in the question by Athena’s hoof on his leg.

Her lavender eyes held a tint of humor about them, “Don’t ask. Seriously, do not ask.”

“But it’s..I mean..”

“I know. Ponies, plus Crusader and I, have tried to figure her out.” She quoted a long ago phrase from a poem popular at the time of the Final War, “Along that path lies a madness of the soul, brave traveler, seek not that which is unknowable.”

“I will take your word then.” Kneeling down on the hard floor with one leg, he looked at the happy eyes staring back.

“You don’t know how much this means to me.”

Pinkie’s face grew warm, “I had a feeling.”

He offered a closed fist to bump her hoof like he’d been shown, only to watch her move at a speed he hadn’t thought possible.

Immediately Sergeant carpenter was enveloped by the softness of a coat that was like the finest silk, two legs wrapped around his neck with a strength he knew was far beyond what he imagined. The soft scent of sugar and other gentle odors brought back memories of the days when his mother baked in the kitchen.

He let the box down on the floor and wrapped one arm around the muscular neck in return, a soft cheek lay against his, pressing tightly. Lips brushed against his skin as the wonderful voice whispered in his ear, “Welcome to Equestria.”

The sincerity in those few words made him close his eyes, not wanting to let go. He sighed, releasing the hold he had around her neck and leaned back. Pinkie, however, didn’t want to let go. Hugging him close for a few seconds longer before stepping back herself.

His voice almost cracked as he whispered, “You, are something very special. You all are.”

In return he heard another whisper, “So are you.”

His back twinged with a little pain as he leaned back, standing up and looking at those liquid blue eyes, “Thank you for the gift.”

“I think, if you were to enjoy that properly, might we all retire to a meal?” Celestia’s voice was as serene as her look.

“That would be a wonderful idea.”


Up in the banquet hall, servants gaped at the tall figure that slowly walked with the group of ponies. Trying to answer questions as fast as he could, coming from the lavender one, or comments made by others. The sight of the multi-colored maned one flying beside him kept reminding him he was not in the world he knew any longer.

Calliope had continued talking to him through relays set up by Athena, peering out of his headset and into the wider world of the Crystal Castle that sat above their abode.

His eyes took in everything they could. The statues, guards standing at attention around the hallways, the castle itself made of luminous formations that dazzled his eyes until Athena had a tech spider bring in a pair of wraparound shades, allowing them to relax.

He found himself setting on a thick, comfortable cushion, seeing all the others arranged just so, lying on their sides as they sat around a thick table. It sat low on purpose, so ponies could relax while chatting and having a meal. Crossing his legs he sat as best he could, Athena at his side and laying in such a way he could use her for support without anyone noticing.

Spike was there as well, asking questions as only he could and seeing the wonder on the humans’ face as he laid eyes on a real, honest to goodness, talking dragon.

The castle staff were normally unseen and performed their jobs without a hitch. However, this was something so new it had them almost stumbling while bringing out a tea service. No one minded, in fact they encouraged them to speak to the tall figure and say hello.

They didn’t know what to expect, hearing a voice as warm and gentle as could be coming from the strange figure. His eyes were bright and filled with wonder as he took in the Crystal Ponies, seeing them shine in the light from overhead and accepting their greetings with all the dignity he could.

A cup of steaming tea was set before him by a maid, her smile making him feel warm inside as he took the delicate container in both hands, breathing in the scent of something soothing and comforting.

“Tea, Earl Grey, hot.” He murmured.

Athena’s head snapped around as her eyes locked on him, “You did not just say that.”

“I did. I was a huge fan of the reruns and the new series they came out with when they rebooted it for the umpteenth time.”

“Of all the humans in the world, we get you.” They were speaking in Standard, as the others listened through their links.

“That’s not a bad thing,” He stopped when a pretty maid offered him rolls from a lovely crystal basket.

He nodded, bringing his hand up and down with almost a chopping movement, the first two fingers pointing outward as if directing something “Engage.”

The gathered ponies didn’t understand why Athena, and then Wyatt, laughed so loud.

A feast to delight was served. The servants, charmed by this visitor, brought out the very best spelled plates and dinnerware. The table was covered in a shining cloth, crystal platters with magic laid on them to keep dinner fresh and hot were set out alongside tableware.

Pitchers, also spelled, with juices from grapes and berries, cider and wines from the finest Empire vineyards were dripping with condensation as they chilled their contents. Set out on large chafing dishes to the side were fine vegetables and viands that could be found at the moment, fresh off the farmer’s stands, they were roasted, grilled and sauteed with sauces that tickled the palate.

The pizza was given it’s own covered dish, keeping it hot as Wyatt enjoyed each piece. He did ask about the availability of soy products or even meats, and was told it was a vegetarian society.

He wasn’t too dismayed, as Athena had tech spiders deliver some piping hot soy products from her own stores. The watching ponies seeing the human eat with gusto a faux hamburger, and remembering their own prank with them, proceeded to tell the soldier about what had happened when they convinced others that they were eating a cow, which in this land were sentient.

Athena had to slap the Sergeants back a few times when he choked from laughing so hard. Sharing everything Athena had brought with all the gathered ponies, even the servants were invited to partake, creating a stir of ideas for new recipes.

The intimate dinner was more of a small party as the laughter continued for some hours. Athena sharing tales of Crusader and her problems with this land, their efforts to overcome programming.

They saw his face light up when the Battle for the Everfree was told to him. A thing out of somewhere, forced back and out of this world by the might of magic and Bolo firepower. The times when they stood for the ponies and did whatever they needed to.

He lay a hand along Athena’s withers, leaning down and whispering to her alone, “You’ve done well, Athena. If I were your commander, I couldn’t be prouder of you or Crusader.”

Her eyes brightened as she sat taller on her cushion, “We..we’re just doing what we thought was right.” She felt a warmth in her breast and through her cores, over the commlink as Crusader listened she could tell he was feeling the same.

“I was only a tech, but I always remembered what my parents told me. Do the best you can with what you have.”

Athena nodded, “But..there’s so much we have to tell you.”

He smiled down at her, shaking his head, “You don’t have to tell me anything. I’m just a Sergeant, a tech who did..maintenance... on things. Nothing more.”

A silken napkin was used to clean his hands as he kept talking, “We’ll talk, I promise, if you really want to. But tell me, there’s really magic here? Like hocus-pocus magic?” He pointed to the pitchers hovering just above the table from an attentive servants’ magic, “Or is this just a trick?”

Athena laughed, “Not quite the same, but yes. Magic is everywhere, it permeates even the land.” She pointed, seeing Rarity use her own to lift the teapot, pouring another cupful.

“That’s..just amazing.”

“That’s what we thought.”

The subject of magic brought out the worst in Twilight as she tried to explain everything, only being held back by her friends and a gentle word or two from Princess Celestia. They all knew her predilection and tried to temper it with other things, stories, tales from around the country, what the Elements of Harmony were.

But Sergeant Carpenter took everything in, all so new, so different. He’d always been a secret fan of the science fiction shows, the fantasies. He’d never dreamed in a..heh..million years he’d see something of it come to life.

He stayed silent, listening to the wonderful voices and understanding more through translation, when Princess Luna leaned forward.

“Sergeant Carpenter? Is there anything you’d like? We’ve been so busy telling tales, that you barely speak.”

He stared at the empty plates, the watching eyes, for a moment. Finally lifting his eyes and asking the most honest thing he could.

“Can I go outside?”


Surprised eyes shared a look as they all realized they had missed the obvious. Spending his life, most of it, in an enclosed space; they had never thought twice that perhaps he would like some fresh air, or see the outside of the castle they were currently in.

It turned into a fire drill.

Cadence ordered the castle staff to make sure the Crystal Gardens were cleared, as they did not wish to overtax their visitor. The employees, having been charmed by the gracious guest, strove to do their best, rushing off in panic mode.

Luna and Celestia could only watch as the table was cleared in a hurry, ponies scattering about suddenly to make sure everything was just right for the walk in the gardens that adjoined the castle. They had to leave as well, evening was coming on and it was almost time to perform their duties in lowering the sun, raising the moon.

Twilight was apologizing profusely for the mistake, her nervousness was showing as she tried to maintain a happy face, but was worried things were going to go wrong.

“I am SO sorry! If I thought you might have wanted to be outside, we could’ve set dinner on the terrace. I am really sorry about this!” Her eyes caught Cadence and Shining disappearing to make sure everything turned out fine for the visit to the outside.

“It’s just a bit of fresh air, Princess Twilight. There’s no need for such a fuss.” Wyatt was watching the explosion of activity around them.

“Fuss? It’s not a fuss! You’ve been asleep for who knows how long and..and... we want to show you the best of everything!”

A lilting voice caught his attention, showing him a golden mare..he knew the term now, mare, smiling at him with a somewhat shy voice, “We just want you to be comfortable.”

“I am. More than. You really don’t have to do all this for a simple request.”

Another voice joined hers, it had a distinct southern feel to it, though still as musical, “Ah don’t think you got much of a choice.” A chuckle followed, “Ponies get it in mind to do somethin’ ain’t a whole lot gonna stop ‘em.”

Athena nodded, looking up at him, “Maybe it’s best you just relax and stay out of the way.”

Shaking his head slightly, Wyatt sighed, “If I must.” An arm reached out, grabbing a pitcher of ice-cold juice, pouring a goblet full before he took a drink with a smacking of lips, “That really does taste good after so long.”

“You didn’t have anything different?” Athena was puzzled, she’d seen stacks of supplies, various things that were normally in an emergency cache.

“Oh no. Whoever was the keeper of the lists on this particular redoubt, had something against juice, or even sugary drinks at all. No soda, nothing but electrolyte solutions and water.” He had been slightly dismayed at the thought of no beer, but the other tasty items more than made up for it.

Athena made a face, knowing the universal hatred of ‘good for you’ electrolyte supplements.

A gentle hoof patted his knee as Fluttershy nodded, “You poor thing.”

“Yes, yes. Woe is me. Years upon years of nasty things to drink. I would have sold body parts for a soda.” An arm went up across the face, Wyatt looking for all the world aggrieved and tortured.

“Stop that, you’re just fine.” Athena giggled as he looked out from under his arm.

“Is it working?”



A yellow hoof held a bottle in front of his face, he could hear the faint sounds of fizzing and popping, carbonation, “Would you like a root beer?”

Eyes went wide as he stared, “No..you have root beer?”

Fluttershy and Athena nodded, “The carbonation is done through a process that’s an offshoot of the weather factory system.”

Once again the Sergeant stared at Athena as if she was kidding him, “Weather factory?”

Fluttershy smiled, bright and cheery, “Yes, where they make the weather.”

Green eyes looked between the two pegasi before locking onto Athena, “I’m going to catch you. You’re pulling a fast one on me and I’m going to catch you.”

The pegasus chuckled, “I assure you Sergeant, the weather factory is quite real.”

“I’m gonna catch you.” He never looked away as he took the bottle with a thank you, taking a mouthful of the first soda he’d had in a long, long time.


A case of root beer and a burping contest with Pinkie later, the arrangements were finally made. Pinkie won the contest easily, impressing the old soldier. Athena had a tech spider bring in some better glasses, as she was sure the soldier’s eyes weren’t what they would be anymore.

Twilight was looking distinctly embarrassed as Pinkie laughed out loud, “That was a good one Twilight!”

“I didn’t mean to do that!” She had a hoof planted over her mouth.

“Oh, yes you did.”

“I did not!” Twilight’s wings popped out to the sides, tail going straight back as she ripped off another belch that had Fluttershy cringing for a moment.

“Wow,” Wyatt was looking impressed, “Root beer does not agree with you.”

Even Pinkie was nodding, “No more for you, Twilight.”

Princess Cadence walked into the room, trying to stifle a laugh, “The arrangements are made, you won’t be bothered in the gardens Sergeant Carpenter.”

“Wyatt, please. You really didn’t have to go through all this.”

“Ponies are quite curious, you wouldn’t have had a moment to yourself Wyatt. We just asked they steer clear for a few hours. We’ll be with you.” Her smile was honest as she glanced at a blushing Twilight.

“Good enough.” The Sergeant leaned on Athena as he got up, her body lifting as well to help him stand. One hand firmly ensconced on the cane as he nodded, “Let’s go.”


Pinkie giggled up a storm, “Twilight, seriously, no more root beer.”


Cadence and Shining were still laughing as they exited the doorway out into the gardens.

A carefully kept acreage was revealed in the setting sun. Crystal berry bushes alongside low hedgerows of green. Paths laid with slabs of more colored crystal led out among the pattern of colorful flowers and other plants which sparkled and shone in the fading daylight.

Wyatt’s breath was stopped for a second before he inhaled deeply, feeling the rush of air in his lungs, the heat of the lowering sun, the chill of incoming evening. His eyes closed behind the sunglasses as he lifted his face to the waning daystar, having put them on because he knew he might not tolerate daylight well anymore. Athena’s gift allowed him to look upward, seeing the sky again. The light was like a feather along his skin, touching those inner places he didn’t know existed anymore.

One hand lifted, feeling the warmth along the palm and grasping it as if to keep it close.

“It’s been so long.” His voice was wistful, standing motionless and soaking in the remaining rays, “So damn long.”

His voice held a tone that nopony wanted to interrupt as he talked, mostly to himself, but also to the only person he knew for most of his life.

“Calliope, can you see it?”

“I can Wyatt, it’s as wondrous as I remember.” Her voice transmitted along relays set up by Athena, to let her experience things along with the Sergeant.

Taking the sunglasses off his eyes with a shaking hand, tears rolled down cheeks that trembled with such deep emotion. Athena tried not to stare, but glanced upwards, seeing his hand cover the still bright eyes. His body shook, shoulders hitching as a quaking voice reached her ears.

“There was a t..time.. I would have given anything..just for once more.”

“I know Wyatt. But now you can see it, feel it again.” Calliope’s voice was soft, consoling.

The Sergeants’ free hand reached out for the arm of a nearby bench, alarming Athena when he tilted to the side for a moment. He waved her away, seeing her coming up to his side. Sitting down heavily, she could see him lean forward, supporting himself with one elbow on the armrest.

She nodded and stepped away, making sure he had more than enough room, going backwards until she rejoined the others. Princess Celestia had finished her duties, watching the sun lower the rest of the way now, waiting for evening to bring in the new night.

“Is he all right?” The serene voice caught her off guard, blinking and wiping her own eyes before nodding.

“Yes, yes he is. It’s just been a long time since he felt the sun.”

The tall mare nodded in return, stepping forward quietly to sit beside the bench. She leaned over slightly and was saying something to the elderly human. Athena did not want, nor did she try to know what was said. It was for them alone.

A nod, a warm smile. The unfolding of a wing which wrapped around the shoulders that had ceased shaking now.

“What’s going on?” Twilight was looking to her for maybe some inside info.

“I don’t know, I can’t hear them.”

“But you..” Twilight stopped, smiling almost to herself and acknowledging Athena’s tact, “Right.”

They watched, and waited, as the others sat near. None spoke as they didn’t wish to break the light silence that had gripped the garden at this moment.

Princess Luna, without urging, stepped forward to sit on the empty side of Wyatt, her horn lighting up as Celestia kept a large wing along the human’s shoulders.

The moon rose full and bright, stars appearing in the sky to create a tapestry of luminous pinpoints that made constellations and patterns known to each and every pony. A few meteors flashed through the night, lighting and disappearing quickly in the atmosphere.

It was an amazing display, drawing every eye to the heavens. A show meant for a pair of eyes that looked at it all in pure wonder, almost disbelieving, listening to her describe what she did. The musical voice easy on the ears, the obvious joy in making the night a wondrous place for all was evident in her very bearing.

Again, the darker mare leaned in, her mouth moving in words that were never caught, nor heard or repeated. Athena made sure that Calliope had a clear channel, but did not eavesdrop at any time. At questioning looks from the others; she smiled, telling them that sometimes even she knew when to hold back.

It wasn’t very long, the gleaming wing retracted as smiles were exchanged, more soft words as they watched the two rulers of a country help a slim human stand up. His hands were placed lightly on two very strong shoulders, ones that didn’t mind bearing what they never thought of as a burden. The three came walking back to join the group.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what..”

A cultured voice, reproduced through the headset, attached to a gleaming white Unicorn as she waved a hoof, “No apology ever needed, darling.”

A few eyes were surreptitiously wiped behind hooves that made passes as if something normal, noticed by others but nothing said. Soft smiles exchanged as they waited calmly.

“I..would like to go for a walk if that’s all right? Athena, would you accompany me?”

He looked around, “I promise, I’ll be back and we can all talk some more. Just a few minutes please?” A chorus of voices agreed quickly and he walked off with Athena trotting beside him.

“What’s wrong Wyatt?”

He slowed his pace, taking in the lovely gardens underneath the full moon, “There are things I need to tell you Athena.”

“That can wait. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of..”

“No, it can’t.”

This stopped her dead on the path, “What’s going on?”

He met her lovely lavender eyes with his own, “I’m dying.”

To be continued...

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