• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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From The Past To Now - Making New Friends

Light purple eyes stared out across a line of Crystal Empire troops, standing around the castle, they served as a bulwark against anything that might threaten the refugees that were streaming in to get behind the battle that was even now raging in the outskirts of the city.

She had no clue what was going on out there, but occasionally a call came through the thin band she wore around a foreleg, a voice telling them that more ponies were coming a certain way, or to be wary of firing from the war hulls.

The Princess of Love looked at them, large and broad in the shining light from the moon, tall and mysterious, she knew they were there for a purpose and when something on one side or another let loose with a furious racket, it just served to worry her more.

Lights blossomed out in the city, screams of things that had managed to get in were heard constantly now. She did not know exactly what was going to happen, but knew there was a single fragile human that went into battle alongside Crusader and Athena.

“Something wrong, love?” Shining’s voice was quiet in the loud night as he came to sit beside her.

“I’m just worried Shining.”

“I would be too. We’ve heard tales of things like that out in the snowfields, but never realized there were so many. It’s disturbing.” For once he wasn’t his usual exuberant, carefree self. His own eyes looked over the assembled guards with a practiced eye.

“Why do they do this?”


“Them, the..Crusader and Athena..even Wyatt?” She looked over at the strong stallion next to her, “Why would they do all this for us?” As she pointed out towards where the battle raged.

“Twilight and Applejack said it was because they liked us dear, they think we’re worth defending.” he chuckled, “I’m glad, sure hate to think of them not liking us.”

“I know we haven’t spent much time with them, perhaps we ought to find out more about them.” She looked pointedly at the two massive hulls that were slowly moving back and forth along a certain track to provide pinpoint fire against the monsters.

A howitzer boomed out, lobbing a shell high overhead and landing off somewhere into the distance with the crump and thunder of an explosion.

Shining looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, “You don’t think they’re up to something, do you?”

Cadence shook her head, pastel mane flipping along the slim neck, “No! No, not at all. It’s just..”

Shining waited while his love gathered her thoughts.

“It’s just that if they consider us friends, shouldn’t we do the same, or do something more for them? Especially since they are fighting on our behalf?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Shining put a gentle leg along her shoulders as more sounds thundered from cannon on the hulls of the two leviathans that sat next to the castle.


“I swear,” Wyatt complained into the commlink, tossing another grenade down the alleyway and blowing a monster to bits, following it up with a barrage that emptied the magazine in his rifle. As he swapped mags, he continued, “I could go for some of that cold juice right now, cause this suit water sucks!” He’d been sipping at it for an hour now, still hadn’t changed from the metallic taste he felt on his tongue.

“It’s pure, and has lots of vitamins and good for you stuff in it! Quit complaining!” Athena’s voice came through with a laugh.

Wyatt peeked around another corner, saw a critter trying to bash in a front door and let it have a barrage from the powergun, slamming it up against a far wall and perforating it with bolts of white-hot energy.

“I need resupply, getting low on ammo. I still hate the water.”

A spider came whipping around the corner, carrying panniers to either side that were loaded with goodies for him. Grenades, bandoliers carrying powergun mags, and more water and nutrient paste to slap into his suits’ systems.

“Oh, and that nutrient paste tastes like a goat took a cr..”

Crusader‘s voice had a tinge of humor in it, “We cannot do anything about that. It is from colony stores.

“Couldn’t you have fabricated something? I mean...who came up with this stuff?” He carefully swapped out another water container, and paste canister. It kept him going, loaded with high calorie nutrients and metabolizers, it gave him everything he needed for high energy missions.

A bureaucrat who is long dead.

“Better be, or else he’s in for a world of hurt. This stuff is nasty.”

It will keep you alive. Right now we are fighting a holding action Commander, the enemy are more intelligent than they appear.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” He finished his loading, hanging a few more things that went bang on the outside snaps of his chest piece, waving at the spider in a signal that he was good to go. It skittered out of sight and went back for a reload, keeping the panniers topped up just in case.


“Where Athena?”

Her voice was urgent, “We’ve got ponies trapped in a cul-de-sac. They’re cut off from retreat. We can blow the houses behind them, but it’ll cause more problems than solve.

“Okay. got ‘em on my map. Just around the corner from me, here’s what we do.”

The two Bolos were learning, quickly, from a skilled human about the art of urban warfare. Carpenter had seen and done most of it early in his life, but never forgot the lessons learned. He taught as he went, the whys and wherefores of doing what he did and ordered. It was confusing at first to the logical minds, but they soon grasped the techniques needed and were pushing hard at the groups of creatures coming in from the wastes, the ones who’d survived pinpoint bombardments anyways. Meaning they were the fastest, and meanest, of the bunch.

“Drop thermal, UV and regular smoke on em, right above their heads. I’ll take a squad of spiders with me and we’ll clear them out, lead the civilians away. Got it?”

Are you positive? This will reduce your own sight Commander.” Crusader was sounding a little worried.

“Done it before without any fancy armor, no sweat.” In reality it had been a murderous battle. The smoke field had been laid down by armor behind the lines, none of them could see with goggles or specs, doing a blind hand to hand combat with Melconian troops. Fortunately they’d memorized the landscape, running rings around the newly dropped shock troops and destroying them piecemeal.

That did not mean he wasn’t shivering just a little.

On your command then.

He slapped a fresh magazine into his weapon, nodding to himself, “Let ‘em have it.”

Howitzer batteries ripple-fired along Athena and Crusader’s war hulls, launching shells that would detonate in the air, without shrapnel nor harm except for a thick layer of smoke that would cover the area.

Wyatt peeked around the next corner, after rushing down the short street to reach the position, seeing the group of monsters closing the street off and waiting.

Shot out. Impact in three...two...one.

The muffled thumps of canister rounds rent the night air, a thudding that went on for a long minute of time, thoroughly dousing the neighborhood in smoke that took away the sight from anything that saw in thermal or infrared, or even normally. He was taking a chance, not knowing how those things viewed the world, but the thick, billowy clouds would reduce their vision either way.

He hoped.

Snapping his rifle in place along his back and securing the sling, he drew his sidearm and a molly-bladed knife. It was going to get ugly in there. As he took that first step in preparation for a run, he heard a muffled sound behind him, seeing two ponies run past him with a silence only they could accomplish. Athena and Crusader stopped a few feet ahead of him, turning and smiling in Athena’s case, as they waited for him.

“Let’s go Wyatt, you’re slowing us up.” She chuckled with a ‘come on’ motion of her hoof, “‘Spiders are busy, so we came.”

“Smart ass Bolos. Don’t get any respect, I tell you.” He hefted the knife, switching it around so the dull side lay against his forearm, the mono-blade pointed out for slashing and stabbing. The magazine was tight in the heavy pistol he carried, good for close in work, with a silencer attached to the front.

They couldn’t see his expression inside the heavy helmet he wore, but inferred it from the muttering words that came across the battle frequency. Both of the ponies exchanging glances that belied their humor at listening to the old soldier.

He plunged into the cloud that was rolling like a gray wall towards him, heart hammering in his chest as he slipped quietly around monsters that appeared to be quite confused with the smoke roiling around them. Flanked by Crusader and Athena, they took care of anything that came close, the cracking of bone or a muffled grunt all that was heard in the silence surrounding them.

He kept his steps quick and even, heading for what his heads up display was telling him was a group of very frightened ponies ahead. His eyes squinted, the visor feeding him data and switching through frequencies until it came upon one that almost let him see clearly, it was still a bit foggy but he could definitely see that fanged monstrosity a meter or so in front of him. It had no clue he was even there, nor would it.

He didn’t waste time, planting the barrel on his forearm to steady a shot at the the braincase, he put three rounds into it, watching it fall over as the expanding bullets left not much inside the boney skull to think with. It landed with a thump, the clatter of a slide all he heard and even that was lost in the haze. The thick smoke dampened everything, sight, sound, his own breathing. A shell catcher left nothing to rattle and clatter along the roadway, nothing but a few odd sounds and he was past the problem.

Wyatt dodged stumbling monsters, keeping out of their way until he ran smack into a mare’s flank with an outstretched hand that grabbed tightly on a Cutie Mark before he realized. Reaching out, he put a gentle hand upward, clamping shut the mouth that was opened to scream. Flipping up his visor, he looked around the foggy area, seeing the group huddled together in fright and looking at him as if he were something from a story told late at night to scare foals.

“Quiet!” He hissed, “Just be quiet, we’re going to lead you out, follow me.”

The translation program was working fine, whispering the words soft enough that all could hear and be ready. He saw nodding heads and gestured back the way he’d come. Sounds were still coming from the smoke, Crusader and Athena keeping a path clear of the creatures while he brought them out.

Sliding the knife back in its sheath, he hoisted a tired looking little colt over his shoulder and motioned with his head to get moving, a finger quickly pressed across his lips warning for silence.

Slowly the ponies made their way behind him, seeing him motion for them to stop once or twice, disappearing into the smoke and coming back after a few odd sounds, the line passing by a monster that was still and quiet lying on the road where he had gone.

It was almost forever, time passing what seemed to be so slowly, winding their way into the hazy night. No lights penetrated the fog, but the ponies seemed to see quite well regardless. Once or twice stopping him and pointing out another creature that had stumbled into their path, making them wait and watch it move off, not hearing its prey anywhere.

A few times they’d watched the tall being move forward like a ghost, aiming the thing in his hand and seeing one of the huge invaders go down permanently. He was quiet, quick, and altogether deadly. But the smile he gave them when coming back and urging them forward, soothed fears.

They didn’t have to worry about the monsters, the monsters had to worry about their new friend.

Finally they walked out into the clear air. He waved a hand, motioning them forward and pointing down a street where Empire troops would be waiting to take them to safety.

He handed over the little colt, who’d slept the entire way on his shoulder, back to his mother who gave him a grateful smile before trotting off after the others.

A tap on his leg brought his head around, noticing the prettiest mare he’d seen yet in this place. Shining with that subtle color all Crystal Ponies had, which came out during the festival, he recognized her as the one he’d run into in the smoke. Fearing at worst a reprimand for laying hands where he shouldn’t have, he bent on one knee as she gestured quietly to him.

“Yes?” He knew the battle was raging and needed him, but he could take a few minutes.

Her voice was like chimes to his ears, sweet and clear through the sounds coming from the neighborhood where Crusader and Athena, her combat spiders and the tanks were pushing the monsters back.

“Thank you so much for coming to get us.”

Wyatt smiled, “Couldn’t just leave you all there, now could we?”

The lovely face cracked a smile, leaning forward, she planted a firm kiss on his cheek through the helmets open space, “Thank you.” She turned warm rose-colored eyes on him and took off with a wave, running to catch up with the others.

You keep this up, you may end up with a marefriend there Wyatt.” Athena chuckled over the link, popping out of the smoke as it rolled along the streets and giving him a grin that lit up her face.

He stopped for a moment, holstering his pistol and trying to think, “What? A mare..you mean a girlfriend? Wait a second, wouldn’t that be illegal or something?”

Athena laughed. Her face brightening in the haziness that surrounded them as Crusader joined the two.

Oh, you never know. Ask Crusader.

The tall human slipped the rifle off his back, slinging it in his arms as he lifted an eyebrow, “Oh, that’s right. That pretty little blonde haired lady is your girlfriend, forgot about that.”

I believe she tolerates me more than anything else.” Crusader cracked a tiny smile on the normally placid face.

Wyatt laughed, the first real one he’d had since this night started.

“You keep telling yourself that.” He leaned back against a wall, watching the dissipating smoke that covered the neighborhood still, slowly wisping away into the night, “So tell me. What would happen if something should ‘befall’ this lady who tolerates you?” His green eyes looked at the unruffled umber face, seeing a small frown crease the forehead, a line appearing between the brows.

Athena answered in his place, “I think you know, Wyatt.” Saying it out loud now, instead of in link.

The armored form nodded, “That’s what I thought. Burn the world, huh?”

The pegasus laughed, “Pretty much.”

Shaking his head, he pushed himself up off the wall and coughed into a fist, the smoke coming their way was making his throat irritated, “Well, guess if that’s not love, dunno what is.”

He pointed a steady finger at Athena, “And no, I do not want a mareperson..friend..whatever you said!” Wyatt voiced as he took another sip of water, “Got enough problems of my own.”

Athena had sidled up to him, “Are you suuuure?” Pointing down the street where they could see the lovely mare peeking back around the corner before waving and taking off again.

“Don’t you even start.”

Even Crusader cracked a smile as Athena egged him on, “Now don’t be that way, she is awfully cute.”

Wyatt glanced down at her grinning brightly at him, “We’re in a battle zone you obnoxious Bolo, do you always do this?”

“When I have a chance, not like those things are getting past the line.” Her grin actually got wider, “Soooo...”

“You’re being a twit.”

“Me? Never!”

“I am not going to think about dating a pony person.”

“Just pony.”


“Calliope would agree, right Calliope?”

Silence greeted them over the commlinks, making all three glance once more at one another for a moment.


Oh! Yes! I’m here, yes. Of course, always here.” Something was a little off with the tone of her voice, as if she’d been caught doing something.

“Is something wrong?”

Why no, not at all! Why do you ask?

Crusader raised one brow at Athena, both of them exchanging a look, “Are you sure?”

Oh, yes. Nothing..I mean.. It’s..” She paused for a long second, prompting Crusader and Athena to start tapping into the comm system to prepare for another algorithm check, when laughter burst over the airwaves.

I’m so sorry! I just..when you said..” A snort, then another laugh, “A pony? Really? With Wyatt?” The normally calm AI laughed out loud, the humor of the whole thing tickling Calliope to the cores. The normally calm and collected voice was just overflowing with merriment.

“Hey! I’m not...!”

“Aoide and Thalia let your...’quirks’.. pass by, but they were noticed. You are a stubborn human who prefers to do whatever he wishes and when.

Wyatt sighed, unable to win against the AI and, to put it plainly, the truth.

“We all have our failings, I guess.” He gave the two avatars a smile, brown eyes twinkling with his own humor, “Guess that means I dine alone once more.” He gave a dramatic sigh.

Crusader was smiling softly as Athena laughed, “I’m sure we can..” She stopped as both her and the umber pony flipped around to face away from him, a tank firing along a parallel street brought his mind back to what was going on as he raised the rifle just in time.

A couple of the smarter critters had snuck along a cramped alleyway, getting behind one of the Hounds and jumped into the little side street where they had been conversing.

They were met with the flickering kinetic battlescreens of two very agile ponies and one human who peppered them with hellishly hot bolts of plasma from a weapon that shouldn’t have existed. It made no difference to one target, an angry thing from a nightmare, which took a barrage in the middle and side, crumpling over then falling along the doorstep of an empty house.

Crusader and Athena were taking care of the others, smashing bones and cartilage, bringing them down with efficiency and skill, making sure they never rose again.

He added his own fire to their fight, bringing down the few things that had managed to slip by the cordon.

The two avatars looked at him once the skirmish was done, the ozone from his rifle making the air acrid until swept away with the slight breeze.

He sighed, the moment over with, slapping down his visor.

“Back to the war boys and girls.”

To be continued.....

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