• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Fluttershy and the Rage of a Friend. Part One

Twilight walked slowly down the gravel path, her hooves kicking up a bit of debris as she whistled to herself. The books Crusader had given her were really a good read, so much to think about, even discussing them with him over the link had given her insights to Equestrian magic she hadn’t thought possible.

Maybe having another point of view helps?

It was a thought, something that hadn’t occurred to her before, that another view of the same thing might give a totally different explanation. She approached the hill where she could see the masts sticking out, not wanting to waste a second getting inside where she could talk to Crusader about the latest book of Shakespeare. Some of the plays were deep, and one called Romeo and Juliet was right now a big hit in Canterlot, love and passion always a huge thing with ponies. She had an offer of royalties for him, since the author was long gone, and it seemed to the play producers it was only fair.

It was a good amount of bits too, enough to pay for anything Crusader might need for a while in the way of metals. He had needed them since the battle with the forest, it had consumed quite a bit of his stocks he’d told her. It was no big deal, there was more than enough to pay for everything. He’d even given alot of his share from the jewelry to a town fund. He’d thought it odd that the town suffered so many disasters.

Oh if he only knew what Rainbow Dash did just by herself.

On the path to the door, she looked up at the night sky, seeing another pony out there staring too. Alot of townsponies came out here now to enjoy the peace and quiet. Or ask for more music to be played.

Oh goodness, don’t forget to tell him about the recordings of the music that sold too, stars!

Agh, so many things to tell him. She stopped for a moment and facehoofed, standing in front of the hatch suddenly remembering what he’d said.

You can always use the link Twilight.

I know, I know. Celestia knows! Use the link..but I get so busy, all the lists, and princess stuff, and I’ve got to read those new books! Make sure they’re cataloged correctly and..

Excuses Twilight, you just get forgetful.

I’ll do better! Wait..I gotta stop talking to myself...

Shaking her head she started to enter the open hatch, wandering down into the warm tunnel. Nights were starting to get a bit chilly this near to Nightmare Night before winter set in. She was grateful for her scarf and saddlebags at least. She took one quick peek around before ducking in, glad that other ponies were comfortable here now too.


“Hello Twilight, what can I do for you?”

The mulberry mare smiled brightly, “I came to tell you about the play in one of your books! That Shakespeare pony, one of his plays is getting really good reviews in Canterlot, they want to offer you royalties!”

“You do know you could have told me..

“By link yes, I know, I know.. yeesh..”

“I do not think giving me royalties would be a good thing, I think the Bard would have appreciated me donating it.”

“Again? C’mon Crusader, you keep giving money away, I mean it’s alot of bits!”

“But really Twilight, I do not need it.”

“But..but you need metal! You say you do!”

“I have more than enough to afford it, the rest would just sit there.”

“Agh you’re so frustrating! I mean, you do all this work and keep telling everypony else to take the money!”

“Twilight, think for a second, what use do I have for it except buying supplies sometimes, and then rarely?”

“I know, I know. But still, you’ve been more than generous. Starting a fund for the town? That’s going waaay beyond..”

“But it seems to suffer quite a few accidents. Is this intentional? Or is it natural?”

Twilight thought about Pinkie, then Rainbow Dash, even...herself.. “Uhhh..I’m gonna say natural?”

Crusader paused actually for a second, then chuckled, “Fair enough Twilight. If you promise not to argue anymore, I will take a share of the bits and keep them here. Will that be enough to assuage anything you might feel?”

Twilight thought about it a bit, then nodded, “Alright, at least I’ll know you have something.”

“You really ought to not worry so much Twilight, the money is not that important, really.”

“But you improved Applejack’s Cider making machine! She made tons of bits, more than enough for the next two winters, I mean if you..”


“.. improved it, and then helped with keeping the forest back.. and don’t for..”


“...the jewelry, I mean it’s selling ALL over Equestria and..”

“Twilight I will take the money.”

Twilight looks around for a moment, “Huh? Do what now?”

“I will take the money. Just put it in the locker with the number five on it.”

“Oh that’s great! You’ll see, one day you’ll need it! It’s always good to save a bit..”


“..ever you need stuff like metal or even..”


“..and other things like Rarity redecorating all the time ! Oh! And..”

‘Twilight it’s fine really.”

Twilight lowered her ears just a bit and smiled shyly, “I’m talking way too much again huh?”

“I don’t mind, really.”

Twilight rubbed one foreleg along the other as she blushed a bit, “It’s okay, I know I get out of hoof sometimes, just let me know.”

“I promise Twilight, and like I said, it is fine. You are my friend, I don’t mind listening at all.”


“Stop. You are fine Twilight.”

“Everypony else just puts a hoof over my mouth, how come..oh.. I’m sorry.”

“Well I’m sure they have good reason, and you’re correct, no hooves for myself. But no worries, I can always make myself louder until you hear me.”

The pretty mare scratched the back of her neck with a little laugh, “Well, true. But still, you deserve this money, it’s alot, and it’s what you’ve earned.” Opening the locker, she placed quite a large bag of coins into it, making sure it was secured.

“I will not argue Twilight, I promise.”

The violet eyes peered at the camera lens before a smile joined them, “Not a single pony will go hungry this Hearth’s Warming either, and nopony will lack for anything this winter.”

“You do not know how glad that makes me feel Twilight. If you need any more to cover, just let me know.”

Twilight’s ears almost flap as she shakes her head, “No! Nononono! Not a chance, there’s so much floating around now we’re thinking about getting a bank vault for my castle for Celestia’s sake!”

“Oh? I had not realized.”

“Nopony does, we’ve kept it tightly under wraps so nopony gets any ideas. But with everything, the new wing on the hospital was built, the school got refurbished, and I’ve almost filled my library at the castle with books to lend out. The streets are being redone, and the fountains and statues are being refinished for the town too. We’re running out of things to do!”

“I had wondered why all the sudden activity.”

“Well it was either that or let Rarity roll around in a mountain of bits...not that we had to stop her..or...anything..”

“She is a businessmare, let her have her moment.” The laugh that came through the speakers was warm.

“Wellll...not that much of a moment. Thank Celestia things are cheap, but we’ve still got a few things to do!”

“I understand, I didn’t realize that bits were worth so much. You seem to do quite a lot with the amount you’ve received. That is always to the good.”

“We are! It’s not a mountain of them really, but it’s enough to make things better, and that’s always nice. We can’t thank you enough.”

“You already have, many times over.”

“Well, not enough if you ask me.”

“Just spending time in company is good enough. It is the simple things Twilight, that mean so much, something that costs nothing.”

“I know, but still, you know how I feel about it all.”

“Yes Twilight, you have made yourself quite clear. But please just accept things and it will be fine.”

“Alright, alright,“ She waved a hoof around in the air, “I don’t have to be happy about it though!” She turned to go and waved to the camera as she exited the hatch. “I’m still gonna save some of it for you!” The voice drifted down the maintenance tunnel.

I can only stay silent and sigh internally, hard not to agree with her. She is welcome to think that I acquiesce.


I am refueling drones for the night, it is the middle of the velvet darkness, the relief drone for Fluttershy’s house should be on station in thirty seconds, the other, at least a minute out to Canterlot. Ponyville’s observation drone has reached station and is now in patrol pattern.

My perimeter alarm goes off as I snap into Battle Reflex, sensors detecting a massing at the edge of the forest. Once again I unlimber my weapons and await the attack, I have a few new things to show this enemy. I mark lines and shot patterns, spinning up the repeaters. I see the eyes reflecting from targeting lasers as I sweep the field, there appear to be the same amount as last time, my drones are peering through the forest with redesigned sensors. The new design allows me to penetrate growth, and see the different groups of creatures as they move around under cover.

I suddenly receive a call from Fluttershy.


“Yes Fluttershy?”

“T..there.. My friends are in the house. There’s something really scary out there trying to get in.”

I immediately push the relief drone faster, it will be there in ten seconds.

“Do you know what it is?”

“No..I..oh I’ve never seen anything like it. I tried to talk to it, but it’s not listening, it’s really got my friends frightened.”

“Fluttershy, do you need help?”

“I don’t know, I can’t get it to go away, and there’s something on the roof too it....”

I hear a gasp, then a small scream as the link goes quiet, crashing noises in the background as I hear animal vocalizations in terror.


My drone is on station, flipping over to night sight it shows me a huge creature pounding on the house, another flying creature on the roof working it’s way in. I see a large grizzly type bear fighting the thing on the roof, preventing it entry, I must act now!

I open all channels, I notify Command of the situation as I see creatures pour from the forest near Ponyville. They are attacking on two fronts, the enemy is trying something new it seems. I am ready to move, but I cannot get myself out of this hill in time, I must act with what i have.

I am sorry Fluttershy, I am so sorry I might break my promise.

Princess Luna answers immediately.

“What is happening Crusader?”

“I have an attack near Ponyville, there are creatures at Fluttershy’s house breaking in, I am not sure how to respond.”

“You have pledged to defend Equestria have you not?”

“I have Your Highness, but I promised Flutter..”

“Crusader, do your duty.”

“But Your Highness...”

“Crusader! You are absolved. Do your duty, Defend My Ponies!

“Yes Your Highness.”

Forgive me Fluttershy.

I immediately spin up more weapons, the repeaters opening with the buzzsaw rip I am so familiar with. Ring penetrators plunge into the creeping mass with bloody punches. I see limbs and extremities blown off, spinning away in showers of liquid, the horde of creatures rushing into a wall of lead and Ion Bolt repeaters. I fire faster, bringing the guns up to top speed as the feeds pour more into the breeches.

Rainbow Dash is answering the call, she is flying out to Fluttershy’s house right now.

I blow the tunnel entrance, two Ferret carriers and four Dragon tanks roll out towards Fluttershy’s house, I am redlining the engines, they must get there quickly! Four tech-spiders are on the carriers to help with loading her animal friends and herself, they can carry forty power armored Concordiat Marines apiece, there should be plenty of room. They also carry Anti-Air assets I need in place, I have not had time to reprogram them completely, if Rainbow Dash loses her jewelry, there will be problems.

“Crusader! Fluttershy’s house is getting ripped! You’ve got to do something!”

“Rainbow Dash, whatever you do, DO NOT lose the jewelry you have on, do you understand?”

“What? Yes, but..”

“Help will be there, hang on.”

I change loads on the drone magazines, I immediately launch five Hammerhead Heavy RV-5‘s followed by five Mako Aerial Combat Vehicles. I have had them ready for some time, but felt no need for them, it was a foolish oversight. The Hammerheads are the heaviest drones I carry, broad and wide, they are a bit slow. The Makos are needle fighters, designed for nothing but tearing up the skies at high speed.

My battlespace goes live, I see the ID from Rainbows jewelry flashing it’s IFF transponder, the drones have not been reprogrammed yet, if it is not identified as Concordiat, it will die. I thank my creators for my foresight in programming the commsets this way.

The Makos immediately go super sonic, cracking the air with thunder as they tear through the skies to Fluttershy’s residence. They will reach the combat area in seconds, clearing the airspace for the Hammerheads. They are the deadliest ever made by the Concordiat, and I give them full reign.

I will teach the enemy a lesson in pain and suffering it will not soon forget. I am done with games.

The Wyvern pelts the creature on the roof with it’s load, the explosive needles punching into the thick body and driving it off the roof. I take care not to hit the bear that is gouging at it with claws. I see the damage now from the drone, part of the roof has collapsed into the interior. I see Rainbow Dash diving in and slapping more creatures away from the house, I advise her to get clear as the Makos are now entering the airspace. The singular creature at the door has turned, being slammed by the Wyvern as well, it seeks escape into the forest.

I switch to combat sensors up top, the mass of things coming from the forest has not slowed, I bring to the fore my Ion Bolt repeaters, all weapons engaged as they sing of destruction, the song so familiar as I lay down more fire.

My drones are retasked, screaming in from every direction, the Wyverns dump their payloads on the horde of evil. I have planned for this, the needles they carry are loaded with octocellulose slivers, magnitudes more powerful than standard needles, they blow creatures in half with one shot, slowing the army even more as the rest of my weapons take their toll. I do not have enough payload in the Wyverns, so must take up the slack with my repeaters, but there are more than enough, I have made sure.

I see the Makos engaging the enemy now, their guns opening up, ripping the flying creatures into pieces, avoiding the cyan pegasus as she slips through the airways beside them. Her transponder keeping her clear of their targeting computers, I watch them stoop and kill, performing without flaw in their mission. The repeaters drop from internal bays, independently targeted, swiveling this way and that as they choose their kills, burning through them like butter.

I am handling traffic now on the combat channels, giving Princess Luna updates as they happen, informing my Commander and her friends of the situation and to stand clear of the battle near Ponyville. I tell them that there will be troop carriers coming into Ponyville with injured animals, they advise they are preparing medical assistance and will be waiting.

The Dragons form a straight skirmish line, yards apart they compliment each other as they smash through the forest, running overspeed for Fluttershy’s house. The troops carriers are behind them, using anti-air assets, basically small railguns to blow apart anything in the air that trips their targeting computers. They are making good time, leaving a wide trail where they travel, it is the fastest I could get them there.

“Rainbow Dash, there will be six vehicles in sight any second, two of them are for carrying animals or wounded, when they stop, get everything inside them. Do not be frightened, you will see four big metal spider like creatures, they are mine, they are there to get Fluttershy if needed.”

“I got it Crusader! I can see the house, looks like Flutter’s is still in there, there’s a beam on her!”

No, this will not happen.

My Hammerheads are on target, I have made sure they will arrive after the troop carriers are clear. The tanks scream up to the house, surrounding in place between it and the forest in a semi-circle of durasteel. The co-axial guns and turret repeaters open up on more creatures in the forest. Anything that moves towards the house is blown apart in a hail of gunfire. The carriers move in behind them, dropping their ramps, anti-air searching the sky for threats.

The tech spiders cameras show me Fluttershy, laying beneath a wooden beam that has fallen on her. I set them to work with cutters, removing the obstruction quickly.

“Rainbow Dash, get everything into the carriers, now.”

I see her dive, yelling into the house as animals pour out, some afraid to get into the carriers, but the pegasus shoves them inside, the bear appears to be helping her round them up. There is not much time.

“They’re in Crusader! All done!” She is screaming over the link, the anti-air railguns are creating quite a racket now as they intercept more incoming creatures.

“Get in the carrier Rainbow Dash, get in NOW!”

I hear her reply, the observation drones show me her flying in, I wait as my tech-spiders finish their job, cutting Fluttershy free and carrying her gently into a Ferret. I slam the ramps shut, their treads tearing the soil as they race towards Ponyville, leaving the tanks behind for a few moments.

I use those moments, I take the time, and the rage I have built up, letting it free to unleash the ravening destruction that only Bolos can bring..

The 20cm Hellbores fire in tandem, shattering acres of forest into splinters and flames, the explosions deep into the malevolent growth. I fire three volleys, aiming towards where the creatures have come out. The big one had left after being hit by my Wyvern, but I kept track, the 2 megaton per second firepower following it deep into the forest, the concussions rocking the countryside. I see the blast waves pick up thick trees, letting them slam back down in heaps of timber as I destroy.

I move them out, setting them on auto return as I return my attention to the forest in front of me.

The line has not reached anywhere near my inner perimeter yet, they have come no closer. I do not care, they are the enemy. I prepare a final surprise for my foe, newly minted grenade launchers are unleashed alongside the repeaters, explosive rounds slam into the line, tearing and ripping as the flechette loads complete their mission. I hear the screams, the cries, the dying, I let it wash over me like rain. If I had a soul it would rejoice in this slaughter, the unleashing of justice on those who have wronged my friend. Those who have hurt a shy angel of kindness.

I receive a frantic call from Rainbow Dash.

“Crusader! Fluttershy’s bad, she’s really bad, can we go faster?”

I do an ETA and realize it will be two minutes, the carriers are traveling as fast as they can...however..”

“Rainbow, keep watching her, I am diverting her to me.”

“But we need a doctor!”

“Trust me Rainbow Dash.”

“Al...alright, but please hurry!” I can hear her voice breaking over the line, her friend must be badly hurt, I have no diagnostics available on the tech-spider. I order the carriers to overdrive, it will burn the engines, but they will cut thirty seconds off the arrival time. It may be enough. I do not wish to keep her in the carrier, but it is the only protection against the forces I am unleashing along the forest’s edge, it will keep her and Fluttershy safe until they reach me.

My drones signal the arrival of the Hammerheads, I order them into their run. The heavy drones swing up into the blue sky, then lifting over and stooping into their dive, the Makos are doing an excellent job of clearing the airspace, shredding anything in the way of the drones now coming in from altitude. They level off at the highest speed possible to avoid confrontations and drop their entire load onto the forest below.

I watch, as the slim lines of the thermobaric descended weapons strike into the heart of the forest. I exult as two square miles of it disappear into hell.

I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

I advise Command and my Commander I am diverting Fluttershy’s carrier to me. I am going to break every promise, every rule I have made about technology, I am going to save my friend no matter the cost.

I prepare the medical bay, flooding it with suspension gel and nanites, reprogramming them on the fly now based on the deep scans of Applejack I have taken. My processors are working furiously in the thirty seconds I have left before the carrier gets here. The other having been sent to Ponyville where the animals are being received.

“Rainbow, bring Fluttershy into the command area, fast, there is no time to lose when you get here.”

“You got it, hurry!”

“You are moving as fast as possible, I am trying Rainbow, I am trying.”

In the few seconds after the bombing, the monsters had hesitated at the battle front, then retreated after the miles of forest were decimated, my guns were still watchful as I reloaded, preparing for more. I would not let anything happen to Rainbow or Fluttershy.

I pepper the edge with more grenades, making sure nothing stands for a hundred yards inside the tree line. I clear another line of fire, my drones slamming more needles into the forest until they run dry, taking up observation stations, relaying data into my battlespace. I do not let the retreat go without causing more casualties, they are not being let free, my anger is such as I will not let them get away. My drones are pouring their payloads into the fleeing creatures as I await the carrier.

The carrier slews to a halt outside the maintenance tunnel, dropping it’s ramp I see Rainbow carrying a bloody Fluttershy into the hatchway, following her down into the command area with a camera. The animals inside head for the safety of Ponyville, I cannot worry about them now.

“Place her in the tub with the green liquid, fast please Rainbow.”

I watch her lowered in on her side by Rainbow who is ever so gentle. Her eyes are filling with tears as I close the lid, intubating and pressing intravenous needles immediately once she is out of sight. I begin pumping medications to dull the pain from her ripped barrel where the beam landed. I do not know if it is the right thing, as they are human made medicines, but I have no time for reformation. I am reprogramming the nanites to repair her as I do a deep scan.

The scan shows grievous injuries, her rib cage is crushed, there is pressure on her heart. Her throat has suffered severely from choking damage. I have no choice but to intubate as gently as I can, working through the damaged trachea. One lung has collapsed, the other threatening to do so. I put her in a coma and flood the bay with newly reprogrammed nanites, they set to work. I cannot replace her blood, she has lost quite a bit, but it is different from human plasma, I have no facilities to create any more. I use the nanites to keep her oxygenated, the blood flowing as they work on the wounds.

Rainbow watched as her friend got closed inside the tub, laying on her side. Her eyes filled with tears as she waited for Crusader to say something, anything about how her friend was doing. She leaned her head against the cover and sobbed to herself, wishing she’d been able to get there faster, or done something better.

“I have her Rainbow, trust me.”

“I..I know, but I could have been faster, I could..”

“You did the best you could. Stop. I have her.”

“Please don’t let her die.”

“I promise Rainbow, I won’t.”

I do not wish to lie, the wounds are bad, but I am reprogramming everything I can second by second. I have gone into Hyper Heuristic mode, every second a lifetime to me. I see the drop of tears from Rainbow’s eye freeze in midair as it takes hold, slowly dropping to the cover of the medical bay.

I work furiously, the drones hovering in to land, to be refueled and rearmed for more attacks on the fleeing army. I assign the Makos along with the Wyverns to kill until empty, then return for more. I watch them dive and slip through the air like birds of prey, bringing doom upon my enemies.

I feed Fluttershy nutrients through intravenous tubes, her oxygen level is rising, the nanites are reproducing at a furious pace. I must watch them closely, if they run out of control, cancers can spring up throughout her cells. I pour broad spectrum growth cells into the mix, her marrow is producing more blood, but slower than is needed. By keeping her in a medical coma, it allows the body to relax, lessen the stress, to help itself heal.

It is an unknown country I am walking, these are all human medicines tailored for their biology and I am using them on a pony. It is almost frightening to think about, but as I check their efficacy, I see them working, I study them as they work slowly before me in Hyper mode, allowing me to tailor the drugs as needed.. I continue to reprogram more nanites, rebuilding her crushed bones bit by bit, the growth matrixes shoring up the damages to allow the machines to do their job. The filtering of her blood is working, returning it clean and fresh so she can heal, and live again.

I reinflate the lung, patching the hole in the other and cleaning the wounds. She can breathe, though I am not allowing it, giving everything a chance to reset and relax further by keeping her asleep. Her body is like a hummingbird, the fast metabolism screwing up the placement of nutrients. I start lowering the temperature slowly, almost bringing her to a cryonic state, allowing me more time to work between heartbeats.

She is silent and at peace, her breathing normal as I let her body take over, sucking oxygen from the tube. The feeding tubes are slowly giving her body the things she needs to process naturally, but I cannot wait, the damage too grievous.

I retask groups of nanites, patching tears and holes, others removing splinters, dissolving foreign objects. It passes through the skin and into the gel solution where I whisk it away, keeping it sterile and clean, I do not want to risk infection.

A part of my mind sees the ponies at the door, wanting entrance. Letting them in I focus everything I have on Fluttershy, half listening to the conversation. I let that part slip out of Hyper awareness mode to keep track, the rest is focused on Fluttershy.

Rainbow! Whats going on?” Twilight is half frantic, seeing Rainbow here and not in town with Fluttershy.

“Crusader told me to come here with Flutter’s, he says he’s got her. I don’t know Twilight she was really bad.”

Twilight put a leg around her friend, “It’s okay, it’ll be okay.”

Applejack and Pinkie came running in seconds after that, “What the hay? Wasn’t Fluttershy supposed to be brought to the docs in Ponyville?

Twilight hugged Rainbow tight while answering, “Crusader says he can fix her, she’s in that tub there.”

“Ah sure hope he knows what he’s doing.”

I do as well my Commander. Fluttershy’s wings are torn up, I rebuild them piece by piece as the nanites are burning through at a tremendous rate. I am constantly flushing and replacing with fresh grown machines to undo this damage. The half of my mind not in Hyper Awareness mode hears the thumps and explosions from outside, taking care of the business of moving that forest back from the battlefield. I have plenty of stocks this time, my spiders reloading drones as fast as they can land and take off.

Drones, carry contra-gravity lifters, they can come in at high speed, hover, land and be reloaded and refueled and take off once more without being inserted back into a magazine. There is a constant stream of drones incoming near the tunnel that leads to the bays inside me. I have positioned the tanks outside with four more, forming a battle-line that will be used should any more creatures appear. Until then, I am pounding that forest, my Hammerheads are reloaded, waiting for the word to drop their payloads of hellfire and brimstone.

The nanites are still reproducing well, I am burning through them at a faster pace, working them harder than they should be worked. Damage like this takes weeks to repair with medical nanos, I am doing it in minutes. By all reasonable theories, this should not be done as the damage it can cause is immense in so many ways. I toss that aside, I throw it all aside, my every processor, every array not engaged in battle is tightly focused on the machines working inside Fluttershy. My molecular circuitry is handling the task well, I am pouring more resources into the medical bay as I sweep it clean for the tenth time, flushing and renewing the suspension gel.

A voice comes through the combat link.

“Crusader? Stop destroying things, it’s alright, them critters is long gone.”


“Stop now Crusader, it’s alright, everypony’s safe.”

“Orders received.”

I cease bombardment, recalling all drones, putting fresh ones into patterns above Canterlot, Ponyville and Fluttershy’s house. I am amazed the house is still standing after the Hellbore fire, I will rebuild it though Fluttershy I promise. Nothing is moving within range of my sensor sweeps, I do them hard and tight, making sure nothing living is within my reach.

As of now, I concentrate on Fluttershy, she is still, and breathing very slowly. I keep her in suspension, lowering her body temperature a bit more. The nanites, now that I am not longer in battle, are fully controlled and well on their way to stopping any more blood loss.

She is seizing, her body is having a reaction to the nanites inside her, I cannot stop it.

------------End Part One---------

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