• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Moving Forward - What Are The Real Treasures?

The doors were thick, an aged wood that had withstood the test of time, banded with bright brass and decorated with scenes from Equestria’s past. Pegasi and Earth ponies working with Unicorns, taking care of the land, the skies and forests.

It made Wyatt pause, seeing the finely carved decorations on the entry way, running fingers over it to feel the detail in every face, every scene.

A history borne of wood and inlay of gems and other bright metals. It would be priceless in the old world, here, a decoration to be loved.

True masterwork on the same lines as Da Vinci, Michaelangelo and others he remembered from history class, so long ago. Here it was not just an art but dedication and appreciation of the form.

A gentle tug brought him back, seeing Sky smiling at him, “There’s plenty more inside, you know.”

“Just admiring the beauty.”

“That’s just the door, are we going to lose you inside?” Twilight was chuckling, the group waiting for him to enter.

He graciously gave a slight bow, “Probably.”

They walked into the entry way of the museum, looking around as ponies passed politely by, Griffons and others wandering the halls and alcoves, seeing and reading about all the artifacts from the past.

The entry was a spacious hallway, leading to a small rotunda where docents, he assumed, sat behind a round counter, giving maps and guides to those that wanted or need them. Directions on small, unobtrusive signs, pointed the way to various displays and rooms dedicated to eras of history.

It wasn’t crowded, nor close, but large and grand, archways and columns lined the hall and to a practiced eye were load-bearing, holding the weight of a mountain above them with ease.

The walls were hung with portraits of the current Princesses, Cadence, Celestia and Luna, Twilight, as they walked toward the central area. Beautifully done in a style he didn’t recognize, each brought out such warmth and character he was amazed such things were considered commonplace.

He was rubbernecking like a tourist, admittedly a reason to do so as they entered the central area. High domed and reaching far above, it was a testament to stonemasons’ work. Airy and lit with glowing balls of light held in what looked like hanging lanterns, it was giving a warm and welcoming glow everywhere.

More hallways led off from the rotunda, leading to displays and exhibits of the past and current history of Equestria.

Arriving at the desk, a voice was heard which made everyone turn.

There was Dusty Shelves, dressed in his definite best, directing sightseers to different areas of the museum with a smile on his face and obvious joy.

“Dusty!” Twilight called out, the named pony trotting over and bowing before an embarrassed Princess who told him to stop it.

“Princess!” He waved a hoof, “Isn’t this wonderful?”

“It is,” She grinned back, seeing him more active that he had been at the Empire, “How’s your new job?”

“More than I could have imagined!” He was excitedly gesturing around them, “They made me head curator for the ancient relics department!”

Two taller figures joined them, Dusty bowing once more before rising.

“He had a very good grasp on what was needed, so surely his talents could be used in a better way than just archiving.” Celestia was smiling warmly at the Unicorn.

“I can’t thank you enough, Princess..Oh my.. Have to run! Things to do!” He waved as he took off towards a tour group, “Thank you again!”

Wyatt watched the animated pony talking to an entranced group of tourists, “He seems very happy.”

“He is.” Luna replied, “He is in a place where his talents are used to the fullest.”

“I think we are awaited, should we go see your display, Sergeant?” Celestia inclined her head down a hall, large and spacious, well-lit, that led to more displays.

“I really wish you’d call me Wyatt.” he groused, saying the same thing since the first day, though no one seemed to pay any attention. He figured by now it was on purpose, because he complained so much about it.

Sky was smiling broadly as the entire group walked the hallway, finding it curiously empty as he looked around.

A museum employee stepped from an alcove, “All is as you wished Princess, we’ve kept visitors out for now so you may have an unobstructed tour.”

“Thank you, Files.”

An archway led into a darkened area which was lit softly, golden light permeated the air in such a way it was gentle on the eyes, letting you see everything as you walked towards the exhibit.

A small golden plaque was at the entryway, reading:

“From Old Earth”

Explaining how, before the history ponies knew, there was another story to be told through the artifacts found here. Simple and sweet, nothing more needed to be said.

Entering the room, a collective gasp was heard from everyone. Looking around at the huge exhibit that was wonderfully crafted and done.

Each piece in the little collection from the bunker was in a separate case, underlit by a soft light that made each one stand out to the eye.

Here, in a huge room off to the side, an egg of jewels and metals gleamed as it spun slowly in the air, showing each facet of the gems that were crafted for it alone eons ago.

Over there, a jade dragon from a dynasty that was barely remembered when it was found in the dirt of ages before the Concordiat. The green sharply defined in the light, showing a rearing visage of a fierce reptile from the great past.

Each piece was separate, yet a whole in the displays, hung or encased to show their worth, and their unusual designs, to everyone that wished to see them. It was a treasure house for the admiration of all.

In the center of the room was a pillar, on which hung paintings that were old even when the Concordiat was new. Each one in armored glass, showing the soft brushstrokes and colors that had survived everything from wars to collapse of civilizations.

Wyatt saw each of the items he had lived with for so long, taken and brought to new life with the magics of this era. Every one carefully protected and displayed so that the true worth, their beauty, could be seen and appreciated.

Small alcoves led off the main room, containing more of the precious horde, all of them gleaming or glowing in the soft lights, their makers would have been proud of such a display.

“What do you think, Sergeant?” Celestia’s voice was soft, as if speaking too loud in this place would shatter the glass cases.

“It’s..magnificent.” To tell the truth he hadn’t known what to expect, but this surely wasn’t even close to what he had thought. Remembering museums that simply displayed things, put them on shelves or cases to see. The production here was an art form in and of itself.

He reached up, hoping that Calliope could see, being told relays had been set in place just for this. He wasn’t sure under a large amount of rock like the mountainside would allow for transmissions, but he was pleasantly surprised when her voice came through bright and clear.

“I see it, all of it! Oh, it’s wonderful!

She, too, had been worried about the collection. Wondering if it would be put away to be pondered over in a dusty old room. Like so many things in the past, there mightn’t be enough time to study everything.

But here, in Equestria, there were ponies dedicated, and had their Marks in, preservation, archiving, display, architecture, so many things that came together to make it a wonder to behold.

Everything that Calliope and he had held on to for so long would be loved forever now.

The lights, dim, now brightened slightly so they could see even more of the room and what hung upon the walls between displays.

“What are those?” Calliope was zeroing in on the new items, “Oh..my.

Wyatt blinked. No..they wouldn’t..oh, they did.

He turned to the darker Princess, “I thought I said..” he was cut off by the raising of a royal hoof.

Luna replied, “You said no statues. You did not say anything about this.” She grinned innocently, her face looking pretty in the subdued glow from the lights overhead.

“I can’t believe you’d hold me to a technicality.”

Crusader’s voice came clearly through the quiet room, “Never underestimate ponies, Sergeant. We did warn you.”

He turned once more, back to that which was before him, stepping closer to take a good look.

A painting hung there, the colors done in such a way and mix that it almost appeared like it was real life. The smoke in the background providing a backdrop of a tall armored figure, the visor up on his helmet that showed a determined face, one which would never give in, nor surrender. One hand held out a pistol in front of him as he moved through the haze, the other holding a weary looking foal against his shoulder. It was as tall as he was, a few inches above the floor to well over six feet with the frame.

Every line on his face, every detail of his weapons and gear was perfect, as if it were a picture. Yet he saw the brushstrokes, fine and delicate on the canvas. He was in motion, he remembered the moment actually, just before he’d slapped down his visor and they moved off towards safety.

How in the world?

Sky’s voice piped up, “We all lived in the same neighborhood for years. When you rescued us Wyatt, while you were watching for the bad things, we were watching you.”

He shifted a look her way, the iridescent mare standing beside him, he then remembered the introduction from Celestia, one of the foremost artists of the Crystal Empire.

The Unicorn chuckled, “We were all artists in that neighborhood, Wyatt.”

He took a look around, more paintings hung between displays. Beautifully rendered, they wouldn’t have been out of place in any multi-million dollar collection in the Concordiat.

“ALL of you?”

She nodded, “Princess Cadence asked for something nice, to be donated to the new museum on behalf of the Empire, and we volunteered.” She placed a hoof on the exquisitely carved wooden frame, “What else could we do for somepony who’d go through all that to come get us?”

“How could you possibly do this in days?” he was aghast, “Paintings take weeks..maybe months.”

“Cutie Marks, Wyatt. We explained them.” Athena was saying as she moved closer, “They dedicate quite a lot of their lives to the one thing they are very good at.”

It truly hit home then, everything he’d been told about ponies and what they did, how they lived. How a Mark, an example of the thing in life they were good at, could make such a difference. From the stonemasons, to case makers, to the ponies that laid the tile. Each one knew their job so infinitely well, it was nothing to knock out a task in mere days instead of months and years.

Working together, they could create wonders.

He had nothing to say, walking towards the next portrait. He wasn’t trying to be rude, but he honestly drew a blank when it came to a reply. What could you say about a world where those who strove for perfection, achieved it, or near enough?

He looked at the painting as he drew near, seeing himself kneeling on the durasteel plating by the gun turret of one of the Dragons. Powergun stock solid in his shoulder as hellishly hot shots ripped off into the night. The look on his face was..what? Anger? More determination? He couldn’t quite tell, but he knew that moment. He’d been shaking in his armor when he saw the rolling tide of creatures coming down that street.

He wasn’t superhuman, just human. In battle you lost that feeling of fright somewhat, though it came back like a wave that crashed into you afterwards, causing a few shakes, a little surprise that you made it. Some never felt it, but he did, always had.

But this picture showed none of that, just the pure spirit and drive to push back an enemy.

He could hear the others talking behind him, his mind drifting back to a few days ago, when he’d lived this. He moved onward, looking towards another item that hung in the spaces between displays.

The next was something different, sitting against the tread shields of a tank again, he was leaning back, face turned to the sun that had rarely broken through that morning during the overcast.

It had been a moment of pure warmth, the sunlight gentle on his upturned visage. Even in the Crystal Empire, smoke and dust that the weapons fire kicked up had lined his face when he’d kept the visor on his helmet open.

But it had been a needed respite for just a few seconds.

He saw it again, in a painting that showed the slight smile, the acceptance of some small grace at the moment.

Other paintings were just as bright and beautiful. One showing him and Rainbow Dash from behind, his body relaxed as one hand held out a piece of candy, a cyan hoof reaching up to take it. The tautness of the pegasus’ body showing in every line, wanting to move and fight, but the casual attitude of the tall human beside her keeping Rainbow in place.

That and the candy. That little lady loved that candy. He chuckled to himself.

There were no titles to the paintings. He’d looked for a small plaque or scroll, something to tell. Of course they didn’t need anything, the pictures themselves spoke words and volumes to the onlooker. A story told in every brushstroke, every line and color, each piece of the puzzle put together to tell you ‘this’ is happening.

Fluttershy was peeking out from behind his legs as he stood over her, raising his rifle to the sky.

Oh, I remember that. His side twinged, the phantom pain reminding him how close that little bastard had come.

Did I really look that angry? Must have. Who can tell when you’re the one doing the shooting.

He almost laughed out loud at the next few pictures. Scenes from when the battles had lulled, and he had grabbed a moment or two to eat or discuss things with the others.

Here he was holding an orange, facing an Applejack with narrowed eyes and a look that was the beginning of a conversation he remembered so well. She’d offered a few apples, having come from the farm itself in a shipment to the Empire, and he’d said fruit was fruit, made no difference.

Got an earful on that one, he thought. Never knew someone could be so passionate about a little red apple. Though he did admit, those pies were pretty darn good.

A laugh did escape at the next one. Twilight had a confused look on her face as he rolled a bit along his knuckles, making it appear and disappear with sleight of hand tricks he’d learned when he was a kid. He’d gotten quick and sly with them over the years and it had made the lavender Princess wonder how he did it without magic.

There was the pink pony..Pinkie! That’s it! Offering him some kind of..oh yes. She’d copied a snack cake from the old bunker stores and wanted him to try it. He was refusing in the most polite way he could, not wanting to be a guinea pig. She’d pouted for an hour until he relented. They had been tasty, he had to admit.

He was holding up his hands as the pretty pink face was leaning inward, a grin wide and bright, one hoof holding up a plate covered in little cakes. You could practically see him shaking his head and saying ‘No’ over and over.

Darn pouting.

There was levity between seriousness in the paintings, all beautiful, amazing and a whole list of words he’d have to figure out later.

“So quiet?” The soft voice made him turn, nudged out of his reverie seeing Sky standing silent beside him as he looked at the pictures one by one.

“I..don’t have the words. Except thank you.”

She waved a hoof, “None needed. I was chosen as representative for the group, and they said they were all pleased to be able to do something for you in turn.”

Her face lit up in the soft light, “It fits, don’t you think?” Gesturing to the displays, “Giving these lovely things to us, and having pictures of the pony who did so. Very appropriate, I believe.”

“I think one would have been enough, don’t you?” He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms with a smile returned to her, “That would have been plenty.”

“Oh, no!” Sky shook her head, “We had to turn down other ponies who wanted to add more to the collection here. So we compromised on this.”

A hand raised, palm outward as a symbol for pax, “I understand. I have learned not to argue with you folks.”

“That, Sergeant, is a very good thing.” Celestia had come over while he leaned against the wall, her hoofsteps not heard through the soft carpeting in the display area.

The pure white mare looked at him for a moment, her smile always gentle, “What do you think?”

Wyatt tilted his head for a second, listening to a far off voice, “I am being advised to be humble, and to accept everything with graciousness and all the civility I can muster in me.”

The tall Princess laughed, “Calliope is a very wise advisor.”

“She is at that.”

A small case floated towards Celestia as the group gathered around, “We know your disdain for public things. So we present you with this medal, for the defense of the Empire, and Equestria. To honor your actions, and friendship, that we are very grateful to have.”

Luna chipped in, “Crusader and Athena have advised us on the type of medals appropriate to your uniform, so we have had the craftsponies make a new design for you to wear.”

The lid opened on the slim case, revealing a ribbon of purest gold thread, under which attached was a round disk of platinum, inlaid with the symbols of the golden Sun and silvery Moon. Between them, were four gems set in a diamond pattern, one for each Princess, matching their colors.

It was a treasure in its’ own right, much less a medal.

He took the case from the magical field, holding it in the palm of his hand and looking at it for a long moment of silence.

“I..” He saw them all watching him in the soft lantern lights, “I don’t think out of the few medals I’ve ever received, I’ve had one that meant more to me.” He cleared his throat a moment before looking at the case again.

Another magic field grabbed the medal, this time Sky’s, lifting it out and in the air, “May I?”

The tall human nodded, kneeling on the carpet and watched as she carefully maneuvered it in place beside his others, gently pinning it to the uniform front. Making sure it was just so.

Lifting himself back up, he touched it with a gentle hand, “Thank you.”

Of course, there was nothing to do but accept congratulations from those he’d come to know so well.

Sky interrupted them, “There is ..one... more thing.” The smile on her face had grown mischievous.

Waving a hoof, she led them to a small viewing room where an easel sat, a canvas covered with a cloth of shimmering fabric as she turned to the group, “He never told you how we met, did he?”

All faces turned to him, Cadence remarking, “Strange, he never has.” her eyes bright in the lights.

The covering was whipped off the canvas by her magic, leaving the group to stare at the picture for a moment before breaking into gales of laughter.

Wyatt’s hand went to his forehead, a couple fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, “Did you really have to?”

Sky’s face looked very innocent, “I am an artist.” As if that said it all.

Rainbow was laughing so hard she could barely breath alongside Applejack who was hee-hawing to beat all.

Fluttershy and Pinkie were lost in paroxysms of merriment, with Twilight and Rarity trying to cover their muzzles but failing to keep their own humor in. Shining was shaking his head, laughing along with Cadence and Luna, as well as Celestia who was actually snickering out loud.

Even Crusader had a smile on his face, Athena slapping the carpet next to him and guffawing hard enough for both of them.

Calliope’s voice was stuttering in delight from the earpiece he wore, seeing the truth revealed at last.

There on the canvas, done in exquisite detail, was that smoky, hazy night. The shells carrying the covering smoke had burst and he went into the cloud to find the trapped ponies. He had been having trouble seeing even with visor enhancement, so swept out a hand in the fog back and forth, slowly moving forward towards the end of the street where his map said they were.

Unfortunately, his hand had landed on the rounded backside of one Sky Palette.

This was shown by the deadly looking figure in armor, planting a hand on her back end, and a very shocked and surprised look on her face in that smoky gloom.

“Why, Sergeant Carpenter! Who knew you were such a ruffian!” Rarity was giggling up a storm at the picture.

“I couldn’t see very well.” He tried to defend himself, though kind of hard with all the laughter around him.

Pinkie was right there beside him, “So noooow we know why she hangs around you!” Nudging him with an elbow, wriggling her eyebrows up at him.

Twilight poked a hoof at the fluffy maned mare, “Pinkie Pie!”

“I’m just sayin’!”

Shining kept eyeing the portrait, “That’s one way to get a marefriend.”

“Shining!” Now Cadence was eyeing him, aghast at his words.

“What? I’m just sayin’!”

“I can’t take you anywhere!”

“Sure is a lot of ponies ‘just sayin’ .” Applejack was still snickering, trying to hold back a snort or two every time she looked at the portrait.

She was nudged by a wing, Rainbow chortling, “But you’re just sayin’, right?” Getting a hoof slap in return from the farmer.

“You aren’t mad, are you?” Sky was looking at him nervously.

Wyatt shook his head, “Of course not. I can take a ribbing like anyone else. Just..that was kind of embarrassing.” He peered at the painting for a long moment, letting a small snort of laughter escape, “I do admit, was wondering what I had grabbed until I saw you turn, looked like you were about to hit me.”

Now the pretty Unicorn was flustered, “Well..there were monsters around..and..and..stuff.” She had thought something bad had latched onto her, until the hand clamped over her muzzle when she was about to shout, and a friendly face was revealed when the helmet was opened.

The painting was covered again, taken away so Sky could retrieve it later for the trip home. It was not for public consumption, just a joke she thought would be taken well, and it had been.

“I don’t blame you.” Shaking his head, still chuckling, “I’d have hit me too.” He looked at the central pillar for a moment, “That’s odd. I don’t see..” he glanced at Princess Luna, who seemed to have the same look on her face when they had discussed a certain painting.

“Pardon me,” Excusing himself he stepped near the darker mare.

“Liked the painting that much, huh?”

She started, then returned his glance, “After you explained it to me, it was more beautiful than ever.”

Then you are welcome to it, with our compliments.” Calliope’s voice in his ear was agreeing wholeheartedly.

The Night Princess glanced at him, almost embarrassed, “I do not wish to trespass, I know you gave these things to all..” She noticed him raising a hand slightly to stop her.

“You appreciate it, and there is nothing more Calliope and I would like.”

“I do!” her cyan eyes were animated, “It hangs in my private rooms where I can look and wonder about it. It..it is my night and done so long ago I can hardly fathom the time. But I do love it so.”

Then enjoy it.” Calliope’s voice came from the translation software after his.

“I am sure no one will ever fault you, it is a wondrous piece of art. All we wanted was that they be looked after. Having someone like you care for it would be an honor.”

A silvery clad hoof went to her chest, face looking solemn, “Then I promise it shall be loved for always.”

“Good enough for us, Princess.”

A smile graced the dark face, brightening up the room, “Shall we see all the other wonderful things?”

A nod and wave to Sky who trotted over, “The Princess would like to tour the displays, care to comment on the paintings?”

Sky was very much honored, moving to the first painting he’d seen and explaining who did it, which was herself. The story behind it was a fascinating tale to the Princess who listened eagerly.

In between each painting was an object that was lit from underneath, showing off the finiest details of the piece. Calliope and Wyatt took turns explaining the history of each. Adding a few notes here and there to the plaque which resided by each one, filling them in on the very long histories.

The personal tour turned into a larger mission, as small groups were let in at the Princess’ request so they might see these same treasures. But the crowd ended up following Sky and Wyatt, listening to the stories and tales of each item on the rooms and alcoves which held things they’d never seen before.

Wyatt didn’t find out there were prints of the paintings for sale until a glamorous mare asked him very politely to autograph one which unrolled into a good sized poster of himself in action. She’d caught him when he was away from any tour groups, taking a moment to himself, with Calliope and Sky.

Fleur Dis Lee was beside herself with silent glee, batting her eyelashes at the tall figure. Having the very first ever signed poster of the premiere painting in the displays, gave her a one up on all her close friends who collected such things.

She had offered to buy the painting outright, wanting to own the original which would never be duplicated at all except in photo prints. The museum representative said the artist was not wanting to sell any of the paintings done for the exhibition.

That artist was very good..wait a second, was that her? The one hanging on the fore leg of the tall pony?

It was!

Fleur had dressed to the nines for this event, knowing it would be one of the great opportunities that came so rarely to show off and be a bright star among the upper crust. She was not vain, no, she was confident in her abilities and most ponies took that for arrogance. In reality Fleur loved being sociable and friendly. Her collection of Daring Do action figures was a closely kept secret, along with other things like her charity work that supported a few causes she believed in, helping ponies everywhere..

She was, however, the top model for fashion magazines all over Equestria. Her picture graced quite a few, if not most, of the ads on boards, or in newspapers everywhere. Miss Dis Lee was a success.

But when ponies think you’re vapid, or a bubble-head, it was hard to get rid of that impression.

A lovely voice beside her broke the model out of her thoughts, turning to see Tropical Sun settling in, the burnished gold colored mare as thin and beautiful as Fleur herself. They’d become best friends after running into each other at a Book Convention a year ago. She was another model that was a Unicorn, but they had tons of fun together looking for collectible items.

“Oh, no! You got it signed first! Drat!” Tropical pouted prettily. She was holding her own poster, wanting to get an autograph as well.

Fleur raised one eyebrow, looking sly, an easy smile on her face, “It’s all in how you ask, Tropic.”

“Oh, shush, You batted those lashes at him and he gave in is what.” She’d seen her friend do it many times, trying to talk down a comic collector on the price of an issue she’d really wanted, or a new revised edition of a favorite book.

Fleur blushed slightly, leaning in to her friend after looking around, “I..just asked is all. He is so nice, and polite.”

“He is?” Seeing her friend nod, a look of hope crossed her face. Ponies wanted their pictures or posters signed, but the imposing figure was so different, they weren’t sure how to approach him. Especially with the Princesses all gathered in the museum. That would be a death knell for any career, ponies knowing you were impolite to a visitor so unique.

Fleur had managed to catch him at a silent moment when he’d been looking at one of the paintings that had shown him driving off monsters they’d heard had tried to invade the Empire.

His voice was translated by some sort of spell that worked beautifully. It was very soft, and gentle, giving her shivers up the spine as she had very politely asked if he would sign the poster.

The tall figure had been surprised that such a thing existed, looking back at the group of ponies with him, a sigh and roll of the eyes made her chuckle. Obviously something private. But he had taken some sort of writing instrument from the pocket of his shirt, writing very carefully in a language he’d called Conco..Con..cor..diat.. Standard, signing his name underneath it. Assuring her it was his name when she looked puzzled.

The message, he told her, said ‘To a beautiful and gracious lady, from Sgt. Wyatt Carpenter.’ His companion had chided him for flirting with mares, a wink tossed Fleur’s way had caused them both to laugh at the long suffering look that crossed his face.

She hadn’t paid much attention to the companion, being nervous enough asking for a signature; but now she knew, it was the artist! The one the museum said wouldn’t sell any paintings. Maybe..just maybe..

Tapping a gleaming hoof on Tropical’s shoulder, she pointed to the couple who were talking near a display that was rotating slowly in the air. An egg that was encrusted with jewels and metals like nopony had ever done. The others looking around on their own, leaving the tall figure and pretty mare by themselves.

“Now’s our chance, want that autograph?”

Tropical nodded so hard she almost dropped the poster from the magical aura surrounding it.

“Come on.”

Leading the way, Fleur gracefully slipped between onlookers perusing the artifacts. Not once bumping nor even nudging any part of a pony. She was nimble and quick when she wanted to be, a leftover from dancing lessons her mother had her take when she was young. Tropical was following right in her hoofsteps, ending up near the tall figure in seconds.

The smile he wore talking to his companion didn’t fade as he turned towards her, “What may I do for you, Miss Dis Lee?”

He remembered her name! After only hearing it once!

“Please pardon us, Sergeant..” She stopped, seeing him raise a hoof slightly.

“Call me Wyatt, please.”

Fleur Dis Lee had never fan-mared in her life, much less the almost squeal of delight at being told that. Except the one time when she’d met A.K. Yearling at a book signing. The tabloids had a field day with that one.

Tropical had no such reservations, and Fleur couldn’t blame her, letting out a soft squeal of happiness, “Could I call you Wyatt too?”

The smile that crossed the different face, not odd, just..different.. Was warm, and very gracious, the brown eyes almost twinkling, “Of course, please do.”

Tropical Sun clapped her hooves together, still barely holding on to the poster with her magic as she grinned hard enough to split her golden face.

“You need to stop flirting, you rogue.” The pretty mare beside him nudged the tall figure, giving a chuckle.

They both saw him raise a hoof to his chest as if insulted, “Can I help it if I’m just a nice person?”

“Stop it, you’re not fooling anypony.” They could both see her trying not to laugh at his antics, the warmth in the crystal mare’s eyes giving it all away.

Wyatt..because they could call him that now! Gave a fake put-upon sigh and shook his head, “See? See what I get for being nice? Doesn’t pay.”

Tropical and Fleur knew the score, seeing the smiles and chuckling at the interplay. It made them less nervous, feeling like old friends talking.

“Now, what can I do for you ma’am.” Wyatt was looking right at Tropical who was blushing under the mass of curly mane that flowed down her neck.

“I..oh..uh..could..would.. Maybe if.. you..” She was so flustered by the attention she couldn’t think of anything to say!

The tall figure smiled even more warmly, “How about we start with your name? I’m Wyatt, and you are?”

Fleur was watching with merry eyes seeing her friend, so confidant in front of the camera, lose it completely when dealing with this stranger. She raised a hoof to cover her mouth, trying not to giggle as it would only make Tropic more nervous.

“Oh! I’m..I..” The large dusky golden eyes almost crossed as she tried furiously to remember her own name! “I..I’m..uhm..” She looked helplessly over to Fleur.

“Her name is Tropical Sun, but she likes to be called Tropic.” Fleur replied politely. Her friend heaving a huge sigh of relief.

Tropical nodded, “Right! That’s me!”

Sky was watching the interchange, trying not to let out a giggle either, seeing Fleur trying very hard to maintain her composure. She nudged Wyatt’s leg, “Perhaps she wants an autograph too?” Pointing to the rolled up sheet hovering in the air.

“Is that it then? Be more than happy to.” Wyatt was watching the golden mare get all flustered again, reaching out to take the poster and unroll it. It was the one of him on the tank, kneeling beside the turret as he ripped off shots into the charging mob.

She saw him take out some kind of writing instrument, not a quill and ink like others used, but a slim tube that he touched on the top, “Anything you’d like me to write?”

He paused for a second, raising a hoof? to her as she started to reply, “Don’t get nervous, just relax.”

Tropical stopped short, swallowed, and thought, “J..just something nice? Please?”

She could see him thinking for a moment, putting the poster on top of the display case to have something to write on as he scribbled words out onto the sheet of paper like material. He finished and gave it back to her with another smile, “There you go.”

Tropic looked at the neat hoofwriting, seeing it gently flowing in a way she’d never seen before, the characters totally unfamiliar. A puzzled look made Fleur chuckle.

“It’s in his language.”

“Oh! May I ask what it says?”

The tall pony nodded, “Sure. It says to a polite and lovely lady, Sergeant Wyatt Carpenter.”

The blush that hit Tropical’s face made Fleur’s eyes go wide, never seeing that before and covering her muzzle with a hoof again.

“You need to stop that, you’re embarrassing her.” Sky was trying not to chuckle at his antics, nudging his side with a pointed hoof, “You’re being awful.”

“Sky,” Once again the innocent look almost made Fleur laugh out loud, “You are misjudging me, surely. I am being gracious and kind.” She saw his head tilt slightly as if listening to something, “Yes, I’m being reminded by another as well.” He sighed, “My apologies.” Giving a short bow to Tropical.

The golden pony smiled back, “Oh! My..uhm.. Honestly it’s no problem. Thank you so much!”

To be honest, Sky was surprised, knowing both the mares by reputation as models who commanded high prices for their faces, acting like schoolponies when asking for an autograph. It was very sweet. She couldn’t help but smile at them.

“You’ll have to forgive him, he’s incorrigible. Really, he’s a very nice person when he’s not being a twit.”

“You wound me, madam!”

“Oh, please.”

He looked at the two models, pointing at Sky, “See what I get? What I’m treated like? Save me!”

Tropic and Fleur laughed out loud then at the plaintive look he was giving them. Seeing him smile before laying a gentle hoof? What was that called? ...on his companions shoulder, a touch that said many things.

“Now, are we all relaxed?” His expression was warm as Fleur could see Tropic lean slightly, not so stiff from nervousness as they both nodded.

Fleur took the opportunity, “If you’ll pardon me, I very much would love to talk with you.” She gestured towards Sky who had a puzzled look on her face.


“Very much so. I would love to purchase one of your paintings. But the museum employee said they were not for sale.” She couldn’t hide the hopeful look on her face.

Sky was taken slightly aback. Here was a model whose face was known across Equestria, wanting one of HER paintings? She honestly didn’t know what to say.

“I..never really sell them. I make a few bits here and there, but..but..” Now she was in that same position of being nervous, seeing the sly look on Wyatt’s face as he leaned back and watched. That smart pony!

Fleur was letting the fanmare show, her face very open and honest as she tried not to let her excitement come through, “Please? It will always stay in the museum. If they ever have no need to display it anymore, I’ll keep it safe, I promise. I would very much like to have one.”

Sky tapped a hoof on the floor, trying to think, “I.. Which one?”

Fleur unrolled the poster, showing Wyatt carrying the little pony on his shoulder, the painting reproduced perfectly in every detail, “This one. It’s so..” Fleur hesitated, deciding to be plain honest, “It touches the heart, it really does.”

“But there are so many better painters out there.” She was one of the foremost artists of the Crystal Empire because there weren’t that many. Settling into a niche that was not very crowded, she had made a name for herself in small ways. Happy to be working at what she loved and so excited to see her things on display here. Now, someone who was honestly famous was asking her to sell one.

Fleur could see the indecision on the crystal mares’ face, leaning in a little closer to talk low so nopony could hear them.

“I love collecting beautiful things, I do. I..I’m a bit of a schoolpony at heart sometimes, but I really do wish to buy that painting because it’s gorgeous, not only because it’s an original. That does play a big part, but it is truly well done.” She pushed her muzzle forward, whispering into Skys’ ear.

“I even have the complete set of Daring Do action figures. Tropic has the entire mint run of the comic book series.”

This got the smile and giggle she had wanted, stepping back to return the warm look now that they both understood.

Sky settled down, thinking for a moment, “I’m not sure how much.. I mean, it was a rush job.”

Once again the slim Unicorn leaned forward, whispering a figure that made Skys’ jaw almost hit the floor.

“No. Oh, no. Absolutely not, that’s way too much.” The sum named would be more than most ponies made in a solid five years of work.

“I will not go any lower.”

“Oh, yes you will.”

“Not one bit less.”

“It’s too much.”

“It is not.”

“It is!”


A snicker drew their attention, seeing Wyatt nudging Tropic and looking at them both in amusement. The golden mare was nodding at the humor of it all and hiding her muzzle behind a polite hoof.

Both of them stood silent for a moment before realizing this was all so ridiculous.

Sky spoke first, “If y..you’re really that adamant.”

Fleur nodded, “Oh, I am. Not just because it would be a treasure. It’s an art piece worth having and keeping.” She tapped her chin, trying to remember what she was thinking when she looked at it, “It’s powerful, that’s it.”

Tropical Sun stepped forward, “It’s true. The colors are so bold, it’s so scary, but you know that the pony in armor will get you to safety, you just know it. The scene makes you wonder what he was thinking.”

Wyatt piped up, raising a hand, “I can tell you that. ‘Let’s get our asses out of here.’ ”

Sky’s eyes shot wide, “Wyatt!!” The translation program using a slang word for backside that was not said in polite company. Athena, in another part of the display areas, slapped her forehead, hearing the translation and making a note to update terms.

“She said she wondered, just being honest.” He was looking calm amid the breakout of laughter between them all, giving a helpless shrug.

Tropic swiped a gleaming hoof at him, “You are so bad.”

“I’ve been told that, yes. Constantly these days, it seems.”

Fleur went right back to the discussion, not wanting to lose this moment, “I’ll be forthright. Yes, I would very much like to have it. Yes, I collect things and I would definitely show it off to all the ponies in the little club we have, it would be a wonderful thing to have. There, I’m honest about it. It’s beautiful and it’s the only one.”

Wyatt nodded, “That’s as honest as it gets. Take the offer, Sky.”

The Crystal mare looked up at him, “I can’t. That much money is paid for ancient works, or paintings by really famous ponies, not mine. It just wouldn’t be right.”

Fleur lay a hoof on her shoulder, speaking softly, her voice lilting and sweet, “I make more bits than I can ever spend. Most goes to charity that I do behind the scenes, but I have more than enough to get a few things. Trust me, it is special.”

“Will you promise to take care of it? Always?” Sky was worried it would be relegated to a closet somewhere. But she had a new appreciation of this slim mare in front of her, she spoke politely and well, was honest about her intentions. Sky just knew that the painting would be in good hooves, but it was so hard to let go sometimes.

“It will be in my house, in a place above the mantel. After the showing here is over. It will stay here until then.” Fleur already knew where it would go, having saved that space for something one day she knew would be just right. Now she’d found it.

“Then, yes.” A hug was stopped by a held up hoof, “With one addition...”


“If for any reason you do not want it, or are going to put it somewhere in a closet or something, send it back to me. I will keep it for you until it’s wanted again or I can pay you back your price. Is that fair?”

Fleur was nodding, her pink mane almost flopping in her excitement, “Yes, oh yes. I promise!” She let out a foalish squeal of delight and hugged Sky tightly before looking around, seeing they were alone for the moment.

“I’m sorry..the news sheets tend to have a circus when you don’t act proper.” She emphasized that with two hooves in the air making air quotes. Wyatt nodded, understanding about scandal rags.

“Well, drat, you’re always first at something Fleur!” Tropical had been watching the whole thing and was amazed at how fast it had all concluded. She chuckled ruefully to herself with a slight hoofstomp of pique. Not really angry, just seeing how Fleur availed herself of an opportunity.

The burnished gold mare lifted her head, topped with waves of curly light brown mane that looked fashionably messy, “Well, I don’t mind being second.” She turned to Sky and the talk was on, another painting, another large sum of bits offered and refused until Wyatt lay the tips of his fingers on the Crystal mare’s shoulder in a gentle gesture.

“She accepts.”


He smiled down at his friend, “We’ll be here all night if you keep arguing. They’ll take care of what they purchase.” Wyatt talked as if he knew, and he did. Having an acquaintance, that when younger, collected all manner of old books and comics, delighting in each new find and carefully preserving them from any further damage or deterioration. It had been a labor of love, not greed. He saw the same in the two excited mares.

Sky gave in with a sigh, knowing she was eventually going to, but it was so hard! She did the paintings out of a desire to have something shown, not..not make bits

Tropical made arrangements with Fleur to have the full amount for both delivered to Sky at a time and place of her choosing. The model pony was almost hopping in place as she looked at the poster of the painting she’d just purchased. One of four from Sky, it was the one she’d loved because of the action, the daring in it.

“Ohhhh.. Spotlight is going to be SO jealous!” The model chortled to herself in unabashed glee.

She was nudged by an equally delighted Fleur, “You’re just saying that because she won the auction at the last book convention for that first edition comic book you wanted.”

“Yes!” A hoof stamped the carpet, “Yes, I am.” Whatever else ponies thought of her, Tropical was honest to a fault sometimes.

“You are so awful.”

A flip of the mane and a faux snort of superiority, “I don’t care.”

She looked at lighter colored mare with a small grin, Fleurs’ getting larger as they both squealed and pranced in place, ecstatic about the whole thing.

“Oh my goodness, speaking of....!” Fleur pointed to a group of ponies admiring the paintings and rare artifacts. Turning to Sky and Wyatt she explained.

“They’re part of our Collectible Club,” Her voice quiet in the display area, so it wouldn’t carry. It definitely would be a surprise to most that behind the austere, or even standoffish reputations those ponies had, were personalities that loved and cherished beautiful things. Comics, books, art and statuary, one even had a collection of rare tea sets that were the envy of the whole club. They did it not for avarice, but for the joy and wonder of lovely things that they could show to others of the same mind.

They didn’t hoard, but carefully kept precious things to show to others who they knew would like them too. Oftentimes having tours of their spacious homes where ponies who’d wondered about such famous names could come and see and enjoy what they had as well. It was an atmosphere of sharing and graciousness that persisted even when, for some reason, their aloof reputations kept being brought up.

Movie stars, famous ponies, all were part of the group, even plain work ponies who had joined, being welcomed with a smile. Fun-loving and at times as gleeful as a little ones with a new toy. They tried their best to get rid of such designations. To no avail, but they persevered in their own patient ways.

“Spotlight!” Fleur’s voice carried just enough to make the named mare turn, seeing the slim model waving at her as her eyes locked on the tall figure standing close by. Her head swung back to a painting, then back to Wyatt, back and forth for a moment before she tapped another pony beside her. Soon all of them were looking with surprise at the figure who had remained unnoticed as they were in a larger alcove under subdued lighting that made it nice for the displays, but a little hard to see anything else.

Fleur waved them over, seeing them hesitate, “Come here!” She rolled her eyes and sighed, trotting over and grabbing the named mare leading her over to where Wyatt and Sky were standing with Tropical.

The rest followed, with as much politeness as they could, all were eager to know what was going on. Seeing the figure from the paintings was astonishing enough, but Fleur and Tropical knew that pony? Incredible! They had missed the opening speeches, but arrived in time to see all the wondrous artifacts on display.

The paintings were just amazing. Done in a way that showed skill and love for the art, they’d been wondering who Sky Palette and the others artists who’d donated the items for the show were, named on the guides they’d received at the help desk. The stuff on display was just even more astounding, from so far in the past, the guide said, that nothing remained but these few things.

Fleur smiled as they arrived, “Wyatt, may I introduce my friend Spotlight, she works in movies and is quite the actress.” A hoof gestured politely to the mare, a curly mane that almost overflowed like Pinkie’s but not quite. She was a carnelian color that was offset by luminous purple eyes.

“Spotlight, this is Sergeant Wyatt Carpenter.” Forging ahead before the other mare could speak, “Yes, the one from the paintings.”

“H..h..h...” The actress stuttered, not quite knowing what to say, lifting a hoof for a formal greeting, “H...” Her inner fan was coming forward and it was seriously interfering with her ability to speak.

Tropic chuckled, “She’s a really good actress, we promise. Spotlight, just say hello.” Looking at Sky and Wyatt, she shrugged, “Honestly, she can say her lines without a problem.”


Wyatt didn’t bat an eye, smiling warmly and leaning down to gently bump the proffered hoof, “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Spotlight.”

The mare was silent for a moment before speaking again, “You look just like the paintings..”

A hoof? ...gestured to the side as she watched, “All due to Miss Sky Palette here. She’s the genius behind those four there.” She turned, seeing him point out the ones mentioned.

“The others are by different artists as well.”

All Tarterus broke loose then, the eight ponies, part of the little club, all turned on Sky, “You’re the artist?”

“Oh, those paintings are so good!”

“Are they for sale?”

“Please tell us how you did them!”

Wyatt smiled, stepping back so they could talk to Sky without him intruding. Fleur was nearby, leaning in and whispering.

“That was very nice of you. Though keeping attention off of yourself was a very slick move.”

The model was sharper than he’d thought, nodding and whispering back, “She deserves the credit.”

“You’re a very nice pony.”

“I try. Really hard. But some days, just doesn’t work.” He gave Fleur a wink and shrug, to which she giggled unashamedly.

Fleur took a look around, noticing that the alcove they were in, a huge room really, but an offshoot of the main area, while very spacious, seemed to contain nopony else but them.

Wyatt saw the slim mare looking around, tipping his head, “I’ve got friends.”

“I was wondering why it seemed so quiet.”

“I prefer it, rather than standing in a huge crowd. You two and the others are just enough, besides, it’s more intimate.”

She could understand that, times when the limelight gets too much and she retreated to her home, among the things she loved.

“Are you really from the past?”

Wyatt nodded, “Myself and a lovely lady we call an AI, Artificial Intelligence.” He could see that didn’t translate well, explaining, “She’s like a machine, but very smart, and very wise.”

She saw him reach up, tapping a strange thing that sat over his ear, next thing she knew a lovely voice was issuing from it.

“Hello, Miss Dis Lee, my name is Calliope.”

Her pretty eyes went wide, “How in the world.. What kind of spell is that?” She knew that his companion was supposedly in the Crystal Empire, but..how..

“The magic of technology.” He pointed to the thing on his ear, “This translates your language for me, also, it connects me to Calliope in the Empire in real time. She’s been enjoying the displays and the museum along with me through it.”

“It’s not a spell?”

“No, ‘fraid that was just an excuse. It’s a little more complicated than that.”

“I was wondering. That’s marvelous!”

“In my time, it was just a common thing.” He looked around, “How it’s changed.”

“Is it so bad?”The smiling face turned puzzled, thinking he saw something wrong with her world.

“No. Oh, no. It’s..something from a dream almost. Peaceful, mostly calm,” He chuckled, remembering a couple bottles of scotch and a few ponies. “It’s a world we could only imagine, if at all.

“You seem sad though, why?” Tropical Sun had joined the conversation, hearing it in part and looking up at the tall figure.

He knew though, he knew exactly why. He wanted to stay, wanted to see what the world offered and he couldn’t. He had a limited time, here, with Calliope, and he didn’t wish to leave. He didn’t want stasis, didn’t want to limp along being rebuilt into something emotionless. He wanted to stay as himself, but time and technology had robbed Calliope and he of that option.

His expression grew warm, “Oh, just thinking of the past. How some folks I know would have enjoyed this.” Sometimes lies slip out easier than the truth.

A burnished gold leg wrapped itself around his forearm, “Then you must enjoy it while you can. After the museum tour is over, let us show you around, the night life is wonderful here in Canterlot.” Tropical Sun was beaming at the thought.

“I think that would be nice, I’m sure Sky would love it as well.”

Fleur snorted a laugh, covering her muzzle, “If we can get her away from her new fans.”

“That may pose a problem.” Wyatt was looking at the small group, seeing Sky trying to be herself, not knowing what to do with all the praise she was receiving and deflecting a lot towards the other artists who had donated pictures.

Wasn’t quite working, to the humor of Wyatt and the two who were watching with him.

A member of the group ran out, from what was being said, to get posters for Sky to sign.

The group had also discovered, to their detriment and not a few surprised looks tinged with envy, that Fleur and Tropic had claimed the first two paintings sold. This, therefore, set off a rush of bidding for the two remaining ones.

Sky was looking very shocked at the amounts being thrown around, not realizing that many bits even existed. It was done quietly, very politely, as shouting out things like this wasn’t very nice. It was not very long before the little group noticed Sky looking more and more nervous as numbers flew in casual conversation.

“Oh my,” Spotlight waved a hoof, calming the speakers, “We’ve upset her. I’m so sorry Miss Palette, we didn’t mean to be rude.”

Sky was astonished when apologies were given without a pause. Famous ponies, those known Equestria wide, apologizing to her? Would wonders never cease?

“No, you h..haven’t o..of..offended me, honest. I don’t know what to say.” Sky was rubbing one fore hoof along the opposite leg, “I just don’t know what to do. Nopony has ever bought my paintings for more than a few bits, I was happy with that.”

A quiet, “Nonsense!” from a staid looking stallion, with a tweed jacket on and a monocle in one eye, replied. Dapper was the main reviewer of haute couture in Canterlot, many came to him for recommendations on clothing. He was known, or said to be, a lofty type, not dealing with ‘regular’ ponies. All of which were untrue. He loved style and gave advice to any who asked. But, as said before, reputations are hard to get rid of.

He was not loud, nor offensive, making his point by borrowing Fleurs’ poster with a very polite please and thank you, unrolling it to show the group.

“It tells so much,” He pointed to the poster, “An entire story in one picture, a thousand words in one glance. It’s marvelous, the detail, the expression. I’ve seen ponies gush over a a bowl of fruit in a painting and it does not even compare with this.” A lightly stamped hoof emphasized the point as the others nodded.

“Please don’t underestimate yourself, dear.” Spotlight was saying, “You have a wonderful talent.” She pointed at Sky’s Cutie Mark, showing a rounded board covered in spots of color with a paintbrush along it.

Another mare stepped forward shyly, “I..I may not be famous or anything, but I love your art. You say so much with just a picture.” Her carnelian coloring turned a brighter shade of red along her cheeks, as if she shouldn’t be speaking out loud.

“Oh, bother, don’t be saying that Sweetcake, you make the most divine pancakes in Canterlot.” Spotlight leaned towards Sky, “Not to mention rolls, and bread, oh she does wonders with flour.”

“She still won’t say where she gets her recipes though, such scandalous behavior!” Another elegantly clad mare was grinning at the bashful baker, nudging her playfully.

By the end of the roundabout conversation, the last two of Sky’s paintings were sold or spoken for. More were promised from her to the ones that couldn’t decide what they wanted. Even the shy baker was guaranteed one for a price that fit her finances, far below what the others had committed. Not a word was said about lowering prices, they knew who could afford what and didn’t care nor fret about it.

Offers were going to be sent to the other artists, which Sky assured them would be accepted as she knew them intimately, being neighbors since they were all young. They would be shocked and delighted at the attention.

The paintings would stay in the museum, being rotated out as newer offerings were accepted and shown. This allowed the collectors to display their prizes in homes which were spacious and open to all who wished to drop by.

To a pony, with heartfelt words, they agreed the precious items would be taken care of, or sent back to Sky if they were no longer wanted so she could pay them back their buying price.

She could tell, by the looks and conversation, that it wouldn’t happen. She’d never see them again except in displays or in rarefied places, where she was now invited! Sky had always kept a few for herself, enjoying scenery and her own vision of the artists purview. It was so hard to let go, but she could see the true caring these ponies had for her art.

The tweed clad stallion was looking at the poster, noticing it had been signed and asked for a translation, which he got by way of Wyatt.

“Fleur, you are always first on the spot! How do you do that?” He let a snort of fake disgust out, shaking his head.

“Right place at the right time, Dapper .” She smiled, “Honestly though, it was an accident, but one I’m glad for.”

The bargaining was now over as they all stood around the huge room chatting. An ‘alcove’, right, thought Wyatt. If this is an alcove I wonder what they call the main part, a closet?

“I have an idea.” Calliope’s voice came into Wyatt’s ear with a gentle whisper. He reached up, an old habit, listening close.

“What’s that?”

“Why not take them on a tour, we can both explain the items on display. From what I have heard and can see, they’d be very interested.”

Wyatt laughed to himself, sub-vocalizing, “They’re geeks, of course they’d be interested.”

“May I remind you, Sergeant Carpenter, that you are a closet ’geek’ of the highest caliber yourself.”

“You do have me there.” He turned to the small group, telling them they were to be given a personal tour of the artifacts, displays and, after Sky agreed wholeheartedly, an explanation of how the paintings were done.

This was met with a much surprise and warm looks, being treated to this by a pony from the past, his companion far away in the Empire, and the artist herself. A triple play of delights.

Calliope joined in after introducing herself, as they all stepped toward the first display, the egg, that so many had stared at.

It was beyond a shadow of a doubt, a wonderful night for all.


“Told you, don’t judge.” Athena and Crusader looked merrily at the two mares.

Rainbow rubbed a hoof along another, “Yeah, well you really couldn’t tell.”

Applejack nodded, “Truth be told, who’da thunk it? All them ponies havin’ them reputations, who knew?”

The two had been sneaking peeks into the large area, seeing the fancily clad ponies in there with Wyatt and Sky, making a few remarks about them. Crusader had tapped the commlink, bringing the conversation to them all quietly and unobtrusively, telling them maybe they shouldn’t believe everything someone says. That it was often better to confirm yourself, the way of things.

It was a revealing experience, bringing to mind their own problems with reputations and other things that got in the way of them just being themselves.

“Hidden depths,” Crusader ventured, “It does show that not all is what it seems at times.”

“Why don’t you join them?” He gestured into the doorway where the group was looking at another painting, Sky excitedly telling them the story behind it.

“Ah don’t think we’d fit in.” Applejack was looking a might nervous.

“You’re Elements of Harmony, famous in your own right. I am willing to bet they would be pleased to meet you.”

Athena was nodding, pushing them inside, “Go have fun.”

They both watched as the two slowly made their way to the group, being greeted with surprised exclamations and welcomes. The tour stopped as the ponies asked about all the adventures they’d heard of. The two mares became the center of attention for quite a few minutes.

In the face of overwhelming friendliness at first meeting, Applejack and Rainbow slowly got rid of their hesitance, joking and laughing with the group as they all joined in on the little sightsee.

Crusader watched with Athena, she leaning against the bulk of him as they saw old misconceptions dive right off a cliff.

“So, hidden depths huh?” Athena was looking at Crusader with a sly smile, “Anything you’d like to tell?”

“Not particularly.”

The pegasus nudged him, sitting like a rock beside her, “Oh, c’mon, something? Anything?”

“I yam what I yam.”

“Cartoons? You’re quoting cartoons!?”

To be continued.....

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