• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Moving Forward - Society

“I should have worn a heavy coat.”

Princess Luna looked over at the soft words, seeing Carpenter eyeing the room.

“Why is that?”

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Because some of the noses in this place are so high in the air they’ve got snow on them.”

Her cyan eyes went wide as the translation came through, a hoof flinging itself up too late to cover a snort and outright laugh, pretty as bells to his ears. She tried to stop, but couldn’t quite compose herself for a minute or so while he stood looking innocent.

A silver-clad hoof waved at him admonishingly, “Thou art truly a rogue.” She cleared her throat for a second, greeting another finery wearing pony, then turning back to him.

“They are esteemed ponies of Equestria, some of the oldest lineages in the country.”

He smiled crookedly, “Old doesn’t necessarily mean good.”

The hoof pointed directly at him, “A case in point?”

“Absolutely, Your Highness. I am a bandit to the bone, ladies held for ransom, a band of merry men in the forest robbing the rich at every opportunity, and maybe, sharing some with the poor after I’ve bought a few cases of the good stuff for myself.”

Another snort, accompanied by a giggle drew their eyes towards Luna’s sister, seeing a hoof raised in front of her muzzle for a second as she gently coughed into it, “Maybe we should dispense with the medal and just throw you in irons? Hmmm?”

Wyatt looked very sly, “Oh, so many have tried.” His eyebrows waggled for a moment at both the rulers, “But my charm, and infinite wit, got me right back out doing highway robbery.”

This got deep laughter from both rulers as they stood there waiting for more to arrive.


Ponies, by and large, deal with many beings, so the human standing there didn’t faze them, except for open curiosity. It was explained, in great detail to some, how he had arrived here. The story making the rounds about a ‘pony out of the past’, meaning him, but the translation stuck.

The new museum in Canterlot had been built in record time, something new and exciting for all ages that would continue to be added to as the years went by, was something everyone was looking forward to.

Of course, those who ‘had to be there’ because they thought themselves that important, stood alongside those who honestly wanted to see everything they’d heard about the new place.

So the grand ballroom was filled with lords and mares, the upper crust of a society that really didn’t need it, but tolerated it fairly well anyways.

The ‘regular’ ponies were having a blast, invites having gone out a while ago as the planning proceeded. Sort of a Galloping Gala without all the galloping..and..mayhem. To which many were thankful.

There were artists next to bakers, writers beside titled nobility, the whole gamut was run down, then run up again. Picture stars, and glamorous ponies were everywhere, trying to make that next impression, it was somewhat of a kerfuffle.

It was an amazing sight to human eyes, and one Wyatt would never forget. Calliope was right there with him, every step, whispering in his ear and enjoying the sights and sounds. Her voice was excited, seeing so much culture and society at once.

He was glad to turn when she asked, letting her see something, listening to the language even more.

Of course, she was chiding him on the side for his remarks, her laughter notwithstanding when he denied any impropriety.

They had all arrived early, standing in a line to greet the incoming guests with word or gesture, nothing overly fancy as the line was quite long. Some had stared at the tall being for a moment, until he spoke and an odd thing happened where his lips didn’t match the words they heard. Truly remarkable what magic could do these days, when told it was a translation spell to allow him to speak Equestrian.

It was an obvious natural ability to easily make the right motions and speaking the right words as he greeted ponies from all over. Sergeant Wyatt Carpenter of the Concordiat may have been a rogue, but he undeniably knew the protocols when it came right down to it.

Except when they were alone, then the comments and snarky asides came out. Couldn’t be helped, he’d never had much use for frippery and the rigamarole of all the pleasantries even higher Concordiat society demanded.

He wondered if that was maybe why he never got invited to the grand balls and such when he was a Captain. Could be.

His reverie was interrupted by Princess Celestia’s voice.

“Sergeant, may I introduce you to Sky Palette, one of the foremost artists of the Crystal Empire.

Wyatt gathered himself to perform another round of meaningless pleasantries, when his eyes met hers.

The pony he’d helped rescue from the cul-de-sac during the attack on the Empire. She was smiling brightly at him in a beautiful gown of flowing silks and satins, her mane done in a style that flowed along her neck, coat gleaming in the soft light as she gasped, “Sergeant!”

Lifting herself up, she hugged the uniformed figure around the waist with a strength he had gotten used to from ponies. Her face never lost the smile and the rose-colored eyes were bright as she gushed her thanks one more time.

“You’ve met, I take it?” Celestia and Luna were looking curiously at the two.

He couldn’t help but smile warmly as she let go of him, standing in delight as she practically ignored the two rulers and focused on him.

“Oh, yes. We met briefly.”

Before anyone else could say anything, Sky waved a hoof.

“Met? Briefly? Oh no, it was much more than that!” Before he could stop her, she launched into a tale of daring and boldness, heroism and risk, that took the listeners breath away. Of a figure coming out of a cloud of smoke to lead her and her trapped neighbors all to safety, going again and again into the foggy night to dispatch monsters that were looking for them, in between helping to carry a weary foal that had fallen asleep on his shoulder. From her recounting he was a figure of the old tales, a fighter of the greatest renown and worth in her eyes.

Ponies gathered and listened silently to her breathless story, each bit of it coming out just as he remembered. Though there were some exaggerations, he was astounded to find her telling it exactly as it happened to a wide-eyed crowd which was getting larger by the moment.

“He was fast, like lightning, when a monster would come out of the smoke. We could barely see sometimes and it was like he could see in the dark. Nothing got past him to harm us!”

Thanks to Concordiat science and technology, yes. But he couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Because some ponies could see things he didn’t, this wasn’t mentioned.

“You must have been terribly frightened!” This from a fashionable mare who looked like a model from a magazine.

“Oh, we were! They had us trapped in the neighborhood. A cloud of smoke came from somewhere above us and confused the monsters. Then he,” Pointing to a silent Wyatt, “Came out of the cloud like a true hero of old! He was wearing armor and carried weapons and we thought he was another monster, but he opened his helmet and smiled so warmly at us, telling us he would lead us to safety!”

She seemed to conveniently leave the part out where he was trying to find them and accidently pawed a backside. He could swear she winked at him during that part of the retelling.

He had not talked about the fight in the smoke, just saying he was glad everyone was okay when they arrived back. Crusader and Athena had kept their own counsel as he asked, not relating any of it. Wyatt wanted to just remain who he really was, a soldier, nothing more. The two Bolos had wiped out anything that got near, working with him, their part being left out on purpose.

But this, this was a little more than everyone else had heard.

Twilight tapped his arm while the breathless mare was telling the story.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” She whispered at him.

“Because, Twilight, I was just doing what I’ve always done. Complete the mission with little fuss and move on.” He gave her a warm look, “There was nothing to worry about, honestly. She’s making it seem a bit more..”


“Tall tale is what I would have said.”

Twilight mulled that over for a moment, leaning in so only he could hear, “Then thank you. For everypony.”

“You are very welcome, Princess.” He smiled again, seeing her return it before they both turned back to the conversation.

A few disbelievers were making comments when another Crystal Pony stepped forward, “Oh no, it’s true. I was there!”

The big stallion was one of the neighbors led out to safety, telling of a determined Carpenter and his magical knife that seemed to cut the very air into pieces.

Gasps were heard when he described a particularly vicious fight between Wyatt and another monster which came far too close for comfort, the ponies around looking at him with a new respect which made him uncomfortable.

Luna tapped his arm, “You had magic? But you said..” He smiled, stopping her.

“It’s technology, science, Princess. The blade of the knife is made a special way to cut through almost anything.” He was keeping his voice low as an aside, not wanting anything to interrupt the pony telling the story.

Luna’s ears were perked, listening to his explanation, “Truly the arts were wondrous in your day.” Meaning Bolos and all the things that had been told to her.

“They were, Princess, so many good things came of it.” He leaned closer, “Though your world is pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself.”

“Why, thank you kind sir. We are very proud of it.”

“You have every right to be.”

Another tap on his arm had him turning, seeing Sky standing there, “Please, Sergeant, would you join me for a drink?”

To everyone’s surprise, he actually blushed slightly, tugging at his collar before a golden clad hoof pushed him forward, “Go enjoy yourself, Sergeant.”

“I really wish everyone would just call me Wyatt.” He grumped, though from the slight smile they all knew he was feeling honored by the attention, even though he really didn’t want to show it.

As the Princesses watched him walk away with a chattering Sky, Celestia smiled broadly and as an aside, “Do you think he’ll like her contribution to the museum?”

Luna nodded with a chuckle, “Oh, I think he’ll be very surprised.”

Twilight, ever curious, leaned in, “What contribution?”

When told she smiled and laughed along with the others, “Well, he did say no statues. He didn’t say anything about that!”


Crusader watched from a distance, politely sipping a drink in front of him as he monitored vitals from the Sergeant, keeping a close eye on the surroundings. Though he didn’t seem to have to worry, as the human was surrounded by ponies entranced by his retelling of the fight in the Empire.

Amazingly he wasn’t embellishing it, nor adding his own twists or comments. Just the straight truth, unreal as it was by itself.

Calliope was eagerly listening in, keeping her comments on another band to Crusader.

Who would have thought he could actually tell a story without something added?” Her voice was threaded with much humor.

He is telling it quite well.” Crusader added, though there were many things Wyatt left out about what he actually did.

Calliope agreed, “And it seems he has an admirer.” Her voice held not the least bit of jealousy or concern, glad he had a friend.

They both watched the elegantly clad mare standing near him, actually almost possessively as he and she talked to the ponies around them. Swapping tales of the battles in the Empire.

I’ve seen that look before.” Athena cut in, watching Sky look up at Wyatt, ponies tall enough that she had one leg wrapped around his forearm. Her eyes so very bright in the rooms’ illumination.

Calliope almost laughed out loud, “Oh, my.

Should we intervene?”

“Absolutely not!” Calliope’s voice was very firm, “I am sure he will be the consummate gentleman.

Or you’ll tear him up, right?” Athena was chortling.


Over the combat bands, where always before, eons ago, there had only been the sounds of war, merriment and good natured commentary ensued.


“Oh, my goodness,” Sky was smiling brightly as they talked out on a balcony, “You are such good company!” After getting away from the crowd for a moment, begging pardon to get some fresh air, they had quickly escaped.

“I warn you my intentions are purely honorable. But not if you have family able to afford ransom.” Wyatt quipped, leaning on the rail and drinking a concoction of some dubious nature.

The laugh was like a harp playing softly, the mare snuggling close to him as they both looked over the railing, seeing the sights of Canterlot as the afternoon wore on towards the early evening. Her foreleg was wrapped around his forearm, leaning against him.

He could catch a whiff of some perfume that reminded him of orchids, the smell of her mane was of fresh soap and spring water.

“I want to thank you again for coming to get us, all of us.” Her voice was soft as she glanced over the balconies edge.

“You are very welcome, again.” He took a sip of what was becoming a favorite drink of his, something smooth and mellow made of fruit, “It was my pleasure.”

“Was it? Truly?”

The timbre of her voice made him turn his head, coming almost nose to nose with her as she had gotten much closer.

“You were very brave, and confident. We were all so scared, but..but when you smiled at us in that cloud of smoke..we knew it’d be okay.”

“Miss Palette...”

“Sky, please.”


The lovely face leaned forward, soft lips kissing his with a passion he’d never felt. Her eyes almost closed as they touched, pulling him closer with a strong tug as the warmth from her spread into him; she kept them together for a long minute before pulling back with a sigh of happiness, and a smile that came from the heart.

“Oh, my.” Her face held a blush along the cheeks as she looked away for a moment, her eyes gleaming in the waning daylight, “I’m so sorry, I’m never so forward. But..you deserve it for saving me.”

Wyatt wasn’t sure what to say, except he noticed a faint taste of strawberries along his lips, before he returned her look with a gentle reply of his own.

“That, Miss Palette, was one of the best kisses I have ever received.”

A hoof went up to her own lips, the blush deepening as he kept the smile on his face, “I truly am sorry, I..” She sighed, setting the covering hoof down and looking right at him with iridescent eyes, “You were so dashing during the battles! Like some legend come true. I watched you talking to everypony like you cared about everything they said to you.”

She stepped back and away, just slightly, not releasing his arm but giving him room while she talked, “You were a real hero, like you always read in the stories. I..thought it was so wonderful.”

“To be honest Sky, I was scared down to my toes like everyone else.” His voice was steady and she knew he wasn’t just saying it.

“What? But I saw you standing there like those charging things weren’t even bothering you.” She shook her head, eyes searching for the least bit of a lie and not seeing it, “But how...?”

“Years of practice, Sky. I led soldiers in the far past, learned from the best and copied them.” He nodded, still seeing her wondering look, “It’s about being a leader, being a little better so the people you lead have confidence in you. That’s not to say even so-called heroes don’t have moments when they’d rather run.”

She huffed, “That is very hard to believe.”

“Believe it,” He chuckled, setting down on the balcony and leaning back against the railing, “Oh, there were times when we all wanted to run for it, but we had a job to do.” He touched her nose with a finger playfully, “And trust me, rescuing you all was not just a job, it was something we do.”


He nodded, “Between you and me?” She returned the agreement, promising it would be a secret.

“I had friends in the fog, two very special peo..ponies..that were watching us all closely. Nothing was going to get near us, and those that did I could handle. Not to say it was easy by any stretch, but there was help.”

“Then why aren’t they being honored? I don’t..”

He held up a hand, “Because they want to remain in the background, and they were promised anonymity.”

A stubborn look crossed the pretty face, “I don’t care, you were still there for all of us.”

“Fair enough. You stop insisting, I’ll stop denying.”

Sky laughed, rolling her eyes and nodding, “I shall then.” Her hoof touched his chest, “But you are still my hero. When you return to the Empire perhaps you can tell me stories about all this over tea?” She saw him open his mouth, thinking he was about to protest, “Oh no. I make some of the best tea around, I promise.”

Placing his free hand on the hoof that was still wrapped around his forearm, Wyatt shook his head, “It’s not that.”

“What, then?”

He proceeded to tell her why he wouldn’t be around much longer. Not taking the long way around the bush, but directly through it. Though much gentler than just blurting it out, he explained about the disease and how they had tried to find a solution, but none was forthcoming.

There was no other way of saying it, he let her know the whys and wherefores. The end of the one-sided story was with a tight hug from the elegant mare, eyes brimming with unshed tears as she wiped them away.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“No one does, so please don’t apologize.”

She blinked, then stood up, releasing his arm, gesturing to him to do the same, “Then we haven’t much time to waste!”

He stood, dusting his pants off and looking at her, “Time for what?”

“You need to see Canterlot, all the beauty here, what you haven’t seen yet!” She tugged his arm, pulling him along easily towards the exit.

“Don’t you need to change first?” Gesturing to the lovely gown she still wore.

“Oh no, ponies won’t blink twice. Upper crust and all that.” She laughed, “Let’s go! There’s parks and shops and oh..so many things to show you! We’ll be back in time for the opening, I promise!”

She was walking them towards the opening to a hallway which led to the outside doors, leading both determinedly towards the freedom of the streets.

He reached up, clicking his comm-set to alert mode, sending a signal the two Bolos would react to.

“Is there a problem, Sergeant?” Crusader’s calm voice came immediately over the earpiece.

He sub-vocalized his request, thinking maybe it would be prudent with him walking around outside, “I need flankers, asap.” He was never one to relax all that fully.

“On our way!” Athena’s voice sounded thrilled to be doing something.


For the next few hours, an elegantly clad mare escorted a tall figure through the streets of Canterlot. Shops and businesses received visits from them, talking about the polite stranger and his pretty companion for weeks afterwards.

They were seen haunting parks, statuaries where he marveled at the constructs that had been carved from marble, regular stone, different kinds of crystals, put together in a maze like area to wonder and astonish.

The Royal Canterlot Gardens was where they were next seen, looking at the animal life, the topiaries designed to look like different ponies dancing, playing, holding poses.

A late lunch was shared in an open air cafe’ on the main street in the royal city. Served by extremely polite employees, they enjoyed small talk and a few chuckles at some of the things they had observed.

Afterwards, another walk through one of many tranquil parks, sitting on a bench and listening to the sounds of water falling from a fountain that looked like it had been designed out of clouds. The liquid multi-colored and banded like a rainbow as it fell from one shelf to another.

Throughout it all, Sky never noticed, nor did Wyatt to tell the truth, until towards the end, that there was an area of calm around them. Reporters or anypony heading their way with determination in their eyes for a story or to try something on the strange figure, would immediately find themselves facing a very polite pony from out of nowhere.

Asked to leave the two alone, anyone that refused or became stubborn, quickly learned not to trifle with the unknown ponies who’d requested. Royal Guard appeared from nowhere, covered by magic and then popping into existence, taking the offenders away for a talking to.

Celestia and Luna had promptly been informed, the moment the two stepped into the streets, being advised by Crusader and Athena. They used their knowledge of the city efficiently, keeping rubberneckers away so the two could have a quiet, enjoyable time in the capitol.

This, they did. He listened closely to his new friend as they walked, hearing tales of the Royal City, the Sisters, and many stories about the founding of Equestria and all that went with it. She seemed to know quite a few people in the city, stopping to talk and introduce him.

They stopped at a little shop, that seemed to be quite the hub of activity for such a simple place. They picked up a few treats and some drinks to go along with, sitting outside at a table where he had quite the best donut he’d ever tasted.


Wyatt started for a moment, reaching up to tap the comm-link into activity, “Yes?”

“You have approximately fifteen minutes to make the opening ceremonies. I believe a Guest of Honor should not be late.”

“Understood. Carpenter out.” He tapped the link again, putting it into monitor mode. He turned to Sky who was looking at him curiously.

“A device which allows me to send and receive messages, as well as translate for me. We’re going to be late, Sky, if we don’t get moving.” He dusted his hands, wiping them on a napkin and rose out of the chair.

Her eyes searched for, then found, the clock tower. An inhalation of breath and a scramble, she was up and moving with him, “I’m so sorry! I was having so much fun..”

Wyatt stopped on a sidewalk, looking around, “Wait. Where is it?”

Sky looked at him in astonishment, “You mean you don’t know?”

“Well...no. I’ve never been there.”

“Oh, Celestia.” She sighed a faux put-upon sigh, grabbing his arm once more and leading them through the streets until they came upon a large facade, decorated in streamers and bunting, it announced the opening of the Equestrian Museum of History.

Ponies, Griffons and others gathered in a solid crowd before the steps leading up to the wide wooden doors. The building looked carved out of a solid block of marble, the entire front decorated with columns, mighty and massive, that appeared to be holding up a roof just as heavy. It looked to be set back into the mountain, part of it, just the outside carved to resemble a building. It was a major masterwork of architecture.

Sky was tugging his arm, leading him through the crowd as she chattered away, “This was an old unused building, they re-purposed it for the museum. It makes a fine one, don’t you think?”

“I do. It’s magnificent.” He wasn’t just saying so, it truly matched some of the edifices he’d seen on old Earth. There was a style and wonder about it he couldn’t seem to match to anything he knew, which made it all that much more beautiful.

They slipped to the side, coming up the steps on the far right, a covered area which held those who were to make a few remarks. The area closed off to everyone so those who would be speaking could make ready.

Sky was apologizing to the Princesses who kept telling her it was fine, they’d made it right on time.

Crusader and Athena sat on either side, keeping a clear space next to him as he watched everyone get ready. He’d been in many ceremonies before, but this one seemed altogether more special.

Tapping his comm he sub-vocalized, “Thanks for the help. Nice job by the way.”

“You are quite welcome.”


There was nothing to sit on, so he leaned against one column, folding arms over his chest and watched as the whole thing began. Being in a covered area, he could get away with slacking a little.

The Princesses walked out to cheers and the stamping of hooves, standing in front of the wide doorway which was fronted with a large ribbon, for cutting when the talk was done.

Magically enhanced, Celestia’s voice reached the farthest spot in the crowded street and arena like area, clearly and surely as if transmitted by other means.

“Ponies of Equestria, honored guests.” She lowered her head in a nod, acknowledging the assembled crowd.

“We come here, not only celebrating the opening of a new and wonderful museum of our past, but to also honor a pony who, as you may have heard of the troubles recently, helped lead the defense of the Crystal Empire. Saving those who live there from hurt or harm by his deeds.”

Another round of cheers and stamping hooves made it sound like an earthquake in the royal city.

“We celebrate many things in our lands, friendship most of all. The making of new friends, and the efforts of everypony who ensure Equestria is a wonder to live in. Plus, there is always an excuse for a party.”

Laughter rolled through the assembled ponies.

“By accident, or misfortune, we are not sure, our new friend ended up in our land from the very far past.” This brought murmurs of astonishment from the crowd.

“So far, in fact, that the accomplishments of his time do not even remain. But he has gifted us with what does, a look into the deep past of our country, nay, our world. It is here,” She waved a golden clad hoof at the doors, “That we choose to show them to everypony. The wonders of an age so far back in history that it is not even legend.”

She took a step back, letting Princess Luna step forth.

“So, our ponies, we are here to also honor one who has defended the Empire, and ourselves, even though he barely knew about us. Choosing to do what was right, and doing so with bravery and courage.”

“Let us introduce you to the courageous pony who staunchly stood with the Empire in a dark hour.” Luna stepped back beside Celestia as they both looked off to the side, waiting for him to appear.


Wyatt had closed his eyes, listening to the speech. The warm day lay upon him gently as he slipped into a doze like any good soldier, getting sleep when they could.

“Wyatt?” Calliope’s voice was coming through the link, barely heard over his self-imposed silence.


A tapping on his arm had him shrugging it off, knowing he wasn’t in a combat zone and napping happily.


The human lurched out of his daze, reaching for a non-existent weapon and knife before he realized where he was, seeing the group looking at him with expectant faces. Athena and Crusader were reaching up to gently tap his arm one more time to get his attention.

Twilight was about to have a breakdown, waving at him and looking at the stage. His eyes followed her, to see both Princesses looking his way into the concealed area, waiting for him to make an appearance.

“Aw, crap.”

Fluttershy was giggling up a storm beside Dash as they saw the look on his face. Rainbow, the purveyor of countless naps in different places, knew exactly what had happened and was trying not to laugh out loud.

Wyatt took a deep breath, tugging his shirt collar and making sure he looked at least decent, stepped forward with a whispered apology to a nervous Twilight.

He walked out towards the Princesses, giving them a smile and turning to face the crowd.

Thousands looked back at him, all shapes and sizes, colors and kinds of ponies. There were ponies as far as the eye could take in in the streets and the arena like area in front of the massive building. He was caught off guard by what appeared to be creatures from fantasy, griffons, plus some he didn’t quite recognize off the bat.

All were staring right at him, politely waiting for him to speak.

“Just speak normally, Sergeant, your voice will be heard.” Celestia’s gentle reminder brought him back to the here and now.

He nodded, glancing back with a thankful look as everypony waited.

“I’m...not much for speeches. So please, bear with me.” The suddenly gentle voice rang out clear over the assembled crowd.

He cleared his throat for a moment, looking outward.

“I am, as you may have heard, from the past. Ending up here by happenstance, most likely a twist of luck. Who can tell?” This got a few smiles from the ponies in front of him.

“In my time, there were..” he struggled for the right words, “Many of us, and the world was covered with cities, technology, we worked with science and all it brought us.”

“It was an alliance of worlds that spanned some of the many stars of this galaxy,” He pointed upward, “We traveled there, finding wonders and..other things.”

“I can’t tell you how long ago that was, but it appears to not have lasted. Instead, I found myself, and a companion who is listening, as she cannot be here right now, in your world.”

“I have not seen much of your country, but I was welcomed and treated with dignity, respect, kindness.”

“Your world, your country, is..wondrous. You, are wondrous. A race of which we never thought or knew of, maybe in a story or two somewhere in our own past. But now, here you are.”

“I can’t say much, honestly, except thank you. Take care of this old world, it has seen many things in its’ own time. But nothing, truly, like yourselves.”

He paused for a moment, as if listening to something, beginning again.

“What we give you is the last of us, our time here. Hopefully you’ll enjoy what the artists from our past gave us, and we in turn, pass on to you.”

“For giving me and my companion a memory which we will never forget,” He looked over to the side, seeing the crowd of ponies watching from the covered area, “And the friendship of a lifetime.”

“Thank you, again. For everything.”

He stepped back, short and sweet, it was over. The ponies cheering and stamping their hooves as he didn’t talk about himself, but how amazing their country was, and that hit right to the heart of ponies.

It was a thunderous applause.

A small face appeared out of the crowd, pushing its way forward, Wyatt recognized it as the little one he’d carried out of the cul-de-sac in the Empire between fights.

The voice was hard to hear, but it came through clearly and loudly to the assembled ponies on the steps of the building.

“You’re still my hero, Mr. Carpenter!” The colt launched himself up the steps, giving Wyatt a hug around the legs.

He reached down, picking the pony up and giving him a hug in return, “Anyone who can stay asleep during all that, is the real hero.” His voice, still magically enhanced, went out over the crowd who stopped applauding, then waves of rolling laughter as the colt answered.

“I was tired!”

Celestia and Luna stepped forward, “Now, my ponies, we open this museum for all to see.” Her magic picked up a pair of scissors, cutting the bunting in front of the doors which swung wide open, revealing a massive hallway.

Wyatt stepped to the side, putting the colt down as his parents came up, admonishing him for interrupting things, though the Princesses solved that quickly and easily. Ponies walked or trotted past up the stairs as they stood aside, going in to see inside and what it held.

Celestia and Luna watched as the crowd thinned, the building large enough to hold the them all and more. It must be incredibly huge inside, Wyatt thought. Set back into the mountain, they apparently had all the space they needed, and could add more.

“Shall we go? It is your stuff in there, you know.” Sky’s voice was eager, as everyone walked towards the door.

The human nodded, “I’d like that, very much.”

To be continued.....

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