• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,556 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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A Little Story, Just a Little One...

Author's Note:

I know, I know.. But hey, when the muse hits :) Enjoy, have a little romance :twilightsmile:

Athena knew this would be a special day, of all days, this one, this very one, would be the best.

It had dawned bright and clear, skies above the bluest she’d seen in a while in Canterlot. Crusader had taken the watch as he was at liberty and was willing to stand guard while she went about getting things ready.

Life had its’ twists and turns, its ups and downs, but not today. It was the anniversary when they met and she was going to finally do it, tell Twilight Sparkle how she felt.

The Bolo avatar skipped down the road with a smile on the pretty sable face, waving to ponies on their way to work as baskets hung from her strong back for groceries, her mane glinting honey and gold in the sunshine matching her bright disposition.

She had nervously talked with Crusader during the night, the battlecomms channels filled with her worrying if this, and if that. Crusader was her rock, that which she leaned upon in times of indecision, and he proved once again that she was right to do so.

They had discussed ways to say it, to do it, and hit upon the simplest one. So out she was, shopping and getting things prepared for this evening, tactical cores processing quickest paths, shortest ways to get from one place to another, bouncing signals off the drones that constantly patrolled the skies above the capitol city.

No critters wanting to attack, nothing on the schedule, because she had made absolutely sure everything was clear and done.

There was a farmers market today in Canterlot Square, and she wanted to get nothing but the best, the freshest things available for the dinner she was planning.

Files had been exchanged, as two mighty AI’s worked out the perfect menu. Talking and making sure everything needed was on lists that would pop up in her mind as she went down them. Crusader was very efficient when planning battles, and turned out to be the same doing all the things she needed for tonight.

Reservations were made at a very special restaurant she had found, letting you do your own cooking in the privacy of rooms that gave the impression of being in public, but were very private. Spells and magic-using Unicorns kept watch for eavesdroppers and the like, it was a place for lovers.

The sable pegasus stopped for a moment, feeling a blush coming to her face as she tried not to think about that. It was just dinner, nothing more, a talk, a declaration. She was prepared to accept whatever may come after that. Even if told that she didn’t feel the same, at least Athena would finally say it.

So, tonight, Athena was going to do her very best and look her brightest.

The only other pony she’d told was Rarity, as she wanted something special to wear tonight. What that white Unicorn had come up with was stunning to say the least. The fashion mare may have been a gossiper, but she had sworn not to say a word about anything. There had been laughter and fittings for hours yesterday in seclusion, also Athena was very much teased by the Unicorn, making her blush so hard she’d wondered if her systems were out of whack.

So later that evening, a very nervous and stuttering Athena had asked if Twilight wanted to go to dinner with her tomorrow night. It was accepted with a smile. Athena had made sure to say it was at a fancy place, so dressing up was definitely on the to-do list.

The last she had seen was a very happy Twilight picking out what to wear in the castle as she left for her shopping this morning.

Shaking herself out of reverie, Athena stopped at a stall, picking up bundles of fresh vegetables that looked just wonderful. Almost right out of the fields and washed in spring water, they would do nicely.

More went into the baskets, carrots, celery, various items on her list disappeared as it dwindled in her cores. Spices from various producers were bottled in shakers and placed carefully in her shopping baskets alongside wrapped amounts of finely made pasta. Tomatoes red and ripe, asparagus, oh the selection was wide and varied as ponies themselves. It was wondrous.

Her grin never faded, making ponies who saw her smile right back. She fairly skipped through the market, her voice sweet and pure when asking for things, to ears that wondered why such a happy mare.

She spread sunshine and goodwill through the crowded place, please and thank you’s, effortlessly given. When waiting in a line she hummed songs or just thought about the time tonight.

Athena couldn’t help it. Her cores thrummed like a well-tuned piano, her mind in a state of almost bliss thinking about what to choose next. It was one of the happiest times of her long life.

There had been times she and Hera had been happy, Marcus was most of that. But she’d been holding back, worried about everything. Finally though, after having had a long talk with Crusader, he’d convinced her at least to try. Whether or not it was successful didn’t matter, but that she at least make an effort.

Perusing a stall where dew-kissed oranges were being sold, she thought back to yesterday.


“Hey..uhm...Twilight?” Athena had caught her friend in the hallway between rooms in the guest area.

The lavender alicorn had turned, a smile always worn on her face most days when she wasn’t freaking out about something, “Athena!” Her eyes narrowed a bit, “Why are you so nervous?”

“I..uh..I’m not.” A hoof scuffed at the floor, “Okay, fine, I am.” She couldn’t help it, the emotions were coming through her avatar even when she didn’t want them to.

“Well, calm down. Nothing to be nervous about.”

A deep breath, even though she didn’t need it, and Athena faced her friend, “Would.. I would very much like to invite you to dinner tomorrow.” There, said it, done.

“Dinner?” Now Twilight was curious.

“Well..yes. Dinner. Just you and I. I found a place with privacy and it’s really fancy. They let you cook your own meals, sorta like a getaway for a night and..” She was gushing. Dangit, she was rattling on and on and couldn’t stop!

A hoof touched her shoulder gently, ceasing all the explanations immediately, “I think that would be nice.”

Athena stood there with her mouth open, hearing but not processing, her cores locking right up.

“Are you okay?”

No..Yes! Yes, I am. You’d like to go? Really?” Athena shook herself down internally, stop talking so much!!

“I would. It’s that new place over near the Gardens right?” Twilight was always up on the latest city changes.

“It is, just opened and its very popular. I..managed to get a reservation.” She’d gone to try and get one, being told nothing opened for months already, she had been disappointed and was turning to leave when someone identified her as the pony who’d saved Princess Luna in Manehatten during the scare there.

She was immediately given a choice of slots, the manager giving one in the early evening when the sun was setting, in a room with a window that faced out over the falls from Mount Canter, the sun would turn them gold in the evening light. It was one of the preferred tables.

Even though she desired that very badly, Athena still tried to turn it down for a lesser one, not wanting to be a ‘name dropper’ or anything even close. The owner herself assured her it was because of her selfless act, not who she knew, that they would provide a table.

She finally accepted, but leaving enough bits to cover any incidentals and any serving ponies if called upon. Everyone seemed happy with the arrangement.

Twilight perked up, “But that place is booked solid for months!”

Athena grinned a little, “I..know ponies?”

That got her a laugh, soft and sweet from her very best friend, that lightened the pegasus’ heart, “Oh, you sure do!”

“So..so you want to go?”

“Yes.” Twilight grinned mischievously, “If only to be seen in the company of such a famous pony who knows ponies.”



Athena felt her face grow warm, looking over radishes that were crisp and so very delectable, darn that Twilight.

A bunch was tossed into baskets getting heavier, and a few bits exchanged with a smile and bright word. Athena was off for more, things to get, then to dress for tonight.

Oh..the dress..


She had caught the Unicorn walking through the gardens of the castle, taking her time and admiring the wonderful flowers which brightened up the area in a spray of colors.

“R..Rarity?” Athena had stopped near, “Could..could I ask a favor?”

The mare turned, a smile gracing the elegant face, “Of course, darling! You never ask for anything.”

“Well, this is a bit..unusual..its kind of a rush.”

“Do you want me to make you something?” Rarity had settled on a patch of lush grass that was almost like a pillow, soft and fragrant, patting next to her for Athena to join as they talked.

The pegasus settled down and looked at the ground for long enough that Rarity thought she’d never speak. Then the lavender eyes met hers in a glance, the voice soft.

“Yes, please. Something very special. I...I have a dinner date with Twilight..and..and..and..” The pretty face looked so nervous it made Rarity’s heart melt in place. If anypony knew about romance it was most certainly her! Making dresses and fine things for those in love it tuned her into how ponies felt or acted, and looking at Athena it was clear as day.

The smile on her lovely face grew wider, at last, something so exquisite and she was being asked to help! Of course she would!

Her voice dropped, “What would you like?” Seeing the other’s face lift up with a look of hope in the large eyes.

“Something..special..something that..that says..says..” Athena was so nervous! She didn’t want anyone to know! No rumors, no gossip, just a special moment, just one, that’s all.

“Something that says ‘just for you’?”


Rarity leaned close, whispering to the other mare, “You’re going to tell her, aren’t you?”

The slim sable muzzle dipped downward in a scarce motion, signifying a yes.

“Oh my dear, then we have to hurry. This must be the best thing ever!” Rarity popped up off the grass, grabbing Athena’s foreleg in a tight grip and tugging her along as she rushed them both to her rooms in the castle, “We have to make it a one of a kind, something that will be sublime, yet show that special person that you care.”

The pegasus was not able to get one word in edgewise as she was practically dragged to Rarity’s room.

The hours after were spent in a blur, the Unicorn discarding design after design, saving them for ‘other ponies’ for she was adamant that Athena wear something nopony had ever seen. Of course all of Rarity’s items were like that, but she was being stubborn.

That did not mean while cutting and fitting and redoing a piece here and there, that the Unicorn didn’t take time to tease her friend, telling her about the rumors sure to go around being seen with a Princess in what was the most exclusive and booked up restaurant in Canterlot.

It only got Athena more and more nervous until Crusader threatened to shut down TSDS due to bleed over.

Rarity was finally done and sat with her for tea, sharing tidbits of gossip from all over Canterlot, to giggles and laughs, before swearing she would not say a word to anypony, until she was given permission.

Now, anypony knew the fashionable Unicorn was just a sponge for a good story, loving the ability to pass on things only ‘certain’ ponies in ‘certain’ circles knew. But when she gave a promise to a friend, especially a Pinkie Promise, it wasn’t broken, ever.

Thus, Athena left with a lighter heart and the picture in her mind of an outfit that would dazzle and delight one pony more than any.


A laugh escaped her lips as she finished purchasing a few last items. Some fine chocolates, along with plump strawberries and hoof-made whipped cream for the dinner tonight. She apologized to the storekeep, saying it was a joke she remembered and scampered out of the store.

The day was getting on, the sun slowly inching its way further into the sky, making her time slip away faster than she thought. Though one last thing had occurred that day, something she hadn’t expected at all.


Her thoughts about what Rarity was making, made Athena smile warmly to herself, settling on a soft divan for a little light reading in the library, searching for stories of the past, maybe some clue ponies knew of the Concordiat. It was slim, but you never knew. Using a few minutes free to peruse volumes.

She was concentrating on an old manuscript, containing tales from a few centuries ago when she felt a hoof touch her shoulder, making her turn to see Princess Cadence looking at her warmly. The lovely alicorn moved around to sit alongside her on the divan, almost touching nose to nose, the warm look never leaving her face.

Athena narrowed her eyes, looking at Cadence for a second before the silence got to her, “Have I got something on my face and you’re just not telling me?”

The slim mare laughed lightly, leaning forward and touching her nose to Athenas’, “No, nothing like that.” Her voice was a whisper as she leaned in, her cheek brushing the pegasus’ for a moment, “You’re going to tell her?” It was more a statement, but the question was there.

Athena didn’t want to say anything at all, too many knew already for her comfort, but this was Cadence.

She nodded the barest millimeter, the smallest dip of her chin.

The smile grew warm, warmer than she’d ever seen Cadence smile before, the pale purple eyes were deep and searching as she leaned back, giving Athena a look she’d never encountered before.

The Princess of Love never raised her voice, knowing Athena could hear her barest whisper, “I am so happy for you. I could feel it throughout the castle, in my heart,” A hoof raised, pressing her own chest, “It felt as if the biggest dam in the world had burst and let loose a flood of emotion.”

She leaned forward again, lips brushing against Athena’s cheek, giving her a kiss that filled her with joy, “See what I feel?”

Athena could, the emotion flooded through her, a mirror reflecting everything she had been feeling today that was almost overwhelming.

“That’s what I felt inside you each time we talked. You had so much of it and wouldn’t let it go, to embrace the one you care for, that special somepony.”

“But..I..” Athena stared at the table in frustration, how to explain, how to...

“It’s all right.” The slim hoof pressed Athena’s shoulder, “Tell her, no matter what, you’ve done what you wanted. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t, but now you’ll know.”

“I..don’t want it to not work out..I...” She stopped, what did she want?

“I want her to know I care so much I would do anything for her, to let her know no matter what, I will be there every day of her life if she wants.”

“Is that all?” The colorful eyes were searching hers again.

“That...that I love her.”

Cadence leaned forward again, her perfumed cheek brushing Athena’s, “Would you promise to watch out for her then? Take care of her when no one else can?”

Athena placed her hoof upon Cadence’s, “I would.”

Cadence knew, absolutely knew beyond any doubt, that was a promise that would be kept.

Which was good enough for a Princess, “Then go to her and I wish you the best. Love like this can’t be stopped.” She rose from the divan, with a brushing of cheeks one more time, “Be happy.” In a swirl of perfumed air she was gone, leaving Athena alone again once more, but with an even lighter heart, and a mind awhirl with possibilities.


The smile still wouldn’t go away as the memory replayed itself in her mind. The well-wishes of Cadence were another step in the right direction. She stepped lightly into the front door of the restaurant, heading for the kitchen where a personal chef would prepare all the ingredients for the meal tonight, all Athena had to do was cook it and add whatever she wanted.

The heavyset pony was all smiles at her instructions, hearing them in great detail what he was supposed to do with the baskets of fine goods he was presented with, assuring her that everything would be just as she wished.

He was a hearty soul who loved to serve fine food, and helping this pretty pegasus was a plus in his mind, for he knew, as did many others, what she had done for Equestria. She never said a word about it when trying to make reservations and was willing to be turned away rather than insist. So he fired up his magic and began to prepare everything exactly as she wished, watching her leave the kitchen with a light-hearted step.

Athena saw the sun far past its zenith, the time was flying today and there was too much to do. Rarity had told her to stop in after the noon hour so they could start preparing and do a final fitting for her outfit. She rushed towards the castle guest suites, hoping there was enough hours left to do everything needed.


The evening was falling and all was ready as she stole through the streets in a cloak of fine material that Rarity had given her to cover up the surprise. It had taken a little time with the fashion mare fussing and exclaiming over one stitch out of place, or a gem just not the right color.

Changes were made so fast it was a whirl of activity. Sneaking out of the castle was even harder, but made in good time. She stepped out on the street with a warm hug from Rarity and a smile that gleamed in the waning sunlight.

She had hurried through the shadowed streets, laborers ending their work day as Athena sped by like a courier on a super secret mission.

All had gone well though, finally stepping into the restaurant where the lamps were lit in a soft golden glow, making the interior close and cosy. She slid the hood back enough to show her face and the manager immediately led her to the private area.

It was incredible.

There was a low table in the middle of a circular room, surrounded by wooden paneled walls that had been polished to a gleaming surface. The subtle glow from the lamps reflected gently off the wood, creating almost a haze of color in the room.

Tapestries and hangings broke up the solid surface, never letting it become overwhelming in the least. The ceiling was covered in wood as well, creating a sound proof surface that let no hoofsteps form above be heard, nor anything from below, above.

The table was encircled by a low, comfortable and well-appointed couch like piece of furniture that wrapped all the way around, except two sections where an occupants would be able to cook a meal and serve it to loved ones..or loved one, and another to let ponies slip in to sit. There were statues of rearing ponies, frolicking and playing in imaginary worlds scattered here and there. A few small paintings hung from the walls, providing a difference in color that broke up the rooms scheme, but worked with it so well that it all meshed into a wonderland.

Athena’s eyes grew warm, seeing a small inset chest of wood lined with something, she could watch the fog of cold coming from heaps of crystal clear ice that firmly grasped bottles of fine wines and juices, chilling for them. A platter sat in the middle of the bottles, covered in sugar frosted candied fruits and delicacies set out slice by slice for appetizers.

A note inside read, ‘Please accept our compliments, and we of the Elysium wish you a wonderful evening.’

But, one thing was missing. The window she was promised, the view that should have been lovely. That was fine, this room by itself was beautiful enough for anything.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door, a covered trolley was pushed in, followed by the jolly stallion who had been her preparer. The smile still on his face as he set out the ingredients with a delight that was infectious. All the while he was asking her if everything was fine, could he do anymore?

“I..uhm..they said there was window..”

“Oh, goodness,” The chef boomed, leaning over and pressing a square piece in the wall, the paneling actually slid back slightly, the rolled to the side, exposing a single pane of thick glass, clear as the day itself, showing a view of one of Canterlot’s falls. The setting sun was hitting it directly and turning it into a shower of prismatic colors that fell to the waiting pools below. A multi-hued rain that never ended, it was incredible.

It was one of the most eye-catching things she had ever seen, thanking him for opening it.

“Nothing at all to it, Miss Athena, we are here to please!” His voice filled the room with good humor and smiles.

She took a look at the plates he set out, everything finely minced and diced, set to her specifications and then some. He was used to serving discriminating palates and showed immense skill in the way he set out everything. A flourish, the whirl of a plate and it was down. He was a showpony as well as a cook, though she wouldn’t dare call him something like that.

Finally done, he whipped the cloth back onto the trolley, preparing to move out of the room and leave her alone.

A final smile and a wink, the stallion’s voice was low, “I hope you have an enjoyable time, Miss Athena. A lot of us here in Canterlot adore the Princesses and always wish them well. Anypony who helps that will always be welcome here.” He was gone in a swirl of spices before she could frame a thank you.

The fire was stoked under the cooking area, a flat plate that let you cook directly on it, or set pans on top. She hadn’t seen him do that, wondering how in the world he got so good.

Athena shook her head in amazement, pouring a glass of sparkling wine as she set vegetables to cooking. Seeing the toasted bread off on one side and preparing the topping for that as well. Oil, vinegar, finely diced tomatoes, a bruschetta that was simple and delicious to go along with the main course. A covered serving tray, chilling in the chest where the cook had left it, contained a chocolate cake with a delicate filling of jellied fruits found nowhere on this world. Something from long ago in storage within her hull.

A sauce pan was set on top, water inside waiting to boil for fine noodles sliced hair thin and made from the best ingredients from what she could tell. A pony in the market had almost sold out before she got there, a lucky find.

Spices were tossed in as the bowl she was using the spoon with filled with a mixture that was quickly spread on the toasted bread, a sourdough baked just that day from what the shopkeep said. She believed him, from the wonderful smells coming from the bakery and the line of ponies around the block waiting to get in.

Lifting the cut crystal goblet to her lips, the wine bubbled and effervesced along her tongue with a light, crisp taste. It was just cold enough to be pleasant to the taste.

She eyed the glass and poured some more, the bottle holding more than enough, along with different and varied others.

I could get to like this, she thought. So warm in here, so..so...

The door opened once more, admitting a pony under a cloak like hers, the violet eyes giving her away as she looked around the room, “Athena?”

“Twilight? Why are you covered?” She could understand her own surprise, but what was this?

“Oh,” A hoof waved, gleaming in the light as if having just been brushed and treated with a new coat of polish, “Rarity seemed to think our dinner date needed some..uhm..’pizazz’ that’s what she said.” A chuckle escaped from within the hood.

Oh, Rarity, you sly pony.

“So..why are you wearing a cloak?” Twilight was settling herself next to the cooking area, still wrapped in her silky covering.

Athena almost stumbled over her own hooves, stepping away from the food and stuttering a little, “I..I..ju..just wanted to.. Well, look nice..for to..tonight.” She touched the cloak, “It kept the d..dust off.”

Twilight caught the stutter and figured just Athena being herself, wanting things to be just right, “Oh, you didn’t have to go all out like that. I’m sure whatever you wore would have been just fine.” Her eyes took in the room, the window, the view of almost heaven, “But this place is amazing.”

“Isn’t it?” Athena went back to mixing, spreading and sauteeing things on the hot flat top, water boiled as she tossed in noodles, along with delicate spices, adding a fragrance in the air that was hard to ignore.

A sniff,widening of violet orbs, “What are you cooking? Wait..why are you cooking?”

“Because in this place, they prepare everything, but let the guests cook, makes it more..uh..intimate.”

“That’s a neat idea. Now, what are you cooking?”

Athena smiled, “Oh, pasta, along with a sauce that has everything in it but the kitchen sink. Appetizers, plus we have some special desserts!” With that, she brought out a tray of delicious looking shapes, bought that day from a confectioner that guaranteed the smoothest, silky chocolate.

“Have one!”

Twilight reached out, picking up a rose shaped chocolate and popped it in her mouth, the closing of her eyes and the loud ‘Mmmmmmmmmm...’ told the whole story.

“Good, I take it?”

“Oh, my yes! Caramel filling and oh... Can I have another?”

“Twilight, eat the whole tray if you want.” The silver platter was edged forward on the table surrounding the hot flat top.

“Oh, I wouldn’t..I..” Another choice, more sounds of pleasure betrayed that story.

“But..this must cost.. All this stuff!” Twilight watched as Athena poured her a goblet of something deep red, just a taste not enough to worry about.

“Stop worrying, it’s my treat.” She pushed the goblet towards her friend, lifting her own, “To friends.”

Some memories came back, the Alicorn eyeing the liquid suspiciously, causing Athena to laugh, “A taste will not hurt, there’s not enough there for anything bad, I promise.”

Twilight shrugged, lifting hers and tapping it gently it against the pegasus’, “To friends.”

After a quick drink, Athena kept moving and cooking. Everything had to be just right. Perfect, beyond it. Her whole mind was dedicated to this.

“This is silly, sitting here in hooded robes like some weird secret society,” Twilight laughed, standing up and shrugging off the covering, tossing it aside as Athena could only stare.

The alicorn’s mane looked like it had been brushed a thousand times, shining in the light, the colors marked and distinct but blending together at the edges in a beautiful whole. It was curled into a slight wave down her long neck, ending up spreading across her shoulders. She was dusted with silver that shone under the light like a covering of stars, her coat infused with Luna’s night. The feathers of her wings showing the same, making Athena wonder what they would look like fanned out.

A choker was setting easily around her neck, platinum links encrusted with ruby and emerald teardrops dangling like charms.

Underneath the choker was a cloth one, fitting her neck like a second skin, it had a band of silky cloth that ran down her back, spreading into a almost off the shoulder part of a dress that continued along her back.

The dress continued along her sides, just barely covering them, leaving the belly bare, down to her flanks covering one, but not the other Cutie Mark, framing it almost and not draped over the tail like normal, but connecting underneath it to show the shining colors. It was a light earth tone material that went so well with her body shape and color. A short dress, minimalistic and perfect for somepony like Twilight.

Her tail was banded gently with more cloth, tied into bows they traveled along the length, bobbing gently as she moved back to her seat.

Seeing Athena’s look, she stopped as a blush bloomed hotly along her cheeks. Eyes grew worried under long lashes, just a hint of lip gloss was showing as she almost frowned.

“It looks bad, doesn’t it?”

Athena kicked herself mentally for being slow on the uptake, “No! Uh..no, not at all. It’s..it’s..lovely.”

Twilight brightened, “Rarity really does a great job.”

“She does.” Athena slipped her own coat off, revealing the surprise for her friend. She watched as Twilight’s eyes widened, a gasp of breath revealing her shock at the sight of the outfit.

Athena’s honey and gold mane was sprinkled liberally with golden flakes. Worked into it, they shone and moved with the ringlets it had been curled into, bouncing slightly with every movement of her head. She was shining and bold in the last beams of the falling sun, reflecting it’s glory off of her.

The swirls fell alongside her neck, down to her shoulders where they splayed, full of life and bounce, they were glorious in their own right. Her eyes framed by lightly done up lashes, showing the lavender color to its’ full extent, bright and warm. A hint of raspberry gloss glinted across her lips, making them look wet and full.

Her dress was a masterpiece of thought and design. A spread of airy lace covered her shoulders beneath the mane like a shawl, but ended well short of being so. It was light and ethereal, complimenting her sable coat with the slight coloring shine of gems chips inlaid in such a way they added a rainbow aura around her.

It fell along her back with a line of soft light colored material, edged with more lace, draping easily down to her flanks, ending at the curled tail which was springy and done up in more curls. The ensemble stopped just above the scroll and spear, spread across her back end as the separate sides connected under her tail, leaving the Cutie Marks showing in all their glory.

Around her neck, a simple pendant of a diamond heart rested over her own.

She put the cloak aside and looked anywhere but at her friend, until a hoof waved in front of her face.

“Did..did Rarity do that?”

“I...I asked her to.” The pegasus’ voice was soft. Hooves moved to the food still cooking, putting things together carefully and setting it all out on plates which were slid in place around the table.

She tried not to look, not wanting to see anything in Twilight’s eyes that would tell her she’d been wrong in doing this. But couldn’t help a hopeful glance upwards when she heard the Princess speak again.

“It’s beautiful. Oh my gosh.”

Athena smiled in return, her face lighting up, “I..just wanted something special is all.”

“She better get to work for Gala outfits, these are going to be hard to beat!” Twilight actually got up and pranced in place, showing herself off. Turning her head this way and that, making out like on the runway. Then she got a case of the giggles, setting back down.

Athena laughed along with her, “Oh, I don’t know. She manages somehow. All the time.” Plates were pushed into place, the small serving tray of chocolates getting lighter as Twilight, and now Athena dug into them while chatting.

Twilight leaned forward, “You know this place is for lovers, right?”

Athena choked, looking at Twilight’s mischievous face as she stammered and tried to frame a reply without being obviously dumbstruck.

“I wonder who’s around here tonight?” She ventured, not seeing Athena’s wide eyes, “Bet there’s some pretty well-known ponies having dinner right about now.”

“Including us? I do know ponies, you know.” The pegasus winked, making them both chortle. Athena thanking goodness she could recover fast enough to make a passe’ comment.

Twilight just laughed harder.

Athena finished her culinary exhibit, putting the last of the plates and bowls down, giving Twilight and herself portions to satisfy and still not overfill.

“Oh..this looks delicious!” Twilight picked up a fork with her magic, nudging it to wrap sauce soaked noodles on it and taking a mouthful with an expression of pure bliss.

“What did you do?” Her mouth full, it came out a little muffled.

“I found an example I could figure out, from archives. So, I made it especially for tonight. The spices are just enough to make it tasteful, but not overwhelming I hope?”

Sauce dripped off the next amount, the smell was tantalizing and made the stomach growl just thinking about it as Twilight shook her head.

“No. Oh no, this is wonderful.” Down it went, followed by another, and another. The salad was eaten in between. Oils and vinaigrettes, with delicate fruits that were minced into slivers, providing contrast and bursts of flavor as teeth crunched the crispy lettuce. Carrots and celery, pear bits, orange slices and apples from an oh so familiar farm made it a concoction that could only be enjoyed immediately.

Toasted bread with a spread on it was delighted in, comments made back and forth as each and every bite was savored, rolled over the tongue before it was swallowed. Taken time with as something truly unique.

Another glass of white wine, made in Ponyville by Berry Punch herself, it was light and flavorful, almost like drinking air.


The pegasus looked up, chewing a piece of bread, “Yes?”

“Why..what.. Why did you do all this? I mean, not just dressing up, but..all this.” She gestured out through the window where the last rays of the sun had left a golden tint on the waterfalls. The moon now rising gave it a look of molten silver flowing from a forge to end up in the pools below. Stars were starting to peek out from behind what little clouds had scudded in.

It was time. She thought maybe a bit more food, or talk, but the question had been asked.

“Did you know you met me for the first time today?” Her voice was soft, making sure plates were full as she sat close to her friend, “A while ago, Crusader pulled me from the desert, bringing me to Ponyville where I met you.”

The lavender face looked surprised, eyes flicking upward as the sharp mind behind them thought furiously, “You’re right! What a nice surprise.”

The pegasus looked down at a plate of pasta, aromas coming off it still made the mouth water, but hers felt dry even though that wasn’t possible. She blinked, trying to clear her eyes as emotions warred within, running hot.

“And...and.. Because I like you.” The rest of the answer came out low, soft and almost unheard in even the closeness of the room.

Twlight leaned forward slightly, leaving her fork floating in mid-air, “Pardon?” Her ears perked forward, the pretty face looking even more so.

Athena steeled herself, taking a deep breath before announcing a little louder, “I like you.”

The Princess of Friendship smiled like the sun, “I like you too! You’re a wonderful friend, you are always..” She trailed off, seeing a hoof waving slightly.

“I...I’m saying this all wrong.. It’s not..I can’t think..” A hoof stamped the couch, making it shiver slightly as the sable face looked determined. The lavender eyes lifted, locking with violet ones as she said distinctly.

“Twilight Sparkle, I love you.”

There, I said it!

Silence dropped unwanted on the room as the sable colored pegasus looked down at the table covered with delights. They were as dust to her now, wondering if she had messed up everything doing this, by just not leaving well enough alone.

Her drive, her desire kept the worries in check. She would still serve, still be the best friend ever. Do all those things she’d done before, only there would be nothing further than that. She was prepared to accept it all.

A whisper, the mention of a word floated through the air, “What?”

Maybe she could explain, maybe just say it was all a misunderstanding. She could back out of this with a smile, a jest, something to put off the inevitable rejection she was starting to believe was coming.

No. No she couldn’t do that. Honor forbade such things. That which was so deeply ingrained it was part of her very being. She would not lie about this nor brush it off so easily. It would put paid to everything she felt.

Answering that single question, was one of the hardest things she had ever done.

“I..I love you.”

Her eyes slowly tilted upwards, hoping she would not see amusement, rejection. Even in situations worse than this Twilight had never laughed at somepony’s feelings nor made light of them. But this was so very different.

Her gaze finally made the journey, looking into violet eyes as pretty and warm as could be. She didn’t know how to interpret it.

“I..I’ve felt this way after we became friends. You show the best of what could be, barring the occasional freak outs.” She couldn’t help adding that, it was true, but she had to explain, to let her know!

This got a soft laugh, as Athena felt the press of a hoof on her lace clad shoulder.

“Tell me.”

What to tell? What to say? Just speak, something, anything!

“I..I didn’t know until much later. Meeting you, seeing you do what you’ve done. The way you connect to ponies and make them want to be better. You’re honest, incredibly able. You have your problems, we all do. But you overcome them, you learn, you never stop asking questions.”

Athena looked directly at her friend, never losing eye contact, “You are everything I admire and more.”

“I..I kn...know I’m not real. I can never be.” She placed a hoof on her own chest, above the gleaming pendant, “But what I feel is real, to me, about you. I have warred across the galaxy, and have waged it here. But I can only hope it doesn’t make me any less in your eyes. What you think, what you do, is important to me.”

She shrugged with a slight movement, looking to the side again, “I just wanted to tell you in a special way.”

Her eyes filled without warning, making her blink the forming drops away. She knew this was a bad idea now, not even sounding confident in any way.

Twilight’s voice brought her eyes back around.

“I..didn’t know. I never thought... You were always there, always helpful.” She looked down at the table herself now, a blush rising in her cheeks, “I’ve been thinking back these past months and can’t remember a time you weren’t there. It..it’s all been because you....?”

Athena nodded, “Not at first, but it grew until I just couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

“I..I can go back to being your friend. Just be there for you whenever you need, we can f..for..forget this happened i..if you w..want.”



“No.” A hoof pinned Athena’s to the table, “You’re not taking it back, you’re not going to make this seem like something wrong. I don’t want you to.” The alicorn smiled warmly, “All this, the meal,” At this she wing-nudged, “We still need to finish by the way, for one thing to say. Don’t take it back, please.”

“But..but you might not even..like..well..”


Athena nodded silently.

“Applejack said, when it happened with Crusader, that Granny told her, you love who you love.”

The sable muzzle dipped in acknowledgment, lavender eyes wandered to her plate, the table, sitting in silence for a moment before speaking again, “I.. Don’t know what to do now.”

She received a bashful grin in return, “Neither do I. I..haven’t been in this situation before.”

The pegasus’ face took on a expression of mock shock, “Nothing in a book anywhere? Drat, and here I was hoping you knew everything.”

Twilight’s laugh filled the room as merry eyes rolled upward, a hoof tossed airily, “Just because I read a lot, doesn’t mean I know everything!” She pinned her companion with a look, “What about you? All that information you have? Don’t YOU know everything?” The tossed hoof now poking Athena’s chest lightly and in fun.

At the first touch, Athena wasn‘t a Bolo anymore, but a simple pony who couldn‘t think of anything at the moment, “Me? I don’t..I didn’t.. We..I..I..” The stuttering was getting worse, “I saw..well..some..sometimes.. It..I ne...never..”

A mischievous smile crossed Twilight‘s face, “You’re stuttering again.”

“I..I..am n..not!”

A sing-song sentence flowed forth, “Are too.”

“I..you.. N..no. I st..stopped.. AGH!” A look of frustration worked its’ way across the pretty sable face, one forehoof stamping the seat again as a snort blew from widened nostrils, “Dangit!”

A touch, some slight pressure, the warm exhalation of breath along silky hair as Twilight’s cheek pressed against hers, “Calm down, you can do it. I freak out, you stutter, we can both learn.”

The Pegasus closed her eyes, leaning into the soft form that pressed against her. Cheek to cheek they sat for a long moment, the only sounds were soft breaths that spread warmth through both hearts. One real, one not.

“Is this..how it starts?” Athena ventured softly.

Twilight didn‘t want to move, “I don’t know, but it feels good enough.”

Athena could feel a welling emotion flowing through her, something inside that wasn’t part of her machinery, that had nothing to do with being a Bolo. A simple magic that had been known forever.

She leaned back, seeing Twilight’s closed eyes crack open, the smile on her face so natural to her. Reaching over, she lifted a careful fork, wrapping it in hot food and presenting it to her.

“We can’t waste it.”

The Princess said nothing, just slipping her lips over the end and pulling back, chewing with that same expression.

“That really is so good.”

Simple words mean so much, actions that are slight may mean nothing or everything.

Both of them slipped closer to one another, sitting side by side as they slowly finished a meal made just for tonight. Sharing a spoon full here, a small chocolate there.

Goblets, shining like silvery chalices in the moonlight, lifted and tilted. Wine with flavors that teased the tongue were drunk alongside juices that were cold and fresh, cleansing the palate for the next small bite of something delectable.

It was the getting to know part that entranced them. Soft whispers, nothing consequential, a remark here and there about something they noticed, brought shy smiles, or even laughs.

A nuzzle here and there, a touch that said many different things in a language only those in the room would ever know, complimented a place and dining that many would have envied.

There was no time limit, no rush to be gone as Athena took over the cooking area again, making more to eat as they chatted easily now. The stutter was gone, a newly felt confidence edging out the nervous feelings. Only a single plate was brought forth, sharing had replaced separate dishes.

Athena looked over to see violet eyes glancing her way once more, a soft question drifting into the air between them.

“I...know being with somepony means sharing. But..what could I possibly offer you? Or..or share with you that you don’t have, or need?” Twilight bit her lower lip slightly, her face a mien of thoughtfulness.

There was no simple answer, but Athena tried, “You don’t have to offer me anything, or even think that you need to.” A gentle looked formed on her sable face, “Sitting and reading in the library, going out for a walk, those are the things we could share. It doesn’t have to be something particular.”

“Doesn’t it though? Have to be special?”

Athena shook her head, “No..yes.. There’s so many different opinions. I knew..others..who sat together quietly and were happy, some who had to be on the move all the time. It’s what you make of it.”

A hopeful look dawned on the Princess’ face, “Would you take me on adventures like the one we had?”

“Where you got the bar blown up?”

“I did not..” A sigh, chuckle, “Yes, that one.”

Athena leaned close, food forgotten for the moment as she lay a hoof on a strong chest, “I will take you anywhere you want to go, create any world you wish to see. Find anything in the archives we have to give to you.”

She stopped any reply with a slight nod, “You don’t have to give anything back, just..just don’t..throw me away.”

Twilight knew her history, over many nights she had asked about it, finally Athena gave in and told her. Everything. Her heart had broken at the tale, seeing a strong, capable pony in front of her and knowing behind it was the most fragile mind.

Still, she couldn’t just accept everything like it was owed her.

“That’s not fair, to you. I can’t take it all and give what little I can offer. That’s not right. You have so much..” Again she was stopped by a gentle, warm pressure on her shoulder where a sable hoof lay.

“I know, and it doesn’t matter. You give with every day you live, every smile you’d turn my way. A wink or a nudge at a private joke. Every hour we would spend together would be returning anything I did tenfold.”

Athena looked at her friend, “When and if you ever said you loved me, it would be worth everything.”


The pegasus shrugged, “Well, we could end up disagreeing about what color pillows should be, or how the library should be arranged, or...”

She was pushed off balance by a strong hoof, followed with laughter and a nuzzle as a lavender cheek slid along hers once more, “If we disagree about anything,” The gentle voice whispered to her ear, “We’ll talk about it.”

Athena’s reply was just as quiet, “Promise?”

“I promise.”

A sable hoof rose carefully, sliding along a strong neck, gently stroking the silky mane of colors she had adored for so long. The Princesses combined the best of three races, with strength, speed and agility along with magical prowess that when put together in a single pony, made them powerful in the extreme. Yet the slim leg that brushed the flowing mane was even more so, done by technology that was lost long ago in the past.

Twilight murmured, “That feels so good.”

Pressing against and along the long muscles firmly, Athena relaxed her, the little strains and sprains of the day were released and gone. Concentrated bundles of tension fell like tin soldiers to her ministrations. A simple slide and push here, a little shove there, and they were gone and done with.

Unlike the mishap with Crusader months ago, Athena, and he, had learned. They were always learning, updating, finding simple ways to do things.

The one hoof from the silent pegasus relieved the pains and aches of a day past, sending them to oblivion and letting the body relax and heal. She felt Twilight slump slightly against her, not wanting to move.

“Oh, Celestia, that’s wonderful.”

Athena smiled, seeing the half-lidded eyes, her hoof still working along the side of Twilight’s neck, “I don’t want to ever see you hurting.”

“Ooooo..my own personal spa..”

A laugh, another slight push in jest, “See? Abusing me already. Goodness.”

The violet eyes snapped upwards, seeing the smile, knowing she was kidding but not ever wanting to be thought of that way.

A protest was quick on the lips though, I wasn’t..” It was stopped by lips touching her nose, a slight kiss that sent an electric thrill through the Princess of Friendship.

“It’s fine. Every day I will do this. Take your cares away if you want me to.”

Touching her nose, Twilight was silent, feeling the warmth as it faded from a simple touch, wanting..what did she want?

A special platter was retrieved in a quick movement, the pegasus slipping out and back in a flash, cold candied fruits and slices of a cake that looked scrumptious. A hoof gently lifted a sugar coated piece of orange, offering it shyly to Twilight.

It was taken with a delicate nibble, chewed with deliberate slowness as the burst of flavor made her eyes widen, “I’m going to get fat.” She chuckled, making Athena join in.

“Never.” Magic lifted a piece, bumping it into her nose as Athena laughed, taking it as offered and tasting the sweet and sour flavors that were released when she bit down.

“And for tonight, something truly special.” Athena took a fork and carefully lifted a chunk of dessert, the cake layers inside thin and separated by a different jellied fruit, some of which were from worlds far and away from Earth.

“Try this.” The fork was brought forward where lips received it and pulled it off. Twilight;s eyes flicking back and forth as she tried to figure out what the the tastes were.

“Don’t, you’ll never figure it out, like it?”


“The pegasus leaned forward with a conspiratorial whisper, “Don’t tell anypony there’s only one more left, so I’m saving it.” She pointed, “This one, is for tonight.”

“So you are trying to make me fat! I knew it, it was your ultimate plan!” Twilight pointed an accusing hoof at Athena who stumbled for just a second before realizing she was joking.

“Right..the pudgy Princess of Friendship.” A fork was raised by one hoof, “Waddling around stuffing yourself and pronouncing whatever you pronounce while doing your friendship stuff!”

A nudge of magic, a chocolate piece was tossed, bouncing off the pegasus’ nose, “Take that back.” Twilight was looking mischievous.

“I shall not.” Nose lifting into the air like some Canterlot hoity-toity type, “I have said what I meant.”

Another nudge, another piece, ricocheting off somewhere in the room.

“I tell you now, royalty or not, there will be retribut.. Hey!” This time it was a candied fruit slapping into her nose.

A fork, some cake, and a carefully worked out trajectory, splattering onto a lavender muzzle.

“I warned you.” Athena was trying not to laugh, seeing the different colored layers dripping off Twilight’s nose. She was smirking though, feeling smug.

Until an entire slice smacked into her.

Twilight snickered, then covered her muzzle with a hoof, chortling, which turned into full throated laughter. Her eyes filled with tears as she kept trying to stifle it and failed.

Athena giggled, then joined in, laughing out loud herself. Coming from deep within it was rich and bright in the room, mixing with Twilight’s.

She reached out with a soft cloth napkin, gently wiping it off of the Princess, laughing all the while. A magical aura surrounded another as it too caressed softly along Athena’s nose and face.

“I’m..no, I’m not sorry.” Twilight chuckled again, “Nope, not one bit.”

Athena’s grin grew wider, “You’re learning.” She leaned in, getting a last bit here and there, finding herself looking into violet eyes that seemed to go on forever. The swiping hoof stopped, then lowered as she was gazed at as well, magic setting the other cloth aside.

It was a moment that almost stretched forever, it wasn’t one movement, but two as lips met softly at first, tentatively, as if both participants were unsure of what to do next.

Their hearts led the way, one with blood pulsing hotly through it, the other burned with fires of suncore heat.

Twilight felt an electric thrill once more, traveling down her spine and making her body buzz with desire, delight and a myriad of other emotions that she couldn’t pin down, nor wanted to. The soft lips that met hers in the middle were all that mattered right now.

Athena felt it as well, differently so but much the same as she felt feelings that were long forgotten, but welcome gladly into her self. The feeling of wanting and being wanted, never forgotten, now flowed into her mind.

Muzzles broke apart with a slight gasp between them, warm looks were replaced with shy glances away and around the room as neither knew what to say.

At almost the same time, eyes lifted from where ever they had been staring, meeting again. Cheeks met and brushed, hooves raised and wrapped gently around the back of a strong neck, across unyielding shoulders as they pulled each other close.

“Does it always feel like this?” Twilight whispered into a waiting ear.

Athena had to be honest, “I don’t know. I’ve only dreamed it.”

Twilight leaned back, tilting her head slightly and smiled, “I really don’t want it to stop.”

Athena agreed, “Neither do I.”

Once again, lips met in an electrifying embrace. Eyes closing as the thrill of taste and touch flowed through both of them. There was almost a hint of chocolate flavor between them, left over from the cake that hadn’t quite been wiped away.

Heads tilted opposite each other as they embraced, a little stronger, a little closer, and deeper did they delve into this new sensation.

Lips parted slightly, opening each other to new things, bringing along with it more underlying warmth that welled up unbidden from them both. Tips of tongues met, dancing along accompanied by gentle sweet-scented breath.

A break, muzzles parting reluctantly for a moment of cool, sweet air. The dip of a sable one, kissing and nuzzling along a strong lavender neck. The slight sounds coming from the princess only encouraging more of the same.

What one does can be reciprocated easily enough. Athena felt the touch of lips, the slight movement of a tongue along her throat, causing her to gasp from the ripple of delight that tore through her.

She wasn’t supposed to feel this, she didn’t have the nerve end..oh...my...

Her coat trembled, body shuddering almost in ecstacy as another touch sent waves of delight through her. This only made her more determined to return the favor. Ducking under Twilight’s chin, she kissed up from the base of her throat to where the jaw line was, so very softly, and hearing the muffled sounds as the alicorn bit her lip to keep from making noises out loud in the quiet room.

Once again a stopping of movement, the susurration of heavy breathing in the room as they looked at each other.

“Is..is this what love does?” Both of them spoke over each other, asking the same question. A flurry of chuckles was the result as Athena spoke first.

“I don’t know. All I know is I’m feeling things I never have before.”

Twlight nodded, licking her lips slowly and kissing one sable cheek, “Me too. If this is love, I can live with it.”

“I think I can too.” Athena couldn’t resist being a bit impish, “So, Princess Sparkle, would you be my special somepony?”

“Oh my, let me think...yes. As long as you’d be mine?”


More caresses, soft and slow, stroking along lines of muscles and smoothing the coat above. It was easy now, giving and taking, nothing to feel guilty for as it was freely done. The special taste of another, the sweet touch of one who knew what to do, what was wanted.

Time stopped as if it had never mattered at all. Only the wanting to hear another word, a dulcet sound that told of joy received. All those things compressed into a single point that was all, the only thing that had ever been and would be.

Sigh and sound narrowed with the taste of each other on tongues that only desired more of the same. The dance, once begun would not stop tonight, nor ever, if Twilight and Athena had anything to say about it. Bodies snuggled against each other, the feel of another was in and of itself joyous.

Lips met as the two fell once more into the embrace of emotions and magic. Softly, never hurried, the meeting of muzzles was just the beginning of exploration into this new and wondrous adventure.


Crusader sat upon the tallest balcony, receiving updates and data streams from his drones, constantly on watch for trouble in the night.

With a soft hoofstep, the dark figure settled in beside him with an unhurried rustle of wings.

“Your sister has quite the...imagination.”

“Yes, she does, Princess Luna.” Blue eyes glanced her way, seeing a flushed face, vital readouts telling of an elevated heartbeat, pulse racing.

“Are you all right?”

A soft cough into a hoof, “Why, of course I am. Just.. doing what the Princess of the Nights’ duties require.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

“I..I shall return to my duties now. Farewell Crusader, good watch to you.” Her eyes had never met his and he could swear there was a deep blush under her lovely coat of night.

“Yes, Your Highness. Have....fun.” He saw her twitch a little guiltily as she hurried away.

Looking into the night, and seeing a few stars go suddenly out of place at his comment, he allowed himself a very small smile.

Dreams are our wishes come true in form, if not reality. May yours become real my sister.....

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