• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,595 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Moving Day.

I have notified Command that I will be moving this morning. When queried as to why, I explained there is a signal from the Desert that I must respond to. Princess Luna and Celestia have given their approval, and wish me luck on my journey. Princess Luna expressed a wish to go actually, and engaged in somewhat of an argument with her sister. I believe it would have been quite the adventure having a Princess along for the ride.

Applejack tells me she should stay in town with her friends in case anything happens. I can understand that. I cannot be everywhere at once, and so must trust her judgment. She is strong, capable and very loyal to her friends and town; it is commendable.

I do not like leave-takings. It feels as if a part of me is being left behind. I would prefer her safe on my Command Deck, but she is adamant, she will not leave her friends to face anything while she goes on a trip. I will not argue her decision, she has done this for years and shall continue to do so.


“Do you really have to go?” I see Applejack get a worried expression on her face.

“I do, it’s important or I would not. You know I am happy just setting here. But this is a signal from something else, I believe another Unit of the Line like me.”

She laughs, “It’s bad enough with one of ya around, Celestia knows what we’d do with two!”

“It will only be a few days. I have put in place a few things that will help keep you safe. You told me that I didn’t need to be everywhere.” I try to put on a comforting smile, giving her a hug.

“Ah know that, jus’ gonna get a bit lonely.”

“I will be back before you know it. You will be saving me from my mistakes soon enough.”

I see her laugh again, bright and deep, her smile is glorious to me this day. “Oh ain’t that the truth. If there is two of ya, hopefully you can keep them from causin’ problems.”

“I’m not too sure of that as I keep making them, but I will try.”

She gets a bit of a serious look upon her face, it does not go well with her pretty features. “You jes’ be careful out there. I know yer a big tough machine, but there’s a lot of stuff out there even we don’t know.”

I wonder if she’ll think the same thing when I clear my hull today. “I promise, I shall be careful.” I give her a serious look, “Are you sure you won’t accompany me?”

She gives me a warm kiss and hug, “Gotta hold the fort here in case. I’ll see you soon sugar.”

I am reluctant to let go, she is warm from the morning sun, I inhale her scent for a memory to keep on the trip.

But I do release her, walking towards the entryway.

I wave and enter the hatchway, closing it behind my avatar. I am content here, setting in defilade, but this signal is too important to ignore. I initiate internal checks and processing for maneuvers. I wish to leave my avatar behind, but feel it better to take. I can use it to liason with anything I meet out there if needed.

Watching, I make sure her, Twilight and the others are across the bridge before I bring power to my engines.


I have left Dragons and Ferrets in place, among the pits I have dug for more safety. They contain a few last ditch things that might help in an overwhelming situation. But I do not worry, Applejack and the others have done just fine before me and they will now.

Teaching her to use the command set I have left was quite an experience. I have left a list of commands and what they do beside it so no mistakes can be made. I make sure she understands the Dragons and the Ferrets have a very limited intelligence, they are not like me and quite literal. I have programmed recognition for all the types of creatures so far, many others Fluttershy has described. Their sensors are not discriminating either, so I have put a lock on firing at ponies unless overridden by Applejack. She can also designate another to override commands as well in case she is disabled. I have suggested Twilight.

I can see Applejack and the others at the town’s edge, looking my way. I truly hope this doesn’t scare them, I really do. They have known me for so long as a few posts and guns on a hill, but they’ve never seen the real me.

My transmissions hammer into place, the thrum of my drives sounds through my war hull once more. I increase power to my engines, bringing them up to full revolutions. It is a good feeling to once again feel myself ready.

Switching on my contra-gravs, I lighten myself enough to make my treads grip, but not too deep, it would not do to leave trenches all over. I engage my tracks and I move.


Applejack stood with Twilight and the others, the six gathered to see her coltfriend off on his mission. They heard the slamming of metal together, and the deep bass rumbling under the ground, the very dirt vibrating under their feet. Other ponies from around town had heard of the mission and were waiting to see what was going to happen, they were not disappointed.


I rock slowly to loosen the dirt above me, packed hard after so many years. Nothing withstands a Bolo when it wishes to move. It breaks easily, my hull outlined in the dirt as I slowly back out of my defilade. I am situated at a twenty-three degree slope forward and down, so must compensate by pushing the contra-gravs up, making it easier to back out. I am facing the town, so have no fear of damage or diverting the river with any mistakes due to my tread width, I continue to move slowly, watching the dirt fall off my guns.

My tracks grip easily in the good earth, bringing my war hull up and out of my hole in the ground. Of course as I do so quite a bit of the forest line gets flattened under my tracks, I do not worry, it will push the forest line back that much farther for safety. Threshing my treads was just a simple moment of evil joy for me I have to admit.


The group of ponies watched as the entire hill and a large part of the surrounding area just...moved. Gasps were heard as they watched the gigantic machine gently, and slowly move backwards towards the forest. The sensor masts they were so used to seeing went up...and up...and up like it was never going to stop.

Applejack held on to her hat as she took in the big machine coming out of the ground, ”Ain’t that somthin’?” She watched as the dirt fell away, revealing what they knew now to be weapons, only much, much larger than anything they’d ever seen. They saw some fog coming out of them, pushing dirt and debris out to rain along the hull.

Her eyes were wide as they watched all the weapons turn back and forth, swiveling around. Then suddenly all of them turned toward the town, lifting into the air. The dark holes of the barrels menacing and deep.

She gasped softly as he suddenly lit up, a shield appearing all around close to the metal hull sparkling in the morning sun; the rest of the dirt and grass falling away to reveal a massive slabs of metal wheels underneath where all the guns sat. It seemed the wheels rolled on their own road, the tracks he’d called them. They were huge, one link much bigger than any pony and there were hundreds of them.

The whole construct towered in the air as Twilight nudged her, “Aren’t you glad he’s a nice pony?”

Applejack could do nothing but nod quietly.

Even Rainbow Dash was silent, alongside Pinkie Pie who watched with wide eyes as the machine sat there, rumbling in the morning air.

The pink mare just looked on in wonder as she said quietly, “That's the biggest thing I've ever seen."

Rainbow Dash agreed hovering beside her, “Celestia’s name Pinkie, glad he didn’t accept your offer the first time to come to a party in town.”

Pinkie just kept looking at the metal machine.

Fluttershy just smiled as she looked at Rarity, “He is our friend though.”

The light gray mare nodded as well, “For that dear Fluttershy, I am truly grateful right now." She stared at the absolutely titanic weaponry arrayed along the sides and top of the machine as it sat there, shining in the morning sun.


I use neutral gases, blown through the barrels of my weapons to clear them, my tech spiders doing last checks as I wait; updating inventories and making sure the Dragons and Ferrets I have left are in position, forming a line of durasteel in front of the town. I rotate my four Hellbores, making sure they are working properly as well as my port and starboard repeater batteries; my secondaries are loaded and ready for use, the 20cm Hellbores lining port and starboard.

My VLS arrays are in prime condition, loaded with conventional cruise missiles. Howitzers, Hyper-Velocity Missile launchers, Hellrails; all are working properly. Anti-personnel arrays loaded with canister shot, mortar batteries ready. All conditions for moving are green and ready to go as I swing my guns around toward the town, giving Applejack the traditional Commander's salute of all weapons elevated at 45 degrees.

As I do so, I raise my battle screen slowly, pushing the last debris off my hull, leaving me gleaming like new in the sunlight. The nanites have done well and I feel capable again.

I receive a call from Applejack.


“Dangit Crusader is that mah cutie mark there?”

I can hear her friends laughing in the background, “Yes it is Applejack, I thought you’d be pleased.” I have had the nanite repair systems put her cutie mark on my glacis plate, alongside my brigade insignia.

“Well I am..but..did ya have to make it so darn big!”

“Of course, it is an old tradition but I thought it would look nice. I am quite proud of it myself.” I let a chuckle roll through the combat link.

“Ah guess I can’t say no to that, but dangit yer always doin’ somethin’ embarassin’ and all!”

“Now I wouldn’t call it embarrassing, more like showing my affection.”

“Affection is a buncha flowers, not some..some..fifty pony tall cutie mark!” I hear her exasperation and chuckle again.

“I think it is a good thing to have myself. Apparently your friends do as well.” I can hear the remarks from Twilight and the others.

“Alright, alright, yeesh. Knock it off you ponies!” I hear her hesitate before speaking once more, “You said you were big but I tell ya Crusader.. wow.” I hear Rainbow Dash say something in the background, “Rainbow Dash you stop that snickering right now!”


I maneuver carefully and steer to point my bow towards the southwest, final checks are done and it is time for me to go. I interrupt the argument taking place, the laughter is quite audible over the link.

“It is time for me to go Applejack, be safe.”

“Ah will love, you take good care of yourself.”

“I shall. See you soon.”

Applejack and her friends watched as the mountain of metal turned nimbly in place, pointing towards the southwest and took off smoothly. The sound of engines reverberated over the countryside as it moved. She couldn’t imagine how anything that big could just turn and go like that.

Though for some reason, the big machine stops dead before it exits the area. She can’t quite see why, then it suddenly moves off again.


A figure has landed on my upper fore turret, it appears Princess Luna wishes to say something.

“I shall be accompanying you defender.” I hear her voice over the link.

“There is no reason for that Princess, I would not wish to endanger you.”

“I think with such a formidable mountain as you by my side I shall have no fear Crusader. Please allow me to go on this adventure?”

“I would be honored then Princess, but who shall raise the moon?”

“I can do so from anywhere in Equestria, even from one such as you.”

I acquiesce, I think this will be nice having at least some company for the trip. Having a Princess along though, well it should be interesting.

“Then welcome aboard Princess, please walk along the side to your right and enter the hatchway.”

“Did not Princess Celestia advise you not to go?” I inquire as she walks along my side to the entry. I begin to roll again, my treads gripping the ground once more as I move off, making sure to accelerate slowly as she enters the hatchway.

“My sister did, but after seeing you uncover yourself, I could not resist. Truly to build one as you was the height of science!” She sighs softly after entering the command deck, looking into my camera lens, “I for one tire of sitting in Court Crusader, and would be on this grand adventure even if nothing untoward befalls.”

”I often wonder that myself Your Highness, was it science or madness.” I do ponder that sometimes in the deep night when alone. “I am pleased then you decided to join me Princess Luna.”

“But I do warn you, I have not stocked supplies, you may have to do with Concordiat rations, such as I can make.”

“It may not be a royal banquet, but I am sure it will be sufficient.” She raises her nose with an imperial snort, smiling the entire time, “But you shall have to do better next time!”

“I shall endeavor to be more prepared Your Highness.”

She enters the Command Deck, settling down on a couch to rest. “See that you do. When one conveys royalty one should have the proper things.” Her eyes droop a bit, “I must rest please Crusader, I would very much like to talk later.”

“Of course Your Highness.” I do like her sense of humor.

I watch as she fluffs some pillows, in preparation of laying her head down for the day, “Would you like some music Your Highness?”

“I would, do you have anymore of those classical pieces you play?”

“I do. Sleep well Your Highness.”

I bring up some light pieces, Vivaldi, Beethoven and Chopin grace my command deck with their quiet power, lulling the Princess to sleep. I slow down slightly, making sure any shocks are not transmitted through to the Command Deck so she may rest. I am more confident with somepony on my command deck, as I am not alone. It lightens my cores as I move along the edge of the forest, trampling acres of it beneath my heavy treads as a warning, behave for I will return.

I estimate a day at current speeds. I am moving far below optimum due to train tracks I must traverse, as well as being careful passing near any settlements or towns. Applejack has informed me that the San Palomino Desert is not fully mapped, thus there are a lot of unknowns. There are things even a Bolo worries about, but I have no fear the trip will be a smooth one.

My sensors watch the town recede behind me. I keep a watch as the last of the rooftops disappear below the horizon, before retracting my sensors masts. I feel a bit of loneliness as I have not been without contact from Applejack before. I do wish my Commander was here, but she has obligations even this cannot override. I understand them; family, home, her friends are very important. They protect Ponyville and Equestria, having done so before I was even a thought in their minds.

Although I have never before conveyed royalty, this should be an interesting trip now. I have longed to talk with the Princesses on a more informal basis. Hopefully this will prove to be true. I do not know what is ahead, as the information is scarce due to nopony ever going as far south, but I can use my drones to get data and relay it back to cartographers.


I launch a combat drone for higher surveillance, keeping it close as my own sensors reach out above and below. I am curving around the forest and hitting the train tracks outside of the line. It is an easy hop with contra-gravs, though I am afraid a few ponies saw me do so and took off like their tails were on fire.

I cannot wait to hear the stories from that encounter.

Once past the train tracks, another small leap over the river, then traveling more southerly along Ghastly Gorge. I keep an eye out for anything unique that may pop up along the way. Once past the end of the Gorge I can make a faster run into the desert. From there, it should be very little time to where my drones were lost. Hopefully I can recover them.

I look forward to this trip, a chance to see a bit more of the country, as well as having a chat with princess Luna later. I can only hope things stay quiet back in town while I am gone.


I am not happy, I should never have taught them how to infiltrate a Bolo’s Command Deck. I watched as the three of them exited the secondary access-way and lay down on the carpet to rest after I had quietly told them to come out from hiding. They had accidentally tripped a sensor when I was already a few hours into my traveling.

I am very upset with them right now, the three know they are in trouble and we will have to settle things later. For the moment I advise them to rest until Princess Luna awakens from her slumber.

Applejack, Rarity and Scootaloo’s family are going to have fits.

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