• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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The Great Ponyville Paint War and Problems

My sensors scan the skies for threats as I ponder the conclusions I have arrived at. I have not left Earth, this is undeniable. Local star spectra, the sun itself provides clues to everything.

What has happened? Scientists even in my career were often speculating about what happened when the universe got older, would entropy take it into the black of night? Or would it shift into something new?

I have an additional mission now, to find out how long I have been here. To do so, I have set my tech spiders and processors to increasing the data cores, using space inside that is reserved for miscellaneous items I no longer need, I can triple my processing capacity. The work will also allow me to see if I can complete another project I have been charting in the local data cores. I am not sure if a Bolo has ever gone so far, nor done so much to affect a society other than destroying it. This is new territory and I shall be extremely careful.


My sensor post perimeter alarm goes off as something lands on it, I swivel targeting radar to spot the intruder, readying my weapons. It is Rainbow Dash. For some reason, she seems to think it is her personal perch and I have caught her napping on the tops of the posts a few times. We have discussed this. I bring up the link.

“Please Miss Dash, my sensors masts are not a personal napping spot.”

I am treated to a view of an upside down face as she leans over the edge, staring into a video lens.

“Well it’s not like anyone else is gonna use em! They’re pretty comfortable and I can see a long ways from here!”

“I would still prefer you not use them please, in case of anything happening.”

Is that a smirk? She leans in close the lens and sticks her tongue out at me. Very childish reaction I must say as she gives me a half grin and a raspberry in the lens.

“Whatcha gonna do? You’re way down there and I’m way up here. Phbbbbbttttthhh.”

I hesitate for just a moment, thinking upon this. I do not wish to hurt her, but maybe a warning?

“Please Miss Dash, I wouldn’t wish to do anything to cause harm.”

Rainbow Dash waves a hoof airily, “Oh puhleese, not like you have hooves to knock me off here.”

Challenge is accepted.

“Then I suggest you hold tight.”


I start rotating the mast, clockwise then counter, easy to do, in combat they are moved at much greater speed than what I am currently doing. From the other sensors I see her hanging on to the edge with a look of stubbornness, I increase my counter rotations. Eventually she loses her grip and goes somersaulting into the air. I admit to somewhat of a childish glee doing that.

“I asked politely Miss Dash.”

“It’s Rainbow Dash! Betcha can’t do that again!” She lands on the sensor mast again, gripping with forelegs quite tightly. “I got it this time!”

“Rainbow Dash, I warn you...”


I am a Mark XXXV Bolo Combat Unit, I trace my lineage to the famous DInochrome Brigade, mine is a distinguished and honorable line. I will not be out done by a smarmy pegasus.

Challenge is most definitely accepted!

I release the locks and brakes on the sensor mast, I am able to move it freely on ruby bearings, almost frictionless. I begin to spin it clockwise.

Audio is letting me hear the ‘Wheee!” from Rainbow Dash as she hangs on tightly, I increase the speed at which the mast is rotating.

I am now at two rotations a second, I am amazed as she is holding on quite well, so I increase it to four rotations per second and watch. She is holding tight, now quite used to the speed, I increase one more time to six revolutions per second, and amazingly, she is still holding tight. Until I stop it dead.

My emergency brakes lock it tight, stopping the pole in a squeal of metal, flinging the Pegasus into the air at quite a nice rate of speed I might add.

I await patiently as she does not use the combat link, but slowly flies back, landing at the base of the pole looking up at the sensors.


This was the start of the Great Ponyville Paint War for Equestria.


It appears that my accepting the challenge was only the beginning. It has become somewhat of a fixture now that Rainbow Dash tries to sneak up on me to tag the top of a sensor mast, and I stop her by a warning or flashing a light at her to indicate I have spotted her.

In the spirit of such games, I have had a tech spider in the dead of night put a flag on top of a fifth Column, in the middle of the square of four; it is another of my sensor masts, deployed for this..well..game.

I have told Rainbow Dash, should she get the flag, that she would win the game. So far, Bolo - 4 / Rainbow Dash - 0 ..

Thankfully we are far enough away from the town to not draw attention to the antics going on, which is well. I have been idle far too long and this is a chance to test my skills against an unknown opponent. So far, I am winning. Which is causing Rainbow Dash a bit of consternation as she is quite the athletic pegasus. It is a point of pride she win this game, I am preventing her from doing so, which only increases her resolve.

I am afraid it has gone too far for an honorable surrender from myself as she would take it quite the wrong way, we must play this to the end.

I have turned off the tracker in her bracelet to be fair, it would not do for a Bolo to be accused of cheating. I have also reloaded my non-lethals with a specially designed marker bullet, which will glow a bright neon pink, even in the dark. The bullet can be fired at quite the velocity, but based on the density of the ponies skin and musculature, will do them no harm, except for a slight bruise plus a large colorful mark for the next week until it washes out. I have not advised Rainbow Dash of this new weaponry.

I await my foe.


I am discussing harvest time with Applejack over the combat link when the next assault occurs. My sensors have picked up an unusual weather front moving in on my position, which is strikingly odd. It has been a sunny day, and it appears that this storm front is moving in my direction. Barometric and pressure readings are dropping in my vicinity, showing a localized rain is due soon.

This puzzles me quite a bit, clouds should not move about in such a direct and forward manner. I search my data cores for any instance of this, and am recording the anomaly for further study, when a passing mention by Twilight is revealed wherein she has stated numerous times that Pegasi control the weather.

I immediately go to High Alert status, my targeting radar and range finders snap to as my guns unlimber from the masts. LiDAR informing me there is something within the clouds that is approaching my position.

It is Rainbow Dash!

I put aside questions about weather for the moment as target solutions cross my sensors, I am swiveling gun mounts as the attack comes!

Streaking out of the sky under cover of the rain, a cyan blur heads for the flag. I am shocked for almost a full half second as I see that she is almost going supersonic, the bow shock in front of her blurring her features for just a moment.

I had not realized Pegasi could travel that fast. It is no matter, I shall retain my victorious status and prevent this sneak attack from succeeding!

Solutions are confirmed, barrels swivel as I launch a counter attack on the incoming projectile of feathered pony. I pause, waiting for just the right moment, then give the command to fire.

A three shot burst from one Infinite Repeater catches her in the backside with a “Snap! snap! snap!” heard along my audio sensors. It throws her into a tumble as she loses control, rotating at a height over the sensors masts and ending up in a tree nearby. All weapons are still trained on the intruding cloud and where she has landed as she flies up and out of the encompassing branches, landing near a sensor post.

“Oh that was SO not fair!” She is rubbing her behind where three large brightly glowing splotches are now imprinted.

“Sneaking up using a cloud was fair?” I store my weapons quietly as we talk, returning the columns to their usual lens covered state.

“It’s what I do, I’m a weather pony! Celestia my butt hurts, what the hay Crusader?”

“Let us say it was a new idea that you tested out for me.” I let a small chuckle roll through the combat link.

“Does this stuff wash out?”

“Only after about a week, until then, I am afraid your loss will show to everyone.”


I am not devious by trade, nor was I programmed that way. But I have informed Twilight of what was happening with Rainbow Dash. It is only fair that my friends know of what the Pegasus has been up to so they can help cover any evidence, though explaining three very bright pink glowing spots on her backside will be humorous.

Even as an experienced combat unit, I had no idea how far Rainbow Dash would go to win.


I connect with Twilight on the link.

“Twilight, has there been large bird migrations through this area before?”

“I don’t think so, Dragons come through once in a generation. But nothing like birds unless they come back from the south after Winter Wrap Up.”

Dragons? I shove that aside for the moment.

“I am currently observing quite a huge flock of animals flying in my direction, they are approximately the same size as Pegasi. I am tracking two thousand four hundred and sixty-five of them.”

I zero in my visual sensors, refining the definition to get a closer look, it appears thousands of colorful Pegasi are winging my way. There is no mistake, they are on track to be here in approximately two minutes.

“Twilight, a flock of Pegasi are heading my way, I am not sure what for.”

“What? Well that’s wierd, you don’t see that many except for.. RAINBOW DASH! Darnit. Connect me with Dash Crusader.”

“Done Twilight.” I listen to the conversation.

“Dash! What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry Twilight, I got it covered, they think it’s a new training exercise. I haven’t told them about Crusader, but they know they might get plunked with a paint bomb.”

“Dash that’s not what we’re supposed to do! Nopony’s supposed to know till Celestia and Luna get here!”

“Sorry Twi, can’t hear you, all these wings flapping!”

I hear the link go dead by Rainbow turning it off.

“Twilight, should I just not do anything? It would hurt her pride if I do not fight back, but I am worried about the innocent bystanders.”

“Argh! You know Crusader, honestly, she started this and I think we can cover it till Celestia and Luna get here to talk with you. So, you know what? Have fun.”

“I bear some responsibility for this escalation Twilight.”

“You won’t hurt anypony will you?”

“Of course not. Just a bruise here and there and glowing pink paint.”

“Then let ‘em have it Crusader!”

“Are you positive?”

“Yep! She wanted a war, she’s got one, we’ll be watching from the outskirts, let ‘em have it!”

“I shall do my best Twilight.”

I let the link go off, unlimbering all non lethals now, my Infinite Repeaters are all tracking smoothly. Five posts worth of weaponry now bristle as I set them on autofire. A true test of my abilities shall be here in approximately thirty seconds. Solutions and tracking data scroll along my data cores; radar, LiDAR and visuals up, concentrating on the incoming flock. My ranging lasers seek out the different targets in the oncoming assault, tagging for plotting data. I am alive again, doing what I was made to do, albeit in a different way. I stretch myself to the limits tracking hundreds of incoming Pegasi.

Rainbow Dash has apparently recruited every Pegasus she could find to plan this attack. I had wondered why I had not seen her in a few days. Now I know.

I mark the shots and await as they near my outer perimeter.

The first Pegasi crosses the demarcation line, I open fire.

My Infinite Repeaters track flawlessly, laying down bright pink spots on sides and fronts of oncoming Pegasi, I pick them out of the air cleanly and smoothly. I am not sure, but when they are hit, I see them drop to the ground as if having been told they are out of the fight when painted. This relieves me of the thought of injuring anypony. It also releases me to my full abilities with the non lethals. I swing them around, a song of war in my heart as I revel in my design, my creation, doing what I have not done in so long, preventing the enemy from achieving an objective!

Once again clouds are being used as cover by the enemy, They are pushing and releasing them my way, causing a severe drop in pressure locally to confound my visual scanners. Somepony has been paying attention when I tagged her in the past. Truly a worthy opponent! A storm front is now roiling above the area, but microwave and LiDAR are still effective, along with other targeting abilities. They shall not reach this flag!

I unlimber more weaponry as the defenses get a bit overwhelmed with Pegasi dive bombing them, allowing me to increase my rate of fire and punch the sneaky attackers out of the air. The air is filled with the sounds of yelling Pegasi, I even see some of them doing overly dramatic death scenes mid-air before dropping from the sky. I record everything, it is quite humorous to see.

Watching them swoop and dive, trying to avoid my outgoing fire is truly amazing to watch. They do stunts and aerial maneuvers that would stun Concordiat pilots at the very least. It tests my tracking to the fullest, I respond with delight for the first time in ages it seems. My processors heat up to track each individual, laying on targeting lasers and landing a shot right on point! With the scattershot maneuvers, I am not on target one hundred percent, but I am making my presence felt.

I am still tracking two thousand four hundred and sixty-five Pegasi. I have currently marked five hundred forty-six of them. They are getting closer to my inner perimeter, I increase fire, ramping up my quantum processors, reloading in record time. I take the extra .0003 seconds on each shot to make sure it hits the main body of any Pegasi, not the wings or eyes. I have plenty of time.

The weapons do not make much noise, I have silenced them quite effectively so nothing is heard beyond the hill. This was done to prevent anypony from hearing them had they been used, and now, I am grateful for the forethought. The amount of fire I am releasing is staggering now, my supplies are being used up but I do not care, I am actually having the time of my life!

The oncoming waves of Pegasi confound tracking a bit by switching and exchanging places midair, they are doing more and more complicated aerial acrobatics to avoid my fire. This causes me to re-purpose my anti-air defense algorithms to predict flight and maneuvers. After .0002 seconds the algorithms lock, and the outgoing fire is increased in efficiency, I am in full anti-air mode, or may I say Anti-Pegasus mode. Though my capacity is limited, I am not using my full output, I believe I am doing well against this dastardly attack!

My count is two thousand three hundred forty-four down, I still have no sign of Rainbow Dash as I mark down more of my flying attackers. The final group I have in sight when suddenly my sensors masts are blinded by a shock-wave. I struggle to recover as a multi color wave races out from an epicenter, disrupting all inputs for a millisecond, throwing my aim off.

It is Rainbow!

She appears to have dived in a sensor blind spot, from directly above, breaking the sound barrier and occluding my scanners with the inevitable shock wave. Very sneaky, and very good.

The input disruption clears for me to see her standing on top of the central pillar with the flag in her hoof, waving it to the cheering crowd of Pegasi around my perimeter. I shall give her this victory with honor, I had hidden my weapons, and apparently she had one I was not aware of. Well played Rainbow Dash, well played.


I believe a celebration of honorable victory is in order. To that extent, I invite Twilight and all her friends, including the Crusaders for a special meeting inside my command deck.

I have fought with honor, and I have lost with honor, such is the way of the Bolo. We are proud, but we are not vain, and so we are gracious in defeat.

My tech spiders arrange the command deck comfortably for all the ponies. I advised them to bring food and to expect a stay for at least half a day. I finish the two new sets of communications gear and place them in boxes, alongside a special gift for Rainbow Dash.

I have spliced together all the moments from our battles to make a movie, with a sound-track culled from the finest composers of the age in my data cores. I do hope they enjoy it.

I think back upon the glorious battle with Rainbow Dash, an opponent of unknown capabilities. I have held my own, bringing honor to my regiment as well as the brigade. I am content with this, dare I even say happy.

It is a strange time I spend musing these things, awaiting for the arrival of my friends. My friends, that is something no Bolo has ever thought, if they have it is not recorded in my cores. Past commanders have been comrades, even close associates, but at no time could I have called any of them friends at the least. We fought, we did what we had to do to protect the Concordiat and all it stood for.

The hotly contested flag I have offered to Rainbow, but she has refused it, saying the battles we fought were more than enough. I have hung the flag in a place of honor on the wall of my command deck. It appears, along with the Crusader cape, I am actually gathering memories beyond those which I store in my cores. It is a comforting feeling.

My masts have detected the approach of Twilight and a group of ponies, it is time for the show.


I am a bit surprised when two large ponies of the Alicorn type accompany Twilight and her friends into my command deck. I am told this is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I am not sure a movie such as this would be proper for royalty, but I did promise Twilight and her friends.

There are two more ponies I have never met, a golden colored one with pink mane, appearing quiet and shy, and a shockingly pink one, reminding me of the paint markers I had used. She is quite bubbly and bouncy, leaping from place to place in a manner that confuses my interior sensors for a few moments. I am introduced to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie respectively.

“Please be welcome Your Highnesses, it is quite the honor to have you here. Though I was expecting a visit later.”

The larger of the two returns my welcome with a warm smile, along with her sister.

“It is our honor to meet you as well Crusader, my sister Luna and I were quite curious about certain happenings when every weather Pegasus in Equestria were walking around suddenly with pink paint on them.”

Rainbow tried to hide behind a couch as Celestia looked at her with a mischievous smile, “But of course that wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain battle being fought near Ponyville would it?”

“Of...of course not Princess...” Rainbow was rubbing one foreleg with the other, trying not to look at the white Alicorn.

“Of course not. But it did pique our interest so I asked Twilight and she informed me you had a special presentation for them tonight, I thought I and my sister would enjoy it as well.” This last is directed at myself.

This is not going to end well for Rainbow Dash. I consider her a worthy opponent, and would do nothing to embarrass her. But the movie is made up of all the best moments from our battles, including the shot from the sensors when I targeted her backside with the Repeater. I added that for humor, but it is too late to change anything now.

“You are quite welcome then Your Highnesses. Please if you would, take a seat facing the large window.” I deliberately make no reference to Video or Television, keeping to my no tech release rule.

I see the baskets of food brought out and shared, maybe I should have made popcorn, plenty of it in stores for emergencies for some odd reason.

The Crusaders are quite excited to see the presentation, as am I. I keep the communication sets to present later when the young ones are not in sight. This is to prevent any problems later on from the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

I dim the lights, starting the movie. I feel no shame as the beginning is ripped off from an old 2-D movie named Star Wars. George Lucas I am sure is not around so I feel no guilt.


The showing was a rousing success. Apparently Princess Luna has seen many battles before, and was jumping around during some of the best scenes yelling until calmed by her sister. I found it quite humorous as she was exclaiming ‘Huzzah!” at certain points in the movie.

Having the viewpoints of millions of movies in storage, I had the advantage to put together the best angles and shots, turning it into a bit of an epic. The brave Rainbow Dash against the stalwart opponent.

The golden colored pegasi Fluttershy seemed a bit overwhelmed at all the noise and movement, she ended up hiding under one of the couches. Twilight was able to talk her out saying it was just like a play. I did not correct her.

Applejack, however, was enjoying herself immensely along with Pinkie, giving her a very hard time at the failures to clinch the victory. Rarity even joined in the good natured ribbing.

Of course, Rainbow Dash was turning a bright cherry red as a close up of her backside getting shot three times was evident, the laughter was good natured though. I shall make a point to apologize later.

It seems Scootaloo is a huge fan of Rainbow Dash, and was cheering the loudest as the movie ended with a shot of her favorite pony standing tall on the sensor mast, holding the flag to the sounds of cheering pegasi. I had enhanced the cheering a bit, but will refrain from saying so.

I am familiar with self-styled royalty from my time in combat. Usually they were self-important and carried themselves with that air. However, seeing Princess Celestia and Luna cheering at the end of the movie came as a bit of a revelation to me as well. I am in a different world. If I am to move ahead with my plans to integrate, it is time to lose my preconceptions when I can.

Princess Luna stood in the command center, “Three cheers for Rainbow Dash! Though faced with vicious opposition, she has triumphed for the good of Equestria!”


Vicious? Well I was determined, but vicious? I think not. Though I admit the shot grouping on her backside was a bit malicious.

After the movie was over, Pinkie was politely asked by Princess Celestia to take the Crusaders back home, as the rest of the talk would be for the older ponies. This was met with quite a bit of opposition, Sweetie Belle was using her large eyes to good effect until Princess Luna stepped in and quashed that. I think I must study that effect very soon, it’s disturbing.

They were promised another visit very soon, but royal duties now took precedent. I was bid farewell by the three young ones as they were taken out of the command deck.

I interrupt the chatting for a moment, “Your Highnesses, if I may?”

All three turned and said “Yes?”

“I do have something for Rainbow Dash to commemorate her victory if I could?”

Celestia smiled, answering warmly, “Please do Crusader.”

“It is customary for an award to be given when one is a winner in battle simulations. This practice goes back many years to my original predecessors and I would continue this. Rainbow Dash, please take the box on the console in front of the chair, that is your award, I have lost to an honorable opponent, and there is no shame in that. My congratulations.”

I watch her reaction as she opens the box, she is quite surprised. I have duplicated a very old award but updated it for her. It shows her in flight across the skies, laser engraved to the smallest detail on a curved gold plate to be worn on a platinum chain around her neck. I watch as Luna affixes it for her, letting it hang on her chest which now juts with pride behind it. I believe the Golden Lion of Terra as updated for Pegasi will be a proud memory.

Pinkie got back in record time to see the award, I find that very odd calculating the speed from town and back.

“It looks very good on you Rainbow Dash.” Princess Luna admires it for a bit, motioning to her sister, “Does it not ‘Tia?”

“It does, and well won Luna, she deserves to wear it.”

Rainbow Dash however is a bit flustered, “I wish I could at least give you a hug Crusader, I mean, yeesh! Just thanking a voice doesn’t seem enough!”

“It is enough Rainbow Dash. Trust me.”

“Oh..well..uhm alright.”

Princess Celestia settles herself down on a couch, “So Crusader, how shall we go about announcing you to the world? It appears you are more than we see, but also Twilight and yourself feel that alot of what you can do should not be revealed.” She continues before I frame a reply, “This I can agree with, but I would ask a definite stipulation.”

“Yes Your Highness?”

“That whatever information you have concerning war, the machines with which it is waged, and anything else which would prove to be used for war, I would ask it never be revealed nor released. I’m sure you understand why.”

“I do Your Highness. I am in full agreement, it shall be done. With my own stipulation, unless it is truly needed by you to defend Equestria.”

Her eyebrows raised at that, obviously she had not expected my pronouncement.

“Why would you say that?”

“I have been treated fairly and kindly by the ponies here, offered friendship when there was none. I am not in my world anymore, but I can defend the new one I am in.”

Princess Luna stepped forward, “You would defend a country not your own?”

“It is my own, I have made it so. My friends have made it for me. Twilight and the others have truly made me feel welcome, I choose to return that. My lineage is old and honorable, we have stood in battle on many worlds and places Your Highness. It was to us to defend the Concordiat, to make safe the peoples..you would say ponies. We have always stood on the line, and we always will.”

Celestia smiled at Twilight, “Well, it seems the Princess of Friendship has made quite the new friend.”

Twilight rubbed a foreleg along another, “Well, isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?”

“Yes my former student, very much so.”

I interrupt the moment politely, “So Your Highness, anything I can do to help, let me know. But there is one thing.”

“And that is?”

“Apple Bloom, my Commander.”

Applejack got a confused look on her face, “What’s wrong?”

“I believe you all think I call her that out of affection, that is partly true. But understand, she was the first to meet me when I awoke, she has been deeply imprinted upon my data cores. If she were to give an order, I would obey, but I have discretion upon those, I am autonomous, meaning I can choose how to obey the order. I cannot directly disobey. But as far as her being my Commander, I am bound by duty, by honor, to protect her. If anything happened to her, make no mistake, I would do my utmost to see she would be avenged.

I bring this up because she and the other Crusaders are being tormented by one called Diamond Tiara. Apple Bloom is young, and sometimes the young are a bit impulsive. Unless she passes command formally to somepony else, there is always a chance that something may happen to cause me to take direct action.”

Applejack speaks up, “But Apple Blooms a good filly, she’d never do anything to anypony.”

“It is not her I worry about Applejack, it is myself.”

Princess Celestia thinks a moment, “Would this solve the problem if you could get her to turn command over to somepony else?”

“Yes, it would, I would have you do it soonest though.”

“We shall see to it immediately then. Plus, we shall see about calming down this Diamond Tiara, we would not want anything untoward to happen until command changes.

“Thank you Your Highness.”

“As for announcements, my sister and I shall call a conference tomorrow, announcing you to Equestria as our newest citizen.”

“I am honored Your Highness.”

Twilight piped up in a cheerful voice, “Do you have the new sets for Pinkie and Fluttershy?”

“I do Twilight, in the drawer as usual. Please feel free to get them.”

Being the voice of experience, Twilight instructs Fluttershy and Pinkie in the use of the sets, and to keep them a secret as well. Pinkie it seems is a very hyperactive mare. Bouncing around, chattering on the combat band as she almost seems to teleport from place to place inside the command deck from excitement. It takes Twilight and Applejack to get her to stay seated.

Fluttershy being new to me, is very quiet and as her namesake it appears, shy. Among the Concordiat peoples, this would definitely have been a handicap, but here it seems to be endearing to those who know her. Quite a change in cultures. I am informed she is a caretaker of animals, and has a house outside the Everfree forest. I mark that for possible drone coverage.

Pinkie, on the other hand, is a mystery. Somehow she moves between people and things without me catching her on the interior security sensors. I hesitate to designate her as a threat, as she is friends with Twilight and Applejack. This bears further study. As soon as the additional data cores are ready, the processors running, I will start programming for further analysis.

I am asked to show the movie again as the assembled ponies take their seats. I do so gladly, having received permission from Princess Celestia to launch drone coverage over Ponyville and surrounding areas. This will allow me to digitally map the areas and plot fire more effectively. I explained to them what a drone was, and have made sure they are stealthed as well visually, being programmed to avoid pegasi as well as any avians.

I do not notify them that they will also be heavily armed. I take my oaths seriously. I have told Princess Celestia that I would defend Equestria, and it will be done to the best of my ability. I have found a new purpose on an old mission.

Listening to the cheers of the ponies as they watch their friend on the screen again. I am content.

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