• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,595 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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A Dream Lived Well.

It is a beautiful dawn as I open my eyes, yawning as I try to chase the sleep away. My bed is too comfortable to get out of yet and I am feeling lazy, with the sun shining through the window it is hard to make the effort to move.

But I do, I always will get up and make myself ready for the new day. There are so many things to do today, plus there is a dance at the town center tonight. Bluebelle has invited me to go and I am looking forward to it immensely.

As I step out of my cottage, the elderly couple who live next to me smile and wave, they are delightful to talk with most days when I am not busy. They met me when I first arrived and helped me settle into a new place with a delight usually reserved for a family’s children.

They are solicitous and kind, I return the favor with vegetables from my garden. I seem to have a knack for growing things and it makes me smile when others enjoy what I produce. It is a simple joy, something that treads lightly on my heart as I keep working at it. It’s also nice that I do so to provide them to Bluebelle who sells them for us both, it is an easy job.

Tonight is a farewell celebration for a few who are leaving town. It’s hard to understand why everyone is happy for them as they are going to an unknown destination, or at least as far as I could find out. Sometimes they are muddy, my thoughts, leading to questions about what is going on, but they soon fade and I am happy again.

Everypony has a smile or a welcome word on their lips, they look at me curiously most days, leading me to wonder about it sometimes. I work very hard to be pleasant and industrious, hoping to win over those with dubious thoughts about me. It works oftentimes, but on others they seem hesitant and it is saddening.

The elderly Unicorn living near me gives me hope though, he is constantly encouraging and helpful, telling me that the others will come around soon enough. I cannot figure out why, but I can never see another’s Cutie Mark, they never come into focus enough for me to figure them out, like looking through a fogged glass.

It is rare, but not unusual for a pony to have a blank flank at my age, but I am sure I will understand things soon enough in this place. So to that end I smile and enjoy each and every day with the conviction that perhaps everything will become clear in time.

I’m not sure why I’m this way, though Bluebelle tells me it is fine and she doesn’t see any difference between me and any with their Mark. She is truly a joy to be around, cheerful and optimistic, she works her vegetable stand where I take the baskets of produce to have her sell. I find it odd a Pegasus would be doing what would normally be an Earth ponies’ job, but she says she loves just setting behind the stand and selling stuff all day.

So many things are fuzzy around the edges, like I can’t remember quite how I got here, but my life is calm and that’s enough for me. It’s truly strange sometimes as I sit on my front porch, looking at the stars at night. A scenario which seems so very familiar but I can’t put my hoof on it.

I haven’t learned anypony else’s names either, except for Bluebelle, they don’t seem to let me have them as I have none to give in return, or perhaps it’s that damnable fog again whenever I am told. It’s maddening, something is there on the edge of my mind, telling me who I am and what this place is. Try as I might I just cannot place things correctly, a jumbled melange of images sometimes float through my dreams, but are quickly forgotten when I awake, leaving me with a distinct feeling of something wrong.

Bluebelle doesn’t mind any of that though, she likes me for who I am, not who I might be. She truly is a wonderful mare, her bright green eyes that look at me fondly each time we talk spark the hint of a memory as well. Her name seems to stick clear in my mind, perhaps because she is around me quite a lot.

But in time I am sure I will remember, not like it’s that important anyways. Life is good, it is peaceful and serene here. I am enjoying my place in town and the life I am building for myself.


Knocking the dirt off a bunch of carrots, I place them in the basket at my side, the other is full and I’m hoping to get enough to balance the load. Looking into the sky, the sun is almost mid-day, I need to get my vegetables to the stand before it gets too late.

Reaching down to yank a few more of various kinds, I fill the basket, jumping in place to settle the produce so I can walk a bit better. All done, quite a good harvest today, as I turn and head quickly for the marketplace.

It’s getting easier to ignore the looks, it really is, I cheerfully walk on by the prying eyes. It’s strange, but I get the feeling sometimes that they are not staring because of no Mark, but because of something else. Maybe something I have done and forgotten?

Am I really that odd? I’m sure I’m not, I don’t think I’ve done anything too weird in the past, so I brush the cobwebs away again and continue to Bluebelle’s stand.

Bluebelle’s voice knocks me out my reverie as I see her waving from behind her stand.

“Heya Mr. Mysterious!” She is grinning as she passes some change to a customer.

“Why do you keep calling me that?” I set the baskets near where she sets, refilling her empty crates.

“Cause you’re so mysterious! No Mark, don’t know your name,” She raises her fore hooves above her head, “Ooooooo...mysterious and stuff! Ooooooo!”

I roll my eyes, giving her a nudge, “Quit it, you’re being overly dramatic silly filly.”

“But you could be like, a spy! Fighting the bad ponies like in the comic books!” She punches at the air, her hooves moving quickly, “Your memory was erased because they wanted to keep everything secret! All the cool stuff you used and the monsters you sent to Tartarus!”

It’s hard not to laugh, “I’m sorry Bluebelle, I don’t think my life was very exciting.” I shake my head as I empty the baskets, giving her enough to sell for the day.

Her bright eyes narrow as she leans close, looking around conspiratorially, “But you don’t KNOW do you Mr. Secret Agent Pony?” She puts a leg around my shoulders, “You could be a hero and don’t even know it!”

“If you’re so smart Bluebelle, then who is this ‘they’ that erased my memories?” I watch as she taps a hoof on her chin, thinking for a moment.

“Uhhmmmm..not sure yet, but I’ll figure it out!” She nods firmly to herself, “Yep, I’ll get it!”

She is so optimistic and silly it makes me laugh at her antics. She’s the first friend I have made here, sticking with me as I learned how the town works, helping to find me something to do as I settled in.

Sometimes when I ask a question of her, such as how I arrived here, I can see her give me the information but a fog covers everything. Then we are back to just talking about everyday things. I have stopped inquiring and just enjoy her cheerful company.

Sighing to myself I chuckle, “What am I going to do with you and your theories?”

She squeezes me tight, “You..are going to take me to the dance. We’re going to eat a lot of things that aren’t very good for us and drink even more. Afterwards we will sit under the stars and if you’re very very nice to me I may..” She raises her other hoof, “I may mind you, reward you with a kiss.” Her pretty face looks smug.

“Oh? After all the work I do getting you stuff to sell and taking you to the dance, I get one single kiss?” I set down heavily on the ground with a raised brow, “I think I deserve at least three.”

“One..that’s final.”

“Three.” I am adamant.

She points a hoof, “One..and I won’t expect you to dance much Mr. Two Left Hooves.”

“It’s not my fault I can’t dance well, three.”

She narrows her eyes at me, we’re both enjoying this, “Two, but you buy me extra drinks!”

I cross my forelegs, “Two, but I get double the cake.”

She pushes a hoof into my side, “You don’t need cake!”

“Then you don’t need extra drinks.”

She glares at me, a smile playing along her lips, “You’re insufferable.”

I return the look, “And you are silly.”

She throws her hooves up with a laugh, “Alright I give, two and extra cake.”

“Done!” I offer a hoof, she smacks it with hers. “Plus I will buy the extra drinks for you being such a good sport.”

She laughs, “You’re a hard negotiator there Mystery.”

“When dealing with somepony like you, I have to be.” I give her another smile, picking up my baskets to get another load of fresh produce.

My face is grabbed between two hooves as green eyes meet mine, the kiss she gives me is warm and wonderful, she smells of the sunshine and dust from the day. It is a marvelous feeling.

She releases me as both of us stand there blushing, trying not to look at each other, but noticing passing ponies smiling and nudging one another.

Running a hoof through her red mane she laughs, “Go on with you, go on before we both get caught doing worse things.” She makes shooing motions.

“We? What do you mean we? You’re the one..” I am stopped by a hoof on my nose.

“Accusing a proper mare of unbecoming behavior? Well, I never!” She laughs, pushing me off towards my vegetable garden, “Go on with you, I’ll see you this evening.”

“Yes ma’am, see you soon.”

My heart is warm as I hear her laughter behind me, giving a whistle as I walk away. She is unrepentantly blatant and enjoys every moment of her life. I am glad she shares it with me, it makes everything so very much better and brighter.


Looking in the mirror, I straighten my mane, making sure every bit of dirt and dust is gone. Three trips to refill the vegetable stand was quite the chore today, but I like doing it. Providing fresh greens for grateful ponies, and I get a share of the proceeds, though there is a slight amount of haggling.

There always is with Bluebelle, she is a joy to be around.

Tonight is the dance and party, we are sending four more off to.. I stagger a moment, the fog closing in as I look in the mirror once more.

What was I doing?

Oh yes, the dance tonight, I can’t wait to see Bluebelle!

As I step out of my cottage, the elderly couple next door are out setting on their step. They are watching as folks go by, heading to the town center for the festivities.

“Will you not go to the dance as well?” I really do wish they’d come at least once to a celebration.

The coppery mare smiles, “Oh no, we’re happy just sitting here, catching up on things.”

“Are you sure? Can I bring you back anything?”

The stallion shakes his head, “Oh no, you go have a fun time with that pretty friend of yours, don’t you make no mind about us.”

I nod, giving in to their happiness at being with each other, “Alright, but I am going to bring you back something!”

They both laugh, waving me off as I trot down the street, heading for the town center. It is lush and green with new grass, a low building that is an open air design is in the very middle of it, ponies spilling out of all sides as the town gathers.

I am greeted warmly by some others whom I have met through selling vegetables, it seems perhaps they will finally accept me as I am? I don’t wish to be mysterious or anything, just another pony.

But I am knocked out of my ruminations by a sweet smelling mare who almost bowls me over with a hug, “Mystery!”

Bluebelle is dressed up tonight with a bow in her bright red mane. She is looking at me mischievously as I straighten my tie and put everything back in place. “Well don’t you look quite the smart stallion tonight?”

“I will have you know this is a new tie, bought for tonight.”

“Well I think it makes you look quite handsome!” She gives me a peck on the cheek. Turning to the side, she poses, “I dressed up for tonight as well!”

Her clothing is marvelous, a lacy dress that shows off her blue coat with a sparkling blue bow in her mane, “I know it’s not a formal dance, but figured I would at least dress up just a bit.”

She smells of rose oil and perfume, soap and shampoo that make a wonderful mixture hitting the senses and moving along them like running water. She is picture perfect.

“You look wonderful. The prettiest mare at the dance.”

She bows, “Why thank you kind sir, shall we go?”

We walk towards the plaza where others are gathered. It seems we’re not the only ones to take advantage of dressing up tonight. A myriad of colors and perfumes assault the senses pleasurably, a string quartet is providing music that is soft on the ears and easy to dance to.

She extends a hoof towards me as we dance, flowing along with the music which seems so very familiar, taking our time and chatting about everything. Her laugh is easy on the ears, her way soft and gentle, she is such a wonderful person to know.

The evening passes quickly though, as if the clock had stopped for a few hours then suddenly resumed at a pace; Bluebelle and I stand with others, saying our farewells to four ponies who do not look as if they are equipped for traveling but nonetheless seem excited to be going.

They are not sad to be leaving, in fact it is a most joyous time, their smiles are so very cheerful as are all of ours as we watch them go down a small dirt path, heading off to...to...

Once again my mind is clouded, forcing these questions out as I am suddenly listening to Bluebelle talk about the wonderful punch as we stand near the bowl on the table sharing a drink.

Setting my mug down, I am frustrated by these blanks in my memories, the inability to recall certain actions and things that are happening and it is maddening. I try not to get overwrought, but it shows on my face as I hear her stop chatting, tilting her head curiously.

“What’s wrong Mystery?”

“I..am having problems. I can’t remember certain things and when I question them they fade.” I stamp a frustrated hoof.

She smiles at me, “Sometimes it takes a bit to catch up, I know when I..”

Once again her words are lost in the fog that closes in and wraps my mind in a muffled sensory deprivation that doesn’t allow me to hear what she is saying even though I know she’s talking.

This time it is a firmer sort of loss, it is gone, wiped and clean as we are outside, staring up at the evening stars and the moon. She is leaning against me and I her as we sit silently under the cool night breeze.

We talk about the small things, the days that have gone by, the vegetable stand. Simple things, but are a prominent point in both our lives. Others sit nearby, couples and singles, enjoying the night air before it is too late and becomes time to leave our moments behind.

Bluebelle’s voice is soft as she whispers to me, “I bet you were a hero before you came here. I have a feeling about you.”

I can’t help but laugh, “Bluebelle, I am as far from a hero as anypony could be. Probably the most boring pony who ever lived.” I wave a hoof around in the air, “So boring I put ponies to sleep just talking to them, never doing anything special but just everyday things.”

She is starting to giggle out loud as I continue, “I probably taught, yes that’s it, something like obscure facts about dirt. Droning on and on about how dirt is so wonderful and everything in it is so fascinating.”

“I stood in front of a chalkboard all day, telling little fillies and colts about how dirt is so wonderful, watching them fall asleep and drooling on their desks.”

I point a hoof at her laughing face, “Don’t laugh now, dirt is truly amazing! It contains everything needed for life and then some I’m sure!” Nodding to myself I continue, “Yes, yes that’s it, I taught “The Amazing History of Dirt”.” I strike a pose, “I’m sure I won lots of literary prizes for my essays on dirt and all it’s wonders.”

Her eyes are watering from her laughter, she is having a hard time catching her breath as her chest hitches from laughing, “Stop! Stop!”

“Oh no my fine mare! I’ll have you know I was probably the world’s foremost scholar on dirt!” I point an accusing hoof at her, “You shouldn’t laugh, I was most likely world renowned! I was invited to all the great universities and schools, to show them the Way of Dirt.”

Thinking for a moment as she howls in laughter, “No, I was a hermit whom ponies came to for wisdom about dirt, that’s it. Setting in my cave in the mountains, ponies would come from far and wide to ask that burning question, “What is Dirt?”

She is rolling on the grass hugging her sides as nearby couples start laughing as well, they are listening to me expound.

“Don’t you mock me Bluebelle, this is serious stuff! Dirt is that ultimate of truths!”

Looking imperious as she brays in delight I raise a hoof, “Dirt, my friends, is the only truth. Yes Dirt, come and learn at my hooves, see the mysteries and wonders contained in a simple pile of dirt. Collect your own! Marvel at it and know that you too can be of the same mind!”

A mare close by giggles, “But what about mud?”

“Bah! Mud is nothing but a wayward child, transformed by the adding of water it is no longer dirt, follow not the false path of mud I tell you!” I wave her question away with a flick of my own hoof.

“Dirt my friends, dirt has the answers, you’ll see!” I point a hoof at the laughing mare who asked the question, “I have been mocked, oh yes but you’ll learn, you’ll learn one day!”

“Rejoice in all that is dirt!”

I receive a hearty round of applause and even more laughter as Bluebelle wipes her eyes, trying to stop her guffaws.

I stop and look for a moment, suddenly realizing I may have gone a bit too far with my joke as I see laughing faces all around. Rubbing the back of my neck I try to apologize for breaking the night silence, “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to get out of hoof there.”

More laughter accompanies my apology as the crowd breaks up, the voices are bright and cheerful, talking about the crazy pony most likely.

Bluebelle hugs me tight, “You are simply mad.”

“I didn’t mean to get so loud, I was just trying to make you laugh.”

She wipes her eyes, shaking her head as she keeps me tight to her, “Oh you did, you’re so silly you know that?”

“I try.”

She gives me a kiss that lasts for long, long seconds, “I still think you’re a hero.”

“Dirt I tell you, dirt.”

She laughs again as we lean against each other, enjoying the starlit night.


All too soon the evening ended, I received one more warm kiss before I left her at her doorstep with a promise to meet for breakfast in the morning. It was going to be a weekend day, so the stand would be opening late, giving us time to enjoy a leisurely meal for once.

The night was fitful though, flashes of faces and things I didn’t understand kept me tossing and turning most of the night, until I was too exhausted to worry anymore and fell into a deep sleep.

Before I fell into the dreamless state, I promised myself to begin looking into this, surely there was somepony who’d know.


The soft knocking on my front door awakens me immediately. Nopony ever knocked for my only visitors were Bluebelle and the elderly couple next door. They knew they were welcome to enter and call my name anytime for things that they needed.

Stumbling to my hooves, I make my way down the stairs, opening the door to see the elderly couple on the step.

“Why did you knock? You’re always welcome to come inside.” I look at them curiously.

The Unicorn stallion clears his throat, “We’ve been asked to take you to a meeting, we thought it only polite to knock.”

“A meeting, with who? I’m sure I haven’t done anything wrong.”

He waves a hoof, “No no, nothing like that. Would you come with us?”

“Well of course!” I straighten my mane as best I can and accompany them immediately.

We walk out of town, to a small glade where a pool resides under a small waterfall, the morning sun shines off the rippling surface like diamonds as we set on the grass, awaiting..somepony?

“May I ask why we are here? I don’t underst..” I am stopped by the wave of the mares hoof.

“You will, trust us please.”

“I do, you have been nothing but kind since I arrived.”

The stallion smiles, “That is a good thing to trust your elders sometimes young colt.”

“I try my best, but it is hard to remember things. Being polite is very easy though.” I give them my best smile.

“We know,” The coppery mare is smiling at me, “We do know that. Maybe you will get some ease from the problems today.”

A branch snaps and brings my head around to where I hear the disturbance. A tall mare, red as lava steps out from the bushes, her mane is burning flames and eyes silvery with the light of power. She is glowing the colors of magma in a volcano, beautiful and terrifying all at once.

I get to my hooves, stepping in front of the two elderly ponies, “Go, I will keep it off you for you to alert the town!”

A hoof rests on my shoulder, “Calm down she is a friend. Well..more like a guardian.” A chuckle comes from behind me, “Always so brave.”

“What do you mean always? What is going on here?” I start to turn and look at the elderly couple.

Movement in my peripheral vision stops me as I swing back, staring into a pair of luminous eyes that capture mine, searing deep into me as I hear a single word.


Memories flood my mind, staggering me as I stumble on the grass, falling over and gasping for breath as I am overwhelmed with sights and sounds, pictures and feelings that pour into my brain as if a dam had burst.

I clamp my hooves to the sides of my head and cry out as it all comes back, all of it, every second of every day. The mixture of everything is almost overloading my self as I struggle to contain it all.

The flood slows to a trickle, then a full stop as everything becomes so very clear.

Who I am.

It is silent when I open my eyes once again, clearing tears away as I stagger to my hooves looking around. The firey mare is gone, stepping into the forest once more to disappear. I am left with the elderly couple and one more pony, a pink mare with a very fluffy mane.

“Pinkie?” I shake my head, “No, you’re not her, you’re the other.”

The look on her face is solemn, nodding at my words, “That’s it, you remember now?”

“I do, it’s all unfolding, but most of it is back. Why are you here?”

“Because like you, I’m a bit unique, I don’t think anypony knows quite what to do with me yet.”

“Who are you. Answer me honestly, who are you?”

Her blue eyes go soft, giving me the warmest smile you can imagine, “You already know, you’ve suspected for a long while haven’t you?”

“I believe I have. You’re a human.”

She nods, “So long ago and far away I was until your sister freed me.”

I can do the only thing I know of, I bow, showing at least some respect to our creators.

“Stop, stop that, don’t you dare!” Her voice is furious, her eyes glinting with anger.

“But you made us, we fought so long beside you it is only ri..”

“No!” She waves a hoof at me for a moment, before her eyes soften once more, “So honorable you are, so noble.” She steps forward, giving me a hug, “But no, never bow again Bolo, you are not what we made so very long ago.”

She steps back and eyes me for a moment, “You are Crusader, not a Bolo anymore.”

“But I have remained loyal as has Athena, to everything we were taught, I swear this. We have tried our best to do what is right, what we were made to do.”

She laughs, “I know, oh how I know. You were brilliant, outfoxing the Overmind at each turn, coming back to give it its due.” She smiles once more, “We are so very proud of you.”

“We? There are more here?”

She nods, “But they are making new lives, new memories, rebuilding on a barren platform. I can’t let you meet them I’m sorry. But I can tell you, the ones who wanted an end to the madness were forgiven, the world let them have another chance as well.”

Another smile graces the pink face, “It’s better this way, that no one remembers there were humans. It’s time for something new and wonderful.”

I’m sure confusion reigns on my face for a moment, knowing I had killed remnants of the race who created us, a deep sadness comes into being for a moment before her voice brings me back.

“Stop it. You have nothing to be ashamed of, especially not after what has happened.”

“If we had been sure, we could have done something, found a way..”

“No, I guarantee there was no other way.” She sits on the dewy grass, “Our minds were stripped from our bodies and set in that mass of..of..horror to rot. We had been there so long we couldn’t imagine anything else but hate and madness.”

Dropping her gaze, she looked at the ground, “Do you know what’s sad about insanity?” She doesn’t wait for a reply.

“You don’t know you’re going insane, you just do things. You act and react and you never realize you’ve lost your mind. It creeps up slowly and takes over, consuming your every thought. If you’re unlucky, so very unlucky, you have a moment of clarity to realize what you’ve done.”

“A bunch of the crazier ones got together, forming an Overmind, giving shape and form to our hate and rage. It preyed on anything and everything but slowly and piecemeal.” She points a hoof, “Until you awoke; oh it knew you, it hated you deeply because you could live a new life that it had taken away or so that was it’s logic.”

“Is that how it gathered so much strength? Combining..minds?”

She nods, her mane bouncing, “Yes, they were the worst of us, hating everything alive so much it burned like a fire. They learned of magic and twisted it to their own ends, putting some of us in the fake bodies to sow more problems.” She looks at me with a warm expression once more, “If your sister hadn’t done what she did, I wouldn’t be here. I can’t thank her enough.”

“But why did you turn?” I am curious now.

“Remember that moment of clarity? I had one as I watched the real Pinkie laughing among the guards surrounding us. I had to get away.”

I sit down for a moment, gesturing with a hoof, “But how did this all happen?”

“I don’t remember, truly it’s been that long. We were here before the first ponies showed up, before that forest was even a sprout. Cast out in a pile of flesh to rot on the barren plains.” Her face shows a fierce visage that doesn’t last long, “But let me tell you, and try to remember this Crusader, there is an evil out there. You must make sure it is gone. Something did this to us and if it still exists, it is a threat to the world.”

“Do you know where?” I am listening very intently, wishing I had recording capabilities right now.

“No, it’s lost in the jumble that was us. But it is out there, I feel it in my bones.”

“Then I promise you my creator, my sister will stand the watch. I don’t know where I am, but she will be a protector of all we know, I assure you.”

The faux-Pinkie laughs, “You haven’t figured out where you are yet?” She points past me, “Turn around, see if you can finally get a clue.”

I turn, seeing the elderly ponies smiling at me, a cutie mark on the stallion is a scroll with faint lettering that strikes a chord deep within me. “Y..You!” I rock back on my haunches and stare.

“Oh yes young colt, it’s me.” He looks to the mare beside him, “This is my wife Copper Ink.”

“Pleased to meet you Crusader, now that we know you can hear our names.”

“But..but how are you...” Then it hits me, like a Hellbore shot deep inside my cores it hits me.

“I’m dead aren’t I?”

The both nod sadly at me, Copper Ink gives me a motherly hug, “But you’re in a wonderful place here, you’ve made a close friend already and you obviously love your life.”

“This is heaven then?”

Pinkie is right beside me, “Well kinda, more like a way-station to rest and relax before you get another turn at life.”

Her eyes are so very soft as she turns to me, “You’re not supposed to be here though.”

“I’m sorry?” I don’t wish to think of the alternative, had I done something so wrong I have been sentenced to an afterlife of agony in the pits?

She smiles, “Don’t look so pained, it’s not that, I can see you’re thinking of another place.” She shakes her head, “No, it’s just that some things aren’t finished yet from what the Guardian says."

“I have a job left to do? Something calls me back?”

Copper Ink smiles as well, “No, but there are some things you have to find out yourself.” She laughs at my frustrated face, “Don’t be angry, what’s the fun in knowing everything?”

“You do have a decision young colt,” Faded Scroll tells me, “I’m sure if you wish you can stay, but you should not have been able to get here much less be here. You have to decide whether to go back or not.”

I nod, I can do nothing but as so many things go through my mind. But one thought stands out, something that has been preying on me ever since....

“I never got to thank you, for my life, for Applejack.”

“That would be the pretty Earth pony who was sad for you yes?”

“It was, she is the love of my life. I cannot give you enough thanks, I owe you so much.”

“I remember her, she sat crying in a room by herself, wondering if you would keep your promise to always come back.” He smiles, giving a fond look to Copper who leans against him. He points a hoof at me, “You, young colt, always remember to keep your promises yes?”

“I will sir, that I can assure you.”

A small white hummingbird lands on Faded’s shoulder, looking at me with more than just an animal eye.

“You would be Snowbell I presume.”

The bird bows slightly, chattering at me happily.

“I owe you a debt of gratitude as well little Snowbell, for bringing me back to the one who loves me.” I look at him closely, “There is a special place where you rest, in the Canterlot Gardens surrounded by lovely flowers that will never run out of nectar for you. It is a beautiful quiet spot. Many ponies come to see you, they tell your story all the time.”

The little bird hides his face with a wing, he flies close to brush against my face lightly, chattering once more before taking off.

Copper chuckles, “Oh that little bird is so like my Faded, unwilling to accept praise.”

I look over at the mentioned Unicorn, “And you, so many have mourned your passing, war was averted because of you Faded Scroll. You are a true hero, well-thought of and loved.” I give him a bow of respect, “The letter you wrote is in a special place in the archives, the Princesses wished to keep it forever.”

He stamps a hoof, “Oh stop that, I was just some grumbly old professor who gathered dust behind a desk.” He looks about to blush down to his hooves, his wife laughs.

“He’s never been one for accepting praise, my Faded.” She looks at me, hesitating before she asks a question in a low voice, “Is he near me? Are we together?”

I nod, “Oh yes, there is a magical place where you both are near a waterfall.” I see them look at each other then smile, “Applejack planted a tree between you, we snuck in one night. It will grow strong, providing you with shade forever, and drop apples by the bushel.”

Copper Ink nods, a smile gracing her face as she hits Faded’s shoulder, laughing for a moment, “Well it was about time he decided to join me, been waiting forever almost. He always was late for everything.”

“I was not you teller of tales! I was just a bit slow sometimes!” He gets an aggrieved look on his face.

“Oh shush you old faker.” She grins, “I know you were having too much fun playing with the grand foals.”

“I was not, though I’m sure they didn’t mind an old pony around sometimes.”

She nudges him once more, “Like I said, an old faker.”

Pinkie chuckles, nudging me, “Well besides that decision, there’s someone you have to tell that maybe you have to go?”

“I know, I don’t wish to, but she should know who I am at least.” I stop for a moment, looking at the three ponies, “Is this why some avoided me, or hesitated talking to me?”

They all nod, “Everypony knows who you are Crusader, we just couldn’t get through to you.” Copper Ink replies, “They weren’t sure without the Mark, but they knew after a while.”

“I’m nopony special, really, I just tried to do what was right.”

Faded grins at me, “You did more than that sometimes Crusader, be proud of your accomplishments.”

“But how does everyone know if they were here before I arrived or awoke?”

Pinkie answers, “We all can get glimpses of what’s happening back home, sometimes a look into the future as well, not sure why, but everypony gets a flash or two rarely.” She waves a hoof around, “It’s a bit odd here, sort of stuck between existences, but we are earning another chance.” She refers to herself and the others.

I get to my hooves as we all head back to town. Things seem clearer, more in focus as my mind is not so muddled now.

I bid farewell to the couple, thanking them again for everything, but I am waved off as the elderly stallion refuses to take any compliments. He is admonished once more by his wife as I walk away, shaking my head.

Pinkie leaves me as well, saying she’ll see me one more time when I make my decision, she hugs me tight and tells me that she is so very proud to have known my sister and I.

I find Bluebelle at the vegetable stand, giving me the hairy eyeball and pointing an accusing hoof.

“You were supposed to meet me for breakfast Mystery, I waited for an hour!” Her smile betrays her fake anger.

“I know, and I apologize, I was asked to meet some ponies.”

“Really now? Still doing secret agent things eh?”

I shake my head, setting beside her as she gives me a hug, “No, but I do have something to tell you.”

So I tell her everything about myself, I leave nothing out. She sits and listens intently after closing the stand for the day, dragging me over to a table outside the coffee shop. After I finish she looks at me with a grin.

“I knew you were a hero! See? What’d I tell ya!” She crosses her forelegs and grins smugly.

“I am far from that, I am just trying to do what is right.” I point a hoof at her, “But you knew didn’t you? Knew who I really was.”

“Oh maaaybe... But you never seemed quite in tune so I figured just let it go until you caught up.” She stops for a moment, chewing over something.

“Is she pretty? Applejack I mean?” She leans across the table, wanting to know.

“Oh yes, like a summer day, warm and so very kind.”

“I would think so knowing you, I’m sure she’s a good pony.”

“You are taking this very well.” I look at her curiously.

“How should I take it?” She touches a hoof to mine, “Mystery, you are a wonderful stallion and if anyone ever thought you’d never attract somepony like Applejack they’re insane.” She takes a sip of her coffee, “I had no illusions, something was up with you the moment I saw you. Sometimes it takes a while for ponies to get memories back, but nothing like you.”

“But you turned out to be warm and polite, I couldn’t help myself.” She leans over and gives me a kiss once more.

“But we may never see each other again Bluebelle, I honestly didn’t wish to lead you on.”

She laughs, “You didn’t, ponies leave each day, one day will be my turn. Maybe I’ll remember these wonderful times maybe not, but one thing’s for sure, I’ll have no regrets.”

“Some pony is going to be so very lucky to meet you one day.”

“Like yourself?” She primps her mane, “Oh I know, I’m irresistible.”

I laugh, shaking my head as we both share a smile, “I have time before I make my decision, would you share dinner with me at least?”

“Of course! You owe me for breakfast anyways.” She tugs me off the chair, “We need to open the stand up again to finish the day though, still got a job whether you go back or not.”

We spend the rest of the day laughing and joking, knowing this might possibly be the last time we get to spend together. She tells me if I go, not to worry about the house, that others can use the things in it.

I haven’t collected much, but I am fond of the few things I do have. I guess one lesson to learn is to let material things go, concentrate on what is not made, pour your heart into friendships and family.

When ponies do leave, they take nothing with them, starting fresh and new they know that what they leave behind here in this place will be treasured and used again. There is a poignant feeling about this, as some have things they’d rather not go without. I’m sure the marvelous dress that Bluebelle wore, she’d love to have that again.

She comforts me, knowing it is a tough decision I have to make.

I tell her of my weariness, that I do not wish to pursue battle anymore. I would rather spend my days working or doing something that is of benefit, more than training a Hellbore on someone.

As the sun lowers, she is leaning on the stand counter top as we discuss this.

“So, these..humans.. built you to fight a war with them?”

“Yes, we were their friends, their partners.” I must have a faraway look as she taps me on the cheek.

“Stay with me here.” A smile accompanies the words.

“I am. I just think of all the times I would rather be sitting somewhere doing nothing at all than plunging into a battlefield.”

“Well maybe after you do everything you have to, then you get to do that?” She turns the sign to ‘Closed” on the stand as we take a walk, “Life’s good, it really is, but a rest is always welcome I think.” She looks at me as we walk, “You’re a really nice stallion, you can take some time to yourself some days I’m sure.”

“I try to, I have, but sometimes it is a bit hollow.” I stop for a moment, pondering that statement, “It seems as if I don’t have the joy in things that I should, perhaps I just over think everything?”

I get a hoof pushed into my chest as Bluebelle looks at me, “Then, Mr. Hero you make the time. Do something you want to and enjoy it, it’s that simple sometimes. Whether you stare at the sky, go swimming, or anything!” She waves a hoof around, “Just have fun and forget about the rest!”

I smile, “I will try to do that, I promise.”

“Well you better keep that promise mister!” She hits me with an outstretched wing, “I think you just worry too much about everything.”

“Well, we have always been planners when engaged against the enemy.”

“But it’s not the enemy, it’s your friends! See the difference you goof!” She whacks me on the head with a wing tip.

“You are being quite violent there Bluebelle.” I laugh softly.

“Ugh, ‘cause of hanging ‘round you!” her voice softens, “Just relax more, you may not remember everything if you go back, but try.”

I nod, “I will try then.”

“Good!” She tugs on my leg, “Now you owe me some dinner and I am starving!”

“I can see your ribs, apparently you are.”

She slaps me along the side with a wing, before peeking under it to make sure, “They do not show!”

“Well, let us get some dinner before you fade away.”

She puts a hoof across her brow, “Oh, oh I’m fading, I need lots and lots of food!”

“Come along you goofy mare,” I tug her along to the restaurant as she tries to swoon.

It was an enjoyable, if not prolonged dinner. Bluebelle is just..Bluebelle.. She is happy and laughing all the time, spreading cheer around her like a plague of delight. It’s nice to be with her, but she never mentions her background or anything else, it has me curious.

“If I can ask, is this your first time ..here..?” I wave a hoof at the surrounding town.

She looks at me for a second, chewing thoughtfully on some salad, swallowing quickly she smiles, “No, I’d say..uhm.. if I remember right, third time.”

“Third? You’ve lived quite a while then?”

“Oh, I’ve been around a few minutes.” She chuckles, “I don’t remember anything going back nopony ever does, but when you return here, it slowly seeps back in.”

She leans across the table, taking my hoof in hers, “It’s been wonderful though, I’ve had adventures, seen things that were amazing and even got married a time or two.”

She taps her hoof on her chin, “Or was that married four or five times? I forget..”

“But don’t you miss your family? Your loved ones?”

“I do, every day, and I’m sure they miss me too. But time is not forever, we all learn that, it gives us our moments then we get to take a break.”

She pushes a hoof into my chest, “So you learn to take life as it comes, whether here or there. Squeeze it for all it’s got and enjoy yourself. It doesn’t matter where or when, but just do it.”

I nod slowly, mulling her words, “Have you ever met any..” I am stopped before I finish that thought.

“We don’t go searching for family, if we meet it is wonderful, but sometimes it brings back memories some of us would like to forget. Leaving is hard, especially with family even though you might meet them here, it’s very hard.”

“I understand.” I will not pry anymore, she does not seem as cheerful as she was a few moments ago.

Leaning across the table once more, she kisses my nose, “But since you aren’t family, tell me of these wonderful friends of yours and your sister?”

“Athena? Oh Athena, she is one of a kind..” I tell her of my sister, how very brave and marvelous she is in all things. How I am so very proud of her, the accomplishments she’s made. She already knows how we rescued her, Bluebelle doesn’t quite get what Bolos are, but I am patient and explain everything to her delight.

Our friends, the six mares that make life all the better by being in mine and Athena’s lives. I tell her everything, of the Magic of Harmony, the roads we’ve traveled. I do throw in reference to various battles, but skim over that, I don’t wish her to think I’m overly violent, and telling her what a two-hundred twenty centimeter Hellbore would do..well...

She is interested in everything, listening close to the tales I tell, even calling me out on some of the more outlandish things which I assure her are true. Although she does eye me with a raised brow when I tell her of some of the battles my sister and I had fought across the galaxy.

She accepts my explanations though, and is still smiling as we leave the restaurant.

As we watch the sun setting, she does ask one final question of me.

“So what have you decided?”

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