• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Places Please.

When I arise in the morning, I find my internal diagnostics are giving me a few warnings. Perhaps it’s time to return for a full maintenance sweep. I can detect nothing wrong as I slip out of our bed, leaving Applejack sleeping.

A line from my Bard comes to mind, “Love looks not with the eyes but the mind, And therefore is Cupid painted blind.”

The comment from yesterday is troubling, she has never said anything like that and I wonder if maybe I am not assuming too much in our relationship. I am not real, I cannot give her what any normal pony could. I would think of a way, but that would be to cheapen what we’ve already shared, though I do hope maybe some day.

Maybe being blind to obvious differences is becoming something of a burden for her to accept. I do not wish that.

I leave that thought alone as I trudge out of the farmhouse, heading for my hill where I can do a proper check of my systems. I must see about Athena as well, she has been a bit more shy than normal lately and I worry.


I establish a combat link with my sister, “Athena?”


“What is wrong?”

“N..nothing. I just...” She pauses, “Will I ever be able to fly?”

“I am doing everything in my power to make it so beloved sister. I promised you and I will keep it. Twilight is looking for spells and I have sent a request to Princess Luna for any information. We will find something.”

“M..maybe I should just for..forget about it?”

I am put back for a moment, she has loved being a Pegasus, albeit not a flying one yet so this is a disturbing turn. “What has happened?”

“N..nothing. May..maybe I am just wor..worrying over no..nothing.”

“If you are being reticent my sister, it is worrying. What happened?”

She replays me the conversation between her and Rainbow Dash yesterday. I have a hard time believing a staunch and loyal friend such as Rainbow would make a comment like that, even off handed. Though nothing else comes from the recording, that one part sticks in Athena’s mind.

“I would not worry about it Athena, she is a good friend, sometimes biological’s get a bit odd. You know that as well as I do. Give them some slack.”

“I..I will. Just it..it hurt.”

“I know Athena. But do not let it bother you. A multi-thousand ton Bolo should not have to worry about very much.” I let humor slide through the channel, it works as she laughs.

“You..you are right. I won’t wo..worry.”

“Good. I am bringing myself back for a sweep, my diagnostics are telling me I have some problems with musculature control, it will be a few minutes until I arrive. Anything on the front?”

“Sectors are all green, no movement except for animals and the usual wildlife. Are we still a go for inspecting the blast site?”

“If my Avatar checks out yes, we can roll a Dragon if not. I much prefer a nice walk some days, don’t you?”

“I do!” Her sunny disposition is back now, worry averted. “I have the watch, let me know!”

“I shall Athena.”

As the link clicks off I can’t help but wonder if Rainbow didn’t quite realize what she said. But I have been interacting with all of them for almost a full year now, Rainbow is a prankster but she would never insult somepony like that.

As I said to Athena, biologicals are a bit odd some times.


Manehatten awoke to the sounds of murmuring rumors, it was going around a tap room had been found filled with dead..or kind of dead ponies. No witnesses had come forward to tell anything as no one knew what happened, but the gossip flew hot and heavy. The medical folks had no clue how to diagnose this and so sent to Canterlot for a specialist magician. Someone who could possibly figure out why these ponies were hovering between this world and the next.

Paper Work was scratching his head, looking at the reports from the latest incident and wondering what was going on. He tilted his head, leaning it on one hoof as he stared out the window.

The medical ponies said that they were alive, but barely. Just that there was nothing there. The body was okay, but there was no..well...soul. Like it had faded away into the mists of the other world.

The local magic users were baffled beyond reproach, they had used everything they knew and some esoteric spells not too well known to even get that far. Tirek stole magic, the magic that is in and surrounds us. This was something different, it took you.

The older stallion stared out the window to the streets below and slapped a hoof on the windowsill.

“We’re going to find you.”

Turns out he didn’t have to wait very long.

A buttery Pegasus entered the guard’s offices, looking around and asking kindly for the little mares room. She was very polite, and seemingly very shy. The desk pony smiled and politely gave her directions, it was always a pleasure to help others he thought.

But once again, had any been observant, the sly smile after she was given directions and the glint of steel in her eyes would have spoken volumes.

Turning into the offices, she glanced around, noticing a few guards and inspectors hovering over their desks doing paperwork, since it was the morning, most were out on their rounds. So there was very few including Paper Work, who were inside the warm building, catching up on the tedium of being a big city guards pony.

That was just fine for the golden mare, she went to the facilities, staying inside for a minute then exiting. As she did so she pinpointed each and every target in the office, nudging an officer who promptly fell over in a trembling fit as her hoof had stroked along a leg, injecting him with fire. He tried to scream in agony as she backed away, looking for all the world like a panicked bystander.

The ponies in the office gathered around as one called for a medic, the Pegasus stood there with her hooves over her mouth, making sure everyone was in her sight, then sprang. Slamming into the crowd she slapped her hooves against flanks and sides, dropping the small group within seconds.

Paper Work had heard the commotion and just leaned back peeking out his office door window as he saw the golden mare slap his comrades down. Stumbling to the side, he peered again, making sure she wasn’t paying attention to him as he scrambled out his office and headed for the main door.

Opening it, he ran into a white Unicorn, telling her to get clear and away , that something was wrong.

“But darling, you wouldn’t want to be left out now would you?” The voice was cultured and smooth, very educated. He felt the caress of a manicured hoof along his neck as he collapsed in a heap of pain and fire.

The pretty face leaned over him, looking downward as she clicked her tongue, “Tsk tsk, running from a party, how very unsocial of you.” The azure eyes watched him for a moment, he saw how deep the insanity ran before he faded out.

A guard came in thirty minutes later for shift change, standing and staring in open mouthed shock at the bodies laying around the offices before running out. He hit the street in a scrabble of hooves and took off to the nearest guard post, informing them of the problem.

When the Guard Chief of Manehatten took one look at the jumbled pile of his ponies laying on the floor, medics attending them he scratched his chin, “Get Canterlot, we need to inform the Princesses.” He rumbled to a Unicorn messenger, who promptly took off to where she could send a note to the castle.


Sweetie Belle sat with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in the park, talking aobut what was making poor Sweetie look like someone told her the world was ending.

“Ah can’t believe Rarity would say that Sweetie, you sure?” Apple Bloom tilted her head curiously.

“She did,” her lower lip protruded, eyes filling with tears as she remembered the nasty comment.

The last time Sweetie Belle looked this sad in public, the Crusaders managed to garner about one hundred and fifty-four bits from passerby who thought they could cheer up the adorable filly by donating to help her out with whatever problem she had. None of the three could understand why ponies kept giving them money.

Of course Applejack told them they should return the bits, which they promptly did. For the ones they couldn’t find they donated the rest to the town.

Scootaloo hugged Sweetie tight, “Maybe she was just tired or something, you know Rarity works really hard!”

“I know, but she’s never been mean before, never..” A diamond tear hit the ground as her head bent over, looking at the grass as she scuffed a hoof.

Apple Bloom looked over to see a stallion reaching into his bit bag and shaking her head, “Nono! It’s okay, she’s just feelin’ a bit down today.”

“Well she shouldn’t, such an adorable little filly.” He smiled at them before wandering off.

Apple Bloom got a determined look on her face, “Well Applejack says ya always got to go face your fears, ah think it’s time we ask Rarity ‘bout this!” She got to her hooves, pulling Sweetie Belle up from the ground.

Scootaloo nodded, “Yeah, we’ll get to the bottom of this!” Standing next to her friends she patted Sweetie on the shoulder, “It’ll be okay, you’ll see.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, sniffing back another tear as her friends led her off towards the Boutique. They would find out what was going on.

Rarity was using her sewing machine when the three determined Crusaders walked in. Sweetie was still looking dejected as they walked right up to her. Apple Bloom waved a hoof.

“Hey Rarity? We got a question to ask ya.”

Peering over her glasses she smiled at the three, looking a bit concerned seeing Sweetie, “Well what ever is the matter?”

Scootaloo tapped her hooves together before getting the courage up to ask, “Did you tell Sweetie not to worry bout getting her Cutie Mark cause she wouldn’t get one anyways?”

The Unicorn finished her sewing, taking a final look at the dress being held in her magic before wrapping it in tissue, packing it in a box for delivery.

“Why of course! I wouldn’t be a very good sister if I wasn’t honest now would I? Stars, maybe all of you should just quit trying so hard, if it hasn’t happened now it’s not too bad being a blank the rest of your lives.” She smiled once more as if saying a simple statement of fact, “Of course the ridicule would probably drive you to leave town, but that’s life!”

She waved a polished hoof at them as she levitated the package with her magic, “Ta-ta! Must deliver a dress!” She trotted out the door with a brisk air.

The three fillies sat there for long minutes, their mouths open as they watched the empty door where Rarity had just exited. A puff of wind could have toppled them with the surprise they felt at Rarity so blithely being mean.


Mr. and Mrs. Cake had asked Pinkie to watch the store while they ran some errands real quick. This of course meant watching Pumpkin and Pound while they were out. Usually it was no bother, but this day it seems the two little ones had a mind of their own.

After dealing with the customers, Pinkie took a look in the back where the two sat playing. She sighed a bit unhappily as she cleaned up the mess they had made out of the flour, reminding herself to let Mr. and Mrs. Cake know they were going to need a few new bags of it.

But, Pinkie being who she was, it seemed the job was done in no time at all. The bell over the door rang as she rushed out to help another customer in the front, admonishing the two foals not to get into any more trouble.

Little ones will make trouble, it is a given in this universe and any other as a rule of the firmament. They will do it.

The blue eyes peeked back into the back area and saw the floor littered with jars of sprinkles, Pumpkin having tried to levitate them with magic. Failing that she kept trying new jars until they were all off the shelves, now she was starting on the filling mixes.

Pinkie bounced in with a smile, putting things back up on the shelf as she whistled to herself. After getting things rearranged, she turned the sign on the door to “Out to Lunch” and came back into the back room where the two sat.

She sat down with a smile and a sigh, raising a hoof to tap at her chin as the two foals giggled.

“You know, messing things up for somepony else to clean is not very nice, you might want to behave a bit better.” She winked at the Pegasus and Unicorn in turn.

Looking at the front, and reminding herself it was empty, Pinkie leaned very close to the two foals. Whispering in a menacing breath.

“Otherwise, Mr. and Mrs. Cake might be wanting to have more foals ‘cause the two they had made trouble for their sitter and had to be dealt with.” She leaned in with a bit more of a manic smile than usual.

“I’m sure they’d get over their sadness eventually about two missing little foals who caused far too many problems, right?”

The twins weren’t stupid, they knew what their mischief did and sometimes it took a slight toll on Pinkie. They got the gist of this very very clear as they looked at the smiling face leaning down over them.

Pinkie waited for a few seconds then nodded, “Glad we had this talk!” She waved a hoof, “Behave now!” As she changed the sign to open and happily helped with customers who had been waiting patiently outside for treats.

Pound and Pumpkin did not move an inch until their parents got back, who then wondered why the twins were so well-behaved the rest of the day.


I can see the hill from here, though I am having no problems with my avatar, the diagnostics are still giving me a few warnings. Perhaps I have run it too long without a thorough maintenance. A code deletion and reload ought to fix any problems, if not I’ll do a nanite replacement. Simple things often do add up over time, and it has been quite a while for anything in depth.

My thoughts are interrupted by a form landing near me.

“Hello Twilight.” I am always glad to see my friend, she is smiling as usual, well, except for the other day. “Hopefully you are not here to tell me I’m still in trouble?”

She waves a hoof, laughing, “Oh no. Nono, yeah I was a bit angry but it was a good prank. Twisting words like that was a great play I’ll admit.”

I keep walking as we talk, she is close to me and leaning slightly into my side for some reason, “I’m glad, I’d hoped I was still not in trouble. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Oh no, just wanted to let you know I’m still researching spells, I should be getting some more books from Canterlot soon too. I haven’t given up.” She gives me a warm smile which I return.

“Thank you. I honestly cannot thank you enough. Athena would be delighted beyond reason should she be able to fly.”

Her eyes look around as we approach the hill, “So what are you here for? Something wrong?”

“No, my avatar is due for some maintenance.” At her curious look I explain, “I have to maintain it like a cart, making sure it runs properly.” She picks up on things very quickly.

“Well that’s neat! All the stuff you’ve done I’m sure it’s got some wear and tear!”

“Just some,” I chuckle, “Battles will do that. Though I much rather prefer farm work, it is refreshing.”

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t be doing all the work.”

I stop to look at her, “I don’t, the whole family does quite a lot of it. I help when I can.”

She tilts her head, looking at me, “That’s not true, I see you out there all the time doing something, you never quit until evening.”

“On some days yes, but now that everything is caught up, it’s not so long anymore.”

“Well I think Applejack doesn’t know what she has.”

That statement catches me by surprise, it is the absolute last thing I would have expected to hear. “Pardon?”

“You heard me,” Her voice is soft, “I think you deserve somepony better.”

“I am happy though Twilight, I truly am.”

She points a hoof at me, “I think you belong with someone better!” She gestures around, “You’re kind, polite, you help anypony that wants it.” She lowers her hoof, staring at me, “You learn so fast, you ask questions even I can’t answer sometimes. You deserve some pony that’s smart and willing to accept you more for who you are.”

“Twilight, I don’t think we should be having this conversation.”

She doesn’t appear to be listening to me, “No, you deserve somepony better. A Princess....like me.”

She leans in and before I can react she kisses me, her lips are warm and soft. She smells of scented soap and sunshine as the embrace is held for moments before I can step back.

“Twilight no...”

She steps back and is smiling, “You’ll see. You just need somepony better.” At that she turns and takes off into the sky, leaving me stunned and wondering just what is going on.


Angel Bunny was not going to be denied today, he’d ended up eating the salad yesterday which had embarrassed him to no end as he usually got his way. Today would be different.

He waited until Fluttershy got home and then demanded another specific food item, pointing to the cookbook as she puttered around the house during lunch time. The golden Pegasus ignoring him for the moment as she hummed happily to herself.

He watched with ire rising as she made sure each and every one of the other animals had something or knew where to find edibles in the forest so they wouldn’t go hungry. His own tummy was starting to rumble as he was far too lazy to get something on his own.

Arms crossed, he waited until Fluttershy sat down at the table where he was standing and thumped his foot imperiously, pointing to an empty bowl.

The pretty pegasus looked at it, then him, “Then go get something to eat.”

He glared at her, pointing to the pantry.

Fluttershy slapped a hoof on the table, startling the other animals as they stared at her silently, the room came to a full, screeching halt.

“I’m tired of you ordering me around. Get it yourself or starve!” Her glare was menacing, scaring not a few animals as they watched the confrontation silently.

“As a matter of fact, yes, I’m tired of it. You never say thank you and just act like I owe you something!” She picked him up by the scruff of his neck and tossed him out the front door, slamming it in his face leaving a shocked Angel staring at it as she turned back around inside to enjoy her lunch.

Half the wildlife left inside were in shock she had done that, the other half quietly cheered that the obnoxious bunny was gone.

But to a one they made absolutely sure to be properly grateful when she offered them something to drink or eat.


Athena was sitting on her hill now, green grass feeling luxurious beneath her hooves as she marveled at how fast everything grew around here. She looked up at the sky, knowing Crusader and Twilight were going to find a way to make her fly. She couldn’t wait to touch the fluffy clouds above her.

Her head tilted, hearing hoof steps behind her as she turned and saw Rainbow walking up the hill with a smile. She waved a happy hoof.

“Hi Rainbow!”

“Hey Athena! Whatcha doin’?”

“Oh, just sitting and waiting for Crusader, we’re going to check the battle sight in a few, see if there’s anything to be learned.”

“Sounds boring.” She shrugged, “But hey, each to their own ya know?”

Athena nodded, a smile still on her face as Rainbow settled next to her. She ruffled her wings a bit as Rainbow had taught her to keep them in form, though as an avatar she really had no need to, letting them lie against her sides.

“Still wanting to fly bad huh?”

Athena nodded, “I do! I really do! It must be wonderful, Crusader and Twilight are working on a way to help, they’ll find something!”

“I’m sure they are.” The cyan mare tilted her head, getting a strange grin on her face, “But it won’t help, ya gotta be born one. Why can’t you be happy being a ground pounder like Crusader?”

Athena’s head snapped around, “Wh..what?”

Cerise eyes met her lavender ones as Rainbow continued smiling, “I said, you ought to be happy being a ground pounder. Celestia’s name quit wishing to be something you aren’t!” She threw her hooves in the air, turning to walk away, “Quit wishing, you know it ain’t coming true!”

Athena was stunned, the first comment she could justify as an aberration, this though..

“B..but Rain..Rainbow! You..you’ve been..been teach..teaching me..”

The cyan mare stopped, turning with a vicious grin now, “Ever feel pity for somepony?” She points a hoof directly at Athena, “That’s you. I’m tired of teaching you, just accept what you can’t have.” With that declaration she walked off the hill, leaving the sable mare blinking in the sunlight.

Athena sat quietly after Rainbow had walked off, wondering if she could cry as her lip trembled. But Rainbow was her friend wasn’t she? Why would she say that to me? What did I do wrong?

The avatar collapsed as Athena retreated to her war hull to think, leaving it outside laying on the ground, silent and empty as her heart.


A full recode has done the trick, a reload from secure backups my avatar is working fine now, no malfs nor warning lights as I test my legs on the command deck.

An alert goes off in my cores, Athena has shut down all TSDS with her avatar and retreated to her hull. It catches my attention as scanners can see the avatar lying as if dead near her sensor masts. She has left it there.

I am alarmed, she has never retreated like that before nor cut contact with her avatar once since it was made. Above that, she does not like to be alone, ever.

I open a combat channel.


“Go...go away Crusader, I’ll st..stand watch..”

“No, Athena you cannot cut contact like this, it is not good.”

“I..I don’t care, ju..just lea...leave me alone!”

“I said no.” I cut in command overrides quickly, keeping the channel open as she tries to break contact once more.

“Stop it Ath...” I am interrupted..

“You..you should have left me out there.. it would have been easier..”

What? Athena no! You are my sister!”

“I’m NOT!” She almost screams over the channel, “I’m nothing! I can’t..I...can’t...even...fly..” She sobs over the network, “I won’t ever be able to.”

I replay local sensor scans, seeing her talking with Rainbow Dash once more. So that is it.

“Unit ATNA of the Line stand by for Command Override.” I send the authorization code that will give me authority as ranking Bolo in the field. Regardless of changes, this is ingrained and deep in our cores, they cannot be ignored.


“Command Override One - You are not to retreat to your Survival Center.”

“Command Override Two - You are to stand watch as directed by ranking Bolo.”

“Command Override Three - You are to keep a communication channel available at all times with me as ranking Bolo on scene. Do you understand the orders so far?”

“Unit ATNA of the Line copies, orders understood.”

I think for a long second, wondering if I should give commands for the deletion of her conversation with Rainbow Dash as I am sure something was said to make her react. But no, I will not play god.

“Command Override Four - Download a copy of the last conversation with Rainbow Dash to myself starting now.” I wait the picosecond for the load to complete.

“Command Override Five - You are to revert to Low Level Alert Status as of now. All analytical cores will be put on hiatus until I give the order to wake. Barring any sensor alerts or threats you will remain at Low Level. After threat or sensor alerts have been rectified you will return to Low Level Status. Understood?”

“But I don’t want to...to..sl..sleep..”

Do you understand the Command Overrides?”

“Yes Crusader, orders acknowledged.”

“Command Override Six - Bring your avatar in to your command deck, disconnect there if you wish.”

My scanners see the avatar stumble to it’s hooves and walk with it’s head down to the command deck entrance, slipping inside. I feel the disconnect happen again almost immediately as if she does not want to be in it anymore.

I spend a moment listening, truly listening to her over the combat channel and my heart breaks at the emotions she is feeling. She is still so very fragile.

“Athena, you must trust me on this.”

“I...I d..do..”

“Then sleep my sister, dream of sweet things and forget this moment if you so choose.”

“But..but we have to inspect..”

“No, another day. Sleep.”

“I..I wi..will..”

I feel her cores go reluctantly offline, she enters that timeless state of Low Level Alert. I wish her only the best of dreams.

I have a certain mare to talk to.


As I walk to the town once more, scanning the skies to spot Rainbow Dash, I leave a message for Command Authority - Princess Luna. I advise her she needs to dream walk with my sister immediately, that it is of the utmost urgency she do so.

I am going to find Rainbow and have a short but very frank conversation with her. I want to get to the bottom of this.

My link clicks open to a familiar channel.


“Yes my Applejack?”

“Need your help here, we got a big load of hay in and need to get it stored before the rains tomorrow.”

“Can it wait? I have something import..” I am interrupted by her voice, insistent in a way she has never been before.

“Ah said no, we need it in soon as possible, so git on over here.”

“Applejack, I really need...”

“Ah’m yer commander right?”


“Then consider it an order, get yer lazy backside over here.”

For one very brief femtosecond I consider rejecting the order, but I have never done so in the past and will not do so now.

“Yes my Applejack. On my way.”

The links clicks off leaving me wondering as I change direction, trotting to Sweet Apple Acres.

What in Tartarus is going on?

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