• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Thoughts, Victories and Love.

I am still looking out the window, speaking to my lost brothers and sisters as I hear the door open. I know who it is and I brace myself for what’s to come. I prepare apologies, assurances, anything I can to make her understand what I am doing is the only way. I can only apologize, beg forgiveness, do what I can to make sure she understands it hurts more than she can imagine.

But I am stopped by the warmth against my back, the legs wrapping around me and pulling me tight. A kiss on the ear, the lips as my head is turned.

I stare into those wonderful eyes, flecked with points of gold that shimmer in the moonlight.

“I love you ya know that?”

“I do, and I love you so very much Applejack.”

She sighs, leaning against my shoulders, “You know you should have talked to me first.”

“I do, and you would have said no. I am sorry, you do not know how much I regret it. The thought of losing her, and you, would kill me. I swear to you Applejack, once I am inside my war hull I will do whatever it takes to make sure they are safe and can do the mission. I promise you.”

“You haven’t broken a promise yet...”

“I never intend to".

“Ah know. She’s just young, she doesn’t understand it really. Sometimes even I have a hard time understandin’ ya.”

“I think she understands more than anypony gives her credit for. Ponies are intelligent, inquisitive, and she exemplifies that.” I chuckle, “You also understand more than you let on, farm mare.”

I get cuffed gently on the ear again, “Doncha go spreadin’ anything like that. Got folks fooled so I can bargain mah apples for more ya know.”

I smile at her, “ You call me sneaky, but I truly wonder..”

A warning hoof is waved in my face, “Nuh uh, don’t even start. Ah’m happy this way and it’ll stay this way.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

“It better be.” She smiles in return, “Ah jes’ worry bout Apple Bloom, she’s young, got her whole life ahead of her.”

“She still will. Once I am inside my war hull she will be safe, I will do what I have to. If that means burning cores, I will.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Burning a core means I lose part of myself, memories, things I have saved over the years. If that is what it takes, I shall do so. She will be safe. I can rebuild what I need.”

She turns my head towards her, looking into my eyes, “Don’t you lose yourself, hear me? You come back, cause Apple Bloom would miss ya somethin’ fierce. So would I.”

“There are no guarantees in this kind of fight my Applejack. I can only say I will do my very best.”

“Then if that’s the best you can offer, I’ll take it.” She leans in and kisses me again warmly, I hold her tight to myself.

“I am a skilled combat unit Applejack, I will win this fight. I am faster and more motivated than Masada. It has nothing to fight for except destruction, I have something.”

“What’s that?”

“You, my new home, Apple Bloom,” I wave a hoof around, “Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” I chuckle a bit, “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and yes Pinkie. I am fighting for something tangible, it does not have that. It knows nothing about it. It gives me the edge.”

She keeps looking at my face as I make my statement.

“I have so much to lose. I am so much more than I was, or could ever have hoped to be. I will not lose this fight.” I slap a hoof on the bed, anger rising in me, “Even Discord I will do this for. Princess Celestia and everypony else has shown me the value of forgiveness. Though I think it will be long in coming for this little problem.”

Applejack smiled, giving a good loud laugh, “Oh you bet on that one. I tell ya he’s stepped in something bad this time, don’t think the Princesses are gonna let him off the hook so easily.”

“Let’s hope not.” I shake my head, “Such a simple thing turned into so many problems.” I sigh a bit, holding her close, “Maybe I shouldn’t have done this, made a pony, brought this trouble here.”

Applejack knew how to soothe, she was one of a kind really, “Stop that.” She leaned back into the pillows, bringing me with her, “Be kinda strange not to be able to just cuddle somepony ya know. I got nothin’ against this.”

I snuggled close, kissing her lips, warm and inviting, “You’re right, I don’t regret it then.”

Nodding, she strokes a hoof down my mane and smiles at me once more, “Good, then let’s both get some sleep, we got ourselves a busy day tomorrow.”

I accede to the request happily and close my eyes. We are starting before the sun rises.


It is only a few hours later, everypony has been busy creating mock drones, making the tunnel way for real to practice in. I am amazed at what magic can do. I shall never quite understand it, but it gets things done and quickly.

I believe the smiths have done a better job than I had expected. Long ago Pegasi were feared for dropping out of the sky, slamming a foe to the ground and pinning them. This was accomplished by using a type of short javelin. It is wickedly barbed, it cannot be pulled out without extensive damage. I watch as Spitfire and her team use it against a mockup of a drone, it is highly effective. It will stick and cause imbalance in the flight, forcing it from the skies.

I am pleased, they are graceful and strong. Watching them fly and attacking the dummy they are fearsome. They had been practicing through the night, and they are extremely well trained. I think Masada is not going to like this at all, and that fills me with a glee I never expected.

We go over the plans one last time, I tell them there should only be four drones, but to expect anything. Once Masada has targeted them, they will be in extreme danger.

The sweaty smiling ponies just laugh, a confidence I am sure they do not really feel. I can see the nervousness, the hesitation in their eyes. But that is fine, fear is a motivator, use it and you will overcome. Succumb to it and you die, we all know that.

Spitfire glanced to the pony watching them, walking over and setting her war dart aside, “What do you think so far?”

Crusader looked at her calmly, “I think you will earn another honor for yourselves this day Spitfire.”

The gold mare looks at her team, swarming the drone, “I think if we get out of this without injury that will be enough.”

“It is all anypony can ask Spitfire.”

She looked at the stallion, standing there critiquing every move or flap of wings. “Nopony has told me much about this, they’re keeping it very hush hush. What’s going on?”

The deep blue eyes met hers for a moment, “You’re helping to save the world Spitfire. Is that enough?”

She thinks for a moment, shaking her head, “No, no that’s not enough. I owe it to them to let them know. What is going on?”

I hesitate for a moment, then draw her aside. I tell her the story, of my transformation, the threat of Masada and what will happen to this planet if we do not stop this. She is silent while I do so, at some points I can see the unbelief in her eyes, but I still continue, filling her in on what Apple Bloom will be doing as well. That others are risking their lives, not just them.

Spitfire eyeballs the stallion for a moment, “If it was anypony else I’d say you were nuts. But the Princesses have told us this is extremely important. I have a feeling what you said is true. But if anypony on my team gets hurt, I’ll hold you responsible.”

“As it should be Spitfire, I am a big part of this. The responsibility is mine. I will accept that, and any punishment that comes with it. I grieve already for what has been done for me. I can do no less than that.”

The gold mare watched him walk away, a bit of sadness in his face as he did so. Picking up her war dart, she knew in an hour they would be going up against the real thing. Leaping into the air she attacked the dummy with everything she had, “For Equestria!”

I hear her behind me, attacking with renewed vigor. But I have not lied, the grief is real, I shall always grieve for those who sacrificed for me. Carrying that with me into my own fight I resolve I will be victorious, or I will burn every core inside my war hull. I will not leave this threat again.


I visit Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, receiving cheerful hugs. They are practicing on a mockup of the access ways. Simple tunnels, learning how to move quickly and to the cores. I watch as they bounce into the simulated hatch ways, bounding down the corridors and into the core, setting off a gem with a flash of light, also emulating the real one. They are fast, determined and they do not make a single mistake.

I see Applejack watching her sister, her pride showing at how smooth she is. Strong and fast as any full grown Apple mare. She is setting speed records, Scootaloo behind, shoving her into the access tunnel and following. They have stripped the time down to seconds. I watch them do it again and again, never tiring, taking breaks only when told to. Such dedication you can only wish for.

“We got it Crusader! We’re gonna be in that tunnel ‘fore anypony knows it!” Apple Bloom sips from a glass of water, taking a break as she grins up at me.

“I think the Concordiat Marines would be proud to have you.”

She tilts her head, “Is that a good thing?”

I laugh, setting beside the two sweaty fillies, “They were feared Apple Bloom. They were only human, not like me. But their fierceness and honor stood above all men. They were respected always, and when you saw them on the battlefield soldiers rejoiced. They knew salvation was at hand. I remember them, I can see their forms in the thick of battle, bringing their comrades out to safety and going back. They were the epitome’ of courage. They stood on fields fighting beside us, the Bolos. They were true heroes.”

“What’s epi..e..pity..me?” Scootaloo gets a puzzled look on her face.

Applejack hugs me from behind as I explain, “It means the peak, them above all. That they were the ones others looked to when they needed an example of courage, honor and strength.”

“In other words, they were the best Scoots.” Applejack translates for me when I get a bit wordy.

Apple Bloom hoofbumps Scootaloo, “Cutie Mark Crusader Marines! Yay!”

“I don’t think there’s a Cutie Mark for that yet little fillies. Maybe you’ll be the first?”

That got their attention as they ran back to the mockup, working even harder now, though Applejack and I could see them peeking at their flanks now and then. It makes me wonder, would there be such a mark? Would the magic of Equestria allow somepony to have such a thing? Truly something to ponder as I remember those towering forms, fighting in areas where only Bolos could go. Their augmented strength and bodies powerful beyond reason, their courage as tall as they were.

I watch the two young fillies, never faltering, never tripping; their actions only getting better by the minute. I am so very proud of my former commander. They truly have the dedication of a Bolo.


It is time, I watch as Spitfire and her team take to the skies, their target the drone over the Everfree. Hopefully they have all returned to post or this will be a short fight. I can only wait as they are too far for my eyes.


Spitfire hovered close to Soarin, seeing Rapidfire and Fleetfoot bank off to the left. They were out of uniform, as sleek as they could be carrying four darts apiece. It should be enough to handle one drone.

She watched closely, making sure they did not get within sight of those guns, knowing what they could do, when a blur from the corner of her eye caught her attention.
She whipped her head around, seeing the shimmering shape in her eyesight now, pointing to it and nudging Soarin with a wing. A whistle was given to the other pair and they split up, two from the bottom, two from the top diving from the sun.

Fleetfoot caught the signal, pushing Rapidfire upwards as they came out of the sun, brandishing their darts like warriors of old. Both pegasi were screaming in, wings folded back like delta wing fighters as they tore through the air. They could see Spitfire and Soarin coming up from below, pushing hard to make the meet.

They waited until the last moment, darts close to their bodies, then suddenly pushing them forward bracing themselves for impact.

The steel heads slammed into the drone, pinning it in the air as the two pairs flashed past each other, banking hard for another round. Spitfire flipped over, grabbing another dart and rushing back in as they saw the drone begin to spark, listing to one side and diving for the ground.

Fleetfoot grabbed a dart from her back, gritting her teeth as she tore in again beside Rapidfire. Both of them homing in on their designated spots. Her wings pinned back as she tore through the sunny skies, Rapidfire right beside her diving in at tremendous speed.

Soarin was right beside Spitfire, seeing the gleeful look on her face as she dove in again, wings tilting. He matched her pin for pin as they saw the drone get closer in their sights, then slamming past it with less weight, leaving a dart behind in the drone.

All four pegasi had rushed back in, smashing the barbed darts right into the exact points they’d practiced on. Seeing the drone smoke, then suddenly give a belch as it toppled over blasting into the ground below. They raised hooves to each other and sped upwards, bursting into a flower to gain distance between them.

Raising a hoof in the air Spitfire gave a yell, then motioned them to get the Tartarus out of there, seeing the sensor posts start swinging weapons their way. They slammed into a low dive, skimming the treetops to slalom through the branches gleefully, not wanting to wait to tell the story when they got back.

First kill went to the Wonderbolts! What a story Spitfire would have when they got back to Canterlot!


It seems they have come back victorious, I see Spitfire and the others laughing as they tell the story of downing the drone. I have told them, form here on out it gets more dangerous. That drone was not registering them as an enemy, now they are. I do not mind confidence, but overly so will get somepony hurt. But for now, the victory is theirs and well earned.

I watch as they take a rest, resupplying their spears. Then they hit the skies again, this time for the drone over Fluttershy’s house.


Soarin wanted this one, he’d watched Spitfire and wanted to impress her a bit. But of course they’d been warned, the first one was easy. The second, third and fourth were going to get tougher, Spitfire had told them, so he’d better be on top of his game.

He was, or thought so as he banked around, looking down below to see Fluttershy’s house, averting his eyes just slightly to catch a glimpse of the drone. Crusader said it had a sort of camouflage on it, made it hard to see. But by looking out the side of your eye, you could maybe..THERE!

Here was his chance! He broke formation and dove at the blur in the sky, Spitfire following him as she yelled at him to stop!

He turned and gave her a grin, he was doing fine. Until the ripping sound of a repeater firing broke his little reverie, the bullets making a whickering noise as they slapped past him in the air. He stopped and dropped out of the air, getting out of the target area as he fought to gain lost height.

The drone had unstealthed, below the fuselage was now a rotating set of barrels they all knew from going ‘Under the Gun’. Only these were far far more deadly. Spiraling up and out of reach of each other, Fleetfoot dodging down under Rapidfire, splitting their movements and making it seem like one was the other, confusing the simple AI that ran the drone.

Spitfire clocked Soarin upside the ear as she flashed past, readying her dart. She signaled to the two others, pointing at the top of the drone. They were to keep it busy while she tried to disable it. They spotted her and kept flipping, their acrobatics getting faster and faster as they dove and wove, taking banks and turns that complimented each other, baffling the simple targeting array. If Masada felt the need to take over, they’d be dead, so they needed to disable it quickly.

Spitfire dove, Soarin was coming back up behind the drone from his fateful first maneuver, he was lagging a bit behind. She gripped the drone in front of the tail-fin, her hooves tight as she plunged a dart into the engine cells, simply tipping off to the side to pop her wings open and glide away. Soarin followed her, coming up under the weapon. He put a barb directly into the motor, causing the rotation to stop, giving Fleetfoot and Rapidfire their chances.

Breaking off their moves, they plunged up and over, a sort of Pegasus Immelman. Their spears to the fore, they rammed down into the drone body, putting the steel heads through the skin and into the electronics.

Sparks ravaged the heads of the spears, causing Rapidfire and Fleetfoot to let them go a bit early, diving off to the side as the drone fell over. They watched as the smashed drone fell and shattered into the forest near Fluttershy’s cottage.

High-hoofing, they made their way back to Canterlot, one more under the Wonderbolt’s belts.


I see them come back for another resupply, two drones down. Now it gets precarious. Masada will know they are hunting the drones. I do not know what he will do, but we have advised that ponies get off the streets in Ponyville and Canterlot. This will protect them better than in the open I am sure. The houses of Ponyville are sturdy and made with thick timbers. Canterlot is mostly stone, but anypony caught outside will be in for a bad time while the pony-fight is going on.


The drone over Ponyville was not even stealthed, it was waiting for them.

A repeater dropped down under the fuselage and opened fire as they swept in, dodging as fast as they could, every muscle aching now. They dropped, spun, spiraled, every trick in the book as they got closer to the flying weapon. They all saw the small tracks left in the Ponyville street, small craters from rounds hitting the dirt.

Soarin suddenly twisted with a yelp, seeing a bloody trail along his side, he had to drop to the ground below. Scurrying for cover, he kept an eye on the fight above him. The three pegasi were getting closer, but not fast enough, the drone was maneuvering in opposition. It wasn’t just patrolling, it was actively hunting them.

They twisted and turned, leading the drone a bit farther in the opposite direction from Crusader’s hill, keeping far out of range of the deadly guns. The drone followed like a slavering hound out for blood. The gun tilted and whirred, spitting needles their way. They had a hard time keeping out of the line of fire as they brought it to a safer place to exterminate.

Rapidfire ducked in, launching a dart, smacking it on the sensor cluster, breaking lenses as he dove away. Spitfire was rolling in, coming from out of the sun when she spotted the tilt of a wing, the barrels coming up to greet her with death. Out of the sky to her right a cyan blur cracked the sky, Rainbow Dash gritting her teeth as she sped into the fight; her dart whacking into the side of the drone as she sped past. The steel sinking deeply into the nose, crucifying the electronics.

Spitfire grinned, the thing was off balance now. She and Fleetfoot whipped in a caduceus like spiral, swapping places and diving suddenly to smash hooves against the drone. The sharp hooves causing the skin to buckle as the two mares rammed barbed points into the electronics and fuel cells, causing the drone to tilt and go down, crashing into a pile of dirt on the outskirts of town.


One more time they come in. They are tired, their chests heaving, but they smile and give hoofbumps all around. I am sure they are aching from the exertion. Only one more to go right above us. I cannot see it, but we know it is there, the last; it should make Masada pause a bit. It might still need the eyes in the sky, but it will want to conserve everything for the final strike. Maybe we can get it to go into a recursive loop, that would do nicely.

Soarin is out of action, having taken a grazing shot from a couple of rounds. They are not deep, but he will be laid up for a while. Once I can get back inside, presumably I can heal him faster. There is time as he is not gravely wounded.

I watch Rainbow Dash, receiving her just praise for the help in the last drone attack. Oh the pride in those eyes, seeing her chest puff out as her friends gather, giving her the accolades she deserves. But all too soon she streaks into the sky after the Wonderbolts, a last ditch weapon Masada cannot possibly understand.


Spitfire directed her team to scatter, she knew that the thing would be looking for them. Taking no chances, she gave Rainbow Dash the order to stay back, if anything untoward happened, she was to punch in at high speed with her darts.

They spiraled up into the clear sky, looking for their enemy.

It doesn’t even bother to wait, it comes shearing through the blue sky with a scream of engines, a stuttering roar of it’s repeaters as the team split in different directions. It does not pause, it zeros in on Fleetfoot and goes after her, the barrels swiveling around for the best kill shot.

The arctic blue Pegasus stands on her wingtip, flipping over gracefully and diving towards Canterlot, her wings tilting to catch the air as she spirals tighter than the drone can move. The repeater cannot follow all the way, having stops preventing it from rotating 360 degrees in case of shooting it’s own tail fins off. It does however get off a few rounds at the pretty pegasi, smacking feathers off her wings as she comes close to disaster.

Spitfire roars out of the sky, slashing the side of the drone open for Rapidfire to followup with another spear. Plunging it deep he nails the electronics inside, causing malfunctions.

Another stutter comes from a different direction, a second drone!

It sings its song of death from above, firing and twisting at the pegasus surrounding the first drone. Rapidfire is hit, he tumbles in the sky, his wings barely keeping him aloft. Fleetfoot tries to gain height but her feathers are shot, she merely spirals in a holding pattern as she dances around trying to get the drones attention.

Spitfire is weighing the options when she hears it from behind. The sound of something pushing the sound barrier. Knowing exactly who it is she waits while flipping and twisting, the cyan blur once more speeding past her, as Rainbow’s dart hits the new drone dead on center, a rainboom appears, the shock and colors confusing the two drones and allowing Spitfire to give them the finishing touches. She pushes her darts into one drone, then the next, making sure they go deep into the fuel cells. Watching them spiral out of the sky down the mountainside.

A flash of burning fuel and a small explosion from each tell them their fate as Spitfire and Rainbow grab Rapidfire and Fleetfoot, helping them back home.


Ponies crowd around the returning warriors. Helping Rapidfire and Fleetfoot into medical areas. Hopefully not too badly hit, but I do see quite a bit of blood from Rapids’ leg. I can do nothing but stay out of the way and hope for the best. Poor Fleetfoot has had a few feathers shot off, her wings are looking a bit disheveled. But she is in high spirits, being in on the kills and high-hoofing anypony that wants it.

Spitfire is standing back a bit, letting her team mates soak up the affection. I see her smiling warmly as she watches the ponies crowd around.

Rainbow Dash of course, is Rainbow Dash. I am sure she is in the middle telling of her part, quite loudly. It’s was worrisome, the second drone spooked everypony, but thanks to quick thinking was taken down. Now it is all up to seeing if Princess Celestia can get that idiot Discord back here.


Pinkie of course, always being Pinkie, felt the need for a party to celebrate. Things like this rarely if ever happened, so she was going to put on her best.

Commandeering the Royal Ballroom at the Princesses behest, she had it adorned with streamers, balloons and banners in no time. She had dragooned ponies to help with the setting up and was working them hard as she shot out of the room, returning with a quartet of musicians, a seriously annoyed Octavia among them.

“Miss Pie, did you have to interrupt our practice?” She asked with an aggrieved tone as she held her cello close.

“I needed music! We’ve got a victory party to put on!” The pinky floofy mare bounced in place, her smile never leaving her face.

“But I’m sure what we have is not appropriate for such a party.” Her mind rummaged through music she knew.

“It doesn’t matter! Something nice, light and fun! I’m sure you have that!”

The gray earth pony thought, then nodded, “I’m sure we have something. Yes, yes I think so.”

“GREAT!” Pinkie hugged her tight, showing her to the stage as she left to finish setting up.

Looking at the three ponies with her, she motioned for them to set up, figuring a victory party is just as well as a Grand Galloping Gala. It was all about the music, and she so loved to play.


It is late afternoon, and I am in my room worrying, I myself am trying to think of ways to get in touch with Discord and not coming up with much. I do not have the abilities others have and am frustrated.

Slapping the table with a hoof, I turn and look out the window over Canterlot. So much like the old Arthurian legends, I wonder if somehow human influence seeped down through the millennia.

Hanging my head in frustration, hooves tapping the windowsill I do not hear Applejack come in until she wraps her forelegs around me from behind.

“Hey, we got us a party to attend there Crusader.”

“Oh. Please don’t mind me Applejack, go have fun. I think it’s well deserved.” I would remain and try to puzzle out how to contact Discord.

“Nuh uh, how would it look me going to a party without mah coltfriend. Ain’t gonna happen.” She tugs at me, pulling me away from the window. “C’mon, let’s go celebrate bein‘ alive.”’

Who would have ever thought I would be alive. Living, it is truly an experience others take for granted. I have enjoyed my life so far, barring anything else. I am with a mare I love so very much, I have friends who truly enjoy being with me. I do not want this to end, but I must get back inside my war hull, I must win against that malevolent thing inside it.

We enter the Royal Ballroom Applejack tells me, I see hundreds upon hundreds of ponies in there, with space still left, it is truly amazing. Pinkie has out done herself this time, I see her shooting from place to place, refilling trays, punch bowls, having a wonderful time making ponies smile. I believe she is at her best at this moment.

I stop, listening for a moment as I hear a very familiar tune from the quartet on the stage. It is Vivaldi’s Spring! I sit and listen, closing my eyes and experiencing it in a way I never have. I let the notes and the strings flow through me as I could never when I was a Bolo. I see now why the music was so loved, so wanted and cherished. It lifts the heart, the soul, telling of better things to come.

Applejack leans against me as I tell her about the music, the same I had played for her before when I was just a voice. It also triggers a memory for me, I politely tell Applejack what I intend to do and she agrees with a smile, letting me go with a warm kiss on the lips.

I approach the shy golden pegasus, hanging around the punchbowl as I lean in close.

“Miss Fluttershy, I believe I owe you a dance.”

“I..oh you don’t have to Crusader... I mean..” She looks around at all the ponies in the ballroom, with more coming in every minute.

Gently taking her hoof, I lead her on the dance floor, “Just look at me Fluttershy, don’t pay attention to anypony else, just look at me.”

She tries to hide inside her mane, almost succeeding which is amazing in itself, but she takes my hoof and we move slowly together. I am not much of a dancer, but she is graceful, and wonderful to see dancing.

Her eyes never leave mine, I make sure of this so as not to trigger her shyness. I keep talking to her, smiling and in low tones. She is enjoying herself, thought it is hard to tell. Her smile is warm, and she actually giggles at my misstep. She forgives my lack of courtly graces as we continue to spin around the dance floor. Her mane and tail flowing outward as she enjoys herself on the dance floor.

I owe her this and much more, the day when I played the music for everypony. She treated me like I was as real as she was and I never forgot, I would never forget.

We waltz around the floor for a few songs, letting the music take us both away to a place of sunshine and warm days. It truly is magical, this place and the notes coming from the quartet.

She is grace itself as she bows, moving around slowly, leading me in unfamiliar steps. I can see Applejack and Twilight off to the side, smiling as they see their friend actually dancing in front of a crowd. I keep telling Fluttershy, reassuring her it is just us and nopony else.

All too soon the music ends for an interlude, and I bow to her, thanking her very kindly for the dance. I lean in and kiss her blushing cheek, showing appreciation for being my friend as I lead her off the floor to stand beside Twilight and the others.

I am politely thanked in a very low voice by the golden pegasus, as she scampers off to somewhere behind us all. I leave her alone, it would not do to press the issue, but I do hope she enjoyed it as much as I.

Rarity of course is scandalized Pinkie would use such a place for a simple party. I can see her meaning, but not everything has to be fancy I am thinking. Or maybe that may just be me hanging around Applejack so much. I enjoy the conversation around me, hearing the different points of view. It is nice to just sit and listen sometimes.

We all watch as Twilight goes to join the other Princesses, announcing the accomplishment of the Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow is so happy I think her heart might burst, standing beside her idols as well as being honored among them. It truly is a wonderful evening. After the pronouncement, she rejoins us with Twilight. Of course she cannot stop talking about what happened and how she helped down the drones. It is her night.

It is a wonderful party, truly Pinkie is the best and I can see why. After everything slows down, Applejack and myself retire to our room along with the others. There is only one thing left to do, find Discord and get me inside my cores so I can eliminate Masada.

I cannot help but look out the window towards Ponyville, hoping beyond hope that everything goes well when it comes down to the wire. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are risking themselves not just for a cutie mark, but for me and everypony. I castigate myself for this, over and over. I am used to risking my existence for others, not the reverse.

My head is turned by an insistent hoof, once more she is staring at me in concern.

“You need ta stop that.”

“I cannot, I am to blame for this. I should have taken steps to prevent anything like this but I could not plan for it all. We are supposed to be powerful, unwavering, solicitous in out duties and I have failed time and again.”

“Ah don’t think so. You’ve made good friends, you’ve made ponies come together like nothing before. It’s really somethin’ to see.”

“I was foalnapped, that’s why.” I give her a rueful smile.

Once again she cuffs me on the ear gently, I think it is getting sore.

“Stop it. You know they did it cause of you and the friends you’ve made. You’ve got to stop. All that does is burn ya up inside.”

I nod, “I will try. But there will be some times I can not. Please understand, I am supposed to protect, not be protected. It is an unusual circumstance for me.”

Applejack laughs, “Oh so it’s all about yer ego? Well then, typical stallion stuff.”

“Wait, I did not mean..”

She pushes against my chest with a hoof lightheartedly, “Typical stuff, big ego, cain’t stand being coddled and whatnot. Yeah I’ve seen it.”

I find myself willing to defend my position, “I am not, I assure you it is not the case.”

“There go them big words,” She replies, slipping into her ‘typical farm mare’ routine. “Everytime ya get flustered you start talkin’ like that.”

“That is not...” Wait..she is right. Every time I find myself in a quandary I start talking like the old me. How the hay does she do that?

“How do you...?”

She leans in, kissing me and drawing me down to the pillows, I join her, wrapping my fore legs around her in return.

“It’s called bein’ in love ya dolt. Ponies tend to do that when they get close, seeing how other folks act.”

“I surrender, you’ve got me figured out I suppose.”

She is silent for a few moments, looking at me warmly as the moonlight comes in through the open window. The slight breeze catching her blonde mane as we just enjoy being with each other for a minute.

“You know I’ve never been with anypony before...” She leaves that statement open. I am confused at it.

“I dont understand, you’ve been with your friends, your family.”

I get cuffed on the ear again, if this is love, it truly does hurt.

“I didn’t mean that way ya dunderhead, I mean..uhm..” She looks away for a second, her eyes returning to mine with a bit of a hopeful, imploring look that I might understand.

My eyes move around a bit as I rummage my memories trying to figure out the oblique meaning, then it finally hits me.

“You mean..I..we..oh...OH!.. With with..uh..oh.” I’m sure my eyes widen as I find myself blushing harder than I had ever thought to be, or would.

I have absolutely no clue what to say or even do. A fearsome fighting machine such as myself and I would rather hide behind a rock right now.

“I..me neither Applejack. I’ve never even thought... I mean I would never suggest anything untoward.”

“You thought just to keep on like we been?”

“Well.. of course. Because I can’t... I mean I’m not ...real...” Wait a second. For a Bolo I am tremendously stupid, acting as if I were my avatar this whole time.

She pokes me in the chest, “You’re pretty real right now. You been eatin’ and sleepin’. How’s that not real?

I nod, “ I have been thinking, even though I am alive, as if I were a machine Applejack..I..even.. But I.. I don’t know what the proper thing is to do.. Your customs on this...uhm.. I’ve never inquired. I mean.. Should we be married?”

I see her in the silver light, blushing deeply as she pulls me close, “We can figure that out afterwards.”

I do not know what to say so I kiss her, our lips meet and melt together as I rest up against her strong body. She is beautiful in so many ways, but I must be honest. I have not the foggiest idea of what to do next.

She is mischievous actually, surprising me as we lose ourselves with each other. We explore, find new things, share laughter and a bit of embarrassment. But we find our way, showing each other what love can truly mean when two hearts are so bonded they have more than a physical connection. It is almost magic, a lightness upon the soul when you are with the one you care for.

If this is living I choose not to leave, or find a way to get back to being in this moment, these hours of stolen time against a sentence on this world. It is ours alone, just her and myself. We share in the meaning and the acts of love, showing each other how much we both care.

Feelings I have never had flow through me. I revel in her joy, listening to her say how she loves me and keeping it within my heart forever. I try and return it to her tenfold, letting her know it is not one-sided.

Under the moonlight we become more than two separate souls, we join forever.


I sleep under the bright sky. Resting under a tree in my dreams as the sun lights the sky, warm and soft upon my face.

Nothing can take this night from me, ever.

“Hello puppet.”


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