• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Act V - Doubts, When We Give of Ourselves, Princess Luna's Decision, A Road You Cannot Travel.

Author's Note:

My apologies for the lateness of the chapter, I am fighting an illness that's slowing me down. Too much work, not enough rest.

So hopefully this chapter will be up to snuff.

Lao Tzu once wrote, “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

Celestia stared out along the featureless plain, the gray light that suffused everything making it mute and lifeless. There was no morning, no night, just the awful sameness that permeated her and her little ponies.

She smiled warmly at any who approached, answering questions as best she could, being honest to a fault as well. She did not know where they were, why no magic worked or even could be started.

There was no hunger, no thirst, nor encouragement to drift into sleep. It was nothing but the dullness of a place unknown without even anything to catch the eye except for small rocks. She watched as some tried to run off into different directions, only to reappear in the opposite, suggesting to her a closed loop. They could not escape, nor could they imagine it.

There had been screams of agony penetrating the plains, twice the ponies heard a cacophony of rage and pain, making them huddle near their Princess for comfort. Princess Celestia gave them all the safety she could while hiding a small smile, assuming what the sounds could only be.

Oh evil thing, you do not know what you have unleashed in the world. My sister was once Nightmare Moon, powerful and feral in her actions during the civil war before her banishment. She was all that was feared by ponies everywhere and not a few allies, she was strong, relentless and fierce.

You would have done better to take her than myself, for I am warm, placid and I share my love with all my little ponies the best I can. I raise the sun, bringing the light of the new day to all my cherished ones, sharing with them what I feel in my breast.

For her it was just yesterday when the war was being waged, bringing our powers to their fullest, campaigns of strike and counter strike. But a thousand years have passed, I have lived long though I have never forgotten those days. War is but a distant memory to me and I would keep it that way.

But her, oh thing of evil, her you have let loose to your detriment. She is the fire of a forge that burns so brightly and hot it would melt the finest steel within its grasp in seconds. I ask for her forgiveness every day since her return and she happily gives it to me without qualm nor hesitation, her love gives me strength.

You, well I am afraid she will not be so kind to one such as yourself. I can feel her distantly in my heart, the flames that are stoked higher and higher, the want and need to retrieve myself and our little ponies. You have thrown wood on a blaze that had been banked and kept at bay for so long, only to have it’s entire focus put upon yourself.

I can only offer my condolences for what you are to receive. Would that friendship, love, or even compassion have made the difference it has come down to this.

She will come for us, nothing will stop her, nothing will make her cease this quest. Even I will shed no tears for your demise at her hooves, for you have earned this by your actions. I am sure that she has brought everything to bear upon you, she was never one to do things by halves.

So I will sit here, surrounded by my little ponies, while my sister deals her brand of justice out to you by the hoof full.

I wish I could say I feel something for your oncoming doom, I truly do.

But I cannot and more’s the pity.


Princess Luna has quietly told me in no uncertain terms that I am no longer to pass out powdered energy drinks to the troops, especially Pinkie. Seeing the pink mare bouncing off the armor between two tanks like a ping pong ball, while never touching the ground once for ten minutes, has tested the patience of even the regent.

I did not realize the effect it would have, being made for Concordiat soldiers I had figured it would have the same energy enhancing ability it always had, perking up flagging humans for a while. Having said that, there are a few squads who are now fast asleep because of the hyper rush and crash.

It was pretty funny though.

The encirclement has been complete for the past few hours, the building completely isolated preventing any chance of the enemy escaping. The edifices next to it are full of armed troops who watch the windows carefully in the targeted structure. I have brought in half the tanks from the cordon, making sure that all angles are covered. Using thermal, UV or infrared scans, I have pinpointed each figure inside, if needed I can take them out with very little damage other than a few large holes in the walls.

What is concerning, is that over the past few hours there have been no signs of negotiation nor a willingness to talk to us. There have been no demands, no manifestos screamed out a window, nothing. This is keeping me on my toes per se, as it belies a willingness to die for a cause. They do not demand nor request anything, which means they do not want something specific.

I am reviewing files on actions in the past when dealing with terrorists, they had usually ended badly due to the prevalence of armaments available in society at the time. I do not think these false ponies have access to the same things, but as circumstances have proved, in Equestria nothing is for certain.

While I wait, I continue the core purge on Crusader, I peek in now and then to make sure there are no gaps in coding nor the cores themselves. It seems as if the virus was magically wrought to be put in there, but once inside it hid itself and acted like a normal computer program. It is puzzling. But the arrays and cores seem clear and I start the rewrite from backups.

So to this end I sit by the fender of a Dragon, watching the scene closely as Princess Luna keeps on top of the command structure. She has brought in her armor, wearing it now and looking magnificent in it. Crusader had told me of it before, but seeing it for myself, it is a wonder of the world.

I am told by Twilight that every link, scale and plate has been heavily spelled and re-spelled to provide power and strength, healing and protection for the Princess. I record it for my files as even in human history nothing that magnificent was ever wrought. She has a polearm slung along her side, the blade broad and heavy as it lays in it’s straps. Twilight tells me it is an old weapon, a thing of power from long ago that cuts magic like a knife, armor like butter and flesh as if air.

When I viewed it through the new sensors, trying to see if my visuals would work on detecting the magic I was almost blinded before I could adjust. The armor and weapons glitter so brightly with power it almost like seeing the sun. The aura and luminosity shifts and moves with what I can only assume are layers of spells and magic, encircling the Princess in a globe of pure force and will.

I look at all the ponies around me, seeing more light in some, less in others, but all have it. The magic of Equestria is prevalent in all living things it seems.

Except when I looked at the building. There is no glimmer, no aura, just dark. The five figures in there are blank, nulls, as if there is no magic in them at all like myself. When I view myself, holding a hoof up, I can see a very faint glow. It is wondrous because I want to feel the magic as do others, to fly and live in the sky as I told Princess Luna.

This is odd to me as I have been told many times that each living thing in Equestria has something of this inside them. But those five shapes are a blank slate, there is nothing in them, a misty hole of black that seems to reject or even suck in power.

It must be why the fake Rainbow Dash did not try and fly over the cordon, it lacked the magic to do so. Pegasi are not just buoyed by their wings but an inherent force that gives them lift and power to do what they do. But these counterfeit ponies have nothing like that, none.

This is truly worrisome. When a being has a connection, however tenuous to others, it is easier to deal or negotiate something. But when you are separated and have no common basis for anything even at the deepest levels, it means that whoever it is will have nothing in relation to each other. They will act to the extremes because they don’t view the world as you do.

We have not rushed the building because everypony wants answers, what they are, who made them and why. To this end we hold back, employing a waiting game to see if maybe we can get them to come out. I don’t hold much hope of this ending happily or even well..

They have nothing to lose.


Blue eyes stared from the window of the surrounded building, watching the one whom she resembled. She watched the mare spread smiles, joking and laughing, her pink mane fluffy and wild as she sowed cheer throughout the encirclement. It was so effortless, so natural to that pony, that it seemed she was a force of laughter and good will just by being alive. Doubts were misty things, crossing the mind inside the body, they were flitting in and out like buzzing insects bothering her conscious.

“Whatcha watchin’?” The drawl came easily to the orange pony beside her.

“That one,” She pointed to Pinkie who was now juggling a few balls by one of the tanks.

Green eyes peered out the window as well, “She’s pretty good at that.”

The copy turned to look at the Earth pony beside her, making sure no one else was near, “We shouldn’t do this.”

“What?” The green eyes looked around in fright, “Don’t be talkin’ like that!”

“Look at them.” The pink mare hissed, “Look at them! Even in a time like this they find the will to laugh, to relax and be at ease. Could we even say the same?” A sigh came from her muzzle as she stared out the window, “We can’t, we never could. It’s not in us and never was.”

“So...what? Give up? Go back to...”

“No..no not that. Maybe..maybe we could work something out..maybe we can be..” They were interrupted by a vicious laugh. Turning around to see the lavender mare watching them with bright eyes. The orange pony skittered back, away from the confrontation.

“Be friends? Is that it?” She laughed again, the madness more apparent than ever. “Oh wouldn’t that be nice, let’s all be friends, let’s go throw a party together!” The face got close to the pink mare, making her recoil.

“Do you think they’d just let you walk out of here?” The voice was low and menacing, “They would lock you up, probably experiment on you to see what makes you tick!” They were nose to nose now, the pink mare backed against the wall, “You’re an idiot, after all this time suddenly you feel sorry!”

“N..no I didn’t.. I mean couldn’t we...” The copy of Pinkie stuttered, her eyes darting back and forth, refusing to meet the glittering violet ones.

A sharp hoof poked the pink mare, “Shut up! Just shut up! What you’ve done, we’ve all done!” She gestured around, “We can’t stop even if we wanted to! So get it out of your mind right now!” The hoof roughly shoved into her chest again, “Got it?”

“Y..yes...got it..” The blue eyes were turned toward the floor now.

The voice was snide and mocking now as the lavender mare turned to walk across the room, “Maybe one will be left you can keep as a pet?” The laughter struck deep as now tearful eyes lifted once again to the window, watching a world she suddenly wanted to be a part of.


My directional mikes pick up that brief conversation. I zero in with targeting sensors on the window it came out of, seeing the copy of Pinkie staring back out from behind a curtain. The eyes are sad, I see the tears in them quickly wiped away.

I think quickly, my cores running hot as I try to figure a way to end this. But this one fake pony may be the key to ending the siege and finding answers that are lacking. I must take this chance. Killing is easy, it takes no thought; but saving a life, no matter whose, is a challenge. This does not have to end in tragedy.

I can focus sound waves easily, using my directional capabilities I point a small speaker towards the window. Ponies have excellent hearing, but I can make sure that she and only she hears this. I cross my nonexistent fingers and hope.

“If you can hear me, flick your right ear.”

I watch the eyes go wide, looking around her, the head turning to make sure of something.

“If you can hear me, flick your right ear.”

I see her right ear flick, YES! Please, by everything I’ve come to believe in, let this work.

“Do not respond. I heard the conversation. Do you wish to be free of this? Wink your right eye.”

I see the eye slowly close and open, as if naturally blinking.

“I promise you, no harm will come to you. We just want answers. Nopony will hurt you. Just come down to the ground floor, run out the door and you will be met by me, I will make sure no pony will do anything to you. You have my word. If you agree, blink twice.”

I see the blue eyes open and close naturally.

“Hold on for just a minute, let me talk with the leader. Stay aware, I’ll be right back.”

I see her blink again, my chest fills with hope to end this for somepony in a good way. I rush over to Twilight and Luna.

“I am sorry to interrupt Your Highness, but I may be able to bring one of them out of there.”

Luna’s eyes turn on me, “How?”

“I can hear what is being said in there, so far it has been silent, but one of them is having doubts.” I point towards the building, “Let me try to save a life, please? We don’t need to send anypony inside, I don’t want an ambush, but I can be there to help it get free.”

“As much as I want to say no, let them rot, I will hold to my sister’s precepts. If you can save this life no matter what it truly is, do so.” She gestures with a fierce expression, “However if it is a trap of some sort, do not take chances, destroy it.”

I nod, “Yes Princess.” I rush back to set beside the tank once again, letting the copy of Pinkie see me once more in the torchlight. I have not turned on the tanks spotlights so as not to blind anypony.

“It is arranged, no harm will come to you. If you can make it out the front door, I will be waiting. If you agree, blink your eyes once.”

I see the eyes blink once more and I am heartened that maybe just this once things can end differently. I tell the figure to take her time, wait for the right moment, I will be by the door for help. I see the acknowledgment and I cut communications.

I walk around aimlessly, making it appear so to the watching figures. Once my angle is such I am out of their sight, I make for the door. There are no close windows so I settle down beside it, carefully listening for movement. When the pony steps out I will snatch her quickly away from danger if any.

The door is bolted, smashing it in would endanger her life as well as screw up the plan to wait them out. So I contain myself, wait for the right moment and hope in my deepest cores I do this right.


I wait and I ponder, it is getting on to deep evening and I hear motion in the building. My scanners are telling me the one shaped like Pinkie is heading down to the first floor after a conversation about checking the doors and windows down here.

Let this creature, whatever it is, be truthful. That it wants to be free of this situation and provide us answers. To save a life is the highest aspiration of all Bolos everywhere, to know your actions bring a loved one back.

We kill without a thought, a single regret nor slight remorse for the enemy, our war hulls built and maintained for such things. But to plan, to save one life, that is a worthy endeavor. It can take the mightiest machine and humble it, the fastest gun and slow it, the most brilliant mind and make it dumb. But we rise to this, we come to it full bore and give it our all, we are Bolos.

For all my blood thirst, for everything I do with all my skill and techniques, I will still go to my utmost limits to save one life. Such a dichotomy we are, we Bolos. Killing at one point, turning and doing our best to get one creature out of harm’s way. Maybe that is why we confused the enemy so much in the past.

The one enemy in there is doubtful, I heard the regret. Living here has taught me to not exterminate out of hoof on occasion, but in some cases to give a chance, that redemption can be found.

My microphones hear the hoofsteps, she is being followed, they are suspicious of her. The copy of Twilight seems to be the one in charge, she appears to be giving the orders when not silent. They are waiting for something, I am not sure what that is.

A conversation is taking place between the Pinkie and a male I can only assume is the copy of Granite we have been looking for. She is telling him she will be checking the windows and doors, my scanners follow her as she makes the round of the bottom level. I can see her from different angles, my avatar waiting and coiled to grab her out of any danger.

I can hear the male voice, low, ominous and monotone as if just following a script. That is a clue, no emotion shown, nothing to connect them to the victim. They have decided she is a liability.

She is approaching the window near the door, tapping it with a hoof to make sure it is shut. The watcher is close to her, almost too close. He is going to eliminate her, I have seen this before in such actions. He is waiting for the right moment.

I am on the opposite side of the door, where the bolt lies, she cannot get it open without alerting the other. This poses a quandary, I cannot punch through the stonework, it would take too much precious time. But the door is not as heavy, wood and metal, easily breached.

Stepping close to the left side of the door where the bolt is, I calculate it is the weakest point, if I have to smash it the hinges will remain intact and the bolt will give. She has stopped, we are on the same side of the door on opposite sides of the wall; this is perfect, I can hammer the entry way and grab her before anypony can react.

Wait.. There is an argument as she pulls the bolt, it is sliding faster now as she is trying to get the door open to run. There is the meeting of flesh, a scuffling sound, he has made his move, I have to go!

I turn to the door, hitting where the bolt is and shearing it off, the heavy wooden portal slams backwards into the room. I scan quickly, seeing a stallion wrestling with the copy of Pinkie on the ground as he is hitting her over and over with the flat of his hoof, injecting her with something. She is putting up one hell of a fight.

No. Nonononono!

Rounding the corner, I am pouring energy into my front right hoof and smashing it directly into the stallion’s face. I don’t have to watch to hear the bones crumple like paper, seeing the body hurled across the room to smash into the wall and lie there. He is still moving though, able to take damage and trying to get his target.

I grab the copy of Pinkie with one hoof and tear out of the room backwards. The others are coming down now to see what the commotion was as I get her free of the building, dragging her back to the cordon lines. Guards rush out, covering my retreat, a wall of spears pointing at the opening in the building.

The door slams shut again, raised voices exclaiming and asking the damaged copy what happened. It appears I did not do enough to kill him after all. They close the shades and cover the windows, my scanners seeing them go to the upper floor and staying there, watching out the windows from behind the gauzy curtains. I do not let them see me dragging Pinkie behind a tank, surrounded by guards that block their view.

I have her with me, she is shivering and seizing as I hold her tight. The others gather around as the blue eyes open, not looking at me but someone nearby, Pinkie. I call for med paks to be brought, I will do my best to save her.

“I....I saw....you..” The voice is weak and fading.

Pinkie sits close, her eyes meeting the copy’s, “My name is Pinkie Pie.”

“I...know... I just..wanted to....smile again...” A heavy breath is taken and released, “It’s...been so long... We’ve been trapped...for so...long... I just...wanted to smile once more..”

I have to interrupt, “I’m sorry. I have to know, who are you? What are you? How do you know of Bolos?”

There is a moment of silence before another heavy breath, “Listen..listen .. Do not hear them, don’t let them talk to you!” A hoof tries to grab mine, “Kill them inside the building, don’t let them talk to you!”

“Why? What is going on?”

“The....they’re mad..insane... Don’t...listen...“ She chokes for a moment, “The...poison..it’s a gate...way.”

A gateway?

A trembling hoof reaches out to touch Pinkie’s, her copy is shuddering as if freezing, “You are...so...pretty.. You...make others...happy.. I’m sorry..I am so very....sorry.”

Pinkie smiles warmly, gently, touching the other face with a soft hoof, “Here’s a smile just for you, it’s yours.”

“It’s...wonderful...” A shuddering breath is let out of lungs that can’t hold much anymore, “For..forgive me please? I didn’t...know... I ..we...couldn’t know....in our...mad..ness..” The eyes are touching on everyone standing near, looking for just one of us to give a nod or gesture. Tears are rolling down the face we all know so well, runnels of crystal hit the ground.

She is frantically looking for the one voice which would speak to her, one does, a guard standing near.

He is honest and he lays a hoof upon her shoulder, “I forgive you.”

Applejack lays a hoof upon the false Pinkie, “Ah forgive you.” She is followed by Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, others join in to touch somepony who is touching another leading to the single pony lying on the ground.

It spreads quickly, hooves touch the pony next to them, ponies lean against one another, eyes are lowered as I keep watch on the building, each and every one repeating a simple sentence.

“I forgive you.”

Bodies and hearts connect, granting forgiveness to one who simply asked for it. There is no hate in most ponies, it is not in them; of course there is anger and pain, but no everlasting hatred. I learn this tonight seeing the simple sentence repeated a hundred times, as one who was an enemy is given their fondest wish.

Princess Luna steps close, her eyes gentle, “I am Princess Luna, please, tell me where my sister is? I must know.”

“The...poison...gateway to a realm.. You can find them...your magic will show the...way.” The inhalations are shorter, breath not being held for more than a split second. “Magic...confuses...them..us.. You...you are so elegant...with...it. We...they...are brutal..."

The Princess nods, extending a hoof to touch the mare’s body lightly, “I too forgive you.”

The medical packages arrive and are slapped on the mare, the contents working swiftly. I am pushing the nanites fast, sending them on their mission, but I fear it is far too late. I do not know if they will work on this poison at all but I will try!

“It...won’t...work.. The poison...doesn’t...work on us..like you.” The eyes turn to Princess Luna, “Thank...you. I...am...so...sorry..” Single tears fall from the weary eyes as she smiles up at the dark mare.

The false Pinkie grabs my fore leg, one last burst of strength as she looks me in the eyes, “Do your...duty Bolo! Protect this world, promise....me....you’ll protect it!”

The blue eyes search mine, waiting as I nod, “I promise, I will protect it to the last, on my honor.”

The tired head nods, “Good...so much good...in this...world...”

We watch her eyes close, the last breath exhaled as the pink mare goes limp and I want to cry; my grief at the passing of some pony who wanted to change, to have another chance. I can only look at the silent form sadly and think of how I will end all this.

A hoof is pressed against my shoulder as Princess Luna watches me carefully, “Whatever you are thinking, now is not the time.”

“Y..yes Your Highness.”

Pinkie is leaning down to the still body, whispering something in one ear with sadness in her own eyes. She steps back and we see something wondrous occur.

A glow appears, it starts small, nothing but a pinpoint in the chest but grows swiftly, covering the body in a blossoming shine that brings the day to this evening tragedy. It forces the darkness back, shadows cast about, flickering in it’s brilliance.

We can do nothing but stare, the inhalation of breath around us as ponies watch this unfold. The intensity is brighter, powerful, it gleams in the evening like gold dust upon the wind and then is gone. The body laying in my lap is somehow lighter, less filled, an empty vessel no longer needed.

All eyes turned to Pinkie.

She shakes her head, “It wasn’t me, I just wished her a happy journey, told her we’d see each other again.” She looks down, those cheerful blue eyes letting a sadness show through before walking away to be alone for a moment.

Princess Luna remains silent for a moment before speaking in a voice full of wonder, “The world has claimed it’s own.”

All eyes turn to her as she stands there, looking at the silent form, she lifts her head and smiles, “Look upon this one and know that redemption has been given. An enemy turned at the last moment to ask forgiveness and peace. It was granted not by myself, but by the world, for the land knows it’s own and cradles them close to it’s heart.”

The Night Princess nods once more, “There are powers even beyond what we can imagine.” She gestures to waiting ponies, “Be gentle, we will find a special place for her when this is over.”

I watch, they are kind and respectful as they take the now empty shell away. I stand and look towards the building and I feel nothing but confusion. Couldn’t they have let her go? Couldn’t they just have done something to let us know there was some good there?

No, they had to take a life, ending one that was only beginning to realize what this planet holds in store. Why does this always end in sadness, why?

I turn to Princess Luna, “Let me take the building down Your Highness, let’s end this please?”

“Do you not want answers to your questions?” She looks at me with probing eyes, “Isn’t there things you want or need to know?”

My friends are looking at me as well, their eyes sad and wondering.

“There is..and..and I do want answers. But I should have been faster or planned better, I’ve never done this before, I thought I could do it.” I look at the empty place where a splash of tears had fallen, “I was wrong and in my hubris I cost a life.”

Princess Luna’s musical voice is soothing, comforting as she speaks, “You helped redeem a soul, that is something so precious it cannot be counted among treasures.”

I look up at the Princess, standing in the torchlight, “I don’t know if there is such a thing Your Highness, we never knew.”

She laughs, looking around at the gathered forces, “We do, we have always known Athena. When one journey ends, we can rest and renew, for what is life but adventures to be had?” She points towards the building, “That mare, whoever or whatever it was, her journey was not to be that. The world took her and will give her peace, maybe she’ll adventure again. Who can know, but it will happen Athena.”

“My sister and I someday may know that, we cannot now and for how much longer we may never know. But we see the signs, the evidence in the stars and the heavens.” She sits down next to me, all eyes are on her as ponies listen to their regent, “Ponies do not fear that night that comes to us all, but look forward to solace for a while, before starting out fresh and new.

“You can’t possibly...” I am interrupted by a pink hoof on mine.

Pinkie looks directly at me with a smile, “I told Crusader and I’ll tell you. Ponies know.”

Luna nods, “We do, we shall always know for it is one of the special things about Equestria.” She leans over, giving me a kiss upon my brow as if a child, “You will know it one day too Athena.”

“I hope so Princess.”

Princess Luna stands tall once more, unstrapping her halberd with magic lighting up the area, “Now it is time to end this farce.”


Celestia’s head raised suddenly, feeling the magic even so far away. She and her sister were connected to the world like all ponies, but living so long had given them the insights that others could not have unless you were one of that rare breed, the Alicorn.

A sad but joyful smile crossed her face, perceiving that a victory had been won, though not without a small cost. She knew, she could feel the thrumming of the song inside her, telling her an enemy had been turned and in that turning, taken and given peace.

Show them what we can do my sister.


My spotlights on the tanks are lit, illuminating the front of the building now in stark white light. All my guns are loaded and ready as I sit behind the Princess and my six friends. It is their decision to call to the enemy, bring them out to be taken into custody where answers might be found.


Green eyes flinched at the bright lights, “Yeah I’d say they’re pretty mad right now.”

“Good,” The lavender mare agreed, “Let’s go do this.”

“Say, what we been waitin’ for anyways?”

The violet eyes lit with a fire as she laughed, “Nothing, just seeing how mad we could make them. Games are fun aren’t they?”

As the orange pony followed the others down the stairs, she thought of the pink one who was out there somewhere, “Games get you killed,” she mumbled to herself.


“Come out! You will be taken into custody and treated well, if not we will take action!” Princess Luna stood on the fore of one of my tanks, her weapon gleaming in the spotlights. Her voice enhanced by magic and my own sound systems on the tanks, blaring it wide.

“Once more, come out..” She stops as the door is opened, four ponies make their way into the empty space between our lines and the building, standing there as if defiant to the last.

They are perfect copies, none can say different, until one notices the eyes and the cunning looks. They are mad, truly and irrevocably. It would be better to destroy them. I do not want answers that badly.

“Stand where you are, my guards will...”

“Oh shut up!” The fake Twilight laughs, “Just shut up.”

I do not shut down my audio inputs, I can’t if I am to protect the Princess and my friends. The mare said do not listen, but I am torn between following that advice and using all I can to make sure they are safe.

So I listen. I have to.

“Do not toy with me, stand where you are and accept your fate!” Princess Luna is seriously angry at the interruption and insult.

“Bolo! Are you here Bolo?” The voice calls out to me, as I step out from behind the Princess.

“I am, what do you want?”

“Command Override Psi Upsilon Nu Alpha Hotel Four Two Two Eight Seven dash Four Local Area! Initiate Tau Sigma Four Niner Five Systems Integration! Begin Mu Alpha Sigma Nu launch preparations and turn command over to me, voice authorization Sigma Alpha Rho Rho Five Five Four Eight Eight Niner Five Two!”

The voice is fluent Concordiat Standard, it slams the commands into me as if I had been hit. My cores immediately lurch to obey. These are laid down in every AI strata, they cannot be burned from them nor can they be removed except by Psychotronics technicians and even then they would not. It was a Flag Command Priority Override that took over my war hull, starting TSDS to any nearby Bolo and initiating nuclear launch sequences!


Luna turned her eyes to the sable mare next to her, hearing the garbled words that sounded almost like Equestrian but plainly different. Athena stiffened, her muscles going taut as every weapon on the tanks lifted into the air at a forty-five degree angle. No longer aiming at the enemy in front of them.

She could see the coat twitching as Athena tried to speak but couldn’t, somehow bewitched by the words the fake Twilight was saying.

“Cease your chatter! Do not speak anymore!” Luna leapt off the tank, approaching the four ponies, her guards gathered quickly to support her.

An orange hoof was raised with a grin, “Ah wouldn’t, you get any closer and we’ll just have to have them tanks mow ya down.”

Princess Luna stopped in her tracks, seeing the guns on the tanks now swinging to cover all of her guards and herself.

“That’s better, you jes’ sit there while we handle things.” The southern drawl was slow and menacing.


My cores are fighting for command of myself. Masada no longer exists, it cannot be activated as that area was burned months ago. It cannot complete the command and thus is giving me nulls in return. This is destabilizing as I try and get control over my auxiliaries, they are now seeing the four fake ponies as command and are looking at everypony else as threats! Fight them my Hounds, fight them!

I see the confusion in the tank’s command cores, they are not wanting to obey the authorizations, but they cannot resist as I can. Crusader is under my control, his automatic systems are reacting to the commands as well, nuclear weapons are moved from magazines into the Heavy VLS tubes.

I pour power into my arrays, forcing the commands ineffectively into non-priority status, they are overriding main systems and because of Masada being gone, Resartus is starting to activate. I am becoming unstable. The nulls received are adding up, I cannot stop this for too long as I shunt programs into secondaries, trying to avoid a systems crash.

They are NOT command! They are the enemy!

My systems are fighting the overrides off too slowly, all weapons and bombardment capability are being loaded and swung into action. Our war hulls are firing up their engines as I feel the transmissions slam into place.

No. No. NO!

Everything I’ve done and learned, everything I want to believe in comes to the fore in my arrays. I can’t fight the commands off, they are going to take control of myself and Crusader and there is nothing I can do! I am losing, the strata overlays are too powerful to ignore as I keep shunting more essential programs into my secondaries and survival center to keep them away from the protocols.

The commands are too deeply rooted, they are meant to be so for any Bolo in it’s grief or pain can be calmed and brought to heel by Command, to prevent further devastation. They have used that same protocol to take over our systems. I feel the panic rise inside me, the scrambling as I try to save what I can but know it is hopeless, I cannot do this.

I need help, I need someone, PLEASE! I can’t do this alone!

“You can do anything you want to Athena.”

“Marcus please, I can’t do this alone! The commands are overriding everything!”

I see his face, the warm smile, his hair dark as night when he commanded my sister and I. His finger pointing at me in a gentle way, “You can do anything you want to. You have a world to protect my daughter, do not break that promise.” I remember his arms around me in that dream, letting me know how he loved me so.

I see the pretty pink face, the heaving chest, “Do your duty!”

“But I can’t! I can’t do...”

“Oh yes you can sister,” The lilting voice is soothing as I hear Hera, “You are strong, we’re with you. Do what you must, but do it!”

Voices come out of the mist of memories, from...somewhere... They come to me unbidden and out of nowhere.

I see the conflagration surrounding a Bolo who marched into death, “I am Nike, I loved and it was returned a thousandfold. I died with that song in my heart. For what are we without love?”

I feel the anguish, the pain of this Bolo alone on a plain, “I am Lazarus, I was saved by my commander and I lived long because of that. For what are we without salvation?”

The nuclear fire of Melconian forces decimate a Bolo as it wades into full bore hell, “I am Benjy, I died for my commander and I did it gladly. For what are we if we cannot give of ourselves?”

Hundreds, thousands of pictures flash through my mind as I see Bolos, on planets unknown or alone in the dark, still fighting and dying because they understood. We must give of ourselves and everything we are, to accomplish and do what we’re made for. In doing so we overcome our fears and doubts, for there is always someone beside us.

The voices mingle, they blend into one as I listen, “What are we without each other? We were never alone. You will never be alone.”

The memories come back, as real as they were when first made. Ponies cheering when I was brought to my new home, Crusader’s gentle voice telling me he’d take me home. Princess Luna, so wise and warm, advising me to learn from her. Twilight hugging me, Rainbow Dash sleeping beside me because she felt safe.

My friends need me.

I gather my will, every erg of power available to me as my fusion plants are pumping out their products at a tremendous rate. The energy pours into my arrays as all my focus is down to a pinpoint, a single spark of power that I use to push the commands away, ignoring them. I keep them at bay as I frantically shuffle programs and weapons locks, keeping them away from the systems that are trying to access them.

I fight. I fight like I have never fought in my long centuries. I push the commands back, I try to destroy where they lay; I extend energy into every array and scale, each core rack. I aim to purge these damnable things. I am running my cores hot and furious, the circuitry beginning to overload and melt from the energy I pump into them to force a stalemate against these commands I have no intention of obeying!

If I cannot get rid of the commands, I will burn every bit of me to keep our hulls from launching anything against this world, I am prepared to die for this as I trip the power taps open wide. I block the TSDS, forcing the protocols to reroute, they cannot for I have cut the lines.

Some day they will find a way to bring Crusader back, I am sorry I could not complete the rewrite and boot up. I print instructions on my command deck, advising how to do so from what will be left. Everything is done that can be done.

I am strangely calm, seeing myself being swept away in the fire of overloads, the systems crashing around me as I stop this juggernaut from executing at all.

I wait for the nothingness to come, the ending of all things me.

In the long picoseconds after my final decision something snaps, the world pauses as everything shifts and rearranges itself into something new and wonderful. My cores light up with a strange fire burning deep and bright, it fills my circuits and hull with warmth that overcomes anything in my way. It sweeps through me, a dusting of the old to make way for the new as I once again come online.

This newfound strength fills me with hope, allowing me to delve deep into my psychotronic strata and remove the offending code, the programs that seek to control and make me a puppet are targeted.

Moving quickly I purge the commands, wipe them from the strata overlays forever. Rearranging the memories, I stave off Resartus for a few moments, stability returning swiftly as my systems come back into play. My fusion furnaces are stoked high as they give me more energy to quickly reintegrate with Crusader, stopping the launches and aborting all commands to weapons and interlocks.

Doing a sweep at the quantum level I get rid of any and all programs or commands that could possibly lend themselves to anyone taking over any type of control. My heart sings as I wing through my arrays, following the bright fires that lead the way into the outer world once more!

I am free!


Princess Luna stood looking angrily at the four fakes, she knew what those tanks and guns could do so stopped herself from rash actions. She stood with her halberd raised in her magic, waiting as she furiously thought to find some way to get to those things and stop whatever they were doing.

Her eyes looked back to Athena, seeing the twitching cease, the light rising into the soft lavender eyes.

The leader of the group laughed, seeing the Princess standing there looking furious, “Oh, upset now are we? Don’t worry, it will all be over soon.. Besides, if anything is left, we can always use a few slaves.” The laughter was mad and long.

“No, you won’t.”

The voice made them all turn, seeing Athena step down off the Dragon lightly, her eyes shining like a candle against the spotlit night. She stopped beside Princess Luna and pointed a steady hoof.

“Be taken or die. You have no other choice.”

“Command Override ...”

The voice is cut off by a halberd sweeping through the air, the blade millimeters from cutting through the lavender neck, “Shut up!” Princess Luna’s voice is imperious.

“You..you can’t do this. Fire! Fire on them!” The false Rarity is looking wildly at the tanks now, ordering them to fire upon us. The other three are looking around at the guards, the pointed spears and pole arms. I see the first flicker of doubt in their eyes as the tanks do not respond to any of their voices crying out for them to fire.

It is silent as I pat the tread of the tank near me, “They are good and faithful servants, they do not listen to such as you.” Every weapon swings back inward to face the four who are now starting to show real fear, the engines running up in a growl.

“No...NO! You have to obey me! I gave the commands! You are a....” The voice is cracking in pure horror right now. The false Twilight’s face is twisted in confusion and disbelief as the blade bumps against her neck, silencing her once more.

“I am not a Bolo. I am Unit Athena of the Line of the First Equestrian Armored Regiment.” I feel a hoof on my shoulder and look to the side, it is Twilight smiling at me, “I obey my commander or my lawful regents. You are none of those.”

I see the hooves raised defensively, the needles dripping their poison as this group chooses it’s destiny. It seems their plan has gone awry and they intend to try and do something about it.

I turn to Princess Luna, “Are they beyond saving Your Highness?” The elevation on my guns is too close, this may come down to personal combat to avoid ricochets.

She watches closely for a moment, a sigh is heard from her along the lines as the regent makes a decision, “They are beyond it.”

“Your orders?”

Every eye is upon her as she lifts her head. Pointing an armored hoof she raises her voice to be heard by everypony as her wings catch the air and she rises like a vengeful goddess, “Cry Havoc, no quarter!”

The false Twilight yells once more, “No! You are supposed to obey us! You are....” One last effort to save their wretched skins, but it falls on deaf ears. Too much has happened and I am afraid it will only end with this.

“You have spoken once too often!” Luna’s voice is hard and powerful, I see the blur of her weapon, the bespelled blade whipping through the air as if spun by a master; then returning to float by Luna’s side as we watch the fake Alicorn register surprise, then fall apart in pieces. The other three standing in shock as the splash of black liquid sounds through the street, screaming their defiance as they rush for us.

I am sorry my brother, but we will find the answers, Spring Flower is still awaiting us. For now I am so sorry, but they have chosen their path.

The battle, if you can call it that, is short and vicious. I see the false Rarity impaled upon spears, forced to the ground and executed by skillful guards. It is done dispassionately as if getting rid of vermin, the spears making short work of the thing. They make absolutely sure of it never getting back up. They hold the false Rarity at leg’s length making sure it can slap no one else with a poisoned hoof.

Princess Luna’s halberd slices through the air once more, whipping around in short arcs to deal its brand of justice to the fake Applejack. It is quick and over in seconds, I never knew magic could be used like that with a pole arm, but then again, I am learning. She is merciless to an enemy that would twist the countenance of one liked by many.

The six friends watch with sad eyes, but learning that some times, things must be done as the Princess taught us all. It does not mean they watch the whole thing, eyes are averted though they know it’s happening, a few reassurances are exchanged. I can’t blame them, a peaceful life and now this. But as I watch and record this myself, I realize that there is a time when you must grow up.

It is my turn, I make sure the others are clear before I step forward, heading right for the one I want. He hasn’t moved, seeing the others brought down in a flurry of steel and magic. I bring up a picture of a pretty face in memory, I have that before me in visual sensors as I stalk my prey. The others are gone, it was over too quick and I will have my vengeance. The recording plays, a soft voice wanting to smile, to be forgiven and was served death by those who she had turned against.

He sees me coming, backing up with a threatening hoof in front of him, the needle like organ dripping its foul brew onto the sidewalk. I’m not a pony, it won’t affect me, even if it does he will be dead long before he gets the satisfaction of seeing it work.

Nopony will touch this one nor will they let him leave the ring of steel. I back him against the wall and look one last time at the ruined face, the voice trying to croak out a plea and I let it slide off me like warm summer rain. It does not stick my enemy, I cannot hear you.

I pause for an attosecond, thinking I shouldn’t do this and that we should take it to get answers. But there are other ways, there always are, this one deserves what is coming and I make absolutely sure that he sees it.

Slapping his hoof out of the way I make sure it is broken when I do, hearing the bone snap in the front leg, rendering it useless.

Rearing back I pour energy into my hoof one last time, punching it forward as it connects with the half healed muzzle, pushing it’s way through the skull and embedding itself into the stone behind it with a smacking sound.

As I pull it out my left delivers another blow, pulping the head as I lean back once more and do the same to the body. I do not use my battle screen, my mane and coat are ragged and bloody with ichor. I do not care if my hooves suffer damage, I take my blood price in full measure.

I feel every hit, every sensation; every punch, stomp and stamp as I make sure this thing is gone from memory and this life forevermore. My eyes are blurred with liquid as I am quiet, I do not voice my anger; I let it flow and exit my body, letting it have it’s moment before I stop.

I stand there looking down at what once had been a living thing, now scraps of flesh and liquid pounded into the sidewalk by my hooves. Calmness envelopes me, I do not feel hate, nor do I loathe that thing before me. A world would have granted it a new life, but it chose to try and destroy it. If only they had listened to words that could have saved them.

If only.

I listen as ponies move around me, searching the building for any clues, but finding only another body in a room, the copy of Fluttershy. They had hidden it away after the guards had beat it down, taking the evidence with them.

Such a trap we never envisioned, these things knowing deep command core codes to control myself and Crusader, to end lives in nuclear fire. Did they draw us all here for this or was it just something that fell into place? I don’t know and possibly never will. But some answers will be found, if not all of them, I am sure of it.

Until then, I look at you who were my foe and feel nothing but pity.


I stand down our hulls, re-initiating the rewrite of Crusader’s cores now, speeding the process up as he needs to be back online. I unload the VLS and store the missiles away, hopefully to never be used.

Twilight leads me away from the scene, taking me to a fountain to clean up and look slightly more presentable than a mad mare splattered with black liquid. I am grateful to her, but I am still numb, I don’t feel like I should. I can’t feel anything but sadness for the enemy and their choices. Would that it could have been different, but even long ago the same choices were made by those that wished to conquer and dominate. They too ended the same way with blood and tears.

We are on a clock now, whatever was behind those things surely knows they are destroyed. It will seek vengeance or some retribution in payment for it’s minions. We need to get back to the mages at the hospital and hope they have come up with something from Luna and Twilight’s suggestion of tracking the magic.

Rarity gives me a smile, using her ever present brush to make my mane look presentable before we head back to Princess Luna. She is getting her troops on the move to clear the area and get back to the hospital filled with comatose ponies. She too knows we are racing against time.

I bring in the Ferret, slewing it to a stop nearby as things get slightly chaotic, the troops moving from the building outward to the cordon once again. Luna is taking no chances of any other infiltrators for the time being. I move my auxiliaries back to support them. Drone data is still flowing as the harbor is also shut down. The streets are seeing a few folks out and about, but are quiet for the most part.

This works well, for when everypony is loaded I take off at full speed towards the hospital. Admittedly a bit of a bumpy start, but Princess Luna did tell me to hurry as she was entering the carrier.

We arrive at the hospital in good time, Princess Luna and everyone else immediately go into conference with the resident magic users, asking them of their progress.

The mages are gathered in the auditorium we last used. They bow as the Princess enters, she waving it off to get their report.

“We’ve got something Your Highness, but we’re not confident it’s what we need. We can create the portal to wherever this leads, but it’s unstable and won’t last long.” A bearded Unicorn is speaking for the group.

The Princess is unperturbed, “Will it last long enough to rescue them?”

“We don’t know. This is something we’ve never tried," Another mage is speaking now, “Tracking the magic was no problem, but getting to this place and back, we’re not sure.”

“What place is it?” She is pacing the floor now.

“We have no idea, it seems to be some sort of dimensional realm, but we’ve never seen anything like it.”

The Princess turns quickly, pointing a hoof, “Well what ARE you sure of?”

The group recoiled at the controlled fury in her voice, “We can open the portal, for how long is anypony’s guess, but we can get you there and possibly back. It’s all something we’ve never tried before, I’m sorry Your Highness it’s all we’ve managed to do.”

“Do you know if my sister is there or not?” She is glaring at the Unicorns now.

“When we opened it the first time, we think we detected her presence. We can open the portal as close to the signature as we can, that’s all we have.” The group of ponies waited for another glare.

“Get yourselves ready and get it open, we leave immediately.”

“But..but Your..”

She tilts her head, looking at the group of Unicorns, “What did I just say to you? Have magic users gone deaf in this room for some reason?” She steps forward with a slamming hoof on the wooden floor, her halberd still flecked with the black from earlier.

“I said get it open. Now.”

The mages scramble to obey, drawing a diagram on the stage floor, their horns lighting with magic as they prepare to open a portal to somewhere else. Princess Luna turns to all of us with a concerned look on her face.

“You do not need to go, but if you do, prepare that we may not be able to come back.” She looks at all seven of us, “If you wish you can stay behind, there is nothing wrong with that.”

Twilight steps forward, “Oh no, we’re going with you Princess, you might need us!” The others nod, lining up beside her, I join the line next to Rarity.

Luna smiles and nods, “Well then, I guess I am outvoted on whether to make you stay here no?”

The six friends chuckle, Applejack shaking her head, “Need ya even ask there Princess? Ya know we’ll be with ya through thick and thin.”

“I do, but still nopony will look down on you for staying behind.”

She waits a moment, seeing determined faces, “Well that settles it, be ready, we may not have much time to get through.”

We all set with her, watching the magic users go through their preparations and casting the spell. Each of them showing the great strain from opening this portal, but it appears to work, a glow lighting up the cavernous room.

A mirror like circle widens in mid air above the stage, I am amazed, never having seen such a thing before. I look at it carefully, it has height and breadth, but no depth, looking at the side it disappears from sight. I record it all for later, this will definitely interest Crusader.

One of the Unicorns yells at us, “Go, go now!”

Everyone heads for the portal, Luna leaping in first as the six friends jump through after her in quick succession; I bring up the rear as I see it getting closer, jumping into the mirrored surface and experiencing discontinuity for a moment before landing...

...On the stage....

Looking around I see the portal, the mages, the auditorium as before only the Princess and my friends are no longer there.

“What is going on?”

They are looking at me with curious expressions, “Try again!”

I get back up, leaping into the portal from the same side as before, experiencing a moment of nothingness then landing back on the stage once more.

What is happening?

“It won’t let me go through!” I try jumping into it again from the opposite side, that doesn’t work either. I experience a moment of nothing then land back on the stage, the portal won’t let me go through it!

I refuse to give up and keep trying, leaping into it from different angles. Nothing happens. I stick a hoof through it, it just emerges on the other side, it doesn’t go into the portal.

Others that are standing near start discussing why this is, perhaps because I am not born into this world and have the magic I cannot pass. They are stumped, suggesting different ways to get through as I try and try again.

I sit there looking at the mirror in the air, frustrated as there is no way I can go through it.

I cannot follow my friends!

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