• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Just Another Day. Bestest Friends.

Shakespeare wrote, “The evil that men do lives after them: the good is oft interred with their bones.”

I think upon that again, sitting here on the porch of the farmhouse.

My avatar took some major repairs, the systems disrupted by the force of the magic used against it. Such madness bringing power to the fore and I cannot help but wonder.

There was no main body, we saw nothing of the controlling intelligence inside that cave, and I will always ponder whether we truly did wipe it out for good. It has been a week and Fluttershy says the forest creatures are returning to the area slowly, unsure themselves of whether it is truly ended.

Call me paranoid, call me suspicious as Athena has done recently, but I will not stand down for now. The forest waited an entire winter to pull a trick and I think it wise to remain vigilant.

I look down at the wooden porch and shake my head, laughing to myself, “Dentipedes...only you Twilight.”

Though I admit it is an apt description, however spurious.

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are still in Ponyville, taking the time for a well deserved rest from ruling the Crystal Empire. I would like to see that, the Crystal Ponies and works of wonder made from shining gems.

Twilight of course is ecstatic and at this moment rushing around making sure things are perfect. She is ceaseless in her endeavors.

But my mind drifts back to those final moments, a titanic ursine who is tearing apart the worst that thing in the forest could throw at it and standing tall. Surrounded by butterflies of myriad colors bright and shining.

A person once said, “As long as someone remembers us, we do not ever truly die.”

I wish that to be so. There are two more Dragons in my bay with their turrets painted, golden butterflies and a roaring bear to symbolize their memories. Never shall I forget them as long as I am in existence.

Discord told me tales that night, of millenia ago when he ruled in Chaos. About the Dire Bears who took it upon themselves to fight the greater evils in the forests. Discord admitted even he would not have faced an angry Dire Bear without an escape route.

But he did remember them, he told me Iron Jaw was ancient even for his kind. Older than some hills, he slept his days away in a cool cave by the river, fishing and being content after long ages of putting down things best forgotten.

Discord told me to not mourn, for he was sure Iron Jaw was at peace. He had been waiting to pass on into whatever the next world held, the hurts from long ago making him unhappy. But he had wanted one last fight and was granted his wish, what better way for a warrior to exit this stage?

I asked about the butterflies of so many rich hues and colors.

He told me they were an old race, they helped the lost, the hurt and the sad. A sort of faerie that lived their days in the quiet places, hiding from the world. He does not feel them now, thinking they might have joined Iron Jaw on his great journey.

I do grieve, for Athena walks into the forest nowadays looking for them. I do not have the heart to tell her they might be no more.

I did one thing I never thought I would do, I thanked Discord for turning me into a real pony. Barring the problems, it gave a chance to be with somepony who cared for me in a way that only deepened our love for each other. That I will treasure for always.


Athena, my overly excitable sister, has become even more so this past day. We had finished repairing her command deck earlier, of which I thought I had done an admirable job.

Rarity of course declared it ‘unsophisticated’ and ‘trite’. While I may never take offense, I am not a designer. She took it upon herself to do a redecoration of the entire command deck.

Can Bolo’s squeal with glee? I can answer that with a firm yes.

It was beautiful actually, done with warm soft colors and tones, only a hint of her usual gemstones. She had truly outdone herself on this. I admit, I was highly impressed. Athena could not contain her excitement for days and as of today is still over at Rarity’s discussing more designs.

I fear for the world.

But I have things to do today. Promises to keep.

Upon telling Applejack I am going into town to do a few things, I am given a kiss and told not to get into trouble. I assure her once again I will try not to.

She says she has bail money put aside for me.

I’m not quite sure if she’s joking.


My first stop is Sugarcube Corner, I am always pleased to see Pinkie.


I am enveloped in a sweet smelling pink hug that tests even my skeletal frame sometimes.

“Hello Pinkie.”

“Isn’t it great it’s so quiet nowadays!” She taps a hoof on her chin, eyes narrowing a bit, “I mean it’s nice, but you kinda get used to all the yelling and running around. Or do you? I’m never sure some days!” She grins at me, “But it sure was fun!”

I tilt my head and look at the warm blue eyes, “Pinkie, you still disturb me some days.”

Her eyes pop open wide, “Ponies say that a lot, I often wonder in a good way or a bad way? But how can you disturb somepony in a good way? Is it even good? Is good even a factor in the equation? I mean if we take that out of the whole thing you’re left with bad and I don’t want it to be bad, cause then I couldn’t make ponies smile so much if the good was gone, doncha think?” She stares at me with a smile, her pink mane poofier than before.

I immediately try to stop my cores from processing that statement, for some reason I almost understand that line of logic. That’s even more disturbing than Pinkie.

“I... I’m... not sure.”

“That’s okay silly! It all works out in the end..or maybe not. Why doesn’t anypony ever say ‘Works out in the front!” Why the end? I don’t like ends ya know, sometimes they’re sad, some good. But ends kinda stink, ya want it to go forever ya know! So why not ‘Works out in the side’? Or ‘Works out on your head’!..Ooohhh that’s a good one!” She is looking around happily, the place is fairly empty as she bounces around behind the counter.

I blink at her as she continues, my analytical cores are dissecting the statement and coming up with nulls. I am trying to follow her conversation but my arrays are not quite keeping up with the reasoning as I stand there.

Twilight walks in, accompanied by Cadence as they approach the counter, seeing Crusader standing there looking at Pinkie oddly.

“Crusader! How are....” Twilight looks at the umber stallion standing there staring into space. She waves a hoof in front of him, “Crusader?”

Princess Cadence looks between them, “What’s going on? Is he okay?”

“I think Pinkie broke him.” She waves a hoof, “Crusader? Equestria to Crusader?”

I feel the beginning of a recursive loop, my mind trying to process something that makes no sense yet tries to do so anyway. I clamp down on all cores, doing a fast reshuffle of current memories, deleting some problematic statements and coming out of it quickly.

Blinking and looking around, I see Princess Cadence and Twilight, who is looking concerned and waving a hoof at me.

“Yes Twilight?”

“Are you okay? You kinda spaced out there.”

“I...am fine. I was listening to Pinkie.”

She laughs, “I warned you about that.”

“I know. I should not have done that though, I usually have no problem listening to Pinkie.”

Princess Cadence adds in, “Well you did take quite a blow the other day.”

“True, it could be the magic disrupted things a bit deeper. I will check later. Thank you Your Highness.”

“You call Twilight by her name, why do you keep saying Your Highness to me?” She smiles warmly.

“You never asked me to call you anything else.”

She blinks for a second, “Well..you’re right. Please call me Cadence then.”

“Understood. I will do so from now on.”

“Well that was certainly easy.” She laughs.

Twilight nudges my shoulder, “It always is around him. Say or do it once and he remembers.”

“Oh that must be so useful. I forget so many things some days!” Cadence sighs.

“I’m afraid I cannot install data cores in you Cadence, it would be a bit uncomfortable to say the least.”

Twilight giggles, “They’d look kind of funny too.”

“There is that.”

She claps her lavender hooves together, “So! Visiting Pinkie or buying some of those delicious Lemon Creme Cupcakes I can smell?” Twilight is practically drooling.

“Oh no, I made a promise to pass on something to Pinkie.”

“Me?!?” She bounces straight up in the air, landing and zooming around the room, “Whatwhatwhatwhat is it? Something good? Oooohhh it’s a secret I bet! I Pinkie Promise never to tell! Oh wait..maybe it’s really really private!” She eyes me, “Is it private? Maybe a corporal?”

I am immune for the moment, my analytical cores shut down for this conversation.

“Nothing so serious Pinkie. Bastion Boulder asked me to tell you his brother Granite would love to take you on a date, but is too shy to ask.”

Twilight laughs, “That huge Earth Pony? Too shy?”

“It appears so Twilight.”

Pinkie is ecstatic thinking immediately about what to wear on her date, being excited as it appears no one ever asks her out, being intimidated by her ways. I find them endearing and fun, ponies do not know what they are missing.

Pinkie slams down a tray of Lemon Creme cupcakes if my sense of smell does not deceive me. “Well! I got a date to get ready for!” She starts up the stairs before stopping, “Oh wait, maybe I should tell him yes before I go out on a date by myself?” She looks a bit sheepish.

Cadence laughs, “I think that would be a good idea Pinkie.”

Our manes get ruffles as a pink blur passes us in the store, heading out the door to accept a date. Her voice yelling back at us, “Those cupcakes are for you!”

“Well, I think she’s quite thrilled.” Cadence looks at me.

“I would think so, he is a good sort. She needs to take time for herself.”

“She does!” Cadence looks around the store, “Soooo...free cupcakes?”

“I will never refuse anything from Pinkie.” I laugh, turning to the tray noticing a few are already gone. We both look at Twilight who is busy stuffing one in her mouth with a look of pure bliss.

“What? They’re good!”


I save a few for Athena, sure she would be quite upset if I did not. Her cupcake addiction is a bit worrisome, but nothing too bad. Can she even have an addiction? I’m not sure, but the amount she spends on cupcakes is enough to notice. We will have a talk later.

My next promise was for Applejack, she had requested a favor and I will gladly do anything for her. Though finding Rainbow Dash is a bit problematical until I stumble upon a small cloud, seeing the multi-colored tail hanging off it.

I do not wish to yell, so look around for something. An apple, good enough.

Looking at it from a proper angle, I believe I can do this. I slap the fruit and watch it arc perfectly, whacking into her backside. I hear a yelp and receive an angry look from the cloud above.

I can see why Athena thought it was funny.

“What the hay Crusader?”

“Just seeing if you’re awake.”

“I am! Celestia that hurt!” She is rubbing her backside as I chuckle.

“I think you know how Rarity felt now?” I raise one eyebrow at her.

“But that..well..yeah I guess so. I really ought to apologize.”

“Up to you. But I am here at Applejack’s request, about your friend Stonewall.”

“Stone..Oh...OH yeah!” She flies down to land next to me, “Can you help him? I know you helped Derpy. She’s doing really good by the way!” Rainbow smiles at me.

“I am glad, I keep asking her to stop delivering muffins to my door, but she is stubborn.”

“She’s like that, a big heart.”

“Very true.” I sit on my haunches and look at Rainbow, “So what is it you need? Applejack did not explain.”

The cyan mare looks a bit concerned, “Well, he got hurt in a weather accident, it took one eye. He can’t do weather work anymore ‘cause you need good depth perception or you could really get in trouble.”

“No problem, send him to me later today.”

“I don’t know if he can pay but I... Wait what?” She snaps her head up.

“Send him to me, we’ll get him fixed up.”

“But, I mean I can pay for him if ya need..”

I hold up a hoof, “Rainbow Dash, when have I ever asked anything in return for medical problems? Or anything else for that matter?”

She scuffs a hoof on the ground, “Wellll...never..”

“Then why did you keep saying that you will pay?”

She rolls her eyes a bit, sighing, “‘Cause Twilight told me you need to accept some money for what you do..so she told me to pay something at least.”

I laugh, that scheming Alicorn. She is good, I will admit.

But not that good, “One bit.”

“What?” She tilts her head looking at me.

“One bit. That is my charge.” I hold out my hoof.

Rainbow pulls one bit out of a bag around her neck, laying it on my hoof. I put it in my own. “You can now say with complete honesty you paid for medical services that will be performed for Stonewall and that I accepted it.”

Me -1, Outfoxed Alicorn -0.

The pegasus mare laughs hard, rolling on the ground for a moment, “Oh that’s good! Hah! Thinks she’s so smart!”

“She is very smart, but I’m afraid she’s not good at schemes.” I grin.

“No...no she’s not, did we ever tell you about the Want It, Need It spell she did?” Rainbow starts snickering.

I raise my eyebrows, settling down on the grass, “That sounds interesting.”

She throws her hooves in the air with a laugh, “Oh that’s not the half of it!”

Rainbow Dash tells me of the incident, when Twilight couldn’t find anything to write Princess Celestia about, so she sought to make a situation where she could solve it, thus having something to tell.

I can only laugh along with Rainbow. Sometimes I wonder about my friends.


The foals were released from the hospital two days after the bombardment severed control of them. Athena had checked to make sure they were free of influence, providing med-packs to scour whatever was left in their systems of any foreign substances. We both are keeping a close watch upon them in case of any surprises. I have learned not to relax when it comes to things in Equestria.

I make it a point to visit each one, it is the least I can do. Their parents are kind and gracious as I explain who I am and why I would like to talk to their children. The foals themselves are bright and happy once more. It lightens my worries seeing them playing again.

I am with the last one, a little Unicorn called Spring Flower. She is, as Rarity would say, “Cute as a button.”

We are setting together outside her house, she is chattering happily as I ask her a few questions, making sure her cognitive abilities have not been impaired.

“Your head doesn’t hurt at all? You don’t get dizzy?”

“Oh no!” She smiles brightly, “The bad voices are gone too!”

“Bad voices? What bad voices?” This is something none of the others mentioned.

“They were always angry or sad. They argued a lot.”

“Do you remember what they argued about?”

She twists her hooves in front of her, looking at the ground, she is hesitant.

“I promise whatever you say will stay between us. I will say nothing to anypony.”

Her bright eyes look up at me, “Promise?”

I raise a hoof, “Promise.”

“It...it was kinda like at school when a bunch of us are talking all at once. But they were saying bad things. Like...like.. about hurting other ponies, or...or wanting to die..”

“Did the voices sound different or the same?”

“Different, like a bunch of different ponies.”

“The voices are gone now right? You don’t hear them anymore?”

“Nope!” She looks at the ground again and scuffs a hoof, “They didn’t like you very much Mr. Crusader.”

I smile, “No, I’m sure they didn’t.” I tap her on the nose like I have seen Princess Luna do, it gets me a giggle, “You can call me Crusader, no mister.”

“But mommy and daddy said I should be polite.”

“You are very polite. But that is my name, so call me Crusader.”

She smiles again.

“Well, your mommy and daddy will be bringing you to visit my hill. I’m going to make sure you’re nice and healthy again, would you like that?”

“Really? Inside the hill everypony talks about?”

“Yes. That is where I am, the machine part of me.”

“I can see inside?” The excitement and wonder of a little filly is something you do not forget. Her eyes are wide as she stares at me.

“Of course. I am going to give you what is called a medical scan. You fall asleep and then it’s all done.”

“Well that’s no fun!”

“Well, not all that fun, but it will help to make sure you aren’t still sick.”

She nods, “Okay.”

I raise a hoof, “But I do have this for you. Yes, your Mommy and Daddy said you could accept it.” I count out and give over to her some bits, to purchase a new toy or something she wants. The other little ones were quite excited as she is now.

“That’s for me?”

“Yes it is, to do with as you wish. A little get well present.”

I do not think, no matter how long I live, I will ever get tired of receiving hugs.

“Thank you! Oh thank you!” She gathers them up, running back into the house shouting to her parents about the gift. I had cleared it before-hoof, so it was no surprise. They were very gracious about me giving it to her.

It is the very least I can do to help them forget the trauma of what happened.

Her mother comes to the door as I get to my hooves, mouthing a ‘thank you’ to me before I leave.

A little joy goes a long way I believe.


I inform Athena of the little one’s progress and the medical scans I have arranged. She is happy they are doing well. Shining Armor and Cadence had kept the shield up for a few hours after our mission ended just in case. It was draining, but they were stalwart in protecting the children.

Cadence had a thought that maybe a sort of magical self-destruct may have been implanted, so they drained themselves of magic to make sure.

Thanking them was not enough, I wish I could do more, but they wanted nothing and were happy to help.

Athena and I are planning something nice though, I was told by Applejack of something Pinkie had wondered about. For a friend, nothing is too far.


I am sitting outside my hatchway when a shadow covers me, a pegasus flying down as I recognize Stonewall.

“Hello Stonewall.”

“Hi Crusader, Rainbow Dash told me to meet you here.” He sets down next to me so we can talk. I remember the eyepatch and how he looks at me, using one side of his face instead of head on.

“Good, she told me about your eye. I think I can help.”


“I believe so, did you lose it or is it still there only blind?”

“I’m afraid it’s not quite all there.”

“Come inside.”

We enter the command deck as I prepare the medical bay, filling it with nanite gel. A reconstruction will not take too long, I’ve become quite adept at rebuilding and repairing ponies.

“I ask one thing Stonewall.”

“What’s that?”

“That you do not tell anyone about this. Say it was an expensive spell or something experimental.”

He looks puzzled, “Why though?”

“I do not want Ponyville besieged by those with every little ill wanting healing.” I point to his face, “Injuries like yours, we can find and offer help. The med-packs we supply help everything else. It is just a precaution.”

“You’ve got my word Crusader.”

“That’s enough for me.” He opens his mouth to say something else when I interrupt. “Before you say it, Rainbow Dash paid.”

“How did you...?”

“I didn’t, but I am sure Twilight has been doing a bit of talking about paying for things.” I laugh, “Your bill was one bit, I’m sure Rainbow didn’t mind the cost.”

He laughs, a deep rumbling, “Well let’s hope not!”

I open the bay lid, letting him see the gel bath waiting.

“Just lay inside here, you will feel a bit cold, then numb. You will fall asleep easily, just let yourself relax. It’s going to take more than one session, we need to rebuild that eye.”

He looks at the med bay dubiously, “You know, looks like the inside of that nasty cave in the forest.”

I laugh, “Well this time nothing is trying to kill you.”

He nods, chuckling, “You got that right.” He eyes the tub, “Just lay down?”

“Just lay down. It’s very easy.”

“Okay..here we go.” He’s looking nervous for somepony so big.

I lower the lid, initiating repair sequences and scans as I put him to sleep. While working on the reconstruction, I do a body sweep, fixing small problems or anything out of the ordinary. Surprisingly, nothing is spotted except a few minor things, easily remedied.

It does not take long anymore, an hour at most to help some one. I am glad to do this.

It does not take long to build a package to continue the reconstruction before I let him leave the bay. I warn him it will take about two more visits before it is considered healed in full. He will have perfect vision and is already commenting on how it doesn’t hurt anymore, plus his other eye is seeing quite a lot better.

I think that’s a pretty good deal for one bit.


Tonight is the date that Pinkie has been looking forward to all day. She was quite excited and visited Granite to tell him yes.

I meet Pinkie and her date at Sugar Cube Corner, telling her we have something she and her companion might like. I ask them to accompany me to the hill, it is not that far a walk and the pretty mare is happily talking with her companion as we travel.

She is more intelligent and well spoken than some give her credit. Admittedly she acts like another pony altogether some times, but I think it is because she is naturally happy and good natured.

Granite is quite proud to have somepony such as Pinkie on a date. I can agree, she has done her mane up and looks quite beautiful tonight. I can say I’ve never seen her quite so happy before, above and beyond her usual glee. She has on a wonderful dress from Rarity’s, I haven’t seen her in one and the Unicorn has done an outstanding job making her prettier than ever.

We walk around the backside of my hill, where Athena and Rarity join us. Her and Rarity have spent the past few hours making themselves up. I do not know how the Unicorn does it, but she and my sister are quite the pair. Their manes and tails are sparkling from some sort of gem dust that Rarity has concocted. Their coats shiny and glossy beyond the norm, they are wearing dresses that would have brought stunning prices in the Concordiat just for the gemstones alone.

I am feeling distinctly under dressed, even for a pony. Though I do have quite a nice bow tie on that Rarity insisted I wear.

Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are waiting at the access hatch. It seems the fashionista has convinced even ‘I don’t like frou-frou stuff’ Applejack to do her mane up, they all glitter and shine. I wonder what she threatened to get Rainbow’s mane into such a style. The Unicorn has outdone herself for tonight, all the friends are dressed to impress and they do so in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Pinkie is looking confused as they greet her.

Twilight makes a grand gesture and I open the access hatch into my loading bays.

Music wafts out, the lights are low as we are greeted at the hatchway by a maitre de who leads us further inside.

I have hired Octavia and her quartet for the music, once again they do not disappoint; the strings making the interior of my vehicle bays warm and comfortable as Pinkie gasps, seeing ponies everywhere.

She once mentioned to Twilight and Applejack that she would love to hold a dance on my upper hull, this was a perfect substitute.

Twilight leans in near her friend as we walk to our table, “Surprise Pinkie.”


Applejack lays a hoof on her shoulder, “ ‘Bout time somepony threw a party for you.” She gestures all around, the ponies waiting quietly yell, “SURPRISE!”

“But...but..” Pinkie is flabbergasted, it seems she is rarely without something to say and this is one of the times.

“It’s been a while Pinkie!” Rainbow hugs her friend, “So we thought for your date we’d do something nice.”

Of course Rarity took charge for the occasion, putting her skills to work and making sure everything was perfect. I really do not wish to go through that again.

Fluttershy smiles warmly, “We..we know it’s not your usual...but we thought maybe something different?” The pink maned Pegasus is a case in point of Rarity outdoing herself. I truly cannot see why she is not with a date beyond her shyness.

Rarity nods in agreement, “It’s a special date and we thought we’d do something extra-special for the mare that does so many things for everypony else.” She strikes a pose, “We do hope you like it dear?”

Pinkie nods. Nothing else, just nods as she looks around.

I have moved all my vehicles to the sides, clearing enough space for every pony that wanted to come, by the way Rarity decorated it appears as if the already cavernous bays are empty. There are tables with candles softly glowing on them, the quiet music floats all around encompassing everything.

Waiters are serving meals as we had made sure the restaurant in town could cater for so many, they are magnificent at their jobs. Everyone dressed up for tonight, each and every one of them had been the recipient of a party from Pinkie and thought it a grand idea to return the gesture.

I look around at the finely dressed folks from the town, the smiles and soft laughter everywhere and I am content. My Applejack glows from gems, her mane in fluffed curls that flow down the sides of her face, framing her in a picture of loveliness. She is wearing a short dress of gold that matches her coat and my breath is stolen.

Rarity is in her element, speaking softly to a stunned Pinkie as she shows her and Granite the tables reserved for us. Athena is a vision with her mane done up, her tail in curls and gem dust, she is wearing a soft earth tone dress that is like nothing I’ve ever seen.

“I don’t believe I have ever seen such a lovely Bolo Athena.” I open a combat link between us.

“Do...do you like it?”

“You are picture perfect, I believe you are as they say ‘The Belle of the Ball’.”

If I never see her smile again, the one that lights up her face will last me a lifetime.

Pinkie is looking at Twilight, whose normal mane style is gone, showing an absolutely different Alicorn altogether. The big blue eyes are wide, they are looking a bit tearful as she struggles to find something to say, glancing around at the glow and glitter of fancy things as she stands for a moment then whispers quietly.

“You are my bestest friends ever.”

I believe I can truthfully state, mission accomplished.


A figure stands outside, watching the hatchway close, cutting off the light and music from inside the hill. Tilting its head curiously for a moment, it then turns around, heading back to the forest.

A snicker, then a full throated laugh comes from it’s lungs, expelling it out loud as if not caring who hears.

Wandering deep into the welcoming trees, it listened to the sounds of returning wildlife, grinning and laughing to itself as it walked away from the ponies having a wonderful time.

Wide eyes surveyed the landscape, the darkness deep in the sky.

It kept laughing, madness suffused what should be a bright and cheery sound as it disappeared underneath the canopy.

You really should have given my toys back.

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