• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Bound by Duty. Uncomfortable Truths.

Author's Note:

As it fit into the story arc quite nicely, here ya go Wacky, Kenshinryuu. Enjoy.

It was a human called Murphy who once said, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” It was proven time and again in combat, and it is proven even here.


The announcement of my citizenship went well I thought. Twilight Sparkle was there as I listened over the combat link. I am to be given all rights and privileges as well, I shall do my best not to abuse this. Many questions were asked, by the nobility who are a problem on any world. They were handily deflected by subtle words. It was interesting watching Princess Celestia at work, analysis shows she is much sharper than anypony realizes and therefore they underestimate her at every turn. Of course explaining that I was a machine, and was only accessible by a certain room inside a hill was not quite taken so well. Amazingly, she did an excellent job for justifying her actions, although by the camera in Twilight’s band I could definitely see the smirk on Princess Luna’s face at the subtle insults to the nobles.

The jewelry has been a big hit in the local town, spreading to outlying areas as well. Ponies; for all they do, slip into cultural things quite easily, adapting themselves and new things into their surroundings with barely a flicker of thought. It is odd, in Concordiat society change came hard, here it is as simple as the day.

Single local mares have taken to wearing the jewelry, using it to proclaim their status as unwed or untaken. When they are betrothed, or have a new ‘special somepony,” they give the bracelet to that pony. Wearing the matching ear band as a sign of their affection. If it is broken off, the bracelet is returned.

Princess Celestia and Luna have also received sets, I have tagged the channels with Command Priority Codes. When the populace saw that they were wearing them as well as the original six friends, it took off. The only supplier, due to our scheming, is Rarity. She is kept quite busy with orders for new sets everyday. Her dresses and other items selling handily as she is making more of them to match the wearer of the jewelry.

The ruling diarch have agreed with the plan to distribute the monies where needed. I was quite surprised at the amount that is on the books. Twilight was telling me about the upgrades to the Ponyville Hospital that were financed just through the sales.

Though it pains me, I have purposely not given a communications set to Apple Bloom. This was done in fear of my reflexes overriding common sense when it came to a command decision. Once command is turned over, this will be rectified. I do enjoy listening to her and the other Crusaders about their adventures.

This would have been solved had the command turnover happened quickly, but the inevitable delays due to Princesses always being quite busy happened. This was expected and planned for, however, I did not expect it to last for a week. It was getting worrisome.


I had switched to Pinkie’s set to observe her day, she had invited me to do so and it was a pleasure seeing her move around town, working in the local bakery, the everyday things she enjoyed.

However, the camera appeared to be suffering a malfunction, or so I assumed. The point of view from her band was switching from place to place, face to face incredibly fast. Doing a deep scan on the combat sets processors, there was no problem, all was functioning correctly.

The tracker in her bracelet is showing a distinct data flow, as I have stated before it appears she is teleporting from one place to another. This is inherently impossible to the science I know. I have allocated resources to this problem, and will start studying more about the nature of this world and any more subtle effects I am missing. Until then, I shall just have to accept what the data is telling me.

My drones have been successfully launched as well, the Wyvern 48-RSV’s are capable of sustained flight unimpeded for a month before refueling. This allows me to switch them out for maintenance when needed. The sensor masts proved their worth as launch platforms when Rainbow Dash offered to cover the whole thing with a light storm from prying eyes.

I am now receiving battlespace data from all drones, one is tasked specifically for Canterlot, and one for patrol over Fluttershy’s cottage since it is near the Everfree. I am advised that it is a dangerous place to be and so wish to protect my friend. She is the local veterinarian or somewhat close to it, I see the comings and goings of many different animal species. How she controls their behavior is a mystery I will eventually ask about. But the one thing that does strike me, is the similarity of a lot of them to Old Earth animal species. This is not a coincidence I am sure.

At night, my tech spiders travel out to the forest edge, planting small sensors to allow me to receive threat data from along the forest line. I have compared some of the tales told to me by the ponies; Manticores, Dragons, various other things that were thought as myth in my world, are real here. This causes a bit of confusion, but I have dealt with much graver things before. So I plan and update as I can as the information reaches me.

If it comes out of the forest to endanger, it will die before the next step.


I am currently watching the Crusaders attempting to earn their cutie marks in acrobatics, by using my sensor masts as springboards, they are actually putting on quite a show. I do record this in case later they would wish to see. I am alerted by the approach of two more juvenile ponies, they are not on the permission logs.

I immediately snap to High Alert, swiveling sensors to spot and identify the approaching threat. I am responsible for the safety of the Crusaders while inside the perimeter I have marked.

Sensors capture and keep images of the two, including the cutie marks for later identification. I immediately activate audio and visual recording of anything from this moment on. My Commander is enjoying her time with her friends, I would see nothing disrupt it.

“Hey blank flanks, out here causing trouble again?”

Apple Bloom just sighed to herself as the three of them turned to face Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Whatcha want Diamond?”

“We were out taking a walk, enjoying the day until it was messed up by you three bumbling around out here.”

“If’n it’s any business of yours, we’re practicing acrobatics to try for a cutie mark in them.” This given in a long suffering voice, Apple Bloom was a polite pony, having been admonished by Applejack any number of times.

Sweetie Belle stepped alongside Apple Bloom, “We’re way too far out for just a walk, what did you do follow us to make fun?”

Silver Spoon, usually a follower, felt a bit braver today for some reason, “Why not? It’s always a pleasure to see ponies making fools of themselves.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, slapping her forehead with a hoof, “Forget them fillies, let’s just have fun.”

“Actually, “ The too smug voice of Diamond went on, “Princess Celestia sent a royal guard for some reason, telling my father to make sure I kept away from you three for a while. Now I wonder who would have cried about that?”

“Well it wasn’t us that’s for sure, we could care less what ya do!”

Diamond turned to her friend, “I think they cried like little foals Silver, how about you?”

“Oh I’m sure, getting a warning from a Royal Guard, well, that’s complaining a LOT.”

Diamond Tiara stepped up to Applebloom, pointing a hoof at her, “That still doesn’t explain why, but I don’t care. My father’s rich enough we don’t have to pay attention to anypony. Especially...” Here she pokes Apple Bloom in the chest, “Somepony like YOU!”

My alarm immediately goes off, standing orders come to the fore as my masts unlimber their weapons, my sensors and scanners now tightly zeroed on the small pony poking my Commander in the chest. Targeting solutions are scrolling now across my data cores, the weapons I am pointing are far from non lethal!

“HALT!” My voice rolls like thunder into the quiet air, making all the ponies jump a bit and look around. “STEP AWAY FROM MY COMMANDER NOW!”

One filly jumps a bit, the one in front of my Commander pokes her in the chest again, I am enraged.

“What’s this? Another of your stupid projects? Some loudspeaker to try and scare us? Well it isn’t going to work.!”


Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes, looking at Apple Bloom with a smirk, she reaches out to poke her again with a hoof.

In the picosecond before that hoof connects with my Commanders chest, I swivel a gun mount, my repeater lets off a .05 second burst of ring penetrators at a previously marked boulder, pulverizing it into dust. I swing the barrel around again and give one last warning.

Everything freezes as my targeting computers zero in on the most likely shot for the kill, I pause to see if the juvenile backs off. The hoof stops midmotion, my combat channels are now busy with voices asking what is going on as I see the two fillies start shaking quite badly. I advise over all channels the current situation and the solution if my Commander is assaulted again.


Apple Bloom and the two others scamper to the side, wringing hooves in their ears as the gunfire was probably quite deafening. I remain focused on the target of my ire, death will come very swiftly if she so much as flinches in my sight.


The hoof slowly comes down, my scanners register a trembling in all four legs as she stands wide eyed. Her accomplice is slowly backing away from her, I let this happen as long as she does not approach my Commander.

My attention does not waiver, I advise the target in a lower voice that should she move, she will end up like the boulder. This I know is heard due to the increased trembling, and it appears a puddle of body temperature liquid is forming underneath her. Checking angles of fire and ricochet possibilities I conclude it is not blood.

It is no matter, if she moves again, she will die. My Battle Reflex quivers at my beck and call, waiting to be brought forward to avenge any slight against my Commander.

My Anti-Air sensors pick up two flying ponies coming in for a landing, weapons are trained on them, identification is made as Rainbow Dash and Twilight. I allow them to land, swinging the weapons back on target.

“Stop! Stop! Apple Bloom!”

The little filly looks a bit curious as she can’t quite hear well yet, seeing Twilight talking to her, “What Twilight?”

“Tell Crusader to stop! Tell him it’s okay!”


“Tell Crusader to stop!”

Apple Bloom looks around, not quite sure where to speak, but yells out, “Crusader! It’s okay! You can stop! Stop!”

“Are you sure my Commander?”

“Ah’m fine, I swear, please don’t do anything!”

“Order received.” My High Alert stands down, weapons are put back into place as I return to Mid Level alert status, though every sensor is trained on the small attacker in case.

“Standing down my Commander, are you alright?”

“Ah’m fine Crusader. Sun and Stars what’d you do?”

I can answer, I could tell her everything discussed previously about her being my Commander, but this can wait. I choose a simpler one.

“I was protecting you my Commander, I thought she was assaulting you.”

“Oh no Crusader, it’s okay, I’m fine really, please don’t do that again!”

“As you wish my Commander.”

I wait as Twilight and Rainbow Dash ferry the two fillies back to town, taking care with the extremely frightened Diamond Tiara; it appears the bane of my Commander had made the mistake to step into my perimeter, she was very lucky I fired a warning shot instead of acting on the usual impulse to shoot to kill.

It is too late to take back anything, though I am glad I warned the others about any possible reactions. Twilight advises me over the link that the little ones are not harmed, just extremely scared and are being returned to their parents. I suggest they do the same for Apple Bloom and the others.

I await patiently as my Commander and her friends are taken back to town, the possible repercussions concern me not. But as I have said, this is a new world, it may be more than I can imagine. This will be dealt with in time, as I am a citizen of Equestria, I am sure I shall face the consequences of their justice system. I am prepared to justify my actions, my duty.


I receive a Flag Command Priority communication from Princess Luna. A hearing will be held on my command deck for the incident. Justice it appears is very swift here, let us hope it is also fair. I reply that I await their arrival, I do not look forward to this.


Tracking indicates incoming ponies, both ground and air. My masts swivel and keep them in sight, I am at a heightened state of readiness ever since the incident, it takes a while for a combat unit to stand down from High Alert. Therefore everything is considered to be a threat until and unless cleared.

I record the arrival of the two fillies from the other day, seeing them holding tight to their parents. I am advised Filthy Rich is one Diamond Tiara’s parent, the mother is not here, but it appears her father has a paramour with him at least.

Silver Spoon, the one who backed off at the warning is accompanied by her father and mother as well, she clings to them and appears quite frightened to enter the maintenance tunnel.

They are all led into the command deck by a Royal Guard.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia arrive with no retinue except Twilight and her friends. I make it a point to greet each one, making sure there is enough room and light in the hatchways for them.

I await quietly as they settle in the various seats provided, everypony looking expectantly at Princess Celestia.

Any pony extraneous to the hearing is hereby dismissed, leaving Twilight and her friends, and the accompanying Princesses, Diamond Tiara and her parent with paramour, Silver Spoon and her parents.

Princess Celestia begins to speak.

“We are here today to rule in judgment upon the actions of two days ago. Wherein Crusader threatened with deadly force a citizen of Equestria.”

She speaks of the incident as told to her and Princess Luna by the two fillies, quite a bit of embellishment was added I’m afraid, but I am sure it will be corrected. If not, I have full audio/visual recordings that can clarify things.

I am asked to give my side of the story, I do so, without any qualms. I show them the recordings as well to prove exactly what I did. I advise them I have no guilt for what I did, that I am trained, programmed this way.

An argument ensues, the paramour of Filthy Rich seems to think she needs to fight for the little filly of her partner. I can understand this, but it makes no sense in the long run. I am sure to be judged against and I am fine with accepting any punishment that comes my way as a citizen of Equestria.

Princess Celestia hears both sides of the case, she does talk with Twilight and Rainbow Dash as they were on the scene as well. Apple Bloom and the other Crusaders it appears, have been talked to already.

I await the conclusion as she sets back on the couch. It appears cases like this are handled swiftly in a most informal way, Concordiat lawyers would have been arguing for weeks if not years. I think I prefer this.

“It is in our estimation of this case. That what Crusader did was no more than could be expected of the Town Guard or Royal Guard.” Celestia raises one elegant hoof as voices begin rumbling, “But, by our laws, the threatening of harm or death is not permissible by anypony. Great care must be taken lest we slide down that road where it becomes commonplace.”

“It is therefore the judgment of this court, that Crusader be fined the equivalent of five thousand bits in punishment for rash actions. This to be distributed to the families of the aggrieved.”

By the gasp from the watchers, I assume that is quite an amount. Calculating equivalency, I ship the appropriate amount in bars to the fabrication drawer immediately.

“Do you accept our judgment Crusader?” Celestia gives a visual sensor a knowing look.

“I do Your Highness, and wish to apologize as well. The equivalent amount is currently in the drawer to your left if you would.”

Princess Luna opens the drawer, pulling out ten gold bars and handing them immediately over to the families. It is a small price to pay I believe. I am already an exile from my own world, imprisoning me would not work, this is just.

But there is always something....

The paramour of Filthy Rich had been eyeing the bars of gold, which would be minted into bits. I have seen that look before, it is an old, old one. Greed seems to affect anyone, pony or not. I fear where this will go.

She immediately starts demanding that I be fined more, saying that the anguish I had caused the filly was far beyond what the amount given could compensate for. I am shocked at her brashness in front of her sovereign. It appears she believes that I probably have quite a bit more to give since I acquiesced so quickly. I do not know if it is an attempt because she cares for Diamond, or trying to impress the father.

She tries to enlist the parents of the other filly named Silver Spoon, but they demure, not wanting to get into this fight. I cannot blame them, and wish them well with their daughter. They appear content just to have her alive, and are not at all concerned about the money.

Princess Celestia is taking this gracefully, Luna however is getting an annoyed look as the mare goes on, trying to justify the fining of more bits.

I try to interrupt, saying I would be glad to do so if it would calm the matter, but Princess Celestia politely waves me to silence.

I swivel the visual sensors around the command room, recording the audio for later as well. The mare seems to be quite taken with herself, actually yelling at the royals in her quest for more. It is an old story, written long ago, by men such as I have known. I am saddened by this taking place, it appears to be written in the fabric of the universe. One should not care for the material, but for the young who grow so quickly.

The tirade winds down, the mare looking self-important and smug as the room is silent. Princess Celestia tilts her head, waving a hoof for my attention.


“Yes Your Highness?”

“Tell this mare what would have happened if Apple Bloom had been harmed.”

I am shocked into silence, it takes me a second to recover as I am not sure. “I am sorry Your Highness?”

Princess Celestia looks directly into the camera lens, “Tell her exactly what would have happened had Apple Bloom been seriously harmed. All of it please.”

“Are you absolutely sure Your Highness?”

“Yes, go ahead.”

With that, she settles back onto the couch as I begin by telling what would have happened, I decide to include everything.

“My Commander, who is known as Apple Bloom, is a number one priority to me, her health and well-being is essential.”

I am interrupted by the mare again, asking what use is this. Internally I sigh, starting again.

“Understand me clearly, you are not in a room inside of a hill. You are inside of me. I AM the hill you have stood upon before entering." This receives shocked looks.

“If any harm would have come to Apple Bloom, I guarantee you I would flatten this town, I would raze this continent to cinders, this planet would burn in my quest to avenge her. There is nothing you, nor anypony else could do to stop me.

I am content here, I have been made a citizen of Equestria and choose to obey it’s laws. But I am also a machine of war, I have fought battles across the galaxy, I have wiped planets clean of life itself.

The only reason Filthy Rich’s daughter is still alive happens to be because I knew that it would devastate those who have befriended me, so I gave a warning shot. My normal procedure would have been shoot to kill immediately. You would do well to thank them for their teaching me forbearance, and not let greed get the best of you.”

The abrasive mare is stunned into silence at my words. Silence falls over the command deck as Filthy Rich, who appears to have a bit more common sense than I had given him, pulls her aside and admonishes her to be silent. My audio pickups take note he is quite concerned for his daughter, and is glad she is unharmed, it is not about more money.

He apologizes to the sovereigns, letting them know he is grateful for the judgment and considers it fair as no harm was done. I notice he as well takes the time to thank the six friends most pointedly.

Princess Celestia rises from her couch, “Then I believe this hearing is over?” She receives nods from everypony. “Good, please find your way out, and what is said here shall not be talked about is that understood?”

She receives nods again as they file out, Filthy Rich talking in low tones to the argumentative mare, it is not going to end well there I believe. The parents of Silver Spoon, stop and thank Princess Celestia for her time and effort on their behalf. I am pleased to say they accepted an apology from myself as well, inviting their daughter to come and chat anytime she wished. Though I am not sure it will be taken, the offer is there.

I watch as everypony exits, leaving Celestia and Luna in my command deck.


“Yes Your Highness?”

“Are you truly that big?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Maybe it’s better you do stay put then?”

“I am quite happy to be where I am Your Highness.”

Princess Celestia chuckles a bit at Luna’s shocked look, “Well sister, it seems there are things left to be discovered after so long.”

She looks up to the ceiling again, “We shall get the command changed over quickly Crusader, you have my promise.”

“Thank you your Highness.”

She looks a bit slyly at the video pickup, “Would you have truly done all that?”

“Of course not, once the threat is gone, there is no need. But a little embellishment never hurts would you say?”

Celestia laughs quite warmly in the still room, Luna joining with her. “It seems my sister and I shall have to talk with you further Crusader.

With that, they leave my command deck. I secure the hatchways and once again return to scanning for intruders and threats.

I ponder my own comment about the warning shot. It disturbs me that it had happened at all, but I believed it my own decision at the time. This is worrisome. I begin a full deep scan of all data cores and processors, seeking a glitch or rogue code that prevented me from shooting to kill.

It will take a few hours, but I do have the commodity of time to spend as I choose. As the scanning goes on, I return to the data from the sensor masts, noticing one occluded visual blocked by a cyan leg. I am not disturbed by any alarm as they are now set to recognize authorized ponies. It appears Rainbow Dash is taking advantage of her victory to use a post as a napping spot again.

But I do wonder. If this universe has changed so drastically with the passage of time. Can I, who am out of place, be changed as well?

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