• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,595 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Into The Past Part VIII

Athena watched the sleeping figure. Stretched out on a bed that had been cobbled together..well..exquisitely made to tell the truth. Ponies were efficient if nothing else. Heavy wood took his weight well, along with the mattress and covers. It would have been loved in the old world.

A comforter soft and thick covered the rising and falling chest as pillows cradled the resting face.

It had been dismaying, the talk in the garden for only a few minutes as Athena thought back, replaying those memories.


“What do you mean..dying?” The pegasus was shocked, staring up at him in confusion.

“Exactly what I said.” His cane tapped along the pathway as they walked, “I was a weapons tech Athena, worked on anti-matter warheads and systems.”

“But..but those weren’t used! They were declared too unstable. That’s why we Bolos were never equipped with any.”

“Too many secrets, Athena. The Concordiat wanted better and bigger weapons, well they got them.”

“Yes, to our detriment.” Calliope interrupted.

“Too late for recriminations now, Calliope.”

“Anyways, being exposed to the radiation from live anti-matter during my duties, I contracted Tanaba-Yau Neuropathy. Only one out of a hundred people got it and my number came up.”

“Tanaba-Yau Neuropathy,” Crusader’s voice came online, “A degenerative disease causing breakdown of all neural pathways inside the brain and the body. No cure is known as the radiation from anti-matter was never fully understood, even with Concordiat science. Nanite treatment was used to make sufferers comfortable. As the disease progressed it was..an ignominious end.”

Athena nodded to herself, searching her archives for any hint of experimental treatment. Nano-therapy had been tried to reconstruct some pathways and circuitry inside the brain and body, but the radiation lingered somehow and started the process all over again, only swifter and more painful than before.

“We used the medical nano to arrest it as best we could, but it was a losing battle. The disease takes a long time to burn through the host, years and decades.

Crusader agreed, “They could not find the exact cause of the radiation staying in the body even when cleansed, science was close when earth fell.

“If only.”

Athena could only nod, “How long?”

Wyatt thought for a moment, rubbing his chin with a steady hand, “Weeks maybe. Calliope tells me I’m older than I should be due to stasis failure. Knew I missed something cobbling that piece of crap together.” he sighed, “Call myself a tech.”

“I am not sure it was your mechanical ability, Wyatt,” Athena was thinking, “Magic affects stasis, and maybe the background count got too high for the field to sustain itself.”

He tapped the cane along a rock, nodding, “Could be. Flickering in and out like that, and the only thing keeping it alive was the power cells. They drained pretty quick.”

A free hand went from chin to lower back, “Got twinges where I didn’t before. Guess I get to complain like any old person eh?” He waved his cane in the air, “Get off mah lawn!” Wanting to distract from the serious talk for a moment.

Calliope, then Athena and Crusader chuckled at the ridiculous figure.

“Don’t you be laughing at me whippersnappers!” He set the cane in place, continued walking with Athena by his side and two voices in his ear, “I promise, no ‘old people’ stuff.”

“You can do whatever you want to Wyatt, you’re an honored guest here.”

“Then I want to see things. I want to see every sunrise and sunset, every moonrise and moonset. I want to see them all and share it with Calliope. She deserves that much, and so much more.”

“I’ll do my best to make sure that happens.” The pegasus nodded, hearing Crusader agree with her, offering assistance if needed.

“Then answer me this as well, why are you here? Surely a Bolo doesn’t just up and travel wherever for nothing. Though it could if it really wanted to.” Wyatt chuckled.

“I was here to search for relics, debris, or anything left over from our era. There have been things found,” Athena almost laughed out loud seeing Shining once more sword fighting with..oh boy.. “I discovered a circle of debris ringing the castle and narrowed it down, that’s how we found you. I am due to search the glaciers as soon as I can as well.”

“I’ll go with you, might prove to be an adventure. Something to do in any case.”

“No. Not in your con..”

The sable pegasus backed up with a cane tip pointing at her nose, eyes crossing as she tried to focus, “Don’t you dare. I am not some decrepit human that can’t do anything. I’ve always wanted to ride inside a Bolo, and you are not going to say no.”

The cane never wavered as Athena nodded, keeping a close eye on it, “Okay, we can do that.”

The cane went back down, “Glad you see things my way.”

Athena shook her head for a moment, uncrossing her eyes, “You are a very strange person Wyatt.”

“I try to be. Never was one for doing what everyone else did.” He gave her a brilliant smile, one she couldn’t help returning.

“Aren’t you worried about..about..”


Athena nodded.

“No. I accepted it a long while ago. Once Calliope told me, there was nothing else to do except live as best I could.”

If I remember correctly, there was quite a lot of yelling and not a few tears.

“Lies! Nothing but lies!” He leaned down, sotto voce to Athena, “Never trust those AI’s, always sneaking around,” He looked at her with narrowed eyes, “Oh wait, that’s right...”

“You are so strange.”


The gardens were lovely. They had rejoined everyone for a tour, viewing the statues and even the large one of Spike that had been replicated in the center of the low hedge maze. Of course Spike had to recount the tale of how he became a hero, finding a willing audience in Sergeant Carpenter.

They would meet at breakfast to plan the day, but Athena was standing guard the entire time, a promise had been made that he was to see each sunrise and moon rise. She would make sure that he was there.


“Are you sure about this? Those are unique in all the world now.” Athena was looking worried as Wyatt stood easily beside her, watching the reaction.

“Stop fretting. What are we gonna do, keep ‘em?”

She had awakened him that morning, early enough he could clean up and be ready to greet the day. Sneaking around in the castle was not going to happen as guards were quite alert, and for some reason Twilight had shown up looking bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Morning people, make you feel slow and sluggish, darn them.

Princess Celestia was already waiting in the garden, Luna by her side as they talked in the pre-dawn hours.

This time there was no stepping back. Princess Cadence, Shining, the Elements, all gathered round as Luna brought about the moonset, seeing the blazing sun peeking over the horizon and watching Wyatt close his eyes as the first rays hit his face.

Nopony made comments, just enjoying morning as they have ever since Princess Celestia first raised the sun and before.

With that done, they retired to a warm meal inside, it was a little chill as if the bitter cold outside were seeping through the shields. That was solved by Shining and Cadence stopping at the Crystal heart, making sure the magic was tight.

But it all goes by too fast, the pleasant times. Meeting later at Wyatt’s request, they gathered in the vault once more.


“Calliope and I have talked it over for a few minutes, we’d like to gift this art to you.” A hand swept back, taking in the precious relics of an earlier age, “To all of you.”

Even Celestia was stunned. This trove represented some of the finest art of an age long gone, so far into the ancient past it was less than dust. It was the only cache in existence as far as anyone knew, and therefore beyond a doubt priceless. Notwithstanding the other stuff they had found, this was pristine, well cared for and utterly irreplaceable. Most of what Dusty had was trash compared to this.

Her voice was calm, “Are you sure of this?”

Wyatt nodded, “Sure as anything. Calliope and I don’t have a lot of time. We want to make sure it’s taken care of.”

They all knew now of the trouble Calliope was in, how she would not be herself much longer. As for the Sergeant, faces had worn long looks when he disclosed his diagnosis.

Luna stepped forward, looking at the strange picture that had so drawn her, “It is a generous gift, what may we do for you in return?”

“Not a thing.” The cyan eyes turned towards him in astonishment, “Sometimes gifts are just given, without anything in return. You all seem to enjoy looking at them as I did.”

“We do!” Twilight was bouncing around in excitement, her eyes turning towards the plasti-crates that contained more precious objects, then back to the shelves.

“Oh, this is wonderful!”

“Calm down Twilight.” Celestia’s serene voice cut through her ebullience as a golden clad hoof pressed lightly on her shoulder, “I wouldn’t jump around too much, something could break.”

“Oh! Right. Okay, got it.” She planted herself firmly on a cushion, pointing a hoof at Pinkie, then the seat beside her. The pink mare promptly copied her actions.

“We’ve got everything printed out for you, the history of each piece and names, so you won’t have any problem with it.”

He was talking to air right now as the crowd of ponies had gathered around that most mysterious painting. The smile affecting them all in different ways as the calm face peered out from behind the armorglass and neutral gasses. One by one they turned and looked at Princess Celestia, then at the painting again, going back and forth for a moment.


“Uhm..nothing sister, nothing.” Though Luna kept sneaking a peek now and then, comparing the two.

“Stop that.”

“Of course.”

Wyatt chuckled, having noticed some similarity a while ago, saying nothing but wondering all the same.

“So, do you want them?”

“Oh, yes!” Twilight was about bounce off her cushion but was stopped by a gentle glance, “Yes.”

“We’ll crate them up later then.” He glanced at Athena, tilting his head and tossing it with an indication for her to come back into the secondary room. Leaving the others to look over the treasure trove of artifacts that had now been bequeathed to Equestria.

Following him in, she looked around, “What’s going on?”

He sat down at the workbench, “Would you take my drawings? Keep them safe?”

“Of course. We can keep them. Twilight has a spell that can do that. Failing it, Crusader or I can make preservatives. We’d love to care for them.”

“Good. I’ll know they’re in good hands.” Sitting in the chair, he glanced around, taking in the place where he lived for most of his life, “Kinda odd seeing this like it is now.” He pointed, “Recirc’ed water, they stocked food for a hundred people for fifty years, so, one person didn’t make much of a dent.”

He laughed lightly, “Didn’t even use it, they scampered to the sub-crustal bunkers deeper down. Least they left me this.” A fist was raised, solid and strong, “But fie on you who took my soda and beer, fie I say!”

Athena chuckled, “I have noticed you’ve developed a taste for cider.”

“Hard not to. Sweet, delicious, got a kick like a.. He looked around quickly, “Is it okay to say mule?”


“Though I admit, juice, real juice, whether orange, pear, whatever they serve is like something magical. To me, at least. It really is different when you haven’t tasted them in years.”

Athena watched the elderly man smile, seeing him again at the morning meal enjoying each sip of orange juice. Pleasure, true honest pleasure, was so rare to see. He embodied it, in everything he tasted, saw, felt.

A pink form popped up beside her with a small package, “What are these?”

Wyatt laughed, “You don’t want any of that, who knows if they’re even still....ed..ible..”

He watched in amazement as Pinkie unwrapped the long golden cakes, stuffing one in her mouth and chewing happily, the cream filling bursting out and making her grin while pressing the other one in between lips, “Fes’re gooooof!”


A huge swallow and a smile, “These are gooood!”

“They’re a million years old..but..people always did think they’d last forever.” The sergeant laughed at Athena’s disgusted look, “Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re harmless.”

“You don’t have any cereal in there do you?”

“Ugh, no, that stuff is bad for you.”

“You have no idea.” At her expression he asked what had happened.

Once again another story of problems when past encountered the present. It had him laughing so hard she was worried he’d fall over from lack of air.

Wiping a tear from one eye he was looking amusedly at her, “You certainly have unique situations.”

“We honestly try not to, but it seems there are forces beyond even us here.”

“You got caught flat-footed didn’t you?” A small smile played around his lips while he watched Athena stutter. “This whole new world, everything, you got caught right out.”

Her eyes went wide, face with a look of protest, “N..no! Nono! We..adapted, we made sure we were..pre..well..kinda prepared...sometimes..” She rubbed one hoof along the other, looking at anyplace but him.

A hand nudged her shoulder, “Not looking good on the old battle record is it?”

A sable hoof pointed, “Hey! You try dealing with all this some days. It’s..it gets a little crazy.” Athena sighed, lowering the hoof as a pink form popped out of a shelf right beside her.

“It sure does! Lots of fun too!” The fluffy mane disappeared with the smiling face.

Wyatt could do nothing but look at the empty space for a moment, turning to Athena, “That happen a lot?”

“More than you imagine.”

“She’s..different, huh?”

“If you only knew how many hours of processing time we gave up..”

Wyatt reached out, one hand gently patting a slumped shoulder, “Some things you have to let go.”

“Ain’t that the truth!”

They both watched as Fluttershy and Rarity appeared out of the shelves, each of them eating what looked like chocolate hockey pucks. They carried packages of more and varied goodies.

“Where does Pinkie find these things?”

“I don’t know, but they sure are good.” Fluttershy finished hers before trying to figure out how to open another package.

“Oh, we have to convince Athena to carry some back with us.”

“I don’t think I’ll have a problem with that.” They both watched as the two ponies jumped, looking surprised for the moment.

Fluttershy squeaked around a cupcake, Rarity dropping her collection of packages.

Wyatt, of course, laughed. Again.


The evening found him setting in the gardens. He had taken a walk through a part of town that held stalls and shops. Foals and little ponies all around him as he delighted in answering all their questions. Athena was playing bodyguard, standing back to be unobtrusive as all the others were taking care of their own shopping or relaxing in their rooms.

“He really likes them doesn’t he.” Spike’s voice was soft in the warm sun, watching as he had accompanied the two wanderers.

“I believe he does Spike. He is enjoying his days.”

“He’s a nice pony, he really is.” He had spent a little time talking with the Sergeant earlier. They had gotten along famously.

“He’s definitely that.” Athena nodded, knowing what he meant.

They had watched as the tall human lowered himself to the ponies’ levels, making sure he treated each and every one with respect. Wyatt had told Athena earlier that since he was here, he may as well comport himself as ambassador of the late, great, human race.

That, he certainly did. Although only an enlisted rank, he chose to put the best forward. Being kind even to those wary of him. His voice was never raised, even when Athena had seen a little pony step on his booted foot. Not a complaint, but a soft warning to watch where one walked.

He had an innate charm that was disarming, even to those who weren’t quite sure what to say to the tall figure. Athena was very curious as to how an enlisted soldier was acting like someone far above his station. Very odd that.

Stallkeepers were wont to give him gifts, Athena made sure she had enough bits to pay for everything as he had refused such kindnesses before, claiming he had no money and it wouldn’t be right. So she and Spike kept up with him and reminded him they would be taking care of any debts occurring.

Not a few items had been sent back to his quarters in the castle. Gifts exchanged for a few trifles he had carried with him from the stores in the vault. Small permanently sealed flashlights with solar cells in them and eternal bulbs provided much interest as he explained what they did. Something cheap in Concordiat days, they had been there for emergencies if lights ran out in the vaults, now they were wondrous things to trade with.

Leave them in the sun and they would be recharged in an hour, providing light for an entire night, they were efficient and well made, considering.

Gifts that would last almost forever, what a way to be remembered.

Lanyards were provided with them, a metal weave of immense strength, they could be carried by ponies easily.

They had larger ones in the colony stores, and kept them for emergencies as ponies in Ponyville preferred less technological means for light. They had discussed this with him and advised it might be the same here. But trading for goods, they were accepted in kind. Opening one wouldn’t reveal anything to someone being nosy, if they got it open at all. The fluid used for charge storage dissolved in open air, hence sealing of the lights.

As for ecological impact, none. Should it be opened it would biodegrade in no time. As long as the components were intact, it stayed working. Extreme damage or inquisitiveness, and you had to almost roll a Bolo over one to crack it, would create a chemical change that took care of any leftovers, leaving an inert powder.

Athena had been amazed at the little lights, she and Crusader never seeing them before and being informed they were to have been released to the public that year the Earth fell. They were a few generations ahead of the bulky things in colony stores.

She had privately wondered to Crusader what else might be within those storerooms. He had agreed she needed to start investigating the stacks. The available tech from the outer rooms had been taken and stored already, containing valuable metals for their use.

Now he was setting quietly in the garden, a sketch pad in his hands. Colored pencils and chalks sat nearby as he sketched quickly, adding details with a concentration that would put an AI to shame.

A picture came into focus under the skilled fingers, showing what he saw and bringing it to life. Luna’s face was prominent, standing against a starlit backdrop, her head thrown back in a laugh that seemed to encompass her whole body. The glow was there, the Cutie Mark prominent as she was exquisitely drawn, every line and curve showing the humor and joy encased in the Princess of the Moon.

Her mane and tail flowed like a river of stars behind her in an unseen wind. Her eyes were bright and glowing, the magic surrounding her like a drape showing a ribbon made up of glowing points of light, a galaxy seen side on, flowing like water past her.

“That, is amazing.” Athena was peering over his shoulder.

“Nothing to it, just draw what I see.” He finished with a flourish, signing his name below.

“Have you done..” She inhaled sharply, seeing Celestia come into view when he flipped the page.

The tall mare was laying on a cushion, her own mane and tail shifting with colors in the magical aura she’d always had. Her gold clad hooves crossed each other in the front as her face looked out of the paper. One eyebrow was raised as a smile showed she knew something you didn’t and seemed quite confident about it. Her eyes caught that glint of confidence and mystery, the Solar Mark shining in a way that caught and captured the eye. It was the ‘come hither’ look that got Athena wondering whether he should really give that to the Princess.

It definitely exuded an air of mystery all right, plus a hefty dose of..yeah best not think of that.

Athena couldn’t help but chuckle, “Oh..nice.. I’m not sure you should show..”

“That is interesting.”

Athena pinched her nose, somehow Celestia had dodged her sensors. She was regretting teaching them combat skills.

“Hello, Princess.” Wyatt’s voice was warm as he finished with another flourish, carefully removing the portrait from the large book and holding it up for Celestia, “This is for you.”

“Why, thank you Wyatt.” It was enveloped in a golden aura, brought close to be inspected, rolled up and placed under one wing, “I shall treasure it always.” Her mouth was beside Athena’s ear, “Think it would look good in a public place?”

The pegasus almost shot straight up, “Uh..no..maybe not?” She tried to smile, but it came out as a nervous grin. Something like that portrait was definitely not for public consumption.

A chiming laugh and a golden hoof on her shoulder, “You should be calmer.”

“Crusader tells me that.”

“He has good advice.”

“You aren’t really..”

“Of course not, it shall be preserved and hung in my private quarters where I shall cherish it.” She leaned over, planting a warm kiss on Wyatt’s cheek, “Thank you for the wonderful gift.” Turning and leaving on quiet hooves as the Sergeant raised a hand to his cheek.


Athena looked at him, hearing the amazement in his voice.

“Something wrong?”

“No. No. It was warm, like..sunlight.” His eyes were looking off into the distance for the moment, “Like a summer day.”

She could only nod, “Magic, Wyatt, it’s everywhere.”

“ ‘Tis true, it is all around us!” The cheery voice was followed by the smiling face of Luna peering over the back of the bench as Athena kicked herself again for letting down her guard.

“ ‘Tia told me you might have a gift for me? I do so love receiving them!” The Princess of the Night came around the front of the bench, sitting and looking at them both eagerly.

“As a matter of fact I do.” He removed the newly finished drawing and held it up for her inspection.

Her cyan eyes drifted over it for a moment while an inhalation of air into a gasp told him of her reaction.

“It..that is me?”

“Very much so Princess.”

“Do I.. look like that to you?”

“You do.”

He had explained to them all what he observed every time he looked at a pony, trying to get them to imagine the same thing he did, ending up drawing a few things to let them see.

“That is amazing.”

“Thank you. Hope you like it.” He let it go as the glow from her horn wrapped the paper in an aura, bringing it close.

Her smile lit up the surrounding area as if a beacon had been touched off, she carefully rolled it like a scroll, making sure nothing could smudge it in any way before tucking it under one wing.

Luna’s voice was quiet, “I shall treasure it always.” She leaned in, giving Wyatt’s opposite cheek a quick kiss, before trotting off happily.

Athena waited for a moment, “Well...?”

He blinked, giving her a puzzled look, “Pardon?”

“What was it like?”

“What was what like?” Now she could see the smile playing around the edges of his lips.


Eyes were rolled as he sighed, “Easily upset for a Bolo, aren’t you Athena?”

“I do remind her most days.


Wyatt laughed softly, “Like a cool mint breeze. Soft, kinda thrilling, soothing and refreshing. That what you wanted to hear?”

“I was just wondering.”

“Wyatt, it’s time.” Calliope’s voice broke through.

“Are you sure?”

“I am afraid so, status is yellow and I have prepared the magazine for opening. My apologies it took so long.

“No worries Muse, we’ll be right there.” He turned to Athena, “We’ve got to go back to the vault. There’s one more thing you’ve got to know.” He and Calliope had done a lot of discussion in the moments they had during the past couple of days.

“Magazine? What magazine?” Now the pretty pegasus was looking concerned.

“Please, just follow me. It’s taken a bit for Calliope to get things ready, but yeah, kinda important.”

Athena joined him as he turned, walking with a sense of urgency in his step.

To be continued...

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