• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,595 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Moving Forward...or is it sideways?

“Are you sure I look okay? Positive?” Sky’s voice was laced with jitters as they stood outside the glorious house on a low rise in Canterlot. The warm sun took away the slight chill in the late morning air as Wyatt and Sky stepped up onto the portico, before the heavy wooden doors that were inlaid with exquisite scrollwork. All around were carefully tended rose bushes, along with daffodils and other blooming vegetation that gave the marble edifice a warm feel.

He looked at his companion, mane done up in a upward sweeping style, a lovely golden chain around the slim neck accenting her colors, along with silver earrings that dangled from ears that flicked nervously.

“It’s just tea, nothing more. Why are you so nervous?” Practiced eyes took in the wide fluted columns, entwined with ivy and jasmine, the scent of flowers wafting through the air to lightly touch the nose with a delicious aroma.

“Just tea? But it’s.. I have to look my best! I’ve never been invited..” Wyatt lay a calming hand on one shoulder, the muscles twitching nervously under the flattened palm.

“Settle down, you look like you’re going to barf on the porch.” He leaned forward and lifted the heavy knocker, rapping the door in a quick succession of three hits.


He couldn’t help but smile mischievously as the door swung open, Fleur dis Lee’s pretty face leaned out with a questioning look before seeing them, “You made it!” She stepped back, opening the door wider into the spacious entry way, “Please come in!”

The vestibule to the house was carpeted with a woven rug, thick and soft, enveloping their foot and hoof steps to muffle them almost completely. It was large and spacious, the cold stone walls covered with tapestries or hangings that took away the hard feel and made it more of a home.

A short hall led to the main room where Fleur received her guests graciously, inviting them to sit among the comfortable looking couches and cushions, all in a sunken area that surrounded a low-setting fireplace in the middle. An etched pipework chimney ran straight up, taking any smoke away from the wide fire pit and leaving just a glow of warmth that permeated the room.

Earth tones and warm colors covered the house, and the kitchen from what they could see from their vantage point, settling in on a divan that had cushions backed up against the wall of the inset living and gathering area. Plants in finely made pottery dotted the entire room, ferns and large leafed greenery splitting it up into sections that made it all feel more intimate.

Someone had planned this room to the inch, making it all seem closer than it was. A circular staircase in one corner led up to the second story, carpeted as well with a tightly woven runner that snugged the steps easily.

No matter where you sat in the sunken space you could see every area and who you were talking to.

It was all cleverly done in a way that you’d have to study for a long while before you figured out it was on purpose.

Fleurs’ head popped out from the doorway leading into the kitchen to where she had retreated after making sure her guests were settled in, “Be one second!”

They had no chance to answer back before she disappeared once more, hearing the sounds of utensils being put away or used, they weren’t quite sure.

Skys’ eyes were wide with wonder as she peered around the house from her seat on the well-made divan. Seeing shelves with books by the dozen, vases and fine things on stands that were placed in such a way that you’d swear they were hidden on purpose. She found the home a delight and a pleasure to be in, trying to figure out what was, or if there was, something behind a wall hanging or another plant.

A clattering sound made them both look, seeing Fleur trotting out of the kitchen, a large tea set upon a platter held within the grip of an aura as they floated to rest upon the coffee table.

Delicate, and what appeared to Wyatt’s eyes as porcelain, cups and a tea pot were carefully arranged on the silver tray, fluffy cloth napkins beside each cup were folded very precisely to look like swans.

Another tray followed, landing gently beside the tea set, it was covered in a myriad of petit fours set in a pattern that made them all the more enticing.

Small eclairs dripped with chocolate icing, alongside tartlets that looked to have just come out of the oven, fruit filling bubbling slightly as they cooled quickly in the air, the crusts delicate and flaky. Squares of fudge covered cakes and cookies dotted the serving silver as well, the aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air of the room with a scent of home.

Fleur settled with a slight huff in a settee, looking across at them with a smile, “My apologies for not being better prepared. These should have been done a while ago.”

Sky waved a hoof back and forth, “Nonono, this is so wonderful!” Glancing up at Wyatt who still had the slight grin on his face, “We just..well..didn’t expect all this.”

“She was so nervous I thought we’d have to haul her in here by the scruff after she fainted on the porch.”


A gleaming hoof lifted to cover Fleur’s mouth as her eyes went wide, giggling, then laughing out loud at the expression on Sky’s face.

The Crystal mare looked apologetic, “I am so sorry, he’s..sometimes.. Agh!” She threw her hooves in the air and glared at Wyatt who sat as if nothing in the world were wrong.

Her protestations were waved away with a smile, “Never a need to apologize. Please relax, there’s no reason to be nervous.”

“He can be cultured when he wants, except he prefers not to.” The voice came from nowhere, a device on Wyatt’s ear producing it. It was very easy on the ears and spoke Equestrian fluently now.

Fleur’s eyes went wide again, “Is..is that your friend? The one in the Crystal Empire?”

Wyatt nodded, “Oh yes, Calliope is my conscience I’m afraid, keeping me in line.” He winked at both the mares and sighed dramatically.

“You did NOT start without me!” The voice made them all turn, seeing Tropic standing there looking miffed. The burnished gold mare wore her mane in a style that piled it high in curly heaps along her head and neck, a few pieces of platinum jewelry accented the rest.

Fleur shook her head, “We wouldn’t dream of it. Come and sit down.”

The now happy mare trotted down to plop on a low sitting chair that snugged her body gently, her eyes peering at the trays set on the table, “Oh my, those look wonderful!”

“I followed Sweetcakes’ instructions to the letter.” Fleur announced proudly, looking aside at Wyatt and Sky, “I can’t bake for beans, but I can follow directions!”

A magical aura gripped the teapot, pouring the steaming contents into four cups that were arranged in front of each guest with a gentle movement of magical effort.

“Please have something to drink while everything cools down, they’re fresh from the oven and we have a while.”

Wyatt lifted the. what he assumed to be, delicate cup, looking at the thin walls and pressing it slightly with his fingers, strong and light, it outclassed most metal cups he’d used. Something in the fabrication made it so. From what he gathered, it would take a force of many pounds to even chip it.

Taking a sip, the tea was light and fragrant, teasing the palate with a hint of cherry along with the chamomile and other flavors he couldn’t identify that pervaded the rest. It soothed the throat easily and went down like the finest drink.

He noticed Fleur looking at him expectantly, almost nervous, as if his passing judgment on the tea’s quality was important.

He finished his drink and set the cup down, “That was the finest tea I’ve ever had, thank you.” He saw the slim mare’s shoulders unclench, “Though I’m sure you don’t need my approval.”

“Are you kidding?” Tropic was grinning, “She was fretting all day yesterday planning everything out!”

“Don’t tell them that!”

A golden hoof was waved in Fleurs’ direction, “Oh, shush. She was running all over trying to find the perfect tea for today, had it special ordered and brought here by direct express mail!” She put a hoof to the side of her muzzle, leaning towards Wyatt, “That cost a few bits I’ll tell you.”

“Tropic!” Fleur was looking aghast.

Wyatt laughed, leaning back against the soft pillow, “Look, there’s no reason to be uptight. You don’t need my approval,” he pointed at Fleur, “You don’t need to be so nervous.” Moved the finger to point at Sky, who was looking as if she’d fall over again.

He leaned forward, pouring himself another cup of the delicious tea, waving away Fleur’s protestations that she would be more than willing to do that. He sat back and smiled, “Let me tell you a story.”

Calliope was immediately online, “Do not tell them one of your stories!

This was waved away with a free hand, “Don’t worry.”

For the next hour, he weaved an intricate tale of himself as a young First Lieutenant, newly minted and out to celebrate his promotion. This quickly involved quite a bit of alcohol, some high society ladies, including a few general’s daughters, a pool filled with chocolate mousse; there was whipped cream, a stolen shipment of one hundred pounds of assorted fruit; ending with a large contingent of riot police. Plus the movie offers afterwards.


Athena was talking quietly with Twilight in the Royal Library when her eyes popped wide, tilting her head for a second and laughing out loud. Her hoof slapped the floor as she brayed in merriment, almost tearing up at what she heard through the translation program.

Twilight was trying to get her to quiet down, getting looks from the librarians as Athena continued to laugh so hard she almost fell over.

A hoof was waved weakly at Twilight who was looking confused, “I’ll tell you later.”

“You are so weird.”


“And that, was how I got busted back a rank the first time.” The tall soldier reached out, grabbing a now cooled blueberry tartlet and popping it in his mouth, savoring the flavor and flaky crust.

Tropic had rolled onto her back, kicking hooves in the air and laughing so hard her whole body shook. Tears were streaming down her face as she tried to compose herself and failed.

Fleur was right beside her, head thrown back and almost shrieking in delight, hooves holding her sides as she tried to gasp for breath and not getting enough air. Her eyes squeezed out tears from the effort as her lungs let out more howls, never hearing such a story before.

Sky had lost it completely, blushing deeply under her already red coloring, the Crystal mare joined right in, trying to muffle the sounds of her own merry voice by shoving her muzzle into a pillow. Failing in the attempt as they still filtered through. The whole house filled with the sounds of maniacal glee echoing off the walls.

“You..” Fleur was gasping for breath, “You are such a tale teller!”

A hand was raised with an innocent look, “All true. My hand to.. Uh..who do you guys swear by?”

Sky chuckled, “Celestia, usually.”

Wyatt had been practicing a little Equestrian of his own, “Oh, right. My hand to Celestia’s ass, it’s all true.”

“WYATT!” This time it was all three ponies.

I swear, if you don’t quit finding ways to dodge the translation filter, I will batter you senseless.” Athena’s voice was very crisp and clear in his ear, not a single doubt in his mind she would not keep that dire promise.

“I have just been advised that I am not to say anything like that any more. Otherwise, bad things will befall me.”

Sky nodded, “Well, that is kind of awful. Can’t believe you said that.”

Wyatt leaned near his friend, “Never take things too seriously, life is short and you never get out of it alive.”

Tropic got the comment immediately, followed by the others with much more merriment.

The topic turned to other things, small talk, a little gossip, enjoying the wonderful repast that had cooled to just the right temperature as they spoke amongst themselves. Wyatt was finding out more about the culture and history of the land, as well as Fleur and Tropic themselves.

Calliope was fully enjoying herself, being interested in everything, except when she was sternly warning the sergeant to behave himself.

A bell tolling outside made everyone pause, seeing the time had flown by. Fleurs’ eyes looked to a clock on the wall, seeing it almost late afternoon, they had talked the entire day away.

“Goodness! It’s almost..” She looked at her guests, “Would you all care to stay for dinner? It would be very nice if you could.”

Tropic looked at her friend suspiciously, “You’re not cooking, are you?”

Pale violet eyes rolled in their sockets with a sigh, “No, I was thinking of having it delivered. Especially after that last disaster.”

Tropic giggled, turning to the questioning looks from Wyatt and Sky, “She tried to make spaghetti one night, it didn’t...quite...work out.”

Fleur slapped a cushion with a fore hoof, “Pasta is not supposed to catch fire!”

“Delivery is fine,” Sky retorted with Wyatt nodding enthusiastically.

“Wonderful!” The slim mares’ hooves clapped together in delight as she got up from her seat, “Let me get a message and order off then. Please, look around the house, enjoy yourselves while I do so.”

Fleur turned and trotted off into a small den while the others got up and stretched a bit.

Tropic was first to suggest something, “Let’s go see the library! She’s got some wonderful books and collectors editions in there!” Her eyes were bright, thinking about rummaging through some of Fleurs’ carefully hoarded treasures.

Sky was hesitant, “Are you sure that would be okay?”

Tropic waved the comment away, “Oh, sure. I’ve been in there dozens of times. It’s a great place to sit and read a good book!”

Reassured, Wyatt and Sky got up and followed the golden mare up the stairs. Wyatt having to stoop just a little as it wasn’t quite made for tall beings like himself.

They ended up in a second story to the mansion, carpeted heavily and only three entryways into room could be seen. One, at the end of the hallway, appeared to be a washroom. The one to the right, taking up most of the side of the house, was the library where Tropic led them to. A door stood open opposite the library as Wyatt couldn’t help and peeked in, seeing Fleurs bedroom. SKy and Tropic already heading into the library, giving him time.

It was probably the most comfortable, and cheerful, room he had ever seen in his life. Standing in the door way looking in, a large, carved wood four poster bed stood in the middle of the back wall. The pillows thick and soft, covered in what looked like silk pillowcases. The canopy was light and lacy, with extensive beadwork dripping off all three sides and the back, giving it an ethereal air. The comforter was all bright colors, again, thick and warm looking for the chilly Canterlot nights.

Heavy shag type carpet would muffle any hoofstep completely, giving a soft bounce to any step. Wall to wall so no hard stone would peek through. Upon the walls were paintings and pictures, not of herself and celebrities, but of landscapes and cities undreamed of. Something out of the imagination brought to life.

A fireplace took up the right side, smoothly done with elegant stonework and carved marble, it fit the wall as if grown in place. Already set for an evening fire, it was large, and would heat the room easily.

Wyatt leaned against the doorframe, his eyes not seeing this room but another, and a cheerful face calling from the floor, surrounded by toys and stuffed animals.

“Wyatt! Come and play!”

His sister. Always looking on the bright side, always keeping him out of trouble some days.

He knew, during those final days, she had been on Earth. He was trapped below the surface, and couldn’t reach her or his family.

A pang of regret felt like an icepick in his chest. Knowing she would have loved this room. She would have been enamored of all the things here.

“I usually have the door closed.” The soft voice brought him out of his reverie, seeing Fleur standing quietly in the hallway.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.” The tone of his voice caught the mare off-guard as she gently closed the door with a movement of magic and the soft click of a latch.

“Is something wrong?” She was quick.

For one of the few times in his life, he had no quip or comment, just the truth, “My sister. She had a room like this when we were young. Kept all of her precious things in there. Said it was a place where she could escape the world and just be herself.”

He remembered visiting her house one time while on leave. She worked for a large multi-system shipping company as an executive. Everything was just right in the house, but the one room was hers. All the stuffed animals and books, the treasures of childhood and more, were still there to be loved. Added to and expanded over the years, it was a storehouse of warmth.

The slim mare smiled brightly, “She was right, you know. Everypony needs some place to call their own.” The implications didn’t pass her by.

“True, very true.”

For a moment, it all connected between them, an understanding of certain things and the comment came back to him of Crusader telling him not to underestimate ponies. Judging a book by its cover here, could get you into real trouble.

“Hey! What are you standing in the hall for?” Tropics’ head poked out of the opposite doorway, “Come on in!”

He gestured with an outswept arm, “After you, Miss Lee.”

“Why, thank you, kind sir.” She walked past him with a royal air that gave them both a chuckle.

Wyatt stepped into the enormous room that was covered in shelves and stands, holding books and magazines and..were those comics? On the walls and standing free in the room itself. Walls were blanketed with posters from movies, book announcements, and of course the ubiquitous Daring Do pictures in various action poses.

Small stands topped with glass cases held figurines and other collectibles. More examples of Fleurs love of pop culture. The floor was once again carpeted in soft covering, enhancing the quiet by absorbing sounds, making it all so much better.

It was a geek’s paradise, all in one room.

Comfortable chairs were strategically placed, giving privacy and the ability to talk with someone close, for the relaxing and reading of the items contained herein.

Tropic and Sky were marveling at an entire run of a comic called The Power Ponies. Each encased in a sleeve of some transparent material unlike plastic, but different. It held the booklet firmly and without a wrinkle, easily removed for reading and sipped back in, numbered and labeled.

Wyatt could only stand and look around at the airy space, seeing it lit by softly glowing lights that had to be magic, no heat or flame, but enough brilliance to light each corner, no room for shadows.

“Do you like it?”

Wyatt glanced over to see Fleur standing next to him, smiling as he was looking over the library.

He nodded, “I had friends..who would’ve done heinous things to a lot of people for the chance to have something like this.”

The laugh was like chimes in the wind to his ears, “They were fans then? Of things back then?”

“Oh, yes. Rabid, one might say.”

More things popped out to his view, paintings, ensconced on the wall in subdued framing, picturing action characters and more things from some writers’ imagination. Places and ponies that didn’t exist except in the mind.

There was a conspicuous space though, upon a long wall that held quite a few other things. Fleur noticed him looking curiously at it.

“Yes. That is where the painting is going to hang, as soon as the museum releases it in a few days.”

Wyatt could not help but see the look of inestimable glee on the slim mares’ face.

“Looking forward to it I take it?”

Almost prancing in place, she nodded, “Oh, yes. Very much so!”

Tropic was nudging Sky as they stood near, “Excited is not the word. She’s already arranged a formal party for the showing here. The caterer has been working for days on the menu. The invitations have already gone out, you should be getting yours anytime.” Her eyes rested on Fleur once more, seeing the mare blush heavily under her pale coat.

“It’s just a small party!” A hoof stamped lightly on the carpet for emphasis, no sound penetrating the padding.

Tropic grinned mischievously, “Fifty ponies is not small.”

“I had to invite the club!”

“To show off, I’m sure.”



A huff, then another stamp, “Fine, it’s a blowout. You happy?”

Tropic gave the giggling Sky another nudge, “Absolutely. It’s my job to keep you honest.”

The model mare raised one eyebrow, giving her friend a piqued glance, “Well, since you’re so honest, you wouldn’t mind waiting to see the other latest acquisition until the party.”

The burnished gold face took on a look of surprise, “What acquisition?”

Fleur waved a hoof, turning to peer at a book on one nearby shelf, “Oh, I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise. Don’t worry about it, you’ll see it then.”

Wyatt looked to see Sky giggling up a storm, shaking his own head. He twirled a finger near his temple causing Sky to bark a laugh.

They were blithely ignored, Tropic sidling up near Fleur, “What surprise?” She was ignored as Fleur dusted imaginary specks off a shelf.

“Fleur! C’mon! What surprise?”

“Oh, nothing.” The model mares’ voice was light and dismissive.

“Fleur!” Tropic was nearly bouncing in place, hooves tapping the padded floor in a cadence of nervousness, “Pleeeaaaassseee!”

A dramatic sigh, the flicking of an ear and tail, finally Fleur turned and faced her friend, “No more telling ponies about what I do!”

“But.. It.. I...” Tropics face was frustrated, she’d always been honest. Although to a fault sometimes. “I..could try?”

She was poked by a slim hoof, “No...more....telling.” Each word punctuated by a tap on her chest.

“Fine! No more telling!” Hooves went up in frustration as Tropic really wanted to know about the surprise.

Her friend turned to an unobtrusive cabinet, firing up her magic and opening a simple spell-lock. Those locks made without a key that only a magic user could use. Opening it wide, she brought out an envelope and withdrew the contents, holding it with an aura of more magic in front of Tropics eyes.


Tropics’ jaw almost hit the floor as her widened eyes roved over the cover of the slim booklet, her breath came in great gasps, heart speeding up in her chest as she realized what she was looking at.

“No...way. No way.. No...way you have that.”

Fleur smiled slyly, shaking the book in front of Tropics face with a manipulation of her spell, “Yes, way.”

“That is so not real! It’s not due out for a month! Nopony has any idea that it’s even in production! I only found out by accident!”

The reply was soft, “We were shooting an ad in the publishers office when we started talking about comics and he told me about this, gave me an advance issue.”

Tropic calmed herself, placing a gleaming hoof against her own chest and took deep breaths before looking at her friend with a glare, “I so hate you right now.”

The aura split, lifting an exact duplicate from the envelope and presenting it to Tropic, “And another copy for a close friend.” Fleur grinned as she shook the comic in front of the surprised mare.

Sky and Wyatt flinched from the squeal that came from golden mare, cringing slightly from the volume of the voice that before had been pleading.

Tropics’ own spell grabbed the extra copy and snugged it tight to her chest with one hoof as she danced around the room, “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Wyatt was watching the whole exchange while laying a hand on Sky’s shoulder, trying to keep her from falling over with the storm of giggles that enveloped the Crystal mare.

He made an aside to her at the same time, “Had friends just like that.”

Leaning closer he whispered, “Just as crazy too.”

That did it, Sky fell over on the carpet and laughed louder than ever.

Seeing himself left alone for the moment, with Fleur and Tropic celebrating their score, and Sky was braying hard enough to barely breathe, he reached over for the extra copy that had been laid aside for the moment.

‘The Ulti-Mares’

Hmmm..some sort of superhero comic he guessed by the look of gaudily dressed ponies on the cover.

Flipping through it, he saw it was well-drawn, up to standards as high as computer graphics. Detailed and story-filled, glossy pages and bright colors, it was quite the book.

He had no idea what anyone in the story was saying, as reading Equestrian was a lot tougher than just using translation software. Though he could see there was plenty of action and adventure contained therein.

“Gonna have to take a look later.” He mentioned to Calliope softly.

“I can definitely do a translation of it.”

Inside the back cover there was a square with very small printing in it. He squinted and couldn’t make it out.

“Bring it closer to the cam, I’ll enhance.”

He lifted it closer, letting the small utility camera in his commlink take a good look. It was only a brief second before Calliope’s voice said out loud to the room.

“Take a look to this book, find the adventure you seek. Be strong, be brave, protecting the weak!”

Wyatt scratched his head, “Well duh, superheroes are..” A gasp from Sky, then a huge flare of light enveloped the room and them. he felt a tremendous tugging sensation, then all went blank.

The comic fluttered down to the floor, no longer held by hands, it made nary a sound in the room which was now quite empty of beings.


Calliope panicked, seeing the bright flash and then all contact was lost. Trying to access Wyatt’s commlink was not happening as she tried everything to resume communications. After microseconds of no response from even the link itself, she sent the alarm signal.


Two Bolo AI’s immediately responded, going into Battle Reflex and requesting more information, which was scant enough.

Drone bandwidth was turned completely over to testing and resending information to the Sergeant’s commlink. No response, nor even a signal in return, a dead carrier wave. This led the two avatars to rip out of the library in a clatter of papers and books. Passing by guards and their friends in a blur of movement.

It didn’t take them long to reach Miss Dis Lee’s house, Athena leading the way with a kick that slammed the door open, they’d apologize later.

Searching through the house, they ended up in the quiet library where two copies of a comic lay on the floor as if dropped there. Patient eyes looked over the scene, seeing the impressions in the carpet, positioning bodies with prints, based on Calliope’s information.

They had just started talking when Twilight hurried in behind them, huffing and puffing alongside Pinkie and Rainbow Dash.

“What..” The Alicorn heaved a deep breath, “What’s going on?”

Two pairs of very serious eyes turned towards them.

“Sergeant Carpenter and three others who were here, have disappeared.”


To be continued.....

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