• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Introspection. Errors of Comedy.

I am introspective for a while. The action of my Commander has brought back a memory of a past command.

It was on a world in the backwaters of the spiral arm named Santa Cruz; a Bolo named Nike, one whose psychotronic array mine was upgraded to specs on. She loved her commander, and he her. When a traitor shot him down, she disobeyed commands, fought the enemy to a standstill; all the while being destroyed by an Omega Worm in her programming*.

There have been numerous instances of Bolos and their commanders being more than just friends, they have loved and lost. The grief and pain of such resounding through the memories of Bolos everywhere.

It is called Operator Identification Syndrome in some areas, when a Bolo Commander views a Bolo as more than just a machine, but as someone to love. It has led to tragedy, despair, sometimes redemption. It was forbidden to do and Bolo Commanders had been relieved for much less. The Bolos themselves have suffered along with their human commanders, but it is that which makes us all stronger I believe.


Currently I am observing Winter Wrap-Up, the ponies clearing the snow and ice from the town, cleaning and planting for the spring which is due tomorrow. This is truly puzzling, seasons on Earth gently mixed into one another, here, it is the next day. Of all my studies on this new earth, this truly confounds me. But, as I have learned to my detriment in the recent past, it is best not to ask sometimes.

I am told, that Princess Celestia brightens or dims the sun according to the seasons, making it warmer, or colder as needed. I still find this unfathomable. As all science points to a heliocentric universe, yet, I see the variables in the rising of the sun and moon each day. I do not know how or why it can be accomplished, but it is. I have therefore decided I will not ponder this any more. It is overloading my cores each time I try and figure it out. To avoid any hint of burnout I will now studiously avoid any analyzing of the sun or moon being controlled.


Maintaining my avatar is now routine, as I think back on how it was built, I wonder if other Bolos had ever accomplished such a thing.

By working off the deep medical scans of Applejack, I used durachrome and durasteel stocks to create skeletal structures, simply machined and brought to spec. Making it articulate was a challenge, but by using a semi-metallic fiber, I created muscles to work with the body. This was the same that Fleet Marines used to enhance their own strength. They were some of the most feared troops in the Concordiat, their strength and fierceness almost rivaled our own.

It was the power supply that brought problem solving to the fore, but by using the new alloys developed before earth was overrun, it made making the smaller fusion furnace easier. A combination of nano-technology to break down items for reaction mass, and the ability to not depend on unstable magnetic fields, made it an accomplishment to be proud of. My creators would have liked this.

Everything else was a simple matter of fitting in, layering the interior of the skeletal structure with molecular circuitry, it gave me the ability to use the TSDS. Total Systems Data Sharing, allowing me to be the avatar, not just direct it, a sort of alternate persona if you will. I can review data and information at high speeds from both sources without a hitch. This is possible through an entanglement link, allowing me contact anywhere in the world with my alternate.

Adding a simple kinetic screen for defense was also not a problem, if overloaded, they do fail, and have before; but it will allow precious seconds to act. The one problem was mass, I weighed quite a bit more than a regular pony, this was evident in trying to walk and balance. But by stripping it down, recreating the skeletal structure on a matrix instead of solid, it brought a better solution.

Applejack has asked why an Earth pony. It was very simple, the materials I used would make me as aerodynamic as a brick, and I do not have the intent or basis for magic use, so not a unicorn. A matter of elimination. It is appearing to work out quite well so far, it has taken me quite a while to build, but it allows me to see the world in a new way.

Speaking of new, I have been invited to the party thrown on the first spring day, at the town plaza for everypony. I look forward to it.


Applejack watched Crusader as he sat on a cushion near a table, holding a mug of coffee in his hooves. She leaned over to Twilight and nudged her shoulder, “What ya think about him?”

Twilight looked to see who she was referring too, “Oh he’s nice. He really is, though it’s kinda weird seeing him as a pony though.”

“Now that is true, but he’s trying. We really got to keep an eye on him though, he’s not quite up to speed on, well, the things we all recognize. Guess he doesn’t have much experience in them things.”

“What things?”

“Well, like.. uh oh, here comes a perfect example..” Applejack watched as Roseluck wandered over near Crusader.

I am quite enjoying the party, watching ponies as they meet and greet. Though not too sure about this coffee, it has enough sugar in it to possibly stun large land animals.

Looking to my right, I notice a mare who has moved near me, pale chartreuse with a two-toned raspberry mane. A Rose as her cutie mark as she settles on a cushion next to me.

“You’re new here right?”

“Yes Miss..?”


“Miss Roseluck, pleasure meeting you. My name is Crusader.” I think I am doing quite well all things considered.

“Very much the same here Crusader, plan on staying long?”

“I do yes, I do not think I will be moving away anytime soon.” Definitely the truth.

“That’s nice. Any plans after the party?”

Reviewing drone data, chemical explosives overhaul, nuclear weapons interlocks check.... “Not really Miss Roseluck. Why?”

I see her flip one ear a bit, an eyebrow moving slightly upwards, getting close to me and nudging with her shoulder. One foreleg rubbing the other slightly as she talks.

“Well I was wondering if you’d maybe like to go look at the stars later?”

Applejack nudged Twilight and moved towards Crusader, watching Rose’s body language, “That’s our cue, c’mon Twi, let’s go save him.”

“I enjoy looking at the stars, the constellations are very clear in this area.”

Roseluck smiles, leaning in a bit more as she is about to say something else, being interrupted by Applejack, “ ‘Scuse me Rose, can we borrow our friend here for a moment?”

“Oh! Oh sure Applejack. Hurry back now!” I see her smiling at me as I wave, moving off with my commander.

I am motioned to a seat in an out of the way place, Applejack grinning while Twilight is snickering for some reason.

“Yes my Commander?”

“Crusader, you sure you’re a thinking machine?” I see her nudging Twilight a bit, smiling at me.

“Yes my Commander, I was built in the BoloWorks on Earth, my artificial intelligence was upgraded fifty years before I went into stasis.”

“Ah’m takin’ that as a yes?”

“Yes my Commander, is there a problem?”

“What was Rose over there wanting you to do?”

“To go watch the stars with her, I enjoy mapping the constellations and looking at the different spectra. You have told me to meet new ponies, make friends correct?”

“Yes, yes I did. But not to meet ’em THAT close.”

“I do not understand my Commander.”

Twilight is now holding a hoof over her mouth. There appear to be tears in her eyes as she watches our conversation.

Applejack closes her eyes, one hoof is planted on her forehead for a moment as Twilight is still silent for some reason. I am not sure where this conversation is headed.

“Crusader she was making a pass at you.”

“I beg your pardon? I saw none of the usual signs, I would have known..”

“That little ear flip, raising her eyebrow just a little, nudging you on the shoulder? She was making a pass Crusader.”

I realize all of the data I have on interaction is based on humans, I had thought it would translate to the same in this world. I was so very mistaken. It appears I shall have to relearn it all over.

“I assure you my Commander, I had no intention..”

“Oh but she sure did! She wasn’t gonna be looking at any stars Crusader!” Applejack wiggles her eyebrows at me, “Oh Celestia, think we might have to put somepony to watch over you!”

“Is this the reason Twilight is trying not to laugh?”

That did it, Twilight started laughing out loud, holding her sides as Applejack joined in. I watched with a bit of dismay as Applejack slapped the table with a hoof, Twilight leaning over the table giggling. Of course, their friends came over and inquired as to why. My Commander being the honest pony she is told them, leading to more rounds of laughter. I do not believe I have seen Fluttershy actually laugh that hard before, now that she has healed.

Roseluck did not hear the conversation, so she walked by later and gave me another nudge, with a wink this time. Of course, this lead to my friends thinking it was quite hilarious. I shall have to have a talk later with my commander.


I have tasked myself today to retrieve a gift, purchase something from one of the many stores. It is a bright day outside, warmer than before, so I have plenty of time to practice being in public. I believe my Commander and her friends would like some chocolates, I have more than enough bits, and I am happy enough to use them to the delight of my friends.

Stopping at the front steps, I see the sign by the door, ‘Bon Bon’s Sweets’, this should be the place. I keep my face very neutral, since the incident at the party I have become well aware I am not knowledgeable in body language for Equestrians.

The little bell above the door rung brightly in the store, letting Bon Bon know she had a customer. Popping up above the counter, she spotted a tan maned, light umber stallion approaching the display case.

“Hi! Welcome to Bon Bon’s Sweets!”

“Hello Miss, I would very much like to purchase some of your chocolates.”

“Please call me Bon Bon, what kind would you like? I’ve just made a fresh batch a bit ago, and we have creme filled, caramels, solids. Please pick whatever catches your fancy!”

I scan the display case, seeing boxes and labels. I am not sure what my commander and her friends like, but maybe a mixed selection would do?

“Is it possible to have them delivered?”

“Absolutely! We do charge a one bit fee for delivery if that’s alright?”

“Perfectly fine Miss Bon Bon.”

Bon Bon leans on the counter, watching him curiously. Equestrians communicate quite well with body language, and his was telling her nothing. Like someone who had no clue how to relate to society would do, a complete blank. Strange for a pony.

I carefully look at the chocolates, deciding on a purchase that I think would make them happy, and also for the kind shop keeper.

I point a hoof at a large box, with quite a few chocolates, stacked in triple layers, “May I please get six of these, and have them delivered to Twilight’s Castle?”

Bon Bon is delighted, her smile a bit brighter as she nods. Selling the bigger boxes was tough, but now somepony had bought all she had, it was a great day!

I wait politely, watching the nice mare get the boxes out, totaling up the cost. I am told by my Commander that small talk is the polite thing to do.

“That is a very nice mane style you have Miss Bon Bon.”

I see a bit of a warmth in her cheeks as she smiles at me, “Why thank you, just had it done today.”

“You are very welcome.”

My diagnostics are showing that odd glitch again. I understand there are subtle changes to my cores and arrays, I did not think it would translate to my avatar.

Bon Bon watched as his body showed sudden interest directly in her, she was very flattered as usually some stallions’ were beating around the bush types.

“You are a sweet talker aren’t you?” She rang up the bill, waiting for him to pay.

“I beg your pardon Miss?” I had better leave, it would not do to get in trouble once more. I get the money out of my bags, laying double the amount for her time and trouble.

Bon Bon watched him put the money on the counter, it was far more than she had told him. As she opened her mouth to say so and politely decline, his body shifted again...what? How dare...!

“I’ll have you know I’m NOT that kind of mare!”

“I assure you Miss Bon Bon, I do not..”

My avatar has moved again, something is not right and I try to leave, I am actually caught off guard by the slap of a hoof to my cheek as I watch her become enraged.

“You...offering money.. What do you think I am? Some tramp?!” Bon Bon leans out the window and yells “GUARD!”

I watch as two very burly stallions rush inside, asking Bon Bon what the matter is, she points at me.

My Commander is not going to be pleased.


I am in the holding area of the local constabulary, apparently it seems I have offended Bon Bon. I tried to leave and apologize, but the Guard had already been called and it was their duty to investigate. There are no bars, ponies being for the most part peaceful, so I look at the floor while waiting for my Commander. I have advised the sergeant that she is my friend.

The floor is actually quite interesting, being made up of what appears to be oak planking, sanded to a rough consistency, not very smooth I am afraid. The joints are well done, whoever made this was....

“He did WHAT?”

My Commander has arrived it seems.

“Yeah Bons was pretty angry there Applejack, almost lit into him while we were escorting him out. He’s polite though, didn’t give us any trouble.”

“He is that, I’ll give it to him. How much is the fine?”

“No fine, it was just a simple thing Applejack, though you might want to keep him away from Bon Bon for a few days. “

“I’ll do that. Thanks Bars.”

“Anytime Applejack.”

I hear the hoof clops stop at the opening to the holding area, I am still investigating the floor as it has become so much more interesting than what I am about to face.

“You’re looking like you just got caught with your hoof in the cookie jar there.”

“I assure you my Commander, I did not try and steal any...”

“It’s an expression ya dolt. ‘Course the way the Sergeant put it, you were trying to get some cookies anyways.” I look up as she chuckles in her usual way.

“I did not mean to offend Miss Bon Bon, I was trying to purchase gifts for you and my friends....” I am stopped by an upraised hoof.

“I heard. I told ya to go and make friends, but I think maybe we ought to keep a closer eye on you until you get to know some things.”

“I think that would be best my Commander.”

Applejack perks her ears a bit, smiling at me, “What exactly did you do?”

I replay the glitch, my body shifting ever so slightly, an expression of surprise slides across Applejack’s face.

“Where in tarnation did you learn THAT?”

“I did not, it was a problem.”

“Yer darn right it’s a problem, yer lucky Bon Bon didn’t try and murder you. You put extra money on the counter too didn’t ya?”

“Yes, I was trying to show my appreciation for her being kind.”

“Well that’s a good thing, except from what she saw, you were offering her the extra money to go play a bit.” She lifts a hoof, “I know, you ‘assure me’ you didn’t.”

Applejack puts a hoof on his dejected shoulder, leading him out, “C’mon there sugarcube, let’s get you home.” Of course, the laughter follows, she can’t help it, it’s just so darn funny.

As we walk back to the hill, I think maybe this might be a bad idea. It was so much easier just killing things.

Author's Note:

* Miles to Go, in the book BOLO! by David Weber

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