• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Let The Rainbow Remind You...That We'll Kick Your Butt.

Author's Note:

Yeah, bad pun I know, but couldn't resist.
My apologies for the lateness as I kept adding more to the chapter and it kind of steamrolled.
Enjoy folks, it's not over yet by a long shot.

P.S. As I keep reminding all y'all, it's a story, nothing more. Have fun with it

Tip O the Hat to Militia Man, thanks!

.....The nothing was black, dark and foreboding as Applejack tried to look around, no reference point on which to focus. Bringing a hoof to her face was no use, she couldn’t feel nor could she see it at all.

Whispers surrounded her, not malicious nor fearful, but comforting and light. It brought a sense of peace with them as she couldn’t quite make out the words of what was being said. It puzzled her, the voices seemed familiar yet not, she tried to listen harder but still they remained vague and far away.

She could feel herself, her body and her movements, but couldn’t see them like a blind pony. Applejack knew she was there, but her senses were conflicted in the velvet cover that surrounded her.

Sighing internally she wondered what would happen next, it had all been a carnival ride so far this past almost year and she just wanted to go back to being a simple apple farmer. Well not just a ‘simple farm mare’, as Crusader would say.

Focusing on him and his voice, she thought she could make him out from the cacophony of whispers around her; making her zero in on that one voice, the comforting tone of it, bringing it to the fore of the murmuring sounds.

Speaking out loud she heard her own voice, very clear and crisp as if spoken in a chill night, the words precise and understandable, “Crusader? Hello Twilight? Anypony?” She listened for a brief moment, receiving no answer but a sussuration of whispers.

She threw up hooves that couldn’t be seen but felt and let out an exasperated statement.

“Well get on with it, somethin’s gonna happen right?”


It was Crusaders voice coming from somewhere to her right, she could sense a presence near but her eyes were telling her nothing.

“Crusader? Where are ya? I can’t see a darn thing.”

“I do not know, I cannot see either which is odd. I can hear you but...”

Another voice broke in, Twilight sounded a bit frustrated, “I can’t see anypony either! AUGH! C’mon this is getting out of hoof!”

Applejack shrugged to herself, stating out loud, “Well that’s three of us so far, where’s...”

“I’m here! I think...maybe.. It sure is dark.” For a Bolo, Athena was the mistress of understatement right now.

“Well we’re all here, least in voice, anyone see anything?” Applejack was trying to move to where she heard the others, not feeling any sensation of walking or trotting, nothing.

Twilight answered, “Nope, but I hear a lot of whispering, do you...?”



“Affirmative Mon Capitan!”

“Athena...I swear...”

Giggles break the quiet of the darkness as Crusader’s voice clearly shows his exasperation with his sister.

Applejack breaks the moment of silence afterwards, “So where are we?”

Crusader’s voice answers, “I do not know, my systems are showing no glitches, I can call up war hull diagnostics, so no problems there.. Security is in place so I have no fear of the battle being fought although with less attention to detail.”

“Same here Crusader, no problems.”

Twilight hmmmm’s out loud, “Well...maybe we’re someplace else then? Like when we crossed the portal?” She laughs, “Well I do love a good mystery!”

“I’m glad yer happy Twi, makes me feel so much better floating in the dark like this.” Applejack’s deadpan delivery makes Twilight and Athena laugh, she hears Crusader’s chuckle as well.

“Well if we can’t do anything we can at least talk to each other, it’s better than being alone!”

“You have a good outlook Twilight, though I wish we could see what is happening around us.”

“What’s that?” Athena sounds curious as they see a thin line stretching across the horizon as far to the side as any of them could see. Being the only point of reference in the night, it was easy for their eyes to catch being the only bright thing in the lightless area.

Twilight’s voice is ever curious, wanting to know things, “Not a clue, but is it coming closer?”

“I’m not positive Twilight, but it appears so.” Crusader sounds curious as well, they all remain quiet, watching the bright line approach rapidly.

Without a sound it gets closer, zooming in a like camera lens except the line extended left to right with no end. The thin line becoming thicker by the moment as they all fought the impulse to maybe leave the area if they could.

Twilight’s voice is puzzled, “Wow, it goes on forever huh?”

Crusaders tries to foment an answer, “Well, I doubt forever..but knowing this world, probably.” They can practically hear the shrug.

The line grows ever closer, resolving itself into a wall of tremendous stature and glare, flames making up the height and breadth of it as it slammed to a halt in front of their eyes. Looking closer, they could see every flicker and color inside the blaze that made up the wall. No openings nor doorways allowed them to see what was on the other side, so with nothing else they could do, they waited.

They didn’t wait for long.

An archway appeared, the flames moving aside and up to form an opening that let them get a glimpse of something bright on the other side, a momentary sense of peace and contentment before it was blocked by the fiery mare they had seen before.

She stood tall and proud, her body of molten colors that defied classification and the senses, the white eyes wide with power. Planting hooves that sparked and blazed, it stood for a moment before moving aside for another figure that walked slowly out of the doorway, looking around.

All four gasped at the sight, never expecting...

“Pinkie?” Four voices are aghast at the sight.

The poofy mane, bright smile and bouncing step made it apparent it was the friend they all knew. The soft blue eyes got wide and warm as she looked at where they were observing from, heading their way.

“Hi!” The voice is bright and cheerful.

Twilight is absolutely gobsmacked, stuttering as she tries to form a reply, “P..Pinkie? What...what in Celestia’s name...?”

All four could feel themselves again, raising hooves to see if they were truly in the right form, eyes wide as they watched the approach of the bouncy mare.

Her smile is somewhat sad as she shakes her head, “No, not her.” She looks at Applejack, Athena and Twilight in turn, “Do you still forgive me though?”

Both mares are stunned, remembering the face on the street that day in Manehatten, Applejack answers first, unwaveringly, “Of course, I always will.” She is followed by Twilight who immediately confirms this.

“We always will.” The Alicorn nods solemnly.

Applejack is immediately surrounded by the scent of vanilla and sugar as she is hugged by a now brilliantly smiling mare. She is released, only to see Twilight embraced the same way, followed by Athena. The cheerful pink pony turns to Crusader with a puzzled look.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know you.”

“I am Crusader, Athena’s brother you might say Miss...?”

“Pinkie is fine, you must be the other Bolo then,” She gives him another smile, “There is not much time so please listen.”

Twilight waves a hoof at the wall, the flaming pony and her, “You have our attention.”

“The thing that you are in battle with must not be allowed to come fully into the world.”

“Pardon me,” Athena pipes up, “But that’s really the understatement of the year there. We are trying to prevent just that.”

The mane flipped as the smiling face nodded, “I realize that, but it is made of hate and rage, it is a world destroyer. If it comes fully through that portal, nothing, not even a blade of grass will be left alive.”

“That’s a whole lot of hate I’m thinkin’,” Applejack states.

“More than you can imagine and for a lot longer than that.”

“Then let us get back to the battle, please, we will do our best.” Athena tried to be polite, but was wondering furiously where this pony had come from.

A pink hoof is raised and waved, “You cannot beat it yourselves Bolo, your friends need to add their strength to yours, all your friends.”

Applejack speaks up, “Alright, how do we do that?”

“You’ll know when it’s time.”

“Oh come on!” Athena’s voice rings out, “That’s an excuse, just tell us.”

Once more the pink mare shakes her head, “I can’t, I’m sorry.”

“Then why even come here at all?” Twilight is sounding slightly frustrated as well.

“Because I never got a chance to properly thank you, please tell the real Pinkie it has been a wonderful journey.” She smiles again at Twilight and Applejack, ‘Plus I was asked to give some help, or as much as I could within the limits imposed.”

Crusader can’t help himself, “So..what is that pony?” He points at the flaming mare.

“Oh a guardian, a guide, so many things.” She gives a wink directly at Twilight with a giggle, “Maybe it’s just...magic?”

Athena pipes in once more, her voice wondering, “What is that fire? It came to me earlier and then suddenly spread inside both of us,” She gestures towards Crusader and herself, “We do not like things that invade our inner selves, especially at the wrong time in the middle of a fight.”

Pinkie, or the representative of one who looks like Pinkie turns and stares at the majestic mare behind her, it seems the head shakes ever so slightly.

Turning her eyes back to the two she grins, “It’s part of growing, of learning and understanding. You don’t know how unique..” She is interrupted by the stamp of a flaming hoof, “I’m sorry,” She looks amused, “I can’t say very much.”

She points to Athena and Crusader, “Don’t fear things so much. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I am asking you to do just that. If we...I.. had known before, maybe things could have been different.” She shakes her head, “I wish it could have been different.”

Another stamp draws her eyes away for a moment, “It’s time, I have to go.” She turns to leave.

“Wait! Can’t you tell us any more? Who are you?” Twilight’s voice is pleading.

She stops, looking at the regal mare of fiery color before facing back once more, “Giving you all the answers leaves you no room to do things yourself. You have to discover the reasons along with the solutions.” She pauses, “Even making the mistakes helps you, don’t take away your choices.”

She looks dejected for a moment before directing her gaze to Athena and Crusader, “Who am I? No one special,” The frown crossing her face is one of deep sadness, “Freed from a life not worth living because of you all, that’s worth more than you know.”

“That is not much information,” Crusader sounds at a loss.

“I know, but it is all I can say, some things must be left for you to find out and learn.”

Twilight begs one last thing, she has to know, “What’s beyond that gate?”

The pretty face grins once more, the blue eyes warm and sparkling, “Rest.”

With that she bounces back through the gate, the door slamming shut as the wall recedes into the distance without a sound. It is gone in moments, leaving four very confused ponies.

The library appears once again, causing them all to stumble as they regain their bearings. Athena and Crusader immediately check their status finding it has only been a few seconds, they issue commands and throw themselves into the battle once more.

Twilight skids a hoof along the floor, “Well that was extremely not helpful!” She points the hoof upwards, “Thank you! Ugh...”

Crusader looks at Applejack, “This is getting to be a habit, many questions and hardly any answers.”

“Yeah, we don’t seem to get anything up front do we?.” Her own face is looking confused as well. “Well either that or too late to do any good.”

Athena stamps a hoof, “Well how are we supposed to do anything?”

“She gave us quite a bit of information really Athena.”

“How so?”

We know what is needed to defeat the thing, just not exactly when to use it. Our friends and their magic of Harmony obviously.” He points to Twilight and Applejack. “So we have our chance, the only thing is finding out when it needs to be used, but I have a feeling we’ll know.”

“She said don’t fear things, I believe she meant the fire inside our cores. It’s spread inside us, there is nothing we can do but accept it. We will keep an eye on it though.”

He turns to Twilight, “Could that mare, be a manifestation of something non-physical? There were always stories of beings of light from old tales and books in the Concordiat.”

“Well sure it could...maybe...wait.. When she said ‘magic’ she turned and winked at me, maybe something I know of or heard?” Her face took on a look of concentration, squinting her eyes as she thought furiously.

Applejack tapped her with a hoof, “Later Twi, later.”

Crusader continued, “When you asked what was beyond the gate, she said ‘rest’.” He pointed at Athena, “Didn’t your update and SitRep contain Luna telling you about how when souls go beyond they rest for their next journey or adventure?”

Athena nods, her eyes going wide, “You mean that beyond the wall was...?”

“I don’t know, but it appears the clues lead that way.”

Applejack raises a hesitant hoof, “Uhm..one other thing.”

Twilight nudges her friend, “Well?”

“Uh..well, Pinkie said that when it’s the worst is when, and to tell you two not to worry, it’s better this way.” She points at Athena and Crusader who exchange glances.

“When did she...ohhh the hug... right.” Twilight nods to herself, “Got it.”

“Well the real Pinkie has always been one for surprises, it seems to have rubbed off.” Athena laughs.

Applejack nudges Crusader, “Whatcha thinkin’?”

“Just wondering what she meant, it’s very strange to say that.” He taps a hoof against his chin, “Saying she was freed from a life not worth living.” His normally calm face is showing frustration along with the others.

The orange pony laughs, “Well don’t get too flustered.”

He shakes his head, “No, best not to I guess.” He looks around, “We need to break this off, Athena and I have to return to the fight.”

Twilight looks longingly at all the books and information contained in this ‘library’, “Couldn’t we just..I mean a few more minutes?”

Applejack laughs, tugging at her friend, “C’mon, we gotta go.”

Athena smiles, “There will be time later, I promise Twilight.”

Crusader chuckles in his normal way, “Just think about waking up, it should work this time.”

Applejack watched her friend concentrate, the Alicorn fading out before she did as well, finding herself on the couch as if she’d never left.

“Wow, that was just..wow. You okay Twi?”

The lavender mare shakes her head and looks wistful, “Did you see all those books?”

Applejack laughs loudly, “Only you Twi, only you.” She tugs her hoof, “C’mon, we gotta get back to the others.”

Leading the sighing Alicorn away, the farm mare could only shake her head and laugh as they wound their way back to the cargo bays.


...Salvo three off and away, ToT ten seconds...

...Detonation Crusader, mass loss once again, we’re hurting it...”

“...Not fast enough, prepare main guns..”

“...Stabilizers down and secure, swinging turrets now...”

“...Same, loading, powering magnetic fields..”

“...Targeting good, clear shots all the...incoming!”

“...Screens are holding though taking a pounding, increase strength by 40...”

“...Done, power plants working fine, no stress..”

“...Flyers above treetops, it’s gonna be close, swinging starboard batteries .5 sec burst...”

“...Breeches loaded, fields in place, prepare to fire...”



Seven 220cm Hellbore turrets fired as one, the ravening energies speared through the atmosphere with a crack and boom of gargantuan proportion. The trees nearest them were toppled while the entire forest swayed under the energy that was cracking the air. Sitting in the ground and stabilized, the war hulls still rocked with the fury of ten megatons per second firepower. Magnetic fields focused the nuclear puissance into a beam of pure destruction, reaching out and hitting the thing and the portal with a blow of unimaginable proportions.

The bolts blasted through the body of the thing hanging into the sky, tearing holes as they passed through it and up into the portal itself at an angle. It was anyone’s guess what kind of damage the end result would be on the other side.

“..Adjustments are working, backsplash negligible..”

“...Hit! All seven, mass index way down, but we’ve pissed it off!”

“...Fire at will.. It can be mad all it wants...”

“...Arms! Incoming arms! A lot of them!”

Sensors caught the blinking of the appendages, then suddenly a deep booming as their hulls received pounding worse than before. They rocked in place, both of them heard gasps of fright from the ponies inside the bays as they were tossed from the attack.

The main weapons on both their hulls fired again, light from nuclear energies brought the dawn as they ripple fired fully powered war shots into the thing and the portal. Anything near the track of energy or got too close was vaporized into it’s component atoms by the passage of the blasts. Elevations were kept high to prevent any lasting damage to the land, although it was tempting to lower them slightly, to take out all the little things easier.

Athena and Crusader resisted the temptation to be lazy, concentrating small bore fire on the gibbering things pouring out of the portal, though not so much as of now. They could reduce it’s mass, force it back, but could not bring it to retreat or die even after salvos of Hellbore fire.

“Secondary Hellbores out, manufacturing now, it will take a few minutes. Anti-Air lasers cycling, numbers two and three down, replacing..”

“Swinging Hellrail around, I’ve got just enough elevation..preparing to fire!”

“I am not sure it will do much, it is a solid slug, we’ve been damaging it with energy weapons so far.”

“Worth a chance, firing!”

Hellrails were counter ship weapons, capable of taking down vessels in high orbit from a planetary surface. The damage from each shot was measured at ninety megatons, but it needed a solid surface to hit.

Athena’s rail powered up quickly, the slug loaded and sent on it’s way with a powerful burst of EM fields, it traveled so fast it burned through the atmosphere as the shot punched through the thing and into the portal.

“Sorry Athena, negligible damage..”

Arms appeared, pounding around them with an anger unrestrained, more monsters poured out of the portals in droves, blackening an already dark sky, it was taking everything they had to keep their sectors clear.

“Worth a try, reloading secondaries.. Feel that?”

Crusader sighed internally, “Now what?”

“Nono, inside us...”

They both continued their fire, volleying to keep the skies clear as they took a moment to scan internals and core. The fire inside was blazing hotter now, enveloping them in warmth, nudging them ever so gently.

“It’s time I think..”

“How are we going to do this? Our screens are keeping the magic out, if we lower them we’re going to suffer damage.”

“They can’t do any magic inside the bays, we have to tell them. Can we re-modulate fields to protect them until and while they are outside?”

“We can,” Athena paused, calculating furiously, “But it will leave our hulls vulnerable.”

“Hulls we can repair, our friends come first, agreed?”

“Agreed! Let me shoot you the algorithms..”

A .00032 second update later they both had the frequencies for the battle screens ready to go at a flick, connecting on the links to Twilight and the others, they laid out their plans.

Applejack and Twilight had been telling Princess Celestia and Luna what had happened while they had been in link with Athena and Crusader, seeing the expressions on their faces, it was obvious it hadn’t happened before or so rarely as to never be recorded.

Celestia just smiled in her usual way, “Well, it seems there are things left to be discovered in the world.”

Twilight was as over-enthusiastic as normal, “It was incredible Princess, the knowledge, the books in that ‘library’ that could show us so much!”

She is tapped on the shoulder by Rainbow Dash, “Might want to calm down there before you blow a fuse Twilight.”

Applejack sighed, “All the stuff that happened and she’s talking about books, typical Twi.”

They were all having a good chuckle at the blushing Twilight’s expense for a moment when the chime in their links rang.

“I am sorry to interrupt, but Athena and I think it is time.”

“Time for us to help?” Twilight was looking eager.

“I’m afraid so, though we do have a couple of things to mention. We are going to reconfigure our battle screens to protect you until you’re ready, however, that will leave us vulnerable to attack in other places on our hulls. You must hurry to get prepared. The second, you have to go outside.”

“Whoa! That’s not gonna be easy.” Applejack is visibly surprised.

“No it won’t but the screens will protect you, however, we are going to provide protective equipment for your eyes and ears; we are firing everything we have and it will not be conducive to hearing or sight.” His voice is calm and quiet, “It will not be simple, but Athena and I will do everything we can.”

Rarity chimes in, her voice calm, “Well I’d say that’s a bit of an understatement if what we hear inside here is any indication.”

“You are correct Rarity, though I do not like it we are going to need you outside to somehow lend your abilities to ours. We cannot force this thing back through the portal, it is resisting our efforts. But at the same time, you cannot do magic inside the cargo bay screens.”

To emphasize his point, pounding came through the hull, causing them all to look upwards. This was followed by the thumping of guns and the sound went away once more.

“Apologies, one got through our fire for a moment. They are increasing in size and power, we cannot hold them back for very much longer. I’m sure you all know what was said would happen if this comes through into the world.” Crusader’s voice was calm and even.

“Well where would be the best place to do this?” Princess Luna’s voice is curious.

“I would prefer to keep you out of the main firing lanes, so probably on my upper deck, where you can exit quickly and re-enter if needed. You can go through Command Two and exiting through there will bring you outside but behind my sensor island, this can afford some protection. Unless you need to be more elevated to have a clear line of sight to what you need to do?”

Twilight taps a hoof on the metal floor for a moment, “Every time we’ve used the Harmony magic we’ve always been in sight of the problem, could that make a difference?”

“It could, maybe you have to see the threat or know where it is exactly before it can be used? I do not know.”

Princess Luna adds her thoughts in a calm voice, “Perhaps we should not dither and get as high as we can, this would cause less confusion so we do not have to change positions.”

“Very true Your Highness, I can show you a route out of my hull, but you will be exposed to the effects of our weapons fire, your bodies are dense and strong enough to take what little leaks through. We have protection for your eyes and ears to help with this.

I leave them to discuss the few pertinent points for a moment, calling Athena on the TSDS.

“We need to reconfigure, surround the bays and our survival centers with the screens. Once we drop the outer fields we all will be exposed, we need to be accurate in our fire Athena, nothing can be let through while they are vulnerable to magic outside.”

“I can do that, we’re back up on smaller weapons ammunition but will be used quickly when we up our rate, it will not last long.” Her voice is worried.

“Regardless, it’s what we must do. The faux-Pinkie said to trust, I am going to trust. In you, in the magic, in our friends, we can do no less.”

“I’m with you, you know I am, but it makes me nervous exposing them to Hellbore fire.”

“As it does myself Athena, but we cannot force it back. We are holding and that is it, eventually we will run out of options.”

“Do you have the protective gear for them?”

“I do, I think they’ll like the new designs.”

“Well that’s one good thing out of all this.”

“What’s that?”

“Rarity rubbing off on you, designing new things instead of you adapting human equipment.”

“I have my moments.”

We both watch as the tech-spiders deliver the new equipment. I enjoyed designing them and think they look quite nice as well as very good protection for eyes and ears. I had not thought to create any body armor for them as we had not seen a need.

The design was simple, something for the ears and eyes, protecting the head. A visor that covered the eyes and partial face was brought into it, layered with gold for reflection and protection, it also allowed a full color night vision as well. Combat links were automatically activated if you had one and were wearing it.

The ears were the problem, sticking up like they do, but that was solved with a pair of close fitting cups that molded to the inside and outer edge, this allowed them to hear as well as blocking anything over a certain decibel range. A strap secured the helmet under the chin, close and snug it would prevent any slippage.

Athena and I had thought about the Unicorns, and added a seal that molded when they put the horn through the over the head plate, it fit tight and added protection while leaving the horn free to cast magic with.

This was all important, as the raging conflict outside was going to test these to their limits.


“This is SO cool!” Rainbow was wearing hers already, looking around, “I can hear everything and it’s all really clear!”

Crusader’s voice came over the link, “It also has night vision, you’ll be able to see clearly in the dark as if it were day.”

Her jaw drops open as she gasps, “No way! Oh I am so gonna be the envy of everypony! Forget goggles!” She looks around, “What do you call these?”

“I have not given them a name except for Experimental Helmet Model Two Mark Three.”

“Oh that is SO boring, we can call them..call them...” She taps a hoof on her chin, lost in thought.

“I’m sure we can discuss that later Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity is looking the dull green color I have molded them in with a highly critical eye, “It really does need a few things to make it a bit more palatable dear, some color perhaps?”

“I work with what I have Rarity, we can discuss that later as well. Does any one need help with fitting?”

Fluttershy is holding hers, eyeing it and looking around, “Do..do we really need to uhm...go outside?”

“Fluttershy I am not going to lie, it is very loud and as you would say, scary out there. You are going to be hit with pressures but Athena and I are going to do everything we can to lessen the effects.”

The golden Pegasus smiles gently, Crusader remembering so many smiles from her in the past, “I know, you always do your best.”

“It is all I can do my friend.”

She nods, slipping the helmet over her mane and looking around, “Well... I guess I have to do my best then?”

Rainbow Dash gives her a hug, adjusting her strap as they both talk about the helmets.

A lanky form walks up behind the Princesses, “Oh I say, a new fashion trend? Can I have one?”

A tech spider offers one in it’s case to him, prompting a comment from Twilight, “Wait a second, him too?”

“That other Pinkie specifically said, ‘all your friends’. I am taking no chances with this.”

The real Pinkie stopped chattering with Princess Luna for a moment, her face showing a bit of dismay, “I wish I could have talked to her again, although it would have been nice to have another sister.”

Applejack hugs her tight, “Pinkie, I don’t think the world is ready for two of you.”

She brightens, “Well I’ll just have to have fun enough for the both of us then!”

“That’s not what I...” She is left staring when Pinkie bounces around, planning more things to do out loud.

Princess Luna taps Applejack with a shod hoof, “It is too late, we are doomed to more fun than ever.” Her mischievous smile makes them all laugh.

Surrounding ponies had been listening, realizing this group was planning to go outside into an unimaginable battle for their safety. Not one of the friends had noticed the quiet that had spread through the bays, ears perked as they listened to the conversation.

One filly however, had something to say about that.

“Rarity! No! You can’t go out there!” Sweetie Belle was looking distraught, clinging to her big sister’s leg for a moment.

The white Unicorn pats her sister on the head gently, smiling, “It will be fine Sweetie, we’ll be protected.”

“No! It’s bad out there, Crusader and Athena said so when they brought us in, you can’t!” Her eyes are wide and watery, lower lip trembling as she pouted.

Apple Bloom of course had more to add, “Applejack you cain’t go either, there’s got to be another way!” She was stubbornly blocking her sister’s path.

The larger Earth pony just smiled, “Y’all know we got to do things that can be dangerous sometimes, but this time we’ve got the Princesses with us, we’ll be fine. Athena and Crusader are going to do everything they can too.”


“Power plants at full, we can run one hundred and thirty percent for half an hour before it starts to weaken containment Athena..”

“Screen projectors will suffer burnout long before that. We can extend yours approximately thirty feet from the hull, this will expose your secondaries and mains to attack,” Athena sounded worried.

“We can rebuild anything we need to, we must protect them at all costs.”

“I can run power through the hardline, it will boost if needed.”

“Don’t, I need you to cover if anything happens to my weapons. Everything you’ve got Athena.”

“Magazines are full, I’ve got all I need. Once we up the fire rate, we’re both going to be depleted quickly, faster than we can manufacture.”

“We’ll be fine, you just do what you do best my sister.”

“I will! You know I will!”

“I’ll let them know we have no more time.”


“I am sorry to interrupt, but we are out of time. If we are to do this now is the optimum moment, our magazines are full and we have prepared. I apologize for the rush.”

Protests break out among the crowds of ponies, mostly not wanting any of them to go outside in the battle, wanting to protect the Princesses and the group of friends.

Princess Celestia raises a hoof, quieting their fears by telling them that this must be done, there is no other way. She looks to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, reassuring them about their sisters, but that they must go.

Tearful fillies are set aside gently as hugs are given, Rainbow Dash taking a protesting Scootaloo off to one side and telling her she’s too awesome to have anything happen, that she’ll be back.

Even Discord is swarmed by little ones as they ask him not to go, he has been entertaining them this whole while and they appear to have become quite fond of the very strange Demi-god.

I light the pathway to Command Two and the hatchway out, they turn to leave, but with cheerful faces as if it is just another trip. They do not let on that they are concerned as to the conditions outside. One does not walk onto a battlefield without reservations.

All eyes are watching them filter into the passage as a voice rings out high and clear over the silence. I zero a camera in and see a pegasus with a gold musical note on her flank. She is singing a song I have never heard so I record it for later, but I notice the Princesses turn and look as the words come through the cargo bay and into the passage.

“I have not heard that song in forever,” Celestia is looking wistful as they move along, her sister nodding.

“She does it justice does she not?” Luna’s face is bright, hearing the music.

“She does at that.”

I listen to the song, it is of hearth and home, of leaving and welcoming. A song of heroes that tells them to come back safely to their families and towns. Athena and I pay attention closely as everypony in the cargo bay starts joining in, the chorus of voices is loud even over the pounding of our guns and I make sure the song follows them as they move into Command Two, waiting for the outer hatches to open.

“Athena, extending fields now, power plants up to one hundred twenty percent.”

“Acknowledged, gunnery active, selective shots for now, tell me when.”

“Opening hatches.... now. Use all fire concentrated on keeping everything away from the sensor island, there is no anti-magic screen there so they can cast.”

Everypony looks out the passageway into a blazing hell. Guns are firing rapidly, ravening bolts of destruction are flung up into the sky alongside tracers from infinite repeaters. Anti-Air lasers are streaking the atmosphere with colors as they burn anything they touch in half or punching holes through bodies. The concussions from the larger guns are battering at them even now, air pressure forming waves that buffet even their dense bodies and bones, threatening to topple them as they walk out along the side of the sensor island and up towards the top.

Fluttershy is holding onto Rainbow Dash as they force their way through the sound and light, feeling their way when even the helmets are overloaded. I tune the visors, making sure they can see clearly against the firing Hellbores, their steps surer now, more firm.

“I have them. They are ascending now, tuning screens to form buffer; projectors are working fine, no field stress yet.”

“I see the readouts, stop fibbing Crusader.”

“The screens are fine, prepare to fire. Fifteen seconds to them reaching the top, my mains and secondaries are now exposed. All screen strength concentrated on them.”

“Incoming! Arms in sector 4!”

“I see them.”

The group of ponies and Discord gasp as a huge turret turned slightly, the bore raising into the sky and firing a beam of light that blinded them for a moment, the blast tremendous as they saw it explode against reaching smoky arms. Punching through it dissipated the appendages at the base even as the rest of the bolt shot through the portal.

“Adjustments working, no radiation damage through screens, they are fine.”

“Of course you’ll..”

“Oh yes, full medical workups later.”

“I see them, now?”

“Now Athena, everything you’ve got.”

“Firing, five point two minutes until bingo.”

Applejack hit Twilight on the shoulder as they looked towards Athena through the darkened visors, seeing everything moving on her hull and pointing upwards. The ends of barrels and bores exploding into action as the sky lit up with her fury. The huge hull rocked with the fire, pouring everything she had into the portal and surrounding areas. Her shots were precise and swift, nothing came close to her or Crusader as she cut loose with everything she had.

“VLS plates open..launching.. reloading...secondary launch..now..”

They all turned, hearing slabs of armor clang open with a ringing sound through the hull, long thin objects rose out on flames as they shot into the skies, followed by another group. They looked like thick spears trailing fire as they broke the sound barrier, heading for the portal.

Crusader’s voice came into their ears, “Whatever it is you need to do, do it now, we cannot keep this rate of fire for long.”

His words were punctuated by every weapon on his side facing the forest opening up. Volleys of slugs and energy destroyed whatever Athena didn’t hit, they were a wall of destruction that protected their friends.

Rainbow Dash held Fluttershy tight as she buried her face into the cyan mares side, the kindly pegasus was trying not to cry out as they stood in the middle of a conflagration they could never have imagined. Only Crusader’s battle screens kept them from suffering far worse.

“C’mon Twilight! Do something!”

Twilight shook her head, seeing every visor turned towards her. “I..concentrate, just concentrate! Just ask for help like we did before!” She sounded more confident than she felt, her whole body rattled by the weapons fire as well as her mind.

Applejack looked upwards for a moment, seeing a shining dome above them and never realizing it was intercepting energies and pressures that would have killed them the second they stepped outside the hull.

“Overload on K-Band energy, switching to Y absorption and grounding.”

“Send it to me, it’ll up my screens.”

“Done Athena.”


An arm, thicker than most shot from the portal as it twisted under the fire slamming into Crusader’s hull for a moment before being blasted by counter battery shots.

The ponies lost their footing for a moment, stumbling into each other as they kept minds on concentrating, thinking of magic, powering horns and steeling wills as they rocked with the blow.


“Secondary Hellbores One through Four are gone. Turrets unusable, upping fire on others.”

“I see it and got you covered, hope this works, we are four point two minutes from depletion.”

“Shipping more to you, but RoF is too much, I won’t be able to fab fast enough.”

“Whatever you can give me.”

“On the way.”


Twilight felt it, a glimmer of something inside her as she felt something pressing on her withers. Looking to the side she saw a taloned hand steadying her, the eyes behind the visor unreadable but she felt the calm. The head nodded to her as they both stood fast against the gale.


Another arm shot forward, slamming into Crusader’s hull again in the same spot, causing him to redistribute fire as repeaters went into the red from damage.

“It knows Crusader, it KNOWS!”

“Calmly my sister, we will weather this. It knows nothing and will suffer.”

“Al...alright..but I’m covering!”

“You are doing fine, missiles out.”


A group of spears, then another, lanced into the sky with a thunderous sound. A crack was heard as they shot off to deliver their payloads to the waiting portal. Pinkie was looking around in awe at the sounds and sights, trying to see everything, but then remembered she had to concentrate on the magic, to help fight. She wouldn’t let her friends down.

Princess Celestia stood tall on the sensor island, keeping to her hooves as Luna stood right beside her. Their horns were flaring with magic as they concentrated furiously, remembering what it was like to call upon and use the magic of Harmony, to bring it once again to their aid.

The alabaster mare looked to the side feeling a form leaning against her as Luna smiled, remembering battles in the past when they stood together and nodding, her voice clear through the link, “Once again ‘Tia, once again.”

“As always Luna.”


“Field projectors forty through fifty-three failing, switching to secondaries, tertiaries online and waiting, but they will burn as fast.”

“What are they waiting for?”

“It is not up to them, Twilight has always said it will happen when it will happen. Hopefully that is to be soon.”

“I hope so, three point four minutes.”

“Shutting Fusion Four down, lasers out of alignment from that last hit.”

“Crusader...?” Athena’s voice is very worried.

“I am fine, continue on.”



Twilight could feel it, the magic just out of reach. They all stood in a circle and looked at each other, unable to see eyes they could only guess by the gritting of teeth and posture how everypony was thinking.

She thought quickly, ‘All your friends...all your friends...’ Everything that Pinkie had said to them, nothing new was coming..wait.. ALL your friends! She tapped her link, yelling to be heard over the storm.


“Yes Twilight?”

“You’ve got to concentrate with us, you’ve got to help!”

“We are, our rate of fire is over peak, we have the skies clear for the moment.”

“Nonono! Concentrate with us, turn your thoughts to calling the magic!”

“Twilight, if we hesitate for even a moment, you all will be in very grave danger.”

She thought on that for a moment, “Trust me Crusader, I’m sure that’s it.”

Silence reigned over the net for a moment before his voice came through. “All right, we will. Brace yourselves.”

“Set autofire, initiate security protocol Delta, everything goes to automatics.”

“It won’t be as accurate.”

“I know, but Twilight is adamant. How long?”

“Two point five minutes.”

“Initiate auto switch on burnouts, keep your field strength high. Power plants are upped to one hundred thirty percent, we have enough power.”

“Done, what do I do?”

“I...guess just think upon magic? Try to summon help from it? I do not know.”

Athena reaches out, we go into Hyper-Heuristic mode to stretch out our time. I feel her hand in mine as Pallas Athena stands in my cores, steady and strong I grip back with my gauntleted one. We are joined by a sable Pegasus, and an umber Earth pony who lean against us.

“Are we not one and the same?” Athena asks as she lets her avatar fade, where only the Pegasus stands.

“We are.” I let my own view of myself change, where I am just the avatar I have come to be and enjoy.

Her hoof touches mine as she smiles, leaning into me as we sit in our cores and concentrate as only Bolos know how to do.


Twilight felt it, inside her she could feel it like a cup overflowing and brimming with magic. Her heart leapt in joy as she smiled, looking around to make sure she wasn’t the only one. She saw smiles and grins from the others as it continued to build, it was only dammed for a moment then burst into them like a flood unchecked.

The group could feel a change, the air thickening under the force field until it almost became stifling and then released into a cool fresh breeze that blew from nowhere. Their bodies and lungs refreshed for the moment as the energies around them continued to hammer the skies.


“Fields failing, tertiaries up.”

“Automatics are not handling everything well.”

“We must concentrate, keep the fire rate up, nothing must approach them.”

Their sensors showed them the misses. Automatics were very good but didn’t have the skills behind them, they designated threats and did not deviate, there was no flare to their shooting.

“One point three minutes to depletion. Out on port repeaters already.”

“We can do this, trust Twilight and the others.”

“I..I’m trying but...” I can see her glancing at the readouts.

“Be with me here Athena, nowhere else.”



They could all feel it, the energy was rising but it didn’t seem fast enough. Light flared in their vision as the thing from the portal kept hammering at Athena and Crusader. The weapons were firing though not like before, somehow less ..sure.. of themselves. Twilight fervently hoped she had done the right thing as the field above them was flickering, looking like it was about to fail.

Her eyes were riveted on the fading screen, seeing it flash and spark from energies outside and almost cringing in what she believed would happen should it disappear.


“Tertiaries close to burn, they are beginning to fail. I am emplacing spares but not fast enough. If the fields fall we need to cease firing.”

“We..we can’t! It’ll come through!”

“Either that or we kill them with our own weapons.”

“Concentrate, Twilight said concentrate!”

“I am Athena, I am.”

Her voice was worried as another hit snaked through.

“Anti-Air Battery Three down.”

“Crusader! Let me extend...”

“You will not. I am fine Athena, keep firing.”

“Thirty seconds to depletion.”


The field above them flickered for a moment, then went out. They were picked off their hooves and slammed into one wall of the sensor island before the field came back on, weaker but canceling the battering ram that held them pinned for a moment.

Picking themselves up off the metal they kept their minds on their task, gathering close and sharing in a bit of comfort from each other as they kept their thoughts clear and on one thing.


“Fields failed! The field failed! I’ve got spares emplaced but not enough, Athena take over fire control!”

“Any radiation? Are they okay?”

“Minimal, but it was there. We need to get them into medical soonest! They have suffered overpressure from our weapons.”

“We can’t, depletion in fifteen seconds..wait..something’s happening.”

Their sensors registered an energy hit, blinding them for a moment then clearing as the group on the sensor island became visible once more.


A flare of light and then the sense of power inside them burst through their chests and into the night like a beacon, it covered them and held tight as it transformed the friends once more.

Twilight stood tall, her mane and tail flowing behind her in the slight breeze they all felt, her hooves covered with stars as colors wound their way through her hair. She grinned at the others. Her wing feathers were multi-hued in shades of colors that dazzled the eyes, her stance proud beside her friends.

Once again the Rainbow Magic had come through, covering them in it’s embrace and changing them into stylized versions of themselves. Manes and tails flowed brightly, coats covered with silken hair that rippled like water. The power flowed through them in a never ending stream of magic.

They turned to look at Princess Celestia and Luna who had taken on amazing forms. Taller with wings that covered the sky as they flared them, their manes colored and shining so bright it was almost painful to look at as they smiled beneath visored eyes.

Luna grinned, lifting up to hover slightly as her eyes glowed with power, shining like her stars she punched a hoof at the dome, her wings broad and feathered with iridescent colors of the dark. Her body was illuminated with a soft glow, so many tints and shades of nighttime covered her, hooves lit with stars that twinkled like the clearest of night skies. Her wings were shaded in such a way it was difficult to tell, but the eye caught the glimmer and shine of each and every one as she hovered in the air.

Princess Celestia let herself have a moment to look down, seeing her hooves covered in the sun’s flames, they were moving and flickering along the sides as she smiled. Her own eyes were golden and warm, flaring with the power of her namesake as it flowed through her in ways she never imagined, the shining orbs easily seen through the visor as were her sister’s. Wings of multi-hued metallic feathers snapped out from her sides, underneath Luna’s as they shared a glance.

Even Discord was not completely untouched, who stood with a smile as the others turned to look at him, making him suddenly self-conscious.


Rainbow Dash pointed at him, “Why didn’t you change like we did?”

His body was still his for some reason, no changes except perhaps a few more bits of fur or hair here and there that complimented his look. It was a puzzle for later to figure out, if at all.

He stood proudly and waved a paw, “You cannot improve upon perfection it seems!” His laugh though, was warm and cheerful in a way they hadn’t heard before over the links.

The battle screen covering them faded once more then firmed, bolstered by bands of flowing chromatics that made the eyes wander to try and see each and every hue. Sensors registered this as Athena and Crusader snapped to attention, their focus on the battle unwavering as they sought to reload quicker than ever before, hurrying to provide fire support for whatever was going to occur.


“Wow did you SEE that?”

“No time we have incoming, I have my fire control, we have nothing left to waste.”

“On it, targeting solutions coming now.”

“Screens are up and firm, I do not know how but energy signature is consistent with what’s known of magic use.”

“Should we fire in support? Counter battery?”

“I do not know Athena, kill anything that comes close, we will have to wait and see.”


Incoming arms were aiming for the sensor island as they all turned, raising their heads to the skies looking defiant. The colors that flickered along the dome had spread along the Bolo hulls, shooting their way over to Athena and covering them both with thick fields of unknown energy. The magic had come and it had arrived with a vengeance.

Monsters shattered against the shields, disappearing into smoke as they railed against this new thing. Flying, crawling and walking they all died or were sent someplace else. Gunfire took more out as the huge weapons slowed but did not cease their extermination.

A bubble of magic surrounded the group of ponies and Discord, sending out ravening beams of colored light that wove and hurled into the skies. Whatever it touched was destroyed, anything innocent or caught in the crossfire was protected. A matching glow could be seen on the horizon, not noticed in the light and colors that were tearing the sky right now, but was recorded by sensors.

Athena and Crusader could only observe as the magic took shape and form, force and might throwing the things back through the portal or destroying them utterly.

Anti-Air lasers and repeaters that were reloaded provided small fire support against things that slipped through, though not as fierce as before, they watched as the surrounding otherworldly covering gained in brightness, powering up and firing a bolt of tremendous proportions at the thing coming through the portal. It staggered in the skies with a cry of pain and suffering that rang through the countryside.

Twilight’s voice came over the combat channels, bright and clear it was quite cheery, which struck both of them as strange for the middle of a firefight.

“Hit it! Athena, Crusader, hit it with everything you’ve got!”

Both of them answered instinctively, “Yes Princess!”

Titanic barrels swiveled from where they sat cooling after rounds of firing, the turrets smoothly bringing bores around that would have scared anything intelligent had it been on the receiving end of them. Magnetic fields powered as Athena’s Hellrail depressed as far as it could, the alloy slugs set for rapid fire as everything they had pointed in one mass at the portal and the abomination in it.

VLS plates slapped open one last time as Crusader emptied them, smashing into the skies once more they lanced towards the portal. Ion Bolt Repeaters, Secondary Hellbores, everything they had swung on a dime in a ballet of death they remembered fondly.

“Targeting up, standing by..”

“Solutions coming in, one moment, done..”

“Hellbores One through Four ready, war shots, spread pattern Alpha, overpower by twenty percent..”

“Done, but that’s gonna hurt.. One through Three ready..”

“VLS depleted reloading from magazines, seventy on the way to portal, ten seconds ToT..”

“Malfunction! Field fluctuation in all bores...standby...firmed..ready to fire.”

“All set?”

“Done, hit it!”


Magnetic fields direct the nuclear explosions in a Hellbore, compressing it to create a beam of almost unimaginable destruction. To keep the shot from attenuating too much in an atmosphere, a massive laser is fired a femtosecond before the main shot is released, this let’s the energy proceed in almost full strength to the target by clearing a lane through the intervening air.


As the ‘triggers’ were pulled on the gargantuan weapons, Athena noticed a problem.

“We have field malfs in all Hellbores!”

“Stop the shots, we’ll blow the bores!”

“It’s too late! Detonations are already commenced, we’ll ruin the breeches!”

“Hang on and hope!”

The magnetic containment fields flickered for the merest of instants, slamming back into place as the shots themselves were pouring out of the barrel. It confined and compressed it beyond what Athena and Crusader had already done, forming the releases into even more powerful bolts of destruction.

As the nuclear energy wound it’s way out of their confinements, color wrapped itself around each one; a wrapping of chromatic hues that kept the beams of energy tight, so very tight and bolstered with magic as they sped through the air, smacking into the horror in the portal with colossal force.

The skies were lit with a silent explosion, so pinpoint were blasts that they could see the forest still standing beneath the portal but a huge chunk was missing from the thing trying to come through.

“Fire! Fire!” Athena was letting her excitement at this new development show.

Crusader was doing so even as Athena was pounding out more Hellbore rounds, the barrels held firm and solid. They gave heaping measures of nuclear death into the portal and the thing, forcing it back alongside the bolts from the mystical force surrounding their friends. The Harmony Magic stopped it in place, holding it there to be a target for obliteration. They both took full advantage of it.

“Mass index way down, a few more...”

“Volley away!”

Harmony and the reinforced Hellbore fire dug away at the bubbling mass, blowing great hunks of it into smoke and destroying it utterly. The thing was still trying to pull back into the portal for a retreat, but was stopped by one more fusillade from the Bolos, stuck in place as it was chipped apart and smashed into nothingness. The fury of the two Bolos was unrestrained as they burned through everything they had left to destroy what remained.

The weapons fire died away as the final gun was spent, the last Hellbore round was off into the skies. The Bolos manufacturing and reloading furiously for another fight if needed, scanning the atmosphere for threats, any threats.

As they watched the last of it drift away a single band of rainbow color came sweeping from the field surrounding their friends, sensors observed as it slammed into the portal, a crackling energy released into the surrounding skies and with a thundering shock wave that tilted trees for miles it was gone. The gateway dissipated into the air with flashes of lightning for miles and then all was calm.


I watch as Athena reactivates her avatar, running into the cargo bay and jumping into the air with a hoof punch in front of the ponies who had been watching everything on internal screens. I reactivate my own and sit watching her ebullience from a quiet space on the Command Deck.

“We’re number one! We’re number one!” She was jumping off the floor into the air with her excitement. Ponies around her are cheering at the screen, seeing the cessation of conflict, hearing the quiet surrounding our hulls now.

“Athena, stop doing that, they know the battle is over.”

“Oh no, no way! I’m celebrating!”

“There might be more threats Athena, please keep watch.”

“I can do both! We’re number one!”

I can do nothing but sigh, Athena will always be Athena. Though I do watch our friends, making sure they are still protected as I open the hatchways into my hull. The magical protection is fading and I wish them to be safely inside, so I can reestablish my own fields and keep a wary eye for danger. I encourage them to get in quickly where I also do scans on them, I am worried about the field failure although our weapons are as clean as humanity could make them. Residual radiation will fade quickly, but in the body it is something to fear, so far nothing is showing on internal detectors. Perhaps the magic protected them as well?

They come into the cargo bay on an elevated catwalk, their forms still altered from the power; cheers are ringing through the hull now led by Athena who I am still trying to get to cease her actions.

“Stop being a fuddy-duddy! We won!”

“We did at that, a fine showing Athena, truly one of your best.”

I see her rub a hoof on her chest and blow on it, “Of course, pinpoint firing and all that makes me monster slayer of the year! Perhaps the whole decade!” She looks into a camera lens and grins broadly.

She brings a warmth to my cores which are strangely quiet now of that unknown fire which had invaded them earlier. I catch a glimmer or glint occasionally on a sweep, but it appears to have buried itself deeply. Did it summon that fiery mare or is it all a part of the same thing? Twilight and I have much to discuss upon this, it appears gentle and undemanding now, but who can tell the future? Another odd thing to ponder.

So I observe the festivities on the cargo bay monitors seeing Discord mobbed by fillies and colts who were worried about him, a smile crosses my own avatar’s face when he shows pure delight in seeing them once more.

He has changed these months as all of us have, his grin is genuine as I drop the internal AM screens, letting him bring forth that very odd chocolate milk rain the little ones so love. Although their parents are definitely not looking happy I am sure they will get over it.

The transformations still remain with my friends, colors and hues I can only record as I watch them smile at all the ponies around them. Albeit Rainbow Dash is not quite that humble, she is getting overwhelmed by others cheering them all. Strange how it works like that. I am sure that Rarity will like a few pictures of herself this way, properly framed of course.

I see them all receiving accolades and praise which are well-earned, Twilight informs me that the looks should wear off soon enough, but I don’t see them fading that quickly. I would ask about it, but she is too busy with Spike being so excited about the fight and all. Perhaps it is based on the amount of magic used? I can never be sure, but there will be plenty of time later to study such things. Pinkie of course, proceeds to make plans for the victory celebration later.

Fluttershy is herself, trying desperately to hide from folks that are wanting to congratulate her; of course Applejack is having none of that, keeping her close to accept kind words of praise.

My sensors and Athena’s are watching over the forest, scanning the atmosphere and firing drones now that the turbulence is gone. We do not stand down yet, we have learned hard lessons before and will not make the same mistakes.

Scanners and sensors are telling us the area is clear so far, anything that might affect any one is of a short half-life, by the time we let them all out tomorrow it should be gone. Anything left behind can be taken care of if we can arrange a few heavy rains to help dissipate what remains.

But we will have to go to the Tree of Harmony, something is there or nearby that endangers everypony.

For now, a slight amount of respite would be very welcome, a time to rest and recover ourselves. I, for one, would dearly love to sit on the porch again and stare at the night skies in peace.

As I watch Athena leaping into the air with her cheers, I can only smile and hope tomorrow brings more such happiness for them all.

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