• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Stories and Honors.

My body aches as I awake, my eye cannot see too clearly and I try to look around. I know I was rescued, and my head is still a bit muzzy. But I saw her, my Applejack, though I thought that had been the very last time. It appears not. I can feel the pillow beneath my head, the bandages surrounding my one eye. I do not know about Equestrian medicine, but I shall have to make sure something is done to improve it as a thank you. My own ban on technology or not.

Seeing that cup of ice water though, has stirred feelings I never thought I would have. I want that single cup so badly I would wade through a hurricane. Squinting my one eye, I reach for it, and I will conquer because I want that water.


The fallout from the past few days was being felt. It seems as if trust lost, was definitely not just regained in a minute. Ponies were quietly closing their doors to the races that had perpetrated the auction. Word spread quickly, and some races found themselves at the end of a bargaining table wondering why the prices had just tripled. There were no protests, no riots, nothing untoward. Just a polite shrugging of the shoulders and a showing to the door.


The dark Princess of the Night rummaged through another spell book, working on formula to unlock the memories of Crusader before things got too out of hoof. They had all heard the guns firing, not knowing why or how, Crusader could not tell them without his memories. Now that he was found, and getting better, she could get to work on this; feeling a pressure of time for some reason.

She watched her sister, sitting quietly in a corner sipping tea and lost in her thoughts.

“Why so pensive ‘Tia?”

The white mare looked up and over at her sister, “I lost my temper Luna, I never do that. It was just so..so..”


“Yes! To believe that anypony would do such a thing, for such stupid reasons; I lost my calm and I truly regret it.”

The darker mare nodded, “With all that has happened in such a short time, I was amazed you’d been so serene this whole time. Were it I..well.. we know how that turned out don’t we?”

Celestia chuckled, “Yes, and I still ask your forgiveness each day Luna, I will never stop.”

Luna got up from her chair, walking over to snuggle beside her sister, “You are forgiven for today sister mine, all is well.”

They shared a quiet laugh, before turning to the task at hoof, “What shall we do with the one who started this? I know I was heavy hoofed, and it was my own irritation that did it. Even the one who used the darker magics, can we redeem them? Can they be saved?”

“I do not know ‘Tia, once used, the magics take hold and stain the soul. It will do to keep watch, maybe some time in the future we can see. That is all we can do.”

Celestia nodded, they would be punished, though not as harshly as she promised. Their own actions had damned them to a far worse punishment than she could give them.

“As for the one who started it, her own greed was her undoing, she will serve her time and then be let into the wide world. I do not know what may become of her, but it is all we can do. We cannot control lives like puppets, we only do what we must and can.”

Celestia leaned against her sister, finding comfort in her warmth, “After so many centuries I find it astonishing I still have this inside me. I hope one day never to think of my anger at all.”

Luna nodded, her eyes hooded as she leaned against Celestia, “We all do sister, but until that day we do the best we can.”

“I know we do, Cadence is still in the village, helping heal Crusaders’ hurts. We need to figure out the unlocking of his memories. As soon as he is ready, we need to try, to find out what this ‘Masada’ is and why he thinks it is so urgent.” She turned to Luna, giving her that smile that brought ponies warmth and love, “We will figure this out, and Equestria shall be all the better for it.”


To a race, each government had vehemently denied their representatives did anything like what had been reported to them with their permission or knowledge. It was to be expected, Celestia supposed. So by saying that they were ‘rogue elements’ the governments avoided taking any responsibility for their actions.

Celestia sighed, looking at the various missives that had arrived piecemeal, thinking of the overall picture and seeing it would be the same. Carousel diplomacy, more lies and greed. But her ponies were safe, they would remain so.

The so-called ‘rogues’ would serve time in the prison, treated well of course. Then they would be released to do what they would, though exiled from Equestria. After that she wished them the best, she could not do more.

She had received reports of the quiet boycotts, the prices being raised.

Shaking her head, she allowed herself a chuckle; never underestimate politeness. She would not issue a decree of course, businesses wouldn’t be manipulated to restore things. It wouldn’t be prudent to force the issue, it would have to resolve itself on it’s own, if ever.

All in all, it was better than war.


I almost have it, my enemy is within reach, I am about to leave the field victorious. The water is mine! I am interrupted by a slender leg, reaching out and giving me the cup I have desired, more precious than gold or jewels. I sip the cooling liquid. I am in bliss, my body refreshed.

I really should stop listening to Rarity....

Cadence watched as Crusader sipped his water, a sigh leaving him. “Feeling better now?”

“Yes Your Highness, thank you so much.”

“I know we haven’t talked much, but call me Cadence please. I am glad you are feeling better, the doctors say you’re making a remarkable recovery.”

“I had thought I would not Cadence, the injuries seemed quite extensive to me.”

She looked away from his deep blue eyes for a moment, not knowing what to say, she was interrupted by Applejack entering the room.

“Your Highness.. Crusader! Oh my gosh you’re awake!” She rushed over, giving him a hug, nuzzling his cheek, “How are you feeling? Are ya doing alright?”

“Cadence has told me I’m making a fast recovery. I hadn’t thought Equestrian medicine was so good. I am actually doing quite well.”

He watched as Applejack looked at Cadence, both of them a bit sad, “What happened? What are you not telling me?”

Cadence turned to leave, she was stopped by Applejack’s hoof on her shoulder, “No, stay Cadence, please?”

I watch them both closely, Cadence wears a look of deep sadness, of heartbreak. Which is strange, as she is the Princess of Love. Applejack is the same, I actually see her fumble with words for a moment.

Applejack lays a tender hoof on my chest, Cadence close by, “I need to tell you somethin’ sugar.”

I am told of the search, how ponies had gathered from far and wide to look for me. I am surprised, I had not thought I had done anything that worthwhile to deserve such attention. I am quieted though by Applejack, told that the little gifts I had given were worth far more than I thought, and it was returned tenfold. I am humbled beyond imagining.

Applejack begins by telling me who was behind it, the greedy mare from the fight in the command deck, who wanted more bits for herself. She was auctioning me off to the highest bidder, of which it appears the diplomats were the same from the meeting. I cannot believe this, they thought I was not a real pony and were going to sell me? I am ashamed I have caused so much trouble.

She tells me of Snowbell, the little bird who was injured badly but flew and reported where I was, saving my life. His sacrifice to report the news.

Then she relates to me of Faded Scroll, the kindly elderly pony who gave his own life to save mine. I am shocked at first, then speechless. The tale of his using a forbidden spell, giving his own life force to bolster mine into healing is astonishing. I do not know what to say. I have no words for this.

She shows me the letter, telling how the entire country was moving to war because of the actions of a few criminals. Faded Scroll healed the open wound, surely as if by a doctor. To save me and the land he loved, showing that no price was too high for peace, he went to his grave.

I cannot speak, I cannot even think right now. I do not believe this is happening. I have done nothing to deserve the sacrifice of anypony’s life for my own. It is a debt I can not possibly ever repay.

Applejacks face looked into my own, “Sweetheart, ya okay?”

I blink, looking down at my hooves in front of me, “I..can’t ever repay this debt. I do not deserve this sacrifice, I have done nothing to warrant this.”

Cadence stepped close, her voice warm and gentle, “Applejack told you, the gifts you gave were worth so much, you made friends, you helped ponies.”

“But it doesn’t mean that you have to give a life! He didn’t even know me!”

The orange mare looked at me, gathering myself into her forelegs, looking at Cadence nervously as she confessed, “He saw me cryin’. I was sitting in a room feeling sorry for mahself. No, that’s not true,” She remembered that ‘don’t lie to me’ look, “I was cryin’ cause I might lose you. But he made me smile, said there was always good somewhere.”

Applejack sighed next to my cheek, “I told him you made me a promise you wouldn’t leave. I guess he maybe thought you should keep that promise, ah don’t know. I don’t know all the reasons, but I’m sure he thought they were good enough.”

Cadence leaned forward, “Celestia told me, he loved this land, the peace, his family. I’m sure he just didn’t wish to see it torn apart. But he gave you a gift Crusader, a gift freely given. Use that, be the best pony you can.”

I nod, “I will your Highness, Applejack. I will try to live up to this gift, from Snowbell and Faded Scroll. I will do my best”

After that, for the first time in my life I cry. I know of honor and duty, of the giving of one for another, we have done that for ever. But never had I imagined it would be done for me.


I am awakened in the night, guns opening fire off the hill. I have asked Applejack, she said it had started a day ago. It is worrisome, that niggling feeling is coming back stronger now. I hope that the ruling diarchs can find a way to get Discord back.

She is awake as well, lying beside me in the hospital bed. I rest in her arms, feeling safe. So much hurt and anger over myself, I do not know what to do, or how to pay back such a debt. I can only do what Cadence advised, be the best pony I can be.

I lean my head against her and fall back asleep, hoping that the new day brings word.

I am visited by Princess Luna, she informs me they have something to break the lock on my memories, that I must come to Canterlot in the morning; for there is also another duty to perform, one which cannot wait. They are still trying to summon Discord but are having no luck, he is being troublesome it seems. She will be notifying the others, all of Applejack’s friends.

As she walks off into the dreamscape, I sit and look at the bright sky, wondering when or if this will all end and things can go back to being peaceful.


Waking in the very early morning, it is still a bit before sunrise; I am helped to my hooves by a very kind nurse. Applejack is being very solicitous, but it is not a bother at all, I enjoy her presence more and more. It helps, I am limping badly and feel very much like a young foal, barely able to stand. But we were told to be in Canterlot, so we must go.

I still think heavily upon Faded Scroll and little Snowbell. I still have a hard time thinking of them, giving their all for one they never knew. It reminds me of why Bolos did it. It was our honor, not just duty; because we liked humans, we enjoyed their company and wanted to do our best for them.

I tell Applejack again, I promise to be the best pony I can. Her smile is all the answer I need.

My one eye is still bandaged, I am getting better though. When we walk out of the hospital, a cheer goes up, surprising me but I should have known.


I can only sigh, but smile, you always smile around Pinkie. It is a law of the universe, when Pinkie is near, you smile.

Applejack however..

“Pinkie, this ain’t no time for a party!”

“It’s not a party! Just something to cheer you all up, we gotta get to Canterlot!”

“Ah know that, dangit we ain’t got..”

I lay a hoof on her shoulder, “Applejack..”

She pinches her nose with a fetlock, “Ah know, it’s Pinkie.”

Applejack actually blushes as ponies give her hugs and nuzzles, seeing her smile at friends warms my own heart.

Pinkie runs up, giving everyone hugs, “I know! I know! Gottagogottago! But still, a little cheer never hurts!”

There is quite the crowd as we make our way to the train station. I am informed it is one of the quicker ways to get there, a few hours at most. We are leaving early enough to get there in plenty of time.

The train ride was interesting. Rainbow Dash was enjoying it quite a bit, though I wonder if she’d prefer to have flown? Pinkie of course, was making sure everyone had something to eat, their spirits were up, and smiles to spare. I accept her for who she is now, just a pony that cares and is so full of joy and laughter.

Rarity has taken time to come as well, along with Fluttershy, the six friends inseparable. I watch as they all sit, quietly enjoying each others company. It reminds me so very much of when I would sit with comrades, in a silence, just knowing that someone was near.


Luna looked stunning in her outfit, something not seen for so very long. The scales and plates shining like the evening. Her darker color matched by the burnished silver that covered her like a second skin. Rivets and links shone like the full moon, a tint of darkness brought out each and every line. Although the Princess of the Night was a beauty in her own right, this set of armor made her even more so. Regal, lovely and filled the senses with wonder as she looked at herself in the mirror. Each gem in the armor a single star that shone brightly in the heavens.

Celestia joined her by the mirror, standing in her own set. The bright gold held a subtle hint of the red and ambers of the new day. It shone with a beauty that took the senses and held it just for a moment, releasing the grip with a gasp. She tilted her head one way, then the other, looking at the overlapping plates that slid like silk along her neck, the inlays and runes shining so very brightly against the alabaster coat.

Centuries ago, before the Banishment of Nightmare Moon, the smiths and wizards of a newly forming nation decided their rulers could not be without protection from the monsters they faced.

Earth ponies dug for the finest ores, hammering them long into the weeks; Unicorn wizards casting spells every step of the way, providing protection and healing for those that would wear the suits. They were inlaid with metals rare and valuable, collected from all over Equestria, communities donated gemstones of great value. The Pegasi provided the designs and architecture, every last bit planned and placed.

Gems were crushed and spelled, or added whole to the armor. Each rivet, link or plate; each carving was laid down with a spell behind it. Nothing was beneath notice; if a piece was found weak, it was replaced and respelled.

Each piece was the representative of a community. The armored suits making a map of towns and cities, founded or helped by the rulers; that the country itself was behind the protection the sisters wore.

They were rarely wore since those days, only for occasion of high state, or when a certain presence was called for. Today called for just that.

They called the armor Celestia wore Dawn; and for her sister, Dusk.

When a pony told his mare that she looked like the Dawn, they were referring to the ethereal beauty of the armor. The same as 'You are lovely as the Dusk'; sayings that still arose today, though the meaning behind them muddled a bit through the ages.

“You look very nice sister, surely you can step away from the mirror for this?” Celestia chuckled behind a hoof, getting a glare from Luna.

“I had forgotten how wonderful these looked, and thank goodness they resize to fit!” her mane flowed from underneath the armor, just adding to it’s beauty.

“Then let us go, we have a solemn duty.” She brushed against her sister, “We are quite the pair are we not?”

Luna nodded, “We do and we are my sister, and it is good that we show them past glories.”

Celestia nodded, “It is only appropriate.”

They both turned, heading for the throne room.


Gasps were heard as the sisters walked in, clad in royal regalia, crowns and armor.

Twilight leaned over to myself and Applejack, “That is Dawn and Dusk, the armor made for them long ago!” She was clearly excited, and I am sure would pester the two with questions later.

As we had made our way to the castle, ponies were streaming in from all over, making their way into the amphitheater like courtyard. Guards had been posted, but there was no rowdiness, there was calm and laughter again. We were allowed to wait in the throne room. I saw the sisters walk out in their outfits, and thought even a Bolo would not compare, they were beautiful. You could see every plate, link and scale, each carving and relief, the gemstones that studded the plates. It was truly astonishing.

Celestia stood for a moment, “Hello my little ponies, shall we go?”

The seven of us follow the sisters, there is also a family waiting outside on the large balcony as we take our places. Voices are heard, airing their surprise, seeing what a true Princess looks like when dressed for High State.

Celestia lights her horn, enhancing her voice.

“Thank you all for being here today. It is a moment in Equestrian history that does not come often, so my sister and I thought it only appropriate to dress for the occasion.

“You are all aware of the search for the lost pony. Many of you participated or helped, dare I say all of Equestria. He is whole and healing, thanks to you all.”

Cheers rang through the city from the crowds.

Holding up a hoof, she asked for calm.

“But we are here to honor two of Equestria’s citizens, in the finest traditions of all we believe in. They sacrificed themselves for the good of us all, to find that lost pony and bring him back to us.”

Celestia gestured outward to the sky, “A little bird, who wanted nothing more but to fly and bask in the sun, was the finder. He took his injuries and kept flying, swift wings brought him to others who could pass the word. Before he could seek help, he thought only of telling ponies where the lost one was. In doing so, he has passed on. But we remember.”

She gestured to guards waiting outside. On a low wagon, with no sides, it was brought in by Royal Guardsponies. A square sarcophagi, smaller than most, having been worked on by Earth pony stonemasons since the little bird had passed. It was inlaid with gold, carved in the finest marble, a statue of a hummingbird reaching out to a flower was atop it as a headstone.

“His name was Snowbell, and he shall be remembered as a hero as long as there is an Equestria.”

The roar tore through the quiet skies and city.

Luna gestured this time to the guards, another low wagon was brought in, Royal Guards pulling it with pride. Upon it another rectangular sarcophagi, once again of fine marble and gold. Atop it, the statue of an elderly pony with a warm smile, leaning on a cane. He was instantly recognized, many did not know he had passed.

Luna stepped forward and spoke, “We know many did not know he had gone, and we are sorry for not saying so. But we give you, a hero of Equestria. For as Snowbell found, Faded Scroll healed. By his sacrifice, he healed a nation of anger, of hurt; and should be forever remembered.”

Another roar ripped the air.

The Sun Princess stepped beside her sister, “We pay homage to them. Celebrate their lives with cheer and good tidings. For Faded Scrolls’ family would ask that you do.” She bowed, extending a wing as Faded Scrolls daughters came forward, surrounded by foals, colts and fillies of various ages.

The eldest daughter tried to say something, but her words were a bit choked as she saw the ponies gathered to honor her father. All she could get out was, “Thank you so much.”

The entire family crowded each other as the cheering and tumult shattered the city once more. Ponies giving their father and Snowbell the honors they so richly deserved.

As the crowd filed out, a flower was placed on the wagons by each pony passing, sometimes more than one. The wagons were piled high in fragrance when they finally moved out to their resting places.

Snowbell was put to rest in the Canterlot Gardens, in a place of honor, where lily’s and other nectar rich flowers always grew, surrounding his little place with colors and scents. Every year after, though no one quite understood why, a crack of thunder was heard overhead on the day of his passing.

Faded Scroll was laid in another place of honor, a quiet garden near his wife Copper Ink. Overlooking the waterfalls they both loved to watch when they were young. No one ever knew where it came from; but an apple tree was planted in the middle of the night, providing shade to them both, and what some said were the sweetest fruit to ever be found in Canterlot.


The family was served tea in the throne room, the seven friends meeting each of the grandfoals and great grandfoals, hearing stories about Faded Scroll that had them laughing themselves silly. The sisters making the whole family welcome for a while, treating them warmly, letting them know how much Faded Scroll meant to Equestria.

Taking off their royal accouterments, they sat as any normal pony would, sharing laughter and love with the family of such a special pony.

It was the least the sisters could do, though they had wanted to do more, the family had refused. Just knowing their father had done something so special, was worth more than any bit or present.

Princess Celestia even had the Guards laughing by doing her imitation of Faded Scroll, “This will not do young Celestia!” She waved a hoof around as if pointing a cane, telling the stories of when he would storm into the throne room. Calling her “Young Celestia” as if the thousand year old plus monarch was some little filly.

But as in all things, that too ended, the family shown out with great reverence as they had to return to their homes and the pressing matters of everyday life.

Around the table they sat, eating a late meal as they pondered things, one question at the forefront of everypony’s mind.

The white Alicorn spoke the thought that cluttered the evening air, “Yes, we found a way to get to your memories Crusader.”

Crusader nodded, “All to the good Your Highness.”

“The spell will not last long, it takes tremendous energy to break Discords’ locks. So you will not have much time to find the right one.”

The blue eyes looked puzzled, “I’m sorry Your Highness?”

Luna set her tea cup down, “We cannot give you the memories, they are locked, you must find the one you need about this Masada, it will be very close as we can only maintain the spell for a few minutes. See it as looking through a library, you need to find the right book.”

“Is that the best that can be done?”

“Yes Crusader, as it is it will take all four of us to keep the spell going.”

“Then I shall have to do my best Your Majesty.”

“We need you in a natural sleep, so it will be tonight, just let yourself go. I promise, it will not hurt.”

“Once I find the memory I can keep it?”

“Yes, just hold to it and the spell will do the rest. It can’t give everything, but it will let us know about this Masada.”


I prepare myself for the night, not knowing what is to come, but they did say a natural sleep was needed. We are housed at the castle, of course I can still hear Pinkie running around looking at everything, I do wonder if she ever sleeps.

But things get quiet, I lay back on the pillow trying to let myself rest. It is hard, this is so important. I do not know if they can try again, so I shall have to make sure I get what I need and quickly. They described it as grabbing a book from a library, hopefully it will be a lot easier than that. If not, there are so very many memories a Bolo carries, it may be nigh impossible to find it.

In a small room, the four Alicorns gathered, facing each other across a runed circle, inlaid in the floor with gold and silver. Celestia had told them once the spell was started, they could not stop until they either got the memory or dropped. It was that important.

All four had agreed, as it was always voluntary; need however out did the caution.

They waited until Crusader passed into sleep, it should be momentarily.

I am tired, worn from the day. I cannot find a way to slip into sleep though, it is evading me. I try and relax, but my wounds still ache and it is hard to let go. I feel a body slip in the bed beside me, it is Applejack. I feel myself wrapped in warm orange pony, her legs cradling my body. She places my head on her chest, holding me close.

“Jes’ relax Crusader, I’ve got ya.”

“I know my Applejack.”

“Never stop saying that.”

“I won’t.”

She kisses my brow softly, making quiet noises as I finally relax, drifting into the still new for me world of dreams.


Luna looked upward, nodding to herself. “He is there, it’s time.”

The four horns pointed to the middle of the circle, letting loose streams of energy as they concentrated on breaking Discord’s magic. The spell gathered strength as it sapped the Alicorns’. Twilight was gritting her teeth as she poured out her energy along with Cadence and the sisters. They definitely could not hold it for long.

She watched as the magic gathered itself, trailing a tendril to where Crusader was sleeping, unlocking and bringing out the memories that Discord had put away.

Luna stepped sideways, still adding to the spell, but also walking the dream to find Crusader. It was quite quick, finding him sitting in the middle of a myriad of columns on plinths, on top of each one a large book, there were so very many. The dream self was reading a book, sitting in a chair.

She shook her head, concentrating on the pony reading, “Crusader! NOW!”

The dream Crusader flinched as he looked around, then started running from book to book; touching each for a moment, then moving on.

I hear Luna’s voice, it shocks me out of a complacent state. I move as fast as I can, touching each book, seeing the memory and moving. I cannot waste time, there are so many and nothing to distinguish one from another. A forest of columns with books on them, it might be too much. Not much time! I watch Princess Luna’s face, she is flickering in and out of my dream, she looks very strained.

....Hellrail away! Firing .05 sec burst..

...swing to 042 fire volley...

....Fight on my heart...

I stumble for a moment..it is Tika. My long ago commander, my body aches with remembrance as I touch the book. But I cannot. I must go, I leave the memory behind. I am sorry, but another holds my heart dear commander.

..architecture of Bolo Mark....

...stasis now!...

...initializing core protocols...

...fire bank two, 098 degrees...

....asada is a proto...

That is it! I grab the book off the column, holding it tight as I gallop back to where Luna is, she looks worn and tired.

“I have it! I have it!”

She nods to me, I see her fade out as the dream falls apart.

I wake in a cold sweat, the knowledge flooding through my mind as I sit and shake. Applejack is looking at me with concern as I grab on and hold her tight. My eye is blinking rapidly, still waking up from the dream as the information unfolds into my mind like a stark rose.

“Didya find it?”

“Oh yes.”


“It’s so much worse than we thought.”

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