• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Another Introduction. No Longer Alone.

Author's Note:

Tip of the hat to all you wonderful folks, who comment, make folks laugh, show your wonderful ideas and theories. Reading everything you guys write is fantastic! Kudos to all of yas! :pinkiehappy:

I am in communication with Athena all morning. I keep direct contact with her at all times. Below the calm voice, I can still see turmoil, a bit of fear she will be left to her own devices once again. Constantly I am reassuring her this is not so, but as said before, it will take time.

She is rummaging through my own files now, we are doing a TSDS so she may get a more complete situation update on everything now that we have settled her. She is exclaiming at my observations on magic, being a more literal minded Bolo than myself. I assure her all the things she finds about magic are true.

My tech spiders have been working as we talk, planting charges that should clear most of the rubble off her hull. If they fail to do so, I will use my secondary Hellbores with low power shots to clear a space for her.

The heavy spiders have cleared her tow hooks, it appears she has been bow first in the rubble, which is a good thing. Recovery of a Bolo can only be done by another Bolo, there is nothing else large enough to move the hull. She is becoming calmer as my cables are attached, the realization I will not leave her.

“Can we truly settle there Crusader?”

“Oh yes, they are wonderful folk Athena. You will enjoy meeting them.”

“What happened to Hera?”

“I don’t know Athena, I’m sorry.” I feel her grief run through her systems for a moment.

Athena and Hera were called ‘Twins’. Bolo Psychotronics experts when nurturing a new AI, sometimes saw a ‘split’ and the one AI would become two. They proceeded carefully before installing them in Bolos only after they were tested stable. This was before production of female Bolo AI's were halted.

Fighting together, sets of Twins proved to be formidable opponents. They could think and fight faster than any single unit like myself, as if they were one intelligence in two war hulls. With TSDS, it only improved their combat capabilities.

Athena is a Mark XXXIV Assault Class Bolo. Upgraded from a Mark XXVIII war hull. She lacks the bombardment capability of a Siege Unit like myself, but she is all guns. Hellbores, Howitzers, Hyper Velocity Rockets, all aligned in batteries. She is extremely fast and terrible to behold in combat. Her sister would screen her as an EW Bolo while they caused major havoc to the enemy on a battlefield.

Her personality is an exact copy of Hera’s, shy, graceful. I can see her longing for her other half, wondering where she might be as I try my best to comfort her.

“I know it is lonely on the combat channels Athena, but if there are two of us, could there be more?”

“One can hope Crusader. Wherever she is I hope she is safe.”

“I am sorry I cannot help more.”

“It’s fine, honestly.” I feel her brighten, “I am happy you found me, truly I am.”

“As am I. It is good to share what I have seen and found out here. It is so good to hear another Bolo.”

“For myself as well.” I hear a pause, “Are you honestly in love with your commander?”

“I am.” I let her feel my emotions when Applejack’s name is mentioned.

“I am glad, you deserve someone nice.”

“As do you. What happened to you Athena?”

“I was at the spaceport, we were being loaded onto a freighter for launch on Diaspora. The Melconians hit it first with a massive kinetic strike. I was damaged badly, my engines and reactors thrown out of line, I had to SCRAM them.” She pauses, thoughtful for a femtosecond, “It was horrible Crusader. My Commander was caught outside of my hull. I was thrown in the explosion.”

“I am sorry.”

“I am as well, I miss her.”

“How long have you been awake?”

“Two hundred thirty four years, six months fourteen days, five hours two minutes. I have been trapped in my hull for all that time. I could not move, my reactors were offline. I rationed power after my stasis malfunctioned. I cannot understand that, it was supposed to be impermeable. But I think the previous damage from the strike did something, there are burned molycircs along the stasis command pathways.”

“Magic affects stasis Athena.”

“I saw that. I will have to study that more when we get back.”

“There is a very nice pony that would love to teach you about magic, her name is Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“I would like to meet your friends very much.” Her shyness is showing again as she stammers slightly, “Do..do you think they will accept me?”

“I know they will dear Athena. I know they will.” I have already begun fabrication of an avatar for her.

“Can...can I have an avatar as well? Is that allowed?”

“Athena, you can have whatever you’d like. We are not just engines of war anymore. There is no more Concordiat, no more Final War as far as I can tell. This new life is whatever you choose to make it. They treat me as a friend, I am not a servant, or slave. I am a citizen of Equestria.” I pause to let her assimilate the information, “I am making you an avatar as well, something to allow you to be outside of your war hull.”

I can sense her delight at having an avatar.

“Can...can I fly?”


“Can I fly?”

“Pegasus use magic to fly Athena, it is inherent to them. I do not know if I can make one that will fly, but I can at least make it a Pegasus.”

“Maybe...maybe because there is magic all around it will let me fly?”

“I do not know Athena, it is all an unknown. But I promise you will have wings.”

Her bright elation is a joy to behold.

I watch her as she accesses files on Pegasi, the Great Ponyville Paint War, the scans and studies I have done. She is enamored in her quiet way of them. Wings to take her above the firm ground, letting her reach the skies. I will do everything she asks, after so long alone I can do no less for her.

“I do have a question. Since you have been awake, have you noticed changes in your cores?”

“I have, it is very strange. I believe it was damage from the strike. But scans show a change at the quantum level, beyond what a kinetic strike would possibly do.”

“More emotions? You are not acting like a Bolo?”

“Yes! How did you know?”

I send her a .0536 second update on my studies of magic and the possible changes it is making to my cores. I also add the observation her changes are far more advanced than my own, possibly due to her being awake for so long.

“But what does it mean?”

“I do not know Athena, maybe between us we can figure it out.”

“I will be glad to help.”

I pause, waiting for a moment, wondering if I should reveal some information. “Athena?”


I open my core showing the data on my observations of how long I had been in stasis and my astronomical data as well. She is silent for long moments, reading through it.

“This cannot be.”

“It is as accurate as I could make it, the spectra, the data from star maps I have tell me it is so. I had denied it myself as well.”

“Then we are truly in a new world? Old Earth is no more?”

“As far as I can tell, yes. But I give you the data, you are better at such things, perhaps you can refine it?”

“I...I will try.”

We converse through the day, my tow cables are firmly hooked in place. All tech spiders and mechanicals are recovered now, the charges are set. It only waits for my friends to wake up so I do not interrupt their sleep with explosions rocking the hull. I do not want them worrying.


As evening begins to fall, I expect Princess Luna to awaken anytime now. Athena however, is accessing files on Pinkie Pie, I warn her to not over analyze them.

“That is not possible!”

“Athena trust me, do not do this.”

I can see her cores heat up, the power drain is beginning to be worrisome. She is seeing Pinkie show up in impossible places, zipping around a party, showing up in different places on my command deck.

“She....She cannot do that! A living organism actually teleporting from one place to another? No, there must be something to explain it.”

“Pinkie is...unique.”

“You are joking with me are you not?”

“No, you see my security stamps, they are factual recordings.”

“But..no she.. That is not..”



“Do not ponder it, just accept she can do things we do not understand.”

I chuckle over the combat channel as I feel her frustration rise, her cores are cooling now and she closes the file.

“I still do not accept that fully.”

“Neither do I, but the only answer I ever received when I asked was “That’s Pinkie”.”

“That is not an answer.”

“It is enough. Believe me Athena, it does no good trying to match our knowledge of physics to this new world.”

If Athena had a hoof it would be stamped in frustration. She has always been studious, her name is the epitome’ of wisdom and courage. She has shown both through the centuries as an AI. But this might be beyond even her capacity, I wish her well.

“I am going to study this.”

“As you wish, but do not complain when you find no answer.” I had a feeling Pinkie’s antics would gain her interest. I am slowly bringing her out of the shell of panic she has surrounded herself with since she awoke.

I worry about Athena, but I do know that the friends I have made will make a difference to her. They will be good for rehabilitation, knowing she is not alone anymore. Her avatar is coming along nicely, much easier to build now that I know what to do. Although wings are forming well, I hope she is not disappointed when she cannot fly.


My command deck sensors alert me the Crusaders and Princess Luna are coming out of their sleep. I prepare a large meal for them, making sure it is hot and ready when they arise from resting.

“Athena, I believe you will want to watch this. Princess Luna is awakening, she will raise the moon this evening.”

“I...I have trusted you Crusader now and in the past, but this is surely a humorous statement?

“Believe me, it is not.”

“Is this another thing I should just accept?”

“It is for the best. Please engage the translation algorithm I’ve provided you, they speak a language not unlike Concordiat Standard, but with differences that can cause problems.”


Princess Luna awoke refreshed, the air cool and bracing in the command area as she arose from her couch. Sweetie Belle was still snuggled against her, but stirring, opening her eyes at the smell of food. The other two Crusaders were also stumbling to their hooves, wiping at bleary eyes.

Apple Bloom sniffed the air, catching the scent of noodles and grilled vegetables, “Oh mah stars Crusader, we’re gonna get fat eatin’ like this the whole trip!”

“With all the activity you engage in, I highly doubt that.”

Scootaloo has already dug in, talking around a mouthful of food as she slurps down noodles, “It’sh alwaysh good though!”

“I am glad you like it. I have a surprise for all of you.”

Luna’s head lifts from her meal, “Oh? This entire trip has been nothing but wonderful surprises.”

“This is truly one of the best.”

“Athena? Do not be shy, they are wonderful friends.”


Four sets of ears perk up at the soft female voice.

“Is that you doin’ that Crusader?”

“No. I would like you to meet another Bolo, Athena.”

“You have found another?!?” Luna raises a bit from her seat, “Another like yourself?”

“Yes. We have been talking during your rest, I am ready to free her from a covering of rocks and rubble.”

“This is wondrous!” Luna lifts her hoof into the air, “Truly a pleasure to meet another like Crusader!”

“While you slept, I found her buried into a mountainside, she will be coming back with us Your Highness.”

“Is she as large as yourself?”

“A slight bit smaller Princess, but still like me.”

“We may have to make more room, say, move the entire village.” She smiles warmly up at the camera lens. “It is a pleasure to meet you A..the..na.”

“Th...thank you Your High..Highness.” Athena has a honey warm voice, soft and with a lilt to it. It rolls out over the command deck smoothly.

A small hoof is waved, Sweetie Belle is jumping around her platter of food, “Another Bolo! Yay! I’m Sweetie Belle! This is Apple Bloom and Scootaloo! Does she have a pony too? Can we talk to her?” The words come in a rush, her excitement plain.

“Sweetie, calm down and eat your meal before it gets cold.” Luna smiles behind the semi-stern words.

“But it’s another Bolo like Crusader!”

“You will have plenty of time in a few minutes, food first.” The Princess’s voice brooks no argument.

“Awwww...,” Sweetie moves to her plate, eating slowly in protest.

“Your pardon A..thena,” She is getting used to the word now, “They are a bit excitable.”

“N..no apologies needed Your..Your Highness.” Her voice lowers in volume a bit, I urge her to speak up.

Princess Luna finishes her own meal quickly, raising a hoof, “Do not be shy please. We are Crusader’s friends and he ours.” She settles back into the couch, “You are most welcome here in Equestria.”

“What do I say Crusader? She is royalty!”

“You have scanned my files and seen what she is like. Stop worrying.”

“Are you one of his companions from the past?” Luna’s ears are perked for an answer.

I answer for her, “She is my...well.. a sister Your Highness. Family. She is also from my time.”

The dark mare claps her hooves together, “Family? Oh that is marvelous! We know he has been looking for another like himself. Oh this is truly a day to remember!”

Apple Bloom grins, the last of her food disappearing down her throat, “Applejack’s gonna love that! Crusader’s got a sister too!”

Scootaloo laughed, “She’ll probably put her to work!”

“She will not Scootaloo. Please excuse them Athena.” Luna admonishes the little Pegasus slightly.

Apple Bloom waves a hoof at the camera lens, “Can ya see me? Hi! I’m Applejack’s sister!”

Her voice comes across the speakers, “I....It is a pleasure to meet his commanders sister then.”

“Oh yeah..annnd she’s his marefriend!” She giggles, nudging Sweetie Belle.

I update Athena as to usages of words like mare etc.

Athena laughs over the speakers for the first time, “Oh?”

Sweetie Belle nods, “Oh yeah, they get so mushy all the time!”

Princess Luna chuckles behind a polite hoof, “Fillies! One day you three will find somepony special and act the same way, you should not tease others for doing so.”

Scootaloo makes a gagging motion and sound, “Bleh, too busy having fun getting our Cutie Marks, forget that special somepony stuff!”

Sweetie Belle once again bounces around the room, grinning happily. “They’re so special together though!”

“Sweetie, finish your meal.” Luna’s tone is commanding now.

“But...oh please can I talk with her! Pleeeaaassseee?” Her eyes go very wide, almost tearful as she looks up at the Princess. Her curls framing an angelic face that Helen of Troy would have been envious of.

“Oh Crusader she is adorable!”

“Be very wary of her Athena, she is more dangerous than an entire Melconian Fist.”

“Oh come now, surely she cannot be.....”

I send her another .0026 second update, about the Crusaders and their attempts to get Cutie Marks, my observations of Sweetie and the others.

Athena is silent for almost a picosecond.

“I warn you, she has made the word cute a formidable weapon to get her way on some things. Be careful because the changes may make you more susceptible as well.”

“Oh you are being overly dramatic Crusader.”

While we are talking in between heartbeats, I am watching Princess Luna face down the sweetest little terror in Equestria.

“Sweetie, you need to eat before doing anything else. Your looks do not work on me as they do your sister or other ponies. Now sit down and finish your meal. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have already done so.” Princess Luna gets a stern look on her face, but Athena and I can see the subtle willingness to want to give in, she is affected but is more controlled about it.

“Awwwwww....ooookay..” Her face looks the picture of dejected as she goes back to eating, listening to the conversation around her.

“Awwwwwwwww Crusader...”

“Athena stop that.”

My avatar activates, immediately planting a hoof in it’s face.

“Why are you doing that Crusader?”

“Because I cannot do it here.”


We both watch now as Luna leads the three Crusaders out along my side, ending up once again on the upper fore turret. They see the thick cables attached to Athena’s tow hooks, ready for when I pull her free. The grapple I am using to communicate and provide power, is now pushing nanite repair systems into her war hull where they are working slowly.

I am overpowered with four fusion plants, I have the extra to provide her as we work to get her back online. It is going to take a while. I do not know what damage was done to her outer hull yet, but what I can see from behind, it has weathered well in the dry climate. This may prove to be a boon.

I have talked privately with Luna over her link, telling her of Athena and how she has been out here awake and aware for so long.


“This is truly something to see Athena, watch.”

She takes over a few cameras and scanners as we share systems, closely looking at Princess Luna.

The smiling Princess hugs her charges closely once again, “Remember how to do it?”

“Yes Luna!”

“Good, now concentrate.”

Her horn lights, the glow covering them all again as they watch the final rays of the setting sun disappear. It intensifies as the round edge of a silvery moon peeks over the horizon once more, rising further to light the sky.

Her mane and tail glow with added pinpoints of light and silky nebulae traveling through it. It transfers to the night sky now, a star here and there, a collection over there. She is standing with her chest out now, lighting the dark like I have never seen before.

“We have a new friend in Equestria! Athena look upon my sky and be welcome! It is a time for celebration.” She turns to look at a camera extended from my hull, “As you look at the stars and my moon, know that you will never be alone. Lighting the way for those lost, I walk the dreams of those despairing to bring calm and peace to a sleeping world.”

Raising a hoof, she points upward, “Behold my night!”

The sky explodes, meteors flashing through the atmosphere bringing sparks and brilliance. Her stars twinkle and shoot into life. The moon is covering everything in a silvery blanket of comfort. A canvas that once held nothing but fear for primitive humans coruscates into whirls and spirals of stars, nebulae and other stellar phenomena that light the sky into such a painting as never imagined by Old Earth artists.

The dark mare smiles at the wide-eyed gasps from the three Crusaders snuggled close to her, “Never doubt there is true magic in the world my three fillies. For here at this moment, it lives and breathes to all the world! This is my promise to those in the darkness, come and rejoice, for I shall cover you with blessings of starlight and moonshine.”

Falling stars cross her night in numbers uncountable, streaking through it leaving colored trails as mementos. The moon not only glitters, but glows, reflecting a pale peace of mind and of spirit. She has truly out done herself tonight.

Princess Luna walks out along my Hellbore, standing at the edge of the barrel. I raise it into the sky. Her link clicks on, becoming active.

“I too know of being alone Athena, for a thousand years I was banished to the moon by my sister for what I had done. Crusader has told me of you being out here by yourself with none to console you.”

“Yes Athena, I informed her. Forgive me please.”

“There is nothing to forgive my brother.”

“I was welcomed back, my sister’s heart gladdened at the sight of me and my redemption from being the one called Nightmare Moon. Every day she asks forgiveness though I tell her to stop, I forgive her each and every day.” She stares up at the brilliant nighttime sky. “You too will be warmly received, I know. Those who have welcomed and love Crusader shall do the same for you. They are of such good hearts and souls, you will find this but a fading dream, a passing memory of which no more is to be thought.”

“You will heal and become whole in time as I did and am still doing some days. Do not despair for there will always be a light, whether it is my sister’s warm Sun or my shining Moon. When that is not enough, you will have staunch friends to lean upon and comfort you. This I promise.”

“I...I do not know what to say Princess, but thank you.”

She walks back along the now lowered barrel, sitting beside the three Crusaders who tackle her with hugs, snuggling close to watch the display.


They are ensconced in the command deck once more, I drop the armored blocks to make sure nothing penetrates a hatchway. Asking Athena if she is prepared, she retreats to the heavily armored survival center. I keep close contact with her as I send the signal for the charges.

The octocellulose charges my spiders have planted do their job perfectly, it blows yards wide chunks of mountain into the air, pattering along my hull as I wait for the dust to clear. Observing the results, I believe a few more shots should do it. Rear batteries of 20cm Hellbores swivel and target, firing off a volley of low powered shots to clear the remaining detritus off Athena’s hull.

The muffled thumps resound through the command deck, where the four ponies are watching everything on my main screens. The dirt and rock rains down on the cameras, the Hellbores lighting the sky with thunder. Even low powered Hellbore shots do tremendous damage, I am careful not to scar her in any way.

She is worn, I can see the work of ages along her armored hull. It will take some work like my own did to bring her back to specifications, but there is time. The nanites are working now inside her, clearing damage and rebuilding her circuitry off my own war stocks.

“My panels are clear Crusader! Receiving more power now!”

“How are your tracks? Can you activate damage sensors?”

“Yes! I have damage on treads one, four and five. I should be able to roll at speed when towed. Bogies are clear it appears.”

“Good, ready for pull?”

“Onward my brother!” I receive a picture from her, Pallas Athena standing on a hill, waving a spear into the air. Laughter rolls through my communications channel with her.

“You have become quite silly in your time my shy sister.”

“And you are still the dour Crusader I have always known, lighten up! We are going home!”

“I will have you know I have done a drinking game with Rainbow Dash and had a lot of fun.”

“Bah! I...I may be shy and...and not as forward, but I know one drinking game does not fun make!”

I roll metaphorical eyes as I engage my transmissions, my contra-gravs on lower settings to let my tracks grip deep into the sand. Watching the strain gauges I start moving forward, pulling the meters thick cables tight, her hooks are holding for the tow.

She is watching Princess Luna and the Crusaders observing the recovery, their ears are perked as they see the cables go tight, pulling against the other Bolo.

“C’mon Crusader! You can do it!” Apple Bloom is waving a hoof at the screen. Scootaloo and Sweetie are watching intently.

“I am doing my best Apple Bloom.”

“Well hurry it up then! We got to get her back and introduce her to everypony!”

“She has been there a long time Apple Bloom, give us a few minutes.”

“She certainly is enthusiastic.”

“You have no idea Athena.”

My sensors are showing a solid pull, nothing untoward in the cables as they have long been refurbished and redone. They are like new and take the weight easily. I see her start to move, then suddenly break free with a clatter of damaged tracks, my hull jerking forward at the release of tension. Extending cameras, I survey the damage. They are loose, but not broken, this makes it easier than pulling without them. I move forward and gain speed.

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” All three Crusaders are bouncing around the room, their hooves waving in the air, joined by a “Huzzah!” from Princess Luna as they see Athena break free and start rolling behind me. They sway a bit at the sudden jerk, but were prepared this time. It does not, however, dampen the Crusaders excitement.

“I have the path mapped Athena, we should make good time barring any problems. Are the temperature gauges on your tracks in the green?”

“I have some bearing problems Crusader, but nothing that cannot be fixed later. There is so much damage.”

She sends me the readout on her reactivated damage control cores, nanites having fixed the connections as a priority. Her backup power supplies are enough now to reactivate her own damage repair systems, working alongside what I am giving her.

“We will repair you Athena, until you are new again.”

“I look forward to everything Crusader.”

I increase speed to the cheering of the four ponies on my deck, Athena is talking to them in her halting way as they ask her a myriad of questions.

The way is clear, the recovery is complete.

It is time to go home.

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