• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,594 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Forgetting. Forging New Bonds.

I am running, stumbling really, down the side of the hill to the maintenance hatch. My voice is not very strong as I yell out to the sensor masts, “Open hatchway Kappa Five Delta!” Nothing happens, I try again, searching my limited memory for the authorization codes. “Security Code Phi Delta Iota Kappa Five Four One! Open Hatchway Kappa Five Delta!” I bang on the metal with a hoof in frustration as the hatch stays closed.

I run back up the hill, facing the sensor masts as I see the lenses swivel around to look at me. Once again I try, “Authorization Kappa Delta Phi Rho Upsilon Two.”

I hear a monotone voice, “Security Clearance Required for Authorization.”

Finally! “Security Clearance Psi Theta Nu Rho Four Two Two!”

“Request denied.”

What? “Command Override Omega Four Two Mu Zeta Nu!”

“Request denied.”

I rack my brain searching for anything that may tell me why my request was denied, things are fading fast. I am losing my memories and with them any codes I may have to get inside. I must get to the command deck!

“Status Request Update Four Two Two Phi Lambda Upsilon.”

“Protocol Mu Alpha Sigma engaged.”

No. No no no no no, Masada has been activated. This is not happening. Why Discord, why did you do this?

I make my way down the hill, running for the town, my gait getting smoother as my body rearranges itself. I am losing things, my ability to think as a Bolo, it is murky like this, my mind not as sharp. I stumble and fall, my chest heaving as I am not sure how far I can push this body. I keep going, no matter what I must warn them, I must tell them...


I feel a gentle hoof pushing the hair out of my face as I lay on my side. A warm cloth cleaning my face as a voice whispers to me.

“You’ll be alright Crusader, c’mon now, wake on up.”

“My Commander?” My throat feels so raw, I’ve never felt anything like this, I am tired.

“It’s me, looks like you ran the Iron Pony all by yourself there.”

Opening my eyes there is sunlight is coming in through the window, the rays shining off a shock of blonde mane, I see emerald green ones looking back at me. My own feel so odd, I blink to lubricate them; it’s all coming very naturally, but I am losing the Bolo, the me, it’s fading.

But I am distracted, the face in front of mine, I can see the concern, the worry. The eyes glinting with golden flecks in them as I look at her, reading the subtle clues of her body, telling me she cares. I am lost in her smiling face for the moment, reaching out with my own hoof to lay it across her own. I see the changes, a bit of a blush, a movement of her body closer to mine.

“I have something to tell...”

“How’s our patient doing?” Twilight’s cheerful voice interrupts the moment, Applejack jumping a bit as she finishes wiping my face with the cloth,

“Jes’ fine, thought he was gonna be out for a few more.”

“Great!” the lavender mare settles next to the bed, looking at me intently, “Are you alright? How in the hay did this happen?”

My voice cracks a bit, Applejack gives me a sip of water, “Discord...”

Twilight’s violet eyes go a bit wide, getting a disgusted look on her face. “Figures, he’s always up to something. Hope he didn’t hurt you?”

“No, no, it’s just...odd..”

“Good, maybe this will all be over soon then. His tricks usually don’t last long.”

I rummage my brain, I cannot think right, nothing is ordered. I have memories not mine, hunger, pain, even how to use a bathroom. Thank you SO much for that picture Discord. I have lost the sense of urgency I had, but there was something important I had to tell everypony. I’m losing the Bolo me, it’s fading into mist.

My hoof hits the bed, startling Twilight and Applejack, “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t remember things, I’m not me anymore. I...there was something important.”

Applejack lays a hoof on my face, gently stroking my cheek, “Shush, it’ll come back to you, just get some rest.”

“I will, my Commander, I promise.”

Ah keep telling ya to call me Applejack, ya dolt.”

“Yes my..Applejack.”

“Now get some more rest, we’ll talk soon, c’mon Twi.”

I listen to the quiet hooves leave the room, the silence once again loud as I lay there, closing my eyes.

Is it a Low Level Alert Status I reach, or truly sleep? I have never slept, I was always alert, watchful, even at lower levels I could snap to awareness within a picosecond. I am not sure if I like this, slipping into a state I can not control, I am losing myself. Will I dream? Do or can Bolos ever dream?

I drift in an endless void without shape, there is no beacon of intelligence here, nothing is coming to me. I am the limited me without what I feel as myself. No weapons, no data cores to alert me to problems. I am nothing and I feel very very small within this lightless existence. I am just one tiny piece among a universe of stars, a dust mote in the vast expanse of space. It humbles me.


I awake with a sense of urgency, something coming back to me, a task that is important. I have to use the bathroom!

I dutifully remind myself to thank Discord later. I am quite sure I can figure out something appropriate.

As I exit the facilities I am met by Applejack, she has another worried look on her face and I assure her I am fine, just...had to go.. She wants me to rest some more, but I have to go see the sensor masts, maybe it will remind me of the important task I had to do.

“Did you sleep good?”

“I did my.. Applejack, thank you.”

“Hope ya had good dreams, it’s always better that way.”

“I did not dream, there was nothing Applejack.”

“Well, that’s kinda odd doncha think?”

“I do not know, I’ve never slept before.”

Applejack stops in her tracks, turning her head slightly and looking at me, “Isn’t that strange though? Never being able to dream, to rest from the day? I know when I’ve had a long day, it’s always nice to lay in my bed and let it all go ‘till tomorrow.”

Let it go, that phrase resounds in my mind for some reason. I stand for a moment and drift off, seeing a brief picture in my mind of Discord, his arms wide saying “Let it go!”

“You alright there?”

“Yes, my Applejack, I am fine.”

“Well, I don’t know ‘bout bein’ your Applejack now..”

I turn and see her looking at me, she’s got a slight smile on her face as I feel warmth in my face. Am I blushing?

“I am sorry Applejack, I did not..”

“Stoppit ya dunderhead.” She nudges my shoulder and chuckles, “C’mon now, Twi’s got some lunch waiting, you’ve been sleeping all morning.”

All the way to the kitchen, I see her looking at me from the corner of my eyes. I hate being unable to see everything, limited by the scope of this body. But I do catch her looking one time and give her a smile in return. She blushes quite prettily as we head into the kitchen.

“Hey AJ!” Twilight is always smiling, cheerful and interested, she reminds me of..of... I sigh in frustration.

“I brought sleepyhead here, he’s gotta be hungry after that midnight run.”

“I could use some food, yes, please.”

“Then have a seat, Spike’s out for the day over at Rarity’s..” She turns and looks at both of us with a grin, “As usual, so it’s just me and salad!”

Applejack slaps a hoof on the table, “Two of ‘em to go then!” She turns to me, “Yer gonna love this, she makes great salads!”

I am presented with a large bowl of greens. Eating is not new to me, but the whole experience is. As my avatar, it consumed food for reaction mass, but never tasted except for chemical analysis. It is quite interesting the flavors involved, tomatoes, carrots, peas all quite good. Though I do find out I do not have a fondness for broccoli, strange that.

Applejack’s eyes go wide as she sees Crusader gag, spitting out a piece of broccoli into a napkin.

“I am sorry Applejack, it appears I do not like broccoli, that was truly vile.”

She and Twilight laugh, “Ain’t that just like some folks? Doncha worry, lots of ponies don’t like that stuff.”

“I can see why, bleargh.”

Applejack is now doubled over in laughter, along with Twilight. I do not see what the joke is, but I do reel my tongue back in to try and get that disgusting taste out of my mouth. Some things I do not wish to learn.

“You have the most disgusted look on your face there Crusader, seems yer learning a few things.”

“It really was disgusting, how do you eat that?” I watch as she pops a piece of broccoli into her mouth.

“An acquired taste, you learn to eat what’s put in front of ya some times Crusader.”

“I understand, but I still do not like it.”

After finishing, Twilight, my Commander and a newly arrived Rainbow Dash and I take off for the hill. I have to find a way to get in, I am losing more codes and access information. This might be my last attempt, and there is something niggling at the back of my mind, if only I could bring it forward.

But as we make our way out of town, I find my eyes drifting to my Commander. She reminds me so much of something, somepony. I cannot remember! Why did Discord take my memories? Why is he letting others just fade? Why are some completely gone? My mind is taken off that as my eyes drift again. Watching her talk with Rainbow and Twilight, the smooth gait, the movements of bunched muscle underneath her coat. She truly is beauty and power. She is outgoing, honest to a fault and as such has my admiration.

Not to mention smoking hot flanks!!

I stop and plant a hoof on my face, it hurts, I do not care as I banish that thought.

I swear Discord, by my Dinochrome ancestors I will reward you for that.

“You okay, Crusader?

“Just fine Twilight, thank you.”

We reach the sensors masts, funny how I remember those words. Was Discord selective in my memory loss or just hit and miss? I cannot fathom how he has done this, apparently he was more cunning than I had thought, waiting for the right time to strike.

I look up at the sensors, the lenses moving in their search for the enemy I hoped, trying to remember the access codes.

Staring at the columns, Crusader racks his brain, trying to come up with anything, something to give him an inkling of what is going on. One phrase comes to mind.

“Request Status Update Four Two Two Phi Lambda Upsilon.” And then the code is gone, forever lost in this thing he calls a brain. He waits, hearing a monotone voice through the speakers.

“Protocol Mu Alpha Sigma engaged.”

The word rings in my mind, only the one word, there is nothing connected to it except a sense of extreme urgency..Masada.

“What’s that mean there, Crusader?”

“I do not know Applejack, I get one word, Masada. Have you ever heard of anything like that?”

All three mares think for a moment, shaking their heads. “Ah’m afraid we don’t know, is it important?”

“I get the sense of extreme urgency, though I am not sure what about.”

Rainbow Dash is the one with the idea as she hovers near us, “Look, Twilight, give the Princesses a letter and see if they know? Maybe they can call Discord back and get this solved?”

“Good idea Dash! C’mon, let’s head back, maybe Spikey-wikey will be back from his favorite mare’s place.” Twilight’s voice took on a sing-song like quality, emulating Rarity. The three chuckled, apparently Spike has quite the crush on a certain fashion creating mare.

“I take it he is very infatuated?”

“Sugarcube, that dragon gets more infatuated we’re just gonna move him in permanently with her.” Applejack laughs, nudging Rainbow as she now walks beside us.

Twilight rubs the back of her neck, “He’s like my little brother, raised him from an egg. But he’s got the biggest crush on Rarity. Everypony knows it, so we just let him be.”

“I know how that is Twilight, I assure you.”

I see Applejack suddenly glance my way with a look, staring at me for a moment as I studiously try to not respond, though my body is a traitor, it shows exactly how I feel for her. She blushes and goes back to walking. Rainbow Dash and Twilight share a bit of a smirk, thinking I can’t see it.


Sitting in the extensive library, this castle is intriguing. I am told the story of how it came to be and am fascinated by the implications. Could magic be part technology, or is it by itself as a new force in the universe? So many things to wonder about, if I only could think upon things more deeply.

Twilight gave a frustrated sigh, “I’m sorry I can’t find anything with that word in it. Maybe it’s something from your world?”

“I do not know Twilight, my memories; what are left, I cannot tell what was mine and what was put here.”

“Argh! Discord, I swear. “

“I thought he was redeemed, I was told so.”

“Yes, Fluttershy loves him to death as a friend, but he still plays tricks.”

“How well I know that now.”

Rainbow flips her multi-colored mane out of her eyes and gets up, “That’s it, I’m tired of books, let’s go find something to do!”

Twilight looks a bit concerned, “I dunno Dash, we might find...”

“Enough with books, agh! I can’t sit here all night! Pinkie’s got a party going at the Corner, let’s go down and have some fun!”

“Dash, now’s not the time..”

“No! Nononono! No books, no words!” She gets up, pulling myself and Applejack off the floor, shoving us towards the door, she motions to Twilight, “Spike’s not gonna be back for a bit, c’mon let’s go! Go go go!”

Applejack gets a smile on her face, giving me a shrug, tugging me along. “C’mon Crusader, let’s go party!”

“I’m not sure if this is the best thing, Applejack.”

“Sure it is!” She motions to Twilight who sighs, putting her books away, “That parties’ for mares and stallions, ain’t no little ponies around. We’ll give ya a taste of the ‘Good Stuff!’

I believe Rainbow Dash actually started drooling at that point, pushing Twilight by the backside towards the door, “Come ooooonnnnnn, Twi!”

“I’m coming! Just let me rearrange the..”

“NOnononono! Get going!” Rainbow swats her on the backside, “Out the door! Let’s go, you can clean up later!”


I look at my Commander, she’s laughing to herself as we exit the castle, heading to Sugarcube Corner, “Applejack, I am not quite sure about this.”

“Doncha worry none, there’s good ponies, and food and lots to drink.”

I see the sun still above the horizon, “Isn’t it a bit early to do so?”

“Sugar, ain’t no time for starting a party but early! C’mon now!”


I have received the chance to make amends to Miss Bon Bon, who stormed over to us angrily as we entered, wondering what ‘That pony’ was doing in the party. It was smoothed over with an explanation and one word, ‘Discord’. It appears that everypony is familiar with his tricks. I apologized profusely and paid for a round of drinks with bits that Twilight had given me, she said they were mine, just stored in the castle.

Sitting at a table with Applejack, I am not quite sure about the contents of the mug before me. It tastes quite good, and heavily of apples, but there is a very large presence of distilled spirits in it. I am not sure I should be drinking this. This might be a very bad idea. So I sip it slowly, watching everypony have a good time.

Pinkie of course is a bundle of boundless energy, smiles appear when she is around. She was very excited to see me there, and was surprised at the presence of a ‘real’ Crusader. Of course the obligatory welcome to Ponyville party will be put on later.

I enjoyed listening to her talk, she is an eternal optimist, but still very odd in some ways. But she is loved so very much and so can be forgiven any eccentric behaviors.

Rarity and Fluttershy have still not appeared, Rainbow informing me Fluttershy is not much for parties unless dragged. Rarity has a large order due, so it is just us five.

Applejack nudges my shoulder, “Why aren’t ya drinking up there, that’s the best ol’ Sweet Apple Acres makes!”

“Applejack, I am not sure I should be drinking this, it is quite alcoholic in content.”

“Well of course it is! That’s what we call,” Here she sits with pride, “The Good Stuff. We sell it all around after cider season.”

“I have never had anything like this. It might not be good for me.”

“Yer a real pony there handsome, c’mon now, drink it up we’ll get you another!”

“I really don’t think...”

Rainbow Dash cuts in with a smirk on her face, “What are you, some lightweight? Big bad tough pony when you shoot at me, but drinking cider? What a buncha ponyfeathers!”

“That’s not quite the same Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah it is! My backside hurt for weeks ya cheating pony! Now it’s my turn!” She takes a very large drink from her mug, finishing it off with a happy sigh, her eyes go unfocused for a moment. “Ohhhhh yeah, that hits the spot.” She points at me with a hoof, “C’mon, gonna let some mare outdo ya?”

“I don’t feel the need to prove any...”


“Rainbow Dash it’s not quite polite..”

“Ponyfeathers, I tell you!” She grabs another mug from a passing pony carrying a tray, taking another large drink. She is visibly swaying side to side.

“I got two on you already, gonna let it be a third?” She finishes her second mug, grabbing at, and missing a couple of times, a third mug off a passing tray.

I take a small drink from my mug, giving her a deadpan look, “Is that enough?”

“Psssssht! You drink like a filly!”

My thoughts are becoming a bit fuzzy even at half a mug, this is powerful drink.

Rainbow Dash waves a hoof around a bit lazily, her voice is still strong though, leaning in and pointing the other at me, “You’re a feather, nothing but. Honor of the Regiment, pshaw! I bet yer regiment would be upset ya can’t drink a mare under the table!”

Applejack sees something in my face as the Regiment gets mentioned, Rainbow Dash apparently pays more attention than I thought.

“Sugar, she’s just a bit tipsy, don’t pay her no nevermind. She’s always been a bit competitive.”

I drink the rest of my mug, slamming it on the table, “You did not just say that, Rainbow Dash.”

“Ohhhh, yes I did!” Her eyes narrow as she smirks at me. That does it.

I grab another mug off a passing tray, downing it quickly, a bit too quickly if my reaction is anything to be judging it by. A third passes my lips as I give her a sneer, “One up Rainbow..”

Her third mug gets downed, she motions for more as a tray is brought, set on the table, it contains multiple mugs. It now comes down to Rainbow Dash and myself, I will not let this slight to the Regiment go unanswered.

I see her cerise eyes light up, “Oh ho! Something bothering ya there, Crusader?”

“Not a bit Rainbow,” A fourth mug goes down, now the alcohol is affecting my judgment, it’s getting a bit muzzy. “But then again, I’m not a hard napping wastrel who spends her days with her head in the clouds.”

Her eyes pop open, “I’m not a waste..was..the hay was that? I’m not that! Clouds are what I do anyways!”

“It shows.”

Her eyes narrow as our heads meet in the middle of the table, “Oh it is SO on.”

She grabs another mug, drinking it quickly as I see it hit her like a bomb, going a bit cross-eyed, “I got five, keepin’ up there?” She smirks at me, her eyebrows wriggling.

I pull at my new drink, the cider is wonderful and cold, refreshing and seriously not good for me. “I’m amazed you can count that high.” My fifth empty mug hits the table with a bang.

Applejack snerks, holding a hoof in front of her muzzle as Twilight’s eyes get very big, her nose wrinkling as she holds in a laugh.

Rainbow Dash points a wavering hoof at the two, “Don’t you be laughing, this is serious business!” She grabs a sixth mug, gulping at it like she had just come in from a desert trek, her lips smacking as she hits the table with the bottom. “How’s that lightweight?”

My brain feels very funny, like it is stuffed with cotton. But still, I cannot let this slight go un-avenged. I grab another mug, drinking it quickly as I point a hoof at Rainbow Dash. “You are but a poor player, who struts and frets your hour on the stage, then is heard no more!” I raise another full mug, standing on unsteady hooves as I quote my beloved Bard, “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!” Odd I can remember Shakespeare.

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow and glares, “The hay does that even mean?”

“You’re a dolt.”

“I am not!”

I drink my seventh mug, looking at her with narrowed eyes as she glares across the table at me, I stick my tongue out at her, “Phbbbbbbt!”

That tears it, Applejack can no longer contain herself and starts laughing. Twilight is trying so very hard to hold it in, tears form in her eyes as she snickers, then guffaws while slapping the table.

She pulls at another mug of cider, matching my seventh, wiping her lips she stares daggers at me, “That was so foalish!”

I start on my eighth mug, downing a good half when I stop, a foam mustache on my lips, I give her a snobbish stare straight from the upper crust, “You would know.”

Twilight is laughing so hard she cannot breathe, Applejack is somewhere on the floor, grabbing her stomach and complaining it hurts to laugh.

I finish my eighth and go for a ninth, Rainbow grabbing the same, we both drink and look across the table, Rainbow starts.

“Ground pounder!”

“Wing nut!”

We both grab for a tenth mug, downing it quickly, she’s growling at me across the table, I’m giving it back.

After that, my head was spinning as my Commander decided to call a break, taking me out into the dance floor. She was so very warm, it was simple and heady as we spun around to the music, holding each other close. I was not so drunk I could not feel her every move, her chest against mine as we stood cheek to cheek.

I could see Pinkie off to the side, nudging Twilight and pointing at us; Twilight nodding, saying something in return.

Of all the things Discord had given me, I was a real pony, I could read her body language like a book. It told me things I couldn’t see with my eyes, how she wanted to know what I was thinking at that moment. That she cared for me, she truly did. She wanted that back and more.

Every touch, every breath, the way she held herself, told me volumes.

I was scared, for the first time in my life, I was frightened to the core. My mind was telling me to accept, to tell her that I was the one she wanted, the knight in shining armor to rescue her heart from any loneliness. To put it in a safe place forever. I inhaled her, she was delight itself, her scent earthy and warm, giving her a glow that nopony could mistake.

It built in my brain like a dam about to burst, the fight internally was fearsome. I couldn’t give to her what she wanted, I wasn’t what she needed, I would only break her heart being what I was.


What I was.

I was not that thing anymore. I was here, with my Commander, she in my embrace, leaning against me and asking me to hold her against the storm. I never knew she felt that way, ever, she never said a word. She had helped me through so many troubles without a thought, I remember Discord saying, “Everypony knows but you.”

Could it be true? Did she know?

I leaned back, her eyes meeting mine. The question was right there, the fear along with it. Would I reject her?

That dam let go, the emotions pouring forth in a rush, I looked at her as I heard her voice, soft and gentle.

“Do ya really? It’s not the cider talking?”

“With all my heart. It is me talking.”

“Ah don’t want to get hurt..”

“I would never hurt you.”

I saw the relief in her eyes, the green becoming a bit blurry by tears. I wiped them as gently as I could. I nodded, reaffirming what I just said.

“But I don’t..I mean.. it’s so stupid, falling for a pony who’s not a real pony.”


“Why? Cause you weren’t real, I mean you were tryin’, and it was kinda funny sometimes. But you were tryin’ so hard.” She wipes her face and continues, “Big Mac told me I was being foolish, you were just a voice. But you played pretty music for me, and read poetry, and I couldn’t help it. It jes’ happened and I wanted it to happen, it made me happy.”

I nodded, holding her tighter, excluding everypony around us, it was just her and I.

“I guess I must look a sight, sayin’ all this.”

“No, no you are not.”

“But you were always nice, gentle and kind when I was having problems. I remember us talkin’ late at night, it made me feel so much better sometimes.” She cracks a brilliant smile, “I bucked apples like noponies’ business some days, thinkin’ of when I’d get to talk to you again.”

“I always looked forward to talking with you Applejack. When you visited me, it was always a good day.”

“I...I just don’t want to be hurt. I don’t know what’ll happen after tonight, but I don’t want my heart hurt.”

“I would die for you.”

“What? Now don’t go sayin’...”

“No. I mean every word of it.” I brace myself, and with Discord’s words ringing in my ears; I tell her as loud as I can so she can hear me, everything that had been bottled up inside, “There is nopony on this planet that would ever stop me from being with you. Everything I am or have is yours forever, you do not even have to ask, I give it freely and with gladness in my heart. Every last bullet and bit of energy I would sacrifice to make sure you are content and happy. I would storm the gates of heaven, to fight death itself to bring you back to my embrace. I do not know what the future will bring, I don’t care. As long as I am with you I will be happy forever. I love you so much Applejack Apple, it hurts.”

She was very silent for a moment, I was afraid I had said too much, “Do you really mean that?”

“Every single word.”

Her smile lit up my heart, I could feel it in my chest, beating so fast now as she touches my cheek. It was so very quiet, I could hear her breathing softly.

It was too quiet.

We both look around for a moment, noticing only now that the music had stopped. Every eye in the place was on us, out on the dance floor alone. We seemed to be the only couple in the cleared area. It seems we’ve been overheard, all of it, by everypony.

A mare hit a stallion next to her “Why don’t you ever say those things to me?”

I see Pinkie bouncing in place, “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!”

Applejack coughs a bit, clearing her throat, “Well now folks, I don’t think..uh..”

We stand in the cleared area, looking abashed as we both try and figure out a graceful way to exit.

The roof shook as the stamping and yells rang out over the town.


It was late at the castle, I had been given a room for the night until we could figure out what was happening. I was looking out the window towards the hill, seeing the masts far in the distance and wondering what was going on. The sense of urgency still nagged at me, tapping at a locked door to be let out, but I had no key.

Rainbow Dash and I concluded a draw on the contest, she had to be hauled into the castle as well, I was none too steady. From what I understood, I would have quite the hangover.

But now, I could only stare out the window and hope nothing bad was going to happen, it was all I could do.

A pair of soft legs wrap around my neck from behind, the smell of freshly bathed mare surrounds me, a nuzzle at my cheek. I turn my head, grasping her hooves with mine and nuzzle back. I close my eyes and let myself be enveloped.

“You know you got yer self into quite a mess here.”

“How have I done that?”

“Roping yourself an Apple mare is pretty darn tough, some folks say.”

“I think you roped me, Applejack.”

“Well, let’s say it was mutual then.”

“I agree.”

I turn to look out the window again, I cannot help it. A gentle hoof turns me away from it, I look into those emerald eyes I so love.

“Stop, just for the night, you need rest.”

“I will, if only for you.” She blushes prettily in the moonlight, “Let me walk you to your room.”

She turns, pulling down the coverlet on the bed, the thick quilt right after, “I am in my room.” She jumps on the mattress, slipping under the covers holding her hooves out for me, “I said ya roped yourself an Apple mare, don’t want ya straying now.”

I strike a mock shocked pose, “I would never!”

“Oh shaddup ya dolt, get under the covers, it’s cold tonight.”

“As you wish my Applejack.” I slide under the quilt, as she gathers into me, resting her head against my neck, and I hers. The warmth is soothing, I am content in a way I have never thought possible.

I hear her whisper as we both drift to sleep, “Don’t ever stop saying that.”

“Yes, my Applejack.”

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