• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Plans for a Party

Thursday night at Spike's place, Spike was in the living room listening to something very important his parents were telling him.

"You're going away for the weekend?"

"That's right. We're going on a couples retreat, and won't be back until Sunday afternoon." Geki explained.

"We know it's sort of last minute to tell you. I hope you're not upset." Elsa said hopefully.

"Oh, no. I just wasn't expecting this all of a sudden." he answered, while secretly feeling pleased.

"Now we trust you enough to let you stay home alone. So we expect you to keep faithful to our trust." Geki said.

"No problem, dad. I'll be fine on my own." Spike assured him.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Elsa asked in worry.

"Mom, I'll be ok. You and dad just enjoy your couples retreat. If there'll be any issues I'll call right away. But what time are you leaving?" Spike asked.

"Tomorrow at noon. We'll be sure to leave you pizza money." Geki said.

"Perfect. Well, you two better get ready for tomorrow. As for me, I got finish my homework." Spike went for his room, and closed the door.

"Yes!" he cheered, before plopping on his bed, "A whole weekend without my parents. No rules, no chores, no curfew, none of that. Oh, wait till I tell the girls tomorrow." he said excitedly.

The next day after school was done, Spike exited the building and saw his six friends waiting for him as usual, "Girls, there you are!" Spike raced over to them.

"Spike, you look excited." Rainbow said, taken aback by his extra chipper demeanor.

"What's gotcha all hyped up?" Applejack asked.

"I'll explain soon, but let's go someplace else." he suggested, and they all headed off.

In the park, the seven were gathered under the cool shade of a large tree, as Spike told them the news, "Your parents are going on a couples retreat too?" Twilight asked.

"That's right. Are yours?" Spike asked.

"Uh-huh." Twilight confirmed.

"Mine too." Rainbow added.

"Mine three." Pinkie put in.

"So are mine." Fluttershy said.

"Likewise." Rarity noted.

"Granny Smith's gonna be having a bingo night at my place tomorrow, and Mac's gonna be hanging out with some of his friends. But yeah I'm pretty much gonna be with Applebloom all night." Applejack explained.

"So we're all gonna be without guardians this weekend?" Spike wondered.

"Looks that way." Twilight said.

Suddenly Pinkie's eyes lit up, "Oh-oh! Girls, Spike, I got a brilliant beyond brilliant idea!"

"What is, Pinkie?" Rarity asked.

"Since we won't have our guardians this whole weekend, we should do the greatest possible thing we could ever do in our teenage lives!" Pinkie beamed.

"And that would be?" Twilight inquired.

"Let's have a party!" Pinkie cheered.

"A party?" They asked.

"Yes, a rule-free no-adult supervised party! It's perfect!"

"But where would we have this party?" Fluttershy asked.

"Spike's of course." she grinned.

"My place?!" Spike asked in confusion.

"Well, duh." she answered.

"Why does it have to be my place?" Spike asked.

"Because you have more space than most of our houses to hold a real party." Pinkie explained.

"She's got a point, Spike." Rainbow admitted.

"But I was hoping it could be something between just us, you know?" Spike asked, not wanting things to get too big.

"Spike, this could be a big chance for us." Pinkie pleaded, while pulling him up into her face.

"Big chance for what?"

"To go down in history for throwing the best wild party ever!"

"She's right. Isn't that something you always dreamed of?" Rainbow asked.

"Not if the party was at my place." he admitted.

"Come on, Spike. This is once in a lifetime, our guardians may never go out at the same time for the weekend again!" Pinkie continued to plead with him.

"Pinkie, ok. Get a grip," Spike calmed her down and sighed, "Ok, we'll have the party at my place tomorrow." he gave in.

Pinkie and Rainbow cheered, as the other girls smiled liking the idea, "We gotta call up some guests." Rainbow said, as she pulled out her cell phone preparing to send out a mass message to everyone she knew.

Upon hearing that, Spike went over and stopped her from making a call, "Whoa, hey, let's not be crazy here. If you're inviting people I want it kept to under twenty. The last thing we need is to overcrowd my home."

The two girls looked tat each other, and Pinkie spoke, "Ok, we'll keep the guests at average amount."

"Thank you. And I better text this to my boys, otherwise if they found out I had a killer party and didn't invite them they'd never speak to me again. And I might as well invite Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo," Spike said, "But we'll also need supplies if we're gonna actually pull this wild party off."

"I'm all over it, Spike," Twilight said, as she pulled out a check sheet from her bag and started giving out orders, "Applejack, we'll need lights and a disco ball."

"Roger that, Twi." Applejack gave her a thumb's up.

"Rarity, you get the beads and streamers."

"Absolutely." Rarity nodded.

"Pinkie, you handle candy, chips, and soda pop."

"Okey dokey, artichokey!" Pinkie saluted.

"Rainbow Dash, you find us music. And Fluttershy, you get balloons." Twilight finished.

"On it." Rainbow confirmed.

"Of course." Fluttershy nodded.

Spike smiled thinking perhaps having a party wouldn't be such a bad thing, but spoke up to them, "Remember, don't overbook guests." he warned them.

"Sure thing, Spike." Rainbow answered, as Spike and the others were unaware of Pinkie and Rainbow crossing their fingers behind their backs.

"Well, since my parents are already gone why don't we go back to my place and relax a bit?" Spike offered.

"That sounds great, Spike." Twilight agreed.

"Yeah, it'll give us a layout on where to set up certain things for the party." Pinkie added.

"Well, let's go, yall." Applejack pumped a fist.

"Last one to Spike's is melted ice cream!" Pinkie called, as they started running off laughing.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's so short, but I want to keep you in suspense and be thinking about the possibilities of what may happen at this wild party Spike is gonna pull off with the girls. Will it escalate to an out of control party he hadn't counted on or can control, or possibly be the best night of his life?