• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Comedy Cousin

One morning outside the Sparkle residence, Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the girls were waiting. Pinkie was jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh, I can't wait till she gets here! How much longer until she gets here?!" she asked in excitement.

"Pinkie!" Applejack spoke up, as she stopped the girl from jumping.

"Sorry, I just can't help it!"

"You're even more excited to see Opal than I am." Twilight said in amusement.

"How can I not be? You know Opal's always been fun to be around when we were younger." Pinkie reminded her.

"Yeah, I know," Twilight mumbled to herself, "When she wasn't pulling pranks on us, mostly me."

They saw a car coming down the block, as Spike spoke, "There she is."

The car pulled up in front of the house, and stepping out from the vehicle was a girl about the same age as Cadence and Shining Armor. She had short purple hair reaching her neck, and both eyes were different colors. The left eye was blue and the right eye was green. She wore a pink tuxedo jacket, a pink skirt, purple high heels, and a black heart pendent around her neck.

"Hey, guys!" the girl greeted them.

"Opal!" Twilight and the girls called, as they ran over and embraced her.

'Opal, Twilight's older cousin. Though they're related they're almost polar opposites. In fact you'd think she'd be more related to Pinkie Pie. When we were younger she was quite the prankster, from the classic joy buzzer to whoopee cushions. One time she even pulled the plastic wrap on the toilet seat on Twilight. But she grew out of the totally uncalled for pranks and focused all her comedic stunts into prop comedy. That actually why she's visiting us, to perform her latest show in town.' Spike narrated.

"Oh, it's so good to see you all," Opal hugged the six, before noticing Spike, "There's the man himself. Come over here, Spike." Spike went over and joined the embrace.

When they broke, Rarity spoke, "Nice of you to come visit during our Spring Break."

"Like I would've missed the chance. Especially when I got a gig scheduled here." Opal explained.

"Speaking of, how is that going?" Rainbow inquired.

"I'll tell you all over a bite. I am famished." Opal answered.

"Then what say we break for lunch at my place?" Applejack suggested.

"Yes. I haven't had your family's apple pie in a long time, Applejack." Opal said with a hungry mouth.

"Let's go." Pinkie said, as the group walked down the block to Applejack's farm.

When they got there, Applejack had already whipped up some of her family's famous apple pies, with some cider to go with it, much to the delight of Rainbow Dash, and Opal as well.

Each of them was sitting around the table having a slice of pie and some cider to go with it. Fluttershy spoke to Opal, "So how're things going with you at the University?"

"Classes are long and boring, but still are looking good." Opal answered.

"That's a relief. If this were you in the past saying that I wouldn't have believed you." Twilight said.

"Obviously. Nothing ever does get past you, Twilight." Opal chuckled.

"That's our egghead for ya," Rainbow laughed, as she had Twilight in a headlock, much to the girls misfortune, "But let's get to the good stuff, Opal. How's your comedy bit going?"

"Fantastic, Rainbow. All these comedy clubs have been asking me to perform right from left, I even have repeating nights at some."

"How do ya keep coming up with so much material?" Applejack asked.

"It requires a lot of research and thought. Twilight knows what I'm talking about dontcha, cuz?" Opal asked Twilight who had a bite of her pie.

"That's right, for any job or career requires the knowledge to know how to do the job. And you really must do a lot for your line of work." the girl explained.

"I just want to try to avoid using the same material too much or it'll just get boring." Opal added.

"Are you crazy, your material could never get boring." Pinkie replied.

"Thanks, Pinkie. But enough about me, how're things going on with you all?"

"Things are good." Fluttershy answered.

"Anything exciting happen? I heard from Twilight how you guys got to spend a weekend at your principal's cabin, and new years eve on their yacht."

"Oh, yeah. That was the most awesome fun we've had." Rainbow said, while reminiscing.

"And just recently, we attended Comic Con, and got to perform in a live Power Princesses show." Spike added.

"So I heard. How was it performing on stage for a crowd?" Opal asked.

"A bit scary, actually." Fluttershy answered.

"And yet you managed to perform without fainting." Spike noted.

"Well, because my costume came with a mask, so nobody actually saw my full face."

"Yeah, without it Fluttershy would've fainted right on the spot." Rainbow chuckled.

"Rainbow." Fluttershy pouted at her friend.

"Relax, Flutters, I'm just busting your chops." Rainbow replied, ceasing the laughter.

"Still, you should know better than to tease Fluttershy that much." Spike retorted as he patted Fluttershy's hand, making the girl blush.

Opal glanced and saw the rest of the girls looking at what Spike was doing to Fluttershy in envy. She especially noticed her cousin looked the most envious. She thought, 'Hmm. I wonder.'

As it got late, everyone was heading home, as Twilight and Opal walked up to the Sparkle residence. When they got inside, Opal spoke, "Your friends seem to be doing well."

"They sure are." Twilight confirmed.

"Especially Spike." the older girl put in.

Twilight did a double take, at what she said, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, for one thing this is his last year of Junior high, you know?"

Twilight feeling less tense upon hearing that was her example, answered, "You're right. He's graduating at the end of the semester."

"And will he be attending your school when the next semester starts?"

"That's the plan. He's wanted to go to Canterlot High ever since he found out me and the girls planned to enroll there."

"He really does care about you all, huh?" Opal asked.

"Of course. Spike's always cared about me and the girls. Aside from Cadence and Shining, you should know that as well." Twilight reminded her.

"Oh trust me, after watching you guys since you were children for so many years I'd notice a lot." she winked.

Twilight seeing that wink before Opal headed for the guest room, looked curious and thought to herself, 'I think she might know.'

The next morning over at Spike's house, inside the boys room, Spike was sleeping peacefully unaware of an alarm clock tied to a string was suspended over him while it ticked away. Suddenly it struck nine o'clock and rang like crazy. As the sound of the ringing came to Spike's ears, he thrashed about on his bed thinking he was under attack before falling out of bed.

Spike laid on the floor of his room looking up and saw Opal who held the alarm clock still attached to the string before turning it off. Opal laughed in amusement, and asked, "Like old times, huh, Spike?"

"Yeah. Old times." Spike answered dryly, while still recovering. He looked up and saw Twilight and the rest of the girls.

Applejack spoke up, "Don't worry, she got to all of us as well."

"I never want to be woken up like that for as long as I live!" Rarity cried, as she finally straightened out her curl.

"Come on, Spike, get dressed and let's do something!" Pinkie pleaded.

"All right. Give me a minute." Spike said, as he got up, grabbed a clean pair of clothes, and headed to the bathroom to change.

When he got out he was dressed his his normal clothes, "All set, girls," he then noticed Twilight joining them, "Where were you?"

"You didn't make your bed." she explained with a sheepish smile, while spike face palmed himself.

And so the group left the Drake residence, and decided to take a stroll through Canterlot park. They stopped by two benches to rest, as Opal looked over at a nearby tree, "Is that the one, Spike?"

Spike looked at the three and nodded, "Oh, yeah. That's the tree I feel from and lost my memories."

"We try not to talk about it." Fluttershy said, knowing how much that incident affected them all, especially both Spike and Rainbow Dash.

"Say no more," Opal replied, as she turned to Twilight, and got an idea, "Hey, anybody want ice cream?"

"Yes! Yes! A hundred times yes!" Pinkie cheered.

"Sure thing." Applejack confirmed.

"Count me in." Rainbow added.

"That would be nice." Fluttershy said.

"And very generous of you." Rarity put in.

"Need some help?" Spike offered.

"How about you help me, Twilight?" Opal asked.

"Me?" she asked, "Well, ok." Twilight got up and she and Opal walked to the nearest ice cream vendor.

As the two walked, Opal spoke, "I figured it would be best if I chose you to help, that way none of them will hear us."

"Why's that?"

"So we can talk about the good stuff."

"What're you getting at?" Twilight asked suspiciously, but deep down knew what Opal was saying.

"The whole you girls and Spike thing," Opal answered, "Shining and Cadence did tell me how much closer you all and Spike have gotten as of late. And don't tell them I told you, because they actually swore me to secrecy."

Twilight sighed in irritation, "Those two traitors."

"So is it true, though?" Opal inquired.

Twilight not being able to deny it answered, "Yes. Each of our friendships with Spike has grown much more since we were kids. We're all actually falling for him in that sense now."

"So serious," Opal gasped, "Well, nice to see you're all out of that adorable little brother and doting big sisters phase." she chuckled.

"Yeah. At first he was like our little brother, but now he's become much more than that to us."

Opal smiled, "Oh, it's so wonderful to see how you're looking for love now. I always waited for the day."

"I can't believe I'm talking about love with someone who used to constantly prank me right from left." Twilight said in disbelief.

"Well, let's remember those pranks saved your life before." Opal reminded her.

Twilight spoke, "Yes. How could I ever forget it?"

Twilight flashed back many years ago when she was ten years old. She was in the park reading, until a group of older boys started picking on her by playing keep away with her book.

"That's mine, give it back!" Twilight demanded, as she tried to get her book back.

"Try and get it." one of the boys teased her by tossing it to another.

"I mean it! Give it back!" Twilight ordered, getting frustrated.

"Or what?" the second one challenged her smugly.

"Hey!" came a voice. They looked over and saw Opal approach, "What's going on here?"

"These jerks won't give me back my book." Twilight began.

"We're just having a little fun with her is all." the third boy explained, while playing innocent.

"Is that it?" Opal asked, and the boys nodded, "Well, now Twilight, nothing like a little innocent fun, right?" she went over to one them, "In that case let's shake on it." she offered her hand to him.

When the one book clasped his hand with hers, he started shaking in shock, before pulling his hand out of hers. Opal chuckled, as she revealed she was wearing a joy buzzer.

"Oh, I gotcha there." Opal laughed.

"Oh, so you got jokes huh?" the second boy asked.

"Hey, relax and have some gum." she offered him some gum.

When the boy took hold of the gum, Opal pulled it back to reveal it was snap gum that snapped onto the boys thumb, "Ow!" he groaned.

"Oh, that kills me." Opal laughed at their naivete.

"That's it, come here!" the third boy took her one hand and suddenly pulled it right out of her sleeve. When he saw he was holding the hand, he screamed and threw it to the ground. When they realized it was a fake, Opal pulled her real hand out of her sleeve.

Opal laughed hysterically at them, which got Twilight laughing as well. The three boys feeling humiliated enough dropped Twilight's book and ran away. Opal picked the book up and handed it back to Twilight who hugged it.

"Thanks, Opal."

"Hey, no one teases my cousin but me. Now get in here." she pulled Twilight in a hug, which the little girl returned. Opal had no idea that Twilight had stuck a kick me sign on Opal's back.

When the flashback ended, Opal spoke with a smirk, "And I wondered why so many girls were kicking me as we walked back."

"I'm surprised you didn't realize it after the first kick." Twilight chuckled, "Seriously, I'm really glad you helped me out back then."

"You're my cousin, Twilight," Opal said as she opened up her locket to show she had two pictures on both sides from inside the locket. One side had a picture of herself, and the second picture was of Twilight, "And family sticks together." Twilight smiled and nodded in agreement.

When the two got everyone an ice cream, they started walking back, "Twilight."


"I hope find happiness with Spike."

Twilight looked at her and smiled, "Thanks."

When nighttime came, Spike and the girls were at a local club where Opal was doing her stand up comedy act for an audience.

"So I was going to a spa one day, and I was having a good time until I was to be given a full body wash and massage," Opal began, "Now that wouldn't have been so bad, if the massage table I was asked to lie on didn't look like the kind they performed autopsies on. I just lied there as the workers just washed and massaged every inch of my body, while feeling like it was a matter of time before they started probing me."

The audience laughed at her joke, as she continued on. As Spike and the girls watched from their table, Spike noticed Twilight looked incredibly happy, more than she usually did.

"You ok, Twilight?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine, Spike. Never better." she continued to watch her cousin perform and make people laugh.

Author's Note:

Don't miss next time where Spike and his boys do a little Space Mission LARPing at the junkyard