• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,381 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

A Model Friend

About a week after New Years eve, classes were back in session for Spike and the girls. Spike was walking the halls with his entourage, discussing what they did during their Christmas break.

Snips was in shock, as he asked Spike, "You and the girls got to go on a yacht owned by the Principal and her sister?!"

"That's right." Spike confirmed.

"What was it like?" Pipsqueak asked.

"It was amazing. The food there was delicious, the service was exquisite, and the fireworks show was awesome." he enlightened them.

"Sounds like it was perfect." Featherweight said in envy.

"Well, there was one thing that I could've done without." Spike admitted.

"What?" the boys asked.

"The girls and I tried a shot at champagne and we all spat it out." the guys laughed.

"I can't believe your families let you guys drink." Snails said in disbelief.

"It was just a sip, and needless to say none of us enjoyed the taste." Spike said, with a shudder at remembering the bitter taste.

"I'll tell ya another thing you're not going to enjoy. Gym class." Pipsqueak said, as they approached the gymnasium.

Soon enough they stood with more boys in their gym uniforms, as their coach walked along their line, "Welcome back, soldiers. Coach Iron Will's been looking forward to your return. And I should hope you feel the same?" he eyeballed them.

"Yes, Coach Iron Will, sir!" they announced.

"Good to know," The coach said, as he continued to pace, "As a welcome back treat for you all. I'm gonna have ya climbing the rope."

The boys looked at the rope and saw it went up to the ceiling of the gym. The Coach began, "Go as I call your name. Snails!"

Snails ran to the rope and started climbing up it, while making sure not to look down. As he was nearing the top, he was worried about accidentally looking down and was hesitating. The coach called up, "Come on, scrawny boy!" Snails picking up the pace managed to reach the ceiling.

The boys cheered, as Snails slowly climbed himself down before reaching the floor looking relief, "I made it." he said in relief.

"Next up, Pipsqueak!" Iron Will called.

So Pipsqueak took his turn and made it. A few more students later, Iron Will called, "Spike!"

"Here I go, guys." Spike said, as he grabbed the rope and started climbing up it. As he climbed he could hear his friends cheering him down below. Spike finally reached the top and rang the bell. When he climbed back down, Iron Will spoke.

"Good work, soldier. Carry on!" Spike saluted him, and went to the back of the line.

When Phys Ed ended, Spike and the rest of the boys were in the locker room showering off their sweat. Spike finished his shower and went to his locker room locker to grab his clothes. When he opened the locker door he saw in the back of it was a picture of the girls taped to it. He smiled and winked at the picture, before closing the locker door.

When school ended, Spike and his boys walked outside. Though the snow was more than half gone it was still cold out.

Featherweight asked Spike, "So, Spike, what's your plans with the girls today?"

"Oh, get off, Featherweight," Spike brushed him off, "And if you must know, Twilight volunteered them to help out around the school library today."

"Huh?" the boys asked.

"Yeah. Rainbow wasn't so thrilled about it," Spike chuckled, "You guys wanna do something?"

"Can't, I gotta look over some new articles for the newest issue of our paper." Featherweight answered.

"I have a paper to write in History." Pipsqueak added.

"Snails and I are gonna see if we can find some easy dates." Snips finished.

"Oh, that's cool." Spike said, with a hint of disappointment.

Pipsqueak looked ahead and his eyes widened, "Holy Mother of God, guys. Look at that!" the boys looked and saw a beautiful college aged girl with pale pink hair.

"Hottie heaven." Featherweight panted.

"She's a babe!" Snips and Snails gasped.

'Fleur?' Spike thought remembering her from that day he was on his date with Rarity.

"What's a college girl as gorgeous as her doing in our neck of the woods?" Pipsqueak asked.

"I have no idea." Snails answered.

Fleur looked over in that direction and smiled, making the boys hearts melt. Featherweight spoke in awe, "Her smile is a national treasure."

Fleur lifted her index finger out and pointed in their direction, "I think she's pointing at me." Snails gasped.

"No way, that finger's directed at me!" Snips argued.

"She's obviously motioning to me." Pipsqueak retorted.

"Doubtful." Featherweight replied.

Spike looked at them, "Guys, I hate to burst your bubbles. But she's pointing to me."

"WHAT?!" they cried.

"What makes you so sure?" Snips asked.

"Watch." Spike answered, as he looked back at Fleur and finger motioned to himself.

When the boys saw Fleur nodded in confirmation, their hearts shattered. Spike noticed them giving him dirty looks, "Well, she obviously needs me. See you guys later. Bye!" he ran from them, before they could grab him.

He ran over to Fleur, "Fleur. This is unexpected." he greeted her.

"I know. But I just wanted to see you today." she answered.

"You did?"

"Yes. Rarity texted me earlier and asked if I could spend the day with you while she and the others couldn't."

"Wow. Rarity did that?" Fleur nodded.

"So, how about I take you someplace to eat?"

"That'd be great." Spike answered.

"Well, come on." Fleur took his hand and brought him to her car.

So she drove Spike into the city, until she parked outside an Italian cafe. They went inside and were shown a table.

As the two waited for their food, Spike had a sip of his soda, while Fleur drank some of her iced tea. The boy spoke up, "I'm surprised, Fleur. I would've thought someone who's looking into a career for modeling would avoid places like this."

Fleur laughed, "Spike, just because I'm aiming for modeling, doesn't mean I have to starve myself or go on unnecessary diets. I learned a trick about how to have proper meals and exercise regularly. It's how I've been able to keep my form in this good shape."

"I can see." Spike admitted, as he gazed at her perfect figure. But shook his head to get any thoughts out.

"So how is life treating you? I heard you, Rarity, and the rest of your friends had quite a winter break." Fleur said.

"Oh, yeah. Spending it with my friends is the best way to spend a break."

"Quite so." Fleur agreed.

"What about you? Did you do anything good during your break?" Spike inquired.

"Well, I did attend a New Years eve party with some friends of mine at one of the local bars in town," she began, "One of my friends fell asleep in the restroom, and we had to drag him out."

"Classic." Spike chuckled.

"Once he regained consciousness we went up to the hills outside town to get a good look at it and then the fireworks came. Oh, Spike, it was a beautiful night." she said dreamily.

"Glad you enjoyed it."

"Yes. But I wished I could've enjoyed it with someone special." she smiled.

Spike noticed a twinkle in her eyes and felt a blush coming on his face, until the waiter came by with their food. They started eating as Fleur fed him a piece of ravioli. Spike at it and she asked, "How is it?"

"Delicious." he answered in delight.

Spike decided to be nice and feed Fleur as well, "Oh, perfect." Fleur said in joy.

"I'm really glad we have this chance to hang out, Fleur."

"And it's not over yet." the older girl replied.

"There's more?" Spike raised a brow, as Fleur smirked.

Later on, Fleur drove Spike all the way to a photographer shop. They walked inside, as Fleur spoke up, "Photo Snap!" she called.

Stepping out from behind a counter was an adult woman with short white hair. She had sunglasses, and wore black slip on shoes, black tight pants, a white top, covered by a black vest.

The woman spoke in an German accent, "Ach! Fleur, darling. You have arrived on time."

"Wouldn't have missed this," Fleur began, "I hope you don't mind, but I brought a friend."

The woman looked at Spike, as if observing him, until she gasped, "Can it be?" she walked around him, studying his appearance some more, "Yes! It can! These delightfully green spikes. This young adolescent look. You are ze boy I heard about from my child. Spike Drake, is it?"

"Yeah, that's me... Wait a minute, are you related to a girl named Photo Finish?" Spike inquired.

"Ach. I zee you know my daughter. She is also looking into the photography work like myself." she explained.

"Obviously." Spike replied.

Fleur spoke, "I hope having Spike here won't be a bother during the photo shoot."

"Not at all. After all, we could use an audience."

"I promise I won't get in the way." Spike promised.

"Then take a seat, and Fleur, go around back to change into the outfit. It's time we make de magiks!" she declared.

Fleur nodded, as she went around back to get changed, while Spike took a seat. He thought to himself while looking at the woman, 'Now I know where Photo Finish gets her personality from.'

Soon Fleur came out wearing a purple open back dress that showed off her gorgeous curvaceous frame. Needless to say, Spike was awestruck at the beauty of Fleur along with whatever skin was exposed for the eyes to see. He felt his heart race as he became flustered.

Fleur noticed Spike's face, and smiled before asking, "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful." he answered, while still enamored.

"Now, Fleur. Let us begin!" Photo Snap began, as the college girl took a position before a back drop with the lights on her. So the photographer started taking pictures of the girl, as she instructed her to pose in certain ways.

Spike watched quietly as Fleur was posing for the pictures. He thought to himself, 'No wonder Rarity likes having her model her new designer outfits. I really wish Rarity and the others were here. If they joined this photo session with Fleur, then it'd be really photogenic.' he envisioned each of the girls dressed up and showing off for him.

He was brought out of his thoughts, as he felt a tug on his arm. He saw Fleur holding onto him, "Come on."

"What?" Spike was curious.

"Join me for some photos."

"What? But I'm not even dressed for anything photogenic. My outfit will clash with your dress."

"Don't worry, I took all the photos I needed. Now I can just do free shots. And I want you to join me."

Spike was puzzled, until he looked at Photo Snap who nodded and beckoned him to join her. Spike unable to deny a request got up and joined Fleur in the picture shot. Photo Snap started taking pictures of the two together in dance poses, goofy poses. But out of the pictures the two that came out the best were ones of Fleur kissing Spike on the cheek making his face turn red in embarrassment and one where Spike was performing a dip dance step with Fleur.

After the shoot was over, Fleur had driven Spike home. She pulled up in front of his house and spoke, "Thank you for taking the time to spend with me, Spike."

"Hey, thank you for showing me such a good time." Spike replied.

"I hope we can do this again sometime." Fleur hoped.

"If I'm never busy, I'll let you know."

"Ok, hopefully Rarity won't keep you too busy." she teased, and the two laughed, as Spike got out of the car.

He took one last look at Fleur who puckered her lips and made a kiss noise. Spike smiled, as he walked up to his house and went inside.

Spike entered his room and sat down on his bed, thinking about what went on today, 'I sure did have fun. And Fleur is so nice. I know she'd make some guy a happy man. Just as I know a group who make me happy.' he smiled, as he thought about the girls.

Meanwhile, Photo Snap was at her home looking over the photos she had taken of Fleur and Spike, dividing it up between the ones she needed to give to various Fashion hot shots, and ones taken for fun.

"Mother, I have returned." came a voice very similar to Photo Snaps. It was her own daughter Photo Finish, better known at CHS as the Photo Girl.

"Photo Finish, how was photography club?" the mother asked.

"Splendid, mother," she answered, "But I now have an important project to work on and require a model."

"That shouldn't be too difficult. There must be plenty of boys at school you can ask."

"No, mother, you don't understand. The boys at school don't have what I'm looking for. They lack de magiks!" she answered.

"I see."

Photo Finish then saw the pictures her mother was sorting and saw one of Spike with Fleur "Mother, what is zis?"

"Zis? Why zis is some of the photos I had taken with one of my clients today."

"I know of Ms. Fleur, mother. But zis is Spike Drake. How did you get pictures with him?"

"He vas accompanying Ms. Fleur for her photo shoot today, and ve decided to include him in some shots."

Photo Finish looked at one of the pictures of Spike and Fleur together. Her eyes were fixated on Spike, as a smile brightened her face, "I think I have found my model."