• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Dinner and a Show

Tuesday afternoon at Canterlot High, the six girls had exited the building with Rarity talking to the others, "I'm telling you the place is perfect. We should check it out."

"It does sound neat." Twilight admitted.

"And we could bring Spike of course." Rarity added.

"That makes it better." Pinkie smiled.

"Hello, ladies."

The girls looked down the steps and saw Spike leaning against a wall, "Spike?" they gasped, as they raced down the stairs to see him.

"This is a sure surprise." Applejack said.

"Yeah, normally we're the ones who greet you after school." Pinkie added.

"Well, I got out early." Spike explained.

"And how?" Fluttershy asked.

"Plumbing problems. All the bathroom toilets started overflowing causing all the floors to be a real mess. I suspect someone's been jamming cherry bombs down there again."

"Again?" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Classic prank." Rainbow laughed.

"So since everyone was dismissed early, I decided to come here and pick you girls up."

"Isn't that kind of you." Rarity smiled.

"Were you waiting long?" Twilight asked.

"Not at all."

"Good, because we got stuff to talk about." Pinkie said.

"Then let's go someplace quiet." Spike suggested.

The girls nodded, before another voice called out, "Hold it!"

They stopped and saw a white haired girl wearing a blue hoody with stars on it approach, "Oh, great." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Twilight Sparkle," The girl began as she approached, "Who is this young man you are hiding from me?"

"This is Spike, Trixie. What of it?" she asked dryly.

"I see, and is he your..." the girl identified as Trixie began.

"No! Nothing like that!" Twilight answered while waving her hands around.

Trixie looked at her before a smirk grew on her face, "Good," the girls were confused as Trixie approached Spike and laid a hand on his cheek, "It's nice to meet you, my name is Trixie."

"Nice to meet you. As Twilight said, I'm Spike."

"Spike, such a cute name for an equally adorable boy," Trixie said as she hugged him, "Why haven't we met before, sweetie?"

"I-uh don't quite get out around here as much." he answered, while trying not to blush.

"Really? Well perhaps I should show you around here myself." she offered while flirting.

"That's quite all right, I don't want to be a bother." Spike said, as he tried to get away from her, but she pulled him back.

"But I insist. The Great and Powerful Trixie shall show you everything!" she declared while holding him close.

'Great and Powerful?' he thought.

Suddenly Spike was grabbed by Rainbow and Twilight, "Hey!" Trixie called.

"Take a hint, Trixie. Spike said 'no'." Twilight told her.

"Come on let's go." Applejack said, as the girls took spike away.

"Curse you, Twilight Sparkle!" Trixie whined.

Soon the seven were walking around, as Spike spoke, "So what is it you wanted to tell me about?"

"Well, Rarity found this new cafe that opened up about a week ago, and suggests we check it out." Twilight explained.

"What is the place?" Spike asked.

"The Rising Sun." Twilight answered.

"From the reviews I've read, the food is very delicious, and the entertainment there is well entertaining." Rarity explained.

"Really?" Spike asked curiously, as she nodded.

"It'd be perfect for us to grab a bite there tonight. That is if you're willing to join us." Rarity said, as Spike saw the girls started putting on their best pouty faces.

Spike always loved it when they'd give him a pouty look be it to get him to do stuff with them he'd be against, or just to look cute, "Well, how could I say no to you girls." he chuckled.

"So when should we meet up there?" Applejack asked.

"Let's meet up around six thirty, shall we?" Rarity asked.

"Works for me." Rainbow answered.

"And me." Pinkie added, as the others nodded in agreement.

"Good. Then let's head home let our families know." Rarity suggested, as they nodded and headed home together.

As time passed, Spike had showered and changed into a cleaner set of clothes before addressing his parents, "All right, I'm heading out."

"Don't be out too late, Spike!" Elsa warned him.

"I know." Spike answered dryly, before he went outside to see Applejack's truck outside, with Applejack at the wheel, Rainbow up front with her, and the others in the back.

"Come on, Spike. Let's get a move on!" Rainbow called.

"Coming." Spike went over to the truck and opened the passenger door seeing the other four took up all the seats. Seeing that left Spike with only one other option.

He climbed in and laid across the laps of Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity. He relaxed while looking up at Rarity, "This ain't so bad."

"Just as long as your comfortable." Twilight said and she enjoyed the feeling of spike laying on her lap like the others did.

Pinkie who had Spike's feet on her lap looked curious before she tried to remove his sneakers with certain intentions. Spike feeling his one shoe slipping off, looked over at Pinkie, "Hey, Pinkie. Please leave my shoes on my feet."

"What, I wasn't going to tickle them or anything." Pinkie said innocently.

"Right." Twilight said dryly.

And so Applejack drove off from their block heading back to town.

Soon they parked in the lot outside the cafe The Rising Sun. They all got out of the car and looked at the place, "Not bad looking." Applejack admitted.

"Looks cool." Rainbow added.

"Come on." Twilight said as they went inside.

When they entered, the host spoke, "How many?"

"Table for seven, please." Rarity answered.

"Right this way." the host said, escorting them.

Spike saw a board reading entertainment, "Tonight's Entertainment; The Dazzlings?"

"Wonder who those are?" Pinkie wondered with Spike, until the two shrugged and followed the girls.

Once they were seated at a table, they sat patiently until they ordered. As they waited for their food, they decided to chew the fat, "So how'd your families react to wanting to come here?" Spike asked the group.

"Ugh, my parents wouldn't stop going on about me going to someplace like this with you, Spike." Twilight explained.

"My peeps were the same." Rainbow said in surprise.

"Mine too." Fluttershy added, as Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack looked as if they also had that kind of conversation with their families and guardians.

"What about you, Spike?" Pinkie asked.

"My parents wouldn't give me a break about it. My dad giving me these awkward talks about going to dinner with six older girls can be overwhelming for a boy my age. I hate awkward conversations with him. Even more than having them with my mom." he shuddered.

The girls giggled, as Spike continued, "I mean we're here as friends, right?"

The girls ceased their giggling, and weren't certain how to truly answer, until the waiter came by wheeling their ordered foods to them, "Here you go." he began placing their respective plates before them. Once they were all served, they began eating.

As they each ate, they took the chance to evaluate how good their food was, as Spike spoke, "These fries are delish." he dipped one of his fries in ketchup and ate it.

"And this salad they prepared is wonderful." Fluttershy added.

"I got to hand it to ya, Rare. This was a great place to try." Applejack admitted, as she had a slice of pie.

"I do know all the best spots new and current." Rarity answered proudly.

"We should start coming here more often." Pinkie added.

"I'd be all for that." Rainbow agreed.

Suddenly the lights started dimming, as an announcer spoke up, "And now ladies gentlemen it's that time again! Please give a big Rising Sun welcome to our special guests tonight; the Dazzlings!"

The guests started applauding, while Spike and the girls did so as well, "I wonder how good these Dazzlings are?" Rarity wondered.

"Or what they even do." Applejack added.

"Looks like we're about to find out." Twilight said, as a light shined on a curtain by a stage area.

They watched as a single leg stepped out from behind the curtain. Suddenly the curtains opened up revealing three girls no older than the Canterlot High six. One of them had purple hair with turquoise highlights done up in pigtails, the second had cerulean hair with dark blue highlights done up in a ponytail, and the third who appeared to be the leader had big poofy hair colored orange with gold highlights. A common feat about all three was that they each wore a necklace with a red gem.

The three started singing a song in perfect sync as they danced on the small stage, before started started walking off the stage.

Spike watched them feeling entranced not only by their singing and looks, but how well their hips swayed with their dancing. Spike couldn't help but let his jaw hang open with awe. The girls seeing Spike stare at the three performers like that scowled, until Pinkie closed his jaw for him.

"You hoping to catch flies?" she whispered.

"Sorry." he apologized.

They watched as the three girls continued to sing and flaunt. Suddenly the leader of the trio looked and spotted Spike. A smirk grew across her face and motioned the other two to follow her.

Spike and the girls realized the three were strutting their way wondered was was going on. When Spike realized the three were aiming for him. The lead girl sashayed around him until she was behind his seat and ran a hand through his hair, while the pig tailed girl got on his right side and ran her index finger along his left cheek, while the pony-tailed girl was on Spike's left side resting her head on his shoulder, while looking up at him.

The girls watched in outrage, while wanting to get the three off their friend, but knew if they responded they would only cause a scene and without a doubt get banned from the cafe for life. They watched helplessly and filled with rage, as the three performers flirted with Spike, who had no idea what to do.

Soon the three removed themselves from Spike and danced around his chair, before they all lowered themselves down to face him. They each put a finger to their lips before touching their finger tips to his cheeks making him blush. The girls watched with fire growing in their eyes, as the three walked back to the stage and the curtain closed.

The guests applauded and cheered for their performance, while Spike was sitting in his seat stunned. Pinkie poked him, "Spike?"

That one poke was enough to make Spike fall out of his seat and onto the floor, taking the girls by surprise as they helped him up, "Spike, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just... Whoa." he gasped.

"I'll bet you did not see that coming." Pinkie crossed her arms.

"Never." he replied.

"Well, come on let's finish up and head out." Twilight suggested, before the Dazzlings were asked to do an encore.

After finishing up their meal and paid for it they they left the cafe and were on their way to the parking lot. As they walked for the truck, a voice spoke up, "Well, hello again."

They stopped and looked seeing the Dazzlings walking up to them, "What're you three doing here?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

"We're on our break and saw you all here," the orange haired one began, as she spotted Spike, "We hope you liked our performance."

Spike blushed, and answered, "Yeah. It was very moving."

"I'm glad. Oh, where are my manners? We haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Adagio Dazzle." the orange haired girl began.

"I'm Aria Blaze." the girl in pig tails introduced herself.

"And I'm Sonata Dusk." the girl with the pony tailed finished.

"And who might you be?" Adagio asked him.

"I'm Spike." he answered.

"Spike. A cute name for such a cute boy." Aria said.

Spike noticing his friends were not looking impressed spoke up, "These are my friends, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy."

The three looked up at them as Adagio spoke, "Nice to meet you girls."

"Yeah, nice." Applejack said bitterly.

"So do you three work as entertainment on a daily basis?" Spike asked still feeling tension around him.

"Oh, yes," Adagio began, "When the cafe first opened up they held auditions for entertainment. Me and the girls couldn't pass up such an opportunity."

"One show and boom, they hired us up and soon we became local favorites." Aria explained.

"The crowds just can't get enough of us." Sonata boasted.

"Obviously." Rarity rolled her eyes knowing they incorporate flirting into their act.

"Say, how would you like to join us for some fun?" Adagio offered Spike.

"Huh?" Spike asked.

"What?!" The girls cried in outrage.

"Yeah, we're on break now and we were looking to find something to do." Aria explained.

Sonata wrapped an arm around Spike, "Would you like to join us? We can make it worth your while." she tempted him.

Before Spike could even respond, Twilight pulled Spike back over to her and the others, "Sorry, but Spike has already made plans with us."

"But that's not fair." Sonata complained.

"Yeah, we haven't had any good fun with a guy in three weeks." Aria added.

"And it's not fair that you six get to hog this adorable young man all to yourselves," Adagio said, as she pulled Spike back over to them and held him close, "It's our turn to play with him now." she finished by delivering a peck on Spike's forehead, as Aria and Sonata gave him a double cheek kiss the way the girls have always done to Spike.

The six suddenly gawked and screamed in outrage. Rarity out of impulse ran over and pulled Spike away, "Get your filthy paws off him you skank!" she started grappling with Adagio, who spared no expense in fighting back.

Aria and Sonata went to help their ringleader only for Rainbow, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie, and Fluttershy to hold them off.

"Girls, please!" Spike tried to intervene, but only made it worse, as Adagio grabbed onto his left arm and tried tugging him to her side.

Rarity seeing this grabbed Spike's other arm and tried pulling him back, "Girls, help me!" Adagio called, as Aria and Sonata grabbed hold of each others waists and tried pulling Spike over.

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy got behind Rarity and helped her in pulling Spike back over to their side, "Let go of him!" Rarity demanded.

"No, you let go!" Adagio ordered.

"Girls, at this rate I'm going to get split into two like a wishbone!" Spike cried, as he could feel his arms on the verge of getting ripped out.

Spike felt as if he was going to get his arms broken from both sides tugging, until a adult woman's voice spoke up, "What is going on here?"

The teens ceased their tugging, and looked aside seeing two women approaching. One woman had long hair with a mix of pink, blue, green, and cobalt, the second woman who was a bit shorter than the first had long blue hair.

"Principal Celestia?" The six girls asked.

"Principal Luna?" Spike asked.

It was Principal Celestia; principal of Canterlot high where the girls attended, and her younger sister Principal Luna who was principal of Canterlot Junior High where Spike attended.

"What're you doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"My sister and I were passing by, and we heard a commotion. To our surprise it was from the seven of you." Luna explained.

"Now what's all the trouble here?" Celestia inquired.

Both girl groups released Spike and began voicing their stories to the principals at the same time which was nothing more than gibberish to them, "Quiet!" Luna bellowed, shutting them up, "One at a time, please."

Twilight spoke, "Well, you see we just finished having dinner and were about to head out."

Rainbow continued, "Until these three showed up and tried to take Spike away."

"We were only offering to show the boy around, ma'am." Adagio said in defense. Even if they didn't attend Canterlot High, they didn't want to appear disrespectful to principals let alone adults.

"Show him around, my boot!" Applejack spoke up, "Yall we're planning on doing something else. I can tell."

"Like you weren't thinking it yourself?" Aria challenged her, and before the girls could get into another squabble, Celestia shushed them.

She then turned to Spike who was flexing his arms, "Spike, what is your take on what happened?"

"Well, it's just like Twilight said. We just finished dinner and were about to leave until these girls offered to show me around. Before I could give my answer they started their spat and next thing I knew I was in the middle of tug a war."

The two adults looked at the groups, "Is this true?" Luna asked.

Twilight's group looked guilty knowing they did automatically jump the gun before Spike could even give the Dazzlings an answer, "Spike's right, Principal Celestia," Twilight began, "We never did give him a chance to give them his own answer."

Celestia and Luna turned to Spike, with Luna speaking up, "And do you, Spike, have an answer?"

Spike looked up and had a determined look, "I do," he turned to the Dazzlings, "Girls, I appreciate your offer, but I'm with them tonight. And I would appreciate it if you let it be that way."

The Dazzlings looked crushed by his choice, but Adagio seeing Celestia and Luna expecting them to respond replied, "We understand... And sorry for almost breaking your arms."

"We're sorry too, Spike." Twilight apologized as well.

"We really should've let ya answer on your own." Applejack added.

"Could you ever forgive us?" Fluttershy asked hopefully with Pinkie crossing her hands as if pleading.

Spike's disappointed look shifted to a smile, "Hey, that's what friends are for, right?"

The girls smiled as Rarity answered, "Right."

The women smiled and motioned to the Dazzlings, "You girls could learn a thing or two from these seven about friendship."

Adagio answered, "Yes, ma'am. Come on, girls." she said, as the three started walking off.

Twilight spoke to the adults, "Thanks for helping us straighten this thing out."

"Our pleasure, Ms. Sparkle." Luna answered.

"But you should all remember to not jump into such squabbles so easily. After all that's not the behavior I like to see in my students." Celestia lectured them.

"Yes, ma'am. We understand." Fluttershy answered, as they all looked sheepishly.

"You all have a goodnight now, and we'll each see you all tomorrow." Luna said, as the two sisters left.

"Bye!" they bid them farewell.

Rainbow seeing the two were out of sight turned to Spike, "Well, Spike. You did seem very happy when those girls flirted with you."

"What? No I didn't!" Spike denied it.

"I don't know, the way you looked at them screamed like you really loved it." Twilight said.

"I know, it looked so obvious." Pinkie agreed.

"I gave them no such look!" Spike continued to protest.

"What happened, sugarcube, are the kisses they gave you better than ours?" Applejack asked, as her lips started quivering.

"No-I!" Spike tried to speak, but Rarity cut him off by sobbing on Pinkie.

"We thought that was something special between us!" she bawled.

"It meant nothing to me!" Spike cried, grabbing their attention, "When you girls do it to me there's always that spark in it, but when they did there was no spark! I would never think any other kiss could be greater than your, girls. You have to believe me!" he pleaded, while dropping down on his knees.

The girls looked to each other and smiled seeing they teased him enough and brought him back to his feet, "We know, Spike." Twilight said.

"You do?" Spike asked.

"Of course, darling." Rarity answered.

"We was just messin' with ya." Applejack added.

"Oh, thank goodness." Spike sighed in relief.

"And because you were so honest with us, you deserve a treat." Pinkie finished, as she and Fluttershy went on both sides of Spike and pecked his cheeks, making him blush.

"Thanks." Spike said in gratitude.

"Here comes round two." Rainbow said, as she and Applejack replaced Pinkie and Fluttershy and gave him their own kisses.

"And now the finishing touch." Twilight said, as she and Rarity finished it.

Spike blushed up, and spoke, "Now there's the spark!" he declared, and the girls laughed.

As the Dazzlings continued to walk on, Sonata spoke up with a complaint, "Oh, we could've had a great night with Spike."

"I know, why didn't you do something, Adagio?" Aria asked in irritation.

Adagio held up a hand to silence her, "Spike made it clear he did not find us attractive as pushy girls. Next time we'll play it more cooler."

Aria and Sonata were surprised at her words, as Sonata asked, "Cooler?"

"Yes. After all a real cute young boy like that comes along once in awhile," Adagio said, "And we can't pass such an opportunity." the three giggled mischievously.