• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,361 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Remember Spike

Last time, after having an accident with falling from a tree Spike had lost all memories. With a blank slate and no idea who anyone is, the once proud friend of the Canterlot Six has no recollection of all the fun they've ever spent together.

Two dismal and grueling days had past since Spike's accident. While he remained cooped up in the hospital, his pals at school felt lonely without their ringleader around. Things weren't so well with the girls as well. Twilight could barely concentrate on her studies, Pinkie wasn't feeling as party going, Fluttershy was so down she couldn't enjoy lunch, Rarity wasn't in the outfit making mood, Applejack could barely focus on her chores, and Rainbow couldn't even think about sports. When news got out to both schools, half the student body were worried for Spike as well, and hoped he'd be ok.

Even though Spike's friends and the girls visited him those two days, he still was finding it very hard to remember them. But they were determined to help him reclaim his lost memories.

Finally after two days passed, spike was brought back home by his parents. Geki and Elsa showed their amnesiac son inside, "Ok, Spike, come on in." Elsa showed him inside.

Spike looked around the place, "I live here?"

"That's right," Geki answered, "We've been living in this house for six years now."

"That's a long time." Spike admitted.

"Yes, but we adjusted in no time. Especially you." Elsa said.

"That easy?" he asked curiously.

"Well, the day we moved in you made six new friends right from the start." Geki explained.

"Six? You mean those girls who were visiting me the last two days?"

"Yes. They were the first friends you made here in Canterlot." Elsa answered.

"I see." he answered plainly.

"Well, come on. I'll show you to your room." Geki showed Spike to his bedroom.

"This is my room?" Spike asked, as he surveyed the layout.

"That's right."

"It looks good." he admitted as he sat down on his bed.

"I'll let you get settled in. If you need anything just ask." Geki said.

"Ok." Spike said, as his father left.

Spike looked around his room before laying down to rest. As he did so he looked and envisioned Pinkie and Rainbow Dash next to him, and the rest of the girls draping over him along his torso and lower. He snapped out of his thoughts before speaking, "Why did I envision that? Did I 'like' like those girls? Ugh, I wish I remembered."

He then spotted a nearby Power Princesses comic book, "What's this? Power Princesses? Well, if it's in my room it must be mine." he decided to read it. As he did so he started enjoying it as if it was just like the first time he got into the franchise.

When he finished the first volume he spoke to himself, "This is actually good. If I was into this series before losing my memories I can see why I was."

Suddenly their was a knock at his door, which startled him, "Who-who is it?"

"It's us, Spike," Twilight's voice came, "Can we come in?"

Spike recognizing the girls voices spoke, "Sure."

The girls entered the room, "Hey, Spike. How're you doing?" Applejack inquired.

"Ok, I guess." he admitted.

"Anything coming back to you now?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

"Slowly," he admitted, "I mean the layout of this room and this house seems familiar."

"It should, you live here." Pinkie reminded him.

"Yes, but I wished I remember living here."

"Don't stress so much, Spike. You're memories will find a way back." Twilight assured him.

"I hope so."

Suddenly Pinkie gasped, "I got it!"

"What, Pinkie?" Rarity wondered.

"What if we reenact the event that caused Spike to lose his memories in the first place?"

"WHAT?!" the rest of the girls gasped.

"What good will that do?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"Think about it, if a clonk to the head caused Spike to lose his memories, then maybe another one will put them back." Pinkie explained.

"Undeniable logic, but too risky," Twilight answered, "We don't wanna risk causing Spike more cranial damage than he already got."

"Just a thought." Pinkie replied.

"So what brings you girls here?" Spike asked.

"We'd like to take you for a walk around Canterlot, you know to get more memories of your surroundings back?" Applejack offered.

"Well, if it'll help me remember, then ok." he answered.

"Then let's go." Twilight said, as Spike got up and followed the girls.

And so the girls started showing Spike all around to get him reeducated on the layout of the city. Their first stop was in Canterlot Park, where they showed Spike the play area where they used to go to when they were kids. Soon they were relaxing by a bench.

"So you're saying we treated this park as if it were our paradise?" Spike asked the girls.

"Yes. It was the one place we felt like we had no rules or worries." Fluttershy added.

"And we'd have ourselves the best fun." Applejack added.

"Just like we still do." Twilight put in.

Spike felt moved by her words, until a voice called out, "Hey!"

They looked over seeing Vinyl and Octavia rush over, "Vinyl, Octavia?" Rainbow asked.

"Sorry, to barge in on you, but we had to see him ourselves." Octavia apologized.

Vinyl looked at Spike, "Hey, Spike. How's it going?"

"I-I know you two." Spike gasped.

"You do?" Octavia and Vinyl gasped.

"Yeah," he answered, as he pulled out his cellphone showing them the picture of the three together, "You're the two girls with me in this picture I found on this cellphone of mine."

The two looked down seeing he didn't remember them the way he was supposed to, "Yeah. That's us." Vinyl answered.

"But who are you two?" Spike inquired.

"I'm Vinyl Scratch; best D.J at Canterlot High." Vinyl told him.

"And I'm Octavia Melody; best cellist at Canterlot High." Octavia added.

"You two must really be into music." Spike said, making note of their specialties.

"You bet." Vinyl confirmed.

"Any reason why you two came over besides checking in on Spike?" Twilight inquired.

"Well, Vinyl came up with an idea about how he can try and remember." Octavia explained.

"Really, how?" Fluttershy asked, hoping it would work.

"Like this." Vinyl said, as she selected a song on her phone and it started playing. It was the very same song, she, Spike, and Octavia danced to at the 50s Nostalgia Cafe the day all three of them had the day out.

(It's not Unusual-Tom Jones)

Vinyl was dancing in the same fashion she did the first time, hoping to spark Spike's memories. The girls watched in confusion, until Spike felt the rhythm move him. Vinyl seeing that went over to Spike and brought him over to dance with her. So Spike was following Vinyl's lead, as if he was getting into the groove.

When the song ended, the girls applauded on their performance. Vinyl looked to the boy, "Well, what'd ya think of that?"

"That was kinda fun." he answered.

"It should be. We danced to this song the day you got that picture."

"We did?"

"That's right. Doesn't it ring a bell?" Vinyl asked hopefully.

"Well, sort of, but I'm not sure." he admitted.

Vinyl sighed seeing it didn't work as well, as she thought it would. Octavia comforted her, and spoke, "It's ok, Vinyl. You tried."

"You just can't expect it all to come back at once." Twilight added.

"I know." she admitted, "Well, Spike. When you get your memories back, you'll know what I mean."

"I hope." Spike said, as he felt Vinyl hug him, followed by Octavia. When the two left, Spike looked at the girls, "They were a nice bunch." the girls nodded in confirmation.

"Twilight Sparkle!" a voice called out.

Twilight and the girls cringed upon hearing that voice knowing trouble was afoot. Approaching was Trixie, "Where is Spike. I need to see him."

"Trixie, Spike's still got amnesia and he doesn't need any more stress.' Twilight explained.

"And why do you assume I'm here to cause stress?" Trixie asked, with her hands on her hips.

"Short list or long list?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

"I only wish to help him in regaining his memories." the competitive girl answered.

"And how?" Twilight asked dryly.

"By reminding him of just the kind of boy he is."

"That doesn't sound good." Fluttershy said not liking what that meant.

Trixie went over to Spike, "Spike, my name is Trixie and I know something you did that made you a legend in both our school and your own."

"Really, what'd I do?"

"You threw the biggest house party this whole school year!" the girls sighed that she told him something true.

"I did?"

"Oh, yes. Everyone was there and had a great time. And you were the life of it," Trixie said as she held him close, before whispering into his ear, "And it was that fateful night you and I decided we were meant to be."

"Meant to be?" Spike asked in confusion, until the girls pulled Trixie away.

"We knew you'd try to fill his head with false memories!" Twilight scolded her.

"I just wanted to give him a good memory."

"This is serious, Trixie!" Applejack chided.

"Unless you have more legitimate memories to tell I suggest you stop helping." Rarity added.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Trixie apologized, before speaking to Spike, "The truth is that part about us becoming an item was a lie, but the party itself was all true."


"Yes, you were the best party goer there. None of us will ever forget it." she hugged him, before going off.

The girls sighed seeing she was honest about one thing. Pinkie then spoke up, "I don't know about you, but all this has left me famished. Let's go down to Sugarcube Corner."

"Sounds good to me." Applejack agreed.

"Sugarcube Corner?" Spike asked curiously.

"You'll see what we mean." Twilight said, as the girls escorted him off.

Soon enough they were at Sugarcube Corner, with each of them receiving their drinks or ice cream, "Here ya go Spike, your fave." Carrot Cake said, as he placed a chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream before him.

"This is my fave?" spike asked the girls.

"That's right." Pinkie nodded.

Spike tasted and looked intrigued, "Sure tastes like something I'd like." he enjoyed it.

"Hey, Spike!" a voice called, as the group saw Snips, Snails, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak approach.

Spike studied them before answering, "Let me see, Snips, Snails, Pipsqueak, and Featherweight?"

"That's right." Pipsqueak confirmed.

"At least you're remembering who we are now." Featherweight added.

"Yeah, last time you mixed our names up." Snails said while motioning to himself and Snips.

"Sorry about that." Spike apologized.

"It's ok." Snips replied.

"If this is how much he's remembering now, how's he going to do in school tomorrow?" Featherweight asked.

"Actually, Featherweight, Spike's parents decided to keep him home for a few days until he feels comfortable to go back." Rarity explained.

"The girls and I have requested Principal Celestia that we take the day off tomorrow to continue to help him remember." Twilight added.

"Wish we could ask Principal Luna for that, but we can't afford to miss any days. Not with how our grades are." Snails said.

"Don't worry you, guys, we'll handle it." Applejack assured them.

Featherweight spoke to spike, "We really missed you at school, Spike."

"Yeah, it's just not the same without you around." Pipsqueak added.

"Sorry, guys. But I'm sure I'll be back soon." Spike said trying to get them to be positive.

"Yeah. Well, we'll catch you later." Snips said, as the boys left.

When nighttime came, the girls brought Spike back to his place, "Well, girls, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

The girls looked at each other before nodding, "Spike?" Fluttershy asked.


"Before you turn in, we'd like to do something for you." Twilight explained.

"What's that?"

Rarity and Fluttershy went over to both sides of Spike, as the fashionista spoke, "This, darling." the two kissed his cheeks simultaneously, making the boy blush like before.

When the two parted, Spike spoke, "What was that?"

"It's a special bond the seven of us share." Fluttershy explained.

"It is?"

"Yes. It's our way of promising we'd always be together." Rarity said.

"And ya still got two more rounds, sugarcube." Applejack said, as she and Pinkie gave him the second round.

Finally Twilight and Rainbow Dash gave him his final round, leaving Spike blushing, "Well, what do you think?" Twilight asked, as they leaned in close to him.

"That felt very warm and welcoming," Spike admitted, "Like I've felt it before."

"Yes." the girls gasped knowing they were on the right track.

Spike groaned as he felt his head, "Spike, are you ok?" Twilight asked in concern.

"Yeah, just a little headache. I'll be fine in the morning, girls, and thanks." he thanked them before going inside.

"We were so close." Fluttershy sighed.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," Applejack placed a hand on her shoulder, "Tomorrow we'll have better luck, I'm sure of it."

"We all do." Twilight said, as they girls went home.

In Spike's room, as the boy slept he was once again tossing and turning. In his mind he was once again wandering the same void he had been wandering from before.

"Why do I always find myself here?" Spike asked himself.

"Spike, over here!" a voice called.

"The same voice as before," he gasped, as he ran to find the source, "Where are you?"

"Over here!"

"Where?" he called.


Spike looked ahead seeing the figure he'd been noticing in the distance was close than before. The last two nights he'd been having the same dream, and every time he tried to get closer he'd always end up waking up.

"I'm almost there!" he called, only for the scenery to fade, and he was back in bed, "No, I was so close," he sighed, "Whoever that was calling out to me sounds important. Maybe it has something to do with my missing memories." he sighed, before going back to bed.

The next morning, just as Twilight said they stayed home for the day to help Spike recover his lost memories. First off, Spike was brought over to Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack was showing him some of the apple products her family made. She brought over their family apple pie.

"Here ya go, Spike. Give it a go."

Spike took a slice of the pie and ate it. His eyes lit up, "Wow, this is delicious."

"Glad ya still know that much," Applejack smiled, "Ya always did love sampling my family's products."

"I did?"

"Yeah. And not just that, but there were lot's of times you'd come over and help me with my chores so I'd be done faster. And trust me I always appreciated you lending me a hand."

"Sounds like the me you know was a nice guy." Spike said.

"The best." Applejack smiled, as she ruffled his head.

Spike spoke up wondering, "Applejack?"


"What was I to you, when I had my memories?"

Applejack was suddenly taken aback by his question, "Uh, pardon?"

"Like how did you really feel about me?"

Applejack was torn, should she completely open up to Spike who was still very much a blank slate or make up something. But lying wasn't in her, so she spoke up, "Well, Spike. Ya were very special to me, to all of us. The day we met I knew for sure we would be besties forever. And six years later look at us still together. Even if you're not the Spike I remember you as of now. I know somewhere the Spike I remember feels that way too. As for how I personally feel, well... I love ya sugarcube."

"Love me?" he asked.

"I do." Applejack hugged him.

"Wow." Spike gasped, "Did the old me know about this?"

"No. I guess I was afraid of admitting it because of how it might ruin our friendship between us and the others."

"Applejack." spike gasped.

"Promise me you'll keep this between us, Spike?" Applejack requested.

"Well... Ok, I will." he was embraced once again.

"Thanks, my little apple dumpling." she pecked his cheek making him blush.

Later Spike was over at Pinkie's where he was helping the girl bake cupcakes. She pulled them out of the oven, and spoke, "Voila!"

Spike smelled them, "They smell good."

"And guarantee they're taste even better." Pinkie assured him, as they each ate one.

"Wow, it does taste better than it smells." Spike gasped.

"What'd I tell ya?" Pinkie smiled, as they had another, "You know Spike this reminds me of when we first started baking."


"Yeah. We made a real big mess. We were both covered in flour and frosting."

Spike envisioned it and laughed, "That does sound funny."

"Yeah. Oh, if only you could remember it." Pinkie sighed.

"Well, I'm trying my best to remember, but so far not everything's clear to me." he admitted, until Pinkie embraced him.

"I wished you'd remember. Even though you're still here it's like a part of you has gone away."

"I'm sorry." Spike sighed.

Pinkie realizing what she was doing spoke, "Don't take it that way, Spike. You don't have to apologize. I'm just being selfish here. I want your memories back, but I can't force you to remember."

"Don't worry, I'll keep trying for you and the others." Spike promised.

Pinkie smiled and hugged him, "I'll be waiting for the Spike we all know to return to us." she pecked his cheek. Spike blushed once again.

Afterward he was at Fluttershy's, as the girl was reteaching Spike how to care for the animals she looked after. Spike was placing a bow of nuts for the squirrels and mice.

"That's right, Spike. You're doing good." Fluttershy smiled.

"Thanks, Fluttershy." he said, as he continued to help, while feeling nervous about getting too close to some of the animals.

Fluttershy giggled, as Spike spoke, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just the way you're behaving reminds me of the little boy I remembered when we were kids."

"What was I like back then?"

"You were young, curious, and always getting into trouble. I remember one day you fell on the sidewalk and scraped your knee. I took you back to my place and bandaged it."

"You did?" he asked, and she nodded.

"When you cried, I comforted you until you were better."

"That's very kind of you." Spike smiled.

"I love spreading Kindness." Fluttershy smiled, until Spike hugged her.

"I should be lucky the me you know has someone like you for a friend." Fluttershy smiled and returned the embrace.

At Rarity's, Spike was enjoying tea with the most fashionable girl of the six, while looking at all the outfit designs she had lying around, "You made all these?"

"Guilty." she admitted.

"You've got quite a talent."

"Thank you. You know there were times you'd volunteer in helping me out with my work."

"I did?"

"Oh, yes. You've always been helpful to each and every one of us. That's one of the things I've always loved about you."


"Yes. You'll always be my Spikey-Wikey." she hugged him.

"Spikey-Wikey? Is that a pet name you gave me?"

"Well, Pinkie was the first to use it," she admitted, "I guess I sort of got used to the nickname and would call you that whenever it was just us."

"I see."

"But I don't use it as a way to demean you, Spike. I use it because of how close we are."

"We must be really close."

Rarity smiled, "We are. And I hope you'll remember how close we are."

"So do I." he admitted, as the two hugged each other for comfort.

Soon, Spike was with Twilight, as the two entered her room that was cluttered with books, "Please, excuse the mess." she said.

"You live a pack rat or something?"

"Not, but sometimes when I go on a reading spree I sometimes neglect to re-shelve them." she answered.

Spike chuckled, "Based on what I've learned about you from what you said, it sounds just like you."

"Yeah," Twilight giggled, before sighing, "Spike, I know you don't remember much. But there is something I wish you would remember."

"What?" he asked.

"On your last birthday a few days ago I gave you a very special gift when everyone left."

"What gift was that?" Spike inquired.

"I gave you your first kiss."

"You did?"

"Yes. It was a big moment for both of us. I'm sure it's a memory you wouldn't want to lose." Twilight said.

"Who would not want to remember their first kiss?" Spike asked.

"I can't imagine anyone." Twilight sighed.

"Twilight." Spike spoke up. Twilight looked over and suddenly found herself getting kissed on the lips by Spike.

When they parted, Twilgiht was blushing up, "Spike..." she played a hand to her lips.

"I may not remember the kiss back then, but I'll remember this one." Spike smiled with a faint blush.

Twilight's eyes started filling up with happy tears, as she embraced him and cried on his shoulder. Spike going on instinct just held onto her and comforted her.

Finally, Spike was at Rainbow Dash's place, as the girl was once again teaching him some tricks with the soccer ball. Like before Spike wasn't doing so good, but it was nothing for him to be ashamed of.

He kicked the ball on his knees a few times before it landed on the ground, "See, now you're getting it." Rainbow said.

"Was I that much of a sports guy?" Spike asked.

"Well, not as much as me. But you would play whenever you felt like you wanted too." she answered.

Spike smiled, "I appreciate you teaching me all this, Rainbow Dash. You're a good friend."

Rainbow's smiled started fading, "Maybe, but my last act could hardly be called friendship worthy."

"What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"You see, before you had your accident we were both climbing up one of the trees in the park. When Applejack called for us to come down and get lunch, I tugged you along too hard to come down with me and you feel from the branch and hit your head." she explained, while feeling sad.

"I'm sure you didn't mean for that to happen."

"I didn't, but I feel responsible for what happened. You lost your memories because I was too hasty!" she cried.

"Rainbow Dash..."

"How can I call myself your friend after I cost you your memories?!" she bellowed.

Spike just embraced her, much to the sad tough girl's confusion, "I may not remember what happened, but I think the me would also consider it an accident and would have forgiven you. With all the information I've gathered from all of you I learned the me you know was kind, generous, and always looking out for his friends."

"Spike." Rainbow shed a tear.

'I don't know when of it I'll get my memories back, but I don't want to have memories of seeing my closest friends sad or hurt because of my condition." he hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered into his ear.

Spike realizing that's what she meant by when she first whispered it to him, answered, "I know."

Later he returned home and decided to take a nap. As he slept he found himself once again in the void and hearing the voice. He ran as fast as he could, "I won't fail this time! I have to find out who it is!" he ran as fats as he could until he saw who it was up ahead.

He skidded to a halt to see a little boy who looked just like him, "There you are, Spike. I was wondering when you'd reach me." the boy said.

"Who're you?" Spike asked.

"I represent your memories." he answered.

"Where were you? I've been walking around with an empty head for days!" Spike asked.

"Sorry, but when you hit your head I got separated from you. I tried calling out to you, but you haven't been able to make it to me. Until now thank goodness."

"You have no idea how horrible it's been without you." Spike told the boy.

"I can only imagine. But don't worry now that we're together you'll have it all back." the boy smiled.

"Promise me you won't ever leave." Spike pleaded.

"I promise, as long as you don't get into more head accidents."


"You'll find out what I meant soon." The boy said, as he held his hand out to Spike.

Spike looked at the hand and clasped it with his own. Suddenly the child Spike glowed and burst into little green lights that were assimilated into older Spike's body. Spike watched as the scenery faded to black along with him.

Spike woke up, and looked around his room, "What a good nap." he stretched.

He walked out of the room, and saw his parents in the kitchen, "Hi, guys."

"Hi, Spike. How're you feeling." Geki asked.

"Better," he answered before looking around, "Hey, where are the girls?"

The adults looked over to him, "What do you mean, Spike?" Elsa asked curiously.

"Aren't the girls usually here around this time to see me?"

Geki and Elsa looked at each other, before answering, "Yes."

"And dad the football game's almost on, weren't you looking forward to it all last week?"

Geki's eyes widened, "Spike, you remember the football game?"

"Of course."

Elsa approached, "Spike, I know this may sound weird, but what's my favorite apron to wear when cooking?"

"The blue one with the words Best Mom on it. I got it for your birthday."

Hearing those words, Elsa and Geki started shedding tears of joy, "Son!" they embraced him.

"Whoa, hey-hey, what's going on?" Spike asked, as he got them off.

"Spike, you fell from a tree in Canterlot park and lost your memories." Geki explained.

"What?" he gasped.

"That was a few days ago. You couldn't remember us or anything." Elsa added.

"How could I forget you, you're my parents?"

Elsa smiled, "You have no idea how happy we are to hear that."

"Well, this is big news. I better call the girls." Spike said.

"Wait a minute," Geki stopped him, "I think you should really surprise them.

"How?" Spike asked, until his father smirked.

Sometime later, the girls met up outside Spike's place, "You got the call too?" Fluttershy asked the girls.

"Yeah. Mr. Drake called me." Rainbow confirmed.

"He said we really needed to see Spike." Twilight said.

"Oh, I hope he hasn't gotten worse." Rarity said in worry.

"Don't even say it." Applejack told her.

"Let's go in." Pinkie said, as they knocked on the door, and Elsa answered.

"Oh, thank goodness you made it." Elsa said in relief.

"What is it, Mrs. Drake?" Twilight asked.

"Is Spike all right?" Rainbow asked in worry.

"Come in." Elsa showed them in and they went to the living room.

"Well, how is he?" Applejack asked.

"Geki, bring him in." Elsa called.

The girls watched as Geki walked in with Spike. The girls were concerned, as Geki spoke, "Girls, Spike wants to ask you something."

"What is it, darling?" Rarity asked, as the girls listened.

Spike approached and spoke up, "Girls... Can I have the usual?" he asked with a smile.

Upon hearing that request the girls started smiling with joy knowing what that meant, "SPIKE!" they raced over and hugged him.

"You're back! You're back-you're back-you're back!" Pinki cried as she nuzzled his face.

"Yes. I'm back. Though I have no idea where I've been." Spike admitted.

"Oh, Spike. It felt like we lost you." Fluttershy told him.

"Hey, you can't get rid of me that easily." he smiled.

"Welcome back, partner." Applejack patted his shoulder.

"We knew you couldn't stay away forever." Rainbow added.

"Thanks girls. By the way did I do anything stupid when I didn't have my memories?" Spike inquired.

The girls looked sheepish, especially Rainbow, Twilight, and A.J with how they opened up, "No." they answered not wanting him or each other to know.

"Good." Spike smiled.

"This calls for a party!" Pinkie cheered.

"Awesome, I'll call up the boys. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear about my memories back as well." Spike added.

And so they did what they said, they held a party for Spike's returned memories, and everyone was overjoyed to see their pal remembered everything. Of course Twilight knew he didn't remember the kiss he gave her earlier, but as long as he remembered the kiss they shared on his birthday it didn't matter.

Soon everyone was going home, and all that was left was Rainbow Dash who stuck around, "Spike, I want to apologize what happened to you."

"Don't worry, Rainbow. My parents already told me and I forgive you."

"You do?" she gasped feeling like she was having the same conversation as before.

"Yes. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't forgive?"

"Oh, Spike. Thank you. And I'm glad you remember," she smiled, and cupped his face, "Now come here. I want to give you this." she pulled Spike into a kiss. Spike was shocked at first, until he accepted it and returned it.

When the two parted, Rainbow had a faint blush, while Spike's blush was clearer, "I'm definitely never going to forget that." he joked.

Rainbow giggled, "Neither will I." the two hugged, before Rainbow headed home.

Spike went back inside and thought to himself, 'Thanks girls, for not giving up on me.'