• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,364 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

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Power Princesses Show

Last time, Spike and the ladies were ecstatic to attend Comic Con while cosplaying as the Power Princesses and Humdrum. When they arrived they behaved like normal comic fanatics, until they were approached by the convention manager who had big plans for them.

The Manager brought the group into the room, and had just explained to them his proposition, "WHAT?!" the girls gasped, as Spike stammered in shock.

"You-you want us to help put on the Power Princess Live performance?"

"Yes. The performers we hired are stuck in traffic and it doesn't look like they'll get here in time," the manager explained, "I don't want to disappoint the fans by postponing the show or canceling it all together. I watched your little performance back there, and your acting is just what the play needs."

"Well, I don't know." Twilight trailed off.

"We weren't exactly planning on being part of a show." Applejack added.

"Are you two nuts?!" Rainbow called, "This is our chance to perform in front of a crowd of comic fans! Isn't that what you've always wanted?"

"Not on the top of my list, no." Twilight answered.

"Well, I'm game!" Pinkie beamed.

"I'd never miss out on an opportunity to perform before a widespread of fans." Rarity added, as she stood proud.

"I don't know about this." Fluttershy quivered at the idea.

"Girls," Spike began as he looked at Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy with soulful eyes, "It wouldn't be the same if you three didn't help us. And this is for all of Comic Con. Won't you please join in the fun?" he put all he had into his cute puppy eyes, which started getting to the three.

Fluttershy unable to resist spoke up, "I'll do it for you, Spike!"

"Aw shucks, ya got me, sugarcube." Applejack gave in with a smile.

Twilight spoke, "Ok, Spike. We'll all help."

"Yes!" Spike cheered as he hugged the three.

"Excellent." The manager said, until the door opened and stepping into the room was a woman wearing part of a costume of the Maneiac, "Ah just in time. Everyone this is Ms. Mary Meghan actress for the Maneiac."

Mary spoke, "Nice to meet you all," she looked to the manager, "So is the play canceled?"

"Not yet. I have with me the replacements for the performance."

Mary looked at the seven with skepticism, "But, sir, these are just kids."

"Hey!" Rainbow scowled.

"I know this is a big performance, Mary, but I got a feeling these kids will give the fans a performance they will never forget. But they'll need your guidance since you will be performing with them."

"I understand, sir. Do you think you guys can memorize the lines and performances in two hours?" Mary asked the seven.

"In my sleep." Rainbow boasted.

"We can try our hardest." Twilight answered.

"Then we've got work to do." Mary said with a smirk.

For an hour and a half Spike and the girls were going over the lines of the characters they were, while also acting it out with Mary as she performed as the Maneiac. Though there were some errors what with Fluttershy nervous about messing up her lines or coming in late or too early on her cue, Rainbow hogging the spotlight, Rarity being too dramatic, and Pinkie acting too excited for her own good.

Finally they had done their final practice performance for the manager who clapped, "Yes! That was perfect! You are all ready. Don't you think so, Mary?"

Mary looked at them still bearing a look of skepticism, until she smiles, "Yes. I believe they are." the group smiled, upon hearing her words.

"Yes!" they cheered.

"We got a half an hour until the show starts up. You all better get yourselves prepared." the manager suggested, as they went to set the stage up.

As the group was setting up backstage, Fluttershy spoke, "Oh, I'm so nervous I got butterflies in my stomach."

"Really?" Pinkie asked, "Butterflies can't be good to eat."

"It's an expression." Twilight said dryly.

"Come on, girls. We'll do fine," Spike spoke up, "Remember we're a team, and as long as we stick together on this and do our best then there's nothing we can't accomplish."

"Ya took the words right out of my mouth, Spike." Applejack said feeling proud.

"You're our little motivational speaker." Rarity hugged him.

Rainbow looked through the curtain and could see the room was filling up with just about every attendant at Comic Con, "It's an open house, you guys."

"All right, then let's do it." Spike said, as they got into position.

The manager walked on stage, and spoke into a mic, "Hello, everyone and welcome to the Power Princesses show!" the fans cheered, "I hope you're all excited for today's performance. I know I sure am. Now then let's give a big warm welcome for our stars. First off bring in that quick smart and tactical planning leader of the team, Masked Matter-Horn!"

"Yes, sir!" came Twilight's voice, as she came on stage from behind the curtain and stuck a pose for the fans to take pictures of.

In the crowd of fans Trixie seeing and recognizing Twilight was shocked, "What?!"

When Twilight stirred the fans excitement, the manager called, "Beautiful, beautiful, now bring me that accelerating girl and fun lover, Fili-Second!"

"Yes, sir!" Pinkie cried, as she popped out from the curtain and ran around pretending to be her character. The fans applauded, while once again Trixie confused.

"Fine, fine. And bring me that beautiful girl with a flare for style, Radiance!"

"Yes, sir!" Rarity stepped out and strutted around on stage, causing the fanboys to hoot and howl. Backstage, Spike's eyes twitched at the boys reactions to seeing Rarity.

The manager continued, "Wonderful. Now bring me that girl with a beast inside, Saddle Rager!"

"Yes, sir!" Fluttershy said in her best loud voice which still sounded like a squeak. They watched her walk on stage looking a bit timid, but not so timid she wanted to run and hide.

"Isn't she cute?" the manager asked, "Alright! Now bring in that girl who's a force of nature, Zapp!"

"Yes, sir!" Rainbow Dash called, as she ran on stage showing off and posing making sure all the fanboys got to see her good side.

"Awesome!" The manager announced, "And now bring me that quick-draw girl herself, Mistress Mare-velous!"

"Yes, sir!" Applejack called, as she jumped out from back stage and showed off with her lasso, as the fans cheered.

When the hyped for her died down, the manager announced, "And now finally bring me out that daring boy of wonder, Humdrum!"

"Yes, sir!" Spike called, as he ran on stage and posed around, causing the fangirls to swoon and applaud.

In the crowd, Trixie was slack jawed, and thought, 'How is this possible? It should be me up there!'

Also in the crowd were Jet Stream, Nova Blast, Star Storm, and Stone Edge, who were also lost for words, "I didn't know they were professional actors." Nova said.

"Are ya daft, man?!" Jet asked in irritation.

"He's right. Maybe they're just filling in. I mean Spike would've told us about this." Stone said.

"And here they are you're beloved Heroes, the Power Princesses and Humdrum!" The manager announced, "You seven are needed. For the fate of Maretropolis rests in your hands." he told the group.

"What is it, sir?" Twilight asked, as she got int character.

"I'm afraid the Maneiac has stolen the rare Lidium diamond from the Maretropolis Museum, and intends to use it to power her doomsday weapon!" he announced.

"What kind of doomsday weapon?" Fluttershy asked as she played the part of her character, which was no different from her usual demeanor.

"Well, I'll enlighten you!" came a loud voice, as the lights dimmed and more colorful lights flashed as Mary walked on stage from the right dressed as the Maneiac with smokescreen filling the floor.

"The Maneiac!" Spike called, as the fans gave some mixed cheers for the villain's appearance and boos because she was the villain.

"What's your game this time, Maneiac?" Applejack demanded.

"Well Mistress Mare-velous, I will use the diamond to power my new weapon which will make everyone's hair in Maretropolis grow and grow until the city's a big hairy jungle!" she laughed manically, "And that's only the first part. Afterward I plan to have them all come to me to get their hair trimmed back for a very hefty price!"

"Come on!" Pinkie called for a flaw, "Nobody's gonna come get their hair done from you, when they can go to all the other places in the city."

"Oh, they'll come to me. They'll have to," Maneiac responded, "For I have also captured all of the cities greatest hairdressers and barbers leaving them with no other option but to come to me." she smirked.

"We won't let you get away with this!" Twilight called.

"You're welcome to try and stop me, but you're going to have to get past my minions!" Maneiac declared, as more actors dressed at the Maneiacs minions appeared on stage looking ready to fight, "Have fun, girls!" Maneiac mocked, as she backed away off stage.

Spike spoke, "Come on!"

The fans watched as the seven fought the Maneiac's henchmen, and with the use of special affects for Zapp, Radiance, and Masked-Matterhorn's abilities were wowing everyone in the audience. After the henchmen were defeated and fled backstage the group stood proud.

"That's all the henchmen." Applejack said.

"Come on, we have to stop the Maneiac!" Twilight announced, as the group hurried offstage as the room went dark. When the lights came back on the stage set up looked like the streets of a city. The group walked back on stage as if they were looking around, "The Maneiac's lair is just up ahead." Twilight continued.

"Then let's go storm her place!" Rainbow said, while in character and herself.

"Hold it, Zapp!" Spike stopped her.

"You know we can't just go barging in." he said.

"Humdrum is right," Twilight agreed, "Every time we try that we just end up giving ourselves away."

"So what's the plan?" Pinkie asked.

"We sneak in and take her by surprise." their leader explained.

"Good thinking." Spike agreed.

"I'm with her." Rarity added.

"Um, we may be the ones in for a surprise." Fluttershy gasped, as they saw a few more actors wearing costumes that looked like giant bushes of hair.

"That's new." Applejack said acting shocked.

The manager spoke, "Uh-oh, our heroes are facing off against the Maneiacs newest henchmen, 'The Hair Mongers'!"

"Let's go!" Spike ordered, as they pretended to fight the new henchmen, as the fans watched in excitement.

In the crowd Star whispered to his friends, "They're all fabulous. Especially Spike. I'm actually feeling a little aroused by his performance." The other three felt disturbed but knew that was direction Star swung in.

As the group continued to play fight with the other actors, one of them restrained Spike from behind, "Hey, let go! Girls, help!" he called.

"Humdrum!" the six cried.

Fluttershy knew this was her big moment called out, "Leave him alone!" she activated her costumes inflatable muscles to make herself look buffer. The fans cheered at the affects of the girl suddenly looking muscular.

Fluttershy getting into her monster Saddle Rager persona play attacked the one minion causing Spike to be freed, "Thanks, Saddle Rager." Spike thanked her, as they took the fight back to the minions until they were defeated.

"We got them!" Rainbow cheered.

"Perfecto!" Pinkie jumped up.

"Humdrum, are you ok?" Rarity asked, as the girls surrounded Spike.

"Don't worry. I'm all right." Spike answered.

"Thank goodness. If anything were to happen to you..." Twilight began.

"I know you're all worried about me, but I'm fine, really," Spike began getting into character, "The reason you girls trained me to fight was so that I could help you in protecting this city. It's my home and I'd hate to think of anything happening to it. So whatever happens when we get to the Maneiac's lair, we'll go down fighting together!"

The girls smiled, as Twilight spoke, "Right. Come on team!" they hurried offstage as the scene changed again to the inside of the Maneiac's lair.

The Maneiac was standing before a laser-like machine, as he minions were busy working, "The time has come. Soon this whole city will be a giant hairball!" she laughed.

"Not if we can help it!" Came Pinkie's voice, as the group came on stage looking ready for battle.

"Game's over, Maneiac!" Rainbow declared.

"You're too late Power Princesses. The day and the future belongs to me!" Maneiac reached to activate the control.

"Guess again, Maneiac!" Applejack threw one of her plastic horseshoe weapons at Maneiac's leg, and Mary pretended it had tripped her up.

"Destroy that machine!" Twilight ordered, as they ran to the machine only for Maneiac to get up and block them.

"I won't let you ruin my plans this time. Attack!" she ordered her minions as another fight began between both sides, but this time the Maneiac was added to the mix.

As the girls fought the minions, Spike pretended to sneak past them and got to the machine, "I need to set this to self destruct." suddenly Maneiac appeared before him, and grabbed him.

"So sorry, Humdrum, but I cannot allow you to spoil my fun when I'm just about to conquer this city." she laughed.

Spike pretended to struggle to break free, as the girls watched, and pretended to be worried, "Humdrum!"

"Hang on, we're coming!" Rainbow called, as she and the others pretended to struggle through the minions.

"You can't help your fried now!" one of them minions mocked them.

Spike pretended to struggle, as he prepared his next part, "Sorry, Maneiac, but you got some bangs that need braiding!" he grabbed two of the Maneiacs long hair pieces and tied them around her eyes like a blindfold.

"I can't see!" she pretended to struggle, as Spike pretended to trip her again and she fell flat.

"Now to get rid of this thing." Spike pretended to set the machine to self destruct and an alarm sounded with a voice speaking.

"Self destruct in ten, nine..."

"We need to get out of here!" A minion called, as the rest exited offstage.

"Come on!" Twilight called, as they ran before it until an explosion sound affect was heard as the room went dark.

When the light came back on, the heroes appeared outside the lair, with the Maneiac and her minions all tied up. Maneiac announced, "Curse you, Power Princesses!"

"We did it!" Rarity cheered.

"We won!" Pinkie called.

"All right!" Rainbow and Applejack high fived, as Spike pumped a fist up.

The Manager spoke into the mic, "And so once again the Power Princesses and Humdrum have triumphed over the Maneiac and made Maretropolis safe once again!"

Spike spoke to his friends, "We did it together girls. Just like the team we are. I-I love you all!"

"We love you too, Humdrum!" the six cheered as they embraced him, and each kissed him.

This display caused the fans to holler and cheer, while the manager looked shocked, "That isn't part of the script... But that is a nice touch." he smiled.

Watching from the back of the room was the writer Adrock, who smiled having witnessed the whole show and the display of affection at the end. He smiled seeing the boy was speaking the truth about his relationship with his six friends, "That sure brings back memories." he took out a picture form his wallet of himself when he was Spike's age along with six beautiful girls who were hugging him.

At the end of the show, Spike, the girls, and Mary were sitting at a long desk signing autographs for the fans and getting pictures taken with them. Many of the fanboys wanted the girls autographs, while the fangirls were lining up for Spike's autograph.

Trixie walked up and spoke, "Spike you were wonderful! Better than even me."

"Really? That's a lot coming from you, Trixie." Spike signed an autograph for her.

"What can I say? The Great and Powerful Trixie knows when one has performed better than her." she said. Spike smiled and handed her the autograph. Trixie kissed it, and left.

Once the hype died down, the group stood before the manager who spoke, "Thank you all. This wouldn't have been possible without your help."

"No problem, sir." Applejack replied.

"Would you consider coming on tour with us?" he offered.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Twilight turned down the offer.

"Yeah. We belong here." Spike added.

"I understand. Well, if you're here again next year and our performers are unavailable I'd love it if you'd help out again."

"We'll keep it in mind." Rainbow answered.

"Come on, everyone." Rarity said, as the group walked off to get back to enjoying the convention themselves.

The seven roamed around the rest of the convention revisiting places they've already been too, before they stopped to rest before Spike spoke

"This was a great Con trip, huh, girls?"

"It was a great idea to come down here, Spike." Twilight said.

"But who would've guessed we'd end up putting on a live show?" Applejack asked.

"Not me." Fluttershy answered.

"Still, we did do good, didn't we?" Pinkie asked.

"We sure did." Rainbow agreed.

"We were fantastic." Rarity smiled.

"That's for sure," Spike nodded, "Thanks again for coming to this place with me."

"Of course, Spike." Twilight smiled.

"What should we cosplay as next year?" Rarity asked.

"Ooh, let's cosplay as sexy cat girl aliens, and Spike can cosplay as a dog boy alien." Pinkie suggested.

Fluttershy hearing that idea started blushing at the idea of Spike cosplaying as a dog boy alien, "That would be nice."

"We'll see." Spike replied with a chuckle, and the rest started laughing along with him.