• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Pet Service and Shopping

Sunday morning, Spike woke up and looked around seeing no sign of Rainbow Dash making him relieved she wasn't going to pull another wake up call like she did yesterday morning. He got out of bed, showered, changed, and had a quick breakfast. Remembering he promised to help Fluttershy at the animal shelter this morning, he knew he had to get there.

He walked for the front door and saw his dad; Geki in his favorite armchair watching a morning football game, "Hey, son. Where are you off to this morning?"

"Hey, dad. I'm going to the animal shelter to help Fluttershy out."

"Well, have fun there. And try not to get yourself mauled by any of the critters." his dad joked.

"Har-har." Spike responded dryly, before going outside.

He went around back and wheeled his bike out front. He climbed on and started peddling down his block.

"Spike, wait up!" Fluttershy's voice called, as Spike looked back and saw Fluttershy cycling up at his side.

"Good morning, Fluttershy." he greeted her.

"Good morning, Spike."

"I was just on my way to the animal shelter. I would've thought you'd be there already." Spike explained, as they turned a corner.

"While normally I go over there early, I felt like riding there with you." Fluttershy explained.

"Glad you did. It feels good to be cycling with someone at my side." he admitted, as Fluttershy smiled at him.

When the two arrived in town, they pulled up outside Canterlot's animal shelter. Fluttershy using her key, unlocked the door allowing them entry. She turned on the light, and spoke, "Here we are."

"Is it just us today?" Spike inquired.

"I'm afraid so. Some of the workers called in sick or are out of town for the weekend." she answered.

"Bummer. Well, I'll still help you out as much as I can." Spike said.

"Thank you, Spike."

"So where to get get started?"

"First thing to do is to feed the little ones." she answered.

"Then let's get started." Spike said, as the two got right to work.

Fluttershy was feeding some of the puppies and the kitties, while Spike was feeding some piglets their slop, "Ooh, you just love your foody don't you?" Spike asked the pigs.

Fluttershy came over, "Everything ok, Spike?"

"Couldn't be better. These guys are eating it all down." Spike answered.

"That's good. Come on, next we need to clean the cages and pens." Fluttershy instructed.

"Right." Spike said, while feeling he wasn't going to enjoy it.

And right he was, for when he was cleaning out some of the dogs cages and replacing the sheets he was gagging at how much dog smell was embedded in them. He ran to a window and stuck his head out, "Oh, thank God fresh air!"

Fluttershy giggled, "Don't worry after awhile you'd get used to it."

"How long did it take you when you first started here?"

"About a few days."

"Good for you."

They heard the bell ring as they saw a pizza delivery boy enter, "Oh, I hope you don't mind but I ordered us some pizza."

"No trouble at all, I was getting hungry." Spike admitted, as Fluttershy paid for their pizza.

The girl brought it over to the lounge, and the two teens started chowing down. As they ate, Fluttershy spoke, "So how was your day yesterday with Rainbow and Pinkie?"

"Oh, it was great. The Daring Do movie was awesome, and Rainbow told off two losers who were making it harder for others to watch it." he began.

"I hope she didn't get kicked out because of that." Fluttershy said in worry.

"She didn't, but it was so funny seeing those guy look like they soiled themselves from Rainbow's warning." Spike chuckled, before eating another slice.

"And how was baking with Pinkie?" she asked.

"Also great. We had some cake afterward, but Pinkie being Pinkie got me into having a icing shoot off with her. We were such a mess after that." he laughed.

Fluttershy giggled, before speaking again, "Spike, have you had any dreams lately?"


"Yeah, like any funny ones?"

"Well, now that you mention I had one two days ago."

"Ooh, what was it about?" Fluttershy asked, as she scooted closer to him.

"Well, get this I was on the back of a dragon flying through the sky above the city." he explained.

"Oh, my." she gasped.

"Yeah, it felt so awesome and real," Spike chuckled, "He flew me all across the city and beyond to show me all of the world. A whole vacation in one night."

"Sounds like you had a good dream."

"Got that right," Spike nodded, "What about you, did you have any as of late?"

"Actually, yes. And you were in it."

"I was?" he asked, feeling curious.

"Yes, but you weren't quite you in it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you weren't human. You were a dog."

"A dog, seriously?" Spike asked incredulously.

"I know, but it's how you were."

"How did I look as a dog?"

"You were so cute. Your coat was purple, and you had the most adorable green floppy ears." she cooed.

"You don't say?" he asked, trying to envision himself like that.

"Yes. I just held you in my arms like a newborn," she mimed herself doing said description, "And every time you liked my face it just tickled."

Spike nodded, while unaware of Fluttershy scooting closer to him until they were right next to each other, "You really loved the way I doted over you, especially when I scratched behind your ears like this." she started scratching behind Spike's left ear.

"Hey," Spike began to protest, but suddenly he started loosening up as Fluttershy continued to scratch behind his head, "Oh, hey, that feels really good." he moaned in relaxation.

"And when I started rubbing your belly you started rubbing your head against me." She continued as she rubbed his belly a bit, while still not stopping with the ear scratching.

Spike was truly enjoying this feeling, until his rational side snapped him out of it while at the same time Fluttershy realized what she was doing. The two fell out of their chairs before looking at each other, "Oh my gosh, what was I doing? Spike, I am so sorry about that!" Fluttershy apologized frantically.

"I'm sorry too, I was so caught up in how good that I felt-I..." Spike and Fluttershy stared at each other for a moment, before they burst into laughter.

They got back on their feet while recovering from the laughter, "We are so weird." Fluttershy giggled.

"I know, but I say it's better to be weird than to be boring." Spike explained.

"I sure wouldn't want to be boring." Fluttershy noted.

"Who would?"

It was pushing around afternoon, and Fluttershy spoke, "Thanks for helping me today, Spike. But I think I can handle the rest myself."

"Are you sure?" Spike asked.

"Yes. I'm expecting more help today, so you shouldn't worry."

"If you say so." Spike said, and was suddenly embraced by Fluttershy.

"Thanks again for coming and helping me out today, Spike."

"Glad I could help." he answered, while enjoying the hug.

Fluttershy lifted her head to look Spike in the eyes, before giving him a peck on the nose making him blush. Fluttershy giggled at his reaction, and spoke, "See you later."

"Bye." Spike hurried off.

He exited the animal shelter and got his bike ready, until Twilight rode up on her own bike, "Spike!"

"Twilight, I was just about to ride over to your place."

"Yeah, well I figured I'd come and get you here. So you ready to do some shopping?"

"You bet." Spike said, as he got on his bike, and the two rode off, while Fluttershy watched them leave.

"Oh, Spike. You're about as cute as a bunny, hamster, and puppy combined." she said, while still envisioning Spike as a puppy she could hug and pet.

Meanwhile Spike and Twilight were at the store getting some shopping done. As Twilight said, she was getting some new notebooks from school. Spike watched as she filled up a whole shopping cart with about fifteen to twenty of them.

"Jeez, Twilight, you think you got enough for the whole school year?" Spike joked.

"With the classes I'm taking and the notes to make you'd be surprised. Plus it was a sale." she explained.

"Can't pass up a sale," Spike chuckled, as he looked around before spotting the magazine rack, "Hey! I was looking for this issue." he grabbed a Power Princesses comic.

"Well, just put it in the cart." Twilight said.

"Twilight, I can pay for this, really."

"I insist, after all what're friends for?" Twilight asked.

Spike smiled, "Thanks, Twi." Twilight smiled back as they continued their shopping.

When they got everything, they got back on their bikes with Twilight putting her bags in a bike basket before they rode off to a fast food take out. They were sitting at one of the table's outside, while enjoying their food. Spike took a bite out of his burger, while Twilight had some of her chicken nuggets, "You would not believe how dirty an animal cage can really get." Spike explained, recalling the work he did with Fluttershy.

"I can only imagine." Twilight chuckled.

"Still spending the day with you and Fluttershy today was good, same as the days I spent with Applejack, Rainbow, and Pinkie."

"We're glad you love spending time with us just as much as we love spending with you." Twilight smiled.

"Thanks, I sometimes worry if I'm ever cramping any of your styles by being near you when I'm at your school."

"Why would you ever think that?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Well, I am an eighth grader and you girls are high school juniors."

"Spike, we've talked about this before. Our grade level does not make either of us superior or inferior to want to be with one another." she reasoned with him.

"You're right, guess I just worry too much that something's going to happen to us."

Twilight smiled, and lifted his chin up to face her, "Nothing will ever happen between all, Spike. We're friends, and we always will be."

"Yeah." Spike smiled back.

Twilight ruffled his head playfully, "Come on, let's head home."

As evening was approaching, Spike and Twilight rode their bikes back onto their block. They pulled up outside their houses, and got off their bikes, "Well, I'll see you around, Twilight."

"Yeah, Spike," Twilight said, as she hugged him, and he hugged her back, "Thanks again for joining me today."

"You always did think of me as your number one assistant." Spike joked.

"Yeah." Twilight pecked him on the cheek, smiled, and rolled her bike next door.

Spike smiled, and took his bike to his backyard before going inside. When he entered, he saw his father Geki and mother Elsa in the living room, with Geki reading the paper, and Elsa reading a book, "I'm home!"

"Hi, Spike. How was your day?" Elsa asked her son.

"Very good. How were things here?"

"I managed to build seven birdhouses under half an hour. You can tell your friend Fluttershy if she needs some extras at her place she can take mine."

"I'll keep that in mind." Spike answered.

"Dinner will be ready in ten." Elsa noted.

"Ok, mom." Spike said as he went to his room.

He plopped onto his bed and looked at his Power Princesses comic book he got today feeling eager to read it. Before he could open it, he got a text and checked to see. He saw it was from Rarity leaving him a message, 'Spike, I hope you had fun today with Fluttershy and Twilight. But I was wondering tomorrow after school you'd like to join me for a soda. After all when was the last time you and I had some quality time alone?'

Spike pondered on this, and felt he did owe Rarity for helping him settle the dispute between the others over fighting for him to join them. He smiled and texted her back, 'Sure, Rarity. That'd be neat.'

Soon enough he got a message back revealing a happy emoticon and her message, 'Oh, thank you so much, Spike. I'll see you then.' Spike smiled and heard his mom call him for dinner, so he left his room to go and eat.

Meanwhile at Rarity's place, the fashion girl put her cellphone down and smiled from Spike's answer. She reached over to her dressed and grabbed a picture in a frame. It was of her and Spike when they were little kids. Rarity was holding Spike close, as he sat on her lap. Rarity rested her head on top of Spike's, while Spike rested his head into her neck.

Rarity looked to her bedroom door hearing no sound of anyone coming, and kissed the picture. She held the picture close to her and whispered, "Spikey-Wikey."