• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

A Dazzling Day

One Saturday afternoon, Spike was in his room lying on his bed while reading a comic book. His dad peeked into his room, "Spike?"

Spike turned his head to look at his father, "Hey, dad."

"Well, this is a surprise," Geki began, "Normally you'd be out with the girls on a Saturday afternoon."

"Should be, but can't," Spike answered, "Twilight's with Principal Celestia discussing some important matter, don't know what it is though. Rainbow Dash is at a basketball game, Rarity's working on some new designer outfits, Applejack's helping her family in dealing with a worm infestation, Pinkie's working overtime at Sugarcube Corner, and Fluttershy's pet sitting for a friend."

"What a shame, but what about your pals from school?"

"Featherweight's busy looking for some new stuff to put in our school paper, Pipsqueak's loaded up on housework, and Snips and Snails are grounded."

"Grounded for what?" Geki asked.

"They got caught playing ding-dong-ditch by Old man Cranky Doodle."

Geki rolled his eyes, "Why do you hang out with those two?"

"They're good for a laugh." Spike answered.

"So this is your whole Saturday, lying down and reading comic books?" his dad asked rhetorically.

"No. I'm trying to think of something to do." Spike admitted.

"Well, I don't think the answer will come to you if you stay cooped up in here," Geki stated, "If you wanna think of something to do then get out there and find something."

"Will that work?" Spike asked as he sat up.

"It's better than laying around."

"Hmm," Spike pondered, "Ok, I'll do that."

"That's my son, now get out there."

Spike nodded before grabbing his skateboard, wallet, and cellphone, before leaving the house and boarded off in search of something to do.

As he skateboarded around he grabbed the back of a pick-up truck that carried him along on his skateboard. As he held on he sang a song to himself while looking all around town.

Finally when the truck made a turn, Spike let go and rolled forward before grabbing onto the back of a jeep that carried him along like the truck did. Eventually the driver looked back and saw Spike holding onto the back of his jeep. Spike waved casually at him, while the driver rolled his eyes, and continued to drive. Eventually Spike let go and decided to roll on his own.

He rolled onto the sidewalk and into the park. As he rolled down the road of the walk, he looked and suddenly saw the three Dazzlings from the cafe Rising Sun. He pulled to a halt right before them.

"Well, well, what a surprise, huh, girls?" Adagio asked her friends, who nodded in agreement.

"I remember you three," Spike began, "Adagio, Aria, and Sonata."

"That's right." Sonata nodded.

"Been a long time since we last saw you." Aria noted.

"Yeah, not since you and my friends tried to take my arms off." Spike reminded them.

"Once again, we apologize for our behavior." Adagio replied.

"And I've forgiven you three."

Aria looked around, "So where are those girls you were with last time?"

"Not with me, I'm afraid. They got their own stuff going on today."

"You mean you're by yourself?" Sonata asked curiously, while Adagio and Aria were smiling with delight.

"Pretty much. I came out here looking for something to do."

The Dazzling's smiles brightened, as Adagio spoke, "Is that so? Well, that's quite a coincidence. The girls and I were looking for something to do ourselves."

"Really?" Spike asked, and they nodded.

"Why don't we hang out together? You know as a chance to get to know each other more." Aria offered, as Adagio and Sonata gave him puppy eyes.

Spike looked at the two seeing this was a much better approach to invite him than last time, and the fact he was looking for something to do answered, "Well, all right."

"Yeah!" the three cheered.

"So what should we do?" Spike inquired.

"Why don't we break for lunch?" Sonata suggested.

"Sounds great." Spike replied.

"Yes, and I got just the place." Sonata said in excitement, while Adagio and Aria rolled their eyes.

Later on, the four were in a cafe booth having tacos. Spike ate his casually, while Adagio and Aria at theirs slowly, Sonata however was gobbling hers down before moving onto another.

"You sure love your tacos, Sonata." Spike said, seeing how much she can eat.

"They're to die for." Sonata sighed in delight.

"Careful, Sonata, don't want to ruin your girlish figure." Aria teased.

"Oh, shut up, Aria." Sonata said, after swallowing.

Spike decided to speak up, "So, had any good shows at local restaurants as of late?"

"We sure have," Adagio answered, "The customers just can't get enough of us."

"And the bigger audiences we attract the bigger our pay is." Aria added.

"Sounds sweet." Spike admitted.

"It is." Sonata confirmed.

"What about you, have you had anything good happen to you since we last met?" Adagio asked.

"Well, awhile ago I did host a wild party at my place. Too bad you three weren't there. I'm sure you would've loved it."

"I think we would." Adagio answered.

"Because we love wild parties." Aria added.

"And about a week ago I lost my memories and couldn't remember anyone."

"Oh, my goodness." Adagio gasped.

"How'd you recover?" Sonata asked.

"By locating my memories." he answered.

The girls weren't exactly sure how to respond to that. When they finished their tacos, Sonata spoke up, "That was delicious!"

"Well, now that we've had our fill, let's do something else." Adagio suggested.

"Yeah!" Aria and Sonata agreed, while Spike was curious.

Later on they were at the malls clothing store trying out clothes. Each of them were checking out which outfits. Sonata held up a top, "Ooh, don't you think this would look great on me?"

"Great on you?" Aria asked, "It would look the worst."

"Oh, yeah, well if it was on you it'd be worser." Sonata replied.

"That's not even a word." Aria retorted.

"Yes it is." Sonata argued.

"No it isn't."

Spike watched the two argue, until Adagio spoke up, "Don't mind them, they're just idiots."

"Hey!" the two called.

Spike spoke, "Let me ask you something."

"Shoot." Adagio said.

"Are you three really friends?"

The three were taken aback by his unexpected question, until Adagio spoke up, "Of course. Despite how these two argue, and me occasionally calling them idiots, we're still close. Back then when we first met we were just three average girls who could sing well. But when we joined in harmony we become the perfect singing trio."

"Well, after that one show I saw I can believe it," Spike replied, "Do three intend on going professional with that?"

"It's a possibility." Aria admitted.

"But we're also making sure to keep other options opened." Adagio added.

"But for now we're working with what we got." Sonata finished.

"Anything you have planned for the future?" Adagio wondered.

"Well, the truth is I don't know what I really want to be yet. So right now I'm having fun." Spike answered.

"Enjoy the fun while you can because come adulthood things are only gonna get harder." Aria warned him.

"Oh, Aria, don't bring down the mood." Sonata complained.

"Sonata's right, which is surprising," Adagio agreed, "Come on, let's continue to live it up for the day."

"Right." Spike, Sonata, and Aria agreed.

So the three continued to have a day out, from walking through the park, skipping rocks, getting ice cream, even doing karaoke.

Afterward, the three brought Spike back to their apartment to rest up. Spike looked around seeing it had plenty space, three bedrooms for each, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

"Welcome to what we call the Siren's Den." Adagio welcomed him.

"Siren's Den?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, because our voices are like the lure of the siren's song." Aria explained, as Sonata finished.

"Never what it seems to be, yet who among us can resist?" she giggled.

Spike was taken by her words, "How do you come up with that stuff?"

"Comes to me naturally." Sonata grinned.

"So you three live together?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. It's not easy, but we manage." Aria said.

"And we each do our part in pulling the weight around here," Adagio added, "We make sure each of us gets a particular task from cleaning, cooking, shopping, and all the other household tasks."

"But sometimes, Aria likes to shake her responsibilities on us," Sonata put in, "Namely me."

"I do not!" Aria argued.

"Do too!" Sonata retorted.

"Girls!" Adagio silenced them.

"Sorry." they apologized.

"Why don't you get comfortable, we'll be with you in a moment." Adagio suggested.

"Uh, ok." Spike said, as he kicked back on the couch in front of the TV, as the trio went for their rooms.

As Spike relaxed, he thought to himself, 'You know, these girls aren't all that bad. A little unorthodox and shaky, but they're still good. Maybe if they had friends like me and the girls they'd be better people to themselves and each other.'


"Yeah, what's..." Spike turned to see the girls, and let out an exasperated gasp.

There stood Adagio, Aria, and Sonata in seductive swimwear that showed off their luscious figures, "Well, that's one way to react." Sonata giggled.

"Girls, why're the three of you in swimwear indoors?" Spike asked, with wide eyes.

"Well, it's Fall outside so we can't exactly go out there like this." Aria answered bluntly.

"That's not quite what I meant." the boy replied, still feeling drawn to their beauty.

"Sorry to startle you with this," Adagio spoke, "But sometimes we like to wear these indoors during the Fall or Winter with the heat up so we feel like it's Summer indoors," as she spoke, she was unaware of Aria sneaking up behind her, and undid her bikini top. Adagio's top started falling and almost exposed her assets, had she not quickly caught it by holding it to her chest. Sonata and Aria giggled, as Aria held her hands over her mouth to suppress her giggle, "Aria!" Adagio said, before looking back at Spike with a laugh.

Spike's reaction was a dropped open jaw and bug eyes, and thought, 'They're doing this on purpose. I know it.'

"Spike?" Adagio asked.

Spike snapped out of this thoughts, "Yes?" he asked, while trying not to look at her chest being covered by her hands.

"Could you help redo this for me?"

"What?!" he gasped, "Why not have Aria or Sonata do it?"

"I don't trust them enough for this, especially with you here. So please?" she pleaded.

Spike ignoring any and all perverted thoughts that were running through his mind got up and went behind Adagio to redo her top. As he started, Aria whispered to him, "You know, she really wanted you to see them." he blushed some more.

"Aria!" Adagio scolded her.

"Well, you did." Aria retorted.

"Uh-huh." Sonata agreed.

"Don't listen." Adagio told Spike.

Spike had just finished, "There, that should do it."

Adagio slowly put her hands down and saw her top remained in place, "Oh, thank you." Adagio turned around and pecked him on the cheek, further increasing his blush.

"Come on, let's see what's on TV." Sonata said, as they started checking channels while sitting down with Spike on the couch.

Soon they were watching some sitcom reruns, along with munching from bowls of chips. As they watched the shows, they laughed at the funny parts, "Oh, that's funny." Spike chuckled, before he groaned.

"What's wrong, Spike?" Adagio asked in concern.

"Just a little twinge in my shoulder just now. No big."

"Well, we can't have that," Aria said, as she got up and went behind Spike, "Let me take care of that." she started massaging his shoulders.

"Wait, you really don't have to..." Spike trailed off, as he began relaxing, "Oh, that does feel good."

"Here, have some chips." Sonata offered him the bowl.

"Thanks." Spike said, as he ate some.

"Anything else, we can do for you?" Adagio asked with a bat of her eyelashes.

"No, this is good." Spike answered.

"Ok, just let us know." Adagio said, as she laid her head down in his lap.

Spike then saw Sonata scoot in closer. He thought to himself, 'These girls are seriously taking being nice to me to the extreme, I guess they're more into me than I thought when we first met. Well, I don't wanna seem like I'm exploiting them. I just have to show them that being friends is the way to start out. Nice and slowly. Besides if I let them do this to me any further I'll never get them to stop.'

He then spoke up, "Girls, could you let me up for a minute?" he asked, as Aria removed her hands from his shoulders, and Adagio and Sonata removed themselves off him.

"What's the matter, Spike?" Adagio asked curiously.

Spike stood up, "I appreciate what you three are doing, believe me. But I understand it now."

"You do?" they asked.

"Of course," he continued, "There's better ways for you get my attention, like we did earlier when hanging out. But you don't have to go this far to acknowledge our friendship."

"Wait, friendship?" Aria asked in surprise.

"Of course. I mean we had fun today right, so that calls for friendship."

The three looked at each other, as Adagio spoke still taken aback, "Well, that's true."

"Exactly. If you three act more like that then you did at your first impression of my other friends then they'd accept you into our circle of friends as well."

"They would?" Sonata asked.

"I'm sure they would. Just as long as you don't try and fawn over me in front of them."

"Uh, right." Aria answered.

"Well, it's getting late, so I better go," he went up to Sonata, "Thanks for treating us to tacos Sonata. Though Aria said you're the worse, I think you're amazing." he pulled her into an embrace and pecked her cheek. Sonata blushed at his gesture.

Spike released her and went to Aria, "Thanks for the massage, Aria. I don't think I'll be getting twinges there for a long time." he hugged and kissed her cheek, making her blush and pout in embarrassment.

Finally Spike went to Adagio, "Thanks for suggesting to hang out today Adagio. You and your partners really are good friends. Especially to a guy like me." he embraced her tightly causing her endowed chest to press into his own. He ignored it and kissed her cheek.

Adagio blushed a bit before a smile formed on her face. She returned the embrace and nuzzled his cheek a few times before they released each other, "You're welcome." she said.

"Well, I'll see you three around. Bye." Spike took his leave.

Sonata and Aria stood in confusion, while Adagio still smiled at his departure, "Uh, what just happened?" Sonata asked.

"I think we just got friendzoned." Aria answered, in shock like Sonata.

"For realsies?" Sonata asked.

Adagio giggled, much to Aria and Sonata's confusion, "What're you suddenly so happy about, Adagio?" Aria asked.

Adagio looked to them, "What you call friendzoned, I call a step up. He's recognized us as his friends. How often has that actually happened to us?"

Her two friends look baffled by her question, "Well..." Sonata trailed off.

"Sure we didn't get our desired results, but I think this was just about as good a victory as any." Adagio smiled.

Sonata after pondering on it smiled, "You know, you're right."

When they looked to Aria who looked a bit disappointed eventually smiled, "Yeah."

"And perhaps next time we should be better people to the girls he hangs out with. Otherwise we may lose his friendship." Adagio added, and the two nodded in agreement.

Before nighttime fell, Spike rolled home on his board and went inside. He placed his skateboard at the wall, and opened his cellphone to see he and the rest of the girls received a group text from Twilight.

'Spike, girls, I got good news.'

Spike texted back, 'Whatcha got, Twilight?'

Her next message came up, 'While I was out with Principal Celestia for today, she made me a generous offer.'

Spike waited until Rarity sent a message, 'What kind of offer?'

Twilight's message came, 'Principal Celestia and Principal Luna have offered us the chance to use their log cabin up in the snowy mountains next weekend.'

'WHAT?!' came a text from the five girls.

Spike texted, 'Whoa, she just told that to you. What's the catch?'

He waited until the next message came, 'No catch. They said this is normally the best time of the year to enjoy it up there. But since they got so much work to do, they won't be able to go up this year. So she offered us the chance to enjoy it for them.'

'That is generous.' Fluttershy's message came.

'Indeed.' came Rarity's text.

'They're already going to talk to our parents about it this week, so let's keep our fingers cross they'll say yes.' Twilight texted.

'Oh, this is so exciting!' Pinkie's text came.

'You got that right. Well, catch you tomorrow, girls.' Spike texted them before he ended his group message with them.

He laid on his bed and spoke to himself, "Imagine, the seven of us up at a log cabin in the snowy mountain? I hope we wouldn't get cabin fever from it." he humored himself, and laughed.

Author's Note:

So Spike and the girls may be going on a little trip to a cabin up in the snowy mountains. How will they enjoy themselves up there is for you to find out.

I know the Dazzlings weren't like that in the movie. But in this they aren't sirens so don't act like they can bend others to their will. Plus at the end of the movie their defeat was so quick and left open for anything to follow. So I went with this.

The fanart of the Dazzlings in swimwear features are owned by this artist The-Butch-X