• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 21,358 Views, 836 Comments

The Girls of My Life - Wildcard25

Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected.

  • ...

Night in the Barn

It was Saturday afternoon, as Spike and Applejack were in the orchard of her family's farm picking bushels of apples, "Thanks again for helping me out out here, Spike." The country girl thanked him.

"No problem, A.J. Just call me the noble dragon." he joked and the two laughed. After they put their baskets into the barn, they caught their breath.

"Say, Spike?"


"Why don't we take a walk through the orchard just for the hell of it?" she offered.

"Sure." Spike answered, as the two left the barn and started walking through the orchard.

Spike walked at Applejack's side, while looking up at the apple trees seeing how fall was underway and knew the Apple family had to harvest as many apples as they could before winter sets in. As they walked further into the orchard the two stopped and let out a yawn, "Boy, all that work sure left me tuckered out." Spike said.

"Me too," Applejack said, "Let's go rest under that tree there?" she suggested, as they took a spot under the tree to get comfy.

"This feels good." Spike admitted, as he got comfy.

"Spike," Applejack began, as he looked over seeing A.J on the ground with her head resting against the tree trunk, "Why don't you lay your head down right here? It's just as comfy." she suggested while laying a hand on her belly.

Spike blushed, "A.J, are you sure that's ok?"

"Course it is." she smiled.

Spike gulped before answered, "Well, if you mean it," he was prepared to lay himself down where she motioned to, until he noticed Applejack unbuttoning the lower buttons on her shirt exposing her midriff, "A.J, what're you doing?!"

"Just undoing these lower buttons," she began, "Unless you're looking to get small red button imprints on your face?"

Spike sighed in relief that she wasn't about to strip, "That makes sense."

"Well, come right here, sugarcube." she beckoned him.

So Spike laid his head down with his left cheek pressing up against her bare belly, 'Wow, this feels so soft.' he thought in enjoyment.

Applejack smiled as she patted his right cheek with her hand, "Rest up, Spike." she said before leaning her head back into the trunk of the tree and tipped her hat down so it covered her face. Spike eventually rested his eyes.

About half an hour later, Spike was still laying his head against Applejack's belly, while the girl herself still slept with her hat covering her face. Suddenly Spike heard a growling sound in his ear and shot up in startle, "Applejack, did you hear that, what was it?" he asked.

Applejack lifted her head up and removed her hat before chuckling, "Relax, Spike. That was just my stomach grumbling."

"Thank God, I was afraid it was a wolf or something." Spike chuckled.

"Well, come on Spike. I got some apple fritters back at the house calling to me." she said, as they got up.

"You're gonna share them, right? Because I know how easy it is for you to pack away the fritters." he playfully poked her still exposed belly.

"Oh, ha-ha." she laughed sarcastically, before redoing her lower buttons.

Soon they headed back to the house where Applejack brought out some apple fritters on a plate, "Here we go, Spike."

"Yum," Spike salivated, as the two sat at the table and began eating, "So I guess there won't be too much farm work for you guys to do once winter blows in, huh?"

"Maybe not so much outdoor work, but there's still barn work we have to do." Applejack answered.

"Well, just remember me and the girls are here for ya if ya need an extra hand." Spike reminded her.

"Thanks, Spike, always am glad to have reliable friends like you and the girls." Applejack smiled.

Later that day as nighttime came, Applejack brought Spike into the barn that was quiet with all the farm animals asleep. Applejack brought Spike over to a large bale of hay for them to sit on that was right in the position where the moon shined through an open window in the barn.

The two sat down, while looking up at the moon through the barn window, "Nice night, isn't it?" Spike asked the older girl.

"Beautiful," she smiled, as the two sat. After a moment of marveling at the moon, Applejack spoke up, "You know what this reminds me of?"

"What?" Spike asked.

"You remember four years ago, during when my school had parents day, and my parents didn't show because they're busy expanding our apple business overseas?" Applejack asked.

"Right," Spike started recalling, "And you started planning on dropping out of school and push yourself to your limits with chores here thinking if you put in more effort they'd come back."

"Yeah. And then you came and snapped me out of it." Applejack smiled, as she flashed back.

Four years ago, a younger Spike, went into the barn to see a younger Applejack sitting on a bale of hay sobbing to herself.

Younger Spike approached, and spoke up, "Applejack?"

Applejack looked over and saw Spike, as he noticed her red face from so much crying, "Please go, Spike. I don't want ya to see me like this."

Spike ignoring her request took a spot on the bale of hay next to her, "Applejack, everyone's worried about you. Why're you pushing them away?"

"Because I need to do this!" she snapped, "Ma and Pa have barely been home since the day Applebloom could walk. If I can show them just how much hard work I'm putting in here they won't need to be out there expanding our business," she sniffled, "Or is it they don't love me, big Mac, or Applebloom anymore?" she asked getting sadder.

Spike not liking this side of his friend put a hand to her shoulder, as she looked down at him, "Of course they love you."

"How do ya know?" she asked curiously.

"Well, think about it, if they decided to bring you with them on their travels of expanding their business you wouldn't have a real life," he began, "You'd just be going from place to place with no rest, or chance to make new friends. You'd never see us again or your siblings or Granny Smith," Applejack started listening to her friend, as he continued, "They knew you loved living here and loved being with me and the girls. So that's why they wanted you, Applebloom, and Big Mac to stay here with Granny Smith. I'll bet they loved you so much that they wanted you to be happy with the life you had here, and they wish every day they could be with you more than they get the chance too. And you know I wouldn't like it if you went away with your parents, because then the girls and I would probably never see you again. And we like you, especially me." he smiled.

"Spike." she gasped, as her eyes watered, but no longer from sadness.

Spike took a handkerchief from his pocket and dried her eyes for her, "That's better. No more tears." he smiled.

Applejack started forming a smile on her face, and pulled the younger boy into a big hug, "Thank you, Spike. I really needed this." she said, as she hugged the boy.

"You're welcome." he answered, as he hugged her back.

Soon enough they stepped outside of the barn where her family and friends were waiting for her, "I'm sorry everyone, for being such a pain."

Granny Smith approached and hugged her, "Aw, don't be like that, Applejack. We knew ya weren't yourself didn't we?"

"Ya darn tootin'." Applebloom agreed, as she embraced her sister.

"Eeyup." Big Mac put in, as he embraced the family.

Spike and his friends watched Applejack reconcile with her family, as Twilight laid a hand on his shoulder, "Good job, Spike." she smiled.

Spike nodded, as Applejack walked up to them, "Sorry, guys. I was being closed off from yall and pushed ya away. Could ya ever forgive a stubborn gal?"

"Hey, we've all been stubborn before." Rainbow replied, as the two fist bumped.

"And forgiving each other is what being friends is all about, right?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah. Come here yall!" Applejack opened her arms, and the girls and Spike embraced her.

Applejack smiled at that memory, and looked at Spike, "Thanks to you, I remembered just how important having you all in my life was. And I would never forget that."

"And we're all glad you didn't." Spike smiled, before Applejack embraced him. Spike returned the embrace, until they split.

Applejack spoke, "You know, Spike. I could use a massage right about now."

"Sure thing." Spike said, about to put his hands on her shoulders, only for Applejack to stop him.

"Not mah shoulders, Spike. This time I want you to give me a massage somewhere else."

"What'd ya have in mind?" Spike asked, in confusion.

Applejack smiled, as she took Spike's right hand and began guiding it, "I'd like a massage right here." she finished, as she laid the boys right hand onto her left breast.

Upon feeling it, Spike's eyes widened, as a drop of blood fell out of his nostril, "He let out a panicked cry, "Applejack, what're you doing?"

"What, just felt like wanting to get massaged elsewhere. Is that a problem?" she raised a brow.

"No, well, yes, I mean," he stammered, "You know this is something a guy would kill to do, right?"

"I know, but you ain't any guy. You're my closest friend," she reminded him, "Plus I think these girls here would like to feel what kind of treatment my shoulders have been getting for years."

"I see." Spike replied, still uneasy about the request.

"Well, Spike, what do ya say?"

"Well, I'm not sure." he began, while starting to sweat.

Applejack smirked, "Well, for a boy that ain't so sure, your hand sure made up its mind."

Spike wondered what she meant by that, until he saw his hand was still planted on her breast, and Applejack wasn't keeping it there. He quickly took his hand off while blushing bright red, "So sorry about that."

"No need to apologize," she said, "Come on, Spike, just for me?" she pleaded, while batting her eyes at him like Rarity would do.

Spike unable to resist the plea of his friend caved in, and said, "What happens in the barn, stays in the barn."

"Thank you, Spike," she smiled. Spike put on a brave face as he got behind Applejack, as she sat as the edge of the hay bale. Spike reached out from behind her and grasped both breasts into his hands, "Oh!" she gasped.

"Too hard a grasp?" he asked.

"No. That felt good. Never had other hands hold me there, you know?"

"Obviously." he answered, with a roll of his eyes.

"Well, Spike, I leave mah girls in your care. But try to be gentle with them like ya do with my shoulders?"

"I'll try." he answered, as he began massaging her breasts, earning some moans out of her. As he massaged her, he thought, 'Oh, my God. I have Applejack's breasts in the palms of my hands! THIS IS FRICKIN' AWESOME!'

As Applejack enjoyed her new type of massage, she thought, 'Wow. This feels even better than I imagined it would be. I should've asked Spike to start massaging me here earlier.'

Spike continued to massage her, as the sound of her moans got him aroused in return, "Uh, how is this?" he asked.

"It feels wonderful, sugarcube. Thanks."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it." he admitted.

"And, how do they feel to you?" she asked, catching him off guard.

"To me?" he asked, as she gave an mm-hmm in respond, "Well, they do feel quite soft much like how your belly felt when I laid on it." he answered in honesty.

Applejack smiled, "Thanks, Spike," after a few more massages, she spoke, "Ok, Spike. You can stop now."

Spike almost didn't want to stop, as he was so into it he wanted to keep it up, but respected Applejack's wishes, and ceased with the massage, "How did that feel?"

"That was about one of the best massages I ever had, Spike. Thanks." she turned to face him and smiled.

"You're welcome." he answered, before seeing her lean in closer.

"Now I want to give you something special in return." she puckered up and leaned forward connecting her lips with Spike's. Spike was taken by surprise at this, but his shock started fading away as A.J's juicy lips overwhelmed him. He decided to return the kiss as their eyes shut and laid atop the bale of hay with Applejack on top as they proceeded to make out passionately. Spike going upon his hormonal instincts wrapped his arms around Applejack's waist as she continued to lock lips with him.

After a good ten minutes of making out, Applejack removed her lips from Spike's allowing the two to get some air, "That was awesome." Spike panted, as the two sat up.

"I hear ya. You were really good there."

"You were great." Spike smiled.

"Thanks, Spike." Applejack said, until Spike gave her a peck on the lips.

"That was for you," he began, before looking down at her breasts, "And this is for them." she gave each breast a peck through her shirt.

Applejack blushed at the gesture Spike gave to both her and her assets, "Well, that was very kind of you."

"Thanks." he said, as they hugged.

Eventually, Spike was heading his way home while skipping along the sidewalk as happy as a clown, 'I kissed Applejack passionately, and got to give her breasts a massage. This has definitely been one of the greatest nights in my life! I wonder if any of the other girls will ask me to do that? If they do hopefully it's not too soon. I'm still trying to contain myself from having done it to A.J. Oh, well.' he finished his thoughts before reaching home where he was certain he'd sleep like a baby.